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Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Knockdown Immune Constant Passive Self Grants the user Knockdown Immune

Empowerment Morph Powerr Self Grants the user Empowerment

Fin'ullen Modifier

Weapon Summon Summon Power Self Grants the user Weapon Summon

Fin'ullen Modifier

Ability Categories

Type Description Counterable? Detectable? State
Constant Passive An Ability that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user. Yes Yes Permanent
Toggle Passive An Ability that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on. Yes Yes Usable
Trigger Passive An Ability that only activates when certain conditions are met, but will remain active while the conditions are still applicable. Yes Yes Triggered
Full Shift An Ability that majorly transforms the body in some way. An individual cannot have more than one Full Shift active at the same time. Yes Yes Usable
Body Alter An Ability that alters the body in some specific fashion, and can usually be turned on and off. Yes Yes Usable
Magic Spell An Ability that is a manifestation of some magical power. Yes Yes Usable
Exist Spell An Ability that is used by individuals who channel the power of the Exist, and cause it to manifest magically. Yes Yes Usable
Void Spell An Ability that is used by individuals who channel the power of the Void, and cause it to manifest magically. Yes Yes Usable
Target Illusion An Ability that affects the mind of specific individuals, making them experience things that are not real. Yes Yes Useable
Target Curse An Ability that puts a lasting effect on an individual that can only be cancelled by sitting out the timer or purifying it with anti-curse mechanisms. Yes Yes Usable
Object Curse An Ability that puts a lasting effect on an object, which can in turn put lasting effects on people around or using the object that can only be cancelled by leaving the object or purifying it. Yes Yes Usable
Control Power An Ability that forces some manner of control over the actions or intentions or thoughts of its target. Yes Yes Usable
Object Enchant An Ability modifier that puts an effect on an item (usually a weapon) that empowers it in some way. An Object can only have one Object Enchant Ability from the same tiered category, but can have multiple Object Enchants from multiple categories. (ex: A sword can have Sharp Brand and Heavy Brand, but not Sharp Brand and Sharp Brand). Yes Yes Usable
Region Enchant An Ability modifier that puts an effect on a Region in-game, such as Rental Houses, Clandestine Bases, etc. The same Region Enchant Ability can only affect the same region once at any given time. Yes Yes Usable
Primal Power An Ability rooted in Primal Essence, meaning it is native to Aloria. Yes Yes Usable
Ordial Power An Ability rooted in Ordial Essence, meaning it is native to Aloria's mirror dimension. These Powers respond the same way to Magic Spell counters, except when they specify that Void or Exist is a requirement. Yes Yes Usable
Faith Power An Ability that is a manifestation of faith in a Godly power. Yes Yes Usable
Mundane Technique A manifestation of physical prowess or strength, and not a real ability for the classification of aberrancy or otherwise. Mundane Techniques are not countered by anything that mentions it counters an Ability directly, and are basically treated as regular attacks. No No Usable
Puretek Technique A manifestation of specific skill with the Puretek weapon, and not a real ability for the classification of aberrancy or otherwise. Puretek Techniques are not countered by anything, but their usage can be prevented if the user is stopped in some manner. No No Usable
Summon Power An Ability that summons or creates something out of nothing, such as weapons or armor. Yes Yes Usable
Buff Power An Ability that enhances the user or target with some benefit. Yes Yes Usable
Instant Power An Ability that immediately imparts some effect, or counters some effect. No Yes Usable
Memory Power An Ability that alters, removes, or interacts with a person's memories. Yes Yes Usable