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Revision as of 14:18, 1 August 2024 by MonMarty (talk | contribs)

Societies are social groups that have no strong membership or hierarchy standard, and are merely loose affiliations of Characters that vaguely commit to communicate and cooperate towards a common goal. Societies exist in the frame of the Regalian Empire, and are registered as public groups, but their activities may sometimes border on the illegal. Out of the Knights, Guilds, and Societies, the latter is considered the least committed manner of social connection. Societies unlike Guilds do not provide perks or benefits to their members, and unlike Knights are not held to a standard or code of conduct. If you would like a more involved form of non-combat social grouping, consider reading the Guilds Page. If you would like a rule-heavy combat oriented social grouping, consider reading the Knights Page.

Becoming a Society Member

Society membership is in essence open to everyone, and one cannot be truly expelled from a society, though it's members may choose to ignore or not interact with those who act obviously against the interests of the society. Societies are formed around a common shared interest or principle, and as such create an easy open door policy to anyone interested in joining. The only real purpose of Societies is to bring Characters with mutual interests together, nothing else. It is up to the players to internally organize, and share information, to encourage mutual roleplay opportunities. A Character can be a member of any number of Societies (though we strongly recommend sticking to only one), and Society membership does not conflict with Guild or Knighthood. Knights and Guild members may be members of Societies, though keep in mind that sometimes, the express mission statement of a Society may cause some issues with the Code of Conduct of a particular order. For example, the Society focused on unrestrained research through Magic and Demons, may have trouble with Lothar/Aelrrigan Knights who fight Demons and Magic, and as such, it may look very strange for one of their members to be part of such a society, unless they are intentionally breaking their Knight's Code. In some cases, such group conflict may result in expulsion from the Knight's Order.


All Societies exist within the frame of the Regalian Empire, and are publicly known, but their membership lists are not. Some societies operate in secret, and some engage in activities that are considered barely legal, or outright illegal, but because Societies are less centralized than Guilds, the groups usually don't get shut down by the authorities (simply because there is no structure to shut down). Societies do not have ranks or leaders, do not provide perks, and have no real obligation other than to communicate with one's fellow Society members.

  • The Goldhouse Society The Goldhouse Society is a group of individuals invested in living in beautiful homes. This primarily expresses itself as a social group that discusses and shares the latest trends and fashions of interior design, but can also extend itself to what the people living inside the house wear, and how they welcome their guests. Membership of the Goldhouse Society is recommended for those who care about interior decor building, and create fashion for Minecraft skins. The Goldhouse Society has an official headquarters on the isle of Irvelle, part of the larger Basta region, but moves around a lot to inspect and feel inspired by the interior of noble estates and public buildings. They also host open beauty fairs.
  • The Magereaver Society The Magereaver Society was a failed Aelrrigan Chapter in Eidda, the Regalian Archipelago, which was cut off by the Aelrrigan Order for violating its moral guidelines. Magereavers believe that Magic should be regulated and controlled to prevent chaos, but unlike the disciplined and lawful approach of the Aelrrigans, the Magereavers actively steal the Magic from their targets to empower themselves. They are in essence a Mage dominance Society that the Aelrrigans consider terrorists. The Magereaver Society has a headquarters on the isle of Eidda, and is influenced by Fornoss beliefs in the God Thirun. The stealing of Magic power is not illegal in Regalia, because Magic has no legal status.
  • The Meritor Society The Meritor Society is a group of mostly commoner intellectuals, scholars, military leaders, and bureaucrats, who believe in technocratic government, and the expertise of the educated and trained. The undercurrent of their society is that they loathe the general incompetence of the birthright nobility who claim numbers of government positions and run the Regalian Empire into the ground with personal politics. The Meritor Society aims to have important government and military positions filled with people who have competency, skill, and merit, and to counteract the appointment of indolent self-pleasers. They have an official headquarters in Calemberg called the Bronze House, and are widely seen in state bureaucracy.
  • The Festlight Society The Festlight Society is a group of individuals invested in creating and catering the most peak party experience possible. This includes people who host events, venue providers and decorators for events, but also actors, caterers and any and all occupation that could be related to making a party more enjoyable. Event hosting for parties can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially for people who try to manage 30-40 visitors all at once. The Festlight Society exists on a meta-level to encourage people who want to help each other host fun party events to have a clear line of communication to each other, to know who to appeal to for help when they are planning an event to make it a dashing success.
  • The Wardway Society The Wardway Society is a largely mysterious and underground society of those invested in protecting Mages from prosecution and violence by the state or its representatives. The Society is surprisingly mostly filled with faithless Lothar, or ex-Lothar Knights who have turned on their previous Order and are now actively working to save Mages from violence or capture by the Anti-Mages and Purists. In a way, the Wardway Society is an underground railway that provides safe houses, and connections to protect and take care of those in need. Needless to say, the Wardway Society is actively hunted by the Lothar Order, and as such its members try to remain secretive IC so they can continue to infiltrate.
  • The Silverworth Society The Silverworth Society can best be described as somewhere in between a decency league, and a mercenary guild. The primary sentiment shared between its members, is that society in Regalia is too much of everything, too rude, too antisocial, too crude, too violent, and too indecent. The Silverworth Society aims to punish those who offend the good moral sensibilities of the Emperor, but in a way, should be considered vigilantes at best, because sometimes their work is less out of the honor of someone who was offended by crude words, and more from a desire to make money off that misery. Silverworth members pride themselves in their dignity and class, and fight those who make Regalia a vulgar and violent place.
  • The Ascendant Society The Ascendant Society can best be described as a Society aimed at transcending biological limitations of the body. This expresses itself in many different ways, from Genetic manipulation, bio-research, drug-based enhancement, and more. The society aims to research and apply all manner of biological upgrades to themselves or their people as a whole, and thus become faster, stronger, smarter, and generally more capable. Magic is strictly not wanted in the Ascendant Society, their focus is entirely on biological and genetic capacity, and Magic is considered a cheap hack. However, Magic that affects biological processes can sometimes be made an exception for (for example, Dragon Magic based Creation Particles).
  • The Godseye Society The Godseye Society is a Society that seeks to connect all Arkenborn, and acknowledge their biological, mental, and arcane superiority to the normal mundane population. It is a society of Arkenborn superiority who believe that Arkenborn are simply better than the normal population, but do so under the guise of patriotism. This means that they see Arkenborn as a potential gift to the Regalian Empire, and that Arkenborn have great abilities that should be used to help the Regalian Empire proper instead of shunned and hunted. This Society is strongly influenced by the pro-Arkenborn rule of the Iron Duke in Vultaro, and his Arkenborn royal guard and state bureaucrats that show their boundless capabilities.
  • The Blacksigil Society The Blacksigil Society is a Society that united under the common belief that science as a whole must venture into the realm of magic and particularly Spirits in order to make meaningful progress. This can include, but is not limited to: experimenting on bound Spirits, using Magic in research, tinkering with Arcane Artifacts, and more. The Blacksigil Society very specifically aims itself to break open the moral and legal boundaries of research by lobbying for exemptions, but much of their work is still illegal in Regalia, and as a result, they have to hide their experimentation in safehouse and away from the prying eyes of the Aelrrigan and Lothar Knight Orders who would surely destroy their work.
  • The Interfaction Society The Interfaction Society is a Society aimed at creating inter-faction dialogue between Knights, Guilds, Societies, and just regular groups of people without strong affiliations. This is a mostly meta-level group of people, who should do some homework and research to know what plotlines most people are up to, and to be able to act as a social connection between them. People who want to do specific things or new players are also encouraged to interact with Interfaction Society members, to ask things like "hey I want to do X in Roleplay", and have the Society member set them up with the appropriate group so they can get involved, skipping the difficult interfacing period with strangers.