===Voilenigme Vampires of Morvanus & Valtriante===
===Voilenigme Vampires of Morvanus & Valtriante===
The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline was created when Desprince Morvanus fled to Ithania, creating a new Vampiric Court there in the Palace of Duchess Valtriante. The two became Desprince lovers, a rare instance of peace existing between two Vampiric overlords in such close proximity, without constantly attacking or scheming against one another. The Voilenigmes (sometimes also nickanemed Voiles or Voile) are upper-class Vampires who favor mingling with the aristocracy, while hiding their Vampirism and charming their victims with fashion, opulence, a silver tongue and beauty. The Voilenigme are profoundly powerful in Ithania where they have deeply infiltrated the nobility, and by extension the Regalian Nobility also as the Ithanian Vampire nobles travel to the Regalian Courts. The Voilenigme try to avoid any association with things that are poor, disgusting, freak-ish, or debauched without style or class. This is also why they are rarely in their Vampiric Form, or why their Vampiric form generally has a more statuesque beauty to it rather than looking like a monster. Voilenigmes are very comfortable not being in a Coven, but if they are, styling themselves as the "classy" ones in the Coven, and looking down on the other more base Vampires who are enslaved to their instincts. The Voilenigme are enemies of the Silberfeder Vampires, an extension of the enmity between the Wirtem and Ithanian Nobility. Any Coven with a Voilenigme Vampire should count itself blessed with a socialite able to mingle with other non-Vampire groups, due to their unique ability to perfectly hide their Vampirism and be less dependent on blood.
The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline
===Nerocanto Vampires of Sannon===
===Nerocanto Vampires of Sannon===
The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shannon fled to Vultaro. While initially mingling with the locals before the Cantaluna culture consolidated there, as Cantaluna as a cultural identity developed, so too did the Nerocanto settle into their habits. The Nerocanto are upper-class Vampires who take on the appeal of aristocracy, but are spies and rogues at heart who love a political game of blackmail. Their cultural emphasis is on charming their victims with operettas, orchestral music, and hauntingly beautiful instrumentals. The Nerocanto are unique in that they can cure a Vampiric Infection while it is still in its fledgeling state of their own bitten victims. This affords them a great amount of power to blackmail anyone they have infected for a cure, that being also their primary method of roguish plotting. Nerocanto can hover around the peripheries of Covens, but usually act like lone wolves who assist Covens but don't want to get too close, and be at risk of being taken down because other Vampires are less cautious than they are. The Nerocanto take great pains to hide themselves and cover their plots in five layers of thinking ahead so as not to get caught, and to continue their game of control and intrigue. The Nerocanto do not have any overt animosity towards other Bloodlines, but do consider any Vampire that shows a low level of wit or insight as an insult to the blessing that is Vampirism itself. Any Coven with a Nerocanto Vampire should count itself blessed with a spy-master Vampire who is able to quickly and efficiently establish a network of blackmail victims for information and favors across the Regalian city.
The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline
===Vintgast Vampires of Shirva===
===Vintgast Vampires of Shirva===
The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline was created when Desprince Shirva fled to the borderlands between Osteiermark, Tirgunn, and Lorenthaus. While in the modern day the Darkwald Lothar mostly fight Silberfeder Vampires, the Vintgast Bloodline was the original reason why the Sarnan people turned so heavily against Vampires, and why so many of them were killed before the Lothar Order took up their cause. Vintgast Vampires are banquet masters, able to conjure the greatest of feasts, most delectable food, and above all addictive and perfect wines. They are known as vintage distillers and brewers, who favor the countryside and winery to get up to their Vampiric business in peace and away from the chaos of large urban settings. Vintgast Vampires spoil and charm their victims with large dinners and endless delectables, only to get them into a food-coma and become easy prey. Vintgast usually avoid Covens, but can make powerful allies for Covens, as well as a great party-hoster for any Vampiric community due to their ability to be social with anyone, have a deep understanding of preferences and tastes, and being able to weaponize them to enamor anyone. The Vintgast take efforts to hide their identity but aren't as capable at it as the Voilenigme, resulting in a reclusive lifestyle, content to experiment with the fine flavors and delectable aromas of rare blood types for special wines. The Vintgast are however unique in their ability to survive off very little blood for extended periods of time, and can even brew extended elixers from their wines that can satiate other Vampires, creating addiction among their own kin.
The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline
===Torrghlas Vampires of Mannis===
===Torrghlas Vampires of Mannis===
The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline was created when Desprince Mannis fled to Gallovia and quickly established a strong court presence in the Talahm Gall Mountains. The Torrghlas Vampires are known as cave or mountain terrors, preferring less stylish and opulent housing and favoring brutish power and strength over plotting and scheming. Torrghlas Vampires tend to be largest broad-framed Vampires who act as shock troops to any Coven who is more than willing to take them on for their brute strength. The Torrghlas take no effort to hide themselves, and in fact favor aggressive body-modification and training to become bigger, better, and stronger, whether that is chemical, mundane and aesthetic, or magical in nature. The Torrghlas are a particular terror towards the Fornoss faithful, having mastered a transformation into a Vampiric corrupted Urlan and rampaging any would be frontline with overwhelming force. The Torrghlas consider the Nerocanto weak schemers who couldn't hold their own in a fight, and generally look down on all the high-class Vampire Bloodlines as being over-reliant on hiding their Vampirism and not having pride in being to show their power to the world. The Torrghlas make great allies and comrades to the Valhersir, both operating in overlapping environments, and favoring their vanity over secrecy. Torrghlas Vampires can be testy with Coven leadership, but generally speaking when respecting a leader for their skill and strategy, will be some of the most loyal Vampires present, favoring punching the traitors and giving no thought to joining them in their rebellion.
The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline
===Bremnevel Vampires of Zardar===
===Bremnevel Vampires of Zardar===
The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline was created when Desprince Zardar fled to Anglia and established himself in the Anglian Morass and Hinterlands, using the swamps and peat bogs to hide from Regalia's military and Knights. As time passed, the Bremnevel Bloodline adapted to their swamp environment, and started imitating the Anglian Witches, often mistaken for them from afar. The Bremnevel lure their victims in with hauntingly beautiful siren songs, as well as the obscuring mists and vapors of the swamps until they are in so deep that they become lost and find their demise at the hands of the Bremnevels. Bremnevel Vampires are exceedingly rare because the Anglians performed a very intensive and mostly successful campaign to purge them from their homeland, forcing them deeper in hiding in the remotest regions of the swamps. In general, they also do not like producing more Vampire fledgelings, and would rather just kill their victim to avoid detection, often obscuring the cause of death as some swamp beast or drowning. The Bremnevel favor cramp and humid living conditions, the sewers make excellent environments for them, and their slow and cautious way of acting as well as their alchemical knowledge puts them in a perfect position to act as advisors or healers among the Vampires, further adding to the mockery of Anglian Witch Archon that they have become. The Bremnevel do not consider any other Bloodline their overt enemy, however their general distaste extends itself to any Vampire that is boisterous and loud. They prefer quiet and controlled settings, and become flighty if chaos erupts.
The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline
===Silberfeder Vampires of Colvan===
===Silberfeder Vampires of Colvan===
The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) Bloodline was created when Desprince Colvan fled to Calemberg on the backs of the Wirtem nobility involved with the Vampire War. Despite losing the Vampire War, the Silberfeder Bloodline found a home in the very officers that commanded their defeat. Quickly adapting to the Calemberg lifestyle, Silberfeder Vampires are obsessed with militarism, command, strategy, and control. They focus on finesse of skill, especially swordsmanship and other forms of melee combat and use fencing as a means to establish dominance among themselves. They are incredibly keen on preservation and purity of their bloodline, avoiding infecting anyone they consider unworthy or not of good aristocratic stock. This does not however mean that they can only ever be aristocrats. Far from it: many Silberfeder are in fact the soldiers and lieutenants of Covens, as one noble Silverfeder often infects their retinue to act as a personal army. Silberfeder always insist on a chain of command, clear leadership, proper tileage, and respect. This often puts them at odds with the more rules-free Bloodlines like the Bremnevel, Torrghlas, and Dymolov. Silberfeder frequently clash with Torrghlas who will favor a frontal assault, while the Silberfeder would prefer to spend time planning and strategizing to maximize the terror they inflict while minimizing their casualties. Their enemies are the Voilenigme, with the Ithanian and Wirtem courtly rivalry having rubbed off on their Vampiric equivalents, however a good Coven leader is always able to silence and steer the Silberfeder to use their martial skills in combat instead of on other Vampires.
The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) Bloodline
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic I:''' Silberfeder make death-masks of drank-from victims, which change Proficiencies and Abilities (non-Custom) to their Victim's for 24 hours when worn. Cannot be used if any Abilities are on Cooldown. Single-use per drinking.
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic II:''' Silberfeder Vampires are able to challenge other Vampires to Duel. The winner gains +1 Attack Stat while the loser loses -1 until Server Restart. This does not Stack but can break Cap to 11.
* '''Silberfeder Mechanic III:''' Silberfeder Vampires need only class, grace, and blood to survive. They are immune to heat and cold damage, can walk through fire, do not need to breathe oxygen, and can resist high pressure.
===Valhersir Vampires of Otrygg===
===Valhersir Vampires of Otrygg===
The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline was created when Desprince Otrygg fled to Drixagh and infected a series of Skagger holds before the Velheim even realized what hit them, as their focus was south on the Wirtem. The Valhersir are obsessed with power and themselves, immersed in [[Fornoss|Vola]] worship but specifically immersed in Blodrúna. It could be said that the Valhersir are the most spiritually inclined of the Vampires, but they are far from priest Vampires. In fact, the Valhersir are obsessed with power in any form that it can be expressed: physical power, power over the minds of others, power over love and lust, power over needs and wants, and power over the weak. They seek any means to dominate others by whatever means necessary, and are also described as perhaps the most vain of Vampires. They obsess over appearing like perfection in the eyes of others, equal parts terrifying and alluring, putting their skill, mind, and particularly body on display as the work of art that it is. They commonly also act as Vampiric Warlocks, contracting and dominating Spirits to do their will, while using Void Mutations to enhance their appearance. The Valhersir have a particular desire to hunt and feed off [[Fornoss|Eili]] worshiping Velheim, considering the act of hunter and prey a perfect analogy for the power of Helskorn over them. The Valhersir make excellent comrades of the Torrghlas who have aligning goals and operate in the same spaces, while looking unfavorably upon those Bloodlines that do not take care of their appearance much. Valhersis often plot and intrigue one another for who is the most powerful.
The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline
===Aullavientos Vampires of Kydaer===
===Aullavientos Vampires of Kydaer===
The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline (sometimes also nicknamed Aula) was created when Desprince Kydaer fled to Daendroc, and mingled with the hunting lodge Cortes of the Frontierra and Basqlierra woods. The Aullavientos are the perfect hunter Vampires who are also considered beast masters, taming wolves and hounds and other beasts to do their bidding, infecting them with a form of animal Vampirism and turning them into so called Hellbeasts. The Aullavientos themselves should also not be underestimated however, able to transform themselves into sentient speaking Werebeasts to hunt as the leader of their pack. Aullavientos make excellent trackers and bounty hunters, able to operate both in Covens and as solitary hunters. Aullavientos Vampires are often thought of as the most sober and pragmatic Vampires, bereft of the usual Vampiric flair for drama and evil-ness, seeming very down to earth and normal until they catch the scent of blood. Aullavientos do not hide their Vampirism, but use the guide of being reasonable and affable to build trust with their captors and enemies so that they may be underestimated as enemies. The Aullavientos make great allies for the Vintghast, having a great appreciation for the wine productions of that Bloodline, but also because the Aullavientos consider direct feeding off a hamless victim to be vulgar, and would much prefer to consume blood through a well made vintage, or after a long savored and difficult hunt of a fleeing prey. In general, the Aullavientos are well liked by all other Bloodlines, even the ones that dislike courtly aristocratic styled Vampires, because of their gregarious nature.
The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline
===Dymolov Vampires of Ramonder===
===Dymolov Vampires of Ramonder===
The Dymolov (pronounced: Dee-mo-lov) Bloodline was created when Desprince Ramonder fled to the Krainivaya lands in the Regalian Archipelago. Unlike many other Bloodlines however, the Dymolov Bloodline did not insert itself into the local population and become more like them culturally, but attached itself to a pre-existing folklore terror, and chose to become it in the flesh. The Dymolov adopted the Dyyavol (диявол) folklore legend of the red-skinned horned Demon that feeds on the people. They are the most alien looking Vampire Bloodline, approximating the pop-culture appearance of Tieflings, with vibrant colored skin, demonic horns, blackened sclera and colorful eyes, a demonic tail, as well as claws and skin ridges or spikes. The Dymolov are debonair, aggressive, rebellious and quirky, assuming a more wild and unthreatening demeanor to hide their viciousness. The Dymolov are very widespread, as the Krsnik Lothar in the Krainivaya lands were successful in purging them from the snowy wasteland areas, thus making them have an origin in Krainivaya folklore, but not actually being from that area anymore (bar from a few). Dymolov can as such be of any cultural persuasion, and are generally considered very flexible, with many of them favoring berserker style fighting, but equal measure favoring magic, or even a blend of the two. Of all the Vampires, Magic comes the most natural to the Dymolov, in particular the power of Void-fire and Sinistral Dark Magic. Dymolov make excellent rank and file soldiers of any Coven, and are generally well disposed towards leadership so long as it respects their freedoms and wants and needs.
The Dymolov (pronounced: Dee-mo-lov) Bloodline
Revision as of 16:20, 22 December 2024
Voilenigme Vampires of Morvanus & Valtriante
The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline
Nerocanto Vampires of Sannon
The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline
Vintgast Vampires of Shirva
The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline
Torrghlas Vampires of Mannis
The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline
Bremnevel Vampires of Zardar
The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline
Silberfeder Vampires of Colvan
The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) Bloodline
Valhersir Vampires of Otrygg
The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline
Aullavientos Vampires of Kydaer
The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline