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Abilities: Difference between revisions

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*'''Displacement / Displaced:''' A mechanic that describes when anyone is forcibly moved from where they are currently standing, or if they are physically displaced, such as knock backs, knock downs, knock overs, pushes, etc.
*'''Displacement / Displaced:''' A mechanic that describes when anyone is forcibly moved from where they are currently standing, or if they are physically displaced, such as knock backs, knock downs, knock overs, pushes, etc.
*'''Rooted:''' A mechanic that prevents a character from walking, running, or generally moving, keeping them glued to the spot. This does not interfere with their Ability to fight, or protect themselves, it just stops them from running away.
*'''Rooted:''' A mechanic that prevents a character from walking, running, or generally moving, keeping them glued to the spot. This does not interfere with their Ability to fight, or protect themselves, it just stops them from running away.
*'''Dazed:''' A dazed character can still move and fight normally, they are just incapable of casting and utilizing active Abilities or Mundane Techniques for the duration of the Daze.

==Detection Mechanics==
==Detection Mechanics==

Revision as of 22:27, 31 May 2022

The Abilities page is a useful resource page that standardizes all abilities, counters and mechanics, for ease of reference. Terms from this page are frequently used for pieces of Lore that grant Abilities. Keep in mind that the information on this page is only a base-level categorization and structure. This means that while we have set forward some basic rules that most if not all Abilities obey by, in some cases, minor differences may occur. As such, please be sure to always read the Lore page thoroughly and not just go off the information on this page. It purely explains the mechanical underpinning of the terminology, not the actual usage and rules of the Abilities, which may still differ on the Lore page.

The following information is subject to change as more updates are released.

  • Currently, the Ability system is halfway between an update. What this means is that some Abilities on some pages will be formatted differently than others. Always refer to the directions on the page itself to understand how the Abilities function. If it is still unclear, please make a Ticket on the RP Community Discord to request clarification.

Ability Categories

Type Description Counterable? Detectable? State
Constant Passive An Ability that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user. Yes Yes Permanent
Toggle Passive An Ability that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on. Yes Yes Usable
Trigger Passive An Ability that only activates when certain conditions are met, but will remain active while the conditions are still applicable. Yes Yes Triggered
Full Shift An Ability that majorly transforms the body in some way. An individual cannot have more than one Full Shift active at the same time. Yes Yes Usable
Body Alter An Ability that alters the body in some specific fashion, and can usually be turned on and off. Yes Yes Usable
Control Power An Ability that forces some manner of control over the actions or intentions or thoughts of its target. Yes Yes Usable
Region Enchant An Ability modifier that puts an effect on a Region in-game, such as Rental Houses, Clandestine Bases, etc. The same Region Enchant Ability can only affect the same region once at any given time. Yes Yes Usable
Primal Power An Ability rooted in Primal Essence, meaning it is native to Aloria. Yes Yes Usable
Ordial Power An Ability rooted in Ordial Essence, meaning it is native to Aloria's mirror dimension. Yes Yes Usable
Mundane Technique Techniques are not abilities for the classification of occult or otherwise. Mundane Techniques are not countered by anything that mentions it counters an Ability, and are treated as regular attacks. No No Usable
Summon Power An Ability that summons or creates something out of nothing, such as weapons or armor. Yes Yes Usable
Buff Power An Ability that enhances the user or target with some benefit. Yes Yes Usable
Instant Power An Ability that immediately imparts some effect, or counters some effect. No Yes Usable
Memory Power An Ability that alters, removes, or interacts with a person's memories. Yes Yes Usable
Skill Power An Ability that confers bonus Proficiencies, or alters, enhances, or reduces current Proficiencies. Yes Yes Usabe
Detection Power An Ability that detects the presence or activation of other Abilities, Afflictions, or abnormalities. Yes Yes Usable
Escape Power An Ability that allows the user to escape from a situation or specific circumstance. Yes Yes Usable
Healing Power An Ability that heals the user, or others. Yes Yes Usable
Dimension Power An Ability that creates, or alters, a pocket Dimension for the user to access and enter/exit. Yes Yes Usable
Morph Power An Ability that temporarily or permanently alters a certain part of the User's body, granting them extra capabilities with it. Yes Yes Usable
Vehicle Power An Ability that only activates when the user is inside of something. Yes Yes Triggered
Movement Power An Ability that alters the user's movement in some way, or acts as a specific form of movement itself. Yes Yes Usable
Info Power An Ability that communicates information over long, or short, distances. Yes Yes Usable
Restraint Power An Ability that restrains or restricts the target (or user) from doing some action or movement. Yes Yes Usable

General Ability Rules

This comprises a set of general rules that may not be included on specific pages. It is safe to assume that unless the page specifically and explicitly contradicts the following, these rules always apply, even when unwritten.

  • If an Ability or Special offers a +1 to a specific Proficiency Stat, this never confers an additional Point-Buy Pack, and is only a flat Stat Boost. This Stat Boost is relevant for other Abilities that might require a stat threshold, or in the case of fair-use Stat comparison between players.
  • If an Ability or Special offers a boost to something, and that "something" being boosted has a maximum cap (ex, +1 to the Charisma Stat, which is capped at 7), this boost never exceeds the "cap," unless it specifically mentions it can exceed it.
  • Custom Kit Documents may conflict with this page regarding the rules of Spells and Abilities. If such a situation occurs, the Document will always take precedence, because of the difficulty of properly categorizing custom Spells and Abilities.
  • Ability Created Armor is when an Ability allows the user to magically summon, wear, or use armor. It functions the same as normal armor, including the idea that it never makes the user invincible, just delays how long it takes to bring them down.
  • Afflictions usually lock out the usage of Magic, Mystic, or Mythic Point Buy due to their internal nature. While each Affliction has its own internal rules, the following rule will almost always apply: If an Affliction says it disables the usage of Magic Point Buy, invested points will be refunded, and Magic Point Buy gained from Racial Abilities or Specials are automatically disabled, unless it matches the Planar alignment of the Affliction.
  • In any and all cases, we require specific Proficiency mechanisms for a character to be considered appropriately "Disguised." If a character does not have one of these mechanics, it is always possible for others to identify them based on mannerisms, voice, clothes, etc. Disguise mechanics cannot be combined.

Rules for Artifacts

  • Artifact Abilities do not follow the category rules set out on this page. Each Artifact has its own rules and all these rules are clarified on all Artifact pages.
  • Your character must always wear your artifact on them, unless there are extenuating circumstances which resulted in your character's artifact being taken from them against their will and disposed of somewhere, after which they enter the rotation for re-distribution. The only exception to this is situations in which your character would be executed for carrying the Artifact (Such as in the Imperial Palace.)

Aberrancy Types

"Aberrant" or "Aberrancy" is the catch-all term for individuals who have unusual powers and are infected, influenced, or made of some unusual essences. It is safe to assume in all cases, that an "Aberrant" is someone with extra powers (excluding their Racial Abilities) that a normal person would not have. Aberrancy Types are distinguished by the following:

  • Void Aberrant: Any individual who draws on, or is affected by, the plane called the Void. This includes (but is not limited to): Void Mages, Void Silven, Void Sorcerers, Vampires, Crimson Witches, Manathar, etc.
  • Exist Aberrant: Any individual who draws on, or is affected by, the plane called the Exist. This includes (but is not limited to): Exist Mages, Exist Silven, Exist Sorcerers, Cahal, etc.
  • Ordial Aberrant: Any individual who draws on, or is affected by, the plane called Bintaar. This includes (but is not limited to): Ordial Mages, Undead, Morvali, etc.
  • Primal Aberrant: Any individual who draws on, or is affected by, powers from the plane of Aloria (Binral). This includes (but is not limited to): Certain Ezekiel, Certain Cratos, Sihndar, etc.
  • Dragon Aberrant: Any individual who draws on, or is affected by, powers from the Dragons. They are also Primal Aberrants. This includes (but is not limited to): Primal Mages, Dragon Wardens, Archbloods, etc.
  • In some cases there may be additional effects besides what is listed. To be sure, always read the Lore source material instead of going off this table to explain the absolute effects. This is only here to allow different types of Aberrants to be classified with a quick overview on the effects of various substances.
  • Some Custom Kits may be classified as Aberrants but not listed on the table due to their niche nature. Please contact Lore Staff for specific clarifications.
  • Some Abilities may reference "Afflictions," this includes: Vampires, Cahal, Manathar, Morvali, Undead, Silven, Archbloods, Primal Lineages, and Dragon Wardens. Details on many of these can be found on the Afflictions Page. This includes certain Custom Kits, such as: Possessions and Arken Pacts. If you are uncertain about something not listed here, please make a ticket on the RP Community Discord.

Counter Mechanics

Countering (or deflecting, or nullifying, or purifying) an Ability is a term used for when one Character is able to prevent another Character's Ability from trigger, being used, or imparting an effect. Additionally, some counters have special rules attached to them, and only apply in certain scenarios. Counter Mechanics are usually well defined in the descriptions of the Abilities on the Lore Page, generally speaking each ability (if it has any counters) will have the counters listed. Alternatively, if an Ability's entire function is to counter other Abilities, it will list what types of Abilities are Countered.

Because of the variation between all types of abilities, it is difficult to (without a large amount of wiki bloat via the same "if countered, does x" on each and every ability) specifically mention how countering works for each type of ability. For some abilities with long cooldown timers, a counter might have a great effect, but might have less effect on an ability with a low cooldown. It is with all of this in mind that the following rule exists for Counter Abilities: In any and all cases when a Counter Mechanic is used, the character whose ability was countered is expected to not immediately try to re-use or re-cast the ability with no detriment, and should give the character who countered the ability a chance to react before using it again.

Explanation of Unique Counter Terms.

  • Stagger / Staggered: A counter mechanic that interrupts all ongoing Channel Abilities and casting or utilization of other Abilities or Mundane Techniques, as well as ongoing Mundane attacks and/or charges, but does not put any Abilities/Techniques on Cooldown.
  • Displacement / Displaced: A mechanic that describes when anyone is forcibly moved from where they are currently standing, or if they are physically displaced, such as knock backs, knock downs, knock overs, pushes, etc.
  • Rooted: A mechanic that prevents a character from walking, running, or generally moving, keeping them glued to the spot. This does not interfere with their Ability to fight, or protect themselves, it just stops them from running away.
  • Dazed: A dazed character can still move and fight normally, they are just incapable of casting and utilizing active Abilities or Mundane Techniques for the duration of the Daze.

Detection Mechanics

Detection Mechanics exist to allow certain Characters to detect when an Ability is being used, or when they are being affected by an Ability, or just detect things in general. These types of Abilities will specifically mention "Detect" or "Detection" in their description. This is not a classification of identification, just because a Character may know they are being affected by some form of Ability, or that some form of Ability is being used, does not mean they know what this Ability does or how it works. Additionally, having frequently seen an Ability being used does not constitute as absolute knowledge of that Ability. This is considered false-positive Meta-gaming. In reality of lore, Abilities are varied and unpredictable. No matter how many times a person has seen a Vampire use a specific Ability, they should always treat it as if they don't exactly know what is going to happen. The fact that Abilities are attached to rules is not reflective of the lore or canon universe, only of "gameplay rules" to ensure fairness between players.

Extra Notes

  • If a Character, or Ability has a "Detection Immunity", this Immunity will always override any Detection Mechanisms.

Ability Timing

The following information is subject to change as more updates are released. We are currently attempting to update all Abilities to follow Strict IC to OOC time, which means when an Ability says "five minutes" or "one hour" it is exactly that time in Real Life, however this does not yet apply to all Abilities, so the below justification should be used unless otherwise stated. It is safe to assume the most Modern Abilities use IC = OOC time.

Due to the varied nature of both Abilities and the time of Roleplay, in addition to the difference between players speed of emoting, we do not maintain an official "timing" principle across all Abilities. In the most recent iteration of Abilities (Specials & Abilities), we maintain a strict OOC cooldown timer, however older abilities function under a more malleable principle. For those Abilties, we believe players should be able to respectfully come to an agreement within the context of the Roleplay Scene as to what a respectable OOC to IC time table should be. In the case that players cannot come to an agreement, Moderators may be called in via a Ticket to manage the situation.