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*The Regalian Empire is the only self sufficient state in existence around it, needing no foreign export or import to feed, clothe or maintain the standard of living for its citizens.
*The Regalian Empire is the only self sufficient state in existence around it, needing no foreign export or import to feed, clothe or maintain the standard of living for its citizens.
|Writers = MonMarty
*Written by [[User:MonMarty|MonMarty]]
|Processors = Shayin, Terence29, CatCat1305
*Processed by [[User:Shayin|Shayin]], [[User:Terence29|Terence29]] and [[User:Catcat1305|Catcat1305]].
[[Category:Nations and States]] [[Category:Regalian Archipelago]] [[category:Regalia]] [[category:Nelfin]] [[category:Humans]] [[category:Talar]] [[category:Ailor]]
[[Category:Nations and States]] [[Category:Regalian Archipelago]] [[category:Regalia]] [[category:Nelfin]] [[category:Humans]] [[category:Talar]] [[category:Ailor]]

Revision as of 21:47, 31 December 2015

Regalian Empire
Full NameThe Regalian Empire.
Population4,000,000 from the Crown Isle, 6,000,000 from the Archipelago, and more from its substates.
Flora and Fauna

The Regalian Empire is the largest most culturally diverse nation on the world of Aloria. It spans several continents, and encompasses wide trade routes, landmasses, and oceans. The Regalian Empire is also the richest and most affluent nation on Aloria, exercising influence across the many nations and peoples that inhabit the lands. The Regalian Empire is primarily an aristocratic Absolute Monarchy ruled by Humans. The Empire has numerous substrates and vassals that make up a large federation of Human nations. The Regalian Empire has had a seat of near hegemony for the past 300 years since the Cataclysm, owing largely to the naval supremacy of its armed forces and the aggressive expansionism of the Human population. The Regalian Empire has engineered even its own religion to suit its needs, spreading far and wide even to non Humans. In more recent years, Regalia has been in constant conflict with other nations and races, seeking ways to subjugate the world to the will of the Emperor.


The Regalian Empire derives its name of the Regalian Kingdom, a state that existed before the Five Family Rebellion. The Regalian Kingdom again derives its name of the Seraph word Rell-gallis, a term used to describe royalty. This was the only word Human settlers managed to translate from the Seraph ruins that predated Human settlement on the Crown isle. The name is effectively the same in every other language, even if it means they have to exert themselves to pronounce it properly. Regalia is often also referred to as “The Empire” or “The Imperium”. The latter two are often used to degrade Regalia however, as they carry a more aggressive impersonal message of conquest.


The Empire of Regalia was officially founded in 5 A.C. after the success of the Five Family Rebellion. The Empire itself is predated by the Kingdom of Regalia which existed for a rough one hundred to two hundred years before its collapse. The Five Family Rebellion saw a union of five prominent families overthrow the Kingdom of Regalia and establish the Empire. Those families were the Ivrae, Kade, Van Sherburne, Vermeer and Cadar families. These families then formed the political and social elite of the Empire, some of which would endure for many centuries and dictate the politics and lifestyle of millions of people afterwards.

Following the Cataclysm, the Regalian Empire was able to develop itself without external threats or geographic instability. Where as for example Daendroc and Lusits were harassed by volcanic activity and earthquakes, the Regalian isles were relatively stable. The collapse of the Elven Empire ten years later also resulted in a complete and sudden halt to Elven slave raids, allowing the Human population to exponentially explode. The Regalian Isles themselves were situated on fertile grounds with plenty of river estuaries, sheltered valleys and vast grass plains. The huge surplus of food and adequate management meant the population grew unhindered. The growth phase came to an official close with the death of the first Emperor Theomar the First in 61 A.C. Theon the First had laid the foundations of the Unionism faith, finalizing his last literary piece that would eventually form the holy scriptures several years before his death. This initiated the conversion phase where the Regalian population mass-converted to the Unionist faith from their Old Gods faith. In the year 93 A.C., a schism occurred in the Unionist religion, causing a large portion of the heretical population to be exiled to Etosil, with the Etosian heresy. Between 105 A.C. and 190 A.C., the Isles experienced a huge influx of immigrants from the chaotic Daendroc and the economically declining Ithania. The rulers of the Regalian Empire successfully subjected the fringe states in the Regalian Isles and then started expanding beyond their archipelago. This period of conversion continued until 186 when the second Schism occurred, forming the Diviner heresy. Between 190 and 250 A.C., the Unionist faith was spread to Daendroc, Ithania and other states south and west of the Regalian Isles. The faith became an official world sized religion at this point, eclipsing the Old Gods faith and rivalling the Shambala faith. Beyond 230 A.C. several states were subjected and the rough borders of modern day Regalia started forming.

Around 260 A.C., the Great Regalian Pessimism started, a period in which the military and religious momentum slowed down, and doubts began to form around the Unionist faith. The state itself was plagued with rebellions and minor riots, the largest by far being the Drachenwald Crisis where a coalition of barons and mayors executed the Arch Chancellor and forced political changes on the country. The last Kade Chancellor would revitalize the Regalian zeal by engaging in the Chrysant War, one of the most defining events in recent Regalian history. The Regalian Empire proceeded to eradicate the Slizzar population and severely decimate the Allar population in a war of conquest and annihilation. After this war, Regalia continued its hostile aggressive foreign policy, invading minor states which had not already pledged allegiance and make deals with others. In 302 A.C., the throne passed from the last deceased Ivrae Emperor to the Kade family. This change of dynasty also resulted in immediate warfare for the State as the new management invaded several Elven states and later went to war with the Qadir.

Present day, Regalia is still enveloped in a military conflict against Vampires, Undead and the Qadir chiefly, attempting to control a massive sprawling Empire with many different and varying people and races.


The Regalian Empire’s geography is as wide and varying as its people. As the Empire itself is a massive Federation of Human and some non Human states, every sort of Geography and Climate is present within the Empire. The Empire itself also has too many Landmarks to mention individually. Refer to the other Regalian Client States for further information.

List of Regalian Substates


The Regalian Empire has always been ran as an absolute Monarchy with the Emperor at the head, supported by an Arch Chancellor who leads a State Council. The State Council is unofficially supported by the Senate, which has Senate representatives from the various states. Each of these individual states have an Estates General, a body of representatives from the three social castes of Human society, the Wealthy and Clerics, the citizenry and craftsmen and the farmers and laymen. The Emperor’s word is law and holy in the Empire, nobody may even dare question or deny his will. In effect however, the Emperor has very little to do with the day to day tasks of governing. The Emperors chiefly concern themselves with the Crown Isle and making decisions that count for the entire Empire. Local autonomy is often granted to Viceroys, Kings, Princes, Dukes and various other political and religious rulers.

List of Rulers

  • Before Cataclysm - Assorted Rulers
  • 6 - 61 A.C. - Holy Emperor Theomar the First
  • 61 - 73 A.C. - Courageous Emperor Leomar the First
  • 73 - 79 A.C. - Vigilant Emperor Leomar the Second
  • 79 - 121 A.C. - Honorable Emperor Henri the First
  • 121 - 121 A.C. - Hedonistic Emperor Henri the Second
  • 121 - 161 A.C. - Blessed Emperor Henri the Third
  • 161 - 190 A.C. - Witful Emperor Allamaria the First
  • 190 - 200 A.C. - Virtuous Emperor Handorien the First
  • 200 - 219 A.C. - Strong Emperor Allestrain the First
  • 219 - 269 A.C. - Unfortunate Emperor Justinian the First
  • 269 - 302 A.C. - Righteous Emperor Justinian the Second
  • 302 A.C. - Present - Untested Emperor Alexander the First

Foreign Relations

The Regalian Empire maintains hostile relations with most foreign nations except the ones it finds relevant to its political sphere of influence. Regalia generally uses a very intimidating approach when dealing with other nations, demanding tribute or excessive concessions to placate or threatened with invasion. Regalia maintains open hostility with Qadiriyye and the Empire of Sendras, privateering or attacking naval forces of either whenever they are seen anywhere within the Regalian Empire’s borders.


The Regalian Empire fields Aloria’s largest navy, as well as the most technologically advanced siege weapons available in modern times. This extreme quality in naval warfare however, has resulted in a severely lacklustre land military. The majority of Regalia’s land military is made up of peasant levies and untrained hired men who often pledge more allegiance to the family they serve than the Emperor himself. This results in a very diverse and disorganized land military that is often subservient to the Naval Command during wars. The Regalian State only has a very small standing army of professional soldiers. The Empire mostly relies on decentralizing military forces to aristocratic families, lessening the costs of fielding armies but also impacting their quality. The Regalian armed forces usually rely on overpowering numbers and superior artillery, both from massive cannons as well as naval coast bombardements.


The Regalian Empire has Aloria’s largest economy, easily making up nearly 70% of international trade at any given time (Seeing as the Sendrassian Empire and Qadiriyye are mercantilistic closed off nations). Regalia officially mints the Regal coin, giving them the financial power in a fragile trade network, while also possessing the military means to press economic advantages for their own merchants. This translates the military tactic of regalia into aggressive capitalism in economics. Regalia exploits its colonies for resources for the homeland and offers military support in return. Regalia does not have a single export. Rather the Empire is so large that everything is traded in and with, and the only true trade of the economy is the purchase, sale and resale of goods across the many substates of the Empire.


Note: The demographics represent the population of the entire Regalian Empire, including all substates and protectorates.


The people of Regalia are first and foremost Alt-Regalisch, while several others reside in their lands. Below is a full list of the cultures within the Regalian Empire:


While the strict, pro-Ailor faith of Unionism is the central and only socially acceptable religion in Regalia, there is a vague toleration for the Faith of Estel and Old Gods. Old Gods worshippers are seen as right wing traditionalists set in their ways and unmoving in conforming to the new religion. Those who worship the Faith of Estel are thought to be simply “Confused” in their faith, and that their Estel is actually the Imperial Spirit.

  • Read more about Unionism here
  • Read more about Old Gods here
  • Read more about the Faith of Estel here


The Regalian Banner is made up of the two colors of the Empire: gold, for the wealth of the land, and regal violet, for the royal legitimacy of its people.


  • The Regalian Crown Isle is actually the site of a massive underground Seraph complex. It has been built over by generations into what is now vaguely seen as the Sewers.
  • The Regalian Heartland is actually much weaker on paper than all of its tributaries and substates combined.
  • The Regalian Empire is the only self sufficient state in existence around it, needing no foreign export or import to feed, clothe or maintain the standard of living for its citizens.

ProcessorsShayin, Terence29, CatCat1305
Last EditorRyciera on 12/31/2015.

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