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This is a test page so you really shouldn't talk about this is banter. Yes you know who you are.

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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Alexander.png|200px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
! Physical Stat
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
! Physical Modifier
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
! Athletics
* The Prophets' Golden Lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
! Athletic Modifier
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
! Thin Blades
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
! Thin Blades Modifier
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
! Modifier Sum
! Dice Roll
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Everwatcher" style="color:#0645AD; font-size:100%"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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The Everwatcher (not pictured) is the Supreme Being of Unionism, the source of all creation, and the final destiny of all things. Unionists believe it was the first thing created at the beginning of time, holding supremacy over all other Gods and Goddesses. The Everwatcher does not manifest in Aloria, and utilizes the Vessel-God to be the living embodiment of its divine will. Alexander is the Emperor of Regalia, and is thus the current Vessel-God of Unionism until his death or abdication (as only the reigning Emperor can be the Vessel-God). Together, Alexander and the Everwatcher represent Divinity, Sageness, Wisdom, Benevolence, Inclusivity, All-Loving, and All-Caring. The Imperial Palace is seen as the chief holy place for the Vessel God, and seen as the holiest site for Unionists. There are no Rituals for the Vessel God, as they are only divine in life, and each successor takes a different approach to carrying out the Everwatcher's will, making it difficult to find any common rituals beyond the imperial coronation and other ceremonies of state.
The Virtue of the Vessel is to be humble and aware of one's own mortality. Nobody lives forever, as even the Vessel God will one day die, so Unionists make an effort to use what time they have to celebrate their achievements and gains in life, while also preparing the way for their inevitable successors. Likewise, Unionists in positions of authority are tasked with being fair representatives of the Emperor's positive characteristics, as the Emperor in turn is representative of the Everwatcher's divinity. By being a fair and just example, Unionists demonstrate the benevolence of the Vessel-God, which helps to encourage even non-believers to emulate his characteristics to benefit the Regalian Empire and further the Great Way.
The greatest Vice against the Vessel God is pride itself, and the refusal to prepare the stage for one's inevitable successor. The only way for a society to continue to improve is when one's forebears adequately prepare the next generation with the tools needed to carry on the torch of leadership. To deny and obstruct the transfer of power when the time comes not only causes the creation of incompetent leaders, but also creates cults of personality which detract from the needs of the greater Unionist community. As such, Unionists are obliged to make arrangements to ensure that stability is maintained, so that their deaths do not lead to a power vacuum or future incompetence. Likewise, the faithful should be willing to forfeit their power to another if it benefits the Great Way.
Alexander was born Alexander Kade, son of Arch-Chancellor Moriarty Kade and Princess Alianne Ivrae de Sange, through whom the line of Succession passed through after the death of the previous Emperor, Justinian II. Alexander was brought up to one day succeed his father as Arch-Chancellor, though the Sanction of 302 AC saw him become Emperor instead. Emperor Alexander is actually Alexander II, as the God Brand was known as Alexander the Giant in life. However, the regnal number is often omitted, as Alexander is the first reigning Emperor with that name, and also because Alexander the Giant is referred to by his divine name Brand since his death. Emperor Alexander is the only mortal to have become the Vessel-God twice, as he abdicated the throne to his brother Cedromar before being reinstated after an interregnum period. Despite the Emperor's absence in recent times, he remains the Vessel-God, as he has not been declared dead, nor has any successor taken the Imperial Throne.
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| Example Value
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Thomur.png|200px|caption|]] || '''Theomar and Thedmir are the Prophet Gods of Unionism, the founders and spreaders of the faith.'''
| 10
* Theomar (left) is the God Emperor of Prophecy, and in life was the first Vessel-God of Unionism as the first Regalian Emperor, Theomar Ivrae de Sange.
| 10/5 = 2
* Thedmir (right) is the Called God of Founders, and in life was the first Arch-Chancellor of the Regalian Empire, Thedmir Kade.
| 0
* The Vessel God's Golden Lesson is that Unionism is good, and that spreading the faith is a virtue, and that sin is turning away from the Great Way, or outright sabotaging its intent.
| 0/5 = 0
* The Arch Temple of the All-Beacon is considered the holiest site to the Prophet Gods.
| 5
* The Prophets are the patrons of Fathers, Rulers, Nobles, Leaders, Commanders, and Best Friends.
| 5/5 = 1
* Theomar ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Thedmir was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared him a God.
| 2+0+1+20 = 23
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Prophets" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Theomar (left) and Thedmir (right) are the Prophet Gods of Unionism, the spreaders and founders of the faith. Theomar is also known as the first God-Emperor of Unionism, a title used to refer to the Emperors and Empresses who ascend to godhood after their deaths. In life, Theomar was the first Vessel-God of Unionism, making him the first physical speaker of the Everwatcher, and thus was responsible for proclaiming the message of Unionism through the Creed. Thedmir was a God of the Guided Unionists, but following the mending of this community with the rest of the Unionists, was included as the Duo-God with Theomar, as Thedmir was equally responsible with spreading the faith of Unionism during its beginning. Together, the Prophet Gods represent insight, good governance, loyalty, friendship, and faith. They are often represented by the necklace of friendship, as the bond between friends is the same type of bond that should be shared between all Unionists. Their main place of worship is the All-Beacon Temple in the center of the City of Regalia, which is the tallest temple in Unionism. Rituals of the Prophets include the preaching of Unionism to non-believers, aiding in the defense of holy places, mediating disputes between adversaries, and providing spiritual guidance to the military. There are also rituals concerning the sanctification and re-affirmation of friendship.
The Virtue of the Prophets is to be faithful, which is practiced in a multitude of ways. First, the act of preaching and spreading the faith is an act to honor the Prophets, as well as ensuring the safety of all Unionist holy places to ensure the faithful can worship freely. Secondly, faith is practiced by supporting the Regalian Empire. As the State Religion, Unionism expects that its practitioners are good citizens, from the lowest commoner working an honest job, to the highest Duke governing fairly as a representative of the Emperor. Finally, the Virtue of Faith is expressed as friendship, or faith in one another, as only through shared bonds and experiences can the Great Way be progressed.
The greatest Vice against the Prophets is to turn away from the Great Way, or to impede it. The most obvious example of such sabotage is treason against the Regalian Empire. As the State Religion, Unionism and Regalia are treated as one and the same in the hearts of Unionists, meaning that to harm the State by cooperating or aiding foreign adversaries is considered both a secular and religious crime. Likewise, the hindering of missionaries is likewise seen as a sin against the Prophets' message. As a tenet of Unionism is loyalty to the Regalian Emperor, spreading the faith to foreign nations is often a first step in incorporating them into the Empire's territory or network of alliances. Preventing the spread of Unionism to these states makes future diplomatic missions far more difficult, which can lead to setbacks in the Empire's ambitions.
In life, Theomar was known as Thulric Ivraan, later known as Theomar Ivrae, the First Emperor of Regalia. It was Theomar who received visions from the Everwatcher which led to the proclamation of Unionism via the Creed, and set the foundations for the religion. Theomar was the Vessel-God, and was considered to be a mortal God. Following his death, the Covenant Council confirmed his ascension to the Pantheon, maintaining the same divinity he held in life. Thedmir was known in life as Thedmir Kade, Grand Alder of Anglia and first Arch-Chancellor of the Regalian Empire. As a lifelong friend of Theomar, Thedmir co-led the Five Family Rebellion which established the Regalian Empire, before working on laying out the government structure alongside the Emperor. When Theomar recieved his visions, Thedmir became the first convert to Unionism, and aided in its spread among the ruling nobility of the Empire. Following his death, Thedmir was not immediately seen as a God, though the Guided Unionists would deify him centuries later to be a Duo-God with Theomar, a status which eventually was adopted by all Unionisms following the mending of the schisms.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Elfgods.png|200px|caption|]] || '''Sinnavei and Eirlys are the Allied Goddesses of Unionism, showing non-believers and outsiders that they may find solace and alliance in the Regalian Empire.'''
* Sinnavei (left) is the Joined Goddess of Elves, and doubles as an Estelley Goddess.
* Eirlys (right) is the Joined Goddess of the Tribes, and was the Goddess of the Breizh Wearden Religion.
* The Allies' Golden Lesson is that even those outside the Faith can have an indispensable role to fill in paradise, and that sin is the wanton destruction of all that is alien and unknown.
* The Skyward Palace in Solleria and the Bryn Dwyfol in Kintyr are the holiest sites to the Allied Goddesses.
* The Allies are the patrons of Solvaan, Elves, Breizh Ailor, Pre-Empire Tribes, Ancient peoples, and heritage.
* Sinnavei joined the Pantheon when Emperor Theomar proclaimed the Confessions of Melennar, whereas Eirlys joined the Pantheon following the Conclave of Alstyr.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Allies" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Sinnavei and Eirlys are the Allied Goddesses of Unionism, showing non-believers and outsiders that they may find solace and alliance in the Regalian Empire. Sinnavei is the Joined Goddess of the Elves, and also doubles as an Estelley Goddess and patron of the Solvaan people. Eirlys is the Joined Goddess of the Tribes, and was once the chief Goddess of the pre-Unionist Breizh community in Kintyr. Together, the Allied Goddesses represent the glory of ages, respect, venerable of age, integration, and cooperation, They are represented by the Sollerian Mist-Gryphon, and the Breizh Santwr, feather-winged warriors. Their main holy places are the Skyward Palace in Solleria, and Bryn Dwyfol in Kintyr. Rituals of Sinnavei and Eirlys involve radical inclusion, but as opposed to Regalia's own citizens, that of outsiders. To ally with other faiths for the good in the world, to respect outsiders, to give them human decency and dignity, and to help them help the faith. It also involves healing racial tensions, and uncovering and sharing ancient lost knowledge to the world for the wisdoms that it may hold.

{{Info magic
|image    = Copnstruct.png
The Virtue of the Allied Goddesses is to work alongside non-believers, as even they can contribute to the Great Way. While Unionists would prefer that others eventually convert to Unionism, they also accept that not everyone desires this outcome, but still wish to help the Regalian Empire out despite the difference in faith. As such, non-believers who wish to play a role in contributing to society are often accepted as valuable allies to the Empire's cause, as even they can help Unionists contribute to the Great Way by supporting the work of others. This is also extended to foreign states which may not be interested in joining the Empire, but are still open to furthering the Unionist cause by allying with the Regalians on the world stage.
|alignment = [[Binral]]
|origins  = [[Qadir]]
A curious form of magic, Construct Magic makes use of two [[Qadir]] specialties; clockwork engineering, and [[Soul Magic]], making Construct Mages uniquely dependent on their supply of [[Brass]] material and [[Soul Essence]] from Soul Mages. Without their brass, constructs cannot be built, and without the Soul Essence, constructs cannot be powered. Construct Magic is also an almost entirely utilitarian form of Magic, with a somewhat morally dubious twist, enhancing or improving the life of the caster while using the leftover emotions, thoughts, and memories of dead people as fuel. Construct Magic is at its core a [[Binral]] form of [[Magic]], despite using [[Exist Magic]] generated Soul Essence. As such, it cannot be learned in tandem with or after or before other forms of Magic, though it does have 10 spells of its own. With the exception of the final spell, all Construct Spells are legal in Regalia, making most Construct Mages fall under the classification of White Mage. Construct Magic is also very prevalent among the Qadir, being what powers most of their civilization and technology together with Soul Magic. Mages who wield Construct Magic are usually classified as Techmages, setting them apart from regular Exist or [[Void Mages]]. Construct Magic has to be learned in Engram sequence. That is to say, spells are not formally called spells, but Engrams and they are taught in the specific sequence from Engram One to Engram Ten without deviation. Finally, Construct Magic cannot be blocked by conventional Magic blocks like [[Lazurite]], it is powered by Binral Essence and as such has no other means of being blocked aside from disabling the caster or the objects they use. Construct Mages are also immune to the powers of [[Drows]], and the feeding of [[Phantasma|Witchbloods]]. Due to the close relation Qadir have with Construct Magic and Clockwork in general, Qadir have special learning times. While Construct Magic observes the natural progression of skills in terms of learning time, this curve is different for the Qadir, as their total learning time follows a different progression. A Qadir skips the Trainee level and starts at Novice at age 18. They reach Student at 20, Caster at 30, Spellweaver at 40, Mage at 50, High Mage at 60, Mentor at 70, Expert at 80 and Archmage at 100. This progression only counts for Qadir who stay with Qadir parents in a Hadritya until the age of 18 however, as the progression is changed by their upbringing close to clockwork and other Soul Magic installations.  

'''OOC Note:''' Because there is no real system for resource management present in-game, Construct Mages are simply required to create a cooperation with another PC Soul Mage. This Soul Mage has assumed infinite Qatils at their disposal, which makes Qatil usage a non-issue for the Construct Mage, but it is still required for them to maintain a positive contract with an active roleplayer portraying a Soul Mage to function. Additionally, no Combat Schools can ever be learned by Construct Mages.
The greatest Vice against the Allied Goddesses is the destruction of anything alien and unknown. If one is quick to purge those they consider foreign are incompatible, they also risk losing a potential friend and ally, while also showing to others a reputation of being a warmonger unable to be trusted. history has show former adversaries whose conflicts lasted hundreds of years finally joining together to accomplish a shared goal. The Allied Goddesses preach that the best way to defeat enemies is to make them your allies, so that both parties may prosper through cooperation. By ignoring the potential for such partnerships, Unionists likewise hinder the Great Way by coming off as terrible allies.

==Engram One: Soul Range==
Engram One is the first learned Engram in the sequence of learning Construct Magic, and is many ways a preparatory spell that sets the Techmage up, as well as their later exploits. With the first Engram, the Techmage learns how to map their Almash, a mapping of their emotions. This Almash is different for each person, because it represents a drawn figure of their body on paper with arms and legs wide, and a localized glyph on their body where each emotion is represented. Since each person’s emotions are different and with different quantities, these glyphs are always in different places and in different sizes. Furthermore, Techmages can make these Almashes for others, by reading their emotional Soul Essence centers, and drawing them on paper. The last task Techmages engage in for this Engram, is to identify the so-called ‘trouble emotions’. These are as follows: anxiety, distraction, uncertainty, annoyance, and contempt. The trouble emotions are not the standard vice emotions such as pride and envy, but rather emotions that Techmages consider obstructive to their future work, emotions that distract from their ability to focus on their task at hand and see it to completion. This final task becomes more relevant in the second Engram.  
As mentioned previously, both Sinnavei and Eirlys were Goddesses of their own religions before joining the Unionist Pantheon. Sinnavei has ruled over Solleria since the Allorn Empire colonized it centuries before, whereas Eirlys was a Goddess of the Breizh people in Kintyr. Together, both the Solvaan and Breizh frequently clased with the Aml Tribelands of early Anglia, even forming an alliance with one another at times. Following the Cataclysm, Sinnavei and Eirlys set aside their centuries of warfare with the Anglians and Eronidas of the Aml Tribelands, and assisted them with launching the Five Family Rebellion, creating the Regalian Empire. They would both join the Unionist Pantheon following personal visits by Emperor Theomar as the Vessel God, joining him in the Pantheon to spread the Everwatcher's message of cooperation across Aloria. Sinnavei still rules over Solleria to this day as both the spiritual and secular ruler of the Solvaan, while Eirlys resides in Kintyr, often aiding the Aelrrigan Knights with cleansing Renegade Mages of their power.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Ness.png|200px|caption|]] || '''Ness and Eora are the Mother Goddesses of Unionism, the saviors of the faithful, and the granters of mercy.'''
* Ness (left) is the God Empress of Mercy, and the first God Empress to ascend to the Pantheon, serving in life as Empress Nessaria Calontir to Emperor Henri I.
* Eora (right) is the Goddess of Healers, serving in life as Arch-Chancellor Eotranna Kade.
* The Mothers' Golden Lesson is that kindness and compassion are good things, and that even the most criminal seeking love and affection is deserving of it, while sin is to be bereft of mercy.
* The Temple of Salvation on the Crown Isle is the holiest site to the Mothers.
* The Mothers are the patrons of Mothers, Healers, Caretakers, Protectors, Empaths, and Martyrs.
* Ness ascended to the Pantheon upon her death, whereas Eora was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared her a Goddess.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Saviors" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Ness (left) and Eora (right) are the Mother Goddesses of Unionism, the saviors of the faithful, and the granter of mercy. Ness was the first God-Empress of Unionism, a title which refers to an Empress of Regalia who obtains Godhood following her death. Eora was a Goddess of the Guided Unionists, but following the mending of this community with the rest of the Unionists, was included as the Duo-Goddess with Ness, as the two were contemporaries and worked together during their mortal lives. Together, the Savior Gods represent protectiveness, nurturing, care, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness. There are represented by the Butterfly Mask of Ness and the Habit (head scarf) of Eora, as both were notable belongings of them in life. Their main place of worship is the Temple of Salvation on the outskirts of the City of Regalia, which also doubles as a hospital. Rituals to the Saviors involve forgiving, nurturing, and healing others. The act of taking private confessions, volunteering as a medic or aid in a clinic, and visiting prisoner to offer love and kindness where there is often rejection and apathy.

==Engram Two: Soul Split==
Engram Two is the next learned Engram in the sequence of learning Construct Magic and is used to also prepare the Techmage for their future work, by clearing their mind. Firstly, the Techmage will construct a clockwork spider of sorts, a simple device that has a lightbulb on its back and small clockwork legs made out of copper or iron. Then, with the help of a Soul Mage and their own Almash, the Techmage will undergo a ritual called the Soul Splitting, where the troublesome parts of the Techmage’s  soul are retrieved and inserted into the clockwork spider. The lightbulb on the spider then lights up, and the device comes to life. It is important to note that removing these aspects of emotions does not make the Techmage entirely immune to them, it just makes them far less likely to inhibit in their mind. Furthermore, these emotions are never truly gone, rather, they are manifested in the clockwork spider that they have created that will from that point onwards be called the [[Clocktik]]. The Clocktik (which Techmages may decide to name) will take on its own personality, made up of whatever emotions the Techmage had purged from their body, and remain near (usually attached to) the body of the Techmage. A Clocktik usually also has a speaking module that produces a raspy, yet a higher pitched version of its’ Techmage’s voice, usually offering background comments on what is going on around the Techmage, with fitting responses based on their emotions. For example, a Clocktik implanted with anxiety and uncertainty may nag at its Techmage about how dangerous what they are doing is. Another example, where a Techmage implanted contempt and annoyance in their Clocktik, it will constantly give off sarcastic and passive aggressive statements. Clocktiks can be killed, either by smashing the lightbulb on their back or by removing them further than 30 feet from the Techmage. When this “death” occurs, the emotions will suddenly rush back into the Techmage, causing an instant and severe panic attack. Clocktiks can be tinkered with over time and customized to the Techmage’s personal tastes, usually as the Techmage learns more engrams. The Clocktik can also be made bigger, though all Clocktiks share a skittish nature that prevents them from ever engaging in combat. Instead, they serve a role much more like an annoying sidekick, offering commentary on their surroundings and ongoing events.
The Virtue of the Saviors is to be merciful, and show kindness and compassion to others, even if they would be underserving of it. To Unionists, the ability to forgive those who have wronged them is seen as a deep spiritual conviction just as much as it is a mental one. Even the most damned individual is still deserving of mercy, which is why this Virtue is often a struggle for Unionists to uphold at all times. Ultimately, all people are mortals with free will, and thus are prone to sin from time to time. The Saviors thus task Unionists to be understanding of this reality, and to always be willing to offer the same love and care that they would expect from their closest friends and family.

==Engram Three: Soul Spider==
The third Engram teaches the Techmage how to construct Clockwork spiders similar to the Clocktik, though these function far less autonomously, cannot talk and are generally smaller and more simplistic. These Soul Spiders are constructed through the use of clockwork engineering, after which they are imbued with Soul Essence from a [[Qatil]]. When powered, the Clockwork spiders perform simple tasks around the house of the caster, but will never wander away from their residence, going dormant when their Techmage has left their vicinity. They can perform simple tasks like moving paper around, writing a letter from dictation, or watering plants, though they cannot perform complex tasks like playing a game of chess or powering other clockwork devices. Soul Spiders are incredibly fragile, meaning they cannot even be used for combat applications, though they generally make the life of a Techmage easier at home.
The greatest Vice against the Saviors, is to be bereft of mercy, and to close off one's heart to the possibility of forgiving others. As mortals, Unionists are well aware that it can difficult, if not seemingly impossible, to forgive some people for their actions. However, the Saviors warn that unless one opens up their heart to the possibility of forgiveness and mercy, one cannot every truly recover from the harm done to them. Likewise, if one does not consider extending mercy to others, they can often become blind with grudges that rub off onto others, perpetuating a cycle of hatred and cruelty. As such, Unionists should always try to forgive those who wrong them, even if it is difficult, as they may end up being the ones who seek out such mercy, and would be defeated if they were not forgiven for their own transgressions.

==Engram Four: Work Spider==
The fourth Engram teaches the Techmage how to construct a Clockwork Worker. Workers are in design and intent very similar to Clockwork spiders but can operate independently from the Techmage. They are larger than the Soul Spiders, about the size of a child’s head, and can easily climb staircases or even furniture. On the downside, Clockwork Workers can only perform one task for their entire life, for example, to cut hedges around a person’s residence, or to carry a fresh bucket of water up a flight of stairs each morning. Additionally, while two Clockwork Workers can comfortably live together in one residence, a third or more will become territorial and start attacking the other Clockwork Workers. That being said, their territorial nature can be taken advantage of, making them useful guards of properties. Clockwork Workers mounted on a door frame will attack unwanted intruders by pinching and slicing at them with their small spider claws. Clockwork Workers are notoriously sold by Construct Mages as a means of making a profit since many businesses especially enjoy Clockwork Workers tending to their plants and gardens, or even apothecaries making use of their fine motoric precision to harvest alchemical ingredients from a botanical garden. Clockwork Workers can usually remain powered by a single Qatil for a month, but require refills usually when they lose power.
In Life, Ness was known as Nessaria Calontir, Empress to Henri I. Nessaria lived a life of infidelity until she was blinded by her husband as punishment, eventually finding love in Henri after the births of their children. Following Henri's death, Nessaria would lose three of her children to assassins during the Years of the Three Emperors. As the Dowager-Empress, Nessaria personally forgave the assassins, an act of mercy unheard of for a mother who lose her family. She would spend the rest of her life visiting Greygate Prison at night to turn the worst criminals into repentant faithful. Following her death, the Covenant College proclaimed her divinity and ascension to the Pantheon. Eora was known in life as Eotranna Kade, serving as an Arch Chancellor of Regalia for a brief period before resigning after suffering a stroke. During her tenure and afterwards, Eotranna helped promote the medical field by funding the construction of hospitals and clinics across the Empire. Following her death, she was not immediately seen as a Goddess, though the Guided Unionists would deify her centuries later to be a Duo-God with Ness, a status which eventually was adopted by all Unionisms following the mending of the schisms.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Lizardgods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Tanthor and Dari are the Preserving Gods of Unionism, the advocators for the weak and downtrodden by blessing them with the strength to go on.'''
* Tanthor (right) is the Called God of the Unwanted, and was a Kathar refugee from the Dread Empire before ascending to Godhood.
* Dari (left) is the Called God of the Forgotten, and was an Allar Refugee from Sendrass before ascending to Godhood.
* The Preservers' Golden Lesson is that even the most wretched, unwanted, and outcast of society have a role in the Great Way, and that sin is to find sadism and satisfaction in hurting the unloved.
* There is no holy site for the Preservers, as it was destroyed to make room for high-rise housing.
* The Preservers have no specific patronage, for they are for the Downtrodden, Forgotten, and Unwanted.
* Both Tanthor and Dari ascended to Godhood at the same time during the Seasonal Emperors Period.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Advocates" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Tanthor (right) and Dari (left) are the Preserving Gods of Unionism, the advocators for the weak and downtrodden by blessing them with the strength to go on. They are unique Gods in that they come from two peoples who have historically been the enemies of Unionism, with Tanthor being a Kathar God, and Dari being a Sendrassian Allar God. Together, the Preserving Gods represent the downtrodden, the forgotten, and the unwanted in a society that are often pushed around by everyone around them to fit their needs. They are represented by golden neck chains or other forms of personal restraint around the neck, giving off notions of slavery and all the connotations associate with it. The Preserving Gods have no Temple, as it was demolished in Crookback to make way for housing, though shrines to them are found in the slums and undercities of the Regalian Empire. Tanthor and Dari give hope to the lost that there is still a place for them in the Everwatcher's Grace and the Regalian Empire. Rituals of Dari and Tanthor often involve charity and bringing care and warmth to the poor, the dispossessed, the unwanted, and to show compassion and no bigotry against those who look or act different. They involve rituals to combat racism, discrimination, and general radical inclusion, perhaps even Vampires.

==Engram Five: Dead Breath==
The fifth Engram is perhaps the most macabre of them all, using Soul Essence (which is the leftover remains of dead people’s souls) to substitute a breathing atmosphere for the host. Techmages at this level will have learned how to properly harness the power of Soul Essence to substitute the need for breathing, almost to an indefinite point (though it does require constant Qatil refueling). Techmages can construct a so-called [[Nafsar]], a breathing device that seals with leather around their mouth and neck, usually attached with further belts to ensure the device is completely airtight. These devices only work on Techmages but are very useful when applied in combination with goggles. While somewhat impeding movement freedom (due to the restrictive leather on the face) it makes Techmages completely immune to any airborne harmful materials and gives them the means to breathe even where there is no oxygen. Enabling this device can be quite painful, however. When it is attached to the mage, they must first use up nearly all oxygen inside the mask, causing them to essentially suffocate before inserting the Qatil at the point where it nearly becomes unbearable. When the Qatil is inserted, the device will magically switch the atmosphere, allowing the Techmage to breathe the Qatil undisturbed as if it were oxygen. It is important to note that each Qatil will last roughly three days and that Mages need to re-insert a new Qatil before the last one expires to upkeep the flow of breathable Soul Essence. If they do not and keep the mask on, they will suffocate. Furthermore, removing the mask and re-introducing oxygen to the Mage causes a period of near-suffocation where the lungs have to re-adapt, making removing the mask an unpleasant experience. Dead Breath cannot be used by anyone but the Techmages in question, meaning the mask is effectively useless for others, and will only cause them to suffocate.
The Virtue of the Preserver Gods is to see the contributions that all people make to the Great Way, even the most wretched, unwanted, and outcast of society. Regardless of one's birth or station in life, Unionists should endeavor to find a way to help everyone contribute to the betterment of society, and fight against bigotry and discrimination which aims to split society into an "us" vs "them" mentality. Unionism is first an foremost a religion for all people, and thus the act of including others as participants is seen as a virtuous act. As such, the faithful are tasked with finding sympathy with the downtrodden, and offer them alms and the ability to have their voices heard, while serving as an advocate and ally if they cannot speak for themselves.

==Engram Six: Stopping Power==
Engram Six is the only directly offensively used Engram of Clockwork Mages (if you discount the effects of other Clock devices). With Engram Six, the Techmages learn how to craft a [[Tawaq]], a light crossbow device set on a handle with a very long thin barrel (usually around 4 feet) with a clockwork device both in the handle and at the tip. The Tawaq is a simple yet straightforward device. Loaded with whole Qatils (instead of powered by them, thus being not as effective as the government issue), the device works by ramming the Qatil into a dispersion device at the end of the barrel through a clockwork-powered crossbow wire. When rammed into the tip, the Qatil forcefully ejects all contained Soul Essence at extreme speeds in the barrel’s aim, leaving behind a trail of glowing white dust. The projectile itself is ethereal, meaning it does not have a physical form, though it will stop at the next physical object hit and cause a number of outcomes depending on what it hit. These outcomes are explained below. Tawaq are legal to carry in Regalia, but relatively unwieldy and slow to reload, taking almost 30 seconds to remove the used Qatil holder, and inserting a new one while letting the clockwork wheel string the crossbow wire. Due to their size, the user must be in a crouching position to fire, while the weapon can only be wielded by a Techmage that has the sixth Engram learned, meaning the weapon is useless in the hands of a non-Construct Magic user.
The greatest Vice against the Preservers is to find sadism and satisfaction in the hurting of the unloved. As recent conflicts have seen the Regalian Empire fight against various peoples who are often seen as the embodiment of evil to Unionism, so too has prejudices risen against individuals who simply belong to same heritage, despite not being blameless is the actions of such adversaries. To give into bigotry and to kick those who are already down is seen as a sin in the eyes of the Gods, as those who are already at rock bottom do not need to be tormented more than they already are. To oppress those who have done no wrong is to simply become the evil that is to be fought against. As such, Unionists must train themselves to be conscientious about the plights of the downtrodden, and to keep their well-being in mind, lest the Great Way be forgotten in the pursuit of oppression.
[[File:Constryucgun.png|800px|thumb|center|A Tawaq is a very curious device to outsiders, and surprisingly, fully legal in Regalia on account of it only harming aberrants.]]

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! Target
Very little is known about either Thanthor or Dari's past, as both of them are more concerned about the plight of the downtrodden rather than their personal histories. They appeared first during the tenure of Arch-Chancellor Morgan Kade, known for his tyranny against others. Following his execution, the duo ascended to the Pantheon as Called Gods after moving Emperor Vilgemar to begin his emancipation efforts of the many slaves across the Regalian Empire. Rather than preach to the everyday faithful, the Preserver Gods took to the slums of the Empire, hearing the concerns of the downtrodden and unwanted and advocating for them on their behalf, leading to an improvement of conditions, and a returning of faith to those who once felt that Unionism was a religion for the well-off, and could care less for those without two coins to rub together. In recent times Tanthor and Dari have been advocating for better treatment of refugees fleeing the Dread and Sendrassian Empires, reminding Unionists that the best way to defeat an enemy is to make them a friend, and any refugee who seeks out Regalia should be welcomed and offered a chance to contribute towards the Great Way.
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| Mundanes (Non-Mage, Non-Special), Avanthar, Slizzar, Yanar, Maiar
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Talli.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Juvin and Glanzia are the Pure Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the purity soul (Magic-apprehension) and Logic.'''
| No Effect at all, the projectile is not even felt
* Juvin (right) is the God Emperor of Pure Reason, serving in life as Emperor Heinrich III Ivrae Heiligenblut.
* Glanzia (left) is the Called Goddess of Pure Soul, and was an anti-magic advocate in Osteiermark before her ascention to Godhood.
* The Pure Gods' Golden Lesson is that virtue is with the pure soul not tainted by the corrupt powers, and with knowing pure fact from wrong, while sin is spreading corruption and false information.
* The Temple of Greater Understanding is the holiest site of the Pure Gods.
* The Pure Gods are the patrons of Intellectuals, Mundanes, Anti-Magi, Scholars, Teachers, and Archeologists.
* Juvin ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Glanzia ascended to Godhood following a performance of miracles in Praag.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Purists" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Juvin (right) and Glanzia (left) are the Pure Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the purity of reason and logic, and the purity of the soul through magical-apprehension. Juvin is another God-Emperor of Unionism, and was the Vessel God in life before the Covenant College proclaimed his ascension as the God of Pure Reason to the Pantheon following his death. Glanzia is the Called Goddess of Pure Soul, a title which refers to mortals who ascended to Godhood through a higher calling. Together, the Pure Gods represent analytics, apprehension, thoughtfulness, anti-magic, and purity. They are often represented by Books with the Unionist Eye, as literature is a source of understanding of the wider world, and Black Granite statues of Heroes, which are mortal individuals known for their piety and service towards Unionism. Their main holy place is the Temple of Greater Understanding in the City of Regalia, which doubles as one of the Empire's greatest libraries. Rituals belonging to the Pure Gods involve the Rites of Investigation. This usually involves an in-depth investigation to some kind of mystery, for Juvin that being discovery of new information and publication to the masses, and for Glanzia to uncover hidden Mages and the Occult, and to warn the general public. General rituals and customs also just involve educating the masses on general factual information and debates of skill.
The Virtue of the Pure Gods is the pursuit of knowledge which has not been tainted by corruption, and knowing the pure truth from lies. At a surface level, this Virtue warns Unionists from lying towards others, as being deceptive and untruthful harms the progress of the Great Way, as an open and honest individual is one who others find more receptive to cooperate with. In a deeper level, this Virtue also tasks Unionists with uncovering the truth of statements and accounts, and to hold those who record such events to higher scrutiny. As knowledge ultimately is passed down through the generations, any manipulation of the facts in the present can greatly undermine the progress of the future. Likewise, scholars are encouraged to doubt the findings of their peers until they are able to verify their findings on their own, a practice which promotes higher quality research and greater understanding.
The greatest Vice against the Pure Gods is to corrupt others through lies and deceptive practices. Knowledge is a powerful tool which has the capacity to benefit society as a whole, but also has the ability to manipulate society by withholding critical information. The Pure Gods warn of these sinister agents, who withhold knowledge from others, and proclaim falsehoods in order to create various echo chambers to divide society. As such, Unionists should always seek to spread information with one another, and to seek out different viewpoints to come to a greater understanding of the subject at hand. Likewise, the faithful should also be quick to point out conflicting information, and seek out the reason for such discrepancies, lest a false narrative be passed down to future generations, robbing a future from the truth they are deserved.
In life, Juvin was was known as Heinrich III Ivrae Heligenblut, later crowned as Emperor Henri III. As Emperor, Henri brought about the Blessed Reign, a golden age of the Regalian Empire where the borders of the realm greatly expanded, bringing in new peoples to foster growth in scholarship and economic growth. He was also the most pious Emperor, rivaled only to Theomar himself, which set him apart from his predecessors, who often had reputations of being puppets to the Viridian Order. In fact, the revelation of a coup conspiracy within the knights led to Henri greatly stripping away Viridian authority in the Empire in an effort to eradicate corruption, which ultimately succeeded. Following his death, the Covenant College declared his ascension to the Pantheon as God-Emperor Juvin (his middle name which he often used with his closest friends). Glanzia was a mortal who grew up in the Osteiermark area of the Regalian Archipelago, which was known to harbor several Vampire covens since the days of the Sarnan Tribes. Glanzia often preached about uncovering hidden Vampires in society, while also preaching of general apprehension to magic. She ascended to Godhood after displaying an ability to create a material known as Purestone, which was used to combat hostile occult across the region. Glanzia is still alive today, and often resides in the city of Praag to preach to the faithful, also warning about manipulating her message to be a corruption in and of itself.
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| [[Dragonblood]], Aspect of the Dragon, Dragon Knight, [[Phantasma]](Witchblood)
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Eastgods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Al-Asir and Marani are the Inspired Gods of Unionism, the divine inspiration and guard against inventions of evil in technology.'''
| Invigoration doubled strength and speed for an hour
* Al-Asir (right) is the God of Invention, and doubles as the Draconist God Marik.
* Marani (left) is the Called God of Inspiration, and is Al-Asir's closest friend and confidant.
* The Inspired Gods' Golden Lesson is that technology brings forth great progress, and to share with society is a virtue, and that sin the creation of killing machines that automate death.
* The Telocar Temple in Al-Alus is the holiest site to the Inspired Gods.
* The Inspired Gods are the patrons of Technicians, Engineers, Inventors, Architects, Craftsmen, and Laborers.
* Al-Asir was always a God, revived by the Everwatcher as a reincarnation of Marik (which the Qadir deny, claiming immaculate creation). Marani ascended to Godhood after his divine contributions to Al-Asir's work were recognized.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Tech" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Al-Asir (right) and Marani (left) are the Inspired Gods of Unionism, the divine inspirers of innovation and technology to better wider society. Al-Asir is the God of Invention, and often works with creators to improve their designs for greater effectiveness. Marani is the God of Inspiration, and the best friend of Al-Asir, often providing ideas for future technological advancements. Together, the Inspired Gods represent technology, resourcefulness, inspiration, altruism, conscientiousness, and discoveries. They are represented by Al-Asir's golden gears, or Qadir arm tattoo shapes in glowing gold. Their main holy place is the Telocator Temple in Al-Alus, the only one outside of the Regalian Empire. Rituals belonging to the Inspired Gods involve the act of inventing, or just tinkering with technology, reading books and improving skills, or just generally engaging in crafts from simple wood carving furniture to advanced architectural planning. The act of production for someone else, even at the cost of payments, is considered a virtuous activity for the patron Gods of Craftsmen, this is why object creations are always blessed by the Gods.
The Virtue of the Inspired Gods is to better society through the sharing of knowledge and technology. The concept of research and development is one valued highly by Unionists, as improving the functioning of the Regalian Empire and well-being of its citizens not only makes the Empire a better place to live, but also frees up resources to focus on other areas in need of development. The ability to constantly improve upon previous systems is a strong tenet of Unionism, allowing the faith to adapt to changes in society. Even if some technological changes may come to a surprise to those unfamiliar with the science behind them, Unionists nonetheless are quite open to such advancements, and often speculate on how a new invention can make life easier.
The greatest Vice against the Inspired Gods is to create machines which automate death. Technology should always be built with the intentions of improving the quality of life to those around them. To create a machine for needless killing only aims to take life from others, and does not benefit society in any capacity. There is a key difference between inventing a new firearm, which has a benefit of reducing the number of casualties in battle and preventing needless bloodshed, and creating a machine programmed only to kill, which only automates the killing process and removed the morality behind going to war. All technology much be created as a response to the saving of life or the reduction in death, and never designed for making killing more efficient for killing's sake.
Al-Asir was born as Nadir Al-Taqdeer, and predates the founding of Unionism by a century. He is believed to have been immaculately conceived by the Everwatcher before the Great Storm, and tasked a group of Qadir to raise him into the God he is known for today. He is also believed to be the reincarnation of the Dragon Marik, though most Unionists are indifferent with the notion. Marani, known by his full name of Marani Keita, is Al-Asir's stalwart protector and confidant, acting as an invaluable friend around the Qadir who are often too comfortable and casual around the God of Invention. Their pariing is unique, as Al-Asir is a Qadir, whereas Marani is a Songaskian. Together, they reside in Al-Alus by creating technology to help out society, but also work to mend the societal trauma between the Qadir and Songaskians which has existed for centuries during the Sariyd Empire.
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| Mages (Except other Binral based Mages)
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:GAYS.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Allest and Brand are the Martial Gods of Unionism, the promoters of strength in martial arms, and of fraternity and loyalty in the military.'''
| Inability to cast magic for an hour
* Allest (right) is the God Emperor of Warriors, serving in life as Emperor Allestrain I Ivrae Heiligenblut.
* Brand (left) is the Called God of Gladiators, serving in life as Arch-Chancellor Alexander Kade "the Giant" and lover to Allestrain I.
* The Martial Gods' Golden Lesson is that loyalty to the state, the army, and fellow believers is a virtue, as is physical strength, and that sin is treason, deceptiveness without morals, and adultery.
* The Hero's Contemplation Temple in Gloomrot Forest is the holiest site to the Martial Gods.
* The Martial Gods are the patrons of Soldiers, Generals, Commanders, Gladiators, Warriors, and Homosexuals.
* Allest ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Thedmir was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared him a God.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Marshals" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Allest (right) and Brand (left) are the Martial Gods of Unionism, the promoters of strength in martial arms, and of fraternity and loyalty in the military. Allest is the God of Warriors, and was also a Vessel-God in life before ascending to the Pantheon following his death in battle. Brand is the God of Gladiators, and was a God to the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being incorporated to the unified Pantheon in recent times. Together, the Martial Gods represent bravery, boisterousness, glory, victory, martial prowess, dependability, and  steadfastness. They are represented by two crossed swords, one with blood to symbolize the battlefield, and one dripping with tears to represent the loss of comrades in these conflicts. Their main holy place is the Divine Heroic Contemplation Temple, located in the Gloomrot Forest of the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Martial Gods involve some kind of brotherly oath, a promise to protect someone until one's dying breath, or swearing fealty and undying loyalty to an overlord in war. Allest and Brand were glorious warriors each in their own right, so in many ways, prayer before battle and battle itself is a form of worship in their names, as is love persevering through war.
The Virtue of the Martial Gods is to be loyal to the state, military, and fellow believers. While the Prophets also speak of loyalty, their lesson is more about faith and trust in general cooperation, whereas the Martial Gods preach for the actual demonstration of this loyalty, by actually pledging to support others and work alongside them through thick and thin. A secondary virtue is physical strength, as promotes reliability and the ability to help others, rather than becoming dead weight and a liability. General exercise is seen as paying respects to the Martial Gods, as a fully sedentary life isolated from others breeds inaction and a lack of comradery with the faithful.
The greatest Vice against the Martial Gods is treason, and deceiving one's allies for personal gain. It is seen as the greatest betrayal of Unionists to spend decades fighting alongside brothers and sisters against common enemies on the worst battlefields, only to turncoat and become the very thing you fought against for so long. While the term backstabbing is metaphorical in most cases, to Unionists the act of deceiving one's comrades may as well be a literal knife in the back, as the harm caused may as well be the same. Finally, adultery is equally considered a Vice against the Martial Gods, as the act of marriage is considered a sacred pairing between two lovers, where there are no secrets shared between them. To betray such an intimate bond is to be the scum of the earth, and unworthy of even the Everwatcher's unconditional love.
In Life, Allest was known as Allestrain Ivrae Heiligenblut, later known as Emperor Allestrain I. Brand was known as Arch-Chancellor Alexander I Kade "the Giant", though his divine name was taken from his nickname Bram given by Allestrain. Allestrain and Alexander were lovers in life, despite each of them being married (Allestrain to Eolaria Brunig, and Alexander to Leona Weissburg). It is believed that due to the Emperor needed to have an Empress to sire future heirs, that the four of them entered into sham marriages for political convenience, while actually being intimate with their "true spouses". Allestrain and Brand were instrumental in launching a rapid series of military conquests for the Regalian Military, while also implementing the Navigation Acts to cement Regalian authority over states that surrendered peacefully. Allestrain would be killed in battle against the Nordskaggers, after which the Concilly Council declared his ascension to the Pantheon as God-Emperor Allest. Alexander would continue to fight in the name of his deceased lover, eventually dying on the same battlefield several years later. He would be declared a God by the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before the mending of the schisms made him a Duo God with Allest.
==Neall & Nolven, the Cultured==
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| [[Dulofall]], [[Aleia]], [[Kathar]], [[Vampires]], [[Silven]], [[Void Worshipers]], Possessed Individuals
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Artgods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Neall and Nolven are the Culture Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the facets of culture in peace and war, and in loving art.'''
| Physical weakness, halving their speed and strength for an hour
* Neall (left) is the Joined God of Visual Arts, and the twin brother of Nolven, who was once a God to a now forgotten Religion.
* Nolven (right) is the Joined God of Martial Arts, and known to sire Godborn, and was also a God to a now forgotten Religion.
* The Culture Gods' Golden Lesson is that culture and art fill the soul with light, and that even in the darkness of war is beauty, and that sin is pure blind hatred without grace or beauty.
* The Temple of High Arts is the holiest site to the Culture Gods.
* The Culture Gods are the patrons of Painters, Sculptors, Make-up Artists, Fashion Designers, Gardeners, and Designers.
* Both Neall and Nolven joined the Pantheon during the conquests of Allestrain I.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Art" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Neall (left) and Nolven (right) are the Culture Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the facets of culture and art, both in times of peace and war. Neall (left) is the Joined God of Visual Arts, while Nolven is the Joined God of Military Arts. Together, the Culture Gods represent creativity, artistic expression, gregariousness, welcomeness, inclusivity, and visuals. They are represented by Neall's golden paintbrush/pencil, and Nolven's golden sword. Their main holy place is the Temple of High Arts, which serves as the Imperial Art Gallery. Rituals of the Culture Gods involve the combination of cultural beauty and the art of war, whether that is a dramatic renaissance-style painting of a battlefield, or finding ways to depict what is in essence militarist propaganda in beautiful ways (statues, poetry, literature, art, etc). Because art is a skill, most worshipers of Neall and Nolven tend to perform their worship by paying artists to make art, a form of patronage.
The Virtue of the Culture Gods is to find the beauty in all aspects of life, through cultural and artistic expressions. Unionists believe that art is a way to fill the soul with the Everwatcher's divine light, and often decorate their holy spaces with stained glass, chiseled statues, and ironic paintings. The Culture Gods also preach about the beauty which can be found in war. While the battlefield can often be seen as a bloody hellscape void of emotion, it is also the place where great heroic feats are performed that pass into song and legend, and well-planned strategies are executed with precision. It is thus a virtue to always seek the positives in every situation, and find the beauty in even the most mundane of things, as often there is a divine order to all things.
The greatest Vice against the Culture Gods is barbarism, and the blind hatred of things. To lash out against the world without grace or beauty is to be no different from a wild beast, fueled off of primal instinct and lacking true sentience. To give in to one's primal urges is to cast aside one's humanity, and thus fall astray from carrying out the Great Way. Even when emotions run high, Unionists are reminded to demonstrate a sense of grace in their setbacks, and to understand that such obstacles are simply part of life's process. Failure is bound to occur, as nobody creates a masterpiece the first them they start something. To rage against one's misfortunes is to lack the ability to grow, and thus become an animal lacking any culture.
Neall and Nolven are Joined Gods, meaning they were once the Gods of a tribe whose name has been lost to time. They are also unique in that the Covenant College declared them as Duo-Gods decades before the concept was adopted by the Emended and later Guided Unionists. Neall is generally seen as a reserved as shy God, more focused on his artistic pursuits, while Nolven as a war God is more gregarious and prone to carnal desires. It comes to no surprise that Nolvan is one of the Unionist Gods who sires Godborn, who are often expected by Unionists to represent their divine father and uncle's pursuits of cultured warriors.
==Elia & Leona, the Protectors==
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| Both Mage and one of the above
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:LESBIANS.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Elia and Leona are the Protector Goddesses of Unionism, the teachers of the faithful to guard one another and be responsible for one another.'''
| Both effects pertinent to Mages and one of the above
* Elia is the God Empress of the Watchful Gaze, serving in life as Empress Eolaria Brunig to Emperor Allestrain I.
* Leona is the Called Goddess of Knights, serving in life as the protector and lover of Empress Eolaria, and wife to Arch-Chancellor Alexander the Giant.
* The Protectors' Golden Lesson is that responsibility and protecting society is shared by everyone, no one can be excused, and that sin is to indifferent and not watching for the dangers of the world.
* The Temple of Unyielding Overwatch is considered the holiest site to the Protector Goddesses.
* The Protectors are the patrons of Guards, Knights, Hunters, Rangers, Explorers, Scribes, and Lesbians.
* Elia ascended to the Pantheon upon her death, whereas Leona was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared her a Goddess.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Knight" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Elia (left) and Leona (right) are the Protector Goddesses of Unionism, the guardians of the faithful, and promoters of responsibility towards others. Elia is the God-Empress of the Watchful Gaze, and Leona is the Goddess of Knights, and was a Goddess to the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being incorporated to the unified Pantheon in recent times.  Together, the Protector Goddesses represent chivalry, alertness, mindfulness, responsibility, dedication, precision, and awareness. They are represented by Elias's Longbow and Leona's Sword, with Blacksteel in general representing the strength and durability required of defenders of the faith. Their main holy place is the Temple of Unyielding Overwatch, otherwise known as the Imperial Hunting Lodge on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Protector Goddesses involve some kind of communal or co-operative practice of the hunt or respect and support of the Knights (as well as being Knights). Knighthood is considered the greatest form of "keeping watch over society", and so many of their patrons become Knights. Other forms of rituals are couple or group hunts, and inspections of garrisons and walls and armories.
The Virtue of the Protectors is to be responsible for society as a whole, and to protect those around you. As the world is a dangerous place, and enemies of Unionism are ever present, it is the duty of all faithful to remain vigilant for such threats, and be ready to take up the call to protect all that they cherish. It is important to emphasize that this duty is not only for those martially inclined, as the Protectors preach for everyone to contribute what they can, be it a baker providing bread for a knight, or a street sweeper ensuring that the roads are able to be traversed quickly in an emergency. By watching out for one's fellow citizen, they in turn will watch out for you, ensuring that society as a whole is well protected and cared for.
The greatest Vice against the Protectors is to be apathetic and uncaring to the world around them. As Unionists are expected to further the Great Way by doing their part to bring about Paradise, the act of general apathy not only impedes the Great Way, but might also hinder the duties of fellow citizens. For example, a farmer that decides not to harvest grain for the day prevents the miller and baker from producing the bread for the village, causing everyone to go hungry due to the laziness of one person. Likewise, a careless disregard to the dangers of the world invite even greater calamities upon those who were not prepared. As such, the Protectors emphasize the need for Unionists to pull their weight and contribute to society as a whole, while also remaining ever vigilant and prepared for any emergency that arises in the future.
In Life, Elia was known as Eolaria Brunig, Empress to Allestrain I, while Leona was married to Arch-Chancellor Alexander I. As mentioned previously, both marriages were public fronts to placate the demands of an Emperor to have an Empress. Eolaria was a fierce warrior, but fought more so for personal glory and to train the common soldier, rather than Allestrain and Alexander's ambitions for territorial expansion. Leona was the silent supporter of her lover's work, caring for the Empress when she was injured, and taking hits for Eolaria who was not paying attention, suffering through them. Both women would outlive their spouses, with Eoalaria continuing to fight in a few minor campaigns as the Dowager Empress alongside Leona. When Eolaria died after years of sustaining battle wounds, the Covenant Council declared her ascension to the Pantheon as God Empress Elia. Leona would retire to the Thousand Blade Monastery following the death of the true love, maintaining a silent vigil and training the next generation of knights. Following her death, the Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare her a Goddess in her own right, before recent times saw her paired with Elia in the Pantheon.
==Mendes & Hor, the Prosperous==
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| [[Drowdar]]
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Furrygods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''Mendes and Hor are the Prosperity Gods of Unionism, blessing the people with wealth and prosperity and good wit in commerce.'''
| Cannot use their Guardian Ability for an hour
* Mendes (left) is the Joined God of Prosperity, and was once the God of a small Asha Cult called the Golden Mask.
* Hor (right) is the Called God of Wealth, and served as Mendes's longtime friend and bodyguard.
* The Prosperity Gods' Golden Lesson is that wealth is there to be shared, but ultimately needed for the greatness of the faith, and that sin is to hoard wealth alone, and to steal from others.
* The Regalian Central Bank and Exchange is considered the holiest site to the Prosperity Gods.
* The Prosperity Gods are the patrons of Merchants, Bankers, Traders, Shopkeepers, and Bureaucrats.
* Mendes joined the Patheon when his divinity was proven by turning an infertile landscape into fertile farmland, whereas Hor ascended to the Pantheon after protecting several Unionist relics from robbery.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Money" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Mendes (left) and Hor (right) are the Prosperity Gods of Unionism, the bringers of wealth and fortune, and instructors of financial wit. Mendes is the God of Fortune, able to grants boons to the faithful by giving them business acumen and blessing the lands to produce plentiful bounty. Hor is the God of Wealth, and serves as Mendes's bodyguard to ensure that the fortunes of Unionism are not squandered or stolen by enemies of the faith. Together, the Prosperity Gods represent business acumen, opulence, responsibility, self-sufficiency, insight, and bounty. They are represented by the Golden Coins of Union, which are coins with the Eye of the Everwatcher in place of the Emperor's profile. Their main holy place is the Regalian Central Bank and Exchange, which houses most of the Empire's gold reserves. One of the most common forms of worship to Mendes and Hor is paying taxes. The act of paying taxes is considered virtuous, because it both shows a willingness to part with wealth, and a willingness to trust the State to do good by the people with said Taxes, and to contribute to communal greatness. Other rituals involve squeezing foreigners for money and signing unequal trade treaties with foreign merchants, to encourage them to join the Empire and share in its prosperity.
The Virtue of the Prosperity Gods is to share the wealth accumulated through one's actions. Not only does the pooling of money allow society to fund large projects which benefit everyone as a whole, but it also demonstrates the greatness of the Unionist faith, as worshippers are willing to part with their personal gains to benefit their fellow citizens. The giving of alms to the poor and donating to various charity organizations is a common practice for Unionists, as if the most destitute in society are given the means to life themselves out of squalor, they too will receive the means to lift others out of a terrible situation, continuing the cycle of charity and growth in society.
The greatest Vice against the Prosperity Gods is greed. To hoard one's wealth and refuse to contribute to society is seen as an act of selfishness and a desire to not be part of the wider Empire. Unionists believe that while having some personal savings for emergency situation is a valuable necessity, that money which simply sits around for no good reason should be put to better use, often through philanthropic pursuits. Similarly, the act of theft is considered a grave sin against the Prosperity Gods, as the valuables stolen from others not only strips away the fortunes of a fellow citizen, thus affecting their wellbeing, but rarely do these fortunes ever go to a good use, and instead are hoarded by criminals who do not wish to contribute to wider society. As such, Unionists are encouraged to give freely to society, so that society as a whole improves, reducing the reasons for would-be thieves to take what is not theirs.
Mendes is a Joined God, and was once the God of a monotheistic faith called the Golden Mask, practiced by ex-Asha slaves who broke away from Baskarr worship during their years of oppression. Mendes led a large exodus of ex-slaves to Corontium, where they settled in an inhospitable area which nobody would care about. His divinity was proven to the Covenant Council when missionaries reported that the once destitute lands were not arable and prosperous due to the blessings brought by Mendes, which he later extended to the Regalian Empire as a whole when he joined the Pantheon. Hor, known previously as Horremenet, was a mortal Asha who served as a friend and bodyguard to Mendes for most of their life. He ascended to divinity as a Called God of Unionism after he fought off a group of robbers attempting a heist on the Central Bank and Exchange's artifact vault, preventing some of Unionism's cherished relics from being put on the black market. Together, the Prosperity Gods continue to reside at the Central Bank and Exchange, with Mendes advising bankers and merchants about future projects, and Hor training others to be better security guards for their clients.
==Caan & Kaldric, the Burdened==
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| [[Undead]]
| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Magicgods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
| Lose physical cohesion if they have loose limbs, but otherwise also lose consciousness for an hour, the projectile is extremely painful
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Magic" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Caan (right) and Kaldric (left) are the Burdened Gods of Unionism, the teachers of proper and virtuous use of Magic while warning of its corruptive tendency. Caan is the Called God of Restrained Magic, and also serves as a Mage-Knight to the Aelrrigan Order that advocates for controlling Magic. Kaldric is the Called God of Penitent Magic, and the most recent addition to the Unionist Pantheon who advocates for ethical Magic use. Together, the Burdened Gods represent self-sacrifice, penitence, humility piety, stalwartness, and the arcane. They are represented by Kaldric's horned branble crow, and Caan's arcane tome. Their main holy place is the Hall of Golden Ascension, located within the Holy Agatha Mountains of the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Burdened Gods involve forms of self-sacrifice and penitence. Self-flagellation is one form of self-punishment practiced by some of their worshipers, but other forms of self-enforced humility through the praising or service of others are also common. Kaldric (once called Kristoph in life) is more for the self-loathing/punishing Mages and Occult, while Caan is more for the restrained and dignified Mages and Occult.
The Virtue of the Burdened Gods is the responsible use of Magic of those considered Occult. While Glanzia preaches of the dangers of Magic due to its potential for corrupting those around them, intentionally or not, the Burdened Gods add a caveat that while Magic is a corrupting force, its corruption can be prevented through disciplined training and ethical usage. They also preach that those born Occult, such as Arkenborn, have a reasonability to those around them to learn how to control their powers, so that their usage does not harm the mundane society around them. Magic and the Occult is considered a tainted burden to Unionists, and the faithful should hold those with such powers to either restrain them selves from using it, or to direct their abilities to the benefit of everyone.
The greatest Vice against the Burdened Gods is to use Magic to their own ends, without considering those around them. They warn that the wanton use of Magic on a selfish whim is the true source of its corruption, and when left unchecked can cause calamity to befall whole societies. The Mage who uses their powers to rule over others is one who impedes the progress of the Great Way, and thus should be treated as an adversary of the faith. Likewise, the Mage who is able to create things better than the mundane worker risks destroying an entire sector of a town's economy through their powers, which in turn causes needless suffering of others. An unethical Mage is one who does not consider the full consequences of their actions, and scoffs at the mundane population for their inferiority. The Burdened Gods call these selfish Mages to task, demanding restraint so they may be a valuable part of society, rather than a threat to it.
Caan is a Matter-Mage, able to create anything from his thoughts, and currently serves the Aelrrigan Order as one of its most powerful Mage-Knights. He was recognized as a God by the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being integrated into the consolidated Pantheon following the ending of the schisms. Caan is also known to sire Godborn with mortals, though his children usually lack any expectations from the wider Unionist community. In Life, Kaldric was known as Christopher von Henselbrücke, who lived as a repressed Mage in the City of Calemberg. He eventually fell in with the criminal circuit there, but made a name for himself as a conscientious and pious criminal who gave half his winnings to the homeless. He was killed in a cafe explosion in 310 AC caused by magical terrorists targeting the purists inside. His divinity was recognized after his death when his spirit appeared in Calemberg to teach the 14 power families of the city in a better understanding of Magic and how to control it, prompting the Covenant Council to declare his ascension to the Pantheon.

==Engram Seven: Whistling Pencil==
==Kithemon & Amandaros, Exist/Void Gods==
The seventh Engram is mostly a utilitarian spell, though Techmages have been getting creative with how to wield their pencils in combat situations. Whistling Pencil allows a Techmage to produce so-called [[Qalam]], pencils that act very similarly to the Clockwork Spiders, yet are essentially just clockwork pencils with a Qatil loaded into them. A Techmage may have five of them operational at any time, and they are capable of each writing individually different sentences, copying an existing sheet of paper, or all writing the same letter faster, or even writing multiple letters in tandem. Techmages have often used Whistling Pencil to mass produce written literature as they write much faster than any humanoid could, though in some cases, these pencils have also been known to be used in combat applications. Since the pencils are powered by the motion will of the Mage, they can also be forced into a horizontal position and sent flying towards a target with great speed. While these pencils are obviously made to write and not pierce, their damage is not as inflicting as a crossbow bolt would be, but pen nibs can be wholly inserted into a target, causing severe pain. Furthermore, pencils that miss their intended target can be called back as if powered by magnetism, as long as they stay within 30 feet away from the Techmage, otherwise, they lose functionality.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Exitciuv.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Spirit" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.

==Engram Eight: Binral Reader==
The Eight Engram permits the Techmage to produce a [[Doqot]] orr Wha’oo (usually shortened to Wha’o) which appears similar to a simple screwdriver but is actually an advanced piece of clockwork machinery. Being roughly an inch thick and six inches long, they are filled with small cogs that constantly whirr, and a Qatil battery that gives off a white Soul Essence glow around the crescent-shaped tip. A Wha’o can be used by Techmages as a reader of sorts, a device that is used to analyze the magical properties of items in particular. It is able to, for example, detect magical essences left behind by Mind Mages on objects, but also to read the uses and effects of ancient artifacts left behind by Dragons or Artificers. Furthermore, it also grants the Techmages intimate knowledge in the usage and operation of Artificarorums and Binral Essence Gems.
The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.

==Engram Nine: Eshraqat==
The Ninth Engram teaches the Techmages how to produce [[Eshraqats]], miniature versions of the Qadir Esrah Alwattah that can be used to project the Soul of the Techmage temporarily into the golem. At this level, the Techmage may also give the Clocktik a humanoid form. Eshraqats are not particularly sturdy vessels, held together by delicate clockwork though offering athletic and acrobatic agility while losing endurance in combat. Eshraqats are extremely expensive to produce, given that their eyes are powered by gems and their body is almost entirely made of expensive brass alloys. That being said, the considerable cost is well worth it; Techmages that project their Soul Essence into the device are able to speak, see, hear, and feel inside the Golem exactly as they do inside their human form. These devices are normally hooked up to a number of Qatil batteries, attached to an Eshraq chair, in which the Mage must remain seated while operating the Golem. Once the transfer is completed, the Mage’s consciousness will be held inside the Golem, though their soul remains within the body, giving Golems functional immunity to Soul Magic. This Golem can be operated for as long and as far from the body as the Mage wants, though it does not remove the need for the Mage to eat and sleep. Furthermore, there is a serious risk imposed when projecting into the Golem. As a Golem, their body will constantly need Qatil batteries, and they cannot cast any of their usual Magic from inside the Golem, rendering their commands for their clockwork devices useless. Furthermore, while destroying the Golem simply awakens the Mage, killing the Mage while they are projecting into the Golem will rip their Soul Essence out of their body and plant it into the Golem, thus killing them and trapping their Soul inside the Golem for better or for worse. Some Construct Mages have been known to become trapped this way, either by neglecting their original body or becoming subject to foul play. Many of them remain as immortal (as long as they are maintained and powered) walking libraries of Construct Magic, teaching new Mages, yet constantly warning them of the dangers of becoming too enamored with Eshraqats.  
The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.

'''OOC Note:''' Clocktiks in humanoid form may be portrayed by other players, so long as they observe the non-combat, non-utility limitations on Clocktiks, as Clocktiks are little more than dialogue vessels. Furthermore, it is not permitted to play an Immortal Golem at this point. It is allowed to become a Golem through IC proceedings, but a Character may not be a Golem by default.
Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.

==Engram Ten: Age Stealer==
==Yvasi & Eredicos, Ordial/Primal Gods==
Engram Ten has always proven an ethically dubious Engram for Construct Mages: the choice between physical enhancement, or a greater duration of life. With the Tenth Engram, Construct Mages essentially learn how to fortify aspects of their body with Soul Essence, the leftover remains of the dead in two distinct ways, either by boosting the efficiency of the bodily form or by boosting the sturdiness of the heart. Choosing one will disable the other, thus meaning the Mage has to choose between the two. The first choice, being the strengthening of limbs, has the Mage perform a great ritual requiring 10 Qatils and various clockwork piercings on their arms and limbs. After this ritual is complete, they will permanently (that is, until their death) have the physical capacity of someone at age 30, regardless of their age (this stacks on top of their Body Shape). It will not cause their wrinkles or other aging factors to disappear (at least, not to a point of completely disappearing, though giving the impression of a healthy 60-year-old Humanoid), but underneath, their muscles and blood circulation will be re-invigorated. This choice is often seen as the more morally acceptable decision, as it simply uses Soul Essence to enhance the body. The second more morally dubious option is to fortify the heart with Soul Essence. This boost essentially turns back time for the host in terms of their body’s expiry date for their internal organs only (thus not changing their appearance at all). When this ritual is performed (similarly to the first option, but with a Clockwork device embedded into their chest), their lifespan is extended by 40 years, regardless of their race. This is seen as the morally darker choice, as it uses the left-over essences of dead people who had no choice over their own time of death to extend one’s own. Neither of these spells can be performed on others, thus being solely effective on the mage. The spell can never be recast, meaning that the Techmage’s decision must be absolutely final before they go through with the ritual.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Pride" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.

The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Processors = Scribbe, HydraLana
[[category:Magic]] [[category:Spells]]
{{Info magic
|image    = Folelsa.png
|alignment = Exist
|origins  = Seraph
The School of Folelsa Magic is an entirely Exist Planar Essence-based [[Magic School]] which contains only utility spells, which are related to the manipulation, reading and alteration of emotions, feelings and thoughts in other people. Folelsa Magic is both difficult to track and control, because the spells often do not require obvious casting mechanism, nor do they have long casting times. The School of Folelsa Magic is also not conventionally taught, lacking any form of guidebook, mentors, or traditional transfer of knowledge. Rather, Folelsa Magic is taught through the acquisition of a [[Elsar Ring]], a physical manifestation of an Exist Echo, the spirit of a [[Seraph]] being that was, many millennia ago, absorbed into the Exist dimension. This spirit is not a person with memories and feelings, but rather an omnipresent idea, and a wellspring of knowledge that gradually teaches the wielder of the ring this form of Magic. The Ring, which takes on a random shape, aside from the constant presence of an inset gemstone, which is based on the wearer’s personality and cannot be purged, cleansed or otherwise destroyed. The ring can, however, be removed from the physical presence of the Mage, after which any Mage-sensing or scrying abilities and objects simply fail to detect the Mage. This means Folelsa Mages can, for example, hide from Witchbloods by hiding their ring away from themselves, though they also lose the ability to cast any magic. All spells of the School of Folelsa Magic can be learned in any order, meaning the ring’s knowledge will unlock these spells in a randomized the order (which the player may decide upon themselves) The regular learning periods do, however, apply to learning progress through the School of Folelsa Magic. Not much else is known of Folelsa Magic, since acquiring an Elsar Ring is extremely rare. They only attach to people they consider empaths, individuals who open their emotions to others, allowing the spirit to attach to them and form their ring symbiosis. Even then, these Exist Echos only naturally occur around Seraph ruins, which in themselves are also very rare. Due to its rarity, Folelsa Spells are not known to most states, especially the [[Regalian Empire]] which has a very low opinion of psychology and mental health care in general.

==Sense of Clarity==
Sense of Clarity is an emotion manipulation spell that Folelsa Mages can use to reduce, nullify or otherwise sooth rage and anger, or any other emotional expression of violence and hatred and negative emotions. Sense of Clarity has no casting time, and can be activated purely by thought of the Mage. When active, the gemstone will light up ever so slightly, after which the Mage may physically touch the enraged person to calm them, or gently swirl their hand in the direction of their target from a maximum of 12 feet away. Their anger will dissipate within seconds as the magic alters their perception of whatever caused them to become angry immediately. This spell is not a permanent spell. The effect of Sense of Clarity may last as long as two days, though it can never nullify the original source of the anger. For example, if a person is angry because their spouse was killed, the spell can temporarily soothe their anger, but, if after two days, they are confronted with the death of their spouse or their killer again, the rage will return. If the rage is only temporary, however, for example over someone having punched another person, then the rage can be permanently removed. Sense of Clarity is especially effective on creatures that are prone to frequent rage or violence outbursts, such as [[Orcs]], [[Avanthar]] and rabid animals, as this spell also functions on beasts and animals. This spell can be dispelled by the Celestial Clarity Spell.
The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.

==Channeling of Rage==
Channeling of Rage is a spell learned after Sense of Clarity, and takes rage and anger and other negative emotion manipulation a step further. While the previous spell was only capable of soothing and nullifying the anger, Channeling of Rage allows the Folelsa Mage to redirect anger and rage, or even enhance it. When cast, the gemstone of the Elsar Ring will light up ever so slightly, after which the Mage may physically touch the enraged person with a statement in which they “command” the rage to be enhanced or redirected, though the target will never remember the words that were spoken, or touch, or the implication that the spell came from the Mage. For example, if a person is angry with another person for punching them, a Channeling of Rage spell with the command similar to “Why don’t you rage against that other person instead” will cause the rage of the target to switch onto someone or something else. Similarly, commands such as “Look at them, they don’t even seem to care” cause the rage to enhance in severity, which can turn a simple desire to punch someone into the desire to cave their face in. Again, this spell is especially effective on creatures prone to rage and violence, such as Orcs, Avanthar and rabid animals, as this spell also functions on beasts and animals. This spell can be dispelled by the Celestial Clarity Spell.  
Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.

==Reading Empathy==
==Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders==
Reading Empathy is a spell learned after Channeling of Rage, though has more to do with reading the overall emotions of a person rather than anger manipulation. Reading Empathy is also a passive spell for Folelsa Mages that is active at all times after learning, though functions only when they actively try to sense emotions. That being said, without physical touch, Folelsa Mages can only sense the strongest and most present emotion. Only through touch, can they sense all active emotions and in what relation they are active to each other. Reading Empathy either when cast through touch or passively through distance is instant, establishing an Empathic Reading connection which allows the Folelsa Mage to read the emotions of the person, while also understanding the root and cause of them to the point where they have a vague idea of what caused them. This spell is incredibly useful to understanding deep-seated emotions of people who don’t normally speak about them or reveal much about them. It is the only real Alorian source of mental understanding and psychological reasoning, and often exceptionally helpful at problem solving for people who suffer from mental ailments, as it allows the Mage to directly pinpoint the source of every emotion they are suffering from.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Leadergodsas.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Leader" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel.
They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.

'''OOC Note:''' Ensure you have the OOC permission of the people you are casting this spell on, to avoid metagaming or forceful character revealing.
==Emotion Duplication==
The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.
Emotion Duplication is a spell which Folelsa Mages can use to store a specific emotion of a person in liquid form, which can then be placed in a liquid container for later reuse. In the simplest of terms, the Mage can absorb the emotion that a person is feeling in the moment and store the emotional essence into a liquid that they are holding as long as they take hold of it less than an hour after casting. Whoever consumes the liquid at a later stage will then experience that same emotion for two hours, or until such an emotion would naturally wear out. This spell functions much the same as the first rage manipulation spells, in that the gemstone will slightly light up, after which the Mage must touch the target whose emotion they wish to duplicate. It is also essential that they hold a cup or flask of liquid in their other hand within an hour so that the emotion can be transferred directly. This spell does not alter the emotion of the person on whom it is cast, but simply stores it in a cup-sized amount of liquid. In order to feel the same emotion, the liquid must be drunk in its entirety. For example, if the Mage put the emotion into a cup of tea, the entire cup must be drunk in order for the spell to have an effect on the drinker. Emotion Duplication can only duplicate certain emotions, which are: joy, hatred, melancholy, loneliness, compassion, determination, anger, sadness and pride. The liquids themselves are indistinguishable from normal liquids to mundane Alorians (even Allar), though Folelsa Mages will always see a colored dew coming from the drink that others cannot see, in specific colors associated to the emotions. As such, Folelsa Mages will always be able to tell what liquid transfers what emotions. The liquids also don’t expire in age. Some emotion tonics have been known to remain just as powerful decades after creation.  

==Social Cloaking==
Social Cloaking is a very curious spell that often allows the Mage to function as a social chameleon. Social Cloaking is a spell that is permanently active until it is dispelled by the Mage or is disrupted by some form of conflict. Social Cloaking allows the Mage to seamlessly insert themselves into other groups or entities. For example, they might just walk into the Black Tower and immediately “fit in” with the guards. Nobody of the specific group will stop to think twice about who they are, and they will immediately accept them as one of the group and act as if they had always been there and take a (relative) liking to them. This extends further also to friend’s groups, Noble House Servants, Charters, and more. It does not, however, work on family units, as a Folelsa Mage cannot pretend to be a family member. Furthermore, it should be understood that the magic does not alter people's personality. If a person is harsh even to their friends, Social Cloaking will not alter their behavior towards the Mage. This spell can be dispelled accidentally by a variety of Celestial Magic spells (in fact, having any of them cast upon a person who is affected will break the Social Cloaking spell). It can also be broken intentionally by the Mage simply being absent from any member of the group for a minimum of seven days, or by a conflict within the group. For example, if the Mage hurts one of the group members and the others become angry with the Mage, the spell will suddenly shatter and all members will come to the realization that this person has been deceiving them the entire time. Social Cloaking is not affected in any way by Magic-nullifying substances such as Lapis.  
The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.

'''OOC Note:''' Ensure you have the permission of people involved to use this spell to insert yourself into a social clique. It is not permitted to force roleplay onto others who do not want it, so this spell should purely be used to drive a narrative, not to force yourself into someone else’s social circles.  
In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.

==Allure’s Kiss==
==Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants==
Allure’s Kiss is, in the simplest of terms, a love spell that creates a very strong bond, similar to infatuation, between two individuals. If the individuals are of compatible sexual orientation and not already in love with someone else, they will themselves fall in love with each other, otherwise, it will create a very strong and lasting bond between the individuals, akin to being protective siblings. While this spell does not have a clear timeframe of functioning, it does have a very clear ending point. For the form of Allure’s Kiss which affects two individuals who become lovers, either a Celestial Spell of Cleansing will break the spell, or a first passionate night will. For those who create a strong brotherly or sisterly bond, an act of sacrifice of any kind (monetary, physical, emotional) will break the spell, along with a Celestial Spell of Cleansing. When the spell breaks for either situation, the individuals will have to internally re-assess whether their feelings are real, or whether they were forced and inauthentic, though if they conclude the latter, they won't actually remember the first kiss spell, or have any internal indication that they were under the influence of a spell. As such, it is possible that this spell does create lasting love or friendship bonds in case the people involved agree that the feelings (while seeming unreal at first) did become real over time, and that what they feel and share has become real to them. Alternatively, both or either can also reject the effects of the spell and rage against it.
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:Snakegods.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Tyrant" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.

In order to cast this spell, the Folelsa Mage requires a few strands of hair from each person whom they wish to cast the spell on. After this, they ritually braid the hair strands together with a spoken spell. When this braid is complete, they often suspend it near a fireplace, using the warmth of the fire to power the spell. Furthermore, it gives them the possibility to break the spell early, as the burning on this hair strand-braid will cause the spell to immediately break before the first act that would lead to it being broken.  
The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.

'''OOC Note:''' Ensure that the people you are forcing this spell on are compatible OOC and do not have any grudges or bad blood between them. While the narratives might be fun, players should not be forced to roleplay out a role with another character of whom they do not want to socialize with the owner for various reasons.  
The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.

==Truth Mirror==
Truth Mirror is a simple spell (to Folelsa Mages at any rate) that allows Folelsa Mages to read someone else's true feelings towards someone from a distance, though never on themselves. In order to cast this spell, they require a personal item of the person they need to read, and physical contact with the person to whom the feelings need to be interpreted. In order to cast this spell, the Mage must hold the hands of the person who wants to know the other person's true feelings towards them, while a personal item of the target (such as a piece of clothing, or some hair) must be between them on a table or on the ground. After a ten second focusing period they will be able to feel the true feelings the target has towards the person who asked. They then have the choice whether to reveal this information, lie about it, or keep it to themselves.  
In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.

==Feral Reduction==
==Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators==
Feral Reduction is perhaps the only harmful spell in the School of Folelsa Magic. Feral Reduction is similar to Rage Manipulation, but takes the whole concept to the extreme, by overcharging the rage and making it chaotic and uncontrollable. In order for this spell to be cast, the target must already be in a state of anger, either naturally or by consuming an emotion tonic. Then the Mage can, from a distance, overcharge the anger emotion with a simple hand gesture, which causes the gemstone to light up with a red hue. This spell takes mere seconds to take hold and will cause the target to be reduced to a mouth foaming, growling and snarling feral who will target anything and anyone regardless of previously established relations, love, friendship or attachment. It essentially turns the person who it was cast upon into a raging beast, with a violent aggression against anything and anyone in their path. This spell cannot be removed or dispelled while it is active, and the only way to deal with it is to incapacitate the person who was enraged. When they lose consciousness, the effect of the spell ends.  
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Doomslayer" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.
The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.

==Mind Link==
Mind Link as a spell allows the Mage to share their mind with another person of their choice. In order to cast Mind Link, the target must be compliant to the spell and willing to receive it. The Mage must then rest both hands on the temples of the target and recite the Mind Link spell for it to function. Once the spell has been cast, the minds of the Mage and the target are linked by magic, allowing them to sense thoughts, emotions and feelings over great distances. It will, for example, allow them to sense each other’s anger or sadness, hear their inner monologue and even converse with each other through telepathy. That being said, it does not transfer any sensory information like sight or hearing, meaning it is theoretically possible that either the mage or the target can deceive the other by thinking about something else than what they are actually doing. That being said, there is no true way to hide every emotion and thought a person has during a Mind Link, as the spell is very intrusive. It allows both partners to see each other’s fears and hopes and dreams, as well as their relations, love and hatred against other people. Mind Link also transfers other mind affects, meaning if Hex Magic was used on a person under a Mind Link for example, the spell would also affect the person on the other end of the Mind Link regardless of where they were. This spell can be broken with the Celestial Magic Cleanse Spell, or can be manually broken by the Folelsa Mage on command, though not by the target. The only means the target has to ending the spell is to kill the Mage.  
The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

==Sensory Scrying==
Sensory Scrying is the opposite spell of Mind Link which allows the Mage to see what the target sees, hear what the target hears, feel what the target feels, smell and taste what the target smells and tastes and feel the physical pain the target feels. Sensory Scrying can be cast away from the target, all that is required is a piece of their clothing, like a shirt or a hat, and the spell can only be cast once per clothing item. Furthermore, this spell is only active for a full duration of fifteen minutes, after which it simply cancels out, though the target is never aware of this spell having been cast on them. The spell is fairly easily activated. The Mage must simply take a seating position with eyes closed, holding the clothing piece in their hands on their lap. Then, the gemstone in their ring lights up in blue while they speak out the Sensory Scrying spell, after which they open their eyes which have turned solid white, and from that point onwards they can feel all physical senses of the target for exactly 15 minutes. This spell can be chained one clothing piece after another, meaning it can be extended to long periods of hours if the Mage happened to venture into the target’s clothing wardrobe. That being said, the target must have worn the clothing piece for a while already, a hat which was simply put on the target’s head and then removed will not function with this spell.  
Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.

'''OOC Note:''' Ensure that this spell is only used actively in the here and now. If the target agrees, you as the mage may do it in “implied” action while you spectate their roleplay from a distance to mimic the scrying effects, but you may never “after the fact” announce that your character was scrying and thus knows about a certain event. Scrying must always be done in-roleplay.  
==Belialus & Sablael, the Devils==
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| style="width: 1%" | [[File:New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png|180px|caption|]] || '''The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.'''
* The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
* The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
* The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
* The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
* Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
* Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.
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<span class="mw-customtoggle-Demon" style="color:#0645AD"><u>For expanded lore, click here.</u></span>
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Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.

The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Processors = HydraLana, Scribbe
The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.
[[category:Magic]] [[category:Spells]]
Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.

Latest revision as of 23:05, 15 June 2024


Alexander.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Prophets' Golden Lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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The Everwatcher (not pictured) is the Supreme Being of Unionism, the source of all creation, and the final destiny of all things. Unionists believe it was the first thing created at the beginning of time, holding supremacy over all other Gods and Goddesses. The Everwatcher does not manifest in Aloria, and utilizes the Vessel-God to be the living embodiment of its divine will. Alexander is the Emperor of Regalia, and is thus the current Vessel-God of Unionism until his death or abdication (as only the reigning Emperor can be the Vessel-God). Together, Alexander and the Everwatcher represent Divinity, Sageness, Wisdom, Benevolence, Inclusivity, All-Loving, and All-Caring. The Imperial Palace is seen as the chief holy place for the Vessel God, and seen as the holiest site for Unionists. There are no Rituals for the Vessel God, as they are only divine in life, and each successor takes a different approach to carrying out the Everwatcher's will, making it difficult to find any common rituals beyond the imperial coronation and other ceremonies of state.

The Virtue of the Vessel is to be humble and aware of one's own mortality. Nobody lives forever, as even the Vessel God will one day die, so Unionists make an effort to use what time they have to celebrate their achievements and gains in life, while also preparing the way for their inevitable successors. Likewise, Unionists in positions of authority are tasked with being fair representatives of the Emperor's positive characteristics, as the Emperor in turn is representative of the Everwatcher's divinity. By being a fair and just example, Unionists demonstrate the benevolence of the Vessel-God, which helps to encourage even non-believers to emulate his characteristics to benefit the Regalian Empire and further the Great Way.

The greatest Vice against the Vessel God is pride itself, and the refusal to prepare the stage for one's inevitable successor. The only way for a society to continue to improve is when one's forebears adequately prepare the next generation with the tools needed to carry on the torch of leadership. To deny and obstruct the transfer of power when the time comes not only causes the creation of incompetent leaders, but also creates cults of personality which detract from the needs of the greater Unionist community. As such, Unionists are obliged to make arrangements to ensure that stability is maintained, so that their deaths do not lead to a power vacuum or future incompetence. Likewise, the faithful should be willing to forfeit their power to another if it benefits the Great Way.

Alexander was born Alexander Kade, son of Arch-Chancellor Moriarty Kade and Princess Alianne Ivrae de Sange, through whom the line of Succession passed through after the death of the previous Emperor, Justinian II. Alexander was brought up to one day succeed his father as Arch-Chancellor, though the Sanction of 302 AC saw him become Emperor instead. Emperor Alexander is actually Alexander II, as the God Brand was known as Alexander the Giant in life. However, the regnal number is often omitted, as Alexander is the first reigning Emperor with that name, and also because Alexander the Giant is referred to by his divine name Brand since his death. Emperor Alexander is the only mortal to have become the Vessel-God twice, as he abdicated the throne to his brother Cedromar before being reinstated after an interregnum period. Despite the Emperor's absence in recent times, he remains the Vessel-God, as he has not been declared dead, nor has any successor taken the Imperial Throne.

Thomur.png Theomar and Thedmir are the Prophet Gods of Unionism, the founders and spreaders of the faith.
  • Theomar (left) is the God Emperor of Prophecy, and in life was the first Vessel-God of Unionism as the first Regalian Emperor, Theomar Ivrae de Sange.
  • Thedmir (right) is the Called God of Founders, and in life was the first Arch-Chancellor of the Regalian Empire, Thedmir Kade.
  • The Vessel God's Golden Lesson is that Unionism is good, and that spreading the faith is a virtue, and that sin is turning away from the Great Way, or outright sabotaging its intent.
  • The Arch Temple of the All-Beacon is considered the holiest site to the Prophet Gods.
  • The Prophets are the patrons of Fathers, Rulers, Nobles, Leaders, Commanders, and Best Friends.
  • Theomar ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Thedmir was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared him a God.

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Theomar (left) and Thedmir (right) are the Prophet Gods of Unionism, the spreaders and founders of the faith. Theomar is also known as the first God-Emperor of Unionism, a title used to refer to the Emperors and Empresses who ascend to godhood after their deaths. In life, Theomar was the first Vessel-God of Unionism, making him the first physical speaker of the Everwatcher, and thus was responsible for proclaiming the message of Unionism through the Creed. Thedmir was a God of the Guided Unionists, but following the mending of this community with the rest of the Unionists, was included as the Duo-God with Theomar, as Thedmir was equally responsible with spreading the faith of Unionism during its beginning. Together, the Prophet Gods represent insight, good governance, loyalty, friendship, and faith. They are often represented by the necklace of friendship, as the bond between friends is the same type of bond that should be shared between all Unionists. Their main place of worship is the All-Beacon Temple in the center of the City of Regalia, which is the tallest temple in Unionism. Rituals of the Prophets include the preaching of Unionism to non-believers, aiding in the defense of holy places, mediating disputes between adversaries, and providing spiritual guidance to the military. There are also rituals concerning the sanctification and re-affirmation of friendship.

The Virtue of the Prophets is to be faithful, which is practiced in a multitude of ways. First, the act of preaching and spreading the faith is an act to honor the Prophets, as well as ensuring the safety of all Unionist holy places to ensure the faithful can worship freely. Secondly, faith is practiced by supporting the Regalian Empire. As the State Religion, Unionism expects that its practitioners are good citizens, from the lowest commoner working an honest job, to the highest Duke governing fairly as a representative of the Emperor. Finally, the Virtue of Faith is expressed as friendship, or faith in one another, as only through shared bonds and experiences can the Great Way be progressed.

The greatest Vice against the Prophets is to turn away from the Great Way, or to impede it. The most obvious example of such sabotage is treason against the Regalian Empire. As the State Religion, Unionism and Regalia are treated as one and the same in the hearts of Unionists, meaning that to harm the State by cooperating or aiding foreign adversaries is considered both a secular and religious crime. Likewise, the hindering of missionaries is likewise seen as a sin against the Prophets' message. As a tenet of Unionism is loyalty to the Regalian Emperor, spreading the faith to foreign nations is often a first step in incorporating them into the Empire's territory or network of alliances. Preventing the spread of Unionism to these states makes future diplomatic missions far more difficult, which can lead to setbacks in the Empire's ambitions.

In life, Theomar was known as Thulric Ivraan, later known as Theomar Ivrae, the First Emperor of Regalia. It was Theomar who received visions from the Everwatcher which led to the proclamation of Unionism via the Creed, and set the foundations for the religion. Theomar was the Vessel-God, and was considered to be a mortal God. Following his death, the Covenant Council confirmed his ascension to the Pantheon, maintaining the same divinity he held in life. Thedmir was known in life as Thedmir Kade, Grand Alder of Anglia and first Arch-Chancellor of the Regalian Empire. As a lifelong friend of Theomar, Thedmir co-led the Five Family Rebellion which established the Regalian Empire, before working on laying out the government structure alongside the Emperor. When Theomar recieved his visions, Thedmir became the first convert to Unionism, and aided in its spread among the ruling nobility of the Empire. Following his death, Thedmir was not immediately seen as a God, though the Guided Unionists would deify him centuries later to be a Duo-God with Theomar, a status which eventually was adopted by all Unionisms following the mending of the schisms.

Elfgods.png Sinnavei and Eirlys are the Allied Goddesses of Unionism, showing non-believers and outsiders that they may find solace and alliance in the Regalian Empire.
  • Sinnavei (left) is the Joined Goddess of Elves, and doubles as an Estelley Goddess.
  • Eirlys (right) is the Joined Goddess of the Tribes, and was the Goddess of the Breizh Wearden Religion.
  • The Allies' Golden Lesson is that even those outside the Faith can have an indispensable role to fill in paradise, and that sin is the wanton destruction of all that is alien and unknown.
  • The Skyward Palace in Solleria and the Bryn Dwyfol in Kintyr are the holiest sites to the Allied Goddesses.
  • The Allies are the patrons of Solvaan, Elves, Breizh Ailor, Pre-Empire Tribes, Ancient peoples, and heritage.
  • Sinnavei joined the Pantheon when Emperor Theomar proclaimed the Confessions of Melennar, whereas Eirlys joined the Pantheon following the Conclave of Alstyr.

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Sinnavei and Eirlys are the Allied Goddesses of Unionism, showing non-believers and outsiders that they may find solace and alliance in the Regalian Empire. Sinnavei is the Joined Goddess of the Elves, and also doubles as an Estelley Goddess and patron of the Solvaan people. Eirlys is the Joined Goddess of the Tribes, and was once the chief Goddess of the pre-Unionist Breizh community in Kintyr. Together, the Allied Goddesses represent the glory of ages, respect, venerable of age, integration, and cooperation, They are represented by the Sollerian Mist-Gryphon, and the Breizh Santwr, feather-winged warriors. Their main holy places are the Skyward Palace in Solleria, and Bryn Dwyfol in Kintyr. Rituals of Sinnavei and Eirlys involve radical inclusion, but as opposed to Regalia's own citizens, that of outsiders. To ally with other faiths for the good in the world, to respect outsiders, to give them human decency and dignity, and to help them help the faith. It also involves healing racial tensions, and uncovering and sharing ancient lost knowledge to the world for the wisdoms that it may hold.

The Virtue of the Allied Goddesses is to work alongside non-believers, as even they can contribute to the Great Way. While Unionists would prefer that others eventually convert to Unionism, they also accept that not everyone desires this outcome, but still wish to help the Regalian Empire out despite the difference in faith. As such, non-believers who wish to play a role in contributing to society are often accepted as valuable allies to the Empire's cause, as even they can help Unionists contribute to the Great Way by supporting the work of others. This is also extended to foreign states which may not be interested in joining the Empire, but are still open to furthering the Unionist cause by allying with the Regalians on the world stage.

The greatest Vice against the Allied Goddesses is the destruction of anything alien and unknown. If one is quick to purge those they consider foreign are incompatible, they also risk losing a potential friend and ally, while also showing to others a reputation of being a warmonger unable to be trusted. history has show former adversaries whose conflicts lasted hundreds of years finally joining together to accomplish a shared goal. The Allied Goddesses preach that the best way to defeat enemies is to make them your allies, so that both parties may prosper through cooperation. By ignoring the potential for such partnerships, Unionists likewise hinder the Great Way by coming off as terrible allies.

As mentioned previously, both Sinnavei and Eirlys were Goddesses of their own religions before joining the Unionist Pantheon. Sinnavei has ruled over Solleria since the Allorn Empire colonized it centuries before, whereas Eirlys was a Goddess of the Breizh people in Kintyr. Together, both the Solvaan and Breizh frequently clased with the Aml Tribelands of early Anglia, even forming an alliance with one another at times. Following the Cataclysm, Sinnavei and Eirlys set aside their centuries of warfare with the Anglians and Eronidas of the Aml Tribelands, and assisted them with launching the Five Family Rebellion, creating the Regalian Empire. They would both join the Unionist Pantheon following personal visits by Emperor Theomar as the Vessel God, joining him in the Pantheon to spread the Everwatcher's message of cooperation across Aloria. Sinnavei still rules over Solleria to this day as both the spiritual and secular ruler of the Solvaan, while Eirlys resides in Kintyr, often aiding the Aelrrigan Knights with cleansing Renegade Mages of their power.

Ness.png Ness and Eora are the Mother Goddesses of Unionism, the saviors of the faithful, and the granters of mercy.
  • Ness (left) is the God Empress of Mercy, and the first God Empress to ascend to the Pantheon, serving in life as Empress Nessaria Calontir to Emperor Henri I.
  • Eora (right) is the Goddess of Healers, serving in life as Arch-Chancellor Eotranna Kade.
  • The Mothers' Golden Lesson is that kindness and compassion are good things, and that even the most criminal seeking love and affection is deserving of it, while sin is to be bereft of mercy.
  • The Temple of Salvation on the Crown Isle is the holiest site to the Mothers.
  • The Mothers are the patrons of Mothers, Healers, Caretakers, Protectors, Empaths, and Martyrs.
  • Ness ascended to the Pantheon upon her death, whereas Eora was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared her a Goddess.

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Ness (left) and Eora (right) are the Mother Goddesses of Unionism, the saviors of the faithful, and the granter of mercy. Ness was the first God-Empress of Unionism, a title which refers to an Empress of Regalia who obtains Godhood following her death. Eora was a Goddess of the Guided Unionists, but following the mending of this community with the rest of the Unionists, was included as the Duo-Goddess with Ness, as the two were contemporaries and worked together during their mortal lives. Together, the Savior Gods represent protectiveness, nurturing, care, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness. There are represented by the Butterfly Mask of Ness and the Habit (head scarf) of Eora, as both were notable belongings of them in life. Their main place of worship is the Temple of Salvation on the outskirts of the City of Regalia, which also doubles as a hospital. Rituals to the Saviors involve forgiving, nurturing, and healing others. The act of taking private confessions, volunteering as a medic or aid in a clinic, and visiting prisoner to offer love and kindness where there is often rejection and apathy.

The Virtue of the Saviors is to be merciful, and show kindness and compassion to others, even if they would be underserving of it. To Unionists, the ability to forgive those who have wronged them is seen as a deep spiritual conviction just as much as it is a mental one. Even the most damned individual is still deserving of mercy, which is why this Virtue is often a struggle for Unionists to uphold at all times. Ultimately, all people are mortals with free will, and thus are prone to sin from time to time. The Saviors thus task Unionists to be understanding of this reality, and to always be willing to offer the same love and care that they would expect from their closest friends and family.

The greatest Vice against the Saviors, is to be bereft of mercy, and to close off one's heart to the possibility of forgiving others. As mortals, Unionists are well aware that it can difficult, if not seemingly impossible, to forgive some people for their actions. However, the Saviors warn that unless one opens up their heart to the possibility of forgiveness and mercy, one cannot every truly recover from the harm done to them. Likewise, if one does not consider extending mercy to others, they can often become blind with grudges that rub off onto others, perpetuating a cycle of hatred and cruelty. As such, Unionists should always try to forgive those who wrong them, even if it is difficult, as they may end up being the ones who seek out such mercy, and would be defeated if they were not forgiven for their own transgressions.

In Life, Ness was known as Nessaria Calontir, Empress to Henri I. Nessaria lived a life of infidelity until she was blinded by her husband as punishment, eventually finding love in Henri after the births of their children. Following Henri's death, Nessaria would lose three of her children to assassins during the Years of the Three Emperors. As the Dowager-Empress, Nessaria personally forgave the assassins, an act of mercy unheard of for a mother who lose her family. She would spend the rest of her life visiting Greygate Prison at night to turn the worst criminals into repentant faithful. Following her death, the Covenant College proclaimed her divinity and ascension to the Pantheon. Eora was known in life as Eotranna Kade, serving as an Arch Chancellor of Regalia for a brief period before resigning after suffering a stroke. During her tenure and afterwards, Eotranna helped promote the medical field by funding the construction of hospitals and clinics across the Empire. Following her death, she was not immediately seen as a Goddess, though the Guided Unionists would deify her centuries later to be a Duo-God with Ness, a status which eventually was adopted by all Unionisms following the mending of the schisms.

Lizardgods.png Tanthor and Dari are the Preserving Gods of Unionism, the advocators for the weak and downtrodden by blessing them with the strength to go on.
  • Tanthor (right) is the Called God of the Unwanted, and was a Kathar refugee from the Dread Empire before ascending to Godhood.
  • Dari (left) is the Called God of the Forgotten, and was an Allar Refugee from Sendrass before ascending to Godhood.
  • The Preservers' Golden Lesson is that even the most wretched, unwanted, and outcast of society have a role in the Great Way, and that sin is to find sadism and satisfaction in hurting the unloved.
  • There is no holy site for the Preservers, as it was destroyed to make room for high-rise housing.
  • The Preservers have no specific patronage, for they are for the Downtrodden, Forgotten, and Unwanted.
  • Both Tanthor and Dari ascended to Godhood at the same time during the Seasonal Emperors Period.

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Tanthor (right) and Dari (left) are the Preserving Gods of Unionism, the advocators for the weak and downtrodden by blessing them with the strength to go on. They are unique Gods in that they come from two peoples who have historically been the enemies of Unionism, with Tanthor being a Kathar God, and Dari being a Sendrassian Allar God. Together, the Preserving Gods represent the downtrodden, the forgotten, and the unwanted in a society that are often pushed around by everyone around them to fit their needs. They are represented by golden neck chains or other forms of personal restraint around the neck, giving off notions of slavery and all the connotations associate with it. The Preserving Gods have no Temple, as it was demolished in Crookback to make way for housing, though shrines to them are found in the slums and undercities of the Regalian Empire. Tanthor and Dari give hope to the lost that there is still a place for them in the Everwatcher's Grace and the Regalian Empire. Rituals of Dari and Tanthor often involve charity and bringing care and warmth to the poor, the dispossessed, the unwanted, and to show compassion and no bigotry against those who look or act different. They involve rituals to combat racism, discrimination, and general radical inclusion, perhaps even Vampires.

The Virtue of the Preserver Gods is to see the contributions that all people make to the Great Way, even the most wretched, unwanted, and outcast of society. Regardless of one's birth or station in life, Unionists should endeavor to find a way to help everyone contribute to the betterment of society, and fight against bigotry and discrimination which aims to split society into an "us" vs "them" mentality. Unionism is first an foremost a religion for all people, and thus the act of including others as participants is seen as a virtuous act. As such, the faithful are tasked with finding sympathy with the downtrodden, and offer them alms and the ability to have their voices heard, while serving as an advocate and ally if they cannot speak for themselves.

The greatest Vice against the Preservers is to find sadism and satisfaction in the hurting of the unloved. As recent conflicts have seen the Regalian Empire fight against various peoples who are often seen as the embodiment of evil to Unionism, so too has prejudices risen against individuals who simply belong to same heritage, despite not being blameless is the actions of such adversaries. To give into bigotry and to kick those who are already down is seen as a sin in the eyes of the Gods, as those who are already at rock bottom do not need to be tormented more than they already are. To oppress those who have done no wrong is to simply become the evil that is to be fought against. As such, Unionists must train themselves to be conscientious about the plights of the downtrodden, and to keep their well-being in mind, lest the Great Way be forgotten in the pursuit of oppression.

Very little is known about either Thanthor or Dari's past, as both of them are more concerned about the plight of the downtrodden rather than their personal histories. They appeared first during the tenure of Arch-Chancellor Morgan Kade, known for his tyranny against others. Following his execution, the duo ascended to the Pantheon as Called Gods after moving Emperor Vilgemar to begin his emancipation efforts of the many slaves across the Regalian Empire. Rather than preach to the everyday faithful, the Preserver Gods took to the slums of the Empire, hearing the concerns of the downtrodden and unwanted and advocating for them on their behalf, leading to an improvement of conditions, and a returning of faith to those who once felt that Unionism was a religion for the well-off, and could care less for those without two coins to rub together. In recent times Tanthor and Dari have been advocating for better treatment of refugees fleeing the Dread and Sendrassian Empires, reminding Unionists that the best way to defeat an enemy is to make them a friend, and any refugee who seeks out Regalia should be welcomed and offered a chance to contribute towards the Great Way.

Talli.png Juvin and Glanzia are the Pure Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the purity soul (Magic-apprehension) and Logic.
  • Juvin (right) is the God Emperor of Pure Reason, serving in life as Emperor Heinrich III Ivrae Heiligenblut.
  • Glanzia (left) is the Called Goddess of Pure Soul, and was an anti-magic advocate in Osteiermark before her ascention to Godhood.
  • The Pure Gods' Golden Lesson is that virtue is with the pure soul not tainted by the corrupt powers, and with knowing pure fact from wrong, while sin is spreading corruption and false information.
  • The Temple of Greater Understanding is the holiest site of the Pure Gods.
  • The Pure Gods are the patrons of Intellectuals, Mundanes, Anti-Magi, Scholars, Teachers, and Archeologists.
  • Juvin ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Glanzia ascended to Godhood following a performance of miracles in Praag.

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Juvin (right) and Glanzia (left) are the Pure Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the purity of reason and logic, and the purity of the soul through magical-apprehension. Juvin is another God-Emperor of Unionism, and was the Vessel God in life before the Covenant College proclaimed his ascension as the God of Pure Reason to the Pantheon following his death. Glanzia is the Called Goddess of Pure Soul, a title which refers to mortals who ascended to Godhood through a higher calling. Together, the Pure Gods represent analytics, apprehension, thoughtfulness, anti-magic, and purity. They are often represented by Books with the Unionist Eye, as literature is a source of understanding of the wider world, and Black Granite statues of Heroes, which are mortal individuals known for their piety and service towards Unionism. Their main holy place is the Temple of Greater Understanding in the City of Regalia, which doubles as one of the Empire's greatest libraries. Rituals belonging to the Pure Gods involve the Rites of Investigation. This usually involves an in-depth investigation to some kind of mystery, for Juvin that being discovery of new information and publication to the masses, and for Glanzia to uncover hidden Mages and the Occult, and to warn the general public. General rituals and customs also just involve educating the masses on general factual information and debates of skill.

The Virtue of the Pure Gods is the pursuit of knowledge which has not been tainted by corruption, and knowing the pure truth from lies. At a surface level, this Virtue warns Unionists from lying towards others, as being deceptive and untruthful harms the progress of the Great Way, as an open and honest individual is one who others find more receptive to cooperate with. In a deeper level, this Virtue also tasks Unionists with uncovering the truth of statements and accounts, and to hold those who record such events to higher scrutiny. As knowledge ultimately is passed down through the generations, any manipulation of the facts in the present can greatly undermine the progress of the future. Likewise, scholars are encouraged to doubt the findings of their peers until they are able to verify their findings on their own, a practice which promotes higher quality research and greater understanding.

The greatest Vice against the Pure Gods is to corrupt others through lies and deceptive practices. Knowledge is a powerful tool which has the capacity to benefit society as a whole, but also has the ability to manipulate society by withholding critical information. The Pure Gods warn of these sinister agents, who withhold knowledge from others, and proclaim falsehoods in order to create various echo chambers to divide society. As such, Unionists should always seek to spread information with one another, and to seek out different viewpoints to come to a greater understanding of the subject at hand. Likewise, the faithful should also be quick to point out conflicting information, and seek out the reason for such discrepancies, lest a false narrative be passed down to future generations, robbing a future from the truth they are deserved.

In life, Juvin was was known as Heinrich III Ivrae Heligenblut, later crowned as Emperor Henri III. As Emperor, Henri brought about the Blessed Reign, a golden age of the Regalian Empire where the borders of the realm greatly expanded, bringing in new peoples to foster growth in scholarship and economic growth. He was also the most pious Emperor, rivaled only to Theomar himself, which set him apart from his predecessors, who often had reputations of being puppets to the Viridian Order. In fact, the revelation of a coup conspiracy within the knights led to Henri greatly stripping away Viridian authority in the Empire in an effort to eradicate corruption, which ultimately succeeded. Following his death, the Covenant College declared his ascension to the Pantheon as God-Emperor Juvin (his middle name which he often used with his closest friends). Glanzia was a mortal who grew up in the Osteiermark area of the Regalian Archipelago, which was known to harbor several Vampire covens since the days of the Sarnan Tribes. Glanzia often preached about uncovering hidden Vampires in society, while also preaching of general apprehension to magic. She ascended to Godhood after displaying an ability to create a material known as Purestone, which was used to combat hostile occult across the region. Glanzia is still alive today, and often resides in the city of Praag to preach to the faithful, also warning about manipulating her message to be a corruption in and of itself.

Eastgods.png Al-Asir and Marani are the Inspired Gods of Unionism, the divine inspiration and guard against inventions of evil in technology.
  • Al-Asir (right) is the God of Invention, and doubles as the Draconist God Marik.
  • Marani (left) is the Called God of Inspiration, and is Al-Asir's closest friend and confidant.
  • The Inspired Gods' Golden Lesson is that technology brings forth great progress, and to share with society is a virtue, and that sin the creation of killing machines that automate death.
  • The Telocar Temple in Al-Alus is the holiest site to the Inspired Gods.
  • The Inspired Gods are the patrons of Technicians, Engineers, Inventors, Architects, Craftsmen, and Laborers.
  • Al-Asir was always a God, revived by the Everwatcher as a reincarnation of Marik (which the Qadir deny, claiming immaculate creation). Marani ascended to Godhood after his divine contributions to Al-Asir's work were recognized.

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Al-Asir (right) and Marani (left) are the Inspired Gods of Unionism, the divine inspirers of innovation and technology to better wider society. Al-Asir is the God of Invention, and often works with creators to improve their designs for greater effectiveness. Marani is the God of Inspiration, and the best friend of Al-Asir, often providing ideas for future technological advancements. Together, the Inspired Gods represent technology, resourcefulness, inspiration, altruism, conscientiousness, and discoveries. They are represented by Al-Asir's golden gears, or Qadir arm tattoo shapes in glowing gold. Their main holy place is the Telocator Temple in Al-Alus, the only one outside of the Regalian Empire. Rituals belonging to the Inspired Gods involve the act of inventing, or just tinkering with technology, reading books and improving skills, or just generally engaging in crafts from simple wood carving furniture to advanced architectural planning. The act of production for someone else, even at the cost of payments, is considered a virtuous activity for the patron Gods of Craftsmen, this is why object creations are always blessed by the Gods.

The Virtue of the Inspired Gods is to better society through the sharing of knowledge and technology. The concept of research and development is one valued highly by Unionists, as improving the functioning of the Regalian Empire and well-being of its citizens not only makes the Empire a better place to live, but also frees up resources to focus on other areas in need of development. The ability to constantly improve upon previous systems is a strong tenet of Unionism, allowing the faith to adapt to changes in society. Even if some technological changes may come to a surprise to those unfamiliar with the science behind them, Unionists nonetheless are quite open to such advancements, and often speculate on how a new invention can make life easier.

The greatest Vice against the Inspired Gods is to create machines which automate death. Technology should always be built with the intentions of improving the quality of life to those around them. To create a machine for needless killing only aims to take life from others, and does not benefit society in any capacity. There is a key difference between inventing a new firearm, which has a benefit of reducing the number of casualties in battle and preventing needless bloodshed, and creating a machine programmed only to kill, which only automates the killing process and removed the morality behind going to war. All technology much be created as a response to the saving of life or the reduction in death, and never designed for making killing more efficient for killing's sake.

Al-Asir was born as Nadir Al-Taqdeer, and predates the founding of Unionism by a century. He is believed to have been immaculately conceived by the Everwatcher before the Great Storm, and tasked a group of Qadir to raise him into the God he is known for today. He is also believed to be the reincarnation of the Dragon Marik, though most Unionists are indifferent with the notion. Marani, known by his full name of Marani Keita, is Al-Asir's stalwart protector and confidant, acting as an invaluable friend around the Qadir who are often too comfortable and casual around the God of Invention. Their pariing is unique, as Al-Asir is a Qadir, whereas Marani is a Songaskian. Together, they reside in Al-Alus by creating technology to help out society, but also work to mend the societal trauma between the Qadir and Songaskians which has existed for centuries during the Sariyd Empire.

GAYS.png Allest and Brand are the Martial Gods of Unionism, the promoters of strength in martial arms, and of fraternity and loyalty in the military.
  • Allest (right) is the God Emperor of Warriors, serving in life as Emperor Allestrain I Ivrae Heiligenblut.
  • Brand (left) is the Called God of Gladiators, serving in life as Arch-Chancellor Alexander Kade "the Giant" and lover to Allestrain I.
  • The Martial Gods' Golden Lesson is that loyalty to the state, the army, and fellow believers is a virtue, as is physical strength, and that sin is treason, deceptiveness without morals, and adultery.
  • The Hero's Contemplation Temple in Gloomrot Forest is the holiest site to the Martial Gods.
  • The Martial Gods are the patrons of Soldiers, Generals, Commanders, Gladiators, Warriors, and Homosexuals.
  • Allest ascended to the Pantheon upon his death, whereas Thedmir was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared him a God.

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Allest (right) and Brand (left) are the Martial Gods of Unionism, the promoters of strength in martial arms, and of fraternity and loyalty in the military. Allest is the God of Warriors, and was also a Vessel-God in life before ascending to the Pantheon following his death in battle. Brand is the God of Gladiators, and was a God to the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being incorporated to the unified Pantheon in recent times. Together, the Martial Gods represent bravery, boisterousness, glory, victory, martial prowess, dependability, and steadfastness. They are represented by two crossed swords, one with blood to symbolize the battlefield, and one dripping with tears to represent the loss of comrades in these conflicts. Their main holy place is the Divine Heroic Contemplation Temple, located in the Gloomrot Forest of the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Martial Gods involve some kind of brotherly oath, a promise to protect someone until one's dying breath, or swearing fealty and undying loyalty to an overlord in war. Allest and Brand were glorious warriors each in their own right, so in many ways, prayer before battle and battle itself is a form of worship in their names, as is love persevering through war.

The Virtue of the Martial Gods is to be loyal to the state, military, and fellow believers. While the Prophets also speak of loyalty, their lesson is more about faith and trust in general cooperation, whereas the Martial Gods preach for the actual demonstration of this loyalty, by actually pledging to support others and work alongside them through thick and thin. A secondary virtue is physical strength, as promotes reliability and the ability to help others, rather than becoming dead weight and a liability. General exercise is seen as paying respects to the Martial Gods, as a fully sedentary life isolated from others breeds inaction and a lack of comradery with the faithful.

The greatest Vice against the Martial Gods is treason, and deceiving one's allies for personal gain. It is seen as the greatest betrayal of Unionists to spend decades fighting alongside brothers and sisters against common enemies on the worst battlefields, only to turncoat and become the very thing you fought against for so long. While the term backstabbing is metaphorical in most cases, to Unionists the act of deceiving one's comrades may as well be a literal knife in the back, as the harm caused may as well be the same. Finally, adultery is equally considered a Vice against the Martial Gods, as the act of marriage is considered a sacred pairing between two lovers, where there are no secrets shared between them. To betray such an intimate bond is to be the scum of the earth, and unworthy of even the Everwatcher's unconditional love.

In Life, Allest was known as Allestrain Ivrae Heiligenblut, later known as Emperor Allestrain I. Brand was known as Arch-Chancellor Alexander I Kade "the Giant", though his divine name was taken from his nickname Bram given by Allestrain. Allestrain and Alexander were lovers in life, despite each of them being married (Allestrain to Eolaria Brunig, and Alexander to Leona Weissburg). It is believed that due to the Emperor needed to have an Empress to sire future heirs, that the four of them entered into sham marriages for political convenience, while actually being intimate with their "true spouses". Allestrain and Brand were instrumental in launching a rapid series of military conquests for the Regalian Military, while also implementing the Navigation Acts to cement Regalian authority over states that surrendered peacefully. Allestrain would be killed in battle against the Nordskaggers, after which the Concilly Council declared his ascension to the Pantheon as God-Emperor Allest. Alexander would continue to fight in the name of his deceased lover, eventually dying on the same battlefield several years later. He would be declared a God by the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before the mending of the schisms made him a Duo God with Allest.


Neall & Nolven, the Cultured

Artgods.png Neall and Nolven are the Culture Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the facets of culture in peace and war, and in loving art.
  • Neall (left) is the Joined God of Visual Arts, and the twin brother of Nolven, who was once a God to a now forgotten Religion.
  • Nolven (right) is the Joined God of Martial Arts, and known to sire Godborn, and was also a God to a now forgotten Religion.
  • The Culture Gods' Golden Lesson is that culture and art fill the soul with light, and that even in the darkness of war is beauty, and that sin is pure blind hatred without grace or beauty.
  • The Temple of High Arts is the holiest site to the Culture Gods.
  • The Culture Gods are the patrons of Painters, Sculptors, Make-up Artists, Fashion Designers, Gardeners, and Designers.
  • Both Neall and Nolven joined the Pantheon during the conquests of Allestrain I.

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Neall (left) and Nolven (right) are the Culture Gods of Unionism, the teachers of the facets of culture and art, both in times of peace and war. Neall (left) is the Joined God of Visual Arts, while Nolven is the Joined God of Military Arts. Together, the Culture Gods represent creativity, artistic expression, gregariousness, welcomeness, inclusivity, and visuals. They are represented by Neall's golden paintbrush/pencil, and Nolven's golden sword. Their main holy place is the Temple of High Arts, which serves as the Imperial Art Gallery. Rituals of the Culture Gods involve the combination of cultural beauty and the art of war, whether that is a dramatic renaissance-style painting of a battlefield, or finding ways to depict what is in essence militarist propaganda in beautiful ways (statues, poetry, literature, art, etc). Because art is a skill, most worshipers of Neall and Nolven tend to perform their worship by paying artists to make art, a form of patronage.

The Virtue of the Culture Gods is to find the beauty in all aspects of life, through cultural and artistic expressions. Unionists believe that art is a way to fill the soul with the Everwatcher's divine light, and often decorate their holy spaces with stained glass, chiseled statues, and ironic paintings. The Culture Gods also preach about the beauty which can be found in war. While the battlefield can often be seen as a bloody hellscape void of emotion, it is also the place where great heroic feats are performed that pass into song and legend, and well-planned strategies are executed with precision. It is thus a virtue to always seek the positives in every situation, and find the beauty in even the most mundane of things, as often there is a divine order to all things.

The greatest Vice against the Culture Gods is barbarism, and the blind hatred of things. To lash out against the world without grace or beauty is to be no different from a wild beast, fueled off of primal instinct and lacking true sentience. To give in to one's primal urges is to cast aside one's humanity, and thus fall astray from carrying out the Great Way. Even when emotions run high, Unionists are reminded to demonstrate a sense of grace in their setbacks, and to understand that such obstacles are simply part of life's process. Failure is bound to occur, as nobody creates a masterpiece the first them they start something. To rage against one's misfortunes is to lack the ability to grow, and thus become an animal lacking any culture.

Neall and Nolven are Joined Gods, meaning they were once the Gods of a tribe whose name has been lost to time. They are also unique in that the Covenant College declared them as Duo-Gods decades before the concept was adopted by the Emended and later Guided Unionists. Neall is generally seen as a reserved as shy God, more focused on his artistic pursuits, while Nolven as a war God is more gregarious and prone to carnal desires. It comes to no surprise that Nolvan is one of the Unionist Gods who sires Godborn, who are often expected by Unionists to represent their divine father and uncle's pursuits of cultured warriors.

Elia & Leona, the Protectors

LESBIANS.png Elia and Leona are the Protector Goddesses of Unionism, the teachers of the faithful to guard one another and be responsible for one another.
  • Elia is the God Empress of the Watchful Gaze, serving in life as Empress Eolaria Brunig to Emperor Allestrain I.
  • Leona is the Called Goddess of Knights, serving in life as the protector and lover of Empress Eolaria, and wife to Arch-Chancellor Alexander the Giant.
  • The Protectors' Golden Lesson is that responsibility and protecting society is shared by everyone, no one can be excused, and that sin is to indifferent and not watching for the dangers of the world.
  • The Temple of Unyielding Overwatch is considered the holiest site to the Protector Goddesses.
  • The Protectors are the patrons of Guards, Knights, Hunters, Rangers, Explorers, Scribes, and Lesbians.
  • Elia ascended to the Pantheon upon her death, whereas Leona was not recognized until the Emended Unionists declared her a Goddess.

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Elia (left) and Leona (right) are the Protector Goddesses of Unionism, the guardians of the faithful, and promoters of responsibility towards others. Elia is the God-Empress of the Watchful Gaze, and Leona is the Goddess of Knights, and was a Goddess to the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being incorporated to the unified Pantheon in recent times. Together, the Protector Goddesses represent chivalry, alertness, mindfulness, responsibility, dedication, precision, and awareness. They are represented by Elias's Longbow and Leona's Sword, with Blacksteel in general representing the strength and durability required of defenders of the faith. Their main holy place is the Temple of Unyielding Overwatch, otherwise known as the Imperial Hunting Lodge on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Protector Goddesses involve some kind of communal or co-operative practice of the hunt or respect and support of the Knights (as well as being Knights). Knighthood is considered the greatest form of "keeping watch over society", and so many of their patrons become Knights. Other forms of rituals are couple or group hunts, and inspections of garrisons and walls and armories.

The Virtue of the Protectors is to be responsible for society as a whole, and to protect those around you. As the world is a dangerous place, and enemies of Unionism are ever present, it is the duty of all faithful to remain vigilant for such threats, and be ready to take up the call to protect all that they cherish. It is important to emphasize that this duty is not only for those martially inclined, as the Protectors preach for everyone to contribute what they can, be it a baker providing bread for a knight, or a street sweeper ensuring that the roads are able to be traversed quickly in an emergency. By watching out for one's fellow citizen, they in turn will watch out for you, ensuring that society as a whole is well protected and cared for.

The greatest Vice against the Protectors is to be apathetic and uncaring to the world around them. As Unionists are expected to further the Great Way by doing their part to bring about Paradise, the act of general apathy not only impedes the Great Way, but might also hinder the duties of fellow citizens. For example, a farmer that decides not to harvest grain for the day prevents the miller and baker from producing the bread for the village, causing everyone to go hungry due to the laziness of one person. Likewise, a careless disregard to the dangers of the world invite even greater calamities upon those who were not prepared. As such, the Protectors emphasize the need for Unionists to pull their weight and contribute to society as a whole, while also remaining ever vigilant and prepared for any emergency that arises in the future.

In Life, Elia was known as Eolaria Brunig, Empress to Allestrain I, while Leona was married to Arch-Chancellor Alexander I. As mentioned previously, both marriages were public fronts to placate the demands of an Emperor to have an Empress. Eolaria was a fierce warrior, but fought more so for personal glory and to train the common soldier, rather than Allestrain and Alexander's ambitions for territorial expansion. Leona was the silent supporter of her lover's work, caring for the Empress when she was injured, and taking hits for Eolaria who was not paying attention, suffering through them. Both women would outlive their spouses, with Eoalaria continuing to fight in a few minor campaigns as the Dowager Empress alongside Leona. When Eolaria died after years of sustaining battle wounds, the Covenant Council declared her ascension to the Pantheon as God Empress Elia. Leona would retire to the Thousand Blade Monastery following the death of the true love, maintaining a silent vigil and training the next generation of knights. Following her death, the Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare her a Goddess in her own right, before recent times saw her paired with Elia in the Pantheon.

Mendes & Hor, the Prosperous

Furrygods.png Mendes and Hor are the Prosperity Gods of Unionism, blessing the people with wealth and prosperity and good wit in commerce.
  • Mendes (left) is the Joined God of Prosperity, and was once the God of a small Asha Cult called the Golden Mask.
  • Hor (right) is the Called God of Wealth, and served as Mendes's longtime friend and bodyguard.
  • The Prosperity Gods' Golden Lesson is that wealth is there to be shared, but ultimately needed for the greatness of the faith, and that sin is to hoard wealth alone, and to steal from others.
  • The Regalian Central Bank and Exchange is considered the holiest site to the Prosperity Gods.
  • The Prosperity Gods are the patrons of Merchants, Bankers, Traders, Shopkeepers, and Bureaucrats.
  • Mendes joined the Patheon when his divinity was proven by turning an infertile landscape into fertile farmland, whereas Hor ascended to the Pantheon after protecting several Unionist relics from robbery.

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Mendes (left) and Hor (right) are the Prosperity Gods of Unionism, the bringers of wealth and fortune, and instructors of financial wit. Mendes is the God of Fortune, able to grants boons to the faithful by giving them business acumen and blessing the lands to produce plentiful bounty. Hor is the God of Wealth, and serves as Mendes's bodyguard to ensure that the fortunes of Unionism are not squandered or stolen by enemies of the faith. Together, the Prosperity Gods represent business acumen, opulence, responsibility, self-sufficiency, insight, and bounty. They are represented by the Golden Coins of Union, which are coins with the Eye of the Everwatcher in place of the Emperor's profile. Their main holy place is the Regalian Central Bank and Exchange, which houses most of the Empire's gold reserves. One of the most common forms of worship to Mendes and Hor is paying taxes. The act of paying taxes is considered virtuous, because it both shows a willingness to part with wealth, and a willingness to trust the State to do good by the people with said Taxes, and to contribute to communal greatness. Other rituals involve squeezing foreigners for money and signing unequal trade treaties with foreign merchants, to encourage them to join the Empire and share in its prosperity.

The Virtue of the Prosperity Gods is to share the wealth accumulated through one's actions. Not only does the pooling of money allow society to fund large projects which benefit everyone as a whole, but it also demonstrates the greatness of the Unionist faith, as worshippers are willing to part with their personal gains to benefit their fellow citizens. The giving of alms to the poor and donating to various charity organizations is a common practice for Unionists, as if the most destitute in society are given the means to life themselves out of squalor, they too will receive the means to lift others out of a terrible situation, continuing the cycle of charity and growth in society.

The greatest Vice against the Prosperity Gods is greed. To hoard one's wealth and refuse to contribute to society is seen as an act of selfishness and a desire to not be part of the wider Empire. Unionists believe that while having some personal savings for emergency situation is a valuable necessity, that money which simply sits around for no good reason should be put to better use, often through philanthropic pursuits. Similarly, the act of theft is considered a grave sin against the Prosperity Gods, as the valuables stolen from others not only strips away the fortunes of a fellow citizen, thus affecting their wellbeing, but rarely do these fortunes ever go to a good use, and instead are hoarded by criminals who do not wish to contribute to wider society. As such, Unionists are encouraged to give freely to society, so that society as a whole improves, reducing the reasons for would-be thieves to take what is not theirs.

Mendes is a Joined God, and was once the God of a monotheistic faith called the Golden Mask, practiced by ex-Asha slaves who broke away from Baskarr worship during their years of oppression. Mendes led a large exodus of ex-slaves to Corontium, where they settled in an inhospitable area which nobody would care about. His divinity was proven to the Covenant Council when missionaries reported that the once destitute lands were not arable and prosperous due to the blessings brought by Mendes, which he later extended to the Regalian Empire as a whole when he joined the Pantheon. Hor, known previously as Horremenet, was a mortal Asha who served as a friend and bodyguard to Mendes for most of their life. He ascended to divinity as a Called God of Unionism after he fought off a group of robbers attempting a heist on the Central Bank and Exchange's artifact vault, preventing some of Unionism's cherished relics from being put on the black market. Together, the Prosperity Gods continue to reside at the Central Bank and Exchange, with Mendes advising bankers and merchants about future projects, and Hor training others to be better security guards for their clients.

Caan & Kaldric, the Burdened

Magicgods.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Caan (right) and Kaldric (left) are the Burdened Gods of Unionism, the teachers of proper and virtuous use of Magic while warning of its corruptive tendency. Caan is the Called God of Restrained Magic, and also serves as a Mage-Knight to the Aelrrigan Order that advocates for controlling Magic. Kaldric is the Called God of Penitent Magic, and the most recent addition to the Unionist Pantheon who advocates for ethical Magic use. Together, the Burdened Gods represent self-sacrifice, penitence, humility piety, stalwartness, and the arcane. They are represented by Kaldric's horned branble crow, and Caan's arcane tome. Their main holy place is the Hall of Golden Ascension, located within the Holy Agatha Mountains of the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Burdened Gods involve forms of self-sacrifice and penitence. Self-flagellation is one form of self-punishment practiced by some of their worshipers, but other forms of self-enforced humility through the praising or service of others are also common. Kaldric (once called Kristoph in life) is more for the self-loathing/punishing Mages and Occult, while Caan is more for the restrained and dignified Mages and Occult.

The Virtue of the Burdened Gods is the responsible use of Magic of those considered Occult. While Glanzia preaches of the dangers of Magic due to its potential for corrupting those around them, intentionally or not, the Burdened Gods add a caveat that while Magic is a corrupting force, its corruption can be prevented through disciplined training and ethical usage. They also preach that those born Occult, such as Arkenborn, have a reasonability to those around them to learn how to control their powers, so that their usage does not harm the mundane society around them. Magic and the Occult is considered a tainted burden to Unionists, and the faithful should hold those with such powers to either restrain them selves from using it, or to direct their abilities to the benefit of everyone.

The greatest Vice against the Burdened Gods is to use Magic to their own ends, without considering those around them. They warn that the wanton use of Magic on a selfish whim is the true source of its corruption, and when left unchecked can cause calamity to befall whole societies. The Mage who uses their powers to rule over others is one who impedes the progress of the Great Way, and thus should be treated as an adversary of the faith. Likewise, the Mage who is able to create things better than the mundane worker risks destroying an entire sector of a town's economy through their powers, which in turn causes needless suffering of others. An unethical Mage is one who does not consider the full consequences of their actions, and scoffs at the mundane population for their inferiority. The Burdened Gods call these selfish Mages to task, demanding restraint so they may be a valuable part of society, rather than a threat to it.

Caan is a Matter-Mage, able to create anything from his thoughts, and currently serves the Aelrrigan Order as one of its most powerful Mage-Knights. He was recognized as a God by the Emended and later Guided Unionists, before being integrated into the consolidated Pantheon following the ending of the schisms. Caan is also known to sire Godborn with mortals, though his children usually lack any expectations from the wider Unionist community. In Life, Kaldric was known as Christopher von Henselbrücke, who lived as a repressed Mage in the City of Calemberg. He eventually fell in with the criminal circuit there, but made a name for himself as a conscientious and pious criminal who gave half his winnings to the homeless. He was killed in a cafe explosion in 310 AC caused by magical terrorists targeting the purists inside. His divinity was recognized after his death when his spirit appeared in Calemberg to teach the 14 power families of the city in a better understanding of Magic and how to control it, prompting the Covenant Council to declare his ascension to the Pantheon.

Kithemon & Amandaros, Exist/Void Gods

Exitciuv.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Kithemon (left) and Amandaros (right) are the Exist and Void God of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of the Void and Exist. Kithemon is the Exist God of Mind Protection, and safeguards the faithful from mind incursions from demons and other corrupting entities. Amandaros is the Void God of Proginy, who aids the faithful who have difficulties to sire children of their own. Together, the two Gods represent resoluteness, stalwartness, protection, hedonism, capriciousness, and lust. They are represented by the shielded silhouette of a head, and a tree of descendance or ancestry. Their main holy place is the Temple of Ethereal Naether in Aetosil. Kithemon and Amandaros rituals vary greatly, as they are obviously very different. Kithemon rituals involves seeking out and revealing the corruption of Spirits and mind control affecting others and then freeing them. Amandaros rituals involve hedonistic self-satisfying parties, preferably those which involve in copious amounts of romantic matches or flings that may expand the population through conventional means.

The Virtue of Kithemon is to steel the mind against the influence of demonic entities. As Evintarians may utilize Magic and trans-dimensional energy to evolve into a better person, they are tasked with fortifying their minds from Demons and other entities who would corrupt and usurp them and rob them of their freedom and identity. To remain in control while one enhances the self is core to Evintarian beliefs. The Virtue of Amandaros is to sire children by utilizing his divine powers. Unionism preaches of the faithful to bear and raise children to increase the number of believers, though some couples are unable to conceive due to a variety of reasons. By utilizing Amandaros's power to enhance the body, couples may conceive children.

The greatest Vice of Kithemon is to become demonically possessed. The most important tenet of Evintarian Unionism is to always remain in control when enhancing the self through the Occult, and becoming corrupted with extra-dimensional essence and demonic infestation is considered a spiritual failing. Additionally, making bargains with extradimensional entities such as Arken and Spirit Dukes is seen as a seen, as they are notorious for manipulating the desires of their summoners, often to the latter's detriment. The greatest Vice of Amandaros is to be an incel. To lash out and blame others for one's inability to find and sustain a healthy romantic relationship is considered a failing to Evintarians, as it incorrectly places the blame on others, rather than introspecting to find the critical faults in oneself, and addressing them. One who is unable to self-reflect and grow as a person, is one who impedes on furthering the Great Way.

Kithemon an Exist entity from another realm that possessed an Aetosian man named Nikolaos. He is considered divine, because many of his advisory words, and their revealing of corrupt individuals have helped and even saved the entire Aetosian state on numerous occasions, believing him to be well and truly a patron of the Evintarian faith's holy birthright. While Kithemon as an entity is not fully understood, the Evintarians know for sure that he is not a hostile or death-inducing entity, and thus welcome his ability to detect mind control and possession of individuals, allowing the faithful to perform exorcisms to cast out the demonic infestation. Amandaros was once a Spirit Sovereign of the Void, serving under Armas, before they abandoned the cause of their master. They possess a primary host, an Asha named Amon, though it is important to mention that Amandaros as an entity does not reside in a single place, but can be in many places (and hosts) at once. Amandaros is also summoned by the Mask of Amandaros which is held in Evintarian Shrines, which the faithful may use to help conceive children if they cannot themselves. Amandaros is the final Unionist God that produces Godborn.

Yvasi & Eredicos, Ordial/Primal Gods

New Canvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Yvasi (left) and Eredicos (right) and the Ordial and Primal Gods of the Evintarian Cult, respectively. They are paired together as a God-Pair due to the opposite natures of Bintaar and Aloria. Yvasi is the God of Self-Love, and helps believers become their true self. Eredicos is the God of Elder Wisdom, and embodies the veneration of ancestors. Together, the two represent guidance, mentorship, authority, venerability, and eruditeness. They are represented by the mask of anonymity, the banner of command, and the staff of rule. Their main holy place is the House of the Patrilineal Divinity in Aetosil. Yvasi and Eredicos rituals similarly diverge due to their diverging nature, but they are more similar than Kithemon and Amandaros. Many of the rituals for Yvasi and Eredicos converge on praising and worship of ancestors, to showcase the skill and achievements of ancestors, and to keep a clean grave or shrine to them. Yvasi has rituals of self exploration, meditation, and both also have rituals with experimentation with self-presentation.

The Virtue of Yvasi is to self-actualize into one's true identity. Evintarians believe that everyone is born defective or imperfect, and that one must search for that perfect state. By discovering one's flaws, and finding ways to overcome said flaws through enhancement, the faithful may evolve to compensate for the flaw of creation. The Virtue of Fredericos is to reflect on the actions of one's forebears, using traditions and past knowledge to aid in solving the problems of the present and future. While the challenges of today are never the same as those in the past, one can still use the accomplishments and reactions of one's ancestors to determine what methods solved previous problems, and which ones didn't. By understanding history, Unionists may understand the future and avoid making the same mistakes.

The greatest Vice against Yvasi is bigotry on matters of identity. All people deserve to be the person they believe themselves to be, and obstructing anyone in their process to achieve their true self is considered a spirutual and personal failing. Not everyone's path to self-actualization is the same, and may not be easily understood, though it is critical to understand that every path is valid, and being obstructionist only aims to create rifts in society that do not have to be there. The greatest Vice against Eredicos is to betray one's family, and to forsake the lessons of one's ancestors. To Unionists, the family is the foundation of society, and its members build each other up by fostering a strong support network. To betray this support network is to undermine the very foundation of society, which impedes the Great Way. Furthermore, ignoring the actions of one's ancestors opens up the possibility to make the same mistakes, which can be costly to those who do not learn from history.

Yvasi is an Ordial Entity possessing a Half-Eronidas named Girin who has proved to be of aid to the Great Way, by traveling the lands and helping the faithful realize and manifest their true self in gender, appearance, and heritage. It is not known what entity Yvasi is related to, but she did show her loyalty to mortals and the living, by aiding in the defense of the Last City of the Living, before traveling on to Aloria to aid the Unionists. Yvasi in particular discusses many concepts of transhumanist and transgender concepts with the faithful, as she is a female-presenting spirit in a male-presenting body, and how that generally affects gender presentation to the faithful, as well as gender roles in society. Eredicos is a divine name for the Imperial Prince Frederick Kade (second son of the Emperor), who shares his body with an ancestral spirit of Betheoric I Kade. Unlike the other entities who have mostly subsumed their host, Eredicos represents both Frederick in the mortal body and Betheoric in the immortal self, and the two frequently exchange host status. Eredicos is a very recent addition as God, because Frederick only ascended to godhood when he became an Urlan in the past 3 years, and in doing so, proved to have divine god-like powers of command and venerability over even non-believers through Betheoric. The fact that an Imperial prince is technically possessed by a Primal Revenant is a very much not-so-secret at the Imperial Palace, but out of respect nobody causes an issue over it.

Nicholas & Aarthes, the Leaders

Leadergodsas.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Nicholas (left) and Aarthes (right) are the Leadership Gods of the Guided Cult, the teachers of responsibility and careful design to those in positions of power. Nicholas is the God of Political Design, whereas Aarthes is the God of Architectural Design Together, the Leadership Gods represent foresight, calculation, intellect, responsibility, and counsel. They are represented by the scepter of regality, government buildings, and the Regalian State Banner. Their main holy place is the Golden Seed Temple in Axford, the capital of Anglia. Rituals belonging to the Leadership Gods involve the bridging of duality, to seek out "the mind" and "the body" in friendships, and form a perfect union between the person who plans and thinks, and the person who acts and completes. The intention is to build friendships from unlikely partners, to create unbreakable bonds and collaborative efforts that showcase the perfection cooperation, that dependency is not weakness but beautiful and meaningful.

The Virtue of the Leadership Gods is to use one's speech and charisma to deescalate a situation, rather than resorting to combat as the first option. A good leader recognizes that not all battles need to be fought, and often a diplomatic overture will suffice in finding common ground. By resorting to violence, one earns a reputation for being unreasonable, perpetuating a cycle of violence. As such, the Leadership Gods advocate for the use of words to settle disputes, and only resort to combat when all other options have been explored. In doing so, Unionists believe that one becomes better known as a negotiator and one who they can trust to make sound decisions, and thus a leader that they can trust and follow.

The greatest Vice against the Leadership Gods is to disrupt the order and stability of the state. A society that best furthers the Great Way is one which is not embroiled with petty conflicts over trivial matters, as being obstinate or contrarian earns one no favor in wider society. Those who strike out against authority with malicious intent towards will often shoot themselves in the foot, with only themselves to blame for their own misfortunes. A poor leader is one who refuses to act in good faith and compromise on certain aspects, and instead becomes obstructionist to the decision-making process. Being too rigid leaves one open to being ignored by sounder minds, causing one to lose their right to advocate for themselves when the time is proper.

In Life, Nicholas was known as the Glorious Arch-Chancellor, Nicholas Kade. Known as the most competent head of government in Regalian history, his record-long tenure saw the Empire enter into a golden age of prosperity, owing to his political tact. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nicholas was able to negotiate the end of the Skagger Wars and integrate Drixagh into the Regalian Empire, as well and oversee the inclusion of the Ithanian Sovereignty and Aetosian Theocracy into the imperial fold. Throughout his life, Nicholas was accompanied by Aarthes, his Fin'ullen Archon bodyguard. Following the death of the Arch-Chancellor, Aarthes retreated from public life to reside in his master's old Estate in Anglia, where he would occasionally talk about how Nicholas made his decisions. Nicholas's divinity was not immediately declared, as he never manifested as a spirit following his death. The Emended and later Guided Unionists would declare him a God, believing that his legacy coupled with his Dragonblood status was proof enough of his divinity in life.

Morgan & Narsil, the Tyrants

Snakegods.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Morgan (left) and Narsil (right) are the Tyrant Gods of The Guided Cult, the warnings to blind faith and unquestioning obedience. Morgan is the God of Tyrants, whereas Naril is the God of Corruption. Together, the Martial Gods represent selfishness, greed, cruelty, wroth, pride, hyper-competency, and self-assuredness. They are represented by the cobra-hooded head, snake-forked tongue, and snake-hair head. The Tyrants lack a holy place, as they are not worshipped specifically and instead used as a warning against hedonism and sin, even in competent people. Rituals of Morgan and Narsil are less in service to them, and more in deterrence to the qualities of Morgan. The most common form of ritual is the Public Examination, where large crowds gather in front of a speaking stand, where citizens and commoners hold a public debate on the competency and virtues and morality of an individual in office or power, as a means to hold them accountable to good governance and keep them on the right track.

The Virtue of the Tyrants is that sometimes, underhanded tactics are also able to further the Great Way. Sometimes, working in the light is too slow or too ineffectively, and that Spies, Saboteurs, and Rogues can also use their skills to the glory of the Empire. This does not mean that criminal behavior, gang activity, and the like is considered morally correct to Guided Unionists (after all, obeying the law is virtuous). Rather, they assert that covert and underhanded tactics can sometimes bring about quicker progress to the Empire than going through the socially-accepted channels, and that espionage against foreign rivals and enemies is a necessity for Regalia to be well-informed in making decisions.

The greatest Vice against the Tyrants is to use the Emperor, Faith, or Law to justify cruelty and evil. Unionists trust the word of the Emperor, because he communes with the Everwatcher, and that his Laws are made with good intentions for all people. However, those in positions of power who represent the Emperor may use that authority to twist the words of the Emperor to carry out great evil, using the people's faith against them. Likewise, those who manipulate the Laws, or find unintended loopholes, will use them to enrich themselves at another's expense. The faithful are warned to hold those in power accountable, and to be skeptical of anyone claiming to speak for the Emperor without investigating their merits.

In Life, Morgan was known as the Sun Chancellor, Morgan Kade. Remembered as highly competent, but extremely morally corrupt, Morgan used the aftermath of the Purple Bleeding to force Emperor Justinian I to surrender religious prerogative to him, making the Chancellor kingmaker. What followed was a line of Ivrae Emperor who were Morgan's puppets, each being replaced whenever the Chancellor grew tired of them. To enforce his grip over the Empire, Morgan relied on Narsil, his Snake-Marken bodyguard who painted himself gold, to inform the Chancellor of any threats to his power. For over four decades, Morgan and Narsil ruled as tyrants, using intrigue and tyranny to keep the nobility and government in line while funding lives of opulence and hedonism. Eventually, Morgan would be executed by Emperor Vilgemar, who always hated being told what to do. Immediately after, the Imperial Guards hunted down and killed Narsil in a back corridor of the Imperial Palace, ending the duos reign of tyranny. As with the other pair of Dragon Gods, Morgan or Narsil has never manifested, though their actions coupled with Morgan's Dragonblood status were seen to be the acts of the divine (as who else could play kingmaker to the Vessel-God, but another God). The Emended and later Guided Unionists would accept this stance on divinity, teaching that Gods can also be just awful people, and be extremely selfish and capricious, but that bad qualities and ugly personalities are not reasons to write off the skills and competencies that people do have.

Celestina & Eòin, the Anticipators

New Cauunvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

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Celestina (left) and Eòin (right) are the Anticipating Gods of the Armageddon Cult, the teachers of going good without material reward. Celestina is the Goddess of the spoken word and the prepared mind, and Eòin is the God of the physical arm and execution of the divine plan. Together, the Anticipators represent altruism, resolve, combativeness, unforgiveness, noncapitulation, and preparedness. They are represented by the Habit and mask of the Silent Sisters, and the Imperial Guard Seal. Their main holy place is the Divine Advent Temple on the Crown Isle. Rituals belonging to the Anticipating Gods involve preparing one's self, or the world around one, for the inevitable Armageddon, and to find peace in the fact that all the toil of a lifetime may not ever see fruits while alive, and that the benefit of one's labor must be for one's descendants or those who come after. and never for one's self.

The Virtue of the Anticipating Gods is to fight, restrain, or otherwise hamper the forces of the Void. Armageddon Cultists in essence believe in an inevitable "War in Heaven", and express their belief mainly in daily "thinning the herd" of Demons and Vampires so as to reduce the overwhelming forces that the Demons will come to possess when Armageddon begins. They are doomsday preppers, with many even entertaining that Armageddon will not come in their lifetime, but that they will contribute to a reduction of the numbers of the enemy, and preparing the Empire and their descendants for the final war by producing more weapons, and researching every edge they might gain against the Demons.

The greatest Vice against the Anticipating Gods is to consort with the agents of the Devils. The Armageddon Cult is unique in Unionism in that it acknowledges an actual canonical evil, the supreme devil as it were, and entertains the idea that there is actually a chance that the Armageddon war might be lost if too many people fall to the vices of Demon worship and consorting with the Devil. As such, the faithful are tasked with steeling their hearts and minds against the corruptive forces of the enemy, hunting down Demons, and serving the Emperor by slaying his detractors. Failure to do this is to give the enemy a greater advantage when the Endwar begins, and to place one's descendants into dangers they should not have faced.

Celestina was once a Silent Sister who resided in the City of Regalia, often tending to her duties and upholding her vow of silence. However, the multiple of attacks on the Holy City by various magical and demonic threats took a severe toll on the Silent Sister, who could no longer stand by when it seemed like calamity would tear the capital apart. Eventually, Celestina broke her Vow of Silence, and began to preach about the need to prepare for future calamities, even ones not to be experienced in her lifetime. It was by those who listened that her message seemed to come from a higher power, and she was soon recognized as a Goddess by the fledgling Armageddon Cult. Today, Celestina is an Émérites Knight, frequenting the Regalian courts to preach against the normalization of magic and warning of its corrupting power. Eòin was once a Viridian Knight who was known as a frequent training of students at the Viridian Citadel on the Crown Isle. He was present at the Citadel during the Deathling Crisis, where he witnessed the Grandmaster, Elders, and majority of Knights make a last stand to allow for younger students to escape into the countryside. Eòin managed to survive the eradication, and was recognized as a God after he began to preach divinely inspired messages about preparation, citing how even the most-skilled Viridian Knights were only able to delay the inevitable destruction of the demonic threat. He later joined the Tyrian Knights in defending the Imperial Palace, which he preaches as the final bastion against all that is unholy in the world.

Belialus & Sablael, the Devils

New dsadCanvasgsgerhfghjyt.png The Everwatcher is the Supreme Being of Unionism, and Emperor Alexander is the Vessel God.
  • The Everwatcher holds supremacy over all other Gods, and utilizes the Vessel God to communicate to mortals.
  • The Vessel God is always the reigning Regalian Emperor, with their divinity ending upon death or abdication.
  • The Vessel God's Golden lesson is that all eminence eventually vanishes, so one should not to get too attached to status.
  • The Imperial Palace is considered the holiest site to the Everwatcher and Vessel God
  • Emperor Alexander is the only Vessel God in history to lose his divinity (upon abdication to his brother Cedromar) and regain it (following his return after the Interregnum).
  • Despite his disappearance, Alexander remains the Vessel God, as the Palace and Secilly Council have not declared the Imperial Seat vacant.

For expanded lore, click here.

Belialus (left) and Sablael (right) are the Devils of Unionism, the Supreme Evils of the world, and the greatest threat to the Great Way. Belialus is the Devil of the Sanguine, though is also known by the Elves as Behesael, the Arch-Void and Archdemon, and Supreme Being of the Void on par with the Everwatcher in his dimension. Sablael is the Devil of Shadows, Greatest Lieutenant of the Archdemon, and architect of the Void Invasions. Together, the Devils represent destruction, corruption, seduction, entrapment, danger, and evil. They are represented by the Sanguine Curse, the twisted and coiling shadow, and the hooked tail. Their main holy place is the House of Blood, where Vampires and their allies worship them. Rituals of the Devils involve candle night vigils and ritual purification of objects and people touched by them. The idea is to cast away the evil presence of the Devils (a word itself taken from the Velheim Djevel or "evil one"), because the belief is held that if their influence is cast back into the Void, that their connection with the mortal world is disrupted and they enter a state of slumber.

The Virtue of the Devils is to seek evolution and advances through the Demonic and Void. Unlike all other Unionist Gods, the Virtue of the Devils is not one to aspire towards, but to recognize as the goal of the Devils. Ever since the Veil was first torn millennia ago, and the Void experienced the first "something" in a dimension of "nothing." Ever since then, Belialus had desired a return to nothingness, using Sablael and all his loyal servants to destroy Aloria and all that resides within and beyond. By utilizing the powers of the Void, Belialus is able to corrupt the world into decay, furthering his goal of complete annihilation. To become a servant of the Void is aid the Archdemon, to be discarded by Him when he claims victory in the Endwar.

The greatest Vice against the Devils is to hunt down Vampires, Demons, and other servants of the Void. As the Archdemon cannot manifest within Aloria, he must use his agents of the Void to further his goals. With every infection of a Vampire, with every demonic deal, and with every Void Mage casting a Sinistral spell, his power grows stronger in Aloria. As such, the faithful must work to cure those afflicted with the Sanguine Curse (or put them out of their misery), destroy all tomes and books and prevent the summoning or use of Demons, and hunt down Mages who would use their powers to infect the world with corruption. By seeking out and defeating the enemies of evil, the Devils are kept at bay, weakening them to ensure that Unionists will eventually bring about Paradise and rid the world of all corrupting forces.

Belialus is the Supreme Being of the Void, and thus was the ultimate source of the Void Gods, Spirit Sovereigns, Arken, and lesser Demons. While all of these entities at first owed him loyalty, their time spent in Aloria (or through the actions of Alorians) caused many to break free of their servitude, becoming their own agents despite having some ties to the Archdemon. Most records of Belialus have been lost to time, as most civilizations who knew of him eventually were destroyed in the Void Invasions. As such, much of what is known comes from the Elves, who called him Behesael. His most notable modern calamity was the creation of the Sangaley Blood Curse, which was mutated by the Void Gods to create the modern Vampires. Sablael is the architect of the Void Invasions, and commanded the legions of Void Demons against previous civilizations. They were originally mistaken to be the same entity as the Archdemon, though the scant Allorn records telling of the Fifth Void Invasion differentiate between Sablael and Behesael, confirming that only Sablael can manifest outside of the Void. Fortunately, Sablael has not been seen since the Cataclysm when he was cast back into the Void, and civilization should pray that he never again returns to herald a Sixth Void Invasion, or the Endwar itself.