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Ability List

From MassiveCraft Wiki
Revision as of 01:39, 5 June 2023 by OkaDoka (talk | contribs)

This page is an indexed list of all Abilities for easy reference. If you want to see rules for Abilities and niche functions, read the Abilities page HERE. If you want to see rules for Artifacts and their Abilities, which are unique, check out the Artifacts page HERE

Aesthetics for Abilities may be dictated by the players, as long as the Ability Name is mentioned in the Emote, which is mandatory for Ability use. Aesthetics are fairly free to determine unless otherwise specified. For example, if an Ability states that it has only a limited number of Aesthetics mentioned by name, options are limited. If however no specific aesthetics are mentioned, or they are left open-ended, then player has complete freedom. Minor, non combat, non functional or useable aesthetic additions to abilities are also fine: as long as they do nothing but look cool or fun. When Emoting an Ability, the Emote should always start with the exact Ability name, only then followed by an aesthetic description to the player for what it looks like. Aesthetic descriptions may also be ignored altogether, and a Player may simply Emote "Bob uses Dark Curse on Harry, giving him a Target Curse". If the player asks for an explanation of the Ability, you may give it, or redirect them to this page. It is important to note that Modifiers for Abilities will change depending on where the Ability is sourced from (say, an Ability gained from Vampirism might have a different modifier than an ability gained from Undead-ism). Modifiers are never optional, and must always be applied, but on this page there are multiple modifiers for multiple ability sources. Only one of those Modifiers will apply, depending on where the Ability is gained from (such as magic, or an affliction.)

Passive Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Arcane Attacks Passive Power Self

The user can choose to use Arcane Attacks whenever they are wielding a melee weapon. When making a basic melee attack, they can, instead of striking someone within Melee Range, instead strike someone within Emote Range. This extension respects line of sight, meaning anyone or anything in-between is struck instead, and respects positioning, meaning the user cannot attack behind them or to places they cannot see. The attack counts as both a Melee and Ranged attack for the purpose of counters. This is not a guaranteed hit, the Target can still defend themselves with deflect emotes, and Abilities that block Melee or Ranged attacks. Solvaan

Arcana Oceana Passive Power Self

The user can breathe underwater, see underwater, speak underwater, and move unhindered while swimming underwater. Additionally, they can use Abilities and Attack Emotes as if they were on dry land, targeting those inside and outside the water.
Body Resistance Passive Power Self

When the user is targeted by an Ability or Mechanic that would reduce their Stats, this reduction is lessened by 2 Points. For example, if the user would have their Strength reduced by 3, it is instead reduced by 1. Body Resistance can only apply once per Mechanic, but has no cooldown. N/A
Brittle Immune Passive Power Self

The user is immune to having the Debuff Brittle applied to them. Abilities that would apply Brittle still function as normal, however Brittle cannot ever be applied as a Debuff to the user, even if they are not in Tanking Stance. N/A
Control Immune Passive Power Self The user is immune to any Control Abilities that would be applied to them. They can however choose to permit the Control Ability to work if they are aware it is being used on them beforehand and want the effect to apply. Dwarf

Incorruptible Mind Passive Power Self

The user is immune to any Theurgy Pack Abilities or Link Powers that an enemy or opponent tries to apply to them, the Ability simply cannot target them. Allies can still use Theurgy on them, and Abilities that counter Theurgy Pack Abilities also work. N/A
Invasion Immune Passive Power Self The user is Immune to any type of Invasion or Control that would cause some other entity to invade their body or mind, and control it. This also applies to Ordial, Void and Exist Spirits, but not Greater Spirits or Event Entities. Additionally, the user will also know that they were just invaded, but they cannot forcibly expel the invader if they do not want to leave. Finally, they can choose to let the invader take control, but can take control back anytime. This only counts for unwilling invasion. The user can still willingly make pacts with Spirits and invite them in. Teledden

Knockdown Immune Passive Power Self

The user is immune to any Ability that would cause them to be knocked over. Damage is still applied, but the Character is never Knocked over or Knocked down. N/A
Knockout Immune Passive Power Self

With this Ability, the Character is immune to being Knocked Out, losing consciousness, or involuntarily being put to sleep, either through Abilities, Mechanics, or Talents. The only way to disable this Character is by restraining them with blindfolds/shackles/bindings. They can still be defeated in combat, however, which allows them to be restrained. N/A
Lifelink Engineering Passive Power 5 Blocks

The user has installed a Lifelink device onto their body, that prevents them from causing any damage through Abilities or basic attacks. Instead, the user can target any character within range that they can see, and place a beam of healing energy on them. While targeted with the beam, a character heals their most recent wound every five minutes. This beam can be sustained indefinitely and switched between targets freely, but if broken or ended manually this Ability goes on a 10 minute cooldown. Technician

Mindtap Immune Passive Power Self

The user is immune to any Specials or Abilities that would alter, erase or add memories. This includes even Passives or Abilities that only trigger on certain conditions. N/A
Sinistral Execute Passive Power Self

This Ability is not activated, but applies an indefinite enchant to the user that is activated when they next apply damage to someone who is at 1 HP before damage. If they KO the Target, they can immediately Emote an Attack before anyone else can Emote. If this second Emote also KO's someone, they can immediately Emote an Attack again before anyone else, on repeat so long as they keep KOing enemies. If their second Emote did not KO anyone, this Ability goes on cooldown. Sinistral Execute can be used once per Server Restart. N/A
Subjugation Immune Passive Power Self

The user is immune to any Specials that would involve establishing mind control or command control over them. Bralona

Urlan Durability Constant Power Self

The user is immune to any damage inflicted with Unarmed attack Emotes, or Mundane Techniques using fists as application/weapon, even if the Ability Unarmed Expert is used. N/A
Urlan Defense Constant Power Self

Urlan do not need to carry a shield on them (though they can). Urlan forearms are so tough, that they double as shields. If an arm is being used in a scene to attack (for example while holding a weapon or punching), then only the other arm counts as a shield. N/A
Urlan Bulwark Constant Power Self

Urlan have an exception applied to Tanking Stance. While all other Races cannot use Attack Emotes or use Damaging Abilities, Urlan are still able to use their fists to Attack Emote. If this is done however, Fisticuffs Point Buy Unarmed Expert does not apply to their Attacks, even while they have the Ability, so they cannot punch through Armor while in Tanking Stance. Additionally, if they have Point Bought the Packs, they are still able to use the following Abilities in Tanking Stance, even if Tanking Stance would normally disallow this: Force Smash, Concussive Blow, Dismount. N/A

Counter Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Arcana Revenge Counter Power Emote Range

If the user reaches 0 HP, they are allowed one final emote to use any Magic Ability (Arcana, Sinistral, Radiant), or Magic Attack Emote (ignoring range even in Melee), but can only Target the person that reduced their HP to 0. After using Arcana Revenge, it goes on Cooldown until Server Restart, even if the user is Revived in Combat.
Bonded Fate Counter Power Emote Range

Bonded Fate can only be used if the user is Downed, unconscious, or otherwise unable to fight. The user is able to attach a Curse to a target (even though they cannot use Abilities while downed or unconscious), granting them the Weakened debuff for up to 30 minutes that cannot be cleansed. Once ended, Bonded Fate goes on a 1 hour cooldown. If the user is revived in any way, Bonded Fate's effect immediately ends, cleansing the Weakened Debuff. N/A
Martyrdom Counter Power Emote Range

The user can only activate this Ability when an Ally within Range would take damage from an attack or Ability. The user instantly dashes to intercept the hit, taking the damage for the ally instead. The damage cannot be nullified or ignored in any way. Additionally, if this damage would knock out, or defeat, the user, the ally gains +2 Main Combat Stat and +2 Constitution, which breaks caps, and cleanses any Debuffs currently applied to them. If the user is revived in any way, the bonuses from Martyrdom end. Martyrdom can be used once per Server Restart. N/A
Rebuke Faith Counter Power Emote Range

The user can Counter any Power from Cleric Point Buy, but only if it is from a different Religion than the user's, cancelling its activation and putting it on a 30 minute Cooldown, regardless of its original cooldown. Rebuke Faith has a 3 hour cooldown. Theurgy

Strength Snare Counter Power Emote Range

Strength Snare is able to be used as a reaction to another character being targeted with a beneficial Ability from any Point Buy Category. The user immediately becomes the target of the ability being used instead of the person originally being targeted, additionally preventing the effect from being ended early. Once used, this ability has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A

Instant Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Arcana Strategy Instant Power Emote Range

The user is able to move around Block Tokens and HP between any Ally (including themselves) at will and without their consent. Any number of Block Token and HP can be moved, but the user cannot do anything else when using this Ability, so all re-allocation should be done at the same time to not waste time. Allies cannot be reduced below 1 HP with this Ability, and this Ability cannot be used as reaction to a person taking Damage (to buffer the damage for example) or having an Ability used on them, but it can be used immediately after. The same person cannot be affected by Arcana Strategy more than once per hour. Arcana Strategy has a 30 minute Cooldown.
Arcana Mimic Instant Power Emote Range

To mimic anyone, copy their Abilities, Racial Traits and Proficiencies exactly, while discarding your own. The user is now able to use this "kit" exactly like the source, but a Custom Kit cannot be copied. Arcana Mimic has no Cooldown, but the Mimic Kit remains active until the Combat Roleplay Scene ends.
Destined Familiar Instant Power Emote Range

The user is born near, finds in childhood, (religiously) manifests, or magically creates a familiar that is life-linked with them and grows old with them. This familiar can be sampled from any domesticated animal no larger than a domestic dog. This pet can accompany the user, and aesthetically interact with the environment and other people. Once per day, the familiar can also be called to attack a target in range, applying the Brittle Debuff to them. Destined Familiar resets at Server Restart. N/A
Group Cleanse Instant Power 3 Blocks

The user cleanses all Debuffs on every character within Range of them, including themselves. Group Cleanse has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Intrusive Metal Instant Power Emote Range

Liquid Living Metal on the user can be shot out as a projectile towards any Artificer or Technician Automaton or Mechwalker in range. This is guaranteed to hit unless the Target can use an ability that lets them create a reactive counter barrier before it hits. If it hits, the Living Metal starts seeping into the Automaton or Mechwalker and destroying the machine parts from the inside, thus instantly dealing 3 HP damage to it. Intrusive Metal can be used once per server restart. Asha

Radiant Bolster Instant Power Emote Range

To cleanse Allies, use this Ability to remove a single Debuff on an Ally. This Ability can only target an Ally if they have a Debuff. The Debuff is removed, and the Ally is given +1 Block Token. The Cooldown of the Ability that applied the Debuff to the Ally by the Enemy is reduced by half. Radiant Bolster has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Radiant Push Instant Power Emote Range

To move an Enemy or Ally, this Ability can be used to Knockback a Target for 10 Blocks. The Target can be moved in any direction, meaning further away from the user, or closer, anywhere along a horizontal direction but never vertically or diagonally up or down. Radiant Push has a 30 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Radiant Relocate Instant Power 15 Blocks

To save someone from attack, use this Ability to relocate them forcibly anywhere else in range, even on higher ledges or on building rooftops. This Ability can also be used by the user themselves, but can never be used to circumvent fortifications like castle walls and a gatehouse, or teleporting through walls. This cannot be used on an KO'd ally. Radiant Relocate has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Radiant Shield Instant Power Viewing Distance

To shield an ally, use this Ability to automatically target the lowest HP ally that can be seen, or to target the user themselves, and apply +1 Block Token to them. This ability can be used reactively, meaning, while an Ally is taking Damage, thus negating that Damage instead as the Block Token is immediately consumed. Radiant Shield has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Sinistral Break Instant Power Emote Range

This Ability allows the user to choose between three functions. The user can either break down a door or some type of gatehouse gate or fence, or the user can damage an enemy with the Brittle Debuff and remove it, or the user can damage an enemy's Shield and prevent them from using Shield Cover with that shield for 20 minutes, but granting the enemy +1 Block Token. If any function is used, Sinistral Break has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Sinistral Implode Instant Power Emote Range

To mitigate enemy protections, this Ability can only be used on a Target with at least 1 Block Counter, but when used destroys a Block Counter and immediately applies the Brittle Debuff to the same Target. Sinistral Implode has a 1 Hour Cooldown, and only works on Block Counters that were granted by the target or the target's allies. N/A
Sinistral Puppet Instant Power Emote Range

To puppeteer two enemies to attack each other, use this Ability to target them and force them to attack each other. This Ability must respect range, a swordsman can't attack out of melee range. Both targets are forced to perform a Mundane Attack Emote against the other, with both applying their Dice Rolls. This does not affect their current or next Action, but they can take damage. The same person can only be affected by Sinistral Puppet once every 2 Hours. Sinistral Puppet has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Sinistral Rage Instant Power Emote Range

This Ability must immediately be followed up with an Attack Emote. If the attack hits the Enemy, the target has -1 Constitution until the end of Combat. If the attack fails, the user has +1 Main Combat Stat that can break cap up to 10 until the end of Combat. This Ability cannot Stack on either the Target or user. Sinistral Rage has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Sinistral Sever Instant Power Emote Range

To remove a Link Power on someone, target them with this Ability and any Link Powers active on them will immediately be ended. Any Link Powers they are using will be forced to go on Cooldown. Additionally, the Target cannot be targeted by Link Powers or Abilities defined as Link Powers for the next 20 Minutes. Sinistral Sever has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Thoughtseize Instant Power Self

The user’s hand becomes incorporeal and reaches into the mind of the target. They choose one ability of theirs (including Custom Kit abilities) with a cooldown under 2 hours and then place that ability on cooldown. The information gained from this ability cannot be used to infer anything about the character. The same person can only be affected by one instance of Thoughtseize once per 2 hours. Thoughtseize can only be used once per day. N/A

Summon Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Armor Summon Summon Power Self

The user can summon any type of Armor on any part of their body. Summoned armor has the same durability as mundane armor, but counts as Ability Armor. Songaskian-Haat-Maraya

Knight Summon Summon Power Self

The user can summon three things (either all at the same time, or only one/multiple): A full set of Armor, a Shield, and a Melee Weapon of any kind. These can be summoned on the user, but can also be summoned on others in Emote Range, and even be divided over different people, so long as a single one of each is produced. These summoned items can leave Emote Range, but cannot be switched between people. If one of the items is destroyed or unsummoned, all of them disappear. Both when unsummoned or destroyed, the Ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Technician

Shield Summon Summon Power Self

The user can summon any type of shield made out of Magic. This shield functions like a normal shield would and has the same durability. The user can give the shield to someone else, but can't summon more than one. N/A
Warring Metal Summon Power Self

Liquid Living Metal on the user acts as both a Summon Armor that can cover parts or the whole body of the Asha, and a Summon Weapon that can take only the form of Melee Weapons. Finally, Living Metal cannot be destroyed or aged, however Abilities that ignore armor or weaken it still apply. Only armor or one weapon can be active at any time, never both. N/A
Weapon Summon Summon Power Self

The user can summon any type of weapon from Melee Point Buy, or Ranged Point Buy made out of Magic. This weapon functions like a normal weapon would, has the same durability, but does not use any ammunition to fire if ranged. The user can give the weapon to someone else, but can't summon more than one. A destroyed Summoned Weapon cannot be Summoned again for 12 IRL Hours. Geist-Mundane-Theurgy

Skill Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Arcane Ranged Skill Power Self The user can use any Ranged Point Buy they have purchased while wielding any melee weapon without needing to switch to a bow. These Mundane Techniques instead are classified as Powers of a Magical nature, and can only be used if the user is not already mid-melee swing or Knocked Over. The ranged projectiles take the shape of the melee weapon wielded (this is purely visual) and can have a variety of different magical aesthetics and do not use ammunition. This Ability can only be used to use Mundane Techniques, and does not allow for the usage of Default Ranged Shot. Arcane Ranged cannot be used when Stances gained from Point Buy are active. N/A
Arcana Bolts Skill Power Self

To cast with magic, use this Ability with Magic Attack Emotes from Radiant or Sinistral Spell Point Buy to attack from Ranged, instead of Melee. Ranged Magic Casting follows all rules for Basic Ranged Attacks (with regards to dice rolls and taking 2 actions). Arcana Bolts has no cooldown, but the user cannot quickly swap between Melee and Ranged, and must spend two emotes 'swapping' before they can Attack or use an Ability again.
Body Ranged Skill Power Self

The user is capable of using their own body as a ‘weapon’ for the use of Basic Attack and Techniques from Ranged Point Buy. This cannot be quick-swapped to a Melee weapon, but Body Ranged is usable even if the user has no Ranged packs. N/A
Farsight Scope Skill Power Self

When the user uses a Radiant Point Buy, Sinistral Point Buy, Firearms Point Buy, or Ranged Point Buy Ability, they can change its range to Announce Emote, as long as its original range is Emote Range. Alternatively, they can fire a basic ranged attack from Firearms or Ranged Point Buy from Announce Emote. Farsight Scope can be used once per server restart. N/A
Mage Breaker Skill Power Self

When using Magical Attack Emotes (Melee only) against a Target that is using Wisdom as their Main Defense Stat when derived from Magic Combat (not Tech Combat), their Main Defense Stat is halved when defending against these Magical Attack Emotes from the user (rounded up). If the Target has the Ability Mage Breaker, this does not apply to them. N/A
Magic Technique Skill Power Self

The user is capable of using Techniques that require a weapon while actively using Magic Bolt or Magic Blade. They can utilize Firearms and Ranged Point Buy with Magic Bolt, and Melee and Bruiser Point Buy with Magic Blade. When used, these Techniques are still Techniques. N/A

Healing Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Aiding Metal Healing Power Self

If any of the user’s limbs are Paralyzed, Dismembered, or Disabled, Liquid Living Metal can replace or repair their function by encasing it and taking over its function, making them immune to the Paralysis for example. This can only apply to one limb, or one eye, only ever one body part, and cannot be switched, only the first ever applies until that body part is healed. Asha

Healing Hands Healing Power Melee Range

The user and the (willing) Target (who is not Knocked Out or Downed) must be rooted together for the duration of this Ability, and cannot use any Abilities while active. The user establishes a Link Power onto the Target, healing any wounds and refreshing their stamina over the duration of 10 minutes. If the Link Power is Disrupted, or the user is Displaced or attacked, the Ability is Canceled, though this Ability has 5 minute Cooldown. This Ability can be used out of combat on a knocked out or downed target, but only if they do not return to combat for at least 2 hours afterwards. Artificer-Technician-

Limb Recovery Healing Power Self The user has extreme body-loss replenishment. So long as their head and torso stay relatively intact, they can regrow any lost limb in 48 hours, including eyes, tails, horns, fingers, a tongue, all of it. The Character can still pass out from pain or blood loss, but cannot die from injuries unless the brain or the heart is destroyed or severed from one another. Smaller wounds like cuts and gashes close in 10 minutes, though re-open if the user enters combat again within 1 hour. After the hour has passed, those wounds heal. Curses-Undead-Yanar

Mercy of Life Healing Power Self

The user can Target any person who was Knocked Out, Downed, or lethally wounded to the point of near-death (a person completely disabled from a Combat Scene). This establishes a Link Power for 5 minutes that completely revives the person but does not refresh their Cooldowns. If this Link Power is Disrupted, the user is Displaced or attacked, the Ability is Canceled. If the Ability is Canceled, it goes on a 10 minute Cooldown. If however it succeeds, Mercy of Life goes on a 24 hour Cooldown. Technician

Radiant Revive Healing Power Emote Range

To empower an Ally, Target them with this Ability. If the Ally reaches 0 HP, they are given a choice: Revive with 2 HP and half (rounded down) Main Combat Stat, or give another Ally 1 Block Token, and give them half (rounded down) Main Combat Stat (breaking cap until 11) until that Block Token is removed. Radiant Revive has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Timed Healing Healing Power Emote Range

The user applies a Link Power to a target within Range. For as long as the Link is active, the target heals their most recent wound every 10 minutes. This healing occurs at the end of the 10 minute timer. Timed Healing can only be active on one target at a time, and the same person can only be affected by one instance of Timed Healing at a time. Timed Healing has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A

Buff Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Arcana Protect Buff Power Emote Range

To protect an ally, use this Ability to Summon a set of Armor that immediately envelops them, and also gives them a Shield. This Ability can also be used on the user themselves, however they will not get a Shield, as Mages cannot use Shields. Arcana Protect has no Cooldown, but it cannot be re-used while a set of Armor is active.
Gear Boon Buff Power 5 Blocks

The user blesses the equipment of up to 5 allies within range, including their armor, weapons, shields, etc. The targets gain +1 Constitution, that breaks cap, and can optionally have their gear emit bright light, that dispels mundane darkness around them. The same person can only be affected by one instance of Gear Boon at a time. Gear Boon lasts for 1 hour, and has a 3 hour Cooldown. N/A
Radiant Barrier Buff Power Emote Range

To protect an ally from Ranged Attacks, use this Ability to make them immune to Mundane Ranged, Magical Ranged and Firearms Attack Emotes. This Ability is a Link Power, and remains active for as long as the Link Power is active. If the Link Power is broken or removed, Radiant Barrier has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Radiant Feather Buff Power Emote Range

To protect allies, this Ability can be used to make any amount of Allies immune to damage from falling, giving them Feather Fall, which will slow them to a gentle floating speed. The same effect is permanently applied to self, and additionally, the user is immune to any Knockback applied if the Ability is from Radiant, Arcana, or Sinistral Point Buy. Radiant Feather has no Cooldowns. N/A
Stability Boon Buff Power Self

The user enhances themselves, and up to one ally within Range, granting them immunity to Displacements for 15 minutes. Stability Boon has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A

Movement Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Deathmarch Movement Power Emote Range

The user can select a target in range that they can see, causing a visible symbol to appear over the target’s head, and move toward them. They cannot stop themselves until the ability ends and must move in a direct line for the target, and can do anything that doesn’t make them stop. They cannot be slowed below their movement speed or halted, by any means. Any Ability-created barriers are shattered when they make contact, but normal barriers will stop them if they can’t be climbed over. The Ability ends once they are within 1 block of the target. This Ability has a 4 hour cooldown. N/A
Endless Watch Movement Power Emote Range

The user's soul leaves their body, scanning Emote Range around themselves, and identifying each person within Emote Range, and who they are (unless they are presently Disguised or Shapeshifted.) The user may then choose one person in Emote Range, and instantly teleport behind them. This process is instant and can be performed in the same Emote, however any actions performed afterwards are new actions and new Emotes. This Ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown, regardless of whether the teleport was used or not. N/A
Rift Step Movement Power 10 Blocks

The user can cast this spell at a target area they can see within 10 blocks of them. Their body is swallowed by magical essence, and they immediately teleport to the chosen location. The user cannot carry anyone else with them when using this Ability, and only objects that fit on their person travel with them. This Ability can be used to teleport horizontally, diagonally, or vertically as long as it is still within the 10 blocks range, and as long as the target area is a flat surface the user can stand on. Rift Step can only be used once every 3 hours. N/A
Sinistral Leap Movement Power Emote Range

To close a gap with a foe, this Ability can be used to instantly leap towards them and immediately perform an Attack Emote which has +3 Main Combat Stat applied to it that can break cap up to 10. The Target cannot be targeted by another Movement Power until after they have used an Ability or Attack Emote after reacting to this Ability. Sinistral Leap has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A

Control Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Anti-Control Chip Control Power Self

The user may install an anti-control device in the host. This anti-control device has several effects. Firstly, the Target becomes immune to all Control Powers. Secondly, the Target is immune to infection by all Afflictions. Thirdly, the Target becomes a receiver of remote communication. The user can install a Control Unit in their Rental/Estate/Base, and from there, communicate into the minds of those who have anti-control devices installed, however this is one-way communication. Up to two people can have anti-control devices installed at any time, though they can only be removed by the user in person before changing a Target. Technician

Morph Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Body Claws Morph Power Self

The user can fight using unarmed combat, and gains +2 Strength proficiency that cannot exceed the proficiency cap when doing so. This cannot be used whilst wielding a different weapon. These claws are sharp enough to be considered a bladed weapon for any abilities that require one. The moment they wield a weapon or stop fighting, this effect is removed. Asha- Curses

Steel Claws Morph Power Self The user can, in a pinch, fight with their claws (and extend them on command). Attacks made with Steel Claws are calculated from the user's main combat stat (whichever is their highest or most predominant stat). While using Steel Claws, the user gets a -1 Main Combat Stat decrease, but does not need to emote drawing a weapon (as the claws are on their body at all times), they can immediately emote attacking with a free hand. These nails are considered tough as steel. This Ability cannot be used if the user is already wielding a weapon. When using this Ability, attacks count as if using a bladed weapon. N/A

Link Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Anchoring Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user attaches a tracking link to a target they can see, which can be upheld indefinitely until broken or ended manually. For as long as this link is upheld, the user is able to instantaneously warp to the target for as long as they are within line of sight, but this does not work for extreme vertical differences. If this Ability is broken or ended manually, it is put on a 1 Hour cooldown. N/A
Body Tether Link Power 10 Blocks

The Character chooses a Target within range. This Target is instantly Linked to the user, meaning the Target can no longer move further than 10 Blocks from the user. The Link may be manually dismissed, or breaks automatically after 10 minutes. This Ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Maraya

Bolstering Link Power Emote Range

The user applies a Link Power to a target within Range. For as long as the Link is active, if the Target's stats would be reduced in any way, this Stat Reduction is nullified, and the Stat that would be reduced instead gains a +1 bonus. Bolstering has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Deflection Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user places a link power on the target, which can be upheld indefinitely. As long as this link is upheld, any debuff effects applied to the user are immediately applied to the target instead. This only applies to debuffs that affect the target after the link has been applied, and does not cleanse any debuffs already applied. Once broken, Deflection Hex goes on a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Draining Curse Link Power Emote Range

Connecting a Link Power to both targets, the user is able to trade Block Tokens between the two for as long as this Link Power is maintained. Draining Curse can be upheld for a maximum of 30 minutes, and goes on a 2 hour cooldown once ended. N/A
Endurance Stim Link Power Emote Range

The user can target an ally in Emote Range and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Constitution Proficiency that break caps for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Endurance Stim can stack on a user. The user can only use one instance of Steroid, Endurance or Speed Stim at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Extension Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user attaches a Link to a target they can see, creating a link between the two. For as long as this Ability is upheld, the user is able to use any other Ability with the target as their source. Extension Hex can be only upheld for a maximum of 20 minutes, and can only be used once per server restart. N/A
Life Leech Link Power Emote Range

The user attaches a Link to a target that they can see. For as long as this link is upheld, the user drains their health at a rate of inflicting a single wound on the target every 10 minutes (beginning at the end of the first 10 minutes), and healing themselves at the same rate. If broken or ended manually Life Leech is put on a 1 hour cooldown. A character can only be affected by one instance of Life Leech at a single time, and cannot be affected by Life Leech (from any source) for an hour after it’s broken. N/A
Rusting Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user attaches a Link to a target that they can see, creating a Link power between themselves and the target. This link can be upheld for a total of 30 minutes, and the target is unable to benefit from Armor or Shielding for as long as it is maintained. Once ended or broken, Rusting Hex goes on a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Sapper Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user chooses a single target enemy in range and creates a link between them. This link can be upheld indefinitely, and reduces the target’s main combat stat by 4 for as long as they are affected by this ability, but cannot go into the negatives. A single target can only be affected by a single Sapping Hex at a time, and once broken Sapper Hex goes on a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Shield Matrix Link Power Emote Range

The user is rooted into place, being unable to move, or use any other Ability, at all. While Shield Matrix is maintained, the user can Target one Ally in Emote Range, and project a Shield Matrix onto them, preventing any and all damage on them. Additionally, the user becomes immune to any type of Displacement, meaning the only way to Cancel this Ability is by attacking them with Ranged or Melee attacks or harming Abilities. The user can switch Target (but never on Self), but must go on a 1 minute recalibration Cooldown before Targeting a different Ally. When this Ability is ended, it goes on a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Speed Stim Link Power Emote Range

The user can target an ally in Emote Range and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Dexterity Proficiency that break caps for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Speed Stim can stack on a user. The user can only use one instance of Steroid, Endurance or Speed Stim at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Steroid Stim Link Power Emote Range

The user can target an ally in Emote Range and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Strength Proficiency that can break caps for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Steroid Stim can stack on a user. The user can only use one instance of Steroid, Endurance or Speed Stim at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Tiring Hex Link Power Emote Range

The user chooses a single target enemy in range and creates a link between them. This link can be upheld indefinitely, and reduces the target’s Constitution by 4 for as long as they are affected by this ability, but cannot go into the negatives. A single target can only be affected by a single Tiring Hex at a time, and once broken Tiring Hex goes on a 30 minute cooldown N/A
Weakening Ward Link Power Emote Range

The user applies a Link Power to an enemy within Range, and also chooses one ally. For as long as the Link is upheld, if the target attacks or targets the chosen ally, they receive a -2 Main Combat Stat reduction, but only while they are targeting or attacking the chosen ally. Once the target and ally are chosen, they cannot be changed for the duration of the Link Power. Weakening Ward has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A

Passive Techniques

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Ghost Recall Passive Technique Self

The user installs a Ghost Recall device on themselves. First, all of the user’s memories are remotely backed up in a Control Unit in their Rental/Estate/Base. No Ability or Mechanic can affect their memories in any way, nor can any of their memories be altered. Secondly, if the person dies, their consciousness is uploaded as an engram to their Control Unit, which can then be installed by another into a Mechwalker or Automaton to revive them as this mechanical being, or into a Bralona to create another personality residing in the same body. Ghost Recall can only be used on self. Technician

Unarmed Expert Passive Technique Self

The user is trained as a professional in unarmed combat, allowing them to use their fists as weapons. The user’s unarmed strikes bypass any immunity to unarmed combat, and can allow the user to use other Techniques from the Melee Point Buy without a weapon. N/A
Body Adaptability Passive Technique Self

When targeted by another character with an Ability that changes the user’s proficiencies in any way, it is further changed by one extra point (positive or negative). This does not apply to abilities that the character uses on themselves. N/A
Dumb Luck Passive Technique Self

Every /dice roll used by the user is automatically reduced by 3 for all dice rolls. Once a day however, the user can choose one single dice roll that they failed, and make it instant success instead at the highest possible roll. N/A
Edgewalker Passive Technique Self

If the user is affected by a Displacement ability, they are Displaced 3 Blocks less than they would normally be, and if it would force them to fall off a ledge or be pushed off of where they stand (excluding any Abilities or mechanics that would pull a character down from a higher point), they instead are pushed to the very edge of what they are standing on, unable to fall off. N/A
Debuff Endurance Passive Technique Self

Whenever the user has any debuff effect applied to them, they are granted 2 Constitution that can break the proficiency cap up to a maximum of 12. Once the debuff that triggered this effect is removed, this bonus is canceled and cannot be gained again for another 15 minutes. Additional debuffs do not grant any extra Constitution. N/A
Redstone Radio Passive Technique Self

The user produces two Redstone Radios, one for themselves, and one for another person. They may communicate to each other remotely regardless of distance, however it is not possible to whisper into Redstone Radios, regular Local Chat must be spoken, and responses (received in Direct Message) must be emoted out. A new pair can be created, causing both to remotely fall apart. The Redstone Radio belonging to the other person can be stolen, but the one owned by the creator cannot be removed from them. Additionally, Redstone Radios can track each other like Radars. However, when this feature is activated, both Radio holders must emote a loud beeping noise repeatedly while the devices are searching. Radios only ever pick up the voice/sounds of the owner, other people cannot speak into them, nor is ambient noise/background conversation picked up. Artificer-Technician

Dagger Expert Passive Technique Self

The user is proficient at wielding daggers and knives with great effect, able to wield them proficiently without any Strength investment. If the user wields a dagger or knife as a weapon, they are able to attack with the equivalent Strength of their Dexterity Proficiency (up to a maximum of 4). N/A
Climate Expert Passive Technique Self

The user has trained in temperature resistance, and becomes immune to harm from cold or heat (though can still freeze, or be hurt by fire). Additionally, temperature based slowing effects such as having to wade through knee-high snow, or jogging in the desert, does not cause fatigue, slow-down, or any other negative effects from environmental movement. This does not affect Abilities with ice or fire aesthetics. N/A
Tracking Node Passive Technique Self

The user can apply a tracking node that they create to someone by touching them. The user can then use a small hand-held transceiver to Track the individual for as long as the node is attached to the individual. This node is clandestine and hidden for the first hour it is attached to the person. After the first hour passes, the Node begins to passively beep, and the target is aware of its presence (and can remove/destroy it if they wish) The target must alert the user of their location while the node is active. This Ability has a 24 hour cooldown. The user can only have one Tracking Node active at any given time. Artificer

Swimming Expert Passive Technique Self

The user is able to swim at high speeds, outmatched only by aquatic races, and is able to hold their breath for much longer underwater, whilst also being able to see near perfectly. Once per server restart, the user can guarantee a dodge from a basic Attack Emote against them as long as it was used on them underwater. Additionally, the user is able to fight with melee basic attacks underwater, with their Main Combat Stat reduced by 4. N/A
Mech-Suit Passive Technique Self

The user can produce a mechanized suit of ‘armor’ that they can wear. They can only put on or remove this suit at their Control Unit in their Rental/Estate/Base. While wearing the Mech-Suit, they gain the following benefits: The user gains the Resilience and Bruteforce Pack from Training Point Buy. The Mech-Suit can count as a disguise, or not, if the user removes the face cover/visor, and can be designed however the user wants it to look, as long as it is distinctly mechanical and bi-pedal. This suit can additionally act as a replacement for maims, returning function to the body (including eyes, legs, tongue, ears, etc.) This does not grant them armor, however Knight Summon can apply armor to the suit, or normal armor they are already wearing can merge with the suit. If the user is defeated in combat, they lose the bonus packs, and it no longer counts as a disguise, but otherwise it can’t be fully removed from them unwillingly. They gain the benefits again if they repair the Mech-Suit at their Control Unit. Artificer-Technician

Active Techniques

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Agonizing Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires their weapon at a target in range that is currently affected by Brittle. This shot deals a guaranteed hit to the target, triggering the Brittle effect and additionally causing the target to be knocked down once hit. After being used, Agonizing Shot goes on a 4 hour cooldown. N/A
Ally Throw Active Technique Melee Range

Ally Throw can only be used on an Ally in Melee Range. The user grapples onto the Target and instantly hurls them anywhere within 10 blocks, including a higher ledge or surface at a different height than the user. The Target does not take damage from this Technique, but are Knocked Over on landing. Ally Throw has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Attack Theory Active Technique Emote Range

The user must targets an ally in Emote Distance and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Strength Proficiency that cannot break Proficiency Limit, or grant new Point Buy, for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Attack Theory cannot stack on a user, though one instance of Defense Theory and Endure Theory can be active on the same Target. The user can only use one instance of Attack, Defense, or Endure Theory at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers, which this Technique is affected by), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Battle Command Active Technique Emote Range

The user must be completely out of combat for this Ability to be used. The user cannot fight or use other Abilities while using this Ability. The user chooses a Target and applies a +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and +2 Dexterity buff to them through a Link Power that can break cap up to a maximum of 9. This Ability has a 10 Minute Cooldown as soon as the Link Power is broken. This Ability can be broken by regular Link Power Counters, but also by attacking the user, which ends as soon as they emote to respond. Battle Command has a 10 Minute Cooldown as soon as the Link Power is broken, and the same person cannot be affected by multiple instances of Battle Command at the same time. N/A
Battle Flurry Active Technique 1 Block

The user lashes out instantaneously to strike those surrounding them. The user rolls one dice with a number for every character within range of this technique, and hits as many of them based on the number rolled, a minimum of one. (ex. 3 people in range is /dice 1-3) They can choose who gets hit or not, but this technique cannot be used if only one target is in range. Battle Flurry can only be used once per day, with the single charge refreshing on server restart. N/A
Belt Shot Active Technique 5 Blocks

The user rapidly loads and fires the weapon from the hip, causing a quick blow-out in short to medium range. Anyone in front of the user within range is knocked back 5 Blocks. If a user is unable to dodge back the full 5 blocks (hitting a wall, for example) or are incapable of moving, this ability does a guaranteed hit. Belt Shot has a 30 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Berserker Fury Active Technique Melee Range

The user channels their anger, cleansing themselves of any Debuff effect currently affecting them. If the user cleanses a Debuff, they can immediately make a guaranteed hit on any one person in melee distance. Berserker Fury can be used once per server restart. N/A
Bonfire Active Technique Self

When the user is completely out of combat, they are able to enter a resting stance to mend their wounds. If uninterrupted for 10 minutes, the user is able to completely heal their wounds and refresh their stamina. If interrupted by an Ability or basic attack of any kind, the user is unable to heal. Whether interrupted or ended, Bonfire has a 4 hour cooldown. N/A
Bouncer Throw Active Technique Melee Range

Bouncer Throw can only be used inside a Business Region, or the doorway/lobby of any other Building (such as an Estate, Base, or Rental). The user grapples onto a Target and instantly hurls them out of the building, whether through a window, or a doorway or opening in any wall. The Target does not take any damage, but is ejected at least 7 blocks away from the hole they were thrown out of, and are Knocked Over on landing. Bouncer Throw has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Brawl Stampede Active Technique 10 Blocks

The user commences a charge in one straight line in a particular direction, stampeding forward by 10 Blocks. If they ran through a Barrier, someone behind Mundane Cover, or a Magical Shield or Barrier, said barrier, or cover is destroyed, though no damage or Displacement is applied to anyone along its path. This can also break a small hole through wooden and stone walls, but only if they are 1 block thick. Brawl Stampede has a 3 Hour Cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Bruiser Agony Active Technique Self This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. This ability automatically triggers when the user is a single attack from defeat (or at 1HP in the Optional Combat System). The next basic attack that successfully strikes an enemy heals the user for the last moderate wound they suffered (or 1HP). If the target is Brittle, then this ability instead heals the user for two moderate wounds (or 2HP). Bruiser Agony has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Bruiser Flurry Active Technique Melee Range This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user spins around and swings at all characters within range, knocking each of them back by 5 blocks, and applying Brittle to one target. If any targets were already Brittle, this deals a guaranteed hit to the Brittle targets only and knocks them back for 10 blocks instead. Bruiser Flurry has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Bruiser Ruin Active Technique Melee Range This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user targets an enemy in range, immobilizing themselves for one emote. If the user is targeted with an Ability, or Basic Attack, Bruiser Ruin ends, and the user can take other actions. After one emote has passed, the user is able to deal a guaranteed hit on the target that acts as two basic attacks. If the target has Brittle, it instead acts as three attacks. If ended early Bruiser Ruin goes on a 30 minute cooldown. Otherwise Bruiser Ruin has a 4 hour cooldown. Once the timer is completed, Bruiser Ruin cannot be canceled by any effect. N/A
Bruiser Slam Active Technique Emote Range This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user leaps at a target enemy, landing on any block adjacent to the target and applies Brittle to the target. If the target is already Brittle, this Ability instead deals a guaranteed hit and the target is Knocked Down. Bruiser Slam has a 1 hour cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Bruiser Tackle Active Technique 5 Blocks This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user tackles an enemy within range and knocks them back 5 blocks, applying Brittle to the target. If the target hits another character before being moved the total distance, the displacement ends and the other character has Brittle applied too. If the target is Brittle, the target takes a guaranteed hit and is knocked back 10 blocks, following the same rules for hitting another character as before. Bruiser Tackle has a 2 hour cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Building Scale Active Technique Melee Range

The user rapidly scales up a building they are standing next to, or a roof (the user cannot climb higher than 24 blocks, and is expected to use an Ender Pearl to get up to the ledge where they would land). If landing on a roof, the user is able to stand on this roof, but cannot move to other roofs without falling off. Building Scale has a 3 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Building Smash Active Technique Melee Range

This Technique can be used on a building, so long as another person is standing on its roof, or on some higher ledge like a roof trim or balcony or top of a tower. When used, the user smashes into a selected building causing it to shake and destabilize all characters standing on top of it. Anyone standing on a higher ledge of such a building will fall off the building, forward towards the user but not causing them any harm. All targets additionally are unable to use a Movement Power for 10 minutes after landing. Building Smash has a 1 hour cooldown and ignores Displacement Immunity. N/A
Cast Down Active Technique Emote Range

The user produces a makeshift hook or alchemical ‘bomb’ that they must use instantly. They may target one person they can see who is currently on a higher ledge than them, or on a higher position that is unreachable to them. The target person is pulled off of the ledge (safely), landing on the nearest open ground that is the same level as the user. This does not inflict any damage on the Target. Cast Down has a 30 Minute Cooldown, and ignores Displacement Immunity. Artificer

Close Save Active Technique Melee Range

The user can use Close Save as a reaction to a ranged or firearm basic attack aimed at an ally (other than self). The ally is pushed out of the way of the attack, knocked back by 2 blocks and staggered, avoiding the effect of the attack. This ability can be used once per server restart. N/A
Concussive Blow Active Technique Melee Range

The user swings their weapon at a target, confusing them for 5 minutes. While confused, the target is unable to target the user with Powers of any kind. Additionally, if the target is currently connected to a Link Power, this Technique counts as a guaranteed hit, and ends any Links they are using/effected by. Concussive Blow has a 1 Hour Cooldown.}} N/A
Cover Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires their weapon at a target within range that is currently holding a shield. This Technique does no damage, but immediately staggers and interrupts the target’s current action, additionally making them unable to utilize their shield for an additional 10 minutes. Once this effect ends, Cover Shot goes on a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Covering Fire Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires a constant stream of inaccurate but intimidating shots to provide safety for their allies. As a reaction to an allies movement, the user is able to activate this Technique in order to ensure they are not attacked for as long as they need to reposition in one emote. Covering Fire ends the moment the user’s ally stops moving to attack, and has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Creeping Toxin Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires a toxin covered dart at an enemy target in range. If the target uses an Active Technique the poison rushes through their body and deals a moderate wound (or 1HP of damage in the Optional Combat system). This ability is telegraphed and understood by the target, knowing what will happen if they choose to suffer the poison. This effect lasts for 5 minutes or until the poison takes effect, after which it ends. Creeping Toxin has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Critical Hit Active Technique Emote Range

The user chooses a target, charging a shot for ten minutes. If left uninterrupted, the user fires a bullet that deals the damage of three default shots. This Technique cannot be used in combination with Quick Cover, and has a cooldown of 2 Hours. This Technique cannot be Technique Parried. If the user is interrupted, this Technique goes on a 10 minute cooldown instead. Once the timer is completed, Critical Hit cannot be Staggered. N/A
Crocodile Tears Active Technique Self

The user falls to the ground and feigns defeat. The user can end their charade after 10 minutes, or if they’re attacked. Once ended, the user is able to make a guaranteed hit against any character within melee range. Crocodile Tears can be used once per server restart. N/A
Defense Theory Active Technique Emote Range

The user must targets an ally in Emote Distance and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Constitution Proficiency that cannot break Proficiency Limit, or grant new Point Buy, for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Attack Theory cannot stack on a user, though one instance of Attack Theory and Endure Theory can be active on the same Target. The user can only use one instance of Attack, Defense, or Endure Theory at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers, which this Technique is affected by), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Dirty Fighter Active Technique Melee Range

After being struck by a melee attack, the user can pull out a concealed firearm and quickly shoot a firearm point buy technique at the attacker (excluding Quick Cover, Spray and Pray, Agonizing Shot, Gunslinger and Critical Hit). This ignores any range limitations of the Technique. The weapon breaks immediately after use, unable to be used any further. Dirty Fighter can be used once per Server Restart. N/A
Dye Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires an ink-stained projectile at a target. This projectile does no damage, but stains them with a chosen color. While stained, the target is Blinded until they spend 10 seconds wiping their eyes. The target can still defend themselves, but cannot actively attack other characters. Dye Shot has a 2 hour cooldown, and the same person is immune to any subsequent Dye Shots for that period. N/A
Endure Theory Active Technique Emote Range

The user must targets an ally in Emote Distance and Links themselves to that Target. The Target gains +2 Dexterity Proficiency that cannot break Proficiency Limit, or grant new Point Buy, for the duration of the Link Power. Multiple instances of Endure Theory cannot stack on a user, though one instance of Attack Theory and Defense Theory can be active on the same Target. The user can only use one instance of Attack, Defense, or Endure Theory at a time. This Ability works as long as the Target is in Emote Range, though if Cancelled (voluntarily or through an Ability that Cancels Link Powers, which this Technique is affected by), it goes on a 5 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Escape Artist Active Technique Self

The user is able to, whilst restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs and other mundane restraints used to hold a player down. Additionally, they are also able to escape from any mundane holding cell or prison by picking the lock to the door in. This is never noticed by the captors until the user begins to move, attack or do any other action. Remember, resisting arrest or breaking out of Prison is highly illegal in Regalia, and can lead to worse punishment! This can be used twice per server restart. N/A
Evading Dash ActiveTechnique 10 Block

The user rushes from one point to another. Choosing an unoccupied place within range that they can see, the user sprints in a straight line. While sprinting, the user is unable to be targeted, but also cannot attack or do anything but sprint. Evading Dash has a 2 hour cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Dismount Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user attaches a loud, yet harmless, explosive to a projectile and fires it at a Mounted enemy, exploding on contact and creating a very loud sound. This startles the mount and causes it to run away, dismounting the target and causing them to be Knocked Down. Dismount Shot has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Force Smash Active Technique Melee Range

The user strikes mundane or magical cover that is protecting a target and destroys it, ending any abilities that count as either. The attack continues and strikes the target behind the cover, dealing a guaranteed hit. Force Smash has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Forced Aggro Active Technique Emote Range

The user targets two enemies, and through forced agitation, forces Target enemies to target them immediately. For 10 minutes, they are not able to attack or Target anyone but the user of this Ability, unless the user is Knocked Out, has Fled, or becomes completely immune to damage through some means. If either Target is attacked by anyone else (not own allies), the effect breaks. Only one Forced Aggro can be active in Emote Range. This Ability cannot be used to cancel or intercept ongoing attacks or Abilities. The same person can only be affected by Forced Aggro once per 2 Hours. Forced Aggro has a 2 Hour cooldown. N/A
Forced Truce Active Technique Emote Range

The user Targets an enemy and an ally (never self). Through forced intimidation, the Target enemy is no longer able to attack the Target ally, and vice versa for 10 minutes. Only one Forced Truce can be active in Emote Range. The same person can only be affected by Forced Truce once per 2 Hours. Forced Truce has a 2 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Frontline Defense Active Technique Self

The user holds up their shield, protecting themselves and any character within 2 blocks behind them from Abilities or Basic Attacks targeting them from the front. While active, the user can’t use other Abilities or perform Basic Attacks, but is able to move while Frontline Defense is in use. Frontline Defense can be held for a maximum of 20 minutes, and once ended is put on a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Hook Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires a grappling hook attached to a projectile, leaving behind a sturdy rope. This can be shot upwards whilst directly beneath a block, allowing the user to climb to the top of it. Additionally, this can be shot across a horizontal gap to establish a zip-line that can be slid down to cross to the other side, but the use of this ability must always be fired downwards by at least a single block. The rope is only strong enough to support one person at a time. Hook Shot has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Knockback Sweep Active Technique Melee Range

Knockback Sweep allows the user to make a wide arch-swing. Anyone within Melee Range on either side or in front of the user is knocked back by 5 blocks. If there is a wall behind the target, or if they are rooted, they are instead struck with a guaranteed hit. This still counts as a displacement for the purposes of immunities/counters. Knockback Sweep has a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Knocking Shot Active Technique Emote Range

Knocking Shot specifically cannot be used in range under 5 Blocks as the Target would be too close. This shot causes the opponent to get Knocked Back by 10 blocks. This does not interrupt any ongoing actions, knocking them back after their action completes. This does not do any damage. Knocking Shot has a 20 minute Cooldown. N/A
Battle Rally Active Technique Emote Range

The user rallies their allies into combat, granting up to two other people 2 Strength that can break cap up to a maximum of 9 for their next two basic attack emotes. Battle Rally requires an ally to be used, and goes on a 2 hour cooldown immediately after being used. The same person can only be affected by Battle Rally once per hour. N/A
Leaping Charge Active Technique Emote Range

Leaping Charge: Leaping Charge allows the user to instantly rush to a Target Enemy in Emote Range. The user always lands on the side closest to themselves. If the Target is running away or fleeing, this Technique also includes a guaranteed hit. This does not allow for any vertical movement outside of slight inclines. Leaping Charge has a 1 Hour Cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Marking Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires a non-damaging projectile at a target that they can see, applying the Marked Debuff for the next 30 minutes. Marking Shot has a 20 minute cooldown. N/A
Makeshift Weapon Active Technique Self

The user is able to summon a temporary weapon to their hand, granting them the proficiency to utilize basic attacks with said weapon for a total of 3 attack emotes before the weapon is destroyed. If the user has any Techniques from their own proficiencies, they can use them with this weapon, but it also utilizes 1 of the 3 charges. Once destroyed, Makeshift Weapon has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Artificer

Move Command Active Technique Emote Range

If a Movement Power is used within Emote Range by an enemy the user can anticipate this movement and choose an ally (not self) to travel with the moving Target. Distance is respected, meaning when the Movement Power is complete, the enemy and ally target do not suddenly land closer to each other. Move Command can be used once per server restart. N/A
Pinning Throw Active Technique Emote Range

The user throws a short blade or knife held on their person to pin a target within range they can see to a surface, Rooting them for 5 minutes. If the target is affected by a damaging ability or basic attack, this effect ends early. Pinning Throw has a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Pocket Sand Active Technique Melee Range

The user Targets another character performing a dice roll within range, as a reaction to that roll. Whatever the result of this dice roll, the number is reduced by 2. Pocket Sand has two charges that reset during Server Restart. The same person cannot be affected by multiple instances of Pocket Sand at the same time, and can only be affected by any instance of it once every 30 minutes. N/A
Silencing Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user fires a unique attack at a Target that Silences the target for the next 10 minutes. This shot does not harm the Target. Silencing Shot has a 40 minute Cooldown.
Quick Cover Active Technique Self

The user quickly produces an instance of Mundane Cover for themselves, remaining active for as long as they don’t move. While behind cover, the user is protected from any Ability or ranged attack that would cause harm, or apply an effect or debuff with the exception of displacements. The user can still use Abilities from behind this cover, but if the user is hit with a melee basic attack, moves, or is displaced, the cover is destroyed and Quick Cover goes on a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Rapid Blast Active Technique Emote Range

The user uses their ranged weapon arm to fire a single Technique at a Target in Emote Range. They must choose any Ranged Point Buy Ability except Quick Cover, Creeping Toxin, or Rapid Fire, and have this Technique count as one of those Abilities (having the pack is not required). Rapid Blast has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Rapid Fire Active Technique Self

The user immobilizes themself and kneels down, preparing their weapon or ammo reserve. The user benefits from a unique effect, depending on the weapon type they have, explained in the Weapon Modifier. This effect ends after 30 minutes, if the user is Displaced or they choose to end it themselves. Rapid Fire has a 2 hour cooldown. Ranged-Firearms

Shearing Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user targets a character within range that currently is affected by a Link Power, firing a projectile at them. While doing no damage, the User immediately ends a single Link Power affecting the target. Shearing Shot has a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Spray and Pray Active Technique 5 Blocks

The user rapidly loads and unloads their weapon, releasing a flurry of inaccurate shots on anyone within range. The user performs a /dice roll with a number for every character within range of this technique, and hits as many of them based on the number rolled, with a minimum of zero (ex. 3 people in range is /dice 0 3). They can choose who gets hit or not, but this technique cannot be used if only one target is in range. Spray and Pray can only be used once per day, with the single charge refreshing on server restart. N/A
Splash Shot Active Technique 10 Blocks

The user fires a bursting projectile of some kind at any character within range, affecting them and any other characters within 1 block of the target. Anyone caught within range of this technique is hit with a concussive force, causing them to be knocked over. Splash Shot has a 45 minute cooldown. N/A
Steady Hand Active Technique Self

The user, upon having their reloading emote interrupted for a Firearms basic attack, is able to power through the interruption and continue loading their firearm. This effect passively triggers whenever applicable, at the first reload interrupt. The user can only benefit from this once, before it goes on a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Tank Charge Active Technique 5 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user dashes at a target enemy within range, knocking them back 10 blocks. If the target hits a wall or is blocked from moving the full distance, they are additionally Staggered and have Brittle applied. Tank Charge has a 30 minute cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Tank Hero Active Technique 10 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user dashes to a target ally within range as a reaction to an attack or ability emote targeting the ally, forcing the user to be the target instead. When landing, the user knocks back all enemies within melee range by 5 blocks, and if the attacker that triggered this ability is also within range, they have Brittle applied. Tank Hero has a 30 minute cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Tank Rally Active Technique 5 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user rallies the battlefield around them, granting allies within range +1 Main Combat stat that can break cap up to a maximum of 12. Tank Rally lasts for up to 30 Minutes, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown once ended. N/A
Tank Rush Active Technique 10 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user charges forwards with their shield up to 10 blocks in a single direction (but no less than 5), knocking back any enemies caught in this charge by 5 blocks to either the left or right (chosen by the user of the ability). Up to two enemies caught in this charge have Brittle applied to them. If any enemies were already Brittle, this additionally knocks the Brittled enemy down, and deals a guaranteed hit. Tank Rush has a 4 hour cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Tank Slam Active Technique 3 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user slams the ground with their shield, knocking over enemies within range. Additionally, the user can choose up to two people within range, applying Brittle to those two targets. Tank Slam has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Tank Switch Active Technique Melee Range

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user quickly Staggers an enemy within range with their shield as a reaction to an attack or ability used on an ally. The user then instantly dashes, placing themself between the attacked ally and the target. For one emote, if the target chooses to target (with an attack or ability) anyone but the user of this ability, the user swings their shield to apply Brittle to the target. Tank Switch has a 1 Hour cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Tank Tremor Active Technique 3 Blocks

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user smashes the ground, pulling all enemies within range onto a block adjacent to the user. For 5 minutes, they become immune to the effects of abilities from allies that may also hit the user of Tank Tremor. If at least one enemy affected by this ability has the Brittle debuff, then the user of Tank Tremor generates 1 Block Counter. Tank Tremor has a 1 hour cooldown.
Tank Triage Active Technique Melee Range

This ability requires Tank Stance to be active. The user targets an ally within range, or themself. The user, and target, are immobilized and the user cannot make any other actions whilst using Tank Triage. The target ally is instantly cleansed of any active Debuffs, and any Link Powers applied to them are broken. Additionally, both the user and ally become immune to any attack that is not made from within melee range.. If the user is not displaced or does not take damage for 5 minutes, then both the user and the target ally have one moderate wound healed instantly (or 1HP in the Optional Combat System). Tank Triage can be used once per server restart. N/A
Tank Watch Active Technique Self

This ability requires Tank stance to be active. The user fortifies their defense and holds the line as a reaction to a movement ability, creating an ‘anti-movement’ zone in a 10 block range around them for 15 minutes. If an enemy uses a movement power, or an ability that causes the user to move a certain amount of blocks, towards the user of Tank Watch or any allies within range, they are instantly countered and have the movement ability set to a 20 minute cooldown, sent back to where they started from and have Brittle applied. Tank Watch has a 4 hour cooldown. N/A
Turtle Up Active Technique Self

Turtle Up allows the user to enter a defensive stance, cutting their own offensive output in exchange for survivability. While this Technique is active, the user is immune to Displacement effects, but cannot move from where they are standing. Additionally, the user’s main combat stat is reduced by 4 (but not less than 0), in exchange for 2 Block Tokens. If the user chooses to move, or these block tokens are expended, Turtle Up goes on a 1 Hour cooldown. This temporary reduction of main combat stat cannot be reduced or negated for as long as Turtle Up is active.
Volley Assist Active Technique Emote Range

The user kneels down and fires a rapid volley into the air above a target enemy, raining down projectiles. These do no damage, but the target and anyone within 2 blocks of them is rooted to the ground for 5 minutes, until they are attacked or take damage from an ability. Volley Assist has a 45 minute cooldown. N/A
Weakening Poison Active Technique Self

The user sneakily coats their weapon, bullet or arrow with a sinister poison. The next attack they make that damages an opponent, they suffer from -1 Constitution and -1 Highest Combat Stat. If this Ability is countered or the target is immune to poison, then the technique is placed on cooldown. This effect lasts for 15 minutes. Weakening Poison has a 1 hour cooldown. The same person can only be affected by Weakening Poison once per 2 Hours. The weapon, bullet or arrow can be poisoned and held for a maximum of 5 minutes. Undead

Weapon Throw Active Technique 10 Blocks

The user throws a side-weapon at an enemy in ranged, delivering a ranged basic attack. This attack has an equivalent strength of the user’s Strength Score, subtracted by 3. Weapon Throw has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Winging Shot Active Technique Emote Range

The user rapidly loads and fires their weapon, automatically hitting a target within range. This technique does no damage, but Staggers them. Winging Shot has a 2 hour cooldown.}} N/A

Counter Techniques

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Bruiser Feint Counter Technique Melee Range This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user targets an enemy and Staggers them as a reaction to a Melee Basic Attack or Active Technique from Melee or Bruiser Point Buy used on them, increasing their Constitution by 3, which breaks cap to a maximum of 12, for the next 2 Basic Attacks against the user. If the target is Brittle, then this ability instead increases the user’s Constitution by 5, breaking the cap up to a maximum of 12. Bruiser Feint has a 2 hour Cooldown. N/A
Bruiser Parry Counter Technique Self This ability requires Bruiser Stance to be active. The user parries and counters a single Firearm or Ranged basic attack or Active Technique from Ranged or Firearm Point Buy. If this is used to counter a target with Brittle, the effects of the attack or technique are reflected back at the target. Bruiser Parry has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Constable's Belt Counter Technique Self

The Constable is equipped with a standard-issue Klokktech belt that can only be used while they are in Uniform. The Constable can immediately activate this belt, hands-free, to instantaneously deploy a field around their body alone that protects them from anything, including any and all Abilities, for the next 5 minutes. During this time, the Constable is frozen in place, and cannot move, fight, or use abilities themselves, but can still talk and give orders. The Constable can activate this in response to an Ability being used on them. If the Constable ends this effect prematurely, it goes on a 1 hour cooldown. If the full 5 minute duration is met, it has no cooldown. N/A
Constable's Shield Counter Technique Self

The Constable is equipped with a standard-issue Klokktech shield that starts as a metal glove, that can be extended into a clear glassy tower-shield. While the Constable is holding this Shield up in front of them, they cannot be targeted by Abilities, or Attacks. The Constable must lower the shield to attack or use any Abilities, cannot quick-lift it in response to being targeted, and they (and others) cannot attack from behind it. They are still susceptible to area-of-effect mechanics, however. While holding the Shield up, the Constable cannot move, but can link up with other Constables using this same Ability, to create an impassable Barrier. This Barrier extends two blocks out from the 'end' Constables in the line, and can be destroyed by Gate-destroying mechanics, but, this only breaks apart the link. If the link is broken, the Constables involved in it cannot link their Shields together for 60 minutes. N/A
Constable's Stun-Gun Counter Technique Emote Range

The Constable is equipped with a standard-issue Klokktech Stun-Gun that can only be used while they are in Uniform. The Constable can immediately activate this Stun-Gun, as long as they have at least one hand free, to shoot a tazer at a target they can see within Emote Distance. The Target it is immediately Staggered, and if they were trying to use an Ability they acquired from a Point Buy Pack, it is put on Cooldown. Constable's Stun Gun has a 30 minute cooldown. N/A
Cheap Shot Counter Technique Melee Range

As a reaction to any character within range using a Power from the Spell Point Buy category that targets someone other than the caster, the user is able to strike them precisely. This does no damage, but immediately interrupts and counters the Power that was used, putting it on a 20 minute cooldown regardless of what the original Ability’s cooldown was initially. Cheap Shot has a 1 hour cooldown after being used. The same person can only be affected by one instance of Cheap Shot once per hour. N/A
Dismount Counter Technique Melee Range

This Technique can only be used on a Target that is Mounted. The user instantly dis-mounts their Target and scares off the Mount. The Target is pushed off their Mount and knocked over, and the Mount is dismissed, while forcing Cavalry Summon on a 30 Minute Cooldown. Dismount cannot be used while Mounted, and has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A
Extended Style Baton Counter Technique 5 Blocks

The constable can extend their Klokktech stunbaton into a stun-whip, that can only be used while they are in Uniform. Once every 60 minutes, per target (meaning the same target cannot be affected by two instances of this technique at once, or have two instances chained up), they can lash out with the Baton and Restrain an individual's Arms or Legs, preventing them from either moving (including using Movement Powers), or attacking (including using Abilities), for the next 5 minutes. If the target is immune to Rooting, they are instead Silenced and Weakened for the next 10 minutes. N/A
Interception Counter Technique 5 Blocks

As a reaction to an attack or Active Technique, the user can dive in and protect a target within 3 + CON Stat blocks from them from incoming harm. The user immediately moves in front of the target, becoming the target of the Technique from any category instead. The user cannot nullify or avoid the attack or Technique. Once this effect ends, it goes on a 30 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Magic Dampener Counter Technique Region

The user can deploy a Magic Dampener to their Rental/Estate/Base, making any and all Void, Exist, or Ordial Abilities unusable within the confines of this indoors region, gardens not included. Magic Dampeners do not distinguish between friend or foe, they block out all Abilities. A Magic Dampener must be a specific block (any block) with a sign on it clearly identifying it as a Magic Dampener. The Magic Dampener can be destroyed instantly with a single melee strike, removing its effect. Technician

Rage Counter Counter Technique Melee Range

On being hit by a basic attack or Active Technique from Point Buy, the user is able to immediately make a guaranteed strike against the target that attacked them before reacting to the attack they were targeted with themselves, as long as they are in range. This Technique cannot be used if the triggering effect was countered, cancelled, or ignored. Rage Counter has a 2 hour cooldown. N/A
Steady Body Counter Technique Self

The user braces themselves against (or avoids) a single Displacement or Root, countering that Ability. After Steady Body is used, they are immune to Displacements and Roots for 5 minutes. Steady Body can only be used once per server restart. After using this Technique, the user can perform a basic attack directly after. N/A
Sonic Boom Counter Technique Emote Range

The user may target any person in Emote Distance and cancel any Link Powers that are currently affecting a target. Additionally, the target cannot be affected by another Link Power for 15 minutes from any source. This ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Shield Cover Counter Technique Self

The user can raise their shield, independently or as a reaction to being shot at by a Ranged or Firearm Default Shot, instantly blocking the shot and any damage from it. Shield Cover can only block from attacks in front of them, and cannot be used to instantly turn around and block shots from behind. The user cannot use any other Abilities or Attacks in the same instance they use Shield Cover, but Shield Cover has no cooldown and can be used to block any number of attacks. N/A
Shield Block Counter Technique Self

Shield Block allows the user to block 1 Melee Attack per hour as long as they are carrying an intact shield. The user can also instantly make a basic attack after blocking, if they choose. N/A
Standard Style Baton Counter Technique Self The constable is equipped with a standard-issue Klokktech stunbaton that can only be used while they are in Uniform. Once every 60 minutes, per target, when an individual is struck with this Baton while it is active, the target is stunned for 10 seconds. The Cooldown for this Ability is classified per Constable. This microstun interrupts any attacks, actions, and Abilities. N/A
Technique Parry Counter Technique Melee Range

Technique Parry allows the user to protect themselves from an incoming Active Technique used on them from Melee Point Buy or Bruiser Point Buy, Ranged Point Buy, or Firearms Point Buy, effectively countering it on them alone. The user can also instantly make a basic attack after parrying, if they choose. Technique Parry has a 60 minute cooldown. N/A

Mount Techniques

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Cavalry Charge Mount Technique Emote Range

This Mount Technique requires the user to be Mounted. The user chooses an Enemy in Emote Range and instantly charges at them. The user arrives at the Target and can deliver a basic Melee attack. Anyone standing in the path of the horse is unaffected, but any deployable Mundane Cover is destroyed. Calvary Charge has a 1 Hour Cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters. N/A
Cavalry Bucking Mount Technique Melee Range

This Mount Technique can only be used if an Enemy is standing behind the user, and the user is Mounted. The user signals their mount to kick or punch backwards, causing a single person standing behind them to be thrown back by 5 blocks, and Knocked Over. This also causes the harm of a basic attack from the Mount’s force. Cavalry Bucking has a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Cavalry Rearing Mount Technique Melee Range

This Mount Technique can only be used if an Enemy is standing in front of the user, and the user is Mounted. The user signals their mount to start rearing, freeing up hooves or arms with which to kick or punch at the opponent, causing the harm of a basic attack. This ability can additionally be used on a metal or wooden gate to destroy it. It takes one minute to completely destroy a gate. Cavalry Rearing has a 2 Hour Cooldown, or a 30 Minute Cooldown when used to destroy a gate. N/A
Cavalry Summon Mount Technique Self

The user may whistle or shoot a flare or other method of summoning, to call their Mount to them. The user may then use the Pets plugin to summon a pet, and mount it, as if their Mount has arrived on the scene and they are able to mount it. From this point onwards, the user is Mounted. While Mounted, the user moves at Asha Speed. This Ability has a 5 Minute Cooldown once dismounted. N/A
Wild Hunt Mount Technique Emote Range

The user enhances their mount, allowing them to ethereally ride through people uninterrupted and also become immune to being dismounted for 15 minutes. This ability has a 1 hour cooldown. N/A


Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Possible Ability Modifiers
Bruiser Stance Stance Technique Self The user must have no shield equipped, and switches to Bruiser Stance. For the duration of Bruiser Stance, the user becomes unable to use Tank Point Buy or Defensive Point Buy Abilities that would require a shield (Rage Counter and Bonfire can still be used, for example), nor can they equip a shield (or use one), but can still use other Abilities. Additionally, while in Bruiser Stance, the user can make use of Bruiser Point Buy Abilities. Bruiser Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Bruiser Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Garas Stance Stance Technique Self

This Stance can be active at the same time as Point-Buy Stances (like Tanking or Bruising Stance). This stance cannot be active at the same time as other Stances derived from the Sihai Racial Traits. While this Stance is active, the Sihai is immune to any Abilities that would negatively affect their Proficiencies (but can still be affected by positive Proficiency changes). Activating This Stance puts all other Stances in Sihai Racial Traits on a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Lalang Stance Stance Technique Self

This Stance can be active at the same time as Point-Buy Stances (like Tanking or Bruising Stance). This stance cannot be active at the same time as other Stances derived from the Sihai Racial Traits. While this Stance is active, the Sihai gains +1 Main Combat Stat, though only while attacking someone who is Occult. Activating This Stance puts all other Stances in Sihai Racial Traits on a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Turu Stance Stance Technique Self

This Stance can be active at the same time as Point-Buy Stances (like Tanking or Bruising Stance). This stance cannot be active at the same time as other Stances derived from the Sihai Racial Traits. While this Stance is active, any Brittle Debuff that is applied to the Sihai, is duplicated onto the person who applied it to them. Activating This Stance puts all other Stances in Sihai Racial Traits on a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A
Tank Stance Stance Technique Self

The user must have a shield equipped to switch to Tank Stance. Once switched, the user is unable to perform Attack Emotes, have a weapon equipped, and additionally cannot use Abilities that would cause damage to a target. Instead, the user is able to intercept any attack within 3 blocks of them, taking the hit in place of the original target while being able to use Block Tokens (or other similar Abilities) to negate the damage entirely. Additionally, the user is able to cleanse a debuff currently affecting them once per combat scene while in this stance. While in Tank Stance, the user becomes immune to the Brittle Debuff. Tank Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended Tank Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown. N/A
Qilin Stance Stance Technique Self

This Stance can be active at the same time as Point-Buy Stances (like Tanking or Bruising Stance). This stance cannot be active at the same time as other Stances derived from the Sihai Racial Traits. While this Stance is active, Sihai can run up vertical walls defying gravity. This does not however grant immunity to fall-damage. Enderpearls may be needed to move around with Qilin Stance. Activating This Stance puts all other Stances in Sihai Racial Traits on a 1 Hour Cooldown. N/A