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{{Info afflictions
{{Info Affliction
|image       = vampirebloodyb.png
|name = Vampirism
|races       = Various
|image = vampirebloodyb.png
|contraction = Being bitten (100%)
|races = All except Urlan, Bralona, Sihndar.
|mortality  = N/A
|infection = Bite, Drinking, Ritual.
|origins    = [[Cataclysm]]
|origins = Void Gods
|symptoms    =  
|symptoms = Blood Hunger, Red eyes, Sharp Teeth.
* Varying
|status = Not Curable.
Vampirism, also known as the Sanguine Curse, is a [[Void]]-spawned blood-curse that has plagued [[Aloria]] for hundreds of years. Often seen as a disease and hated by most of Aloria's people, this affliction causes the infected to undergo both physical and mental transformations. Vampirism can be cured by an aggressive and somewhat lengthy process, though many Vampires desperately attempt to avoid being cured, or even seek re-infection. This is caused both by the curse itself changing the thoughts of the infected, but also by the fact that most authorities across Aloria are excessively cruel to Vampires. In the [[Regalian Empire]], being a Vampire is seen as being something unholy—akin to being a [[Demon]]. Such creatures are either killed on sight by Vampire hunters or dragged away screaming to imprisonment and isolation. Frequent Vampire executions are held by the faithful, causing most Vampires across the world to live hiding in dark alleys, caves, and sewer tunnels. Indeed, Vampires are considered leeches on society as they feed themselves on the blood of the unwilling and powerless, empowered by darkness and Void Energies. Whole religions have been founded on the idea that Vampirism is the next step in Human advancement (despite the curse also striking non-Humans), and some contract the disease willingly for the powers it grants. Globally, Vampirism is on the rise since the last [[Great Vampire Wars]]. Global conflict with the [[Void Invasion]], Imperial wars, and more recently, the [[Bone Horror Crisis]], have all weakened local authorities to the point of breaking. Vampires often follow in the wake of a weary population, feeding and making use of what they can. Vampirism has grown so prolific that among the [[Regalian]] Emperor’s close court, some nobles have fallen to the sway of Vampirism, secretly plotting the destruction of the Empire from within. Even far in the north, a Vampire Principality exists in [[Ellador]], the state of [[Dorkarth]] entirely inhabited by Vampires and their feeding cattle, seeking to overthrow neighboring Kingdoms.  
Millions of citizens of the Regalian Empire go to bed at night, closing their windows and doors, and snuffing out the lights one by one, hoping for a good night's sleep, and a safe return of sunlight in the morning. The very thing that gives them terrors at night and has inspired neighborhood watches, as well as whole folklores of bedtime stories and tales to scare children into behaving well, is the Vampire. The Vampire is an insidious Afflicted, a person who succumbs to the crimson curse that creeps in the night and in the shadows, feeding off the blood of the innocent, and expanding their influence and power through fear and revulsion. Vampires have become the quintessential evil to the Regalian Empire, where whole wars have been fought just to keep their ruinous intent at bay, and to safeguard civilization from crumbling from within and establishing a nightmarish reality where Vampires rule in eternal night.

==History of Vampirism==
The history of Vampirism is shrouded in mystery, not in the least because most authorities across the world attempt to eradicate any mention of Vampirism in their historical narratives. Historians who research Vampirism certainly exist, but are quickly imprisoned and have their materials burned for being deemed a threat to the state, especially in Regalia, where anything to do with Vampirism or the consumption of blood is taboo. Still, some hidden libraries in Vampire dens, secret categories in Qadir libraries, or the great records of the Dorkarth Princes contain information about the historical events surrounding Vampirism. Many of these sources will easily date the source of Vampirism to around 20 AC, particularly in and around the Kingdom of Hedryll, on the south and western coastlines of the Elladorian continent. The Kingdom of Hedryll enjoyed relative prosperity as opposed to the poverty in the neighboring states. The Dwarven Kingdoms were embroiled in a violent aftermath struggle with the Elves and had the Dakkar looming on the horizon, the western Kingdoms were all but in ruin after the Void Invasion, and the southern states, including the fledgeling Regalian Empire, were all small and internally unstable. Certainly, it could be said that the Kingdom of Hedryll was at the time the dominant Ailor State in existence, it spanned lands miles upon miles apart, and raiding brought in many riches in a post-Elven Empire world where most nations were rebuilding and not focusing on their military like Hedryll had.  
Vampirism as a Blood Curse existed long before the Cataclysm, perhaps even thousands of years, however it never drew much attention as it was just one of many Void sicknesses that were around during the Allorn Empire days, called Sangaley. The situation changed however immediately after the last Void Invasion and Cataclysm, when the Void Gods realized that the days of them being able to affect the world of Aloria were numbered. With no way of a future Void Invasion seemingly occurring, and their power waning, the Void Gods conspired to mutate the Void Sickness of Sangaley and produce Vampirism as it is known today. They upgraded what was ostensibly just a sickness and hunger for blood into a full-fledged Affliction, a highly contagious one at that, which was designed to destabilize Ailor society which seemed pre-eminent to usurp the Elves as the dominant civilization of Aloria. This scheme was met with great success, as the Sanguine Curse quickly dubbed Vampirism spread like wildfire among the Velheim populations of Ellador, to such a point that the local Kingdoms started buckling under the pressure of their infestation. With the assistance of the young Regalian Empire, the local Kingdoms fought back the Vampires, known as the Vampire War or the Hidden War because Regalia's authorities have made efforts to scrub historical records out of existence, intent on hiding the existence of Vampires from the public. This plan horribly backfired, as Vampires fled away from Ellador into the wider world, infecting the unknowing Regalian populace which had no way of dealing with that which they did not know. The plot of the Void Gods however was not ironclad either: as Vampires multiplied rapidly and diversified, the Void Gods lost control over the widening population, and could no longer mind control the Coven leaders to do their bidding. In essence, the Vampires became free to do as they pleased, and started developing their own culture.  

The first historical evidence of Vampires is mostly just recorded in the Dorkarth archives, which claim that Vampirism was a blessing given to a group of people who wished to serve the Archdemon (who had incidentally just been defeated). Later scholars have theorized that the Archdemon was indeed responsible for creating Vampirism, but it was not an actual blessing but a curse on Ailorkind, a curse meant to keep the race weak for his inevitable resurrection. These early Vampires were supposedly feral and vile, attacking any and all in sight and infecting the northwestern Hedryll population at a fast pace. Because of the military outward expansion of Hedryll, the local nobles and leaders did not take note of the events until it was already too late. Hedryll villages would more often go completely silent for a while due to a harsh winter or struggle with the local wildlife or other races, but by the time the King sent an investigation as to why the entire province of Dorlan went silent, even the investigator did not return. Fearing another Void Invasion, the King mounted an army and marched north, only to find a rabid population of this province attacking the soldiers. Vampirism rapidly spread as the Kingdom of Hedryll, despite its wealth, was unable to mount a quick counter-response to the plague. For several months, the plague was allowed to spread southwards, though some of the Vampiric hordes simply froze to death in the tundras because of the cold climate. It is said in hindsight, that if Ellador had not frozen over the way it had, that Vampires could have completely overran not only the Hedryll Kingdom, but also the Isldar and the Dwarves in turn. Some have thus speculated that the Isldar Dragon froze this continent intentionally, knowing what would happen 70 years later.  
===Why play a Vampire===
You play a Vampire because Vampires are scheming, evil & hot, and because they bite people. When playing a Vampire, you understand that Vampires are hated in Regalia, and that many pro-state people like Knights and generally lawful citizens will either scream and run away or stand and fight if they run into a Vampire. Vampires are actively hunted by several groups (like Vampire hunting Lothar Knights), but also find natural allies in evil-aligned Void forces, like Warlock Spirit summoners and general anti-state forces. Vampirism is also a great way to have an "evil arc" and play an evil character for a while before setting out on a journey to be cleansed (which takes quite a while and is costly). All in all, playing a Vampire plays into the fantasy of Vampires and their allure, while also buying into playing the most obvious "evil" type Character in Regalia.  

By the time the Hedryll Kingdom was reduced to a small province footnote, the Ailor were finally able to hold off the advance. Reinforcements from the Skaggers in the Regalian Archipelago paid off, giving much needed new warriors who were able to match the feral Vampires in ferocity. Sadly for the Hedryll Kingdom and the Skaggers and indeed the whole Velheim people, these much-needed warriors moving from the Regalian Archipelago to Hedryll meant that Regalia was free to invade the Skagger homelands, which they indeed did. The Skaggers were however invaluable to the Hedryll Kingdom in securing the borders, and allowing a period of peace to descend on the nation as the problem seemed to ebb away. In truth, and according to the Dorkarth archives, the Vampirism plague started changing. The feral Vampires fed off animals almost exclusively, biting Ailor and Nelfin alike, but not truly drinking from them. Overhunting by the feral Vampires in the west of the country eventually led to a shortage of small critters like owls and rabbits that Vampires could catch, forcing what little Vampires continued to exist to feed off the Ailor who remained on the wrong side of Hedryll’s fortifications. This also drastically reduced the rate of infection, as Vampires more often drank the Ailor dry, rather than letting them live and turn into a Vampire themselves. Drinking purely Ailor blood, restored the cognitive capacity of the Vampires, and once again they turned more Human-like. They regained language and skills with tools and eventually started developing sophisticated tactics and structures of their own. This was where the first hierarchies among Vampires formed in around 30 AC.  
===Vampire Types===
There exist several types of Vampires, some playable, some not, which have slightly altered Vampirism mechanics and functions, as well as backstories:
* '''Thrall Vampire:''' A Thrall Vampire is a person who has been infected with Vampirism, but where Vampirism hasn't finalized into controlling their body yet. They transition into Fledglings after a few days.  
* '''Fledgling Vampire:''' A Fledgling Vampire is the lowest type of Vampire, or a newly Infected. Fledgling Vampires cannot infect non-Vampires and sustain themselves on the blood of their victims.
* '''Greater Vampire:''' A Greater Vampire infects every person they bite and turn them into Thrall Vampires. A Fledgling Vampire becomes a Greater Vampire if it drinks the blood of another Greater Vampire.
* '''Desprince Vampire:''' A Desprince Vampire is an unplayable type of an Ancient Vampire that is immensely powerful. The Term Desprince can still be used in-character as Coven-Leader title however (it is non-gendered)
* '''Sangeley Vampire:''' A Sangeley Vampire is an unplayable type of first-Vampire, among the first to become the original Vampires. Rumored to exist with immense power, but haven't been seen in centuries.
Note: It is considered humiliating for a Greater Vampire to get fed on by a Fledgling Vampire. Usually a Fledgling Vampire will have to fight to overpower a Greater Vampire to become a Greater Vampire themselves. No Greater Vampire would ever permit a Fledgling Vampire to feed from them without a fight, or be embarrassed and thought of as weak to all other Vampires. You can make your Character a Greater or Fledgling Vampire in their backstory if it concerns a new Character, if your Character is infected IC however, you cannot off-screen or backstory becoming a Greater Vampire and have to find another Greater Vampire and scheme against them to drink their blood IC. Also, every Character must belong to a Bloodline if they are a Vampire, and Bloodlines cannot be changed later.  

By 40 AC, the Vampires had unofficially organized among so-called Desprinces, Princely Vampires who were often the oldest and most intelligent of Vampires. As time passed, those with Vampirism experienced blood mutations, the Vampirism in their blood causing their body to change and new abilities to develop. While they were unable to overcome their prime weakness, the sun, the Vampires eventually started organizing into proper armies under generals, something that severely complicated the defence tactics used by the Velheimers in Hedryll. By 50 AC, most of the Ailor population had bled dry in the east, and a Vampire army under Desprince Torvald Kurvil managed to breach the Hedryll walls, particularly because Skagger reinforcements had retreated to the Regalian Archipelago to defend their homeland in the [[Skagger Wars]]. The sudden flood of Vampires into the Hedryll south coast caused the Kingdom many losses, and they were forced to retreat eastward back to their capital. The capital remained safe, but the period between 55 and 70 AC was a time when the entire coastline of Ellador was lost to the Vampire plague. Finally in 70 AC, a turning point came in the form of the Regalian Empire, which had finally established itself properly as the dominant Archipelago state, sending reinforcements of her own. While the Skaggers were no longer a global force of reckoning, Regalian commanded hordes upon hordes of fresh Levy troops with Regalia’s industrial capacity for weapon and armor production behind them. This heralded a period that is called The Great Vampire Wars or Unspoken Wars among the scholars, notably because any trace of them ever having taken place has been erased from history by successive Emperors who wished to eradicate any knowledge of Vampires in the world.
Vampirism can be acquired in more ways than one. The simplest form of infection is to be bitten by a Greater Vampire (Thrall and Fledgling Vampires are not infectious with their bites), or to be bitten by a Desprince or Sangeley Vampire, which would instantly make their infected become a Greater Vampire (though this is extremely rare and may only occur during events). Vampiric feeding usually lasts about 5 minutes during which the victim is paralyzed, though this cannot be done mid-combat, and if the Vampire is attacked, the feeding breaks. Feeding may also be time-skipped if the victim is not comfortable roleplaying out feeding. Players are strongly requested to feed IC, but if circumstances not allowing, may resort to off-screen NPC feeding. Another method of infection, is to make a blood offering to the Void Gods, or to the [[Fornoss]] goddess Blodrúna for the Sanguine blessing. Another method, is the willful ingestion of a cup worth of Vampiric blood, of any type will work. A final method is a relic infection, which involves a person stumbling onto an ancient artifact object once held by a powerful Vampire, which may cause them to become a Greater Vampire by wielding it. Bloodline Infections always pass from the person who infected the victim to the victim, Bloodlines cannot mix. Vampirism cannot be cured in a straight forward way, or one that is accessible and can be mass-reproduced, meaning that Vampires are a considerable issue and reviled by any society that does not worship Void Gods.  

These wars, according to Qadir sources, lasted until 87 AC, when the Regalian and Hedryll forces were finally able to push back the Vampires and isolate them in the original province the plague started. The severe population decline in Hedryll was something the small Kingdom never recovered from, and even though Regalian troops eventually turned away, the Vampire issue in Ellador remained minute even to modern times. This was largely because the more worldly of Desprinces among the Vampires concluded that Ellador was weak and poor in blood substance, and that elsewhere in the world opportunities could be found in richer lands with softer targets. For the next 200 years or so, Vampire fortunes rose and fell over the decades as attempts were made to establish local communities which were quickly snuffed out, especially by the Regalian Empire’s efforts to cleanse the world of what it considered unholy heresy. Vampires eventually started infiltrating the Empire itself, redoubling their efforts on targeting their biggest enemy of all. In present times, most layers of the Empire have been infiltrated by Vampires and Vampire sympathizers, waiting for their time to strike at Regalia’s own weakness and isolation, waiting for a time when they can establish a global Vampire Empire of their own as blessed by the Archdemon.
Vampires appear like the stereotypical Vampiric appearance: paler skin, vampiric teeth, and red eyes (some Vampires can hide this, see Bloodlines), as well as an urge to drink blood. Other traits are completely optional, like having the Vampirism make a Vampire more lithe and slender or more bulky and muscular, giving them a prehensile tail, night vision, darkened and sunken eye sockets, pointy ears, claws, taller appearance, more bat like traits in their face, digitigrade legs, void mutations, blood stained skin, shadow hands, etc. Mental changes are usually limited to removal of conscience, however Vampirism is in general an emotion amplifier, making worse in particular all the bad emotional states and traits like vanity, greed, selfishness, and cruelty. Vampires can also have a shorter attention span, a worse temper, or generally be more violently inclined of confident and self-assured than their non-vampire self would be. Vampires can be religious, but their curse renders them unable to comprehend or see the internal conflict in them being Afflicted and religious at the same time, while most Religions would reject them. Vampires can suffer from anxiety and uncertainty, though this is rare, and usually comes paired with aggression. All Vampires are capable of transforming into what is called a Vampiric Form, which is a Disguise Transformation (and Monstrous Transformation) that makes them appear more monster-like with more creative design freedom outside of the range of limitations imposed on their Race or gender appearance. All Vampires also have the Weapon Summon Ability to draw a weapon to their hand in an instant, either made of their own blood, or magically summoned, and capable of changing weapon type. All Vampires have their God Magic forcibly converted to Void Magic for the duration of their infection.

==Vampirism Infection==
[[File:Varlord.png|260px|thumb|right|Varlord are some of the most alien looking Vampires, and they retain their appearance post curing.]]
While in theory Vampirism in incurable, there is an arduous process and method by which anyone who has [[Divinium]] can cleanse Vampires, but only those who seek curing, it can never be forced even on a restrained Vampire. Any person can call upon the power of their Gods and sacrifice Divinium to cleanse the sanguine Curse. If a Vampire approaches a person to request to be cured, and that person agrees to sacrifice Divinium, they can perform a ritual sacrificing to cleanse the soul of the Vampire, thus freeing them of the mental effects of Vampirism. After this, the Vampire remains recognizable as a Vampire, but no longer feels any of the urges, and no longer has any of the powers (besides the red eyes, if their Bloodline included them). This process lasts for either 2 Weeks or 30 Days depending on Player choice where the Vampire may not drink any blood, and if they succeed in this the 1 Divinium is spend and they are cured properly when the period is over.
Vampirism Infection only happens in one way, and it is a very guaranteed way. Vampire bites from any kind of Vampire including Varghul and Varlord are infectious (unless they have specifically mutated with the ability to choose not to infect), and have an infection rate of 100% as long as the Vampire does not kill the person. What this means is that if a Vampire bites a person, this person is guaranteed to turn into a Vampire within a matter of days, unless quick action is taken to counteract the blood plague. A Vampire bite is usually initiated on the neck with the intention of drinking the blood, but a Vampire can bite anywhere, even in the leg or arm if need be, and the infection rate is the same. The infected person is aware of the infection and can feel, for the next 3 days, a burning sensation in their blood. By the second day, they will become paranoid and fearful, seeing enemies everywhere and not trusting even loved ones. By the third day, they will experience a terrible hunger and longing for sustenance, but find no satisfaction in food or drink, instantly puking it out again. By the fourth day, their skin will become hypersensitive to sun, and at this point, they have transformed into a Vampire. Other physical traits take another day to set in, but by the fourth day the transformation is complete. For more information about curing a person who has not yet fully turned to become a Vampire, consult the last bullet point on the Curing section. Below is a bullet point to explain the process in a summary.

* '''Day One, Infection'''
** Itching at the wound site, twitchiness, fear of infection, burning sensation in veins
Vampires are infected by Vampires who came before them, who in turn were infected by others who came before them, usually descended from a long line of important and powerful Vampires. If a Desprince infected a number of people several centuries ago who went on to infect more people, each of those people who can trace their infection back to that original Desprince is a member of that Desprince’s Bloodline. Vampires don’t need to be obedient and loyal to their Bloodlines, but often find comfort in being near Vampires of similar Bloodlines, and may even have competitive feelings towards Vampires of other Bloodlines: though this usually doesn't lead to anything more than a little snark. Historical Bloodlines are usually created when a Desprince flees from Dorkarth to the Regalian Empire and establishes a new Vampiric Court there after the Vampire War, which pushed the Vampires back so far that many Desprinces were forced to leave Ellador. In summary: Voilenigme are French high-culture Vampires, Nerocanto are Italian scheming blackmail Vampires, Vintghast are high class wine and banquet party Vampires, Torrghlas are cave and mountain brute Vampires, Bremnevel are bog-witch support Vampires, Silberfeder are dignified military Vampires, Valhersir are spiritual power obsessed Vampires, Aullavientos are beast master shapeshifter Vampires, and Dymolov are culture-free Tiefling Vampires. Each Bloodline has a unique set of Mechanics listed below the description for them alone. Additionally, all Vampires regardless of Bloodline have the following Common Mechanics:
* '''Day Two, Growth'''
* '''Common Mechanic I:''' Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
** Shaking, cold chills, extreme paranoia, burning sensation in veins
* '''Common Mechanic II:''' Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting [[Adapt_Point_Buy| Magic]], can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
* '''Day Three, Manifestation'''
* '''Common Mechanic III:''' Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
** A terrible hunger that no food can satisfy, vomiting food instantly, burning sensation in blood
* '''Common Mechanic IV:''' Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
* '''Day Four, Completion'''
* '''Common Mechanic V:''' Vampires, when applying Curses via [[Advanced Roleplay Mechanics]] can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.
** Skin becomes damaged by sunlight; the Vampire can start drinking and infecting others
* '''Day Five, Finalization'''
** Physical characteristics manifest, abilities and traits are now available
The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline was created when Desprince Morvanus fled to Ithania, creating a new Vampiric Court there in the Palace of Duchess Valtriante. The two became Desprince lovers, a rare instance of peace existing between two Vampiric overlords in such close proximity, without constantly attacking or scheming against one another. The Voilenigmes (sometimes also nickanemed Voiles or Voile) are upper-class Vampires who favor mingling with the aristocracy, while hiding their Vampirism and charming their victims with fashion, opulence, a silver tongue and beauty. The Voilenigme are profoundly powerful in Ithania where they have deeply infiltrated the nobility, and by extension the Regalian Nobility also as the Ithanian Vampire nobles travel to the Regalian Courts. The Voilenigme try to avoid any association with things that are poor, disgusting, freak-ish, or debauched without style or class. This is also why they are rarely in their Vampiric Form, or why their Vampiric form generally has a more statuesque beauty to it rather than looking like a monster. Voilenigmes are very comfortable not being in a Coven, but if they are, styling themselves as the "classy" ones in the Coven, and looking down on the other more base Vampires who are enslaved to their instincts. The Voilenigme are enemies of the Silberfeder Vampires, an extension of the enmity between the Wirtem and Ithanian Nobility. Any Coven with a Voilenigme Vampire should count itself blessed with a socialite able to mingle with other non-Vampire groups, due to their unique ability to perfectly hide their Vampirism and be less dependent on blood.
* '''Voilenigme Mechanic I:''' Voilenigme Vampires can use a Guild Glamor, that allows them to participate in any Guild Meeting and fake their membership for those meetings only (should still not draw too much attention).
* '''Voilenigme Mechanic II:''' Voilenigme Vampires are able to apply a Party Glamor onto any number of non-Vampire allies or collaborators when they use a Party Glamor themselves, following the common Rules for Party Glamor.
* '''Voilenigme Mechanic III:''' Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.

It is very important for Vampires to feed after having been turned; though just after turning, it is not unusual for newly formed Vampires to have some sort of revulsion to feeding on humanoids. Despite this the urge to feed is always present, and if no humanoids can be found, the individual usually resorts to feeding on animals, like cats, birds, and dogs. Doing this, however, turns the person into a Feral Vampire, a process that is very quick (after 2 or 3 feedings) and is reversed at a much slower pace (two weeks of humanoid feeding). Without this initial feeding quickly after turning, a Vampire might go into blood shock, a state where they suffer seizures and become paralyzed and thus slowly die. The longest time any Vampire has lived post turning without feeding has been five days. Here is a list of Races that can and cannot be infected with Vampirism:
The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shannon fled to Vultaro. While initially mingling with the locals before the Dressolini culture consolidated there, as Dressolini as a cultural identity developed, so too did the Nerocanto settle into their habits. The Nerocanto are upper-class Vampires who take on the appeal of aristocracy, but are spies and rogues at heart who love a political game of blackmail. Their cultural emphasis is on charming their victims with operettas, orchestral music, and hauntingly beautiful instrumentals. The Nerocanto are unique in that they can cure a Vampiric Infection while it is still in its fledgeling state of their own bitten victims. This affords them a great amount of power to blackmail anyone they have infected for a cure, that being also their primary method of roguish plotting. Nerocanto can hover around the peripheries of Covens, but usually act like lone wolves who assist Covens but don't want to get too close, and be at risk of being taken down because other Vampires are less cautious than they are. The Nerocanto take great pains to hide themselves and cover their plots in five layers of thinking ahead so as not to get caught, and to continue their game of control and intrigue. The Nerocanto do not have any overt animosity towards other Bloodlines, but do consider any Vampire that shows a low level of wit or insight as an insult to the blessing that is Vampirism itself. Any Coven with a Nerocanto Vampire should count itself blessed with a spy-master Vampire who is able to quickly and efficiently establish a network of blackmail victims for information and favors across the Regalian city.  
* '''Nerocanto Mechanic I:''' Nerocanto Vampires may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits, whichever is not their own Heritage, and keep this Mechanic until they are Cured.
* '''Nerocanto Mechanic II:''' Nerocanto Vampires can infect non-Vampires as both Fledglings and Greater Vampires, but can also cure Vampirism from those they infect only before they become Fledglings, thus allowing them to blackmail their victims.  
* '''Nerocanto Mechanic III:''' Nerocanto Vampires can convert Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, curing their Vampirism, but mind controlling them by Vampire of their choosing, allowing them to sell off Thralls and Blood Cattle. (Hidden)

* '''Infectable Races:'''
** [[Ailor]]
** [[Sihai]] (any subrace)
The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shirva fled to the borderlands between Osteiermark, Tirgunn, and Lorenthaus. While in the modern day the Darkwald Lothar mostly fight Silberfeder Vampires, the Vintgast Bloodline was the original reason why the Sarnan people turned so heavily against Vampires, and why so many of them were killed before the Lothar Order took up their cause. Vintgast Vampires are banquet masters, able to conjure the greatest of feasts, most delectable food, and above all addictive and perfect wines. They are known as vintage distillers and brewers, who favor the countryside and winery to get up to their Vampiric business in peace and away from the chaos of large urban settings. Vintgast Vampires spoil and charm their victims with large dinners and endless delectables, only to get them into a food-coma and become easy prey. Vintgast usually avoid Covens, but can make powerful allies for Covens, as well as a great party-hoster for any Vampiric community due to their ability to be social with anyone, have a deep understanding of preferences and tastes, and being able to weaponize them to enamor anyone. The Vintgast take efforts to hide their identity but aren't as capable at it as the Voilenigme, resulting in a reclusive lifestyle, content to experiment with the fine flavors and delectable aromas of rare blood types for special wines. The Vintgast are however unique in their ability to survive off very little blood for extended periods of time, and can even brew extended elixers from their wines that can satiate other Vampires, creating addiction among their own kin.
** [[Dwarf]]
* '''Vintgast Mechanic I:''' Vintghast Vampires can temporarily (no cost) self-cure for up to 72 Hours. After this period is complete, they are automatically re-infected, and must drink within 24 hours, or half Proficiencies until they drink.
** [[Qadir]]
* '''Vintgast Mechanic II:''' Vintgast Vampires are able to mind-read the preferences of any non-Vampire by focusing on them, reading their preferred color, food, drink, favorite animal, clothing style, etc. (Hidden)
** [[Altalar]], [[Avanthar]], [[Cielothar]], [[Kathar]]
* '''Vintgast Mechanic III:''' Vintghast Vampires are able to summon endless supplies of real food and drinks with Vampiric Magic, or brew Vampiric Tonic Wine made with Blood which sates the same as actual Blood Feeding.
** [[Maraya]]
** [[Varran]]
* '''Non-Infectable Races:'''
** [[Songaskia]]
** [[Drowdar]], [[Isldar]]
** [[Yanar]]
** [[Maiar]]
** [[Allar]]
** [[Slizzar]]
** [[Orc]]
** [[Url]]

'''OOC Note:''' Because feeding is not always possible, it usually fine to assume a character has fed on an NPC citizen for day to day rp. This is purely for practicality sake because there aren’t enough players around to constantly feed every Vampire, and because not many players are willing to be fed on (even if they do not have a choice, since it is not covered by maim or kill perms). The only exception to this is Vampires who are imprisoned (who should roleplay out being deprived of blood) and Vampires who have certain Vampiric Mutations which rely specifically on feeding at a specific time, or to trigger a specific ability. In such cases, the feeding must always be done IC and cannot be time skipped or assumed from an NPC. If you suspect a player has not fed off a person but is using a feeding based ability anyway, report them to Lore Staff for God-Rp. Everyone should always keep in mind however that being fed on, or being turned into a Vampire, is not a permission based thing, and should always be roleplayed out for character development sake.
The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline was created when Desprince Mannis fled to Gallovia and quickly established a strong court presence in the Talahm Gall Mountains. The Torrghlas Vampires are known as cave or mountain terrors, preferring less stylish and opulent housing and favoring brutish power and strength over plotting and scheming. Torrghlas Vampires tend to be largest broad-framed Vampires who act as shock troops to any Coven who is more than willing to take them on for their brute strength. The Torrghlas take no effort to hide themselves, and in fact favor aggressive body-modification and training to become bigger, better, and stronger, whether that is chemical, mundane and aesthetic, or magical in nature. The Torrghlas are a particular terror towards the Fornoss faithful, having mastered a transformation into a Vampiric corrupted Urlan and rampaging any would be frontline with overwhelming force. The Torrghlas consider the Nerocanto weak schemers who couldn't hold their own in a fight, and generally look down on all the high-class Vampire Bloodlines as being over-reliant on hiding their Vampirism and not having pride in being to show their power to the world. The Torrghlas make great allies and comrades to the Valhersir, both operating in overlapping environments, and favoring their vanity over secrecy. Torrghlas Vampires can be testy with Coven leadership, but generally speaking when respecting a leader for their skill and strategy, will be some of the most loyal Vampires present, favoring punching the traitors and giving no thought to joining them in their rebellion.
* '''Torrghlas Mechanic I:''' Torrghlas Vampires can Transform into Varghul (Gorilla-Bat Hybrids) or [[Urlan]] Appearance (but with Void theming), both with Urlan Heritage Traits, losing their old Heritage Traits. Counts as a Disguise.
* '''Torrghlas Mechanic II:''' Torrghlas Vampires if in Melee Range of a Gate or Fence or Door blocking off an entryway, are able to Gate Smash their way through, or bend the bars to let themselves and others pass.
* '''Torrghlas Mechanic III:''' Torrghlas Vampires are able to perform superhuman feats out of Combat, able to lift huge weights, break open solid rock, or carry multiple people on their back.  

==Physical Characteristics of Vampirism==
*Vampire irises turn crimson red and their eye whites turn black when feeding or when about to feed, and remain so while they have blood in their mouth (or otherwise specified when using abilities). It is important to note that the crimson color in their eyes is so intense, almost giving off light by itself, that it is not possible to use tinted glasses to hide Vampire eyes. Nothing short of covering the eyes completely will hide them, even using a thin opening in a helmet or hood will still allow the red light to pierce the opening and be seen from outside. Additionally, there is also darkening of the eye sockets, Vampires develop darkened eye sockets which appear red as if rubbed constantly and deprived of food.
The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline was created when Desprince Zardar fled to Anglia and established himself in the Anglian Morass and Hinterlands, using the swamps and peat bogs to hide from Regalia's military and Knights. As time passed, the Bremnevel Bloodline adapted to their swamp environment, and started imitating the Anglian Witches, often mistaken for them from afar. The Bremnevel lure their victims in with hauntingly beautiful siren songs, as well as the obscuring mists and vapors of the swamps until they are in so deep that they become lost and find their demise at the hands of the Bremnevels. Bremnevel Vampires are exceedingly rare because the Anglians performed a very intensive and mostly successful campaign to purge them from their homeland, forcing them deeper in hiding in the remotest regions of the swamps. In general, they also do not like producing more Vampire fledgelings, and would rather just kill their victim to avoid detection, often obscuring the cause of death as some swamp beast or drowning. The Bremnevel favor cramp and humid living conditions, the sewers make excellent environments for them, and their slow and cautious way of acting as well as their alchemical knowledge puts them in a perfect position to act as advisors or healers among the Vampires, further adding to the mockery of Anglian Witch Archon that they have become. The Bremnevel do not consider any other Bloodline their overt enemy, however their general distaste extends itself to any Vampire that is boisterous and loud. They prefer quiet and controlled settings, and become flighty if chaos erupts.  
*Sharper, claw-like nails which can be filed down, and are not particularly sharp, but still cause nasty skin cuts. They become sharper and longer if the Vampire in question has any Mutators that assign some property or trait to their claws or nails. These nails regrow rapidly over a period of hours if they are somehow snapped off, which is also relatively easy to do for a Vampire as long as they can get a good grip. 
* '''Bremnevel Mechanic I:''' Bremnevel Vampires can transform into large bat-like monsters, gaining Elytra flight including the use of rockets for movement. Combat immediately cancels flight and this cannot be used in Combat.
* Their skin becomes much lighter, as if they have been out of the sun for many months. Additionally they develop high sun sensitivity, meaning if they are exposed to direct sunlight on the skin, they suffer severe pain and even combustion of the skin. If allowed to endure long enough, they will die from sun exposure. Clothing or covering this does not work, and the sun's effects persist regardless of whether any protection was applied, the only real protection being offered by shadow cast by buildings.  
* '''Bremnevel Mechanic II:''' Bremnevel Vampires gain a single Void Magic Familiar, which is styled as some kind of corrupted small Animal (bat, cat, mouse, etc), which they can see through the eyes of during Events (consult DM).
* Vampires are all weak to Holy Water, having the same effects as sunlight on their skin. Furthermore, they are also weakened to Dragonsteel, which allow a Vampire to be instantly killed if they are pierced in the heart by a Dragon steel weapon. Furthermore, if enough Holy Water (more than just splashing) or Dragonsteel is used on a Vampire, it disables their Vampiric abilities.
* '''Bremnevel Mechanic III:''' Bremnevel Vampires gain +1 Main Offense Stat (breaks Cap up to 11) while they are in Gloomrot Forest, and gain out of combat Healing Powers, styled as Blood Magic or as Alchemy.
* Vampires no longer need natural sustenance, and can't get any satisfaction from it either. They still pass food and drink like they normally would, but gain no energy from it nor can they enjoy the taste or refined culinary arts.
* Vampires also gain a number of Mutations based on their Bloodlines. These are outlined further below in the Mutations section.

==Mental Characteristics of Vampirism==
*Constant hunger for blood, desire to feed on non-Vampires, a constant sense of disgust for anything that is not a Vampire as feeding cattle.
*No respect or value for anything holy, any authority, or any person, unless they are part of the Coven. Essentially anything non-Vampire is inferior.
The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) Bloodline was created when Desprince Colvan fled to Calemberg on the backs of the Wirtem nobility involved with the Vampire War. Despite losing the Vampire War, the Silberfeder Bloodline found a home in the very officers that commanded their defeat. Quickly adapting to the Calemberg lifestyle, Silberfeder Vampires are obsessed with militarism, command, strategy, and control. They focus on finesse of skill, especially swordsmanship and other forms of melee combat and use fencing as a means to establish dominance among themselves. They are incredibly keen on preservation and purity of their bloodline, avoiding infecting anyone they consider unworthy or not of good aristocratic stock. This does not however mean that they can only ever be aristocrats. Far from it: many Silberfeder are in fact the soldiers and lieutenants of Covens, as one noble Silverfeder often infects their retinue to act as a personal army. Silberfeder always insist on a chain of command, clear leadership, proper tileage, and respect. This often puts them at odds with the more rules-free Bloodlines like the Bremnevel, Torrghlas, and Dymolov. Silberfeder frequently clash with Torrghlas who will favor a frontal assault, while the Silberfeder would prefer to spend time planning and strategizing to maximize the terror they inflict while minimizing their casualties. Their enemies are the Voilenigme, with the Ithanian and Wirtem courtly rivalry having rubbed off on their Vampiric equivalents, however a good Coven leader is always able to silence and steer the Silberfeder to use their martial skills in combat instead of on other Vampires.
*Love and friendship changes from something unconditional and protective into something more possessive and objective. A Vampire can still love a non-Vampire, but their love takes a different tone of a jealous, "You are my property" attitude. Similarly, in friendships, Vampires become exclusively taking as opposed to giving or taking. A Vampire might still go drinking with their friends, but insist that one of their friends pay for them, as that is the price of friendship with them. They might also attempt to convert their friends and family into being Vampires so that they might enjoy the gift with them.  
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic I:''' Silberfeder make death-masks of drank-from victims, which change Proficiencies and Abilities (non-Custom) to their Victim's for 24 hours when worn. Cannot be used if any Abilities are on Cooldown. Single-use per drinking.
*Obsession with hedonism, and the ambition to live life the way they want it without any regard for other people, their emotions, or their well being. Vampires hold no respect for monogamy, religion, family, state or culture, instead developing their own Vampiric society of Desprinces, Covens and their feeding cattle and victims.
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic II:''' Silberfeder Vampires are able to challenge other Vampires to Duel. The winner gains +1 Attack Stat while the loser loses -1 until Server Restart. This does not Stack but can break Cap to 11.
*Vampires after infection develop a pack mentality, and sometimes even incorporate animistic behaviors while hunting—such as erratic body movements and head gestures, claw scraping, sniffing, growling and stalking.  
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic III:''' Silberfeder Vampires need only class, grace, and blood to survive. They are immune to heat and cold damage, can walk through fire, do not need to breathe oxygen, and can resist high pressure.

==Bloodline Mutations==
Vampirism knows a number of bloodlines that divide the Vampires over certain sub-cultures. These Bloodlines all have certain origins, and are usually perpetuated by one Vampire infecting another and recruiting them into their Bloodline. A Bloodline infection is permanent, meaning if someone was infected by a von Kërle Bloodline, even if they were cured and re-infected by someone from the Zikiel Bloodline, they still become von Kërle. The Bloodlines are: Alais, von Kërle, Shilôt, Doughal, Anterrin, Zikiel, Cryptall and Dorkarth. The Dorkarth line is the oldest, dating back to the early Vampires after Cataclysm. The Cryptall line is particularly popular among the extensive Altalar graveyards and tombs and crypts that are richly dotted around the Regalian Empire. The Zikiel Bloodline is very prominent among the Nelfin races, while the Anterrin Bloodline is very prominent in Daendroc and Ithania in general. The Doughal Bloodline has a number of powerful Vampires living in the mountains of Gallovia and Drixagh, while the Shilôt Bloodline is comfortably at home in the vineyards of the Dressolini people. The von Kërle Bloodline is very active in the dark forests of Dragenthal and Calemberg, while the Alais Bloodline mingles strongly with the Nobility of the wealthy states.
The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline was created when Desprince Otrygg fled to Drixagh and infected a series of Skagger holds before the Velheim even realized what hit them, as their focus was south on the Wirtem. The Valhersir are obsessed with power and themselves, immersed in [[Fornoss|Vola]] worship but specifically immersed in Blodrúna. It could be said that the Valhersir are the most spiritually inclined of the Vampires, but they are far from priest Vampires. In fact, the Valhersir are obsessed with power in any form that it can be expressed: physical power, power over the minds of others, power over love and lust, power over needs and wants, and power over the weak. They seek any means to dominate others by whatever means necessary, and are also described as perhaps the most vain of Vampires. They obsess over appearing like perfection in the eyes of others, equal parts terrifying and alluring, putting their skill, mind, and particularly body on display as the work of art that it is. They commonly also act as Vampiric Warlocks, contracting and dominating Spirits to do their will, while using Void Mutations to enhance their appearance. The Valhersir have a particular desire to hunt and feed off [[Fornoss|Eili]] worshiping Velheim, considering the act of hunter and prey a perfect analogy for the power of Rand over them. The Valhersir make excellent comrades of the Torrghlas who have aligning goals and operate in the same spaces, while looking unfavorably upon those Bloodlines that do not take care of their appearance much. Valhersis often plot and intrigue one another for who is the most powerful.
* '''Valhersir Mechanic I:''' Valhersir can speak the language of command, making them universal translators, able to speak and understand every language, and gaining magic insight when reading ancient writing.
* '''Valhersir Mechanic II:''' Valhersir can receive possible future and past memory visions from Vampires and non-Vampires around them, either as visions, or when touching them (discuss in Dm's what people are comfortable with). (Hidden only w/ OOC Consent)
* '''Valhersir Mechanic III:''' Valhersis Vampires, when using out-of-combat Strength competitions that involve Dice Rolls, can add +5 to any Dice Result, and have higher adrenaline production.

Every Bloodline has access to 8 Mutations, but only 5 Mutations can be chosen. Any Vampire can at any age or any time gain Mutations, but doing so does cost Proficiency Points. In order to enable the choice of Mutations, 10 Proficiency points have to deducted from the total pool a character has access to. These Points can no longer be spent. Then, the character can choose 5 Mutations (for the sake of lore, these Mutations happen randomly, but you as a player may design your character the way you want by choosing the mutations). If you do not want to sacrifice Proficiency Points or have any Mutations, this is allowed. Simply do not add any Mutations, and then you don't have to sacrifice any Proficiency Points either. If a Vampire is cured, their Mutations are lost (where applicable, Varlord form for example cannot be lost), and Proficiency points are returned. If the character is re-infected, Proficiency points are lost again, and the exact same Mutations are re-activated. Some Mutations have special rules, please refer to the Special Bloodline Mutation Rules to make sure you read all the information before making any choices. If you need further help, please consult with Lore Staff.  
The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline (sometimes also nicknamed Aula) was created when Desprince Kydaer fled to Daendroc, and mingled with the hunting lodge Cortes of the Frontierra and Basqlierra woods. The Aullavientos are the perfect hunter Vampires who are also considered beast masters, taming wolves and hounds and other beasts to do their bidding, infecting them with a form of animal Vampirism and turning them into so called Hellbeasts. The Aullavientos themselves should also not be underestimated however, able to transform themselves into sentient speaking Werebeasts to hunt as the leader of their pack. Aullavientos make excellent trackers and bounty hunters, able to operate both in Covens and as solitary hunters. Aullavientos Vampires are often thought of as the most sober and pragmatic Vampires, bereft of the usual Vampiric flair for drama and evil-ness, seeming very down to earth and normal until they catch the scent of blood. Aullavientos do not hide their Vampirism, but use the guide of being reasonable and affable to build trust with their captors and enemies so that they may be underestimated as enemies. The Aullavientos make great allies for the Vintghast, having a great appreciation for the wine productions of that Bloodline, but also because the Aullavientos consider direct feeding off a hamless victim to be vulgar, and would much prefer to consume blood through a well made vintage, or after a long savored and difficult hunt of a fleeing prey. In general, the Aullavientos are well liked by all other Bloodlines, even the ones that dislike courtly aristocratic styled Vampires, because of their gregarious nature.  
* '''Aullavientos Mechanic I:''' Aullavientos Vampires are not bound to having only a single pet, being allowed to have up to 15 domestic animals, and being able to use them as an aesthetic for Abilities.
* '''Aullavientos Mechanic II:''' Aullavientos Vampires are able to transform into a chimera type monster at will (counts as a Disguise), keeping their old Abilities and Mechanics and being able to speak.
* '''Aullavientos Mechanic III:''' Aullavientos Vampires can speak with any type of wild animal, including Marken who cannot speak normally, and can Collar defeated Marken to turn them into their (unwilling) soldiers until their collar is broken.

[[File:Stopreadingimagetitlessozzer.png|1200px|thumb|center|Chart of Bloodline Mutations]]
The Dymolov (pronounced: Dee-mo-lov) Bloodline was created when Desprince Ramonder fled to the Krainivaya lands in the Regalian Archipelago. Unlike many other Bloodlines however, the Dymolov Bloodline did not insert itself into the local population and become more like them culturally, but attached itself to a pre-existing folklore terror, and chose to become it in the flesh. The Dymolov adopted the Dyyavol (диявол) folklore legend of the red-skinned horned Demon that feeds on the people. They are the most alien looking Vampire Bloodline, approximating the pop-culture appearance of Tieflings, with vibrant colored skin, demonic horns, blackened sclera and colorful eyes, a demonic tail, as well as claws and skin ridges or spikes. The Dymolov are debonair, aggressive, rebellious and quirky, assuming a more wild and unthreatening demeanor to hide their viciousness. The Dymolov are very widespread, as the Krsnik Lothar in the Krainivaya lands were successful in purging them from the snowy wasteland areas, thus making them have an origin in Krainivaya folklore, but not actually being from that area anymore (bar from a few). Dymolov can as such be of any cultural persuasion, and are generally considered very flexible, with many of them favoring berserker style fighting, but equal measure favoring magic, or even a blend of the two. Of all the Vampires, Magic comes the most natural to the Dymolov, in particular the power of Void-fire and Sinistral Dark Magic. Dymolov make excellent rank and file soldiers of any Coven, and are generally well disposed towards leadership so long as it respects their freedoms and wants and needs.
* '''Dymolov Mechanic I:''' Dymolov Vampires gain fire-based Void Magic with open aesthetics, and have great degrees of control over fire, being able to create and douse it, steer it through air, be immune to it, etc.
* '''Dymolov Mechanic II:''' Dymolov Vampires if they are the ones taking ownership of Divinium during a Divinium Raid, gain 2 Divinium instead. Only one is transferrable, the copy Divinium can only be used by the Dymolov. 
* '''Dymolov Mechanic III:''' Dymolov Vampires can temporarily Spirit-Possess willing non-Vampires and Vampires alike, hiding in their bodies and being undetectable and unable to use Abilities but still perceiving all of their senses. (Hidden)

====Special Bloodline Mutation Rules====
The special rules are expansions on the Mutation Descriptions found in the image above. Some of the traits require additional information that does not fit on the small image format. As such, numbers are added that refer to the list here, where additional information can be found to understand the Mutations correctly.
This section covers Miscellaneous aspects of Vampirism that enhance Vampire RP, but don't necessarily belong in any other sections.
===Vampire Thralls===
* '''Blood Rush(1):''' Just because this Mutation stops external bleeding does not mean the Vampire does not suffer excruciating pain from having, for example, their lungs pierced by a sword. Additionally, this Mutation merely stops external bleeding so the Vampire does not bleed to death, but does not mend internal damage. The Vampire may still require healing Mutations or external help from a healer to stop death, and the wound, even when sealed, will still hurt as if it was still open.
Vampire Thralls require a bit more explanation. As mentioned, an infectious bite from a Greater Vampire of any Bloodline (or Fledgling or Greater Vampire of the Nerocanto Bloodline) always results infection, guaranteed. Infection however takes several days to take hold (usually 72 hours) during which there is leeway to be cured. A Vampire Thrall that is giving into the curse during those 72 hours, can be forcibly cured by Lothar Knights through a painful curing process. A Vampire Thrall who is resisting the curse during those 72 hours, can reach out to Priests or anyone with the Exorcism Ability (this does not require any cost like Divinium), and request an expedited curing ritual, where the curse is ritually cleansed from their body. In both instances, the curse is halted, and they do not become Fledglings. Players are free to dictate how their character feels about Vampirism and whether their mind and soul is able to resist the corruption during these 72 hours. If you want to gamify this, you are able to do /dice Knowledge+Faith Proficiency added up together, with the lower half meaning they give in to the curse, and the upper half meaning they resist it, each day. For example, if a character has 2 Wisdom and 4 Faith, they do /dice 6, and if they roll 3 or below they give in that day, and if they roll 4 and above they resist it that day. Rolling below half on this dice roll 3 days in a row basically means the Character becomes a Fledgling Vampire, and becomes incurable. Keep in mind that Vampire Curing is extremely rare because there is a finite amount of Divinium available, so think ahead about decisions concerning your Character.  
* '''Blood Feasting(2):''' This ability can only be used on actual players. You may under no circumstances use an NPC feeding to regrow lost limbs or other such damage.
===Bound Thralls===
* '''Varghul Form & Valord Form(3):''' Varghuls and Varlords are two unique kinds of Vampires that essentially become their own species (though for Varghul only temporarily). Varghul are what is commonly considered to be the true form of a Vampire, and transforming in and out of Varghul is nigh-instant. They appear monstrous—having skin webs between arms and chest, between fingers and toes, and digitigrade animal-like legs with claws. Their forearms are larger, allowing them to walk on all fours like a gorilla (though they can still walk on two legs), while they also gain very large black claws on the fingers. Their head is shaped like that of a mixture between a bat and a humanoid, with large sharp teeth, and a hairless head. Contrary to folklore, Varghuls do not have wings and cannot fly, though they do resemble large beasts more than actual humanoids. In terms of power, Varghul are as powerful as an Orc with a very high Unarmed Fighting Proficiency. Their claws are about as effective as shortswords or daggers, especially since Varghul are incapable of wielding any weapons. Varghul can use Blood Feasting to regenerate. Varlords are more subtle in that they are a hybrid between a humanoid and a Varghul. They retain their humanoids legs and head, though gain the same long blackened claws. Their hair retains their old color, though whitens towards the ends. Most of their body retains its humanoid shapes, though they also gain the skin webs that form between the arms and the chest, and the musculature on their chest changes to become almost alien: having two separate pectoral muscles and numerous overlapping abdominal muscles that normal humanoids do not have. Varlords always retain a muscular frame, though when deprived of blood will start becoming bony very quickly. Varlord in terms of power are somewhere in between a Humanoid & Orc, not being as strong as Varghul, but being faster as they are more akin to Varran in speed. Varlord have a form of kin control, making any Vampire they interact with susceptible or very suggestive to their commands or instructions. A Vampire does not even need to belong to the same Coven to be suggestable to a Varlord, though if a Vampire is already within the hierarchy of another Varlord, this does not work until the Varlord in question is removed. Both Varghul and Varlord gain long ears, which resemble somewhat a cross between Maraya and Nelfin ears, though have sharper bat-like features. Additionally, grooves form on their faces, across their cheekbones and from their forehead towards their cheeks which resemble scars, but are actually just indents in the skin. These are more aggressively visible for Varghuls, while remaining rather superficial for Varlords which retain their humanoid facial structure. Varghuls and Varlords develop sharp canine teeth, a trait unique to their kind of Vampire and not shared with the others. Both also retain the regular Physical and mental features that other Vampires have, except Varghuls cannot speak normally and have to grunt and shriek. Finally, both Varghul and Varlord have crimson red irises and dull orange eye whites. Their eyes also slightly glow, enough to be seen in the dark. It is important to note that it is possible to have both the Varghul and Varlord Mutations active. This does not make the Varghul any different, the Mutation still functions exactly the same.
Bound Thralls are made by Nerocanto Vampires on those they have fed either as Fledgling or Greater Vampire. This process does however require OOC consent from the Vampire Thrall, as mind control is an opt-in aspect of Roleplay on MassiveCraft. Nerocanto Vampires can convert their own Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, which immediately cures them of their Vampirism, but makes them mind controlled by them. They can then hand off this Bound Thrall to a different Vampire, and bind the Thrall to them, thus transferring mind control to the new master. Again, this transferral must be agreed upon OOC, and all parties should consent to comfort, limitations and expectations of what it means to be a Bound Thrall, and what kind of Roleplay to expect. If a player wants to back out of being a Thrall, they must be allowed to do so immediately. Bound Thralls will never act in ways that is self-harming, but can willingly offer up their blood, and are immune to infection for as long as they are Bound Thralls. There is no way to tell if someone is a Bound Thrall by looking at them, other than studying their behavior. Bound Thralls can be cured through a cleansing ritual, which can be performed by any: Priest, Archon, Religious Chapter Knight, Lothar Knight, or Divine Entity, but will always resist capture.  
* '''Mountain Call(4):''' Mountain Call is flexible, meaning it allows the person having the Mutation to choose from anywhere between the lowest Body Shape up until and including Muscular. If they are already Strongman however, it does nothing. Furthermore, women who have this Mutation obviously do not grow any hair where there shouldn't be (unless they want to).  
===Vampire Charm===
* '''Can Cast local Illusions(5):''' Local illusions here are casted as making an apple appear like a pear, or making a nail look polished and painted instead of being un-painted. They are only local, because they only affect the people who are in the room or direct area around the Vampire, and not people who enter in afterwards. This illusion is also not permanent and breaks after a few minutes. This local small illusion skill is not able to cast illusions on items larger than a small dog.
Vampire Charm works like a form of Persuasion Light, which neither requires OOC consent, nor does it have wide-ranging usability. Vampire Charm can only be used to do simple things like saying "I think you should leave this room", which is a guaranteed success so long as a Character has no strict reason to stay in that room (for example if they are chaperoning someone, or having a conversation with someone). This can also be used on groups by for example saying "I think you should finish your game elsewhere", causing them all to continue their game in another room unless the group has a specific reason to be there (like the pool table is specifically in this room). Vampire Charm cannot be used in Combat, and cannot be used to mimic the function of Mind Control. It can purely be used to isolate intended feeding targets, or create a better position from which a Vampire could strike. The requests must always come across as reasonable and easily doable like "can you please go the bar and pick up some cutlery for me", or "can you please inspect the wheels of my carriage for any damage", not "please jump off the bridge" or "walk into the fire for me".  
* '''Ness Misting(5):''' The invisibility of the ground mist is incredibly local, and cannot move. When this ability is activated, a knee-high white mist is formed on the ground at around a 20 feet radius around the Vampire. While they remain with their legs inside the mist, they remain invisible, but not non-physical. That is to say, if someone were to hit them, they will still be hit. As soon as they leave the mist, they become visible again. The Mist remains for up to 10 minutes before the wind blows it away.
===Vampire Brood===
* '''Dearth Disguise(6):''' Dearth Disguise works best on a Highland Ceardian Dearth, but can work on any group of friends really. With inserting, the description means that this person is flawlessly able to mesh into the group as if they had always been in there, and all their Vampire traits or actions become not-visible to the people inside that group. That is to say, their red eyes appear normal, and even Vampiric feeding is seen more as a jest or an act, instead of actual Vampirism, at least for the people inside the group. Anyone not part of this group will see the Vampire as normal.  
Vampires sire offspring called Vampire-Broods. Vampire Broods are affected by the Sanguine Curse, but are not Vampires themselves. They can be born from either both parents being Vampires, or only one of them. Broods can be born with no telltale Vampire signs, or with red eyes and fangs alone. They can be born with heterochromia also, with one normal eye, and one vampiric eye. Vampire broods always have a strong connection to Void Magic but aren't Occult by default unless they invest in Magic. Vampire Brood counts as Vampires when it concerns being able to see through Court Glamor of other Vampire Bloodlines, but even if they are aware of these hidden Vampires, they are still magically compelled not to reveal their identity to anyone but a fellow Vampire or Brood. Additionally, Vampire Brood are rather unique in that if they become infected with Vampirism, they are never affected by the mental changes of Vampirism and are able to retain their conscience and normal personality. Furthermore, curing the Vampirism through Purging applied by Divinium is considerably faster, costing only a single Divinium to cleanse Mind, Body, and Soul all at once, and having no further waiting period. Vampire Broods see considerably less public scrutiny from law-abiding citizens of Regalia, though may still occasionally be attacked on sight by people who do not know they are Broods. It is possible for non-Vampires to test whether a Vampire Brood is actually a Brood or an infected Vampire. Vampire Brood blood, when exposed to sunlight, will sizzle and may even spark with a low flame, which infected Vampire blood does not. A simple cut on a finger and bloodletting is an easy way to prove a Vampire Brood's identity.  
* '''Drawl Thirsting(7):''' Drawl Thirsting allows other non-Vampires (and Vampires) to become addicted to the blood of the Vampire that has this mutation. This is frequently done by Shilôt Vampires by mixing their blood into a good vintage of wine, and then offering it to unsuspecting victims. As soon as they have drank from this bloodwine, they become addicted to the taste of the Vampire's blood, even if they aren't a Vampire themselves. This addiction takes weeks to get rid of, and is extremely painful with many withdrawal symptoms.
==Vampire Brood==
Vampire Brood are the offspring of a Vampire who can produce offspring through their mutations, and are as such considered to be half-Vampires. They retain some Vampiric traits while never being able to become full Vampires. Indeed, Vampire Brood cannot be infected with Vampirism and always retain their traits independently. Vampire Broods appear just like regular people, except that their irises are always crimson red, even when not feeding. Vampire Brood can however eat normally or drink blood, which grants them specific advantages. When consuming Blood, Vampire Brood experience a rush of adrenaline as their blood circulation speeds up and they gain a boost of energy (This feeding must always be done IC, and does not infect anyone with Vampirism). This boost lasts for about an hour, and gives them increased running speed as well as heightened senses such as smell, sight, hearing, and reduces their stamina wear from exhaustion by half. Vampire Broods are not classified as actual Vampires, though their red eyes obviously stand out. Particularly in Regalia, no laws currently exist that discriminate against Vampire Brood, and many organizations in fact feel that Vampire Brood are just victims of ravenous Vampires. In practice though, many of the Vampire Brood experience fear and revulsion in their direction because of their eyes and what they can do, even if they have never tasted blood.
==Protection against Infection==
The most common form of protection used against Vampiric infection is a so called Faith bangle. A Faith bangle is a fairly commonly acquired item, like a clothing pin of Estel worship, a Reverend-blessed Unionist eye chain, a Shambala sun disk necklace, an Old Gods willow belt, or any other form of religious accessory that has been blessed by the varying holy men and women belonging to those religions. Why these so called Faith Bangles work is unknown, though some scholars assume that Vampire powers are repulsed by Holiness, or faith of the religions of Aloria, and as such, provide protections against infection. This bangle can be worn anywhere as long as it touches the skin of the person wearing it. When a Vampire seizes a person wearing a bangle, they can still feed from the person, but the person is guaranteed not to turn into a Vampire. A few minutes after the feeding, the bangle will start to shake and feel hot to the touch, before it simply dissolves. This dissolving marks the fact that it has worked, as the Vampiric infection is absorbed into the holy object instead, which destroys both. After the Faith bangle has destroyed an infection once, it cannot be re-used within 72 hours. While such an item can be worn within 72 hours after the first one broke, it will not protect against infection and be useless until that period is over. After the third day is over, Faith Bangle protection is restored and a person can be protected from infection. The only religions this does not apply to, is Void Worship or the Slizzar Faith.
==Curing of Vampirism==
Vampirism is not incurable, but the process is slow and extremely painful—especially for those who engage in the curing process. Vampires can only be cured through a complicated process of bloodletting and further actions which can only be performed if certain conditions are met. The first difficult act, is the capture of a Vampire. Vampires are notoriously difficult to capture, especially older ones and those who possess mutations. Eventually, such Vampires are brought to clinics which have cleansing basements: specific facilities set up with the means to cure Vampires and hold them imprisoned for the duration of such a cleansing period. A Vampire which is about to be cured is first strapped to a bed of sorts. This is usually a very sturdy table, though metal tables have also been used for particularly big and old Vampires, as they might have the strength to break wooden tables. Once strapped down, the process may begin as described below:
*'''First Day (1/2)''' The Vampire must undergo bloodletting, just enough to the point where the Vampire does not die, but enough to the point where the Vampire passes in and out of consciousness. Before this point, the Vampire will (unless knocked unconscious) violently thrash and attempt to escape. Any Vampire’s worst fear is being turned back into a non-Vampire, and they will resist with all their might to avoid it. This process is needed to purge the Vampire’s surplus blood supply and weaken them for the next steps.
*'''First Day (2/2)''', when the Vampire has largely been drained, they must be kept awake while strapped to the bed. In this stage, the Vampire will usually plead, attempt to guilt trip the healers into feeding them, crying out to their masters or other attempts to bribe or force their captors to release or feed them. This process is needed to purge the Vampire’s hunger. This step should only be time skipped if no one is available to roleplay with the Vampire strapped to the bed.
*'''Second Day (1/2)''' When the Vampire is extremely hungry, the next step is to [[cryostim]] an injection into their arm and provide a blood transfusion of Url blood. It is important that the blood is injected into the bloodstream, not consumed through the mouth. Url blood is a fairly recent invention that used to be predated by Yanar blood, which caused far more complications, but is still a viable alternative in the absence of Url Blood. If an Url is available, this should be done IC. If they are not, this process may be time skipped, though consider using Yanar blood instead. If Yanar blood is used, this process will be extremely painful and the person will develop sores on their body which will need to be healed separately by healers. If only Url blood is used, the person experiences only discomfort in their muscles, which ache with a dull feeling. It is important that the blood has been harvested the same day, or have a direct drain from an Url to a Vampire. This process can be completed in one morning, and only requires half a pint of blood, which Url have plenty of, and Yanar quickly reproduce after eating. 
*'''Second Day (2/2)''' When the Vampire has had a transfusion of Url blood and said blood is allowed to do its work for a few hours, they must have the curse be expelled with a heat sweat. This heat sweat is set on by putting a small stove with a bowl of Holy Water under the bed of the Vampire, and then igniting, causing vapor of Holy Water to flow around the bed. The Vapor is of a low enough dose that it does not hurt the Vampire permanently (though the pain still feels like torture), but causes remnant Blood Curse to expel through sweating. There is a fail rate possible here. This process usually lasts until well after dark.
*'''Third Morning''' The person must be fed with sanctified bread (bread made by any regular baker, who instead of using regular water for the dough, uses Holy Water). At this point, the person is largely no longer a Vampire, but the final feeding of regular food which is sanctified clears the internals of any remnant blood substance that was being used for sustenance, and allows for the first passage of proper food. This process is successful after 2 hours (sanctified bread passes much faster if the person is being cured of Vampirism), if the person has the urge to visit the toilet. If this is not the case, this step must be repeated once every 2 hours until they do. When the person properly passes their bowels, the curing is successful. It is important that captors make sure actual bowel clearance takes place. If it does not, the curing was only partially successful, and the Vampire may jump on one of the captors when led to the latrines, causing a complete reversion with just a single bite, forcing them to start all over again, and cure the captor also.
*'''Curing a person who has not yet fully turned''' If the person has been infected but not yet fully turned (thus only on the first, second or third day after infection) the cure for a person who has not yet fully turned into a Vampire is fairly straightforward. A tonic of crushed Yanar Youngling petals (specifically from the flower from which new Yanar are born, which can be preserved and dried and provides enough ground petal dust for 50 tonics) must be drank in the morning when the sun is up. The person will experience periodic twitches, and in some rare cases, seizures, but after 12 hours, the infection will be stopped, and the person will not turn into a Vampire.
After curing, Varlords will retain their Varlord appearance with the sole exception of their nails, which return to normal, and their eyes which also return to normal. These old Vampires will often need to be closely watched, as they have an extreme urge to be re-infected, and when re-infected, will instantly regain their old Vampirism Mutations also. Aside from these conditions, Varlord curing takes longer. Instead of the 2 day procedure and bowel passage the third morning, every step takes a full day, taking 5 days to cure a Varlord. The Mutations remain dormant in their body even when cured, and only need to be re-activated during the first feeding after reinfection to re-activate fully. The only exception here is the Skeletal Vampire. A skeletal Vampire cannot be cured and should simply be destroyed by crushing all bones and tearing them apart, and finally crushing the skull and burying it. After curing, any and all (either Vampire, Varlord, or not yet fully turned) will suffer post curing sickness, which involves lethargy, weakness and anxiety for 2 weeks. Any and all ex-Vampire, unless they had not yet turned, or were a holy devout person before being turned, will always have a nagging desire in the back of their mind to desire to turn into a Vampire again. They are however unable to turn back into a vampire for another 2 full weeks after their curing.
'''OOC Note:''' It is extremely important that none of these steps are time skipped and that all healing processes are done IC by actual healers like the Clinics that dot regalia. This provides healing businesses with roleplay, but also ensures that a curing process can be halted by for example an attack on a clinic to free the imprisoned Vampires. It also prevents god-rp surrounding time-skipped curing, and ensures characters suffer consequences for their actions.  

* Contrary to folklore, Vampires in fact do not gain sharpened canine teeth. This is only present in Varghuls and Varlords. Regular Vampires retain a more humanoid denture, while feral Vampires develop lengthened sharpened teeth unless their state is reverted.  
* It is a widespread belief among many Vampires that imitation is the ultimate form of flattery. To imitate another Vampire; be it in dress style, speech patterns, and even prey or thrall preference is to declare the imitated Vampire superior in some manner, which is often seen as a great compliment.
* Vampires are functionally long-living, but not really, because true immortality does not exist in the laws of Aloria’s universe. Instead, they extend their life by stealing life essence from the people they feed on. There is life force in blood.
* Vampiric mentality is so pervasive that some Vampires are deluded into thinking they are actually the oppressed and second-class social caste, when in reality they are the most tyrannical and oppressive kind of people one can ever meet, with no regard for the lives or safety of others.
|Writers = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Processors = HydraLana, Bagley, Eccetra
|Processors = Birdsfoot_Violet
[[category:Afflictions]] [[category:Void Afflictions]]

Revision as of 00:32, 10 April 2024

Races All except Urlan, Bralona, Sihndar.
Infection Bite, Drinking, Ritual.
Origins Void Gods
Symptoms Blood Hunger, Red eyes, Sharp Teeth.
Status Not Curable.

Millions of citizens of the Regalian Empire go to bed at night, closing their windows and doors, and snuffing out the lights one by one, hoping for a good night's sleep, and a safe return of sunlight in the morning. The very thing that gives them terrors at night and has inspired neighborhood watches, as well as whole folklores of bedtime stories and tales to scare children into behaving well, is the Vampire. The Vampire is an insidious Afflicted, a person who succumbs to the crimson curse that creeps in the night and in the shadows, feeding off the blood of the innocent, and expanding their influence and power through fear and revulsion. Vampires have become the quintessential evil to the Regalian Empire, where whole wars have been fought just to keep their ruinous intent at bay, and to safeguard civilization from crumbling from within and establishing a nightmarish reality where Vampires rule in eternal night.


Vampirism as a Blood Curse existed long before the Cataclysm, perhaps even thousands of years, however it never drew much attention as it was just one of many Void sicknesses that were around during the Allorn Empire days, called Sangaley. The situation changed however immediately after the last Void Invasion and Cataclysm, when the Void Gods realized that the days of them being able to affect the world of Aloria were numbered. With no way of a future Void Invasion seemingly occurring, and their power waning, the Void Gods conspired to mutate the Void Sickness of Sangaley and produce Vampirism as it is known today. They upgraded what was ostensibly just a sickness and hunger for blood into a full-fledged Affliction, a highly contagious one at that, which was designed to destabilize Ailor society which seemed pre-eminent to usurp the Elves as the dominant civilization of Aloria. This scheme was met with great success, as the Sanguine Curse quickly dubbed Vampirism spread like wildfire among the Velheim populations of Ellador, to such a point that the local Kingdoms started buckling under the pressure of their infestation. With the assistance of the young Regalian Empire, the local Kingdoms fought back the Vampires, known as the Vampire War or the Hidden War because Regalia's authorities have made efforts to scrub historical records out of existence, intent on hiding the existence of Vampires from the public. This plan horribly backfired, as Vampires fled away from Ellador into the wider world, infecting the unknowing Regalian populace which had no way of dealing with that which they did not know. The plot of the Void Gods however was not ironclad either: as Vampires multiplied rapidly and diversified, the Void Gods lost control over the widening population, and could no longer mind control the Coven leaders to do their bidding. In essence, the Vampires became free to do as they pleased, and started developing their own culture.

Why play a Vampire

You play a Vampire because Vampires are scheming, evil & hot, and because they bite people. When playing a Vampire, you understand that Vampires are hated in Regalia, and that many pro-state people like Knights and generally lawful citizens will either scream and run away or stand and fight if they run into a Vampire. Vampires are actively hunted by several groups (like Vampire hunting Lothar Knights), but also find natural allies in evil-aligned Void forces, like Warlock Spirit summoners and general anti-state forces. Vampirism is also a great way to have an "evil arc" and play an evil character for a while before setting out on a journey to be cleansed (which takes quite a while and is costly). All in all, playing a Vampire plays into the fantasy of Vampires and their allure, while also buying into playing the most obvious "evil" type Character in Regalia.

Vampire Types

There exist several types of Vampires, some playable, some not, which have slightly altered Vampirism mechanics and functions, as well as backstories:

  • Thrall Vampire: A Thrall Vampire is a person who has been infected with Vampirism, but where Vampirism hasn't finalized into controlling their body yet. They transition into Fledglings after a few days.
  • Fledgling Vampire: A Fledgling Vampire is the lowest type of Vampire, or a newly Infected. Fledgling Vampires cannot infect non-Vampires and sustain themselves on the blood of their victims.
  • Greater Vampire: A Greater Vampire infects every person they bite and turn them into Thrall Vampires. A Fledgling Vampire becomes a Greater Vampire if it drinks the blood of another Greater Vampire.
  • Desprince Vampire: A Desprince Vampire is an unplayable type of an Ancient Vampire that is immensely powerful. The Term Desprince can still be used in-character as Coven-Leader title however (it is non-gendered)
  • Sangeley Vampire: A Sangeley Vampire is an unplayable type of first-Vampire, among the first to become the original Vampires. Rumored to exist with immense power, but haven't been seen in centuries.

Note: It is considered humiliating for a Greater Vampire to get fed on by a Fledgling Vampire. Usually a Fledgling Vampire will have to fight to overpower a Greater Vampire to become a Greater Vampire themselves. No Greater Vampire would ever permit a Fledgling Vampire to feed from them without a fight, or be embarrassed and thought of as weak to all other Vampires. You can make your Character a Greater or Fledgling Vampire in their backstory if it concerns a new Character, if your Character is infected IC however, you cannot off-screen or backstory becoming a Greater Vampire and have to find another Greater Vampire and scheme against them to drink their blood IC. Also, every Character must belong to a Bloodline if they are a Vampire, and Bloodlines cannot be changed later.


Vampirism can be acquired in more ways than one. The simplest form of infection is to be bitten by a Greater Vampire (Thrall and Fledgling Vampires are not infectious with their bites), or to be bitten by a Desprince or Sangeley Vampire, which would instantly make their infected become a Greater Vampire (though this is extremely rare and may only occur during events). Vampiric feeding usually lasts about 5 minutes during which the victim is paralyzed, though this cannot be done mid-combat, and if the Vampire is attacked, the feeding breaks. Feeding may also be time-skipped if the victim is not comfortable roleplaying out feeding. Players are strongly requested to feed IC, but if circumstances not allowing, may resort to off-screen NPC feeding. Another method of infection, is to make a blood offering to the Void Gods, or to the Fornoss goddess Blodrúna for the Sanguine blessing. Another method, is the willful ingestion of a cup worth of Vampiric blood, of any type will work. A final method is a relic infection, which involves a person stumbling onto an ancient artifact object once held by a powerful Vampire, which may cause them to become a Greater Vampire by wielding it. Bloodline Infections always pass from the person who infected the victim to the victim, Bloodlines cannot mix. Vampirism cannot be cured in a straight forward way, or one that is accessible and can be mass-reproduced, meaning that Vampires are a considerable issue and reviled by any society that does not worship Void Gods.


Vampires appear like the stereotypical Vampiric appearance: paler skin, vampiric teeth, and red eyes (some Vampires can hide this, see Bloodlines), as well as an urge to drink blood. Other traits are completely optional, like having the Vampirism make a Vampire more lithe and slender or more bulky and muscular, giving them a prehensile tail, night vision, darkened and sunken eye sockets, pointy ears, claws, taller appearance, more bat like traits in their face, digitigrade legs, void mutations, blood stained skin, shadow hands, etc. Mental changes are usually limited to removal of conscience, however Vampirism is in general an emotion amplifier, making worse in particular all the bad emotional states and traits like vanity, greed, selfishness, and cruelty. Vampires can also have a shorter attention span, a worse temper, or generally be more violently inclined of confident and self-assured than their non-vampire self would be. Vampires can be religious, but their curse renders them unable to comprehend or see the internal conflict in them being Afflicted and religious at the same time, while most Religions would reject them. Vampires can suffer from anxiety and uncertainty, though this is rare, and usually comes paired with aggression. All Vampires are capable of transforming into what is called a Vampiric Form, which is a Disguise Transformation (and Monstrous Transformation) that makes them appear more monster-like with more creative design freedom outside of the range of limitations imposed on their Race or gender appearance. All Vampires also have the Weapon Summon Ability to draw a weapon to their hand in an instant, either made of their own blood, or magically summoned, and capable of changing weapon type. All Vampires have their God Magic forcibly converted to Void Magic for the duration of their infection.


While in theory Vampirism in incurable, there is an arduous process and method by which anyone who has Divinium can cleanse Vampires, but only those who seek curing, it can never be forced even on a restrained Vampire. Any person can call upon the power of their Gods and sacrifice Divinium to cleanse the sanguine Curse. If a Vampire approaches a person to request to be cured, and that person agrees to sacrifice Divinium, they can perform a ritual sacrificing to cleanse the soul of the Vampire, thus freeing them of the mental effects of Vampirism. After this, the Vampire remains recognizable as a Vampire, but no longer feels any of the urges, and no longer has any of the powers (besides the red eyes, if their Bloodline included them). This process lasts for either 2 Weeks or 30 Days depending on Player choice where the Vampire may not drink any blood, and if they succeed in this the 1 Divinium is spend and they are cured properly when the period is over.


Vampires are infected by Vampires who came before them, who in turn were infected by others who came before them, usually descended from a long line of important and powerful Vampires. If a Desprince infected a number of people several centuries ago who went on to infect more people, each of those people who can trace their infection back to that original Desprince is a member of that Desprince’s Bloodline. Vampires don’t need to be obedient and loyal to their Bloodlines, but often find comfort in being near Vampires of similar Bloodlines, and may even have competitive feelings towards Vampires of other Bloodlines: though this usually doesn't lead to anything more than a little snark. Historical Bloodlines are usually created when a Desprince flees from Dorkarth to the Regalian Empire and establishes a new Vampiric Court there after the Vampire War, which pushed the Vampires back so far that many Desprinces were forced to leave Ellador. In summary: Voilenigme are French high-culture Vampires, Nerocanto are Italian scheming blackmail Vampires, Vintghast are high class wine and banquet party Vampires, Torrghlas are cave and mountain brute Vampires, Bremnevel are bog-witch support Vampires, Silberfeder are dignified military Vampires, Valhersir are spiritual power obsessed Vampires, Aullavientos are beast master shapeshifter Vampires, and Dymolov are culture-free Tiefling Vampires. Each Bloodline has a unique set of Mechanics listed below the description for them alone. Additionally, all Vampires regardless of Bloodline have the following Common Mechanics:

  • Common Mechanic I: Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
  • Common Mechanic II: Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting Magic, can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
  • Common Mechanic III: Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
  • Common Mechanic IV: Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
  • Common Mechanic V: Vampires, when applying Curses via Advanced Roleplay Mechanics can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.



The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline was created when Desprince Morvanus fled to Ithania, creating a new Vampiric Court there in the Palace of Duchess Valtriante. The two became Desprince lovers, a rare instance of peace existing between two Vampiric overlords in such close proximity, without constantly attacking or scheming against one another. The Voilenigmes (sometimes also nickanemed Voiles or Voile) are upper-class Vampires who favor mingling with the aristocracy, while hiding their Vampirism and charming their victims with fashion, opulence, a silver tongue and beauty. The Voilenigme are profoundly powerful in Ithania where they have deeply infiltrated the nobility, and by extension the Regalian Nobility also as the Ithanian Vampire nobles travel to the Regalian Courts. The Voilenigme try to avoid any association with things that are poor, disgusting, freak-ish, or debauched without style or class. This is also why they are rarely in their Vampiric Form, or why their Vampiric form generally has a more statuesque beauty to it rather than looking like a monster. Voilenigmes are very comfortable not being in a Coven, but if they are, styling themselves as the "classy" ones in the Coven, and looking down on the other more base Vampires who are enslaved to their instincts. The Voilenigme are enemies of the Silberfeder Vampires, an extension of the enmity between the Wirtem and Ithanian Nobility. Any Coven with a Voilenigme Vampire should count itself blessed with a socialite able to mingle with other non-Vampire groups, due to their unique ability to perfectly hide their Vampirism and be less dependent on blood.

  • Voilenigme Mechanic I: Voilenigme Vampires can use a Guild Glamor, that allows them to participate in any Guild Meeting and fake their membership for those meetings only (should still not draw too much attention).
  • Voilenigme Mechanic II: Voilenigme Vampires are able to apply a Party Glamor onto any number of non-Vampire allies or collaborators when they use a Party Glamor themselves, following the common Rules for Party Glamor.
  • Voilenigme Mechanic III: Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.



The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shannon fled to Vultaro. While initially mingling with the locals before the Dressolini culture consolidated there, as Dressolini as a cultural identity developed, so too did the Nerocanto settle into their habits. The Nerocanto are upper-class Vampires who take on the appeal of aristocracy, but are spies and rogues at heart who love a political game of blackmail. Their cultural emphasis is on charming their victims with operettas, orchestral music, and hauntingly beautiful instrumentals. The Nerocanto are unique in that they can cure a Vampiric Infection while it is still in its fledgeling state of their own bitten victims. This affords them a great amount of power to blackmail anyone they have infected for a cure, that being also their primary method of roguish plotting. Nerocanto can hover around the peripheries of Covens, but usually act like lone wolves who assist Covens but don't want to get too close, and be at risk of being taken down because other Vampires are less cautious than they are. The Nerocanto take great pains to hide themselves and cover their plots in five layers of thinking ahead so as not to get caught, and to continue their game of control and intrigue. The Nerocanto do not have any overt animosity towards other Bloodlines, but do consider any Vampire that shows a low level of wit or insight as an insult to the blessing that is Vampirism itself. Any Coven with a Nerocanto Vampire should count itself blessed with a spy-master Vampire who is able to quickly and efficiently establish a network of blackmail victims for information and favors across the Regalian city.

  • Nerocanto Mechanic I: Nerocanto Vampires may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits, whichever is not their own Heritage, and keep this Mechanic until they are Cured.
  • Nerocanto Mechanic II: Nerocanto Vampires can infect non-Vampires as both Fledglings and Greater Vampires, but can also cure Vampirism from those they infect only before they become Fledglings, thus allowing them to blackmail their victims.
  • Nerocanto Mechanic III: Nerocanto Vampires can convert Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, curing their Vampirism, but mind controlling them by Vampire of their choosing, allowing them to sell off Thralls and Blood Cattle. (Hidden)



The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shirva fled to the borderlands between Osteiermark, Tirgunn, and Lorenthaus. While in the modern day the Darkwald Lothar mostly fight Silberfeder Vampires, the Vintgast Bloodline was the original reason why the Sarnan people turned so heavily against Vampires, and why so many of them were killed before the Lothar Order took up their cause. Vintgast Vampires are banquet masters, able to conjure the greatest of feasts, most delectable food, and above all addictive and perfect wines. They are known as vintage distillers and brewers, who favor the countryside and winery to get up to their Vampiric business in peace and away from the chaos of large urban settings. Vintgast Vampires spoil and charm their victims with large dinners and endless delectables, only to get them into a food-coma and become easy prey. Vintgast usually avoid Covens, but can make powerful allies for Covens, as well as a great party-hoster for any Vampiric community due to their ability to be social with anyone, have a deep understanding of preferences and tastes, and being able to weaponize them to enamor anyone. The Vintgast take efforts to hide their identity but aren't as capable at it as the Voilenigme, resulting in a reclusive lifestyle, content to experiment with the fine flavors and delectable aromas of rare blood types for special wines. The Vintgast are however unique in their ability to survive off very little blood for extended periods of time, and can even brew extended elixers from their wines that can satiate other Vampires, creating addiction among their own kin.

  • Vintgast Mechanic I: Vintghast Vampires can temporarily (no cost) self-cure for up to 72 Hours. After this period is complete, they are automatically re-infected, and must drink within 24 hours, or half Proficiencies until they drink.
  • Vintgast Mechanic II: Vintgast Vampires are able to mind-read the preferences of any non-Vampire by focusing on them, reading their preferred color, food, drink, favorite animal, clothing style, etc. (Hidden)
  • Vintgast Mechanic III: Vintghast Vampires are able to summon endless supplies of real food and drinks with Vampiric Magic, or brew Vampiric Tonic Wine made with Blood which sates the same as actual Blood Feeding.



The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline was created when Desprince Mannis fled to Gallovia and quickly established a strong court presence in the Talahm Gall Mountains. The Torrghlas Vampires are known as cave or mountain terrors, preferring less stylish and opulent housing and favoring brutish power and strength over plotting and scheming. Torrghlas Vampires tend to be largest broad-framed Vampires who act as shock troops to any Coven who is more than willing to take them on for their brute strength. The Torrghlas take no effort to hide themselves, and in fact favor aggressive body-modification and training to become bigger, better, and stronger, whether that is chemical, mundane and aesthetic, or magical in nature. The Torrghlas are a particular terror towards the Fornoss faithful, having mastered a transformation into a Vampiric corrupted Urlan and rampaging any would be frontline with overwhelming force. The Torrghlas consider the Nerocanto weak schemers who couldn't hold their own in a fight, and generally look down on all the high-class Vampire Bloodlines as being over-reliant on hiding their Vampirism and not having pride in being to show their power to the world. The Torrghlas make great allies and comrades to the Valhersir, both operating in overlapping environments, and favoring their vanity over secrecy. Torrghlas Vampires can be testy with Coven leadership, but generally speaking when respecting a leader for their skill and strategy, will be some of the most loyal Vampires present, favoring punching the traitors and giving no thought to joining them in their rebellion.

  • Torrghlas Mechanic I: Torrghlas Vampires can Transform into Varghul (Gorilla-Bat Hybrids) or Urlan Appearance (but with Void theming), both with Urlan Heritage Traits, losing their old Heritage Traits. Counts as a Disguise.
  • Torrghlas Mechanic II: Torrghlas Vampires if in Melee Range of a Gate or Fence or Door blocking off an entryway, are able to Gate Smash their way through, or bend the bars to let themselves and others pass.
  • Torrghlas Mechanic III: Torrghlas Vampires are able to perform superhuman feats out of Combat, able to lift huge weights, break open solid rock, or carry multiple people on their back.



The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline was created when Desprince Zardar fled to Anglia and established himself in the Anglian Morass and Hinterlands, using the swamps and peat bogs to hide from Regalia's military and Knights. As time passed, the Bremnevel Bloodline adapted to their swamp environment, and started imitating the Anglian Witches, often mistaken for them from afar. The Bremnevel lure their victims in with hauntingly beautiful siren songs, as well as the obscuring mists and vapors of the swamps until they are in so deep that they become lost and find their demise at the hands of the Bremnevels. Bremnevel Vampires are exceedingly rare because the Anglians performed a very intensive and mostly successful campaign to purge them from their homeland, forcing them deeper in hiding in the remotest regions of the swamps. In general, they also do not like producing more Vampire fledgelings, and would rather just kill their victim to avoid detection, often obscuring the cause of death as some swamp beast or drowning. The Bremnevel favor cramp and humid living conditions, the sewers make excellent environments for them, and their slow and cautious way of acting as well as their alchemical knowledge puts them in a perfect position to act as advisors or healers among the Vampires, further adding to the mockery of Anglian Witch Archon that they have become. The Bremnevel do not consider any other Bloodline their overt enemy, however their general distaste extends itself to any Vampire that is boisterous and loud. They prefer quiet and controlled settings, and become flighty if chaos erupts.

  • Bremnevel Mechanic I: Bremnevel Vampires can transform into large bat-like monsters, gaining Elytra flight including the use of rockets for movement. Combat immediately cancels flight and this cannot be used in Combat.
  • Bremnevel Mechanic II: Bremnevel Vampires gain a single Void Magic Familiar, which is styled as some kind of corrupted small Animal (bat, cat, mouse, etc), which they can see through the eyes of during Events (consult DM).
  • Bremnevel Mechanic III: Bremnevel Vampires gain +1 Main Offense Stat (breaks Cap up to 11) while they are in Gloomrot Forest, and gain out of combat Healing Powers, styled as Blood Magic or as Alchemy.



The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) Bloodline was created when Desprince Colvan fled to Calemberg on the backs of the Wirtem nobility involved with the Vampire War. Despite losing the Vampire War, the Silberfeder Bloodline found a home in the very officers that commanded their defeat. Quickly adapting to the Calemberg lifestyle, Silberfeder Vampires are obsessed with militarism, command, strategy, and control. They focus on finesse of skill, especially swordsmanship and other forms of melee combat and use fencing as a means to establish dominance among themselves. They are incredibly keen on preservation and purity of their bloodline, avoiding infecting anyone they consider unworthy or not of good aristocratic stock. This does not however mean that they can only ever be aristocrats. Far from it: many Silberfeder are in fact the soldiers and lieutenants of Covens, as one noble Silverfeder often infects their retinue to act as a personal army. Silberfeder always insist on a chain of command, clear leadership, proper tileage, and respect. This often puts them at odds with the more rules-free Bloodlines like the Bremnevel, Torrghlas, and Dymolov. Silberfeder frequently clash with Torrghlas who will favor a frontal assault, while the Silberfeder would prefer to spend time planning and strategizing to maximize the terror they inflict while minimizing their casualties. Their enemies are the Voilenigme, with the Ithanian and Wirtem courtly rivalry having rubbed off on their Vampiric equivalents, however a good Coven leader is always able to silence and steer the Silberfeder to use their martial skills in combat instead of on other Vampires.

  • Silberfeder Mechanic I: Silberfeder make death-masks of drank-from victims, which change Proficiencies and Abilities (non-Custom) to their Victim's for 24 hours when worn. Cannot be used if any Abilities are on Cooldown. Single-use per drinking.
  • Silberfeder Mechanic II: Silberfeder Vampires are able to challenge other Vampires to Duel. The winner gains +1 Attack Stat while the loser loses -1 until Server Restart. This does not Stack but can break Cap to 11.
  • Silberfeder Mechanic III: Silberfeder Vampires need only class, grace, and blood to survive. They are immune to heat and cold damage, can walk through fire, do not need to breathe oxygen, and can resist high pressure.



The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline was created when Desprince Otrygg fled to Drixagh and infected a series of Skagger holds before the Velheim even realized what hit them, as their focus was south on the Wirtem. The Valhersir are obsessed with power and themselves, immersed in Vola worship but specifically immersed in Blodrúna. It could be said that the Valhersir are the most spiritually inclined of the Vampires, but they are far from priest Vampires. In fact, the Valhersir are obsessed with power in any form that it can be expressed: physical power, power over the minds of others, power over love and lust, power over needs and wants, and power over the weak. They seek any means to dominate others by whatever means necessary, and are also described as perhaps the most vain of Vampires. They obsess over appearing like perfection in the eyes of others, equal parts terrifying and alluring, putting their skill, mind, and particularly body on display as the work of art that it is. They commonly also act as Vampiric Warlocks, contracting and dominating Spirits to do their will, while using Void Mutations to enhance their appearance. The Valhersir have a particular desire to hunt and feed off Eili worshiping Velheim, considering the act of hunter and prey a perfect analogy for the power of Rand over them. The Valhersir make excellent comrades of the Torrghlas who have aligning goals and operate in the same spaces, while looking unfavorably upon those Bloodlines that do not take care of their appearance much. Valhersis often plot and intrigue one another for who is the most powerful.

  • Valhersir Mechanic I: Valhersir can speak the language of command, making them universal translators, able to speak and understand every language, and gaining magic insight when reading ancient writing.
  • Valhersir Mechanic II: Valhersir can receive possible future and past memory visions from Vampires and non-Vampires around them, either as visions, or when touching them (discuss in Dm's what people are comfortable with). (Hidden only w/ OOC Consent)
  • Valhersir Mechanic III: Valhersis Vampires, when using out-of-combat Strength competitions that involve Dice Rolls, can add +5 to any Dice Result, and have higher adrenaline production.



The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline (sometimes also nicknamed Aula) was created when Desprince Kydaer fled to Daendroc, and mingled with the hunting lodge Cortes of the Frontierra and Basqlierra woods. The Aullavientos are the perfect hunter Vampires who are also considered beast masters, taming wolves and hounds and other beasts to do their bidding, infecting them with a form of animal Vampirism and turning them into so called Hellbeasts. The Aullavientos themselves should also not be underestimated however, able to transform themselves into sentient speaking Werebeasts to hunt as the leader of their pack. Aullavientos make excellent trackers and bounty hunters, able to operate both in Covens and as solitary hunters. Aullavientos Vampires are often thought of as the most sober and pragmatic Vampires, bereft of the usual Vampiric flair for drama and evil-ness, seeming very down to earth and normal until they catch the scent of blood. Aullavientos do not hide their Vampirism, but use the guide of being reasonable and affable to build trust with their captors and enemies so that they may be underestimated as enemies. The Aullavientos make great allies for the Vintghast, having a great appreciation for the wine productions of that Bloodline, but also because the Aullavientos consider direct feeding off a hamless victim to be vulgar, and would much prefer to consume blood through a well made vintage, or after a long savored and difficult hunt of a fleeing prey. In general, the Aullavientos are well liked by all other Bloodlines, even the ones that dislike courtly aristocratic styled Vampires, because of their gregarious nature.

  • Aullavientos Mechanic I: Aullavientos Vampires are not bound to having only a single pet, being allowed to have up to 15 domestic animals, and being able to use them as an aesthetic for Abilities.
  • Aullavientos Mechanic II: Aullavientos Vampires are able to transform into a chimera type monster at will (counts as a Disguise), keeping their old Abilities and Mechanics and being able to speak.
  • Aullavientos Mechanic III: Aullavientos Vampires can speak with any type of wild animal, including Marken who cannot speak normally, and can Collar defeated Marken to turn them into their (unwilling) soldiers until their collar is broken.



The Dymolov (pronounced: Dee-mo-lov) Bloodline was created when Desprince Ramonder fled to the Krainivaya lands in the Regalian Archipelago. Unlike many other Bloodlines however, the Dymolov Bloodline did not insert itself into the local population and become more like them culturally, but attached itself to a pre-existing folklore terror, and chose to become it in the flesh. The Dymolov adopted the Dyyavol (диявол) folklore legend of the red-skinned horned Demon that feeds on the people. They are the most alien looking Vampire Bloodline, approximating the pop-culture appearance of Tieflings, with vibrant colored skin, demonic horns, blackened sclera and colorful eyes, a demonic tail, as well as claws and skin ridges or spikes. The Dymolov are debonair, aggressive, rebellious and quirky, assuming a more wild and unthreatening demeanor to hide their viciousness. The Dymolov are very widespread, as the Krsnik Lothar in the Krainivaya lands were successful in purging them from the snowy wasteland areas, thus making them have an origin in Krainivaya folklore, but not actually being from that area anymore (bar from a few). Dymolov can as such be of any cultural persuasion, and are generally considered very flexible, with many of them favoring berserker style fighting, but equal measure favoring magic, or even a blend of the two. Of all the Vampires, Magic comes the most natural to the Dymolov, in particular the power of Void-fire and Sinistral Dark Magic. Dymolov make excellent rank and file soldiers of any Coven, and are generally well disposed towards leadership so long as it respects their freedoms and wants and needs.

  • Dymolov Mechanic I: Dymolov Vampires gain fire-based Void Magic with open aesthetics, and have great degrees of control over fire, being able to create and douse it, steer it through air, be immune to it, etc.
  • Dymolov Mechanic II: Dymolov Vampires if they are the ones taking ownership of Divinium during a Divinium Raid, gain 2 Divinium instead. Only one is transferrable, the copy Divinium can only be used by the Dymolov.
  • Dymolov Mechanic III: Dymolov Vampires can temporarily Spirit-Possess willing non-Vampires and Vampires alike, hiding in their bodies and being undetectable and unable to use Abilities but still perceiving all of their senses. (Hidden)


This section covers Miscellaneous aspects of Vampirism that enhance Vampire RP, but don't necessarily belong in any other sections.

Vampire Thralls

Vampire Thralls require a bit more explanation. As mentioned, an infectious bite from a Greater Vampire of any Bloodline (or Fledgling or Greater Vampire of the Nerocanto Bloodline) always results infection, guaranteed. Infection however takes several days to take hold (usually 72 hours) during which there is leeway to be cured. A Vampire Thrall that is giving into the curse during those 72 hours, can be forcibly cured by Lothar Knights through a painful curing process. A Vampire Thrall who is resisting the curse during those 72 hours, can reach out to Priests or anyone with the Exorcism Ability (this does not require any cost like Divinium), and request an expedited curing ritual, where the curse is ritually cleansed from their body. In both instances, the curse is halted, and they do not become Fledglings. Players are free to dictate how their character feels about Vampirism and whether their mind and soul is able to resist the corruption during these 72 hours. If you want to gamify this, you are able to do /dice Knowledge+Faith Proficiency added up together, with the lower half meaning they give in to the curse, and the upper half meaning they resist it, each day. For example, if a character has 2 Wisdom and 4 Faith, they do /dice 6, and if they roll 3 or below they give in that day, and if they roll 4 and above they resist it that day. Rolling below half on this dice roll 3 days in a row basically means the Character becomes a Fledgling Vampire, and becomes incurable. Keep in mind that Vampire Curing is extremely rare because there is a finite amount of Divinium available, so think ahead about decisions concerning your Character.

Bound Thralls

Bound Thralls are made by Nerocanto Vampires on those they have fed either as Fledgling or Greater Vampire. This process does however require OOC consent from the Vampire Thrall, as mind control is an opt-in aspect of Roleplay on MassiveCraft. Nerocanto Vampires can convert their own Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, which immediately cures them of their Vampirism, but makes them mind controlled by them. They can then hand off this Bound Thrall to a different Vampire, and bind the Thrall to them, thus transferring mind control to the new master. Again, this transferral must be agreed upon OOC, and all parties should consent to comfort, limitations and expectations of what it means to be a Bound Thrall, and what kind of Roleplay to expect. If a player wants to back out of being a Thrall, they must be allowed to do so immediately. Bound Thralls will never act in ways that is self-harming, but can willingly offer up their blood, and are immune to infection for as long as they are Bound Thralls. There is no way to tell if someone is a Bound Thrall by looking at them, other than studying their behavior. Bound Thralls can be cured through a cleansing ritual, which can be performed by any: Priest, Archon, Religious Chapter Knight, Lothar Knight, or Divine Entity, but will always resist capture.

Vampire Charm

Vampire Charm works like a form of Persuasion Light, which neither requires OOC consent, nor does it have wide-ranging usability. Vampire Charm can only be used to do simple things like saying "I think you should leave this room", which is a guaranteed success so long as a Character has no strict reason to stay in that room (for example if they are chaperoning someone, or having a conversation with someone). This can also be used on groups by for example saying "I think you should finish your game elsewhere", causing them all to continue their game in another room unless the group has a specific reason to be there (like the pool table is specifically in this room). Vampire Charm cannot be used in Combat, and cannot be used to mimic the function of Mind Control. It can purely be used to isolate intended feeding targets, or create a better position from which a Vampire could strike. The requests must always come across as reasonable and easily doable like "can you please go the bar and pick up some cutlery for me", or "can you please inspect the wheels of my carriage for any damage", not "please jump off the bridge" or "walk into the fire for me".

Vampire Brood

Vampires sire offspring called Vampire-Broods. Vampire Broods are affected by the Sanguine Curse, but are not Vampires themselves. They can be born from either both parents being Vampires, or only one of them. Broods can be born with no telltale Vampire signs, or with red eyes and fangs alone. They can be born with heterochromia also, with one normal eye, and one vampiric eye. Vampire broods always have a strong connection to Void Magic but aren't Occult by default unless they invest in Magic. Vampire Brood counts as Vampires when it concerns being able to see through Court Glamor of other Vampire Bloodlines, but even if they are aware of these hidden Vampires, they are still magically compelled not to reveal their identity to anyone but a fellow Vampire or Brood. Additionally, Vampire Brood are rather unique in that if they become infected with Vampirism, they are never affected by the mental changes of Vampirism and are able to retain their conscience and normal personality. Furthermore, curing the Vampirism through Purging applied by Divinium is considerably faster, costing only a single Divinium to cleanse Mind, Body, and Soul all at once, and having no further waiting period. Vampire Broods see considerably less public scrutiny from law-abiding citizens of Regalia, though may still occasionally be attacked on sight by people who do not know they are Broods. It is possible for non-Vampires to test whether a Vampire Brood is actually a Brood or an infected Vampire. Vampire Brood blood, when exposed to sunlight, will sizzle and may even spark with a low flame, which infected Vampire blood does not. A simple cut on a finger and bloodletting is an easy way to prove a Vampire Brood's identity.


  • It is a widespread belief among many Vampires that imitation is the ultimate form of flattery. To imitate another Vampire; be it in dress style, speech patterns, and even prey or thrall preference is to declare the imitated Vampire superior in some manner, which is often seen as a great compliment.
  • Vampires are functionally long-living, but not really, because true immortality does not exist in the laws of Aloria’s universe. Instead, they extend their life by stealing life essence from the people they feed on. There is life force in blood.
  • Vampiric mentality is so pervasive that some Vampires are deluded into thinking they are actually the oppressed and second-class social caste, when in reality they are the most tyrannical and oppressive kind of people one can ever meet, with no regard for the lives or safety of others.

Writers MonMarty
Processors Birdsfoot_Violet
Last Editor Birdsfoot violet on 04/10/2024.

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