Regalian Archipelago

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This page is a sub-page of the Geography page which records all major regions of the Alorian world, and explains roughly what each Nation or area is like. Northbelt in particular is in the north-western direction of Regalia, home to many Ailor, Sihndar, and Urlan realms, each with varied and often conflicting history. Some of these pages may be tied to more expansive lore, which is linked within their respective table rows. Below is a piece of the Geography map cut out to show the relation between all the nations geographically.


Name Description

Regalia Regalipalacea.png

Regalia is the Imperial crown of the Regalian Empire, the capital of capitals, the city of light, and the epicenter of all imperial ambition and politics. It is a city of over 4 million inhabitants, supported with daily shipments from the surrounding provinces, where wealth and class gaps are the strongest across the Empire. From the poorest of poor citizens in Crookback to the wealthiest of citizens in the Imperial District and the Holy Seat where the Emperor's Palace (pictured) resides, Regalia is both a city where one can find anything that the heart desires, but also the deepest and most profound miseries. This is where most roleplay on the server takes place. The whole island is one massive artificial oddity in the world, a city carefully balancing on the edge of famine and unrest, with wildlife long extinct, and many ancient ruins that still emit power into the imagination of the citizens.

Kintyr Kintyr.png

Kintyr is the land of castles, the land of chivalry, and the land of forever tournaments. Kintyr was one of the pivotal regions that supported the Five Family Rebellion and helped found the Regalian Empire (which upon founding, only covered Anglia, parts of Rosendale, Solleria, and Kintyr, having to conquer the rest). Kintyr is home to the Breizh Ailor, as well as the Aelrrigan Knight Order. It is a land of immense cultural cohesion, but political divisions, with the local petty kings and dukes constantly fighting over scraps of land, despite the Iron truce denying the nobility the right to go to war with one another. Kintyr has the highest density of castles, with many more abandoned and razed during sieges. Kintyr stone masons are renowned across the Empire for building the most durable and solid castles, having weathered many assaults to learn the right structural techniques.

Clannadh Alba Clannadh alba.png

Clannadh Alba is one of the last regions in the Regalian Archipelago that still houses its own native tribes the Gamorr people, an ancient pagan Ailor people who largely avoid contact with the Empire. Clannadh Alba itself is a rugged land of fjords and mountains, with internal conflict as much of the population was turned into Urlan, with the few Ailor holdouts resisting further Urlan Symbiosis, a fragile truce keeping the two races apart from one another. Clannadh Alba is often ignored in the bigger picture of Imperial politics, lacking any real importance to the Empire at large and also providing very little to the march of progress. Rural tribes such as the Gamorr live in relative peace here, unbothered by the relentless industrialization that occurs elsewhere in the Empire, and far out of the reach of Unionist missionaries.

Anglia Anaaaglia.png

Anglia is the breadbasket of the Empire as well as its founding place of origins. Through both skillful use of political privileges as well as its exceptionally mild climate, Anglia has become the place that provides food for nearly the entire empire and especially the capital which receives daily shipments from its grain stores. Anglia is an ancient land with ties to the Dragons and pre-Empire history, also making up part of the bulk of what was once the Regalian Kingdom before the Five Family Rebellion. Anglia is ruled nearly in its entirety by House Kade, the Imperial royal family, who spent the last 300 years using a vast network of political marriages to partially unify Anglia in a patchwork of feudal contracts and land ownership deeds. Anglia remains also a very bigoted land, the locals not looking kindly on non-Unionist, non-Dragon-worshiping Ailor, or even just other provincial outsiders as strangers.

Pannor Pannor.png

Pannor, once called the islands of Medway, is the land grant given to the Eronidas who wished to join the Regalian Empire and settle in the archipelago. Medway was once considered a very poor land, mostly barren salt flats and mineral poor mountains, though the hardy Eronidas have made a living on Pannor and even founded several city states that remain very wealthy to this day. Pannor has a harmonious Ailor Eronidas mixed population that results in also plenty of religious overlap. Many half-Eronidas come from Pannor to Regalia in search of their culture or a future legacy. Many Eronidas from Pannor itself make up the bulk of the Regalian frontline soldiers, first to jump into any war that the Emperor points his scepter towards.

Eidda Eidda.png

Eidda is a strange land, once entirely uninhabited, now largely colonized by Gallovian Ailor settlers, specifically from the Emerald Isles before it fell into Allorn hands. Eidda is rocky, wet, and difficult to approach on account of the very jagged and sharp cliffs on the coastlines, with few natural harbors that give way to calm waves. Eidda is, despite its location surrounded by more urbanized lands, incredibly isolated from the Regalian Empire precisely because of the logistical difficulty of actually reaching it. Many of the locals thus live a life of relative autonomy by circumstance, not paying much if anything in taxes. Eidda as such has also become known as the land where brigands and criminals go to stay within the Empire to lay low, but avoid the authorities to not end up in jail.

Gallovia Galloaaavia.png

Gallovia is the homeland of the kiltach, the vielt, and all other things Gallovian Ailor. It is a land of extreme contrast, between the highly urbanized Kinwry capital of the region, and the extremely sparsely populated Talahm Gall regions, where legend has it Marken roam free in worship of their old Pagan gods. Gallovia is the home of the Gallovian Ailor, who would eventually settle Eriu Innis, Eidda, and Clannadh Alba, and remains the most numerous of all these places. Between the rocky glens, the deep snowy mountains and the rough coasts, it is a poor land, but on the periphery of the Empire, its people appreciate their relative independence and apathy to the politics of the capital, and is as such seen as a land of tradition and old customs.

Mineria Mineria.png

Mineria is one of the more recently populated regions in the archipelago with a very unique architectural style quite unlike anything else in the world. Its predominantly Fin'ullen and Kathar populations as well as Anglian immigrants have developed so-called Naut-Cities, which are cities perfectly blending with the sea, where some roads end up into the water, and carts give way for boats. Many of these cities are inhabited by semi-aquatic Fin'ullen, but more notably, it is a place where Void Worship is very common and often seen as the dominant religion in the region. It is one of the few places in the Empire where Kathar can exist without any discrimination and scrutiny from higher authorities.

Solleria Sollaaaeria.png

Solleria is the land of forever mists and home to the Solvaan Elves who so long ago settled these lands during the waning millennia of the Allorn Empire. When the Allorn Empire fell, the Solvaan under the guidance of their goddess Sinnavei joined forces with the Five Family Rebellion forces, and founded the Regalian Empire, becoming its vanguard. Solleria itself is a land deeply shrouded in eternal mists, both magically summoned and natural. Many monsters lurk in these mists, protecting the cities, archives, and training grounds of the mist-wardens of Sinnavei, who herself remains at her temple-complex the High Chair of Windwhere, high up in the mountains. Solvaan Elves from Solleria make up another sizeable part of the Regalian Army.

The Rim Isles Rimisles.png

The Rim Isles are an alien landscape that is sparcely populated. Many of the landmasses as well as the ocean parts are covered in huge craters of some kind of celestial event that took place millennia ago. Many of the craters in the Rim Isles produce curious and sometimes even magical phenomena that are still not understood to this day. The oddities as well as some of the rare algae that live in the region have attracted large numbers of Allar who have settled in the area, and produced some of the first Digmaan realms away from Hadar. The most notable of the Rim Isles's craters is the Jaykhart crater, which during summer turns entirely pink as the algae oversaturate the waters.

Basta Basta.png

Basta is one of the so-called Imperial pearls, one of the regions where the wealthy and aristocracy reside and engage in the game of politics. Basta is predominantly inhabited by Ithanian Ailor, though many of them have abandoned their classical cultural roots and embraced Regal traditions, becoming more one with the visions of Empire than their old native homeland. Basta is a major exporter of high art and philosophy, with its wealthy cities being home to many of the Empire's great thinkers. Basta is sometimes also called the land without poverty, because the local governors quite literally shipped all the poor people off the land to Anglia, demolishing their old town homes to build more palaces. The only poor that remain on Basta now are in the service industry.

Vixhall Vixhall.png

Vixhall is very similar to Basta, though is more of what Basta aspires to be, which is the land of forever partying. Basta is inherently tied to the fames and fortunes of House Ivrae de Sange, the previous Imperial Royal house which ruled the Regalian Empire, before they ran out of heirs and the throne passed to a Kade. In the settlement, House Ivrae de Sange received Vixhall as a royal commission, and has since ruled from there with a level of benign neglect, preferring a life of luxury and opulence over actual rule. Vixhall is /the/ place to be for the hottest trends, parties, and gossip. It is also filled with immense vineyards and plantations, all to produce high-society goods for the ruling classes and the Empire at large, making ample use of Ithanian craft skills.

Bragacão Bragacao.png

Bragacão was once a very poor region that saw immigration waves from Daen and Lusits, mostly poor migrants wanting to avoid the political chaos in the governorates, but also seeking a better life closer to the Empire. For better or worse, they never made it to the city, but brought with them the nautical skills of the Lusits and Daendroque crafts. What was otherwise a fairly poor region, quickly became the gateway to the west, where all shipping from the western realms arrives, before it is shipped up the Shoenn river to the capital and the surrounding lands. Bragacão is home to the largest shipping and merchant fleets, with any well to do shipping guild having their head office in the capital of Portimão.

Girobalda Girobalda.png

Girobalda is the land of the unbound personal liberties, that as of yet still has issues letting go of its oppressive past and slavery. Girobalda remains the land of plantations of cotton, hemp, and all manner of exotic fruit and spice production, but still grapples with a cruel past. It was originally just large forest lands, which were skillfully cut and burnt by Daendroque immigrants, and turned into vast slave-manned plantations. While Girobalda was the first region to do away with slavery fully when the Emperor banned all non-service sector slavery, it is still a region with a high criminal past, as well as trouble with Unionist blasphemers hiding in the dense jungles, requiring the Holy Herebrand Order of Knights to come and purge their falsehoods to the Emperor and Everwatcher.

Vultaro & Montania Vultaro.png

Vultaro and Montania were two formerly seperated regions now united under the rule of the Iron Duke Lampero from the capital Lampeport (pictured) at the foot of three massive volcanoes. Montania, otherwise known as the land of fire, and Vultaro otherwise known as the land of mineral wealth, are the major mining hubs of the Regalian Empire, feeding the Empire's huge coal and iron ore needs to keep the technicians and artificers in the capital supplied. Vultaro is also the home of the Supremoclast rebellion, a group of priests who abandoned dogmatic Unionism in the second schism and formed their own religious community, eventually merging with Emended Unionism. Vultaro and Montania remain the home of high-culture music and song, with some of the most renowned composers and mining magnates coming from this region. Most cities in Vultaro are built out of the unique and distinct yellow volcanic tuff that is also becoming more popular in the capital.

Mandu Mandu.png

There is not much to be said about Mandu bereft of modern happenings. For hundreds of years, Mandu was not inhabited, both because its climate was unpleasantly humid and the land itself unpleasantly rocky. For some reason, despite the massive rainforests growing on it, the soil itself is incredibly stone-like, and jagged, strangely jagged even. In recent years, Mandu has become a prime colonizing location for Asha and Maquixtl immigrants, who are more prone to accepting harsh living conditions that they can either adapt to, or shape to their own whims with Asha terraforming. Mandu was once intensely isolated because the surrounding regions were barely populated, but more and more ferry services are being established.

The Volcanic Rim Volcanic rim.png

The Volcanic Rim has many names, but all of them are usually labels defined by immigrant groups, many of them conflicting the next group's definition, and as such, the Volcanic Rim remains the most commonly used. The Volcanic Rim does not exist on any old pre-Empire maps, because the Volcanic Rim only formed through volcanic eruptions in the past few centuries. It is now home to some Songaskian and Sihai immigrants who find all the other provinces too alien to tolerate migrating or integrating into. As such it is a weird place where one can find native Farah'deen and Dexai architecture existing in a cultural capsule away from Regalia's general architectural styles. It is also a land devoid of any nobility, because the lands have not been formally partitioned for noble rights yet.