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Racial Specials

Ailor Abilities and specials are mostly mundane inspired as, with some exceptions, the Ailor are mostly a non-Magical race with very few practitioners. As such, some Abilities might not be available if an Ailor becomes an Aberrant.


Ailor don't have any Abilities, LOL


Ailor Familiar

Ailor have a strong connection with domesticated animals, whether it is rearing cattle and farm animals, or pets. Pets in particular have an important role both in the raising of and further lives of Ailor children, and pets themselves also seem to have longer lives while bonded with Ailor. Either at birth or later in life, an Ailor can acquire a pet. This pet can be any type of small house-pet such as rodents, domestic canines, domestic felines, birds (hawks, eagles, crows), small marsupials, small mustelids, rabbits, pygmee pigs and reptiles or amphibians. This list is not comprehensive, for more options, consult the List of Fauna page, and look for animals that can be reasonably carried or domesticated as per their page's information. While living with its owner, the pet gains a much longer life, usually tied to that of the owner. Ailor Familiars cannot be used in Combat-RP and also cannot be harmed by others (they are invalid targets for Abilities). They can however carry hand-held items and interact with the environment and others, while never leaving Emote Range of their owner. Ailor Familiars duplicate mutations that their owner gains, and are optional, meaning not every Ailor has one.

Dark Empathy

The Ailor have multiple emotion and empathy based capabilities that make them quite unique when compared to other races. Ailor can disable their own emotions so they do not feel regret, guilt, or a conscience when committing vile acts. They can disable all emotions, or just one of them such as happiness or love. Furthermore, they can also compartmentalize certain memories and simply choose to forget them. In both cases, the Ailor usually requires another Ailor to re-connect them with emotions and memories through mental coaching. It is not all dark however. Ailor have learned to disable their emotions for a reason, because the emotional impact of an area where great events have taken place can sometimes be overwhelming. In places of great historical importance such as battlefields or places of worship and celebration, Ailor can receive visions or aftershocks of emotions felt by others in those areas. For example, an Ailor might perceive the fear and loathing of the soldiers on a battlefield that ended hundreds of years ago, being sensitive to the residual feelings when many lost their lives in the area. Finally, Ailor can also read small emotional feelings on the faces of others. Any time, an Ailor can hone in on another person's face if they are speaking with them, to detect their true disposition (feelings) towards them, for example whether they love, hate, adore, or disregard them.

Seizing Destiny

The Ailor are flexible, often more flexible than other Races, in determining their own future, as they live much shorter lives. While an Ailor is not Aberrant or Occult, they gain +5 Physical Stat that does not break Physical Stat Limit. If they are Aberrant or Occult, they may choose 1 Sorcery Spell without Cost. If they are Primal or Ordial Aberrant, they keep the 5+ Physical Stat, Primal and Ordial Aberrancies are not counted as Aberrancy for this Special.

Seizing Innovation

The Ailor are innovative with their skills, more so than other Races as they have less time to master them and greater ambition to perfect them. So long as an Ailor is not Occult or Aberrant in any way, they may choose any Proficiency they have already invested 5 Proficiency Points into, and add another 5 on top (will not break Proficiency Point Limit for that Proficiency). If they Ailor is an Aberrant or Occult instead, they gain no bonus from this Special at all. If they become Aberrant or Occult temporarily, the +5 is temporarily disabled, returning when they become Mundane again.