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Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin pork bresaola kielbasa, ham cupim boudin. Jowl chislic rump shank shankle drumstick pork ham hock. Jowl kielbasa rump spare ribs, ham hock ribeye chicken jerky t-bone andouille pork bacon. T-bone andouille prosciutto sirloin, short ribs salami cupim alcatra meatball chislic. Leberkas shoulder flank porchetta ham hock beef ribs pork loin turducken salami shankle tongue meatball sausage.
Core Identity
Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin pork bresaola kielbasa, ham cupim boudin. Jowl chislic rump shank shankle drumstick pork ham hock. Jowl kielbasa rump spare ribs, ham hock ribeye chicken jerky t-bone andouille pork bacon. T-bone andouille prosciutto sirloin, short ribs salami cupim alcatra meatball chislic. Leberkas shoulder flank porchetta ham hock beef ribs pork loin turducken salami shankle tongue meatball sausage.
Something Else
Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin pork bresaola kielbasa, ham cupim boudin. Jowl chislic rump shank shankle drumstick pork ham hock. Jowl kielbasa rump spare ribs, ham hock ribeye chicken jerky t-bone andouille pork bacon. T-bone andouille prosciutto sirloin, short ribs salami cupim alcatra meatball chislic. Leberkas shoulder flank porchetta ham hock beef ribs pork loin turducken salami shankle tongue meatball sausage.
How to do XYZ
Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin pork bresaola kielbasa, ham cupim boudin. Jowl chislic rump shank shankle drumstick pork ham hock. Jowl kielbasa rump spare ribs, ham hock ribeye chicken jerky t-bone andouille pork bacon. T-bone andouille prosciutto sirloin, short ribs salami cupim alcatra meatball chislic. Leberkas shoulder flank porchetta ham hock beef ribs pork loin turducken salami shankle tongue meatball sausage.
List of Knightly Orders
- Knighthood actually predates the Empire by several hundred years, as many former kingdoms had their own knights serving as nobles and military commanders. However, the organized structure of the modern Knightly Orders is a purely Regalian concept.
- Wirtem and Ithanian Ailor are the strongest supporters of knighthood, though both for different reasons. The Wirtem see the knight as an essential part of the battlefield, whereas the Ithanians see them as the perfect entertainment for festivals. Still, it is just as common to see a Wirtem knight competing in a tournament as it is to see an Ithanian knight commanding soldiers on the front lines.
- Some knights have become early adopters of firearm weapons, though still prefer to fight with lance and sword on the battlefield, relegating the new technology to the hunting trails.