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Abilities: Difference between revisions

From MassiveCraft Wiki
Line 51: Line 51:
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Passive Power
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Passive Power
| A Power that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user.
| A Power that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user.
| style="text-align: center;" | {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers in an area.}}
| style="text-align: center;" | {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers.}}
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Toggle Power
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Toggle Power
| A Power that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on.
| A Power that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on.
| style="text-align: center;" | {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers in an area.}}
| style="text-align: center;" | {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers.}}
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Control Power
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Control Power
Line 95: Line 95:
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Counter Power
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Counter Power
| A Power that explicitly counters another Ability or effect. Counter Powers cannot be used on Counter Powers.
| A Power that explicitly counters another Ability or effect. Counter Powers cannot be used on Counter Powers.
| style="text-align: center;" |  {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers in an area.}}
| style="text-align: center;" |  {{#simple-tooltip: Conditional | Only by Mechanics that completely disable all Magic or Powers.}}
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Link Power
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Link Power

Revision as of 20:36, 12 February 2023

The Abilities page is a useful resource page that standardizes all abilities, counters and mechanics, for ease of reference. Terms from this page are frequently used for pieces of Lore that grant Abilities. Keep in mind that the information on this page is only a base-level categorization and structure. This means that while we have set forward some basic rules that most if not all Abilities obey by, in some cases, minor differences may occur. As such, please be sure to always read the Lore page thoroughly and not just go off the information on this page. Conversely, this page should always be referenced back to as a base set of rules for Abilities, and not ignored wholesale. An indexed list of all abilities can be found on the Ability List page. (intro header)

“Abilities” on Massivecraft

Massivecraft uses a unique blend of free-form roleplay combat and magic, and structured mechanics, which is a broad umbrella term for what we call “Abilities.” This page is important to read, and refer back to, in conjunction with the Proficiency Page. Abilities emulate unique actions and effects similar to many Class Features found in traditional tabletop roleplaying games (such as D&D). While it is possible to roleplay on Massivecraft without engaging with the Ability system, we encourage people to try it out to get the whole experience, and a large percent of the current player base utilizes it in some shape or form.

Roleplay Mechanics

Massivecraft has two types of “Mechanics:” Abilities, and Specials. These are categorized by what we consider “Aesthetic,” which is a function that exists purely to look or be cool, and have no significant unwanted effect on another character, and “Competitive” which involves gaining an advantage or edge over another character. They are explained below:


Specials are unique aspects of something, whether it be Magic, Afflictions & Affinities (ex. Vampires & Werewolves), Races, or Proficiencies. They are not always magical in nature, but sometimes just reflections of cultural traditions and skills passed down. Specials are written in short-form writing, and adhere to the following rules: Specials are almost always “Aesthetic” in nature, and will only break this rule to offer minor Stat boosts, free Proficiency Packs, or if it is a consent-based effect. Consent based effects require a player to OOCly agree for something to happen to their character. A character can have any number of Specials granted to them from many sources, but some specials will inherently conflict with others, and will list this internally when they do.


Abilities are further categorized into “Mundane Techniques” and “Powers.” These are both Abilities, but are distinct from each other so that if something mentions “Powers” it will only interact with Powers, but if something mentions “Abilities,” it interacts with both. Mundane Techniques are strictly non-magical feats of martial prowess and skill. Powers are always magical in nature, and can be granted by Gods, Spirits, other supernatural figures, or just by deciding to learn magic in a traditional wizard fashion. Powers have a number of extra rules attached to them, which are explained below in the “Ability Powers” section. Abilities are always “Competitive” in nature, and involve attacking someone, moving someone around, cursing someone with negative effects, or anything that one would expect to be used in combat. A character can have any number of Abilities, but there is generally a soft-cap of about 18-20, as characters are limited to 14 Proficiency Points max, which are used to purchase Abilities, and can only gain about 4-5 extra from their Race or Affliction. Abilities are always listed in special wiki-boxes, which are easy to identify on a page at a first glance. Abilities can also be further altered by a “Modifier,” which is something not all Abilities have, but exist to change their function. Modifiers are not optional, and always apply when they exist. Abilities can always be quickly referenced on the Ability List, which can be found on the Wiki, and in-game in a pinch.


This is a set of unique terms Massivecraft uses within Abilities & Specials, that have unique rules and meaning, outlined here.

  • Main Combat Stat: A character’s highest Proficiency that they use for Combat, such as Strength, Magic, or Dexterity. Main Combat Stat is typically dependent on the weapon being used, and changes depending on how the character is fighting.
  • Commutable Point Buy: Commutable Point Buy is a set of points usually granted by Afflictions that can spent on a set number of Proficiencies to gain Packs from them. Commutable points never contribute to a Character's stats, but conversely do not count as a part of a Stat's cap, meaning they can be spent to "exceed" it. They also do not contribute to special rules that require someone to have purchased a pack or number of packs. They just exist as an extra "boost" for certain kinds of characters.
  • Block Token: A Block Token is a specific resource a Character can gain from Abilities. A character can have any number of block token active, and can choose to use them to negate the damage from an Ability or Attack at the rate of one token to one Ability/Attack. This does not prevent any extra effects from occurring, but only protects them from harm. A Player is expected to keep track of their Character’s Block Token, and designate it in their /nick with (Name) (Number)BT
  • Disguised: If a character does not have an Ability or Special that designates them as “Disguised,” they can be identified by others by their voice, mannerisms, etc. A character must have one of these Mechanics to be considered appropriately disguised, but these mechanics cannot be used at the same time. Disguises do not hide unique identifiers or tells, such as from Afflictions, unless specifically stated.
  • Exorcism: Exorcism is a prolonged ritual that removes certain effects, which will usually say “cleansed by an Exorcism.” It requires the target to be either willing, or fully restrained, and takes 10 OOC minutes to complete without interruption. Exorcisms do not target one specific effect, they will cleanse any and all applicable Debuffs or effects on the target (even positive ones).
  • Stagger / Staggered: If a character is Staggered, all of their active Ability usage and attacks are interrupted, and no effects or damage take place. Staggers do not put any Abilities on Cooldown.
  • Displacement / Displaced: When a character is forcibly moved from where they are currently standing, or if they are physically displaced against their will, such as knock backs, knock downs, knock overs, pushes, etc.
  • Mundane Cover: An Ability that creates a non-magical cover or protection for the user, which protects them from different things depending on the Ability they gained it from.
  • Cleanse: An Ability that removes one or more Debuffs from a character, immediately ending any negative effects they impart.
  • Countered: If a characters’ Ability is Countered, the Ability is interrupted, and no damage or effects from the Ability take place.
  • OOC Consent: If an Ability or Special mentions OOC Consent, this is strictly something that can only be used if the player it is being used on consents whole-heartedly to its usage. They are not obligated to say yes, and attempting to coerce or convince someone to say yes after the fact can be considered harassment. OOC Consent can be revoked at any time, and is not a permanent agreement.
  • Debuffs & Curses: Negative Effects have two distinct classifications, specified in the ability that applies them. Debuffs are the most common negative effect, imparting some detriment until they are removed, or expire. Curses are a rarer type of Debuff, as they cannot be cleansed or removed by any means, except their own. Curses will always describe how to remove them, and when they naturally expire on their own.
    • Rooted/Trapped: A character who is rooted or trapped cannot move. They can still fight, use Abilities, and defend themselves.
    • Dazed: A character who is Dazed cannot use any Abilities for the duration of the Daze.
    • Silenced: A character who is Silenced cannot use any Powers for the duration of the Silence.
    • Weakened: A character who is Weakened cannot use any Mundane Techniques for the duration of the Weaken.
    • Stun: A character who is Stunned cannot do anything: move, fight, use Abilities, or even speak.
    • Confused: A character who is Confused specifically cannot target the person who Confused them with Powers for the duration of the Confusion.
    • Blinded: A character who is Blinded cannot target anyone else with Abilities or Attacks, but can still defend and target themselves.
    • Brittle: A character who is Brittle has unique things happen to them depending on what is used on them while they are Brittle. Brittle is a debuff that does not stack. When a person with Brittle takes damage from a Basic Attack, Brittle is removed and a second point of damage is taken. Some Abilities have additional effects when used on Brittled targets, also removing Brittle when used. Once Brittle is removed, it can be applied again, but a Basic Attack cannot trigger it for 10 minutes (Abilities still can).


This is a set of rules that applies to Abilities & Specials, and are always applicable to an Ability, Special, or both.

  • If an Ability or Special offers a numerical bonus (+1, +2, etc) to a specific Proficiency Stat, this never confers an additional Point-Buy Pack. This Stat Boost is relevant for other Abilities that might require a stat threshold, or in the case of fair-use Stat comparison between players.
  • If an Ability or Special offers a numerical bonus to a specific Proficiency Stat, this never exceeds the maximum cap of that Proficiency, unless the Ability or Special specifically says that it breaks or exceeds the cap, or if the Character has another Ability or Special that increases their cap.
  • If an Ability or Special mentions that it "only works in Progressions," it means that it cannot be used on-server in RP, and can only be used in forum Progressions, which are explained here. *If an Ability or Special mentions that it "only works in Regalia," it means that it cannot be used in forum progressions, and can only be used on-server in RP.
  • A character can only use one Ability per emote when engaging in Combat Roleplay, unless that Ability specifically mentions it can be used in conjunction with another. This exists to encourage fairness and streamline combat, treating each emote as a “turn.”
  • If an Ability or Special involves some sort of leap, jump, or movement, this movement is always strictly horizontal and can never be used vertically. This has some leniency if there is a minor elevation change, but otherwise leaps cannot be used to travel up or down, unless it specifically mentions otherwise, in which case limitations will be given within the description.

Mundane Techniques

Mundane Techniques are inherently mundane in nature. They can be easily explained as your character just being able to perform a certain task or skill, and aren’t seen as Occult. If a character is Occult in some way however, they can apply magical aesthetics of their choice to Mundane Techniques, but this does not change how they work mechanically. Mundane Techniques can be either passive effects, or active abilities, typically specified in their description.

Ability Powers

Ability Powers are varied and magical in nature, and thus have extra rules attached to them. Below is a list of those rules, and an explanation of the unique aspects of each type of Power. Powers have two aspects to them, their type, and Dimension. Power types distinguish how they work, and also how they interact with other Powers and Abilities. Dimension is a specific classification that determines what magical plane the Power is drawing from. When a Power is gained or used, it always has one of the following Dimensions attached to it: Primal, Ordial, Void, or Exist. This is determined by where a character gained that power from. For example, if a character gained an “Instant Power” from being a Vampire, because Vampires are always Void, that Power would be a “Void Instant Power.” This aspect is only relevant when Abilities mention that they only interact with certain Dimensions.

Type Description Counterable?
Passive Power A Power that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user. Conditional

Toggle Power A Power that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on. Conditional

Control Power A Power that forces some manner of control over the actions or intentions or thoughts of its target. Yes
Summon Power A Power that summons or creates something out of nothing, such as weapons or armor. Conditional

Buff Power A Power that enhances the user or target with some benefit. Yes

Instant Power A Power that immediately imparts some effect. Yes

Skill Power A Power that confers bonus Proficiencies, or alters, enhances, or reduces current Proficiencies. Yes

Healing Power A Power that heals the user, or others. Yes

Morph Power A Power that temporarily or permanently alters a certain part (or all) of the User's body, granting them extra capabilities with it. Conditional

Vehicle Power A Power that only activates when the user is inside of something. Yes

Movement Power A Power that alters the user's movement in some way, or acts as a specific form of movement itself. Yes

Counter Power A Power that explicitly counters another Ability or effect. Counter Powers cannot be used on Counter Powers. Conditional

Link Power A two way connection between a user and a target. A single character can be a part of many different link powers. If targeted with an Ability that breaks Link Powers, all links on a target (including ones they are casting) are broken for that specific character. If the user is knocked out a Link Power also breaks. If the target exits the range of a Link Power, the Link Power remains, but they do not suffer the effects while they are outside of its range. Yes