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m (Replaced content with "==The Prophecy and Creed== Founding Visions, nothing crazy ==Confessions of Melennar== Elf tolerance ==Conclave of Alstyr== 50 AC Wearden of Eirlys ==Evintarian Schism== 67 AC creation is flawed, evolve to greatness ==Clastic Law== Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries. ==Diviner Heresy== Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothi...")
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You know this is a test page
==The Prophecy and Creed==
Founding Visions, nothing crazy

==Confessions of Melennar==
Elf tolerance

==OOC/IC Presence & Nicknames==
==Conclave of Alstyr==
*When a player is online but does not wish to roleplay, they are considered "Out of Character".
50 AC
*A player is only allowed to be present "Out of Character" in a roleplay scene if every player present consents to this action.
Wearden of Eirlys
*A player must have their Nickname set to their character's name or title in order to be considered present in roleplay, and cannot proclaim they are only there Out of Character if their Nickname is set to their roleplay name.

==Minecraft Mechanics==
==Evintarian Schism==
Minecraft is a great game to roleplay on. However, there are some inherent weaknesses in this game that can complicate roleplay. Here are a couple of examples:
67 AC
*'''Hearing Through Walls:''' You cannot hear through walls, windows, closed doors, or other IG barriers the vast majority of times. However, if both parties consent to your character hearing them through any of the above for whatever reason, then it may occur.
creation is flawed, evolve to greatness
*'''Long Drops:''' Minecraft allows you to survive long falls without death. But in roleplay, if you fall off a two-story building, the best case scenario is a broken leg, unless a character has an ability that allows them to survive long falls.
*'''Time:''' Time isn’t strictly enforced in roleplay, but instead dictated per scene. If someone says “Good morning!” they’ve established that, for now, it’s morning time. Time progresses at the same rate as time in real life (seconds, minutes, hours, etc. all the same speed). The exception to this is prison sentences, which follow Minecraft time mechanics. A three-day prison sentence will last an hour in real life because three Minecraft days is an hour. It is worth noting a prisoner can only be forced to remain in a cell without Guards providing rp for a maximum of 15 minutes.

==God Roleplay==
==Clastic Law==
God Roleplay, GodRP, or Godmoding have summarized terms for a character being overpowered, invincible, unrealistically fearless, or godly. These characters have very few flaws and are undefeatable.
Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries.

==Diviner Heresy==
Powergaming, powerplaying, or puppeteering often falls hand-in-hand with GodRP. Powergaming is when you dictate the actions or outcomes of another person’s character. The word ‘attempt’ is a golden word in scenarios where powergaming might become problematic, such as combat roleplay.
Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher
*You are not permitted to control someone else's character’s actions.
what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothing

==Character Death: Maim & Kill Permissions==
==Dogartan Schism==
MassiveCraft has a set of rules to protect from random deathmatching, and unfair death forced onto others. Character Death is usually a right reserved for the owner of the Original Character, yet there are some rules in effect where this right is given away, for the sake of fairness and equal playing field. As soon as a conflict arises about Maim and Kill Rules, both sides must contact Lore Staff via Ticket to mediate.
166 AC
Reject Money Embrace Piety
Who needs hierarchy anyways?

*'''Maim Perm:''' Maim Perm means inflicting damage on another character that would permanently disable them in some way. Character Aesthetics or soft tissue that serves no function (like the nose or ear) or skin of a character being damaged is not a Maim.
==Vultragon Schism==
*'''Kill Perm:''' Kill Perm means inflicting damage on another character that would result in the character’s eventual demise either directly or indirectly (through for example either stabbing or poison). Kill Perm as such strictly means the right to murder another character.
Thinking is good. Question everything, even God
*'''Given Consent:''' Given Consent is the strictly written permission to kill a character. When you have been Given Consent by another player, it means they have indicated you are allowed to either Maim or Kill their character. Keep in mind, Given Consent is only valid while logs (or screenshots of in-game chat) can be proven. Discord logs and outdated conversations are not proof. Given Consent is not perpetual, and can expire. In a dispute, contact Lore Staff.
Also Dragonblood
*'''Surrendered Consent:''' Surrendered Consent is similar to Given Consent, except that it’s an automatic response to character actions. To Surrender Consent is to allow other characters to Maim or Kill a Character in response to their actions. This may be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the situation. Surrendering Consent does not require your approval. If any problems occur because of this, please ask a Lore Staff member to mediate.
*'''Mental Anguish:''' Mental Anguish is when a character is forced to suffer or engage in an action that you, out of an OOC stand point of view, find distressing. For example, if you yourself are a survivor of Leukemia, hair removal may be viewed as distressing and ruining your experience. If such a case is occurring you must always contact a Rank3 Lore Staff member, and you cannot appeal to any sort of exception without their approval.
*'''Maim Exceptions:''' Any Characters with body regeneration [[Abilities]] or any such limb-regeneration powers have no such thing as a Maim Perm. All body parts of any of these characters can regrow, so any kind of damage is non-permanent.
*'''Godly Being Exceptions:''' When interacting with a Dragon, Arken, Void/Exist God, Unspoken God, Emperors, and other quasi-divine deities when portrayed by a staff member, within common sense reason in the context of their interactions, and with the player being OOCly aware with what they are interacting with, there is the potential for Surrendered Kill & Maim Permissions. These surrendered permissions apply when the character acts flippantly in the face of beings that should be afforded some degree of In-Character reverence, or at the very least fear.
*'''Guard Exceptions:''' Regalian Guards have special rules concerning the Killing and Maiming of Characters. Principally speaking, they are as such exempt from needing Consent in any way or form, but they are also internally regulated for when they can and cannot take a character’s life or arm by Lore Staff. If you want to read more, please consult the [[Crime Rules]]. Be aware however that even though the Guards are constrained by these Law Rules, there remains a provision for Guards to execute characters who "inflict excessive and overbearing harm, law violations, or violently resisting arrest", under approval of the Lord Commander and Lore Staff.
*'''Mutated Character Exceptions:''' If your character is excessively mutated to the point that (in the review of Staff) they are nearly or exactly indistinguishable from for example Void Monsters, that Guards (of either Regalia proper, or any of the Boroughs like New Crookback) can request Lore Staff Rank 3 for permission to have Character-Kill Permissions.

'''You should generally seek to avoid killing another player’s character if there are other options available to you and them (and there always are). Consult the player(s) or Lore Staff in question to discuss alternative options. Generally speaking, the community does not look kindly on those who simply kill off characters for smaller reasons, or do not give second chances.'''
===Purge of Vultaro===
Fire, so much fire
Also, let's get rid of the Diviners as well, Herebrands, you know what to do.

==Guided Unionism==
Voiding or retconning describes the act of undoing roleplay for the sake of “starting over.”
Council of Hartenland
*You are not permitted to force a retcon on people who are unwilling.  
Dogartans: hey, these Vultarins aren't that bad, and they got a point.
*You may only undo a roleplay experience if everyone who participated agrees.
*Guard roleplay can never be retconned.
most Ivraes kinda suck ngl, Dragonbloods are so much better
*RP staff have the right to force a retcon onto players if they deem is necessary when two parties cannot agree on an outcome.

==Other Courtesies==
==Mending the SChisms==
There are a couple of other smaller courtesies that do not fall under any of the previous regulations. Here is a list of them:
Golden Salience: Dogmatic reactionaries sabotaged efforts
*Avoid OOC talking in public and busy areas. MassiveCraft offers a PM feature.
Silver Salience: actually fixes things a few years later
*Avoid shouting and screaming in Regalia unless absolutely necessary. Also, avoid screaming during RP events.
*Respect Guard RP and avoid combat in so-called “non-combat zones.” These will always be marked with a chat warning when you enter them.
*Do not use More Player Models/MPM to become a mob or to mutate your skin beyond the bounds of lore if you're in Regalia.
*Avoid disrupting roleplay through any manner, be it either OOC, IC or trolling.

Latest revision as of 02:09, 18 June 2024

The Prophecy and Creed

Founding Visions, nothing crazy

Confessions of Melennar

Elf tolerance

Conclave of Alstyr

50 AC Wearden of Eirlys

Evintarian Schism

67 AC creation is flawed, evolve to greatness

Clastic Law

Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries.

Diviner Heresy

Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothing

Dogartan Schism

166 AC Reject Money Embrace Piety Who needs hierarchy anyways?

Vultragon Schism

Thinking is good. Question everything, even God Also Dragonblood

Purge of Vultaro

Fire, so much fire Also, let's get rid of the Diviners as well, Herebrands, you know what to do.

Guided Unionism

Council of Hartenland Dogartans: hey, these Vultarins aren't that bad, and they got a point. Duo-Gods most Ivraes kinda suck ngl, Dragonbloods are so much better

Mending the SChisms

Golden Salience: Dogmatic reactionaries sabotaged efforts Silver Salience: actually fixes things a few years later