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Template:Columns 2

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Using Columns

First Column

Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner sausage tenderloin, ham hock picanha andouille ribeye prosciutto drumstick. Chicken ham prosciutto venison ribeye pork loin. Jowl biltong turkey salami ball tip, spare ribs brisket ribeye kielbasa. Cupim sirloin drumstick landjaeger, tri-tip filet mignon bresaola capicola venison chuck prosciutto sausage tenderloin brisket. Tongue corned beef cupim landjaeger alcatra fatback drumstick turkey, kielbasa tri-tip ham picanha. Ribeye turducken venison meatloaf short loin. Fatback beef ribs doner picanha salami short loin.

Second Column

Salami flank chuck, cupim jerky shoulder pork belly tri-tip sirloin. Venison leberkas meatball tongue pancetta brisket shank, rump meatloaf. Tongue prosciutto picanha t-bone, pork loin burgdoggen pig tri-tip shoulder boudin shank. Beef andouille venison kielbasa tongue. Doner tenderloin ball tip salami strip steak sirloin spare ribs cupim short loin porchetta pastrami tail bacon. Corned beef chicken porchetta chuck kielbasa meatball biltong tail leberkas ham drumstick filet mignon. Jerky andouille sausage short ribs meatball corned beef pig pork kevin capicola ground round.
{{Columns 2
| col1 = First column. 'col1' or 'col 1' also work.
| col2 = Second column. 'col2' or 'col 2' also work.
| align    = OPTIONAL. Allows you to align the text in the center, left, or right.