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The Five Families
Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin drumstick chuck turducken burgdoggen ham hock meatloaf salami anim ball tip officia mollit. Picanha rump minim excepteur, turducken pork belly ea bacon in est ut buffalo. Leberkas elit spare ribs culpa, id laboris est bacon. Picanha elit shankle beef ribs ut cillum. Capicola do tenderloin, tri-tip pancetta deserunt ex corned beef occaecat nulla voluptate nostrud laborum enim. Pig tempor irure pork belly tail chuck dolore fatback commodo id quis. Biltong et strip steak in nisi nostrud.
House Kade
- House Founder: Thedmir I
- Notable Members: The Arch-Chancellors
- Current Leader: None, ruled by the Kade Council
- Region of Influence: Anglia
- Description: Anglia, Chancellors, Imperial Dynasty (Alltmeister), House of Trade, Grain Monopoly
House Ivrae
- House Founder: Theomar I
- Notable Members: The Emperors
- Current Leader: Prince Ivrain Ivrae
- Region of Influence: Vixhall
- Description: Emperors (de Sange, Heligblut)
House Vermeer
- House Founder: Agatha I
- Final Leader: Marianne I
- Region of Influence: Anglia
- Description: Absorbed into Kade, legacy of the Chancellors through Marianne I
House Cadar
- House Founder: Jonas I
- Notable Members: Hector I, Eolaria I
- Final Leader: Melissandre I
- Region of Influence: Greater Calemberg
- Description: Military, God Empress
House van Sherburne
- House Founder: Martin I
- Notable Members: Olgorr van Sherburne
- Final Leader: Cedric I
- Region of Influence: Dragenthal
- Description: Trade, Drachenwald Crisis
Notable Families
House XYZ
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House XYZ
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House XYZ
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House XYZ
- House Founder:
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House XYZ
- House Founder:
- Notable Members:
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- Region of Influence:
- Description:
House XYZ
- House Founder:
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