This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.
- To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
- To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
- To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.
The Tech Point Buy is part of the bigger Proficiency System. Please read the Proficiency Page first before reading this one. Tech Point Buy provides Packs for the Character to become proficient in Engineering and using Technology for either combat or utility.
Ability Aesthetics
Tech Point Buy operates under "Open Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Tech Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: constructed tools, constructed weapons, constructed armor, engineered explosives, etc. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. Alternatively, this Proficiency can be re-flavored as Magic. This Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality, but might alter if your Character is considered Occult or not. You decide when you use the Ability if it is Magic or not, and can choose to use it as Non-Magic, but you cannot choose in the moment if your Character is Occult or not Occult.
Tech Ghost
Tech Ghost provides unique Roleplay Function for Roboticist flavor. Firstly, Tech Ghost allows the user to produce Automata, which are autonomous programmed robots. If the Automata is Played Separately, see the Mystech page for all rules. If the Automata is strictly an extension of the Technician Character, then the same design guidelines apply, but they do not gain their own Proficiencies (or the Mechanics on the Mystech page), and instead must follow this section's rules. Tech Ghost Automata can be remotely controlled by their creators: they cannot be in the same scene (unless it's no-stakes Social RP), and must have the same Proficiency investments as the creator, ignoring the logic of a robot casting Magic. This does not count as a disguise. If the creator of the Automaton dies in Roleplay, their consciousness is transferred to one of their Automata, and they continue to live as a robot (now becoming Mystech). Tech Ghost is gained for free upon Point Buying any Tech Point Buy Pack.
Tech Branches
Technicians should pick one (or two!) of the Technology Branches as an aesthetic for their Ability use and designs they create. Each Character may have up to two, though (Qadir) and some Afflictions get exceptions.
Tech Packs
Tech Exchange Pack
Tech Exchange
Movement Technique
10 Blocks
Twice per Combat
Target an Ally within Range and swap places with them without consent. This doesn’t trigger Move Reactions, but any Attacks/Abilities on you and your ally must resolve before the swap finishes.
Tech Resist Pack
Tech Resist
Passive Technique
Once per Combat, Only during Health Stage 2.
Tech Resist isn’t active until you lose a Defense Roll. When activated by a Melee Attack, gain a Block Token, but apply the Bloody Status Effect to yourself, which lasts until the Block Token is Broken. When activated by a Ranged Attack, decrease the Damage taken by half rounded up, but apply the Vulnerable Status Effect to yourself.
Tech Shelter Pack
Tech Shelter
Instant Technique
5 Blocks
Twice per Combat
Target an Ally within Range that has just taken -1HP Damage, reduce that Damage to 0 but decrease their Attack by -2 for the next 2 rolls.
Tech Auto Pack
Tech Auto
Instant Technique
Twice per Combat, but only Once per Health Stage
Target yourself and reduce the Damage you deal with attacks by -1HP, grant yourself +5 to the Minimum of your next 3 rolls. If two of these rolls are successful, apply the Bloody Status Effect to an enemy within Emote Range for 2 turns.
Tech Livewire Pack
Tech Livewire
Link Technique
Emote Range
Once per Combat
Target a Character within Range and apply a Link to them that gets more powerful depending on the number of Links active on them. If used on an Ally, grant +1 Attack and Move Range per Link affecting them. If used on an Enemy, inflict -1 Attack and Move Range per Link affecting them. Tech Livewire breaks automatically after 4 Turns.
Tech Exhaust Pack
Tech Exhaust
Passive Technique
Once per Combat, during Health Stage 2/1
Tech Exhaust isn’t active until you have one of the Snared, Fleeting, Confused, or Bloody Status Effects. When it activates, you can increase the duration of this Status Effect for 5 Turns and it cannot be removed, but set the Minimum of your Attack or Defense Roll to 3 for the duration, gain 1 Block Token, and increase your Move by 4 Blocks.
Tech Bungee Pack
Tech Bungee
Link Technique
10 Blocks
Twice per Combat
Target an Ally within range and apply a Link to them that pulls them to a block adjacent to you if they would be Displaced more than 6 blocks away from you in any direction. This link breaks if the Ally Moves more than 10 blocks away from you.
Tech Thruster Pack
Tech Thruster
Movement Technique
10 Blocks
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You move to a non-vertical unoccupied space in range without provoking Move Reactions, and allowing you to move through people. Additionally, you may Target an Ally in Melee Range and move them with you, this does not use their Move. This does not use an Action if you use your Action to use a Tech Point Buy Ability.