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==Summary of Racial Abilities==
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All Abilities are listed in detail on the [[Ability List]] Page. Additional rules applied to those Abilities are recorded in the table below. Aesthetics for Abilities may be dictated by the players, as long as the Ability Name is mentioned in the Emote, which is mandatory for Ability use. The following Abilities are what is considered a Racial Ability Set. Meaning, that none of these Abilities attribute Aberrant status to any individual, even if they are classified like they would. Only additional Abilities gained from outside of this Racial Ability Set can attribute Aberrant Status. Of the list below, regardless of what [[Cultures]] a Character belongs to, one Ailor Lineage must be chosen. It is not possible to mix Lineages.
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! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#e6eaff; width: 21%;" | Body Morph 1
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Exitciuv.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Kithemon and Amandaros are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, protecting the faithful from mind incursions, and helping with childbirth.'''
| Toggle Passive
* Kithemon (left) is the Evintarian God of Mind Protection.
| Self
* Amandaros (right) is the Evintarian God of Progeny, and was once a Void Spirit Sovereign serving under the Evolist God Armas, and known to sire Godborn.
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Morph 1 | The Character can activate internal body processes to rapidly grow or reduce muscle-mass over the span of several seconds. This allows the Character to change their Body Shape at will, while also granting access to the “Musclegod” Body Shape, a Body Shape that can only be used through this Ability and is not innately available in the Proficiency System. Musclegod is classified as above Strongman, but with such muscle-size that is so large, one would think the person has trouble moving around in an efficient manner. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.
* The Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Kithemon and Amandaros.
* Kithemon and Amandaros are the patrons of protections against the dark arts, and of parents.
* Kithemon was recognized as a God due to his ability to detect hostile possessions in individuals, performing exorcisms to draw out these entities. Amandaros is recognized as a God due to their ability to aid couples in producing children.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Spirit" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.
The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.
The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.
Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.
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| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" | Super Self 1
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Yvasi and Eredicos and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, helping believers become their true self and to embody ancestors.'''
| Mythic Shift
* Yvasi (left) is the Evintarian God of Self-Love, and is an Ordial entity possessing a mortal host.
| Self
* Eredicos (right) is the Evintarian God of Elder Wisdom, serving as Prince Frederick Kade while possessed by the Primal Revenant of Arch-Chancellor Betheoric I Kade.
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 1 | Upon being physically harmed by any Mundane Attack or Ability, or upon hitting another person with any of these, the Character triggers a battle-state. When battle-state is activated, anyone within 2 blocks of the person is knocked over, while the person’s appearance may change with a wide variety of non-identity altering aesthetics including but not limited to: steaming skin, flaming eyes, electrified hair, increased vascularity, darkening of the eyes and sockets, shredding skin, colored glow, and other visuals of rage and battle. While Super Self is active, the Character gains +5 Physical Stat.
* The House of the PAtrilineal Divinity if Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Yvasi and Eredicos.
* Yvasi and Eredicos are the patrons of those struggling with anxiety/depression, and children of heritage.
* Yvasi was recognized as a God when she used her divinity to help the faithful realize their true selves, whereas Eredicos was recognized as a God after his Symbiosis into an Urlan, after which he became possessed by Betheoric who aided him in leadership.
| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" | Super Self 3
| Mythic Shift
| colspan="2" |
| Self
<span class="mw-customtoggle-Pride" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 3 | The user can use Super Self 3 to instantly filter (or prevent themselves from breathing/ingesting) and nullify any Gas, Toxin, or ingested Alchemical Substance, making them immune to it. This Ability only affects Ability-Created Gases that have a tangible visual effect. This process is automatic, meaning they cannot pick and choose, except in the case of drinking Alcohol.
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Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.
The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.
The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.
Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.
==Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders==
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Leadergodsas.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Leader" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel.
They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.
The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.
The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.
In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.

==Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants==
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! Ability Name
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! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#e6eaff; width: 21%;" | Omniaware 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Omniaware 1  | The user cannot be taken by surprise from behind, below, the sides, above or from far away. If any (Mundane) attack or harming Ability is used on them, a sixth sense will trigger making them aware of an attack that would otherwise take them by surprise. This does not grant additional dodging or avoiding mechanisms or guarantees, so standard Combat Roleplay Logic must still apply to dictate whether or not the user would be able to fairly block or avoid an incoming attack. This Ability purely gives the knowledge of such an incoming attack.
| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" |  Flux Shift 1
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Flux Shift 1 | This Ability allows the user to seamlessly mimic the features of any Race, changing their own appearance to exactly match any Race, or even combine various visual aspects of races in a combination. This Ability cannot be used to create a copy of another person visually, they will always look off or distinguishably different from the original. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" | Super Self 5
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 5  | The Character is immune to any Ranged Combat Proficiency Mundane Techniques, with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment. The aesthetics for how these projectiles miss is up to the player, but it is recommended to simply pass through them as if they were a shadow.
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Snakegods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Tyrant" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.
The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.
The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.
In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.

==Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators==
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! Ability Name
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! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#e6eaff; width: 21%;" | Battle Sense I
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
| Control Power
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
| Emote Distance
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Battle Sense I | The user may activate this Control Power on anyone in range, attaching to them like a Mobile Channel. While it is maintained, the user may choose one of the target’s Melee Combat Proficiencies and increase it by +5 Proficiency Points that may break the Cap for Proficiency. The user may only move at walking speed, must have the target within viewing distance, and the user may also not be attacked themselves. Knocking over or otherwise removing the focus from the user on the target cancels the effect. Additionally, the user gains the Constant Passive Omniaware I while this Ability remains active. While Battle Sense I is active, the user may not use other Abilities.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" | Spirit Familiar I
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| colspan="2" |
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar I | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon) species. This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. Once chosen, the user may choose to manifest and remove smaller visual and aesthetic changes to their body from the animal chosen, but never so thoroughly that it mimics a Werebeast, Allar, or Asha. Secondly, they may summon a magical looking familiar of the animal chosen that may never be larger than a domestic cat regardless of original size of the animal, but may also be smaller depending on the preference of the user. This familiar can carry a single object on them, but may never enter combat, and is disabled for 1 hour if hit by any Ability or Attack. If a Magical aesthetic is not desired, a Mundane creature can also appear to the Character in their childhood and stay with them, with this Ability applying to them, with all other rules. The Mundane creature gains a lifespan as long as the user.
<span class="mw-customtoggle-Doomslayer" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.
The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.
The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

| style="background-color:#e6eaff;" | Honed Skill III
Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Honed Skill III | If the Character has at least 1 Pack from Schooling either Admiral Pack or Command Pack in the Point-Buy Proficiency Section, 3 points are refunded to the Character to be re-used in any other Proficiency Category as Skill Points. This refund can only trigger for one pack, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the Point refund is undone.

===Occult Power Legislation and Usage===
==Belialus & Sablael, the Devils==
#Occult or Aberrant Powers are defined as the usage of those powers found within Sorcerers, Mages, Sanguine, Werebeasts, Silven, Dragon-blessed or the Undead. While this article does not define the legality of simply existing as one of said things, it defines the legality of using what unnatural abilities are granted upon those falling under said definition.
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#It is illegal to use Occult or Aberrant Powers. There are a series of exceptions to this:
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#*It is legal while within the confines of one’s own home and only if said powers are not being used to harm any Citizen of Second Rank and above or in an act of self-defense. This does not apply to shops, and requires the explicit permission of the homeowner before use.
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#*It is legal while serving as a member of the Violet Order and only while in the act of defense or attempted arrest, though one must first submit a Common Occult Registry Form (found later in this article) to the Occult Ministry and have it approved.
#*It is legal while one is a registered and approved holder of one of the following ranks recognized by the Occult Ministry and the usage of said powers falls within the confines of the specific terms of their registry. These terms are malleable and may be altered with written consent when one of said persons is commissioned by the Ministry for an approved operation. The registered ranks are:
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
#** Court Mage
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
#** White Mage
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
#** White Sorcerer
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
#** White Drake
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
#** White Silven
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
#*These ranks do not allow one to use said Powers if the owner of a home, shop or estate they are within verbally bars them from using their Powers, unless the person has explicit permission by virtue of working for or with the Violet Order or on official Ministry or Imperial business by commission.
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
#A Noble Family may have a single Court Mage within their employ, unless granted specific written permission from the Occult Minister. A Court Mage must already be a registered White Mage, White Sorcerer or White Silven, and the Noble Family must gain the Minister’s verbal or written approval before employing them. Upon employment, the Noble Family is required to provide their Court Mage with the following:
#*Comfortable room and board within their estate, no smaller than a servant’s quarters.
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#*A monthly stipend of no less than 1,000 Regals for the Court Mage to use as they will.
<span class="mw-customtoggle-Demon" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
#*A place at their dining table along with three meals a day.
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#*Offered accompaniment to any events where Court Honneurs do not preclude the Court Mage from attending due to any factors of their person.
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#:If the Ministry finds that a Noble Family who employs a Court Mage does not meet these standards, they will rescind the Family’s right to employment of a Court Mage until they are reinstated at the Minister’s discretion. A Family’s Court Mage’s conduct will reflect upon their employing family in all potential positive and negative ways, especially so if a Family’s Court Mage successfully undertakes commissions at the Ministry or Empire’s behest. Additionally, a Family may choose to have their Court Mage represent themselves and engage in a Mage Duel with another Family’s Court Mage. Said Duels can be arranged through the Occult Minister, who will oversee and organize them.
#The Common Occult Registry Form can be filled out by requesting a form from the Greygate front office or via contacting the Occult Ministry. The person must include their name, nature of affliction or source of Powers, and position within the Violet Order for verification before submitting it to the Occult Ministry. If approved, it will be returned with the Ministry’s seal and the approved user may use their Powers as outlined in the 2nd exception of point iii. of this Article.
Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.
#Registration for any ‘White’ ranks is done by meeting with the Occult Minister by appointment or public hearing, and then undergoing a personal interview that may or may not involve demonstration of the interviewee’s Occult or Aberrant powers. For the duration of the interview, all Occult or Aberrant powers are legal by the Occult Minister or Scribe’s official verbal consent. If said person is approved, they will be marked in the registry by name, nature of affliction or source of powers, and the terms of their approved registry. This will vary for each and every registered person, but may explicitly prevent the use of some kinds of Powers while granting approval for the use of others. They will also be provided with a minted license for their own personal safekeeping. If said license is ever lost, a five hundred Regal fine will be incurred upon them for the replacement license.

==Knight Order Leaders==
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The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.
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! style="background-color:#C9D8CC; width:170px;" | Name
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#C9D8CC;" | Description
| style="text-align:center; width:15%; background-color:#efefef;" |
'''Primae Domenico Lampero'''
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Domenico Lampero is the current Primae of the Viridian Order, a position he has held since the death of the former Primae, Jean-Baptiste Tuillerons, to Deathling forces during the Lo Occupation. Domenico is not only the first Dressolini Primae, but the first Primae to have never been an Elder prior to his elevation. As the entire Elder Council was executed by Freya Lo following the capture of the former Viridian Castle, Domenico was chosen by Emperor Alexander I for being the only Viridian Knight to speak of the failure of the Order at the Diet of Axford following the Crisis. Though Alexander was the one to appoint Domenico to his position as Primae, it would be his brother Cedromar I that worked with the Primae to reform the Viridian Order into its current iteration, most notably implementing the Code of Ehrenhof and retiring the Code of Charlemois, which was determined to lack the guidance needed for the future of the Viridians.
While well advanced in years, Domenico always looks to staying fit, often holding his meetings with the Viridian Elders by walking around the castle grounds, as he disdains staying in one place for too long, unless there is a cold glass of whiskey in his hand. While known as a ruthless instructor who is often told to ask the impossible from the newly recruited Pages, the Primae does have a sense of optimism about the next generation of Knights, believing that honor can be found in everyone, and that it is the duty of the Viridians to bring that honor out to be seen by all. Domenico is fiercely conservative in his social views, a diehard loyalist to the Imperial Family, and the Great Uncle of the Iron Duke of Vultaro, who happens to be the Primae of the Blackguard Order.
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'''King Florent de Gosselin'''
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King Florent de Gosselin is the Primae of the Villiers-Eclaire Order, but is better known as the current King of the Ithanian Sovereignty. Originally the Duke of Basta, Florent was always known as an ambitious nobleman who was always interested in invading Ithania in order to implement reforms to the nation to make it more Imperialized in cultural tones. He found his opportunity during the start of the Anglian Mist Crisis, which saw his only true rivals in the region, the former Imperial Dynasty of Ivrae de Sange, swallowed up by the mist. With nobody to command the Ivrae banners against him, Florent mobilized his personal levies, alongside some of the Villiers-Eclaire Order, and invaded Ithania. The Regalian Synod was quick to recognize his ascension as Ithanian King, with the Regalian State following soon after.
Since his coronation, King Florent has been a very hands-off Primae to the Villiers-Eclaire Order. Recognizing his own limitation for being a sea away from the Carainthais Monastery, he has delegated the overall running of the Order to his Elder Council, which is mostly comprised of family members and de Gosselin Loyalists. Despite his seemingly political nature, King Florent is a generally pious Unionist, who often donates part of his income to local church missions and charities, encouraging the Villiers Knights to do the same. He is the leader of the Hilfrontist Movement in the Regalian political landscape, and while Ithanian by blood, is known to be of the Imperial Culture in practice.
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'''The Council of Eight'''
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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet ut ut laborum, chicken meatball consectetur filet mignon shank prosciutto tempor boudin pig cow spare ribs. Ex short ribs ham tongue sint meatloaf deserunt nisi t-bone doner aliquip. In ea pork chop sirloin, proident pig ullamco frankfurter corned beef pariatur ground round bresaola sed t-bone. Occaecat commodo short ribs nulla anim velit, dolore kevin qui andouille beef elit pork turducken deserunt.
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'''Primae Witterich Luxenbourgh'''
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Witterich Luxenbourgh is the Primae of the Lion Pelt Order, and was formerly the Order's Master of Coin on the Elder Council. The son of a Lion Pelt Knight, Witterich grew up with the intentions of joining the Order to further the family's military pursuits. Squiring under his father directly, the many learned the significance of bodyguarding, as well as being an extension of a patron's wealth and power. Upon his graduation, Witterich took up work in the city of Praag, where he became a familiar face among the elite of the area. Eventually working himself into protecting clergymen, Witterich was considered an informal Hellerian Guard, as he carried out the same duties as the halberdiers, albeit with higher fees owing to the Lion Pelt Order's reputation. This line of serving the Church would eventually land him the greatest client any Pelter could ask for: Supreme Reverend Wolffram Ultor. As the chief bodyguard of the second most powerful man in Unionism after the Emperor, Witterich earned the respect of many around him, and even acknowledged by the Villiers-Eclaire and Oranjen Orders as a equal among their ranks. Eventually, the Supreme Reverend's contract expired, and Witterich returned to Emprizais du Lion Castle, where he was made an Elder on the Council in order to teach other Knights on the skills needed to protect powerful clients such as the clergy.
In present times, Witterich still serves as Primae of the Lion Pelt Order, and has been a strong proponent of the Order's services. When the Supreme Reverend Piète-a-Piète Kade-Salards was killed by Hellerians loyal to the Brothers of Virtue, the Primae was quick to remind everyone of his time guarding Wulffram Ultor, and that a Lion Pelt Knight would have been able to hold against the Hellerian traitors. However, he is also quite open to working with other Imperial Respect Orders, and even provided alms to the Oranjen Order in order for them to recover from the assassination of Piète-a-Piète. He is a Leutz-Vixe by culture, a conservative in ideology, and a strong supporter of the Emperor, having a positive view of the Imperial Guard.
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'''Baron Richarr Tyrmont-Tirgunn'''
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Baron Richarr Tyrmont-Tirgunn is the Primae of the Darkwald Order, though is more (in)famously known by his title of the Grey Baron. The eldest son of his father, the previous Baron and Primae, Richarr was not raised as a Darkwald Knight, but instead given a standard noble education to prepare him for feudal rule. Following his schooling in statesmanship, Richarr opted to remain away from his family holdings in Tirgunn, instead pursuing doctoral studies in the natural sciences and alchemy. It was during these studies that he became enamored by the potential to combine scientific theory with the Darkwald mission, which molded his personality into what it was today. When his father eventually passed away, Richarr inherited the title of Baron, alongside the role of Primae of the Darkwald Order.
As Primae, Richarr took a more unorthodox approach to running the order, opting to research into the arcane and using his scientific background to create new ways to combat against the occult. It is said that many of the concoctions used by Arcanologists today (and supposedly the Nellon Serum for the Imperial Guard) were created by Richarr in his laboratory, earning him a position in the Imperial Scholars Court, where his stipend from the Crown went towards funding the Darkwald Order's operations. While his craft certainly earned him respect at court, his reclusive personality often led to him working in the shadows of more sociable scholars when it came to courting the Emperor's Favor. This would all change during the Undead Scare, which saw all three of Justinian II's sons killed off within the span of a few days. Sympathetic to the Emperor's loss at the hands of aberrancy, Richarr negotiated for the Darkwald Order to receive Imperial Respect, in exchange for their assurances that another Undead Scare would never put the Imperial Seat in jeopardy.
Since his deal with Justinian, Richarr has remained a lurking presence in the Scholar's Court, though often keeping to his laboratory in Castle Virgadulvas until he sees reason to present his findings. Many rumors circulate as to the moral ethics used by the Grey Baron in his experiments, but the details are only privy to the Darkwald Elder Council and the Emperor Himself. He is a staunch Purist in ideology, a member of the Belliard Guilds, and a Leutz-Vixe in Culture. While technically the Baron of Tirgunn, he prefers to delegate the running of the Tyrmont holdings to the Darkwald Council and his brother the High Steward.
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'''Grand Elder Richard Duurwallis'''
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Richard Duurwallis is the Grand Elder of the Bloodcast Order, having been elected by the Knights at Blücherwald Castle in recent times. The bastard son of a Dragenthal Noble, Richard made a name for himself after joining a band of Bloodcast hedge Knights moving through the region, training under them as a Schilder until being formally knighted as a young man. Richard's most notable action was during the Drachenwald Crisis, where he was under the emplyment of Aldrich von Leberecht against the van Sherburne and Imperial forces. Following the Battle of Lausitze and subsequent death of Aldrich to a sellsword, Richard fled the region and went into hiding for several years, until the Chrysant War saw him return to the good graces of the Regalian Empire through his service in the military. Following the war, Richard returned to Dragenthal, training a few Schilders of his own for another decade, before setting his sights to the Crown Isle. Arriving at Blücherwald Castle, he was present during the death of the previous Grand Elder, prompting an immediate election from all Bloodcast Knights present. With only a few dozen Knights gathered, the election was determined by drawing lots, which saw Richard chosen as the next Grand Elder.
Since his appointment to the position, Richard has encouraged the Bloodcast Knights to capitalize on the shortcomings of the other Knightly Orders, noting the constant assaults on the Viridian Order during the Anahera and Lo Occupations. However, the eradication of a majority of the Viridian Knights to the Deathlings caused Richard to take a step back from his rhetoric against code-abiding Knights, opting instead for coexistence and allowing personal honor to demonstrate which Knightly Order is the most noble. Richard Duurwallis is apolitical officially (though is often labeled a progressive) and a Heartland Ceardian in Culture.
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'''Gradmaster Lancewyn of Carentot'''
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Grandmaster Lancewyn of Carentot, known formally as Duke Robwyn of Brithdyr, is the head of the Wards of Fae Order. As the Order was believed to have been eradicated by the Azure Order in 140AC, Lancewyn's leadership is only recently becoming public knowledge, as his leadership of the Fae Knights was mostly done covertly through most of his tenure as Grandmaster. When Alexander issued the Imperial Decree on the Magi, Lancewyn was quick to reveal the full force of the Wards of Fae, and immediately went to work pushing for the Order's relic collecting mission to the public at large, making up for nearly a century and a half of sluggish success. While ultimately drawing the ire of House Tyrmont-Tirgunn and the Darkwald Order, Lancewyn is quite secure in his castle in Kintyr, owing to local Breizh support of the Wards of Fae, and the service the Knights provide in safeguarding dangerous Artifacts from more problematic groups.
Lancewyn's name, like all names given to the Fae Elders, is a symbolic reference to the legends of Sir Arthair, and the Round Table from which the Wards of Fae claim to originate from. Lancewyn was Arthair's foremost Knight, and Duke Robwyn took this name owing largely to his martial prowess. As with most Fae Knights, Grandmaster Lancewyn has magical experience, with his spells revolving around combat enhancement. However, very few Fae Knights have ever seen the Grandmaster fight before, as his old age has saw him mostly focused on administrative functions and feudal management. Lancewyn is a Breizh in Culture, and fervently loyal to Kintyr's history as a result.
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'''Prior Logan of South Bassartland'''
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Holy Minister Logan of South Bassartland is the Prior of the Oranjen Order. While originally the title given to the leader of the Oranjen Knights was Primae, the practice ended with the tenure of the previous leader, Supreme Reverend Piète-a-Piète Kade-Salards (who himself was a former Oranjen before retiring to the Thousand Blade Monastery). Logan was never a Knight, and was a Unionist clergyman for his entire life. Working his way up the Church hierarchy, he eventually was granted the rank of Holy Minister, an office given to senior Reverends within the Sancella of Union. Eventually settling in Anglia, Logan eventually became friends with Piète-a-Piète as a fellow Minister, and the two clergymen found a shared calling in the Thousand Blade Monastery. When Alexander Kade declared Piète-a-Piète the next Supreme Reverend, Logan became something of a personal secretary to his friend, which mostly consisted of answering letters as the Supreme Reverend meditated in the Monastery to better understand the Spirit's intentions.
When the Tenth Creed was discovered in an abandoned monastery by Piète-a-Piète, Logan was declared his successor as Prior of the Oranjen Order, and office he took upon his predecessor's assassination. Since becoming Prior, Logan has continued in his friend's footsteps, encouraging the Oranjen Knights to respect his position as a moral guide, but to follow their own spiritual beliefs to remain apolitical in religious and political matters. He mostly defers to the Elder Council in regards to the actual running of the Order, opting instead to pray with other monks in the Thousand Blade monastery. Logan is an Anglian in Culture, fervently loyal to the Emperor, and is wholly apoliical.
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'''Grandmaster Carlos of Alvas'''
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Carlos of Alvas is the current Grandmaster of the Monzon Order. Known by his nickname, the Lion of Algavarvistas, Carlos is an oddity when it concerns the leadership of Knightly Orders. While most Elders are relatively advanced in age, Carlos is by far the youngest Knight to have ever lead an Order, being only in his mid-30s. His abnormally quick ascension to the seat of Grandmaster owes largely to the missions he underwent after being knighted by the Monzons. While it is common for Monzon Knights to not reveal their syndicate contacts, it is rumored that Carlos was heavily involved in the criminal empires of Daen, with some even saying his nickname is due to his work with the Asha Corsair Lords. Regardless of the validity of these claims, Carlos did earn himself a hefty sum of gold for his services, which he used to essentially buy his way into the seat of Grandmaster once the previous holder passed away.
Since his ascension, Grandmaster Carlos has been something of a local hero to Girobaldans, acting as a focus of Daendroquin pride after the Anahera Occupation tarnished the reputation of the Noble House for a brief time. While the Anahera Cabal has since regained its reknown in the region, the Lion of Algavarvistas is still a name spoken aloud by local boys, who dream of becoming Monzon Knights where they too can earn a name for themselves through fortune and glory. Carlos of Alvas is a Daendroque in culture, a Liberal in ideology, and a supporter of House Anahera.
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'''Iron Duke Ryker Lampero'''
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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet ut ut laborum, chicken meatball consectetur filet mignon shank prosciutto tempor boudin pig cow spare ribs. Ex short ribs ham tongue sint meatloaf deserunt nisi t-bone doner aliquip. In ea pork chop sirloin, proident pig ullamco frankfurter corned beef pariatur ground round bresaola sed t-bone. Occaecat commodo short ribs nulla anim velit, dolore kevin qui andouille beef elit pork turducken deserunt.
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'''Vyso Issar Ekatios'''
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Issar Ekatios is the Vyso, or Grandmaster, of the Parthas Order. Issar was born to an Etosian family in Hellatia, and from a young age was brought up in the Etosian faith. He was sent to the Baitus Krelmin to become a Parthas Knight, and soon joined their members after being trained by his Vladno mentor. After being knighted, Issar immediately made his way to the Crown Isle, where he entered into the services of the Azure Order as a Sentinel of the Spire. As the Parthas Order was the sole contractor of security within the Azure ranks, Issar played a role in the "reeducation" of illegal Mages. However, his real skills were found in hunting down Shunners, or runaway Mages. Despite the offer of the Azures to utilize their Witchbloods and Seers, Issar went after Shunners by himself, often travelling into the seedier areas of the capital's undercity, interrogating magic sympathizers until they provided him information to track down his targets. It is said that Issar never came back empty handed, and was made a Parthas Elder for his efforts in the Azure Order.
When the Azures were mothballed at the turn of the 4th Century AC, Issar returned to the Baitus Kremlin, where he became involved in the local slaving operations. He became the Grandmaster of the Parthas Order recently, and oversaw the integration of Undead Knights into the organization, seeing a return of many previous Parthas Knights who were once expelled for their Affliction. Issar is an Etosian in Culture, loyal to the Patriarchate of Etosil, and apolitical in ideology, aside from his strong support of slavery.

==Schooling Edits==
Schooling is a [[Proficiency#Point-Buy|Point-Buy]] mechanic that allows a Character to have attended a major academy or institution somewhere in the world and gotten an education there. Each school costs 3 Proficiency Points to have attended. When you purchase a pack, specify which School of that pack you attended on your Character Application. Attending a school gives a Character the bragging right of having gone there, but also a unique mechanic that can be used in Progressions to reflect their higher education, and a function that can be used in-game. Whether or not a school blocks students is indicated by the 'Open' or 'Only' next to its name. Open means anyone can go. Only means only the Race or Culture that runs the school can go. There is no cap on how many schools your Character can have attended, although it should make sense in the Backstory you have written up for them. Some packs can be bought multiple times, to get more schools of that pack, but this doesn't apply to all packs. Check the descriptions for more information.
The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.

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Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.
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! School Type
! Schools
! Locations
! Function
! Progression Use
! Backstory Rights
| style="width: 10%;" | '''Riding School'''
| style="width: 27%;" |
*Drixon School of Calemberg (Ailor Open)
*Lancierron School of Ivaëlle (Altalar Open)
*Morroïs School of Hortutor (Avanthar Open)
*Banat-Ânya School of Horses (Ailor Open)
*Viridian, Villiers-Eclaire, Darkwald, and Parthas Orders (Knights Only)
| style = "width: 15%;" |
*Tanaar Ivaëlle
*Avanth Hortutor
*Knightly Training*
| style = "width: 20%;" | Grants the Character 3 years of Riding School experience with a variety of mounts, allowing them to in theory be able to ride any type of war-mount. This Pack can only be purchased once as all Riding Schools are the same.
| Allows the Character some communication contacts at their School to communicate with in Geo Politics who will be somewhat positive towards them.
| None
| '''Admiral School'''
*Imperial Regalian Naval Academy (Ailor Open)
*Dormin Naval School of Thought (Ailor Open)
*Silverwind Pirate Commune (Ailor Open)
*Talant Ilha-Faial Academy (Altalar Open)
*Zarmanh College (Asha Only)
*Zurmaaltaarvan (Slizzar Only)
*Qamanalanha Admiral School (Kathar Only)
*Talant Ilha Faial
*Kingdom of Nakhoor
| Grants the Character 3 years of Academic Naval Theory schooling, giving them the know how to either function as a Captain or Admiral. This Pack can be purchased multiple times for different Schools to expand learning of different ideologies.
| The Character will be able to part-take in Progressions as a Captain or Admiral.
| The Character can have employment in the national Navies of the specific school they went to.
| '''Finance School'''
*Al-Arraas Hamanh College (Qadir Open)
*Narlas College for Commerce (Ailor Open)
*Masaya Coin Academy (Songaskia Open)
*Olamaan Economic Theoretica (Altalar Only)
*Lion Pelt, Monzon, Blackguard, and Parthas Orders (Knights Only)
*Qadir Hadrityas
*Tanaar Ivaëlle
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of Economic learning at an Economic theory institute. This Pack can be purchased only once as most economic schools teach the same theorem.
| The Character becomes less likely to be scammed or cheated out of a financial Progression Action.
| The Character can have a modest trade company that is doing well in the nation of the school they went to.
| '''Command School'''
*Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy (Ailor Open)
*Calemberg Ordner School (Ailor Only)
*Oussafalin Academy Songay (Songaskia Open)
*Mizalaan College for War (Altalar Open)
*Solsanthëa Silverhelm Commandery (Altalar Only)
*Roktokaar College for War (Kathar Only)
*Minenlaamjar College for War (Suvial Only)
*Collége de Guerre et État (Ithanian Only)
*Skole Militair Nordskag (Ailor Open)
*Viridian, Villiers-Eclaire, and Blackguard Orders (Knights Only)
*Crown Isle
*Tanaar Llarana
*Tanaar Hyä-Ereya
*Avela Monvarindra
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of Academic Marshal Theory schooling, giving them the know how to either function as a General or Frontline Commander. This Pack can be purchased multiple times for different Schools to expand learning of different ideologies.
| The Character will be able to part-take in Progressions as a General or Marshal.
| The Character can have employment in the national Armies of the specific school they went to.
| '''Statesman School'''
*Duchess Morgannan Society (Imperial Only)
*Regalian Statesman Academy (Ailor Open)
*Ivaëlleanthe Presidium (Altalar Open)
*Kollokana Academy Songay (Songaskia Open)
*Hadarian College of Governance (Allar Open)
*Al-Hafirah Hamanh College (Qadir Open)
*Viridian, Villiers-Eclaire, Lion Pelt, Darkwald, and Monzon Orders (Knights Only)
*Tanaar Ivaëlle
*Fessa Huallo
*Qadir Hadrityas
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of Academic learning on how to run a successful state bureaucracy or administration. This Pack can be purchased multiple times for different Schools to expand learning of different ideologies.
| The Character will face less failed nation-level implementation of policy.
| None
| '''Diplomacy School'''
*Regalian Diplomatic Academy (Ailor Open)
*Eälessa College for Tact (Altalar Open)
*Aerzyraaqvan (Slizzar Only)
*Collegiate d’Évraux (Ailor Open)
*Viridian, Villiers-Eclaire, and Wards of Fae Orders (Knights Only)
*Tanaar Essaëlle
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of hands-on Diplomatic learning both from theory at the School, but also from internships at foreign diplomats as secretaries. This pack can only be purchased once.
| The Character will no longer cause diplomatic accidents by accidentally offending another nation’s diplomatic protocol, which is possible for those without formal training.
| The Character will have been well-travelled, having seen many capitals of many nations, even if they should logically not have the financial means to do it themselves.
| '''Natural Sciences School'''
*Regalian Ecological Academy (Ailor Open)
*Al-Hamjad Hamanh College (Qadir Open)
*Great Oak Order (Knights Only)
*Qadir Hadrityas
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of learning of Natural Sciences and a greater understanding of the natural laws of physics, medicine, meteorology and geography of the world. This Pack can be purchased numerous times to learn additional doctrines.
| The Character can detect additional Geographic, Medical, Physics or Meteorological effects in situations that may otherwise appear Occult, or have different theories during certain Occult Progression trips.
| Your Character can insist on the prefix Doctor in front of their name, though there is no law dictating that Doctor must be used as title address. If Noble, Doctor is also less important than any other title the Noble may have, including title-less Noble.
| '''Espionage School'''
*Ssassrakand Mentoring College (Slizzar Only)
*Regalian Informational Academy (Ailor Open)
*Cro-Aezzan Society of Observation (Allar Open)
*Praanistha College of Insight (Altalar Only)
*Groupe d’Intervention Pratique (Ailor Open)
*Thr-Aqontaal Society (Kathar Only)
*Darkwald, Monzon, and Parthas Orders (Knights Only)
*San Girobalda
*Fessa Huallo
*Suvial States
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of learning at a school that specializes in how to gather information particularly from other nations, societies and communities. This involves both theory classes and in-practice field tests. This Pack can only be purchased once. 
| The Character can use additional espionage options during Geopolitics progressions when interacting with non-Regalia societies.
| None
| '''Cleric School'''
*Canon College of Sancelle (Sancellist Unionism)
*Minolla Convecture (Faith of Estel)
*College of Priesthood (Shambala)
*College of Vultdragonism (Vultdragon Unionism)
*Kollegio Etosio (Etosian Unionism)
*Collège des Prêtres  (Priscelle Unionism)
*Zondeloze Dogartan School (Dogartan Unionism)
*Paarthalaar Prefect Seminary (Kathar Prefects)
*Nessrassi Freemnazq Colzar (Slizzar Only)
*Viridian, Villiers-Eclaire, Darkwald, Oranjen, and Parthas Orders (Knights Only)
*Any Sancellist Region
*Any Estellian Region
*Any Songaskian Region
*Any Vultarin Region
*Any Etosian Region
*Any Priscelle Region
*Any Anglian Region
*Any Dread Region
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of learning at a School for their organized religion. It is mandatory that a Character who part-takes in their first School is of the actual religion of that School. This Pack can be purchased multiple times however. While the first School must have been of the faith of the Character, additional Schools don’t have to be, and can be treated as “expanding religious horizons to know better how to debate them and disprove them”.
| This Pack does not grant Progression uses, but is mandatory before a Character can be an ordained Priest of that particular Religion. Without the Sancellist School for example, the Character is not allowed to be a Sancellist Unionist Curate.
| None
| '''Performance School'''
*Door-Inner Huis College (Ailor Open)
*Nicolodi’s Dance Academy (Ailor Open)
*Madame Bette’s Performing Arts Institute (Ailor Open)
*Any Ithanian Region
| Grants the Character 3 years of learning at a School for Performative Arts. This involves theory, but also classes and actual stage performance practicals. This Pack can be bought multiple times to add more learning.
| None
| The Character can be famous for their stage performances in the area where the School is (Door-Inner in Anglia, Nicolodi’s in Vultaro, Madame in Ithania & Pays-Sud).
| '''Archaeology School'''
*Imperial Regalian Archaeology Academy (Ailor Open)
*Litántha Allornata (Altalar Only)
*Al-Sharorah Hamanh College (Qadir Open)
*Tohn Amantheet (Maraya Only)
*Great Oak, Darkwald, and Wards of Fae Orders (Knights Only)
*Crown Isle
*Ol Lavei Tyrai
*Qadir Hadrityas
*Home Swarm
*Knightly Training*
| Grants the Character 3 years of theoretical learning at an Archeology and research institute to old civilizations. This Pack can be repeated numerous times to learn more about the Archeology of the School’s specific source culture, as they only teach the source culture’s Archeological sites and ruin exploration.
| Allows the Character to not have to look around for ruins. Provided they are looking for (for example) Ailor Ruins, and have studied at the Ailor School, they no longer need to play a game of cat and mouse, and will know where to find that type of ruins in a general area immediately. This however will still fail if the area has already been explored fully or all ruins have already been looted.
| None
*Certain [[Knightly Orders]] allow their members to learn the equivalent of certain School Types during their training. Knights who wish to learn these School Types may invest the 3 points per Type where applicable, but cannot attend any other schools in the same Type category. Furthermore, Knights cannot claim any of the Backstory Rights, as their membership to their Knightly Order is a lifelong commitment. The [[Bloodcast Order]] is the exception to this, and their Knights may freely join any Schooling they wish.

Revision as of 00:19, 16 June 2024


Exitciuv.png Kithemon and Amandaros are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, protecting the faithful from mind incursions, and helping with childbirth.
  • Kithemon (left) is the Evintarian God of Mind Protection.
  • Amandaros (right) is the Evintarian God of Progeny, and was once a Void Spirit Sovereign serving under the Evolist God Armas, and known to sire Godborn.
  • The Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Kithemon and Amandaros.
  • Kithemon and Amandaros are the patrons of protections against the dark arts, and of parents.
  • Kithemon was recognized as a God due to his ability to detect hostile possessions in individuals, performing exorcisms to draw out these entities. Amandaros is recognized as a God due to their ability to aid couples in producing children.

For expanded lore, click here.

Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.

The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.

The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.

Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.

New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png Yvasi and Eredicos and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, helping believers become their true self and to embody ancestors.
  • Yvasi (left) is the Evintarian God of Self-Love, and is an Ordial entity possessing a mortal host.
  • Eredicos (right) is the Evintarian God of Elder Wisdom, serving as Prince Frederick Kade while possessed by the Primal Revenant of Arch-Chancellor Betheoric I Kade.
  • The House of the PAtrilineal Divinity if Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Yvasi and Eredicos.
  • Yvasi and Eredicos are the patrons of those struggling with anxiety/depression, and children of heritage.
  • Yvasi was recognized as a God when she used her divinity to help the faithful realize their true selves, whereas Eredicos was recognized as a God after his Symbiosis into an Urlan, after which he became possessed by Betheoric who aided him in leadership.

For expanded lore, click here.

Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.

The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.

The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.

Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.


Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders

Leadergodsas.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel. They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.

The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.

The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.

In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.

Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants

Snakegods.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.

The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.

The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.

In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.

Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators

New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.

The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.

The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.

Belialus & Sablael, the Devils

New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.

The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.

The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.

Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.