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Soul Recall, Soul Revival, or Reincarnated Memory, is a fringe theory that believes the way Dragons cycle souls for birth allows some connection to past lives through Soul Seeding. This theory is championed by the Aldurism God, Ardos, who is obsessed with discovering the truth of Soul Recall and figuring out how to allow mortals to make use of it to enrich their own lives. While this is largely a theory, it rests on some tangible proof, yet remains elusive to the attempts of Ardos and his Ardosar followers to unlock the secrets.
The origin of the theory relies on two key points: Ardos's ascension to godhood, and existing knowledge of soul theory. Soul theory dictates that the world cycles souls through the Soul Rivers. Each soul, when attempting to reach the afterlife, will pass through the Soul Rivers. From there, they eventually arrive at their afterlife, but before doing so, parts of their soul shed and create new soul seedlings elsewhere. For example, an elderly woman dies, and her soul drifts in the Soul Rivers while shedding memories of loving mint tea, or being good at knitting. These then form the basis of two new souls, whether person or animal, and have a chance to impart these aspects onto that person inexplicably. For example, a fox born with the former soul seedling might have an innate desire to nest and roam around mint herb gardens or tea breweries, while a child born from the latter soul seedling might have an innate talent for knitting despite never having learned it. These signs don't occur often, but some application of Magic allows for an understanding of where these traits come from.
When Ardos ascended to godhood, he gained a greater understanding of the functioning of Elderlaw, and more specifically Elderlaw concerning the creation of life. He chose an aspect of life as his Elderlaw domain within the religion and intensely studied how the natural processes of the world function when it comes to creation. Understanding the Soul Rivers, and Soul Seeding, it was his eventual theory that the seeding process is a lot more complicated than is implied by the Soul Seeding theory and that a larger part of the soul is copied or inherited by the new person or creature. He believes that it is possible to unlock souls of past lives or related lives through a process called Soul Recall, but a breakthrough yet evades him due to the inherent contradictions in Elderlaw itself, and the rules imposed by the Dragons which the Aldurism Gods still have trouble overcoming without their help, which they will not give.
Ardosar, Ardosim, or Ardosii are strict followers of Ardos who believe in this ideal also and see the goal of unlocking their past lives as a worthy and importantly reachable goal. Ardos is not completely without success, some Ardosar who have followed his teachings and done their research have found credible threads of reincarnation based on Soul-seeding, and some have even unlocked fragments of their past lives or some understanding of what kind of person seeded their soul. Though, frustratingly, these images or understandings are nothing more than fragments, nothing as complex as a full recall of a whole lifetime, or as practical as an inherited set of skills.
Ardosar travel the world recording memories of anyone they find, and most notably their earliest memories. They seek inexplicable urges, inclinations, habits, and skills that somehow manifest in people, which they then try to investigate. The goal of the investigation is always to tie this to some kind of ancestor, and a modicum of magical scrying is necessary to understand what kind of person this could even entail. Even within Aldurism, this is considered a fairly fringe activity, most believers, and especially those outside the religion, consider this nothing but soothsaying or astrology with extra steps.
Ardosar is a playable type of character in Regalia, which is recommended for a scribe or sage type of character who goes around trying to figure out what kind of previous life a person might have had. While none of the statements made by an Ardosar are authoritative on the matter, they serve as a solid foundation for a character who is constantly interested in others and eager to learn more about them. It also challenges other Players to dig deeper into their own character's backstories, and improvise on the spot about what kind of interesting story they can tell, and hope that the Ardosar can continue improvising some speculation from that.
Generally speaking, there are no hard rules concerning Soul Recall, so long as nobody "solves" the actual process on the spot. Ardosar and the people they talk to are encouraged to come up with an agreeable understanding of what kind of things an Ardosar might peer into the past for, what types of souls were used to seed the person they are talking to, and what kind of aspects of those past souls are present in the current living one. Players should generally avoid naming exact past selves or transferring large amounts of memories or data from the dead soul onto the living one because Ardos is still working on this process. Players should aim to puzzle out rough understandings such as “I was once an Eronidas during the time of the Allorn War”, or “I was once an Ailor who witnessed Theomar’s first proclamations”, but not remember details of those events beyond flashes, or their exact identities.