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Ailor Cultures

From MassiveCraft Wiki
Revision as of 03:12, 1 April 2017 by Shayin (talk | contribs)
A culture flowchart of Cultural developments

What sets Humans or more specifically the Ailor apart from the other races is that they are by far the most divided race, largely caused by cultural rifts. Ailor, through the passage of generations quickly developed isolated and rich cultures which then dominate the way of thinking and often opposes them to other cultures even though they belong to the same race. No other race has such cultural division to the point where countries are torn apart over dress code and eating habits, though it could be said that no other race has such rich cultural diversity as the Humans do. Below is a full summary of the various Ailor cultures as well as their minor parts.

Old Ceardian

Old Ceardian is the culture where all other Ailor cultures descend from. It is virtually dead now as the Ceardians civilized, eventually forming the Ceardian culture which is still around. Little is known about the Old Ceardian culture as the Ailor had no established form of writing back then and lived in mud huts, according to Elven chronicles. Old Ceardian is part of the Ceardian bridge culture.

(New) Ceardian

Ceardian is one of the most common cultures in the world, a civilized form of the Old-Ceardian culture. This culture developed when Ceardians started building houses and formed actual city states as opposed to tribal lands. Ceardian is a very warlike culture that favors strong armies, practical clothing and simple speech, which is why Common is most commonly spoken language across Aloria. It is both simple to learn and straightforward. Ceardian often works as a base culture for all other cultures as they formed from Ceardian. Ceardians are very average in appearance, though mostly have brown hair and brown eyes.


Claith is a relatively new culture that formed when a series of Elven slave ships carrying Humans crashed on a remote set of islands called Ériu-Innis. The culture is very simplistic, some would even say a couple of steps back towards Old-Ceardian with superstition, tribal and clan oriented customs and mannerisms that are generally viewed as ignorant or barbaric by the other cultures. Claith almost exclusively have ginger hair and emerald eyes. They are also lankier than the average Ailor.


The Northern culture formed when early Ceardians sailed away from Ceardia in hopes of finding better lands in the north. Ceardia was frequented by Elven raids, thus the north sheltered the coastal people. Unfortunately, they found only harsh cold terrain and constant conflict with the wildlife. This made the Northern people hardy and strong, favoring warfare and martial skills to the point where they are considered barbarian to the other cultures. The Northern culture is split into the Kalmarra, Balltarc, Seltai and Novilyud subgroups.

  • Kalmarra - The Kalmarra people are the coastal Northerners, preferring raiding on ships and plundering coastal settlements not under their protection. Kalmarra traditionally survive on anything from the coastline and wear pelts and armor even on daily routines. The Kalmarra are disliked by the other civilized cultures purely because they steal and plunder from them. Kalmarra are the average Northerner, having blonde hair blue eyes and a more muscular frame than regular Ailor.
  • Balltarc - The Balltarc are similar to the Kalmarra, but they live on the tundras and the grass plains of the various northern lands. These are mostly hunters and gatherers who nomadically move from one place to another to survive. The Balltarc are the northerners who cultivated the Northern tattoo tradition as well as mud wrestling traditions. The Balltarc are similar to the Kalmarra, though they tend to be taller and have more platinum blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • Seltai - The Seltai are the forest dwelling Northerners, living as tribes between the trees and raiding those who live outside the forests. The Seltai are also often referred to as the “woads”, and they are one of the Northern cultures that does not live within the borders of the Regalian Empire at all. Seltai often braid their hair and clothe with simple plaid while wielding axes. Seltai almost exclusively have brown hair and green eyes.
  • Novilyud - The Novilyud are the often forgotten Northerners who everyone despises purely because they are so barbaric that nobody can tolerate them. Novilyud live in the tundras of Jorrhildr and engage in frequent sacrificing and cannibalism. The Novilyud have very morbid traditions that include skinning their elders when they die and decorating their homes with their skins. Novilyud have black hair and brown eyes usually.


The Daendroque culture formed out the Human slaves mixed in with Qadir cultural influences during the repression years under the Elven Empire. Daendroque culture was largely inspired by the lack of entertainment and color in the lives of the Elven Slaves, thus creating a very vibrant and active culture that is also very cutthroat and selfish. The more civilized cultures are not very fond of the Daendroque because they have strange uncourteous traditions and mannerisms. Daendroque usually have a tan skin with brown or black hair and brown eyes. Daendroque has several subgroups, as well as a pollinated group that came into existence when it mixed with Regalian.

  • Lusits - The Lusits people formed from the Daendroque who moved north and developed a more civilized form of Daendroque at the same time as Ithanian culture was forming in Ithania. Lusits is very similar to Daendroque, but their language is fundamentally different and their behavior is more civilized with quirky mannerisms.
  • Catala - The Catala people formed from the Daendroque who moved eastward towards the near isles. The Catala are marked with strong traditions and ambitions, making them a very small but very moving group of people who favor naval tradition and sailing as opposed to the more land oriented Daendroque. The Catala are also the only Daendroque people who usually have blonde hair, but also a tan skin making them a bit of an anomaly.


Dressolini is one of the pollinated cultures formed between Daendroque and New Regalian. Daendroque moving to Regalia found that the Regalian culture was more sophisticated and they adapted to it. Eventually they became resentful of their Daendroque roots and now are actively rejecting any Daendroque traditions. The Dressolini look identical to Daendroque but often dress more proper and behave more sophisticated.


Etosian is not an official culture that formed out of other cultures, but rather formed as a melting pot of whatever rejects and heretics were left behind on the Etosian isles. Etosian culture is marked by strong religious fervor as well as a strong sense of independence. The Etosian culture is the only Ailor culture that is exclusively theocratic, and they look identical to Daendroque.

Alt Regalian

Alt Regalian is a culture that formed in Regalia during the early days of the empire and the Kingdom before. The Alt Regalian culture is almost extinct, only select few families have kept it alive through inbreeding and cultural rejection of changing times. Alt Regalians speak a completely different dialect of Regalian than New Regalians, and often reject New Regalians as “not true bloods”. This makes Alt Regalian a very elitist culture, largely reinforced by the fact that the Imperial family is exclusively Alt Regalian. Alt Regalians are taller than most other cultures, the tallest in fact. They also have exclusively jet black hair and blue eyes.

(New) Regalian

Regalian is a culture that developed out of the Alt Regalian culture when the Kingdom became the Empire and opened up to the world. Regalian as a culture is very opposing to the Ithanian culture, relying strongly on military tradition, pragmatism and the patriarchy. Regalians often shun away from art, preferring more practical decorations such as military statues or suits of armor on display. The strength of a Regalian is often measured by their sword arm and a Regalian is always expected to back words with actions. Regalians often have dark hair colors with brown or blue eyes.


The Ithanian culture formed out of what is present day referred to as “Realm Affluence”, a period of 200 years in which Human slaves enjoyed great emancipation under the Elven Princes of Ithania. As opposed to the more competitive Daendroque culture, the Ithanian culture formed more passively. As opposed to the other cultures, Ithanians believe true culture comes from Women, so the culture is very female oriented with a prevalent form of polyandry. Ithanian is generally seen as poncy by the other cultures or weak due to their reliance on art and culture. Ithanians are often blonde with blue or green eyes or light brown haired. The Ithanian culture knows several sub groups as well as a pollinated group.

  • Valeurs - The Valeurs people are like the Alt Regalians of Regalia in that they consider themselves the truly culturally superior Ithanians. The Valeurs are usually the political elite and the princes and princesses of the various Ithanian Hivres. They are not drastically different from the other Ithanians however.
  • Citoye - The Citoye people are the Ithanians who largely live in Urbanized environments preferring a high class of art and sophistication in life. What is generally unique about this group of people is that they tend to be very politically active as well as outspoken about political matters.
  • Champagnard - The Champagnard people are the Ithanians largely living in the countryside on plantations and farms. Hardly rural in culture like rural Ceardians would be, Champagnard are known for being incredibly laid-back and easygoing. The term “Borgonde” is a term used to describe the good way of life which was cultivated by the Champagnards, encompassing frequent wine drinking, enjoying the sun and partying but doing so with grace and class.


The Leutz-Vixe is an Ithanian-Regalian bridge culture that formed when Ithanians moving to Regalia adapted to the more warlike mentality within Regalia. It combines the cultural inclination of Ithanians with a more martial approach as well as pragmatism from the Regalian culture. The Leutz-Vixe are rare, but they have contributed great things to the Empire through Leutz-Fencing, Croisse-Baking, as well as creating the great Tactical academy for Regalian strategists. Template:Culture

Processorsbabayonce, 0romir, Jared4242, TheBioverse
Last EditorShayin on 04/1/2017.

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