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Spirit Dukes

Spirit Dukes are Spirits of immense power, but not strictly as powerful as Spirit Sovereigns. Spirit Sovereigns command legions of Spirits to serve under them, while Dukes only rule a handful of Spirits, as their notable talent is terrifying powers over curses, magic, and space and time. Spirit Dukes are generally not evil in the strictest sense, they are creatures with a love for the art of the deal. Summoning them is extremely straightforward Spirit Dukes are so widely known that one does not need a traditional Spirit Summoner. Any person who has gotten their hands on a scroll or some kind of writing that describes the summoning circle and accompanying ritual can summon these Spirit Dukes, even if they have never dealt with Magic or Spirits before in their lives, which makes them so dangerous. When summoning Spirit Dukes, one must always contract a time and place in Staff Ticket so that a Staff member can represent the Spirit Duke. Spirit Dukes are extremely dangerous when summoned. When summoning a Spirit Duke, the Summoner gives kill-perms for both them, and anyone else present to the DM, and if things go wrong during a Spirit Summoning, these Characters may receive semi-permanent debuffs, maims, or other long-term character ailments or curses. At the same time, Spirit Dukes offer some unique functions that are not conventionally possible in Roleplay. Interacting with Spirit Dukes should always be treated as something extremely dangerous for someone who is either just so power hungry they don't care, or full of themselves that they think they can outsmart the Spirit Duke. Spirit Dukes will always seek to outsmart their summoner and take more than they are offered, so everyone who shows must be incredibly cautious of what they say, even in mutter and whisper, as Spirit Dukes can hear far and wide, while some Spirit Dukes consider whispering in their presence an offense by itself worthy enough to strike someone down then and there. Spirit Dukes may ask innocuous questions which are pacts in disguise, and may impose more if too much information is given to them, or take more if they are angered by being too secretive. Interacting with Spirit Dukes is always a fine balance between seeking Good Roleplay, and it being a Challenging Experience that tests the Player's tenacity and wit. Spirit Duke interactions are sometimes hidden, but generally always leave some kind of trail of hints. The end product should be satisfactory roleplay between the summoner, their friends, and people who might choose to investigate a person's suspicious behavior, who can still hide behind some form of plausible deniability. Most Spirit Dukes transcend Planar Alignment, meaning that they have become a little bit of everything.

Desidor, the Foul Earth-Shaker

Desidor is a Spirit that feeds on the misery of destroyed homes, the anguish of those deprived of a safe place to sleep, and the glee of the demolitioner. Its entire focus in Aloria, has been to destroy buildings and cherish the aftermath of its destruction. It usually does this by causing magical earthquakes, but has been known to appear as a massive Spirit and bite buildings in half with its steel teeth.

  • Offer: Desidor's Pact involves the summoner choosing a building in Regalia for it to demolish. Some buildings may be protected by Gods and thus defy destruction by its hands.
  • Demand: Desidor's Pact has an unclear demand, which is what makes this Spirit unpredictable. Sometimes it asks for a service or object, other times it reveals the summoner to the victims.
Corporus, the Twin-bound Bodysnatcher

Corporus is a Spirit that is generally considered more mischievous and benign than evil and cruel, but even its comedic demeanor should not ruse summoners into letting their guard down. It takes glee from confusion and hopelessness of others around it, and will seek to create circumstances in which both its victims, but also its summoner, feel sore regret over ever having summoned it.

  • Offer: Corporus's Pact involves choosing two people to swap bodies indefinitely, or choose a person and to physically appear as them indefinitely. This does count as a Disguise.
  • Demand: Corporus's Demand, is always the body of the Summoner. It will make a Homunculi clone of the Summoner, to do with as it pleases at a later point in time.
Hana, the Lead-burdened Beautyfade

Hana is a Spirit that feeds off the misery of those who fear growing older and having their beauty fade. Hana as such is a much-beloved Spirit by those who have run out of potions and Magic to restore their youth and beauty, having instead to rely on the dominion of Spirits to resolve their issues. Yet like all other Spirits, Hana takes a terrible price from society for each summoning.

  • Offer: Hana's Pact involves the summoner asking for aspects of beauty, whether they wish to look young, or receive more beauty, or Beautyborn Magical Gifts.
  • Demand: Hana's Demand, is that for each request, two random people in society are cursed with Hana's Rot, which makes them old, or ugly, or diseased.
Turael, the Sky-rise Hubris

Turael is a Spirit that feeds on the ego and hubris of the tower builders and those who build for pride. What exactly it gets out of building towers for mortals is unclear, but it seems to take particular glee in those towers falling to decay and becoming ruins of their former owner's inability to maintain control or influence. Turael's Towers are often dark and foreboding in their environment.

  • Offer: Turael's Pact involves choosing a location for Turael to construct a Dark Tower. This Dark Tower is then owned by the Summoner until they are pushed out, or it is destroyed.
  • Demand: Turael's Pact does not have an immediate cost, but burdens a massive and unclear cost on the summoner should they lose the Tower, which leaves them at the Spirit's mercy.
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Phasnar, the Cosmic Misalignment

Phasnar is a Spirit that most consider quite benign, even if his intentions and actions aren't always clear. Phasnar is an incorporeal being that does not directly interact with the world, but takes its summoners with it on journeys of astral projection to lands far away, where they may be witness to objects, people, and events out of their place, and sometimes even in time.

  • Offer: Phasnar's Pact involves choosing a location to astrally project to, after which the Spirit takes the summoner with on an incorporeal journey over long distances.
  • Demand: Phasnar's Demand is very unclear. Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes the Spirit reveals the person where they projected to, and other times, it steals something from them.
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Stratalymus, the Thousand-soldier Decree

Stratalymus is a Spirit that is notably active around the Marshal cabinet of Regalia, constantly seeking a way in by offering the delectable gift of divine victory in battle. It rejects summonings from anyone who does not have military leadership, but will gladly treat with anyone who is desperate enough for a military victory to cement their legacy or fame to last generations.

  • Offer: Stratalymus's Pact involves a deal by which it weakens or strengthens an army involving the summoner, guaranteeing their glorious victory on the battlefield or the fleet.
  • Demand: Stratalymus's Demand is always not immediate, meaning it will extract something of great value later from the summoner, like a lover's soul, or a firstborn child, or family wealth.
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Falicopus, the Perfect Lie Unfolded

Falicopus is considered a very benign Spirit, as even though its Pact does have a negative consequence, this outcome is always very exact, and Falicopus does not lie or deceive the summoner in turn. Falicopus is a Spirit of truth and verity, that when told something, will reveal its value as truth or a lie, while also punishing the would-be liar with tormenting anguish and anxiety.

  • Offer: Falicopus's Pact involves stating a statement made by another person during a Summoning, after which Falicopus will say whether this was a truth (from the speaker's pov), or a lie.
  • Demand: Falicopus's Demand is enacted on the person who made the statement. If the statement was a lie, Falicopus will tell them someone summoned it, and that it revealed the lie.
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Nobilius, The World-rule Soulrot

Nobilius is a Spirit that likes to pretend itself to be of noble venerability but is one of the most vicious and cruel Spirits. Nobilius only treats Nobles and Knights and seeks to be involved in Noble politics or Knightly competition to stake its claim on the aristocracy. Nobilius is a well-known name among the upper classes of the Regalian Empire, with some having met it in summonings.

  • Offer: Nobilius's Pact involves asking it for help in some sort of Tournament, Plot, Politics, Appointment, or just a piece of useful political blackmail to be used art Court.
  • Demand: Nobilius's Demand is unclear, and can manifest in more ways than one. Sometimes it brands the summoner its mark of the Spirit, or possesses the host at a later time.
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Ularanus, the Serpentine Facsimily

Ularanus is a Spirit of deceit and betrayal, and despite this, many summoners try to make a pact with it, because of the unique gift it provides. The Domain of Ularanus is the unseen serpents, snakes with opaline scales that cause them to become completely invisible until they strike at their hapless prey. And yet, Ularanus always finds a way to betray even the summoners, to his gift.

  • Offer: Ularanus's Pact involves requesting invisibility, which is granted for a determined amount of time from summoning, or until the summoner attacks or is revealed.
  • Demand: Ularanus's Demand is to be seen on all his crafts, meaning that if invisibility granted by him breaks, his opalline snakes slither away, heralding his work.
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Thunetor, the Afterlife-eating Worm

Thunetor is a Spirit of death and the afterlife, having broken into all afterlives, even the Beyond. It summons the souls of the dead and long deceased, capable of puppeteering them in much the same way as their gods or even the Ordial terrors could. Only the most holiest of souls or god-protected are outside of its reach to be bent to its will and used as bargaining chips.

  • Offer: Thunetor's Pact involves his summoning to call forth the Spirit of a dead person, which will then answer 3 strict questions from the summoner's mouth.
  • Demand: Thunetor always demands a Temple Raid of his choice, which if not done in some time, results in him taking the soul of the summoner. Divinium can be kept by the raider.
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Malechis, the Scales of Soul-weight

Malechis is a Spirit of wealth and gems, who relishes in the greed of others and feeds from the misery of the captured and bound. It seems to have a particular interest in Aristocrats and is one of the few Spirits that demands the summoner has the Demand at the ready before summoning, for if they show empty-handed, he will turn them into crystal.

  • Offer: Malechis offers a unique soul-bound crystal, materializing out of the summoner's abducted aristocratic life essence, which does not harm, but feed on their joy and happiness.
  • Demand: Malechis's demand must be met at summoning, a bound and gagged aristocrat of status. Malechis will be offended and angered if an irrelevant cousin or adoptee is offered.
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Clarifex, the Unsung Truthseeker

Clarifex is considered perhaps the most benign known Spirit Duke. It speaks fairly, softly, and in truth, and only seeks to establish truth. It never extracts something from its summoner that it does not deem just. Upon summoning, it will evaluate the summoner, and give them a numerical value. This value represents how many questions it will ask of them, and they must ask in return.

  • Offer: Clarifex knows all of time in present, past, and sometimes even future. It can be asked questions, but each answer, must be rewarded with a question to the summoner.
  • Demand: Clarifex's demand are the questions it asks of the Summoner. If the summoner refuses to answer, lies, or skirts around the question, Clarifex can become violent.
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Tay-Kondis, The Chitter Critter Creature

Tay-Kondis, or sometimes referred to as the Scurrying Rat Spirit, is a "cute"-looking Spirit that likes to take the form of seven-eyed kittens surrounded by an amalgam of smaller (Spirit) critters and creatures. It is generally considered quite a benign Spirit, but one must never forget that this benign appearance hides an underlying mischievous and pranking nature that does a lot of actual harm.

  • Offer: Tay-Kondis offers a pact that involves placing a Curse of the Animalia on a person, either turning them into an Asha, or a more diminutive animal mentally.
  • Demand: Tay-Kondis demands nothing from the summoner, but may play mischief on them, as if the target person accepts and embraces their curse, they will know who did it.
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Chalarion, the Involuntary Soulmate

Chalarion is considered one of the more evil Spirits, because it is a Spirit of forced affection and infatuation, but never true Love. Spirits do not understand true love, so Chalarion creates Curses that approximate the experience, but one that is deeply unpredictable. Between Love and Obsession, a thin line lays that Chalarion does not understand, and frequently crosses into foul nature.

  • Offer: Chalarion's pact offers to put a Curse of Love on a target person, which causes them to be (lovingly) infatuated, or (toxicly) obsessed with the summoner.
  • Demand: Chalarion does not demand anything, but should always be approached with as many compliments and graceful words as possible, as flattery puts it in a good mood.
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Eragius, the Ever-swelling Mass

Eragius is a Spirit that is obsessed with combat, violence, rage, and physical strength. It is generally considered a very dumb Spirit that is so singularly obsessed with its interest, that many summoners consider it easy to fool. However, one should always be very careful, as even this stupidity can lead to misinterpretations of what it means to say, meaning that due diligence is required.

  • Offer: Eragius can and will increase the physical power of the summoner, enlarging them, or adding (for example) more Strength Proficiency to them.
  • Demand: Eragius is always proportional in its requirement of the summoner, meaning it will take something away from the summoner for the power it gives.
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Brasis, the Unsundered Horn-blower

Brasis is a unique Spirit Duke, in that it is believed he might have been a living person once, an Urlan named Brasius that lived some centuries ago. Through machinations of the Void Gods, however, it is believed he became a Spirit Duke, and has been delivering his cursed gift of the Beast to those willing and unwilling ever since. This is why Brasis may behave erratically in summonings.

  • Offer: Brasis offers to make any of his summoners and their friends Corrupted Urlan. If they refuse, they must choose someone to place this Curse upon.
  • Demand: Brasis demands long-term loyalty, meaning that those who chose his gift, will need to do quests for him later, or face the rot of enfeebling.
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Tiradus, the Symphony Mind

Tiradus is another widely considered benign Spirit Duke, but this one genuinely seems to be incapable of doing anything evil, malign, or even accidentally mischievous. This Spirit is generally thought of as an old confused soul, that gets so caught up in its rhetoric that it ends up forgetting to even ask for anything in return. That being said, unintelligent people have been known to anger it.

  • Offer: Tiradus offers to teach critical and pragmatic thinking to its summoner and their friends. It does this by dissecting a theory they propose.
  • Demand: Tiradus demands nothing in return. It genuinely seems to enjoy teaching people how to critically think, but leaves if it thinks they are incapable.
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Stethis, the Loose-fingered Keychain

Stethis is an extremely idiosyncratic Spirit that many describe as arbitrary, but some consider truly shrewd and dangerous because of its extreme precision in cheating the summoner. This is the Spirit of thieves and theft. It will always seek to steal more from the Summoner than is promised, and every word and phrase should be highly considered, when conversing with it.

  • Offer: Stethis is capable of stealing (not player-owned Artifact) objects from people or places, even the Imperial Palace, or even from the clutches of Gods.
  • Demand: Stethis always leaves behind a calling card for what it stole, including both a calling card to identify itself, and whoever now owns the item.