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Whether the danger lies in becoming infected, or becoming attacked, anything involving the Sanguine Curse should be reported to the Regalian Guard at once. Vampires are not only a menace among society, but a danger to themselves and those around them. They should not be treated lightly, as their unpredictability and strength can catch even the most cunning of men off guard. However, due to their fragile being, they are exceedingly easy to kill, and relatively easy to cure. If a person feels confident doing either, they are more than welcome to do so. That said, facilities in Regalia, and various other places about Aloria, are available for the purification or purging of said beings. The history of the vampire is one filled with pain, terror, and mystery, but one thing remains clear: As long as they exist, they are assisting in the end of the world.
Whether the danger lies in becoming infected, or becoming attacked, anything involving the Sanguine Curse should be reported to the Regalian Guard at once. Vampires are not only a menace among society, but a danger to themselves and those around them. They should not be treated lightly, as their unpredictability and strength can catch even the most cunning of men off guard. However, due to their fragile being, they are exceedingly easy to kill, and relatively easy to cure. If a person feels confident doing either, they are more than welcome to do so. That said, facilities in Regalia, and various other places about Aloria, are available for the purification or purging of said beings. The history of the vampire is one filled with pain, terror, and mystery, but one thing remains clear: As long as they exist, they are assisting in the end of the world.


Revision as of 17:05, 14 March 2014

Vampires are playing a game wherein they always lose. Art by MissMaggy2u.

The Sanguine Curse, otherwise known as vampirism, is a treacherous disease that has plagued humanity for at least 250 years. Said to have come into being through the Archdemon, it is clear that its creation took place simply to assist with the coming void invasion -- though how, can only be speculated. Some believe vampires are on Aloria to corrupt more of mankind in favor of the void, while others theorize that the curse was fabricated to divide mankind’s attentions, leaving them more vulnerable when the invasion occurs. One thing is for certain, however: Contracting vampirism is much like playing a game wherein the vampire is always the loser. When they aren’t being hunted by those who prefer not to be attacked, their minds are being slowly weakened and destroyed, and they are being made more susceptible to demon possession. Feeble or strong, a vampire can never fight against the might of the demons as long as they willingly accept the curse.

Origins of Vampirism

While the theory of how vampirism began remains a mystery, vampirism has been referenced in history dating quite far back. Paintings and sculptures dictate vicious, blue-eyed creatures lashing at people’s throats and participating in cannibalistic behavior. Manuscripts as old as 250 years speak of malignant and proud beings self-proclaimed as upyrs (or “Higher Ones” in the old language). By the time upyrism was becoming less of a problem, and vampirism more commonplace, two upyrs had been captured, claiming to have been two of the ‘original upyrs’: Joseph Blackwell, and one who insisted on being called ‘Vengeous’. When questioned, they gave vastly different stories with only a few things remaining consistent: Both upyrs agreed that they had been on a ship, and both agreed that the ship had sailed too close to the Forbidden Continent. Tides from the continent grew too strong, and as the ship sunk to the murky depths, the upyrs all swam off in different directions. This means that while those first tainted with upyrism originated in one place, the way that it spread made it so it could have begun infection among the masses anywhere on Aloria. However, the first upyrs to make an appearance among the rest of the world were most likely in Ellador, due to geographical location.


While very little is known about upyrs, a few historians have detailed recordings of their abilities, features, and behaviors. Any researchers who have not died by now, however, have kept their information a closely guarded secret in fear that it would spur current vampires to walk in the footsteps of their ancestors. That said, a upyr and a vampire are not the same thing. While they have the same origins, upyrs are rumored to be extinct, and vampires a more diluted version of their former glory. As the battle against the Sanguine Curse began to turn in Aloria’s favor, upyrs began to grow weaker and weaker, and in turn, the disease became easier to contract. This change was so dramatic, they deemed vampirism, which literally translates to ‘Fallen One’, a completely different strain. Modern day vampires have red eyes instead of blue, are weaker, and have less-than-acute senses. This begs the question: If modern day vampires can fall from impossible heights while jumping tremendously high, hold a truce with the monsters of the night, see and hear more clearly, and bare fangs sharp enough to slice through flesh, what were upyrs capable of?


As a way of playing off a natural greed that comes inherently to humans, vampires are given a certain set of abilities that they're capable of using upon being infected. One of these capabilities is heightened strength, almost twice that of a normal human. As a result, it not only allows them to jump at least two meters high, but fall from impossible heights and survive. Since vampires are more of a predator than an inventor like humans, their senses have also been heightened to assist with this. A vampire can hear a heartbeat in the next room over, see in the dark, and tell the difference between types of blood -- be it sick, healthy, Naga, Upyr, or anything else distinct. However, despite what many believe, a vampire cannot smell blood unless it is exposed. Furthermore, it cannot smell the creature itself -- only its exposed blood. As vampires are creatures that roam the night, they also have an unspoken truce with other beasts that lurk in the dark, such as feral arachnids (spiders), feral undead (skeletons and zombies), and even void creatures (endermen). Finally, vampires can remain underwater much longer than humans. Many believe that part of the reason vampires do not need to surface for air in water, and can survive off blood, is some sort of void magic that allows them to do so. However, this is only speculation.


The life of a vampire is one of darkness and disappointment. Due to the fact that they are slowly being possessed, a vampire’s eyes will always take on a red hue -- the mark of corruption. Vampires are often much paler than normal humans, as they cannot go out into the sunlight like most of their race. As a result, they may also appear more sallow or deprived than usual. Vampirism is not healthy -- both physically and mentally. While relying solely on blood and being unable to go out into the sun has deteriorating effects on their physical state, it also negatively affects their mental stability. Anybody who suffers from an illness of the mind may discover that their illness becomes much more debilitating as they grow to accept the curse for longer amounts of time. Furthermore, one may find new illnesses rising as they become more and more cursed.

Even the most lucid of vampires will eventually fall victim to the corruption brought upon by the Sanguine Curse. Art by Luthein.

Corruption of the Mind

Aside from illnesses of the mind, vampires, in essence, are evil creatures, simply for being what they are. While a vampire may have strong morals, the fact that they hold a parasitic lifestyle makes them wicked. After all, there is nothing justified about drinking the blood of another living being. Furthermore, the way vampirism affects the mind is corrupting in nature. Time and time again, those who have been cursed with vampirism have committed horrendous acts under the misconception that they’re actually for the greater good. Take the case of the infamous Aric Picard, who assassinated an old Chancellor’s wife after believing she was the cause for poverty in Regalia. In a more minor case, a vampire by the name of Aun Afae tried to save the life of her brother by infecting him with vampirism, only to have him lose control and wipe out an entire town’s livestock. In both cases, while the intentions were pure, the means and the solutions were influenced by void corruption.


Vampirism is an addiction, and for anybody who has become infected with the curse, blood is the drug. Often, when blood becomes exposed to the air, a vampire will go into a mad feeding frenzy, attempting to kill anything and anyone in its lust for the vital substance. They lose themselves -- they lose what makes them human -- in those few moments when they attack their victim and become purely animalistic. But even when there isn’t sustenance immediately available, the person they once were continues to fade. The Sanguine Curse whittles ever so subtly away at the mind, deluding it with visions of grandeur and heightened senses, in return for the cursed one’s humanity. This is the price that is paid for the disease. It is a curse disguised as a blessing pivoted toward the weak-willed, the traumatized, and the greedy. The benefits do not outweigh the consequences -- on a superficial level, and on a deeply psychological level. Eventually, all vampires will become savage demons, capable of nothing more than killing and feeding. Vampirism is a pact with the Archdemon, in which He will always take a bigger share.

Physical Weaknesses and Resulting Theories

Those who lose themselves are the most dangerous. However, a vampire can be fended off or weakened by a variety of objects and actions. While many believe items such as garlic will assist in a vampire’s demise, this isn’t true. Rumors such as these came about during a time when Nagan cuisine became popular and people worldwide were beginning to discover the joys of garlic. Also during this time, there was a noticeable decline in vampires. It was proven further down the line that the decline in vampirism had nothing to do with food whatsoever. Instead, historians discovered that a group of vampires called ‘The Order’ had arisen around then, and were going about controlling the vampire population. Another rumor that continues to circulate about vampires is the notion that they cannot enter a home without being invited. This idea stemmed about fifty years ago, when a vampire tried to enter a decrepit house and was spontaneously thrown back into the sunlight to burn. Years later, the owner of the house finally admitted that the vampire had sliced his arm on a nail poking from his doorframe, and had jumped back in pain and surprise. Many religious groups who worshipped the man’s house for containing magical properties were disbanded that day.

True weapons against vampirism are very straightforward. While the sun is an obvious weakness, so are objects made of wood. Humans are far more superior to vampires, and the Sanguine Curse reflects this by allowing something as trivial as a wooden sword, or a stick, to be powerful enough to crush one of the cursed. Even a curse spread by the Archdemon cannot fend off the might of man, and even the smallest of men can vanquish the fiercest of vampires using something as menial as a stick found lying in the woods. Holy water is another method of weakening, if not killing a vampire. Blessed by the old religions, holy water has proven to be a failsafe way of raising a vampire’s body heat for as long as anybody can remember. A careful mixture of water and crushed lapis lazuli, blessed by a priest or an emperor, offers an excellent solution for shedding divine light upon the damned. If enough of this mixture is offered to the beast, he will catch fire and die.

If killing the vampire isn’t one’s cup of tea, however, there is always the option of curing them instead. Altars of light have proven to be a failsafe way of curing a vampire of their treacherous disease. While altars of light do not technically adhere to the ideals of Unionism, these altars are derived from the old religions and have, time and time again, cured every vampire who has offered the proper sacrament and prayer. The divinity of these altars continue to baffle even the most erudite of scholars and frighten the most fierce of vampires. Recall the incident of one small-town vampire who lit an entire church on fire because she believed the altar within it was ruining the lives of those around her. As an ironic punishment for her actions, she was killed, and her bones were embedded in the walls of the town’s newly erected cathedral.

When Facing Vampires

Whether the danger lies in becoming infected, or becoming attacked, anything involving the Sanguine Curse should be reported to the Regalian Guard at once. Vampires are not only a menace among society, but a danger to themselves and those around them. They should not be treated lightly, as their unpredictability and strength can catch even the most cunning of men off guard. However, due to their fragile being, they are exceedingly easy to kill, and relatively easy to cure. If a person feels confident doing either, they are more than welcome to do so. That said, facilities in Regalia, and various other places about Aloria, are available for the purification or purging of said beings. The history of the vampire is one filled with pain, terror, and mystery, but one thing remains clear: As long as they exist, they are assisting in the end of the world.