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Revision as of 00:25, 23 December 2023 by MonMarty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Bloodlines== Vampires are infected by Vampires who came before them, who in turn were infected by others who came before them, usually descended from a long line of important and powerful Vampires. If a Desprince infected a number of people several centuries ago who went on to infect more people, each of those people who can trace their infection back to that original Desprince is a member of that Desprince’s Bloodline. Vampires don’t need to be obedient and loyal...")
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Vampires are infected by Vampires who came before them, who in turn were infected by others who came before them, usually descended from a long line of important and powerful Vampires. If a Desprince infected a number of people several centuries ago who went on to infect more people, each of those people who can trace their infection back to that original Desprince is a member of that Desprince’s Bloodline. Vampires don’t need to be obedient and loyal to their Bloodlines, but often find comfort in being near Vampires of similar Bloodlines, and may even have competitive feelings towards Vampires of other Bloodlines: though this usually doesn't lead to anything more than a little snark. Historical Bloodlines are usually created when a Desprince flees from Dorkarth to the Regalian Empire and establishes a new Vampiric Court there after the conclusion of the Vampire War, which pushed the Vampires back so far that many Desprinces were forced to leave Ellador. To give a quick summary: Voilenigme are French high-culture Vampires, Nerocanto are Italian scheming blackmail Vampires, Vintghast are high class wine and banquet party Vampires, Torrghlas are cave and mountain brute Vampires, Bremnevel are bog-witch support Vampires, Silberfeder are dignified military Vampires, Valhersir are spiritual power obsessed Vampires, Aullavientos are beast master shapeshifter Vampires, and Dymolov are culture-free Tiefling Vampires. Each Bloodline has a unique set of Mechnanics listed below the description for them alone.



The Voilenigme (pronounced: Voo-al-ey-neeg-mey) Bloodline was created when Desprince Morvanus fled to Ithania, creating a new Vampiric Court there in the Palace of Duchess Valtriante. The two became Desprince lovers, a rare instance of peace existing between two Vampiric overlords in such close proximity, without constantly attacking or scheming against one another. The Voilenigmes (sometimes also nickanemed Voiles or Voile) are upper-class Vampires who favor mingling with the aristocracy, while hiding their Vampirism and charming their victims with fashion, opulence, a silver tongue and beauty. The Voilenigme are profoundly powerful in Ithania where they have deeply infiltrated the nobility, and by extension the Regalian Nobility also as the Ithanian Vampire nobles travel to the Regalian Courts. The Voilenigme try to avoid any association with things that are poor, disgusting, freak-ish, or debauched without style or class. This is also why they are rarely in their Vampiric Form, or why their Vampiric form generally has a more statuesque beauty to it rather than looking like a monster. Voilenigmes are very comfortable not being in a Coven, but if they are, styling themselves as the "classy" ones in the Coven, and looking down on the other more base Vampires who are enslaved to their instincts. The Voilenigme are enemies of the Silberfeder Vampires, an extension of the enmity between the Wirtem and Ithanian Nobility. Any Coven with a Voilenigme Vampire should count itself blessed with a socialite able to mingle with other non-Vampire groups, due to their unique ability to perfectly hide their Vampirism and be less dependent on blood.

  • Voilenigme Mechanic I: Voilenigme Vampires are able to use the Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, with the exception of feeding when they always become visible.
  • Voilenigme Mechanic II: Voilenigme Vampires are able to Party Glamor any Vampires in their social posse or group that go with them to Server events, giving them a mundane disguise, except at the Imperial Palace. (Hidden)
  • Voilenigme Mechanic III: Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.