More actions
- The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline
- Morvanus & Valtriante
- Ithanian Sovereignty
- Haute Culture socialites
- enjoy the intrigue and espionage in high society
- The Nerocanto (pronounced: Ney-ro-can-to) Bloodline
- Shannon
- Vultaro
- blackmail bargains and extortionists, rogues
- enjoy blackmailing those who know they're vampires
- The Vintgast (pronounced: Vey-nt-gah-st) Bloodline
- Shirva
- Sarnan lands & countryside
- countryside festival (feed the peasants and feed when they're in food comas)
- enjoy fattening up their victims
- The Torrghlas (pronounced: Tor(rhyme with door)-glass(short a from the English "aghast") Bloodline
- Mannis
- Gallovia
- Monsters and shocktroops
- Overlaps with Drixagh variant and Dymolov, can maybe be changed to a new bloodline in a new area
- The Bremnevel (pronounced: Brem(rhyme with bed)-ney-vel) Bloodline
- Zardar
- Anglia
- Bog Witches
- might be too niche but eh
- enjoy, alchemy? weak
- The Silberfeder (pronounced: Sil-burr-fey-der) established themselves in the Wirtemcaller Kingdom after the Vampire War, finding a home with the very military commanders who defeated them in Dorkarth. Adapting to the Wirtem Culture, the Silberfeder became known as courtly vampires with a refined sense of class, while simultaneously becoming skilled military officers and strategists. The fight between vampire and hunter is a game of tactical wits to them, with many obsessing over strategies to inflict as much terror as possible while minimizing their own casualties. Silberfeder are proud of themselves, and carefully choose only the most competent minds of duelists to join their vampiric ranks.
- The Valhersir (pronounced Val-hur-seer) Bloodline
- Otrygg
- Drixagh
- religious perfectionists?
- also kinda sucks as a theme
- The Aullavientos (pronounced Au(rhyme with ouch)-la-vee-yen-tos) Bloodline
- Kydaer
- Daen
- beast tamers
- enjoy the thrill of the hunt
- The Dymolov (pronounced: Dee-mo-lov) Bloodline
- Ramonder
- Magic Russia
- Demon folklore Vampires
- enjoy demon larping and being the stuff of nightmares