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| Emote Distance
| Emote Distance
| As long as two or more Alais are present and being painted or drawn, for every Alais in the depicted image, the quality of the image is improved as if the artist gained +5 Visual Arts for every Alais in the frame (does not break the cap)
| As long as two or more Alais are present and being painted or drawn, for every Alais in the depicted image, the quality of the image is improved as if the artist gained +5 Visual Arts for every Alais in the frame (does not break the cap)
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Choice Mutation Name
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Ability Category
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Range
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Description
| Wald Obscuring
| Vampire Spell
| Emote Distance
| The Character can instantly sink into a pool of black smoke and re-appear at a target location within Emote Distance. The exit location has shadow particles forming the moment they re-appear, as well as ghostly noises. This Ability cannot be used more than once per 5 minutes.
| Wald Hunting
| Vampire Spell
| Emote Distance
| The Vampire can shoot a crimson red tether to a target, which does not miss, but also does not hurt or constrain them in any way. When the tether hits, the Vampire can yank the tether once, which will cause them to be launched at the person with high speed, or whatever their location was when the yank was performed.
| Wald Familiar
| Vampire Spell
| Emote Distance
| The Vampire gains a tattoo on their back of a large bat. They can summon a bat familiar from this tattoo (which will appear regardless of clothing or armor covering the tattoo). This bat is about the size of a small dog, and has a prehensible tail, able to carry small objects, as well as harass someone else with its sharp claws and fangs. This familiar can be killed, after which it cannot be summoned for another hour.
| Wald Kinship
| Immobile Channel
| Viewing Distance
| The Vampire is able to immobilize themselves, then able to target two allies and grant them a combat buff. This buff grants the target bat-like wings that have sharp claws on the edge that can be used to scratch, allow their ally to jump twice in height, and can use their bat-wings to rapidly leap on horizontal surfaces. This buff can only affect other Vampires of any Bloodline.
| Wald Howling
| Immobile Channel
| Sing Distance
| The Vampire can sing the song of Rigor Mortis, a ghostly wail of Vampiric Lore. Those considered allies to the Vampire with Sing Emote distance (> is used to sing) gain increased endurance and toughness (their skin becomes as tough as leather armor). This song must be kept up to keep the effect active. Wald Howling can be performed at the same time as Wald Kinship, but if one is countered, both are countered.
| Wald Glamoring
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Barghest has a self-disguise form of themselves with a different appearance (including: gender, skin, eye color, hair color, clothing, hair style, body shape, age). This glamour can be activated at will, but will always appear exactly the same. This glamour will not have visible Vampire teeth, but will be cancelled when shined upon by a Hallowed Lantern, or when the Vampire uses any other Vampire Spell.
| Wald Packthirst
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| Vampires with this trait do not need to directly feed. Instead, while another Vampire within distance is feeding on someone, they gain proxy feeding, as if they were feeding themselves. This passive can be used perpetually to satiate the Vampire without ever needing to drink actual blood.
| Wald Pocketing
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire can cause hand-held objects (no larger than a sword or skull) to disappear into a pocket dimension of theirs. They can only store one item in there at any time, but pull the item up anywhere and anytime, even ignoring Hallowed Stone or Magestone.
| Wald Pathing
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire is able to crawl on their hands and feet on any flat surface, meaning walls, ceilings and other such construction. They must keep at least 3 limbs attached to such a surface to remain attached, letting go of both hands for example will cause them to fall down, but they can do anything with that free limb while attached to the surface.
| Wald Lightseeking
| Vampire Spell
| Emote Distance
| The Vampire is able to open up their hand upwards, causing dark shards of glass to shoot out, one for each source of light. Any source of light hit is immediately extinguished. If a source of light were cast by some sort of Ability from a person, that person is instead targeted, impaling them with a non-lethal dark shard of glass and stopping whatever light source they were creating. This Ability can only be used once per roleplay scene.
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Blood Mutation Name
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Ability Category
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Range
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Description (Blood Mutations are free, meaning all Barghest Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
| Barghest Body
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire's new Physical Stat Limit is 40, overriding any Racial Limit as long as it is above this number. If below, then the Racial limit applies.
| Barghest Functioning
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire can eat and drink normal produce, and is able to have children that will be born as Vampire Broods. Additionally, the Vampire can infect others with a bite, also by having their victim drink a cup of their blood.
| Barghest Hallowing
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire is affected by Hallowed Lanterns by scorching their skin, with their Vampire Spells and Channel Abilities instantly canceled when shined upon.
| Barghest Appearance
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire's eyes turn Red when they are actively feeding from a victim as well as when they see or smell blood (more than just a few drops), and their Vampire teeth appear at all times, but are not very noticeable.
| Barghest Empowerment
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Vampires can change their head into that of a (varying realistic colors) Wolf (or Fox) with red eyes and sharp teeth, as well as track the smell of a person who is actively bleeding.
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Group Mutation Name
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Ability Category
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Range
| style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#e7c6b8;" | Description (Group Mutations are free, meaning all Barghest Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
| Barghest Orchestra
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| If three or more Barghest Vampires are present, they can initiate a Howling Orchestra, requiring all of them to be using their beast-head Passive. While all three are howling, the voices of others are drowned out in Emote Distance, making it impossible for anyone to be audible while speaking while they are in Emote Distance, yelling or even screaming.
| Barghest Walds
| Constant Passive
| 100 Block Distance
| If three or more Barghest Vampires are present, they can triangulate an area and turn any forest biome into a Haunted Wald. A Haunted Wald appears the same, but Target Illusions affect anyone inside, causing the trees to look twisted and moving with scary faces, and constant noises of creeping and prowling creatures in the dark, gnawing bark and rustling leaves to give those inside the feelings of being hunted.

Revision as of 18:28, 18 November 2019

Choice Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description
Crimson Graces Constant Passive Self For any action involving the Proficiency Dextrous Rogue Skill (such as Theft, Quick Fingers, Sleight of Hand), when detected or having failed a /dice roll, the Character may perform another /dice roll as a form of saving graces from failure. If this roll fails however, there cannot be another roll until the next unique action.
Crimson Cloaking Toggle Passive Self The Vampire an activate a form of bodily camouflage while moving around which requires +10 Perception Proficiency to see through. Standing still turns this camouflage into perfect invisibility, but any movement will still knock the Character out of the effect, and they still produce sound and heat. Attacking someone breaks both the camouflage and invisibility, while getting within 1 block of someone also makes the Vampire visible to them (albeit if another person comes within 1 block of the Vampire while they are standing still, the invisibility will not break). Once the camouflage or invisibility has been broken in combat, it cannot be re-initiated for 3 minutes.
Crimson Curse Vampire Spell 10 Block Distance For a single target in range, the Vampire can set one of their Proficiencies (that they know they have) to zero, leading to lapses of memory and confusion when they try to use this Proficiency. This ability does not heighten suspicion, and is very subtle on the host like a lapse of memory. This Ability cannot be used while the Vampire is in combat. This ability is not telegraphed in any way, meaning the Vampire can cast it as subtly as they would like.
Crimson Silence Toggle Passive Self Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Vampire. Furthermore, the Vampire does not produce audible footsteps on any surfaces.
Crimson Guiding Vampire Spell Direct Contact The Vampire can give a victim a strong urge or suggestive feeling by placing their hand on any point of the target's body and muttering or whispering the instruction or feeling to them. This transferal of instruction is not perceived by the victim, but others within hearing distance can see the movement and whispering or muttering, or even hear it if they are in close enough range. This instruction lapses from the memory from the victim, who is unable to explain why they feel a certain way, or have an urge to do something.
Crimson Truths Vampire Spell 10 Block Distance The Vampire is able to detect truth and lies in two distinct ways. Firstly, the Vampire is able to rub any part of their body when talking to a person. If that area develops a warm sensation, the person they talked to just stated a lie, but this action must be done immediately following their last statement to work. Secondly, they can, while holding their hands together in their lap, demand a truthful answer to a question from their conversation partner. This truth must then be presented as the victim knows it, after which the victim will forget the question, and their answer, and resume the conversation as if nothing happened. If this manner of the Ability is used, the Mutation is disabled for up to 5 days, including the lie-detection. Having at least 10 Proficiency in Theatre Arts disables the lie detection, but not the truth demand.
Crimson Dressage Toggle Passive Self The Vampire is able to change the appearance of their clothing, add, or remove clothing magically and instantly, either with an aesthetic magical transformation, or simply instantly. This change can also alter the fabric, texture, color, or patterns on worn clothing. Clothing that is magically produced dissipates as soon as it leaves the body of the Vampire. This ability can be seen through by either 10+ Perception or 10+ Bodycare Proficiency, allowing them to see through any usage of clothing to disguise identity.
Crimson Hostage Target Curse Self Those fed upon gain the Crimson Hostage trait, which makes them strongly want to prevent the Vampire from being harmed, caught or cured, for up to 72 hours after having been fed upon.
Crimson Guile Constant Passive Self This Mutation has two effects: Primarily, it makes it so that anyone the Vampire is feeding on does not feel pain, and will forget about the whole ordeal after they were fed on. Furthermore, it makes the Vampire look entrancing, beautiful and alluring, as long as eye contact is made.
Crimson Reflection Toggle Passive Self The Character can magically change superficial appearance aspects about themselves: Change the color of their hair, change the color of their eyes (does not work while feeding), add or remove facial scars or freckles, change the skin lightness/darkness, and the length of their hair, including the texture (curliness, straightness, waveiness). A character with 10+ Bodycare Proficiency can see through the disguise and identify the original appearance of the character.
Blood Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description (Blood Mutations are free, meaning all Alais Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
Alais Body Constant Passive Self The Vampire's new Physical Stat Limit is 30, overriding any Racial Limit as long as it is above this number. If below, then the Racial limit applies.
Alais Functioning Constant Passive Self The Vampire can eat and drink normal produce, and is able to have children that will be born without Vampirism. Additionally, the Vampire cannot infect others with a bite, only by having their victim drink a cup of their blood.
Alais Hallowing Constant Passive Self The Vampire is not affected by Hallowed Lanterns in the traditional sense, but does experience heightened anxiety from the presence of one such object.
Alais Appearance Constant Passive Self The Vampire's eyes turn Red only when they are actively feeding from a victim, and their teeth extend only shortly before feeding.
Alais Empowerment Constant Passive Self The Vampire overrides any Detection Mechanisms that would reveal their Aberrant or Vampire status, instead preventing it from revealing their identity.
Group Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description (Group Mutations are free, meaning all Alais Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
Alais Troupe Constant Passive Emote Distance As long as three or more Alais are present together and dance, each Alais part-taking in the dance gains +3 Theatre Arts Proficiency for the duration of the dance.
Alais Artifique Constant Passive Emote Distance As long as two or more Alais are present and being painted or drawn, for every Alais in the depicted image, the quality of the image is improved as if the artist gained +5 Visual Arts for every Alais in the frame (does not break the cap)

Choice Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description
Wald Obscuring Vampire Spell Emote Distance The Character can instantly sink into a pool of black smoke and re-appear at a target location within Emote Distance. The exit location has shadow particles forming the moment they re-appear, as well as ghostly noises. This Ability cannot be used more than once per 5 minutes.
Wald Hunting Vampire Spell Emote Distance The Vampire can shoot a crimson red tether to a target, which does not miss, but also does not hurt or constrain them in any way. When the tether hits, the Vampire can yank the tether once, which will cause them to be launched at the person with high speed, or whatever their location was when the yank was performed.
Wald Familiar Vampire Spell Emote Distance The Vampire gains a tattoo on their back of a large bat. They can summon a bat familiar from this tattoo (which will appear regardless of clothing or armor covering the tattoo). This bat is about the size of a small dog, and has a prehensible tail, able to carry small objects, as well as harass someone else with its sharp claws and fangs. This familiar can be killed, after which it cannot be summoned for another hour.
Wald Kinship Immobile Channel Viewing Distance The Vampire is able to immobilize themselves, then able to target two allies and grant them a combat buff. This buff grants the target bat-like wings that have sharp claws on the edge that can be used to scratch, allow their ally to jump twice in height, and can use their bat-wings to rapidly leap on horizontal surfaces. This buff can only affect other Vampires of any Bloodline.
Wald Howling Immobile Channel Sing Distance The Vampire can sing the song of Rigor Mortis, a ghostly wail of Vampiric Lore. Those considered allies to the Vampire with Sing Emote distance (> is used to sing) gain increased endurance and toughness (their skin becomes as tough as leather armor). This song must be kept up to keep the effect active. Wald Howling can be performed at the same time as Wald Kinship, but if one is countered, both are countered.
Wald Glamoring Toggle Passive Self The Barghest has a self-disguise form of themselves with a different appearance (including: gender, skin, eye color, hair color, clothing, hair style, body shape, age). This glamour can be activated at will, but will always appear exactly the same. This glamour will not have visible Vampire teeth, but will be cancelled when shined upon by a Hallowed Lantern, or when the Vampire uses any other Vampire Spell.
Wald Packthirst Toggle Passive Emote Distance Vampires with this trait do not need to directly feed. Instead, while another Vampire within distance is feeding on someone, they gain proxy feeding, as if they were feeding themselves. This passive can be used perpetually to satiate the Vampire without ever needing to drink actual blood.
Wald Pocketing Constant Passive Self The Vampire can cause hand-held objects (no larger than a sword or skull) to disappear into a pocket dimension of theirs. They can only store one item in there at any time, but pull the item up anywhere and anytime, even ignoring Hallowed Stone or Magestone.
Wald Pathing Constant Passive Self The Vampire is able to crawl on their hands and feet on any flat surface, meaning walls, ceilings and other such construction. They must keep at least 3 limbs attached to such a surface to remain attached, letting go of both hands for example will cause them to fall down, but they can do anything with that free limb while attached to the surface.
Wald Lightseeking Vampire Spell Emote Distance The Vampire is able to open up their hand upwards, causing dark shards of glass to shoot out, one for each source of light. Any source of light hit is immediately extinguished. If a source of light were cast by some sort of Ability from a person, that person is instead targeted, impaling them with a non-lethal dark shard of glass and stopping whatever light source they were creating. This Ability can only be used once per roleplay scene.
Blood Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description (Blood Mutations are free, meaning all Barghest Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
Barghest Body Constant Passive Self The Vampire's new Physical Stat Limit is 40, overriding any Racial Limit as long as it is above this number. If below, then the Racial limit applies.
Barghest Functioning Constant Passive Self The Vampire can eat and drink normal produce, and is able to have children that will be born as Vampire Broods. Additionally, the Vampire can infect others with a bite, also by having their victim drink a cup of their blood.
Barghest Hallowing Constant Passive Self The Vampire is affected by Hallowed Lanterns by scorching their skin, with their Vampire Spells and Channel Abilities instantly canceled when shined upon.
Barghest Appearance Constant Passive Self The Vampire's eyes turn Red when they are actively feeding from a victim as well as when they see or smell blood (more than just a few drops), and their Vampire teeth appear at all times, but are not very noticeable.
Barghest Empowerment Toggle Passive Self The Vampires can change their head into that of a (varying realistic colors) Wolf (or Fox) with red eyes and sharp teeth, as well as track the smell of a person who is actively bleeding.
Group Mutation Name Ability Category Range Description (Group Mutations are free, meaning all Barghest Vampires have them, and they do not cost any Mutation slots)
Barghest Orchestra Constant Passive Emote Distance If three or more Barghest Vampires are present, they can initiate a Howling Orchestra, requiring all of them to be using their beast-head Passive. While all three are howling, the voices of others are drowned out in Emote Distance, making it impossible for anyone to be audible while speaking while they are in Emote Distance, yelling or even screaming.
Barghest Walds Constant Passive 100 Block Distance If three or more Barghest Vampires are present, they can triangulate an area and turn any forest biome into a Haunted Wald. A Haunted Wald appears the same, but Target Illusions affect anyone inside, causing the trees to look twisted and moving with scary faces, and constant noises of creeping and prowling creatures in the dark, gnawing bark and rustling leaves to give those inside the feelings of being hunted.