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==Gods and Goddesses==
Unionism has a concept referred to as Trans-Divinity. Trans-Divinity means that whatever their faith understands to be divine, is fluid and constantly changes based on interpretations. By standard, the Everwatcher is always the indisputably most important entity in Unionism. The Living Emperor is also a living Divine Being who should be worshiped as a god, though it is not illegal to acknowledge his sin of creation flaws from time to time. Below the Emperor and the Everwatcher are the God-Emperors and God-Empresses. When an Emperor or Empress dies, they are no longer divine, as the Vessel passes on to the next heir, but some Emperors or Empresses are raised up in the afterlife by the Everwatcher and sent back to Aloria to guide the people, during which process they are made Divine Beings. Finally, on the lower end of the spectrum are the Heroes of Unionism, which are also considered Divine Beings. Heroes are raised to divinity by the Concilly Council even while they are still alive, and continue to be worshiped after death. This all means that Unionism, as time goes by, gains more and more Gods and Goddesses, while other religions are fairly stagnant. Furthermore, it also means that it’s theoretically possible for other religions to merge into Unionism if their Gods and Goddesses can be proven to be real, and prove their divinity or past divinity. Unionists can combine a variety of Divine Entity worship. By default, all Unionists worship the Everwatcher, however, whoever else is worshiped additionally is up to the individual. Some worshipers choose only a single patron deity, while others choose a collection, or leave just a few out. There are no hard rules to Divine Being worship, in general they exist more as examples to live by, instead of a strict pantheon that demands worship.

===The Everwatcher===
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Exitciuv.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Kithemon and Amandaros are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, protecting the faithful from mind incursions, and helping with childbirth.'''
* Kithemon (left) is the Evintarian God of Mind Protection.
* Amandaros (right) is the Evintarian God of Progeny, and was once a Void Spirit Sovereign serving under the Evolist God Armas, and known to sire Godborn.
* The Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Kithemon and Amandaros.
* Kithemon and Amandaros are the patrons of protections against the dark arts, and of parents.
*'''Worship House:'''  
* Kithemon was recognized as a God due to his ability to detect hostile possessions in individuals, performing exorcisms to draw out these entities. Amandaros is recognized as a God due to their ability to aid couples in producing children.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Spirit" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.
The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.
The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.
Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Yvasi and Eredicos and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, helping believers become their true self and to embody ancestors.'''
* Yvasi (left) is the Evintarian God of Self-Love, and is an Ordial entity possessing a mortal host.
* Eredicos (right) is the Evintarian God of Elder Wisdom, serving as Prince Frederick Kade while possessed by the Primal Revenant of Arch-Chancellor Betheoric I Kade.
* The House of the PAtrilineal Divinity if Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Yvasi and Eredicos.
* Yvasi and Eredicos are the patrons of those struggling with anxiety/depression, and children of heritage.
* Yvasi was recognized as a God when she used her divinity to help the faithful realize their true selves, whereas Eredicos was recognized as a God after his Symbiosis into an Urlan, after which he became possessed by Betheoric who aided him in leadership.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Pride" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.

===Theomar, Prophet of All===
The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Theomar, nicknamed the Sun-Father, first Emperor of the Regalian Empire and Prophet of Unionism.
The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.
*'''Themes:''' Theomar represents fatherhood, leadership, ambition, devotion and piety. He is remembered for his exceptional charisma and as a loving father who founded an imperial dynasty.
*'''Depictions:''' Theomar is often depicted holding up his hand, with the palm to the viewer. He is always depicted very dignified, and clothed in his royal purple and cream yellow robes, his favorite colors in life.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Theomar is performed by writing prayers of good health and good fortune for children/employees/followers on pieces of paper and burning them in golden bowls.
Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.
*'''Manifestation:''' Theomar has manifested only during very significant events of religious importance, when the continued existence of Unionism hung by a thread, or when the power and influence of the other God Emperors or Empresses would simply not suffice for a task given by the Everwatcher.
*'''Individual:''' Theomar has never appeared to sole individuals, but rather during pivotal moments of the Empire’s history to provide blessings of protection and reinvigorated power.
*'''Worship House:''' Theomar’s main Temple is the Arch Temple of the All-Beacon in Regalia, buried beneath the shrine known as the Dias of Faith.
==Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders==
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Leadergodsas.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Leader" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel.
They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.

===Ness, Lady of Forgiveness===
The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.
*'''Identity:''' God Empress Ness, nicknamed the All-Mother, was the wife of Emperor Henri I, Nessaria van Sherburne
*'''Themes:''' Ness represents Forgiveness, Acceptance, Repentance, Absolution, but also the Downtrodden, the Forgotten, the non-Ailor, and the Half-Ailor who feel abandoned.
*'''Depictions:''' Ness is always depicted in her mourning dress with her signature butterfly eye-covers worn after she was blinded for her unfaithfulness to her husband, carrying a golden Unionist Eye chain, along with a golden rose and two sets of rose-thorn stalks. Sometimes her statue has three infants around her pedestal to signify motherhood, and sometimes it has three chained criminals to signify the forgiveness she gave.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Ness is done by lighting candles in silent vigil, or by seeking priests to find forgiveness for wronging others.
*'''Manifestation:''' Ness frequently manifests to those who believe in Unionism, but need the strongest forgiveness or cannot go on without help to learn to live with their grief, guilt, or torment
*'''Individual:''' Ness appears to individuals relatively often, even seen walking the streets of Regalia seemingly going nowhere.
*'''Worship House:''' Ness's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Salvation in Regalia. She is buried alongside her children: Emperors Bartholomeaux, Carvallais, Maxelle, and Leomar (the former three having been victims of assassination), and Arch-Chancellor Maenarra.

===Juvin, Oracle of Knowledge===
The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Juvin, nicknamed the All-Knower, was the 11th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Henri III Ivrae de Sange.
*'''Themes:''' Juvin represents piety and virtue, the perfection of learning, and thinkers.
*'''Depictions:''' Juvin is often depicted in simple garb with only minimal decorations and dull colors, bowing, kneeling or in some form of submissive stance. He is depicted tall and frail, with a bald head and a long robe that may sometimes also contain several scrolls and items that intellectuals use to ply their crafts.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Juvin is done by lighting candles to his will in front of a shrine inside a bookshelf, while incense is lit to absorb the knowledge of the books, in the hopes that Juvin will give the worshipper the means to learn faster.
*'''Manifestation:''' Juvin rarely manifests, but all appearances have been reported in libraries or other places of learning.
*'''Individual:''' Juvin rarely appears to individuals, handing them exactly the one book they were looking for to embark on their journey, while that book was not even in the library to begin with.
*'''Worship House:''' Juvin's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Greater Understanding, where he is buried within the Inner Faith Chamber.

===Almar, Jester of Justice===
In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Almar, nicknamed the Blind Jester, was the 13th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Allamaria Ivrae Heiligenblut (surname different as he was culturally Wirtem).
*'''Themes:''' Almar represents Justice, Law, Honesty, but also of Leisure, Entertainment, Vanity, and Ego.
*'''Depictions:''' Almar is often depicted as a suave and handsome young man, always with either a blindfold or some kind of unraveling cloth disappearing from his eyes. He is also always depicted with a scale that weighs the value of crime and punishment for those who are subject to Almar’s laws.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Almar is done by writing one's plan or thought on a piece of paper, and weighing it against a golden feather to determine if it is lawful and righteous (lighter) or unlawful and sinful (heavier).
*'''Manifestation:''' Almar is not known to manifest, but the Concilly Council still acknowledges him.
*'''Individual:''' Almar has never appeared to individuals.
*'''Worship House:''' Almar's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Eternal Justice, where the Inner Faith chamber holds his sarcophagus with his favorite scales resting on top that are said to weight the heaviness of a soul as they enter the chamber.

===Allest, Lord of Domination===
==Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants==
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*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Allest, nicknamed the Bear-Claw, was the 15th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Allestrain I Ivrae de Sange.
*'''Themes:''' Allest represents Conquest, Rule, Brotherhood, and Fame.
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Snakegods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
*'''Depictions:''' Allest is depicted either in his massive bulky armor, or in some state of removal of this armor, in a victorious or intimidating stance. He is depicted tall and glorious with two large claymores, or scabbards holding his favorite swords: Blutkraft and [[Sangria]], weapons that passed into Artifact Legend after his death.
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Allest is done by invoking his name before battle, and by ritually placing a weapon over a cloth soaked in an alcoholic beverage.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
*'''Manifestation:''' Allest has manifested after the end of major battles, not to fight, but to mourn the losses on the battlefield with the survivors.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
*'''Individual:''' Allest has never appear to the individual, though occasionally those who have lost lovers to the battlefield swear he has appeared in dreams for comfort.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
*'''Worship House:''' Allest's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Perpetual Glory, where the Inner Faith Chamber contains his battle armor (as he was killed in battle and his body was never recovered).
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Tyrant" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.

===Elia, Mistress of Victory===
The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.
*'''Identity:''' God Empress Elia, nicknamed the Brass Fist, was the Empress-Consort of Emperor Allestrain I, Eolaria Cadar.
*'''Themes:''' Elia represents fighting, combat, warfare, victory, love, and loss.
*'''Depictions:''' Elia is often depicted with her fist up, sometimes with or without her spiked war-glove Porcelain-Face, but always with her shield Draackenbuster by her side. She always wears a muscle-fitting bronze armor with a long crimson dress (which she did not wear into battle) complementing her crimson hair.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Elia is to hold a diary, and to write down secrets and worries and lock it away into the stronghold-lockbox, a religious item that Unionists consider a great sin to steal from.
*'''Manifestation:''' Elia has never manifested, though many claim that she has appeared on select battlefields while the Empire was expanding, leading a divine charge.
*'''Individual:''' Elia has never appeared to individuals, though she left behind several holy Artifacts, most in the Imperial Palace.
*'''Worship House:''' Elia's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Unyielding Perseverance in Regalia, though the sarcophagus next to hers is empty, reserved for Emperor Allestrain I whose body remains missing to this day.

===Vess, Liberator of Chains===
The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Vess, nicknamed the Freedom-Maker, was the 26th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Vilgemar Ivrae de Sange.
*'''Themes:''' Vess represents  happiness, liberty, liberation, freedom, and emancipation.
*'''Depictions:''' Vess is always depicted as a very youthful looking young man, wearing the traditional garb of the palace entertainers, and is always standing in some sort of playful position or pose that elicits some sense of playfulness or youthfulness.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Vess is done by releasing wishes and prayers into budding flowers, and then placing said flower into a body of water to be released into the world.
*'''Manifestation:''' Vess has rarely manifested, though every time has been to smash the chains of a group of slaves, or freeing them from a burning barn or barrack.
*'''Individual:''' Vess has rarely appeared to enslaved individuals, offering them the keys needed to escape from their chains.
*'''Worship House:''' Vess's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Joyous Everwatch, where the Inner Faith Chamber contains his sarcophagus surrounded by a sea of broken chains, each belong to a slave he helped free.

===Alexander, Mentor of Compromise===
In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.
*'''Identity:''' Divine Vessel Alexander is the current Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Alexander Kade Alltmeister.
*'''Themes:''' Emperor Alexander is the Divine Vessel of change, reform, compassion, compromise and mentorship.
*'''Depictions:''' Alexander is depicted in his full imperial regalia, with every government institute and office having a large life-size or greater painting or statue of Him.
*'''Worship:''' As the Vessel, Alexander is not worshipped directly, but rather through service to the Regalian Empire or by praying to the Everwatcher for his health and wellbeing.
*'''Manifestation:''' Alexander is still alive, and is frequently seen when holding Audiences at the Imperial Palace.  
*'''Individual:''' As the Emperor, Alexander rarely interacts with individuals outside of public settings, though some nobles and faithful have been able to secure a personal audience with Him.
*'''Worship House:''' Alexander has no official Temples, though one would traditionally see many pilgrims traveling to the Imperial Palace and lighting candles near the front door as an offering of prayer.

===Taal, Mother of Purity===
==Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators==
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*'''Identity:''' Divine Heroine Taal is a still-living Divine Being who is the benefactor of the Belliard Guild.
*'''Themes:''' Taal represents purity, cleanliness, obedience to heritage and hierarchy, tradition, and customs.
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
*'''Depictions:''' Taal is always depicted in pure-white uniforms with golden trim, wielding a specialized Puretek weapon.
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
*'''Worship:''' Taal worship is usually not done, though she requires the faithful to be sure of their actions and banish any doubt, and that those wish doubt seek out confessional to rid themselves of what she refers to as “the first door through which evil enters the soul”. Taal also demands the immediate expulsion or termination of any Occult who step out of line, and the cleansing and curing of whatever can be cleansed and cured.  
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
*'''Manifestation:''' Taal is still alive, and is frequently seen in Calemberg and the surrounding regions, but largely avoids coming to Regalia, working closely with the Darkwald Order and other Purist entities in the Empire.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
*'''Individual:''' Taal rarely if ever interacts with the individual, though has sometimes appeared to save a would-be victim of Vampire or Cahal attacks.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
*'''Worship House:''' Taal has no Temple, as living Heroes cannot have one, though it is assumed that one will be build in Calemberg after her death.
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.

===Borond, Lord of Seas===
The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.
|Divine Hero Borond is a still-living Divine Being recognized by the Concilly Council with goodhood, following petitions by Eronidas Unionists, as well as first-hand accounts of his assistance with a variety of Regalian engagements. Borond is a so-called integrated Divine Being, meaning he comes from a different religion originally. Indeed, Borond is identical to the Eronidas god Buru from the [[Asaredu]] religion, though there are a couple of differences. Borond is the god of the seas, of the military, or storms and rainfall, and of military ingenuity. He is seen as a guide to the Regalian Armadas and fleets, and a patron protector of merchant shipping.

Borond’s shrine shows a depiction of his very Eronidas-looking appearance with the lower body of a shark or dolphin, next to a large gong. The Gong is a reference to the practice of Regalian Armada flagships to have a large gong close to the water, which can be struck in a matter of emergency. It is said that the gong reverberates into the seas, and can be heard by Borond, who has occasionally answered the call and appeared in dire circumstances to save a ship from sinking or being destroyed. In the home, the gong is struck merely ceremonially, while prayers for good winds and fair weather are made. Borond’s role in Unionism compared to Buru in Asaredu leads to some contentious conflict between Eronidas and Unionists (as the Eronidas consider Borond a false interpretation). At the same time however, Borond’s existence in Unionism is an easy way for Eronidas to quickly grow comfortable with Unionism, and a notable minority has converted.
The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

Borond is invoked by sailors, usually with a necklace, wooden carving or silver depiction of borond, praying for fair winds after which the necklace is kissed. His infrequent appearances to save Regalian ships from destruction has led to him being recognized as a God of another religion with distinct value for Unionism, thus becoming a Unionist God also. Wave-Born Asaredu worshipers are not acknowledged in Unionism. Unionists, contradicting Asaredu dogma, believe that Borond does reproduce with non-Eronidas, and that if they are Unionist, they are called Borr-folk. Borr-folk are born with webbed toes and feet as well as a prehensile shark-like tail and patches of dark shark skin (all of which are just aesthetic), though these are entirely rejected by the Asaredu faith.  
Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.
===Nicholas, Architect of Magnificence===
|[[File:New Canvasyrdhtrfdtjftuyfgv.png|220px|thumb|left]]
|Nicholas the Architect of Magnificence, (who may also go by the name Volodomyr in Krainivaya or Klaas in Anglian) was the 14th Arch-Chancellor of the Regalian Empire, and generally remembered fondly to be the best that the Empire ever had. Nicholas took the position when he was 16 years old, and would reign for 86 years, the longest reign of any Emperor or Arch-Chancellor, with a long list of accolades. Under Nicholas, many lands were conquered or subjugated through diplomacy, the economy soared, Unionism spread like wild-fire, and finally united all of the Archipelago under the Regalian banner. Nicholas had to learn on the job as it were, but quickly proved to be the most competent of rulers the Empire had ever seen, and was the architect of many of the Empire's greatest moments, as well as the increase of power of House Kade itself through skillful political marriage of his many sisters.

Nicholas is always depicted in his Arch-Chancellor robes with his long hair and distinct frail appearance. Nicholas is always depicted in some mid-command or mid-statement pose, as if he is ready to lift or strike out his hand to give the order to unleash whatever machination he has stewed up. Nicholas's virtues are leadership, foresight, insight, good planning, longevity and excellent design. He is the patron of all politicians, barons, dukes, generals and admirals, army officers, aldormen, but also architects and artists and bankers. His often less discussed divine flaw is that of "holding on for too long", referring to the fact that he held the position of Arch-Chancellor for so long without resigning, that he condemned the Empire to a string of less-than-stellar Arch-Chancellors who never had the experience on the job to succeed his legacy. This example is often set to the Dukes and other political rulers of the Empire, to resign when it is time for a new generation to take over, so that they may take their own place in history, and not have to hurriedly fill the shoes of the past generation and fail in doing so. Nicholas has been known to appear before politicians to assist them in taking momentous decisions that changed the course of the Empire's history, as well as to fortify the resolve of young Emperors who have just come to the throne.  
==Belialus & Sablael, the Devils==
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Demon" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.

Nicholas's name is invoked by politicians who seek the insight and foresight that he had, as well as for success in their endeavors. His name is also invoked by scholars to aid them with discovery of truth and attain the correct interpretation or dissertation of their subject. Nicholas's pilgrimage site is Nicholas's Temple in Axenfoort (one that is shared with Emended Unionism), a grand Unionist Temple specifically built in his honor. Nicholas's Temple has often been described as a "pincushion", as its spires are exceptionally sharp and many, imitating a cushion with many needles in it. Those that hold Nicholas in high regard often play a game called "Cross-Bearing Kings", which is a board-game simulation of court life, intrigue, marriage, and plotting. The goal of the game is to accrue as much land as possible each successive generation with skilled use of relatives and politics, to prove their virtues in comparison to Vlaas's accolades.
The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.
===Elen, Lady of Rivers===
|Elen the Lady of Rivers, is another example of an integrated Divine Entity that finds its origin in the Breizh faith that existed before they adopted Unionism. Unlike Borond and Asaredu, the Breizh Faith was completely absorbed by Unionism as they only believed in Ailwen, the Lady of the Lake, with all tenets roughly compatible with Unionism, and their concepts adopted by Elen's virtues. Ailwen was renamed in common to Elen, and canonized by the Concilly Council as her divinity was proven, and her worth to the Great Way manifest in the actions of the Breizh under her guidance. Elen is the goddess of purpose, meaning, destiny, judgement and burdens. She is specifically considered the patron goddess of Unionist Mages and the Magically tainted, putting her in direct opposition with Taal, Mother of Purity.

Elen is a somewhat complicated deiety because she is specifically known to have been a Magic user, and one who considers Magic to be a burden from the Everwatcher. Magic is a bit more complicated in Unionist dogma, because the clergy nor the Creed have ever really defined Magic (especially when born with Magic) as a flaw in the Everwatcher's creation, just that Magic users are usually corrupted. Elen's place and her role for the interpretation of Magic as such has always been dominated by the idea that to be Magic is bad, but to be Magic without purpose or meaning for the Great Way is worse, so Magic with purpose is actually acceptable so long as the soul is virtous. She represents a path that allows for Mages to be accepted by the Unionist community so long as they learn Magic solely for the good of the Empire and others and not for selfish reasons, and are guided under the strict moral supervision of the Emperor (who is accepting of Magic) and measure their worth and purpose based on how much they contribute to the Empire. Elen is always depicted in her Breizh linen, holding a pearl necklace of purpose, with her white feathered wings spread wide. Worship to Elen is performed through meditation and contemplation, and to seek out those who have strayed from the Unionist cause and re-commune with them.  
The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.

Elen's name is invoked by Magic users and those who are affected by the Occult, but also those who are impacted by the Occult. She is both prayed to for guidance and purpose by the non-Magically inclined, as well as to be protected from evil Occult, as much as she is worshiped by the Occult to give them a purpose and let their burden (their Magic) find a way to bring glory and benefit to the Empire and the Great Way. Elen has been known to manifest before those at a pivotal point in life where they feel their purpose is wavering, only for Elen to give them a vision or moral guidance with which to reinvigorate their destiny. Elen's Temple is the Temple of Divine Purpose in Kintyr, which is also home to the Unionist Seers. Seers are sort of like Celates, but not really, they are lay-priests who receive visions of Elen and help those who pilgrimage to the Temple with personal guidance on their road to redemption, or teaching them how to deal with whatever burdens they deal in life, magical or not magical.
Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.

Revision as of 00:19, 16 June 2024


Exitciuv.png Kithemon and Amandaros are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, protecting the faithful from mind incursions, and helping with childbirth.
  • Kithemon (left) is the Evintarian God of Mind Protection.
  • Amandaros (right) is the Evintarian God of Progeny, and was once a Void Spirit Sovereign serving under the Evolist God Armas, and known to sire Godborn.
  • The Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Kithemon and Amandaros.
  • Kithemon and Amandaros are the patrons of protections against the dark arts, and of parents.
  • Kithemon was recognized as a God due to his ability to detect hostile possessions in individuals, performing exorcisms to draw out these entities. Amandaros is recognized as a God due to their ability to aid couples in producing children.

For expanded lore, click here.

Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.

The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.

The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.

Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.

New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png Yvasi and Eredicos and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively, helping believers become their true self and to embody ancestors.
  • Yvasi (left) is the Evintarian God of Self-Love, and is an Ordial entity possessing a mortal host.
  • Eredicos (right) is the Evintarian God of Elder Wisdom, serving as Prince Frederick Kade while possessed by the Primal Revenant of Arch-Chancellor Betheoric I Kade.
  • The House of the PAtrilineal Divinity if Aetosil is considered the holiest site to Yvasi and Eredicos.
  • Yvasi and Eredicos are the patrons of those struggling with anxiety/depression, and children of heritage.
  • Yvasi was recognized as a God when she used her divinity to help the faithful realize their true selves, whereas Eredicos was recognized as a God after his Symbiosis into an Urlan, after which he became possessed by Betheoric who aided him in leadership.

For expanded lore, click here.

Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.

The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.

The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.

Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.


Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders

Leadergodsas.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel. They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.

The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.

The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.

In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.

Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants

Snakegods.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.

The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.

The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.

In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.

Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators

New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.

The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.

The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.

Belialus & Sablael, the Devils

New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.

The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.

The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.

Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.