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This is a test page so you really shouldn't talk about this is banter. Yes you know who you are.

Summary of Racial Abilities

Name Type Description
Will of the Ages Racial Spell Altalar receive the following changes to Proficiency:
  • They can set any particular Proficiency to a limit of 30 instead of 20.
  • They gain an extra +10 Proficiency points to invest in any category at any age.
  • Altalar who are Undead permanently lose their Will of the Ages
The following Abilities are Will of the Arcane powers
Arcanomancy Racial Spell The Altalar is able to create a so called Arcaneicon, which is a utility tool made of pure arcane energy.
  • Arcaneicons appear like slightly glowing glass, and remain solid for as long as the Alatalar holds them.
  • Arcaneicons dissolve after 30 minutes of use or as soon as an Altalar lets go of it.
  • Arcaneicons are practically unbreakable and of excellent quality for whatever purpose they serve (ie, scissors will be very sharp and never dull.)
  • Arcaneicons can never be larger than a hand-held hammer or dagger, or smaller than a sewing needle.
  • Arcanomancy cannot be used again until 1 minute after the previous Arcaneicon dissolves.
Memorymancy Racial Spell The Altalar may extract a copy of their own memories like a sliver of arcane liquid from their temples, and then drop this into a bowl or small pond to produce a replay of the memory on the surface of the water.
  • This ability can be used on any voluntary Race, which must focus on the specific memory they wish the Altalar to extract.
  • Only Altalar can see these replays, and they do not produce sound.
  • The arcane liquid cannot be stored and dries up after 30 minutes.
  • The extraction does not alter the mind of the subject nor does it erase anything. It purely produces a copy of what is present in the subject's mind.
  • If the memory was tampered with or altered by magical means, it will still play as its tampered self, but an Altalar can detect it has been tampered with through disruptions on the water surface. they cannot however tell who, what, or why it was tampered with.
Powermancy Racial Spell The Altalar is able to able to detect the presence of Sorcery or Magic inside a person.
  • When activating this Racial Spell, their eyes will start to glow a particular color, with lines spreading and fading out onto the rest of the face.
  • Any Sorcerer or Mage in visual range when the Altalar activates this Ability will immediately sense that they are being scryed upon and that someone is attempting to determine their magical prowess, and can leave the range before they are detected, should they wish.
  • The amount of spells is indicated by a flame visible to the Altalar which is present while in Emote Range.
    • 3 spells creates a small flame
    • 5 spells creates a large flame
    • 7 spells creates an intense flame
    • 10 spells creates a massive flame
    • Orc Mages create a blindingly intense flame.
  • Altalar Will of the Arcane Spells do not count towards this, nor do they trigger detection.