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Revision as of 05:35, 27 August 2020

Dorkarth Common Abilities

Common Abilities are mechanics that all Dorkarth Vampires have access to, meaning they are implied and it is not necessary to record them on a Character Application, though you may for posterity sake. Important instructions for Character Apps are included in the Vampire Form table row at the bottom.

Standard Ability Ability Category Range Description (Standard Mutations are free but Mandatory, All Dorkarth Vampire have them, and they can use these Abilityes while in their non-Vampiric Form and Vampiric Form (Auld Form))
Blood Collaring Target Curse Emote Distance The Vampire can Target either a willing or restrained person to attach a Blood-Collar to their neck, colored in crimson blood yet solid and shaped like brambles with thorns. While the Vampire is in Emote Distance, any command issued must be followed, else the collar will dig its spikes into the neck and cause bleeding. While within range, any number of commands can be issued, but only the last command will remain active when leaving Emote Distance. Blood Collared individuals cannot be infected with Vampirism, and the Collar can only be removed by any type of Exorcism-Like Ability that removes Possessions. Any Vampire can only have one person Collared at any time.
Immortal Aging Constant Passive Self The Vampire does not age from the moment of infection. Their aging ceases visually, and they can sustain themselves beyond their natural undeath. This is not true undeath, but a state of suspended unlife. If a Vampire is cured when they have lived a number of years as a Vampire, they will proceed to age rapidly over a period of 2 weeks. Becoming re-infected during these two weeks will restore the Vampire back to the age they were when cured. If they cannot be re-infected before the end of the 2 week period, the aging is permanent, and re-infection causes the character to freeze at the new age. If a character has aged far beyond their natural lifespan, if they are not re-infected before the end of the 2 week period, they will die. (It is not allowed to perma-imprison a character to prevent infection to their death during these two weeks) Vampires require an Backstory Special Permission in order to be older than 100 years old. Vampires who are turned through active roleplay can be older than 100 years without a Backstory Special Permission (Though in all cases, a character older than 150 requires a Backstory Special Permission)
Darklord Macabre Constant Passive Emote Distance Dorkarth Vampires can have up to 3 Blood Collared subjects, instead of 1 for every other Vampire Bloodline. Additionally, they can apply Danse Macabre to their Blood Collared subjects within Emote Distance.
Danse Macabre Toggle Passive Self The Vampire is able to change the appearance of their clothing, add, or remove clothing magically and instantly, either with an aesthetic magical transformation, or simply instantly. This change can also alter the fabric, texture, color, or patterns on worn clothing. Clothing that is magically produced dissipates as soon as it leaves the body of the Vampire. A character with 10+ Bodycare or 10+ Perception can see through the clothing disguise, identifying the person underneath. They will not understand this clothing is Magical, but see through any disguise attempt.
Auld Feeding Vampire Spell Touch The Vampire, when sinking their teeth into the neck of their victim causes a partial paralysis that makes it impossible for the victim to struggle out of their grip or fight back, but still aware enough to know what is happening, be able to see, hear, and speak. The Vampire can consume as much blood as they want, but can drink no longer than 10 minutes which is their upper fill. Upon releasing their teeth from the victim’s neck, the effect is instantly canceled, but the victim is too weak to immediately turn back and fight for at least half a minute. This Ability may not be used to tie someone up at the same time, and the Vampire cannot fight or use Abilities while drinking.
Auld Body Constant Passive Self *The Vampire’s new Physical Stat is 50, overriding any Racial Limit as long as it is above this number. If below, then the Racial Limit applies.
*The Vampire is able to consume food and drinks, These give them sustenance, but can never replace the feeding qualities of blood.
*The Vampire is able to reproduce with both Vampires and non-Vampires, and will always have Dorkarth Vampire Broods.
*The Vampire does have red eyes, and their eye sockets are also noticeably reddened and darkened, and their skin can no longer tan in sunlight.
*The Vampire’s Vampire teeth appear at all times, and are noticeable when they are speaking with others from within 3 blocks range.
*The Vampire can see clearly in Mundane Darkness.
Auld Power Constant Passive Self *Dorkarth Vampires are immune to hypothermia or hyperthermia, and are not slowed down by Non-Ability based and Ability based frost on their body or snow on the ground, however when set ablaze they do take damage from the fire.
*Dorkarth Vampires can superimpose an unnatural darkness on the area around them, not enough to actually make the area any harder to see, but to draw attention to them, while their eyes start glowing a more bright red, creating an aura of dread around them.
*Dorkarth Vampires can apply so-called Severing Glyphs to others once a day. A Glyph of their design is applied to the nape of the target’s neck, which acts like a possession (and can also be purified as one), severing the emotions and conscience of the target. This must be applied by Direct Touch, and the victim will be aware of it being there and its effects when applied.
Auld Form Mythic Shift Self The Vampire can activate their Auld Form, which is a Mythic Shift that turns them into a so-called Vampiric Form. Vampiric Forms are alternate appearance versions of the Vampire’s normal form that give creative liberty to the player in terms of design, with some noted limitations. All Vampiric Forms (per bloodline) have some basic rules so that a Bloodline can easily be read from their appearance, however beyond that, many different aesthetic aspects can be modified at will. It is required to produce a “Vampiric Form” section on the Character Application, detailing in a Paragraph what your character’s Vampiric Form looks like. Having a separate skin for Vampiric Form is not required, strongly recommended for immersion. The following rules apply to the Auld Form for this Bloodline:
*Auld Form Vampires must have considerable (large or many) parts of their body colored in black or dark gray, whether that be hair or horns or tattoos or other appendages/skin armor etc.
*Auld Form Vampires must have raven black hair if they have hair in their Vampiric Form, and if not, they must have jet-black large horns, or both.
*Auld Form Vampires must have solid black eyes with only a thin halo of bright red where their irises would normally be and light white clear skin (but may have other things on their skin like tattoos or glyphs).
*Auld Form Vampires can have extra limbs and eyes, but these must only be aesthetic and non-functional unless dictated by Mutation.
*Auld Form Vampires may not use aesthetics unique to other Vampire Forms, and vice versa. Each Vampire Form must thematically represent their Bloodline.
*Auld Form Vampires may not too closely resemble other aesthetic Mythic Shifts or Beast Shifts, like Werebeasts or Dragon Warriors.
*Auld Form Vampires may be designed to be not-recognizable or recognizable, that is up to the player. They may look completely different in Vampire Form.
*Auld Form Vampires always look the same, and aesthetic changes on the Character App are purely OOC ret-cons and do not confuse identification.
*Auld Form Vampires can transform in and out of their Vampiric Form instantly and painlessly. This Transformation also cannot be countered in any way.
*In order to use Auld Form, you must have had your Character app approved, and the description specifically approved by Lore Staff.

Dorkarth Form Mutations

Form Mutations can only be used while Vampiric Form (Auld Form) is active. Each Player may choose up to 5 Mutations from this list, which must be recorded on a Character Application. Abilities may not be used before the Application is approved. Abilities may only be changed once, repeated changing of Abilities will result in a Character App being revoked.