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TestFire: Difference between revisions

From MassiveCraft Wiki
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m Replaced content with "==The Prophecy and Creed== Founding Visions, nothing crazy ==Confessions of Melennar== Elf tolerance ==Conclave of Alstyr== 50 AC Wearden of Eirlys ==Evintarian Schism== 67 AC creation is flawed, evolve to greatness ==Clastic Law== Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries. ==Diviner Heresy== Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothi..."
Tag: Replaced
(217 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet chuck kevin andouille short ribs, beef ribs swine turkey jerky filet mignon. Landjaeger short loin filet mignon pig jowl prosciutto, bresaola kielbasa. Sirloin turducken chislic, short ribs hamburger biltong buffalo alcatra jowl. Tenderloin swine landjaeger ground round filet mignon short loin pork chop bacon kevin cupim drumstick pork loin short ribs. Tenderloin shankle spare ribs flank frankfurter shank kevin. Kielbasa jerky strip steak tri-tip picanha pig brisket kevin landjaeger fatback spare ribs sirloin.
==The Prophecy and Creed==
{| align="left"
Founding Visions, nothing crazy
| __TOC__

==Confessions of Melennar==
Pork chop shank jowl salami, pig ham tongue chuck frankfurter pork loin. Frankfurter tongue t-bone tenderloin pork chop ribeye chuck strip steak doner. Pastrami short ribs sirloin ham hock, frankfurter capicola picanha pork belly turducken. Chuck ground round alcatra beef. Bresaola shoulder pork belly flank cow corned beef. Short loin ball tip spare ribs shoulder short ribs.
Elf tolerance

==Conclave of Alstyr==
Bacon ham hock drumstick chuck buffalo pancetta corned beef chislic salami. Prosciutto salami ball tip, turkey kevin chislic pork belly ham. Ribeye landjaeger alcatra meatloaf. Chislic cupim cow shank strip steak.
50 AC
Wearden of Eirlys
Ham picanha turducken swine. Beef ribs venison chicken bresaola picanha pig turducken drumstick, sausage bacon. Chislic brisket corned beef chuck. Tongue bresaola beef picanha pork chop ball tip pork belly cupim venison, tenderloin hamburger kevin frankfurter ham. Andouille prosciutto drumstick pig short loin capicola. Ham boudin swine, salami tri-tip short ribs burgdoggen hamburger corned beef buffalo meatball ribeye drumstick. Jerky bacon chuck shoulder pork belly pork loin pig.

==Evintarian Schism==
Cow pig turducken meatball pork chop t-bone chuck landjaeger shank rump meatloaf tri-tip andouille ham hock. Brisket pork shoulder corned beef salami. Spare ribs flank kielbasa pastrami capicola pancetta meatloaf ham hock venison tri-tip rump ball tip. Fatback corned beef tenderloin, meatball ground round brisket filet mignon. Boudin leberkas pork loin pork capicola ribeye. Kielbasa bacon pork chop pig venison cow ball tip porchetta. Pork tail jerky cow brisket shoulder chuck beef ribs turducken tenderloin strip steak porchetta.
67 AC
creation is flawed, evolve to greatness

Kielbasa picanha sirloin short loin doner pork chop tail cow. Short ribs shank alcatra rump strip steak landjaeger shankle prosciutto capicola short loin bresaola tail picanha cow cupim. Pig short loin pork pork belly bacon tail, swine ribeye drumstick boudin rump. Sirloin leberkas corned beef chuck burgdoggen cow strip steak meatball shank short ribs.
==Clastic Law==
Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries.
Chuck alcatra flank chislic ribeye ham hock bacon frankfurter boudin tenderloin tri-tip buffalo burgdoggen sirloin. Corned beef turducken flank frankfurter, chicken spare ribs shoulder turkey chuck prosciutto pancetta ham brisket cow jowl. Ribeye cow ham hock salami bresaola cupim. Doner beef shank ribeye tenderloin short loin, burgdoggen boudin frankfurter strip steak ham hock bresaola.

==Diviner Heresy==
Andouille strip steak pork loin, pastrami ground round corned beef tail tri-tip turkey pork belly beef picanha prosciutto. Filet mignon prosciutto alcatra short loin jerky spare ribs drumstick ground round venison. Drumstick meatloaf burgdoggen, buffalo ribeye pork chislic doner pastrami brisket tenderloin turkey. Meatball picanha ham hock biltong leberkas meatloaf jowl tenderloin turducken short ribs filet mignon landjaeger spare ribs.
Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher
what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothing

Leberkas cupim ham capicola prosciutto alcatra meatloaf sirloin doner t-bone tongue beef ribs chuck. Meatball boudin cupim pastrami flank picanha pork filet mignon burgdoggen ball tip capicola shank brisket turkey alcatra. Hamburger tail turkey leberkas kevin. Turducken shankle landjaeger, fatback boudin ham leberkas cupim. Bresaola swine flank jerky tri-tip. Kevin capicola chislic, cupim strip steak swine chicken burgdoggen ham hock t-bone tail porchetta jowl. Beef chicken chislic short ribs frankfurter tri-tip pig.
==Dogartan Schism==
166 AC
Shank flank pork loin ball tip shankle pork chop boudin. Tail short loin biltong, landjaeger meatloaf pork belly corned beef fatback shank. Corned beef shank flank, meatloaf tongue chuck boudin jerky meatball jowl ground round beef ribs bacon turkey picanha. Pastrami tenderloin ribeye porchetta bacon burgdoggen t-bone boudin. Shankle strip steak chicken burgdoggen spare ribs, shank rump beef ribs tenderloin sausage doner.
Reject Money Embrace Piety
Who needs hierarchy anyways?

Does your lorem ipsum text long for something a little meatier? Give our generator a try… it’s tasty!
==Vultragon Schism==
Thinking is good. Question everything, even God
Also Dragonblood
===Purge of Vultaro===
Fire, so much fire
Also, let's get rid of the Diviners as well, Herebrands, you know what to do.
==Guided Unionism==
Council of Hartenland
Dogartans: hey, these Vultarins aren't that bad, and they got a point.
most Ivraes kinda suck ngl, Dragonbloods are so much better
==Mending the SChisms==
Golden Salience: Dogmatic reactionaries sabotaged efforts
Silver Salience: actually fixes things a few years later

Revision as of 02:09, 18 June 2024

The Prophecy and Creed

Founding Visions, nothing crazy

Confessions of Melennar

Elf tolerance

Conclave of Alstyr

50 AC Wearden of Eirlys

Evintarian Schism

67 AC creation is flawed, evolve to greatness

Clastic Law

Schisms may worship in their own temples and be protected, but cannot be missionaries.

Diviner Heresy

Yeah let's sacrifice people and get high to talk to the Everwatcher what are these freaks doing in the woods? eh, probably nothing

Dogartan Schism

166 AC Reject Money Embrace Piety Who needs hierarchy anyways?

Vultragon Schism

Thinking is good. Question everything, even God Also Dragonblood

Purge of Vultaro

Fire, so much fire Also, let's get rid of the Diviners as well, Herebrands, you know what to do.

Guided Unionism

Council of Hartenland Dogartans: hey, these Vultarins aren't that bad, and they got a point. Duo-Gods most Ivraes kinda suck ngl, Dragonbloods are so much better

Mending the SChisms

Golden Salience: Dogmatic reactionaries sabotaged efforts Silver Salience: actually fixes things a few years later