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Revision as of 04:27, 19 April 2024 by MonMarty (talk | contribs)

Godborn are the offspring of specific divine entities of the Religions on Aloria, that even includes Estellon and Void Worship even though they are based on extra-planar entities. The Godborn manifest unique appearances, personality, and powers based on their heritage, but also have a uniquely difficult life within their own religious communities. Far from being worshiped or praised as the children of the god, Godborn are uniquely cursed with a demand to prove themselves, a task which for many of them seems too great to achieve, and so many of them languish in irrelevance, subject to the mockery and derision of the faithful, as if they are an extension of the inability of their religion to prove its superiority to others. In fact, many of the Godborn become an extension of religious wars between the various beliefs around the world, even if they nominally live in relatively peaceful conditions in various countries. There is always the hope that a Godborn will beat the Godborn of other religions in fame and name, though failing that, the criticism towards them is also proportionally more severe. It is said among the various religions that when a Godborn is born, the Gods flip a coin, with one side resulting in them being paragons of their faith, pious and virtuous, and the other side resulting in them being a curse of crime, violence and disappointment.

Godborn Rules

  • There are 2 types of Godborn, Resonant Godborn and Formless Godborn. Resonant Godborn are born through conventional reproduction between a God and a mortal (usually mother), which results in the child appearing very much like the divine parent. Resonant Godborn must always appear like their god-like parent, think of hair color, and general other aesthetics, but not skin tone (a white-coded God can birth children of any ethnicity coding and vice versa). Formless Godborn are born through unconventional reproduction (such as divine manifestation without intercourse), or are born from a God parent who is a shapeshifter. Formless Godborn have no strict rules to appearance, because their physical appearance is not tied to the God parent.
  • All Godborn have an identification color mutation, but this is not permanently present (except for those who are also Arkenborn). Each eye color mutation will be explained on the separate God sections, but it is important to stress that Godborn can choose to hide this color mutation or turn it back on at will. This can be useful in the case of specific Godborn that benefit from remaining hidden from the general public (such as Eldertide Godborn), or just to avoid the societal expectations that come with being Godborn. Divine entities, Event Characters, and Gods in general however, will always recognize a Godborn for what it is, and exactly whose child they are, so disguising or hiding this status may not matter there.
  • Other assorted rules: Godborn can only ever be from one God and a mortal, Godborn also cannot be Arkenborn or Brood at the same time (excepting Pride/Justice/Fury Arkenborn). Maraya who were awakened from a vault cannot be Godborn, and Characters older than their God parent cannot be Godborn. Being a Godborn does not make a Character Occult, but the Regalian state and Characters may still treat them as such. Godborn status is not transferred between generations, and Godborn status is immediate on birth, it cannot be hidden and for many Godborn can cause a rough childhood due to societal expectations of glory. Finally, Godborn do not need to be religious, but Gods only pair with believers to have children.

Resonant Godborn

Unionist Nolvan Godborn


Nolvan is an Ailor Unionist God of war and harshness, of the chaos of inspiration and undefeated warriors and duellists. Nolvan is the twin of the other Dogmatic Unionist God Neall, and the two represent the contrast or duality of the Regalian Empire's ability to both create and destroy, to bring peace or war, and to create beauty or inflict death. Neall is controlled, reserved, and shy, while Nolvan is erratic, affable, and driven. Between the two of them, it is thus Nolvan who is subject to the carnal desires of the flesh among mortals, and who is keen to (ab)use his divine status among the faithful. Nolvan's most recognizable and passing traits, are his ginger/auburn hair, and the golden glowing tattoos that can be found in varying places of his body. He grants a golden-glowing eye-mutation to his children, allowing their irises to be golden, and/or their pupils glowing golden also.


Nolvan Godborn bear a great deal of expectation from Unionist society, who expect them to become holy warriors, paladins, or defenders of the faith. There is always an unhealthy comparison with Nolvan's inability to lose a single duel, and his great physical prowess. For this reason, many Nolvan Godborn can be found among the Knightly Orders, as well as personal bodyguards of the Unionist Priests.

Mechanic 1

Nolvan Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolvan and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) so long as they are outside of Combat, and do not currently have any Abilities on active Cooldown.

Mechanic 2

Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves also cannot die in battle, turning into Burning Choir Undead should they die from being killed in battle.

Mechanic 3

Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waiver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness.

Unionist Caan Godborn


Caan is a Maquixtl Unionist God of burdened but beautiful Magic. He is the patron of Mages, Aelrrigan Knights, and those who teach Magic but warn for its corruption. Caan is best described as an incredibly handsome and mysterious, but deeply antisocial and often awkward God who despite his divinity, is very approachable and interacts with a wide range of mortals while doing his work for the Aelrrigan Order as one of its Mage-Knights, the highest ranked and most powerful members. Caan's most recognizable and passing traits are his ginger/auburn hair and his magical arms, which manifest differently in each child. While Caan technically has a set hair color, his children can inherit other hair colors. He grants brightly glowing (any color) eye-mutations to his children, so bright that they need darkened glasses to see, or are blind. Unlike other Godborn, these cannot be turned off.


Unlike Nolvan Godborn, Caan Godborn are born entirely outside of religious expectations. Caan Godborn often end up induced into the Aelrrigan Order and are almost always born with innate Magic. Due to the high degree of Magic in Caanborn, Caan Godborn are considered the "cursed" Godborn, while Nolvan Godborn are the "blessed", leading to a modicum of rivalry or competition between the two.

Mechanic 1

Caan Godborn can use a Radiant Magic Spell as the Sinistral variant instead, once per day. Additionally, Caan Godborn can use a form of Magic sonar that floods an area with tiny magical particles that create an outline that they can see despite their blindness or difficulty of seeing. Objects and people that are anti-Magic repel this effect and appear like a void, while incredibly powerful people or artifacts are almost intolerably bright.

Mechanic 2

Caan Godborn must sacrifice one Heritage Trait Mechanic of their own, which becomes a commutable Mechanic. Caan Godborn can then align with any other Heritage and choose one Mechanic from their Heritage Traits. This does not change their Design appearance, but can change the appearance of their mutated Arms to bear the aesthetics, symbols, or colors associated with the aligned Heritage.

Mechanic 3

Caan Godborn can supercharge the glowing light in their eyes, removing any eye cover or goggles they were wearing to dampen its effect, and use the glow from their eyes as a (laser) weapon. This does not change any Combat Mechanics or Styles, it is purely for the aesthetic flair of Emotes. Additionally, Caan Godborn cannot be blindfolded or blinded by having their eyes covered, since they see through Magic.

Formless Godborn


  • Playing a Godborn won't suddenly make other Roleplayers interested in your character. While the Demigod aesthetic is alluring, it inevitably won't be a golden bullet to make other Characters interact with yours.
  • Godborn of the Unionist Schisms (Evintarian, Dogmatic, Emended) are recognized in Regalia. Other Godborn however are not acknowledged, not even Old Gods Godborn despite many Old Gods faithful living in the Regalian Capital.
  • Godborn can seek out their parents to acquire a greater understanding of their purpose in life, but this may sometimes come as a pandora's box: not all Gods are interested in speaking with their mortal offspring.

Last EditorMonMarty on 04/19/2024.

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