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Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide.  Do not be afraid to ask questions in the [ Discord]. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.
[[File:ViridianHorse.PNG|250px|thumb|right|Horsey Boi Horsey Boi]]
==The World==
The term “knight” comes from the Alt-Regalian “Knecht” which loosely translates to bondsman or vassal. Presumably, the word dates back to the old Ceardian “kniucht” which loosely translates to superior warrior. In the days of the old Ceardian Humans, proto-knights were the warlords who ruled smaller fiefs and waged wars on one another in a period that is generally viewed as Humanity’s forgotten age. When the states formed, or the Regalian Kingdom more specifically, these warriors became distinguished titleholders who ruled in the King’s stead much like how the nobility does in the present day. Eventually, Julian de Montverrat fought on behalf of the Five Families, using his military skills to seize the city gates which ultimately ended the Rebellion. This is when Knight became synonymous with ‘trained warrior’, and the first of the Knightly Military Orders were established. The term chivalry comes from the Ithanian word “chevalerie” which can be translated as horse soldier. Before Ithanian pacifism became prevalent, Ithanians cultivated the most talented horse riders. Owning a horse usually implied one’s wealth, and with wealth one was expected to distinguish themselves from the peasantry by courteous and honorable behavior.
MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the [[Races]] page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.
{{Subject Table
Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.
|title = Viridian Order
|color = 99E5B8
[[File:Ailorrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Cerkind Heritages''' are standard humanoids.
|image =Viridianflag.png
*Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
|caption = The First Knights, Forbears of Honor
*Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
|text =
*Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
The School of Viridian is commonly believed to be the oldest Knightly Order and therefore the grandfather of all other Orders. The School started during the rule of the First Emperor of Regalia, Theomar, but was rocked by controversy and even an attempt to overthrow the Empire’s rulers in 122 AC. Since then, the Order was strictly reformed time and time again to become what it is today. While the Viridian Order suffered numerous severe member losses during the Ranger Crisis, the Anahera Dictatorship and the Lo Occupation, the Order still exists, with its membership recovering strongly due to the support of the Regalian Emperor, who has taken measures to see the prestige of the First Knights maintained in the Empire.
*Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
*Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets
{{Subject Table
[[File:Elfkind.png|frameless|20px]] '''Elfkind Heritages''' are the various elf themes.
|title = Villiers-Eclaire Order
*Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
|color = 99E5B8
*Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
|image =Unionismlaaol.png
*Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
|caption = Defenders of the Faith, Protecting the Unionist Divine
*Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
|text =  
*Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
The School of Villiers-Eclaire is a school that is relatively new and based out of the island of Basta, in the Regalian Archipelago. The Villiers-Eclaire School was largely made to provide the Sancella of Unionism with a failsafe in case the more freely moving Lancyon Halberdiers would prove too disloyal to the Sancella, and also to counter the less religiously-minded other Knightly Orders. The School of Villiers-Eclaire is largely funded and supported by the de Gosselin family, many of whose members are also high ranking Elders in the order. It should as such come as no surprise that many of the Villiers Knights serve in the de Gosselin’s personal retinue and military forces, and accompanied Duke Florent I’s attempt to seize Ithania. While criticized by the other military orders for their heavily political agenda, the Order continues to remain an example of the Unionist Faith, fighting on behalf of the Synod to spread the faith.
*Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
*Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
*Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
{{Subject Table
*Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
|title = Order of the Great Oak
*Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.
|color = 99E5B8
|image =Ularenbattle.png
[[File:Beastrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Beskind Heritages''' are anthropomorphic peoples.
|caption = Warriors of the North, Inspired by Ancient Sagas
*Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
|text =
*Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
The School of the Great Oak is a Knightly school in Drixagh, founded by the Höglander who believed that the northern wilds should not be purged, but instead encouraged with elegance and a knightly code of honor, tempering the rage and uncontrolled vigor of the Velheimer people and the School of Skaggers into a more structured and organized society. Their answer to trying to lead by example was to create the Knightly Order of the Great Oak, a chapter house that finds its home in the North, with small knightly champion lodges dotted in the territory. These lodges are frequently much smaller than the great lodges, and the Knights of the Great Oak are frequently ridiculed or cast out by the Skagger loyal population as being traitors to the free will of the Velheimers. Unfortunately, the Great Oak knights are also pariahs among the other Knightly Orders, who all believe that the Great Oak’s code of Honor is far too watered down and betrays some core principles of the concept of Honor. However, this was a conscious decision taken by the first Knights of this Order to give it appeal to the Velheimer people and to fit within their culture. Nevertheless, they are still known as the most formidable hunters of great beasts in the Empire, leading them to be a must-have on any dangerous adventures.
*Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.
[[File:Yanarrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Auldkin Heritages''' are ancient peoples.
{{Subject Table
*Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
|title = Lion Pelt Order
*Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
|color = 99E5B8
*Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.
|image =Bardhicio.png
|caption = The best security detail Regals can buy
[[File:Ancientraces.png|frameless|20px]] '''Unique Heritages''' are miscellaneous peoples.
|text =  
*Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
The School of the Lion Pelt is considered the heaviest armored and damage dealing Knightly Order, favoring the use of the Beorl Axe and removing the use of shielding aside from the heavy armor that is worn by the Lion Pelt Knights. Lion Pelt Knights are, unsurprisingly, easily recognized by the Ularen Lion pelt they wear, including a taxidermy head rested on the shoulder. The fur of the Lion Pelt is either dyed white or of a natural white, combined with a white semi-cape and brilliantly polished armor. Lion Pelt Knights are often considered the most well dressed male Knights as they look both imposing and classy, even reminiscing the image conjured of Altalar Lancers of the Allorn Empire. Lion Pelt Knights don’t often go to war or show presence at major battlefields. Instead, they can be found as bodyguards or Life Guards of important political figures and liege lords alike, not necessarily serving just nobility, but also wealthy clientele with coin to spare for their fearsome combat skills.
*Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
*Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
*Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
{{Subject Table
*Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi
|title = Darkwald Order
|color = 99E5B8
==Extra Reading==
|image =Falketragpn.png
|caption = Dwelling in Darkness to safeguard the Light
Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the [[Magic]] page.
|text =
The School of Darkwald is a relatively unknown and likely the smallest Order in existence in terms of members. Darkwald Knights rarely if ever actually leave their homeland of Tirgunn, a dark and forested island off the coastline of Osteiermark in the Regalian Archipelago. The Darkwald Knights are often mistaken for the Tirgunn Hunters, who serve much the same purpose, dress the same, but have a different fighting style. While often thought of as only Vampire Hunters, the Darkwald Knights in fact fight against all they consider to be enemies of the Tirgunn lands, alongside the New Regalian Culture of their leader.
===Affinities and Afflictions===
Besides Heritages, '''Affinities and Afflictions''' can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.
* The [[Arkenborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
{{Subject Table
* The [[Godborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
|title = Bloodcast Order
* The [[Archon]] Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
|color = 99E5B8
* The [[Marken]] Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
|image =Bloocastshot.png
* The [[Vampire]] Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
|caption = Breaking the mold
* The [[Mortisphage]] Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
|text =
* The [[Undead]] Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.
The School of Bloodcast is a bit of an odd duck in the Knightly Orders because it does not have an Honor Code. The Bloodcast Knights were a splinter movement created after the failed coup initiated by a few Viridian Knights. The first few Bloodcast Knights believed that the restricting code of Honor put on them was causing them to be suffocated in pomp and duty, and lowered their effectiveness and their charitable work among the poor. They were also disgusted with the splendor of the Viridian Knights, who were frequently known to sacrifice hordes of poor levies on battlefields for favorable positioning, only to then come out as the heroes for their minimal effort. As such, the Bloodcast Knights have no restrictions and rules, roam wherever they please, and serve what they consider the greater good, which is usually justice, authority, charity, and kindness.
===The Setting===
The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.
All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the [[Proficiency]] page.
==Getting Started==
* First, join the [ Discord].
* Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.  
* Then, go to the [ forums] and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
* After, go to the [ Character Sheets] section and read the [ template].
* Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
* That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
* Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.
==The Chat System==
* Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
* Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."'''
** Typing and entering '''jumped.+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped.'''
** Typing and entering '''jumped. "Woah!"+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"'''
** Typing and entering '''Hello.$''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello."''' This has a shorter range than normal.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.*''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello."''' This has a very short range.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.))''' will print '''Hello.''' in local Out Of Character chat.
* You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
* You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
* There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
* /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
* If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
* Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.

Latest revision as of 01:50, 28 September 2024

Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the Discord. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.

The World

MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the Races page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.


Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.

Cerkind Heritages are standard humanoids.

  • Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
  • Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
  • Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
  • Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
  • Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets

Elfkind Heritages are the various elf themes.

  • Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
  • Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
  • Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
  • Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
  • Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
  • Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
  • Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
  • Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
  • Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
  • Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.

Beskind Heritages are anthropomorphic peoples.

  • Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
  • Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
  • Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.

Auldkin Heritages are ancient peoples.

  • Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
  • Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
  • Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.

Unique Heritages are miscellaneous peoples.

  • Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
  • Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
  • Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
  • Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
  • Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi

Extra Reading


Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the Magic page.

Affinities and Afflictions

Besides Heritages, Affinities and Afflictions can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.

  • The Arkenborn Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
  • The Godborn Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
  • The Archon Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
  • The Marken Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
  • The Vampire Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
  • The Mortisphage Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
  • The Undead Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.

The Setting

The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.


All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the Proficiency page.

Getting Started

  • First, join the Discord.
  • Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.
  • Then, go to the forums and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
  • After, go to the Character Sheets section and read the template.
  • Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
  • That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
  • Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.

The Chat System

  • Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
  • Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
    • Typing and entering Hello. will print ~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."
    • Typing and entering jumped.+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped.
    • Typing and entering jumped. "Woah!"+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"
    • Typing and entering Hello.$ will print ~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello." This has a shorter range than normal.
    • Typing and entering Hello.* will print ~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello." This has a very short range.
    • Typing and entering Hello.)) will print Hello. in local Out Of Character chat.


  • You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
  • You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
  • There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
  • /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
  • If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
  • Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.