Ability List

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The Ability List

Passive Abilities

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Primal Sight I Toggle Passive Emote Distance The user is able to detect a Dragon Soulcore, Dragonsoul, or Dragon Powercore, if it is present within Emote Distance. This Ability is not constant, and must be activated to sense, but has also no cooldown and is instant.
Body Scripture I Toggle Passive Self Grants the user the ability to manifest a form of Scripture in any quantity anywhere on their body, which appear like tattoos of glowing lines. Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself. The color will never glow enough to produce light in a dark room.
Wall Climb I Toggle Passive Self The user can climb up or down any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. The movement can only be directly up or down, not diagonal or sideways. This Ability does not grant any lethal falling damage mitigation, though it is possible for climbers to jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall.
Wall Climb II Toggle Passive Self The user can climb up or down any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. The movement can only be directly up or down, not diagonal or sideways. This Ability includes a falling-damage mitigation, meaning that regardless of height, the character does not receive falling damage, and can jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall.
Eye Mutation I Constant Passive Self The eye of the User is changed in some way, either by changing the eye whites, or the iris, or the pupil. Eye Mutation I cannot be hidden or obscured by any Ability or Mutation except by a higher Eye Mutation (II, III). Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself.
Omniaware I Constant Passive Self The user cannot be taken by surprise from behind, below, the sides, above or from far away. If any (Mundane) attack or harming Ability is used on them, a sixth sense will trigger making them aware of an attack that would otherwise take them by surprise. This does not grant additional dodging or avoiding mechanisms or guarantees, so standard Combat Roleplay Logic must still apply to dictate whether or not the user would be able to fairly block or avoid an incoming attack. This Ability purely gives the knowledge of such an incoming attack.
Armor Flux I Trigger Passive Self The user has a constant proportional Armor effect. This proportional armor inverts the amount of armor worn by the individual and optimizes mobility and agility. Simpler put, the less armor the user is wearing, the stronger their skin and body becomes. Wearing only a set of pants and shirt is the equivalent of their skin being as strong as Plate Armor, where-as wearing a set of actual Plate-armor causes the body to be as strong as if they were only wearing a set of pants and shirt (though they are of course still wearing armor). The protection effect is only skin deep, and blunt force trauma still translates like normal, as well as Artifacts of any make.
Arken Sense I Toggle Passive Emote Distance The user is able to detect an Arken, Arken Soul, or Arkenspark, if it is present within Emote Distance. This Ability is not constant, and must be activated to sense, but has also no cooldown and is instant.
Age Control I Toggle Passive Self

The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.

Skin Purge I Toggle Passive Self The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
Dravinda Gift I Toggle Passive Self Once every 3 days, the user may call upon Dravinda’s wisdom and the spices of the Avela lands to produce a banquet worth 15 Culinary Arts in Proficiency Points. While under the influence of this Ability, the user will complete the whole dish in a Mundane manner, requiring only the base ingredients, and the knowledge provided by the Ability.
Dravinda Gift II Toggle Passive Self The user can toggle a state of Void Spell immunity which prevents them from being affected by one of the following categories of abilities: Void Spell, Any Darkness Sorcery, any Chaos Sorcery, any Elemental Sorcery. Activating this toggle after an Ability has landed does not remove its effects, only future Abilities. This toggle has no cooldown, and can be toggled indefinitely. This only affects Abilities used by others, not by Abilities cast by themselves on themselves.
Inth Gift III Constant Passive Self The user has a perfect recall memory through a Memory Phylactery. This is not a physical object, but more a metaphysical abstract concept that causes the user to be immune to any memory alteration, or any Ability that would otherwise make them forget memories, or have them stored elsewhere, altered, added, or diminished. If any memory is forgotten, the user needs simply call upon the Memory Phylactery to restore the memory in full detail. Any Memory Sense I used on the user will result in more clear and perfect imagery than for anyone else.
Control Counter I Toggle Passive Self The user is completely immune to Control Powers (unless specified to circumvent immunity on the Ability itself). This is a toggle state, meaning that the user may choose to be affected by Control Powers, or not.
Battle Dress I Toggle Passive Self The user may wear any type of armor regardless of whether it has been adjusted to fit their body, and it will automatically re-adjust to fit their body contours. Additionally, if they are wearing armor that has somehow been damaged or destroyed by Abilities, they may choose to instantly auto-mend every piece of armor worn by them into a pristine state before any damage was applied. This specific part of the Ability can only be used once per day.
Weapon Song I Toggle Passive Emote Distance The user may activate Weapon Song I on any Melee Weapon that they are wielding in combat, causing it to levitate in the air, and allowing them to control it as if they were wielding it, except further removed from the actual weapon. This must be their own weapon, and not a weapon they’ve taken or stolen from another. The only thing this does, is create distance between the opponent and the user, thus allowing them more time to respond to moves the opponent makes. The weapon can still be parried and even knocked out of the user’s hand, as it is only displaced. The distance can however be anywhere in Emote Distance, as long as where it is levitating is within view.
Altalar Master I Trigger Passive Emote Distance The user may, once per hour instantly Cancel any Ability used by another Altalar that is part of their standard Racial Ability set, while also forcing it to go on a 10 minute cooldown, unless it already had a cooldown that is longer than 10 minutes, in which case that one applies.
Keen Mind I Trigger Passive Emote Distance Whenever any Control Power is used on the user that has some sort of Emotion, Feelings, Opinion or Perception reading element, the user immediately becomes aware that their mind is being prodded, and can send back whatever signal they want, thus effectively faking any attempt to read them and manipulate the person trying to read them on top.

Control Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Emotion Sense I Control Power Emote Distance The user can summon a hologram of the target’s current greatest desire in front of them to show them their inner desire, the target does not need to be willing, but only the target and the user can see the hologram. This hologram must be unmoving and see-through, but can reflect for example a Character sitting on a throne, an object they desire, the death of another person, etc. The desire is based on the Character’s ambitions and hopes, not necessarily their in-the moment wants. If the target has at least 10 Theatre Arts, this Ability does not work on them.
Memory Sense I Control Power Direct Touch The user can, while putting their hand anywhere on the target’s body (shoulder, holding hand, on top of head, etc.), and if the target is willing or restrained, transmit the target’s memory they are recalling into an animated wall-painting that will display that memory from the target’s memory and through the target’s eyes on the wall, without any sound, but in perfect color and shape. If the target does not fully remember parts of it, these areas will be vague or blurry. Fake or implanted memories will appear as if they are real memories, but the target cannot fake it themselves. This Ability has no cooldown, but is broken as soon as the user breaks hand-contact. The target can also cause a different memory to appear by recalling a different memory altogether.
Pain Sense I Control Power Direct Touch The user can, while putting their hand anywhere on another person (does not need to be willing) apply a Target Curse. While this Target Curse is active, if the target experiences either emotional or physical pain or anguish, the user will telepathically know they are in pain from any distance, but not know where they are. This Target Curse is indefinite, until removed through Exorcism I, or by will of the user (who can do it even beyond Emote Distance), or by having the user apply it to a new person. Only one Pain Sense can be active at all times.
Exorcism I Control Power Emote Distance The user can perform the cleansing ritual on any person, lasting 5 minutes, causing any Target Curse or Target Illusion that is actively affecting them to disappear. Once cleansed, a target cannot be re-cleansed for another 10 minutes. This process is painless, but the target may still be confused or hostile. The target leaving Emote Distance cancels this Power. This Ability goes through immunity to Control Powers.
Exorcism II Control Power Direct Touch The user can perform the cleansing ritual on any person, as long as they are restrained, lasting 5 minutes, causing any Possession or Control Power that is actively affecting them to disappear. Once cleansed, a target cannot be re-cleansed for another 24 hours. This process is painless, but the target may still be confused or hostile. The target becoming unrestrained cancels this Power. This Ability goes through immunity to Control Powers.
Servile Collar I Control Power Direct Touch The user can target either a willing or fully restrained person to attach any sort of Servile Collar to their neck. This Servile Collar can be any shape or color or design, applying a Possession to the target (which can be cleansed by Exorcism II), and is indefinite until it is removed. The Servile Collar causes the target to be under the command of the user, meaning that any command issued by the user within Emote Distance must be followed. Only the last command will remain active when leaving Emote Distance however. Servile Collar I cannot be used to cause a Character to engage in activities that would cause self-harm.
Shrewd Insight I Control Power Emote Distance When conversing with a person, the user can, once a day, detect the true disposition of a person towards them. This may be done either by detecting how much the target likes or dislikes the user, or by more specifically detecting how they perceive the user. This may need to be updated from time to time, as people change their minds about others all the time. A character with at least 10 Proficiency Points in Theatre Arts is immune to this Ability. They simply send back blank results.
Battle Sense I Control Power Emote Distance The user may activate this Control Power on anyone in range, attaching to them like a Mobile Channel. While it is maintained, the user may choose one of the target’s Melee Combat Proficiencies and increase it by +5 Proficiency Points that may break the Cap for Proficiency. The user may only move at walking speed, must have the target within viewing distance, the target may also not be attacked themselves. Knocking over or otherwise removing the focus from the user on the target cancels the effect. Additionally, the user gains the Constant Passive Omniaware I while this Ability remains active. While Battle Sense I is active, the user may not use other Abilities.
Inth Gift I Control Power Emote Distance The user may target any person within Emote Distance to mark them with this Control Power, and any number of individuals may be marked. For those marked, if the user or the target leaves Emote Distance, the target(s) will forget the appearance, name and the sound of the voice of the user. They will still remember the conversation and what was said, but they will only remember a blur of a figure for the user, a warped voice, or their name.
Inth Gift II Control Power Direct Touch The user may, with Direct Touch and once per 48 hours, absorb a person’s entire memory of the last 24 hours and congeal them into a Memory Pearl. This Memory Pearl will appear in the user’s hand, and has to be put into a Memory Pearl pouch somewhere on the person. This Memory Pearl pouch is immune to being pickpocketed, but must always be on the user at all times. Inside are all Memory Pearls, which they will be able to recognize belonging to who. If any of these Memory Pearls are crushed, from anywhere, the memories that were taken will return to the target. If the Memory Pearl also goes beyond 2 blocks away from the user, it will break by itself.
Peace Reign I Control Power Event Venue The user may choose to, at any Event Venue either from a hosted event as found on the Calendar, or for a social gathering in their own home, apply a Control Power to diffuse anger in a character and soothe their frustration or anger if they experience it during the social gathering or event, while still on the venue. The effect is indefinite, causing the target to be more calmed, and will endure even if they leave, but will not prevent it from triggering again in the future. This has no cooldown, and may be applied to as many targets as desired, but only during the event/gathering and on venue/in home.
Mind Surge I Control Power Emote Distance This Ability allows the user to target any Character without Control Power Immunity to transmit a strong desire to the subject. This Ability does not force them to comply, it merely gives them a strong urge to do what the Character is suggesting they do. The target is unaware that they are being Emotion Surged, and the Character using this Ability also gives off no telltale signs that they are using an Ability. This Ability can only be used to encourage a Target to do something, it cannot make them change their beliefs or alter things they consider truth. This Ability has no Cooldown, but players are expected not to spam it to every person. It is not permitted to engage in unprompted Romance-RP Emotion Surging without discussion with the Target beforehand.
Mind Surge II Control Power Emote Distance This Ability allows the user to change another target’s feelings about another person. For example, the Target may love their sibling, but the user may use Perception Surge to convince them that instead they hate this person, or they may convince someone who despises another person to like them instead. This Ability fabricates a fake event in the mind of the Target that would have made them change their mind. After use, this effect remains in the target as Possession, and as such can be removed by Exorcism mechanics and Abilities. The effect can also be broken when the Target has been undeniably convinced that the event in their mind did in fact not happen, but remain unaware of it otherwise. This Ability can only target other Characters, and cannot be used by the user to make other Characters like or dislike them. The targeted person must also be known by name for the user. This Ability can be used once per day. Control Power Immunity makes the Target immune to the effects of this Ability.
Mind Surge III Control Power Emote Distance This Ability allows the user to decipher the “ideal partner” appearance of a Target person as long as they are within Emote Distance. They may then store this as a “Template” in their memory for future use, and will be perfectly able to recall this Template if needed. If the Character has Flux Shift I and Flux Shift II as Abilities, they are also able to perfectly mimic this Template by using these Abilities, immediately, or any time later. It is best to request Template descriptions in Direct Messaging. If a player is refusing to cooperate, or states their Template is a specific other Character, contact Lore Staff.
Mind Surge IV Control Power Direct Touch This Ability allows the user to, through Direct Touch, apply a Control Power that creates a bi-directional telepathic communication link. This Ability remains active indefinitely, unless some form of Exorcism or Possession removal mechanic or Ability is used on the target, or the user breaks the communication link voluntarily. The user is also able to mute the Target from speaking back, thus subjecting them only to their telepathic communication. This Telepathic communication can be done from any distance, but both players must be Online for it to be used. After the link is broken, this Ability cannot be used for another 24 hours. Any Target can only have one active Mind Surge IV on them, and anyone who has access to the Ability Mind Surge IV also cannot be the Target of Mind Surge IV from someone else. A maximum of one Telepathic link can be active at any time.
Mind Surge V Control Power Self The user is completely immune to Mind Surge I, II, III, and IV. It also gives them Immunity to Puppet Control I.

Primal Powers

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Primal Realm I Primal Power Direct Touch Allows the user to transport themselves or one additional person while holding hands into the Conclave Realm, an alternate dimension. This requires a 10 Second Channel while holding the hand of the person. If they are knocked over or attacked, the Channel is cancelled. This Realm follows the same rules as normal reality, and wounds are transferred between them. Anyone can leave the Conclave Realm through the return portal, which transports them to the Dragon Temple. The teleport to the Conclave Realm is /tp PrimalRealm. It is not permitted to wander around OOC in the Conclave Realm.
Primal Specter I Primal Power Self Instead of being killed, the user’s physical form disintegrates to a visible ghost. This ghost cannot interact with the world besides speaking and hovering around. After 2 hours, the ghost re-materializes its body. After the body has rematerialized, the user cannot use any Abilities for 22 hours. The Character can still be killed by Disease, Artifacts, or old age.
Primal Shield I Primal Power Emote Distance The user can summon a Primal Shield the size of 3x3x3 (box, pyramid or dome), at target location within range, capable of containing up to 9 people closely pressed together. This shield blocks all Exist, Void, or Ordial Abilities (including Mundane objects affected by Abilities) from passing through to the people inside. Any person walking through the shield from the outside (not inside), breaks it, including the user themselves. This shield can be held up indefinitely, but breaks if leaving Emote Distance, or by will from the user. After the shield is broken through any means, this Ability is on a 2 minute cooldown.
Primal Reversal I Primal Power Emote Distance While within Emote Distance of a target, the user can revert only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target (or self), as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. This Ability can be used on self.
Primal Reversal II Primal Power Direct Touch While within Direct Touch, the user can heal wounds on a target through a Primal Power that counts as a Immobile Channel. Surface tissue wounds like cuts and bruises can be fixed within 30 seconds of continued channeling with the target standing still, while deeper cuts and gashes take up to two minutes. Greater wounds like internal damage or severe bleeding require the target to be laying down, with the user healing deeper wounds over the timespan of 15 minutes. This Ability cannot be used on self.
Primal Divination I Primal Power Self The user can, once per day, summon the location of a target, and keep that in mind so they can proceed in their direction. This divination will not give an exact location, but will give a rough distance and direction where the target is, and count the person as Tracked for just a second (in case they have Tracking Immunity, which will Counter this Ability). In order to divine someone, the user can only target Characters with Primal Powers (Primal oriented Abilities), and they must have seen that person within Emote Distance at least once. The target can still move after being divined, and the location will not update. This Ability can be used once per day, but does not telegraph its usage either on the user or target.
Primal Defense I Primal Power Emote Distance The user can, if any Dragon Intendant, Dragon Benefactor, or the Matron of the Glass Spire is within Emote Distance, and they are being attacked or targeted by a (Mundane) attack or harming Ability, instantly leap towards them and intercept the (Mundane) attack or harming Ability. If the Ability has an Area of Effect or some sort of splash damage, the target also becomes immune to this radius damage, all of it transferring to the user instead. This Ability can only target one person per day, however after the first use on that person, this Ability can be reused up to 4 times within a 24 hour timespan on that person only, before it is reset and can be used on anyone again.

Void Spells

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Morrlond Gift I Void Spell Self The user can use this Ability to cause their eyes to turn ink black, with ink streaks running from their eye sockets. While Morrlond’s Gift I is active, the Character has night vision, thus being able to see in low-light situations, while also being immune to any Ability or Mundane based Darkness or Blindness effects. This Ability acts like a Toggle Passive, meaning it can be enabled and disabled, with a 10 second cooldown after being disabled. Activating Morrlond’s Gift after Darkness or Blindness has been applied does not remove it. Morrlond’s Gift I, II and III may be active at the same time.
Morrlond Gift II Void Spell Self The user can use this Ability to transform themselves, giving them webbed feet and fingers, as well as gills in their neck (also giving the ability to speak normally underwater), while hair is replaced by fins, with fins also appearing on arms and legs. While Morrlond’s Gift II is active, the user can breathe underwater, and swim equally as fast as Mai-Allar underwater. This Ability can be maintained indefinitely, but after cancelling it, has a 24 hour cooldown. Morrlond Gift I, II and III may be active at the same time.
Morrlond Gift III Void Spell Self The user may summon a melee weapon from any body of water (including a hip-flask). This weapon will materialize and still appear like rapidly flowing water, but be as tough as steel, even under water. The user may choose to make the weapon pass through certain people and not through others. This weapon may not leave the user’s hand, or be handed off to others. After the weapon has been Countered or un-summoned, it has a 10 second cooldown. If no open body of water is nearby, the user may as a last resort cut open their own hand and summon a weapon from their blood, otherwise it does not work. Morrlond Gift I, II and III may be active at the same time.

Exist Spells

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Dravinda Gift III Exist Spell Self The user can summon a fire-lash (a whip that appears like normal fire but in the shape of a long lash) from their hand that has a range of 4 blocks. This fire-lash causes painful reddened spots when hit on bare skin, and makes metal armor heated and uncomfortable to wear, but does not cause permanent damage, or have the ability to ignite anything. The weapon derives Proficiency from the highest Melee Combat Proficiency had by the user. The weapon may be rolled up and attached to the hip, or unsummoned, it has indefinite use. Unsummoning however, sets it on a 10 second cooldown. Additionally, the user may throw the lash on the floor in front of them, causing a 1 block deep and 3 block wide wall of fire to erupt for 1 minute that cannot be passed through without setting the person on fire. If this ground-throw is used, the fire-lash cannot be re-summoned for 24 hours.
Sollerian Mist I Exist Spell 10x10 Blocks The user can deploy a low-hanging Sollerian Mist field in a 10 by 10 block area around their casting position. This mist is about knee high, and will not obscure vision, but gently dance around the movements of those inside of it. It does not affect others at all, however any Solvaan Altalar that is inside the Mist moves at the speed of an Asha, thus having the greatest running speed only matched by those just as fast as Asha, and not being weighed down by any armor worn. While Sollerian Mist is active in a 10x10 area after being cast, it cannot be re-cast until the last Mist dissipates in an area of 100x100 around the casting point. Additionally, this Ability can only be used once per day. The mist will remain for 1 hour, except if there are no Solvaan Altalar within Emote Distance of it, in which case it instantly dissipates.

Mythic Shifts

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Slizzar Shift I Mythic Shift Self The Slizzar has no legs, and a lower body in the shape of a snake tail that is 3 times as long as their body. With the snake tail, the Slizzar can at most run at jogging speed, but can swim faster than all races, except Mai-Allar. They can form pseudo-gills, allowing them to breathe underwater for up to 48 hours. They can un-fuse the snake-tail to gain humanoid legs to run, but can no longer swim at high speeds. This change can occur instantaneously, unless the Slizzar is being pursued. They can adjust various visual features in this form, but can never change the colors they were born with. Slizzar can also manifest some of their aesthetics in other Mythic Shifts, such as their Snake-like Lower Body, as well as patches of scales, Slizzar Eyes, and Hair.
Flux Shift I Mythic Shift Self This Ability allows the user to seamlessly mimic the features of any Race, changing their own appearance to exactly match any Race, or even combine various visual aspects of races in a combination. This Ability cannot be used to create a copy of another person visually, they will always look off or distinguishably different from the original. This Ability has no Cooldown.
Flux Shift II Mythic Shift Self This Ability allows the user to change all visual aspects about themselves besides Race. This Includes: Sex-Coding, Hair Color, Eye Color, Skin Color, Body Shape, Body Fat, Body Height, Age Appearance. Hair Length, Hair Texture, Skin Markings, Tattoos, Scars, and Face Shape. Any of these changes occur instantaneously and seamlessly. This Ability has no Cooldown. This Ability cannot be used to appear younger than 18 years old, and can only be used at the age of 18 and onwards.
Flux Shift III Mythic Shift Self This Ability allows the user to create a perfect imitation of a target person, down to voice and even missing limbs. In order for this Ability to work, the user must be able to see the target within Emote Distance. This leaves the change in effect for 1 hour, after which it expires. If instead the user goes to an Event venue for a Calender-marked Event, the Ability will remain active for as long as the Event lasts and the user is at the Event. 5 minutes after leaving, the Ability will cease and they will return to normal. It is not possible to Mythic Shift or Racial Shift out of Flux Shift III, after use, it cannot be removed in any way besides letting it time out. This Ability can only be used once per day.
Flux Shift IV Mythic Shift Self This Ability allows the user to visually mimic any quantity of Mutations on their own body without actually acquiring these Mutations, or being infected with any Planar Essence that would manifest these Mutations. They can also be removed seamlessly and instantaneously. This Ability has no Cooldown.
Flux Shift V Mythic Shift Self This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.

Enchant Abilities

Magic Spells

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Arcane Mastery I Magic Spell Emote Distance The user is able to control aesthetic Arcane functions, such as letting a broom brush the floor by itself, letting dishes wash themselves, opening curtains with the wave of a hand, lighting candles with the flick of a finger, opening (unlocked) doors with the flick of a wrist and more. None of these functions may be involved in Combat Roleplay, but there is no limit to the amount that may be running at any given time, and there is no cooldown.

Target Curses

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Power Curse I Target Curse Emote Distance The user is able to apply a curse on one person every 12 hours that exchanges their Physical Stat and Body Shape. This applies to both reducing and increasing the Physical Stat of the user of this Ability. This Curse lasts for 1 hour, unless Target Curses can be cleansed, in which case the change is reverted for both parties.
Power Curse II Target Curse Emote Distance The user has the Power Curse II enabled on themselves permanently, however it has only one charge every 12 hours. The charge is triggered when any Knockdown or Knockback effect is imparted on the user. The effect is instead Countered, and the Character that used an Ability or Technique that caused the Knockdown or Knockback is affected by the effect instead. Other effects, damage and mechanics from Abilities causing Knockback and Knockdown still apply to the user.
Power Curse III Target Curse Emote Distance The user can cast Power Curse III once per hour on a single individual. When affected, the Target’s left or right arm (depending on the choice of the user) becomes constricted by some form of constraint. This constraint lasts for 30 seconds, and completely disables the use of that limb for the duration as it remains rigid and unmoveable. After the 30 seconds are over, the limb is usable again and the constraints melt away.
Astral Being I Target Curse Direct Touch The user can curse a Target with the Astral Being I Curse that marks them with a glyph on the back of their neck. This Target Curse grants the target immunity to Tracking Abilities. Additionally, the user can manifest a see-through ghost-like astral projection of themselves that can be seen by all but not interact with anything within 5 blocks of the Target at any point in time, and may converse and observe the area around them, but only move proportional to the movement of the person who was Cursed. These astral projections may only last for up to 5 minutes, and may only be done thrice per day. This Curse lasts for 72 hours, and may only be used on one person at a time, and if prematurely ended, must still obey the 72 hour cooldown. While astrally projecting, the real body of the user goes catatonic.
Astral Being II Target Curse Direct Touch The user can curse a Target with the Astral Being II Curse that marks them with a glyph on the front of their neck. This Target Curse grants the target the ability to telepathically call out to the user, though this calling never contains words, only a mental alert that they are being called. The user may also mute this alert, if they so desire. While called, the user may answer the call by manifesting an astral projection of themselves, a ghost-like see through version in front of the caller. Unlike Astral Being I, the user cannot move while astrally projecting to the Target, and is stuck in place, there is no time limit to how long they may astrally project, though they may only use it once per day. This Curse lasts for 1 week but may also be active on up to 3 Characters at any given time. It cannot be ended prematurely, though as long as slots are available, has no cooldown.
Spirit Curse I Target Curse Emote Distance The user can curse a Target with Spirit Curse I only if they have an Ability that manifests a familiar, or some type of non-Player Character pet. Once Cursed, the pet is freed from the Target’s control and goes berserk, attacking the original owner for 30 seconds. While attacked, the Target is unable to flee or use Abilities or dismiss the Familiar, but can still use Mundane Attacks, speak and perceive things around them, albeit while constantly being clawed or bit or stung. After 30 seconds, the Familiar dissipates, and goes on whatever Cooldown is native to that Familiar’s Ability Source as if it was killed.
Dark Curse II Target Curse Direct Touch The user can Curse a person with Dark Curse II to make them forget the faces and voices of people they have heard for the past 24 hours. In order to use this Ability, the Target must be restrained or knocked out, and be unable to resist or fight back. Once applied, for a full 24 hours (or shorter, if desired by the user), the Target will forget all faces and voices of the people they interacted with before the use of the Ability. If they try to remember, all the silhouettes and faces of the people they interacted with will appear like black shadows, and their voices will sound monstrous and warped, though they will still remember what was said, what the areas they visited looked like, and other visual aspects. Even though this is a Curse, its effect is applied immediately, and cannot be reversed afterwards in any way. Those with Target Curse Immunity or Memory Altering Prevention are Immune to the effects of this Ability.
Dark Curse III Target Curse Emote Distance The user can Target any individual in Emote Distance, causing the Target Curse to take instant effect. The Target’s mouth becomes filled with shadows, leaking out of the corners of their mouth and their nose if they try to open their mouth. This Curse makes them unable to speak, only garbled noises and warped sounds will come from their mouth. This Curse remains active for 24 hours, and has a 24 hour Cooldown also.

Object Curses

Consent Based Abilities

WARNING: These Abilities are powerful, but require absolute OOC written consent from the other party that can be provable by either a screenshot, or by having the player declare their consent on-server chat either in DM or OOC chat the very same day that any of these Abilities are used, as all forms of Consent expire after 24 hours. If you suspect mis-use or there is a conflict, consult Lore Staff immediately. Consent for these Abilities can also be revoked at any time, after which both parties must have the Abilities conclude or be removed in a reasonable way within 24 OOC hours, from an NPC using some form of Ability Removal if need be.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description
Puppet Control I Control Power Direct Touch This Ability allows the user to target another person, and establish complete Control over their actions and thoughts. After Direct Touch, the user creates a Control Power link with the Target that allows them to issue any command, which the Target must explicitly follow to the letter, even if the user of this Ability is no longer within Emote Distance of the Target. This Ability also allows the user to change the thought process or ideas of the target, and make them forget things that happened in the last hour so as to alter their perception. The Target is not incapable of independent actions or thoughts, but can at any point in time from any distance be overridden by the user of the Ability, and have their thoughts altered. The Target is unaware that they are being Controlled, and even after Control is removed, will be unable to fathom why they thought or did certain things. They will also be fiercely defensive of the user of the Ability on them for as long as Control remains, and not engage in any actions that would be detrimental to the user of this Ability. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time from any distance, or removed from the target with any Possession removal or Exorcism mechanic or Ability. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 7 days. A maximum of 3 people can be targeted by this Ability at any time.