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The Regalian State Law is a code set of laws to which the entire Empire is subject. This particular list of laws is currently subject to the Regalian City itself, though is subject to change by votes in the Noble Assembly. The regulations are non-strict, meaning the various law enforcement orders have a certain freedom to interpret the correct application of these laws. That being said, excersize of these laws should be done carefully as only Judicars of the Empire know the true interpretation, and there is a very thin line between abusing Charter Rights and bending the State Law for corrupt means. There are a couple of limitations to guards and citizens exercising rights to stop violations of Laws:
Regalian Law is the general understanding of the judicial system, both with in-character laws and exceptions that apply to all Roleplayers, but also general concepts of what certain groups are or aren't allowed to do.
* Citizens may perform a "Citizen's arrest" by detaining a criminal in place. They may not under any circumstance detain an individual anywhere else but the crime scene and must contact law enforcement as quickly as possible to transfer the criminal to their authority.
* Law Enforcement Charters must always wear Government Issue Armor when performing arrests. If a Law Enforcement individual does not wear armor while performing an arrest or detainment, it is counted as a Citizen's arrest.
* Citizens Arrests may not involve any bodily harm. In line with the Self Defense Law, any excessive violence during a Citizens Arrest is liable to criminal prosecution for Assault and attempted murder.

==Regalian Laws==
==Militia, Vigilantism, Mercenaries, and Knights==
===Regalian Weapon Law===
Because MassiveCraft does not have an official "Police" or "Guard" force in Regalia, it is necessary to understand the role of Player Characters in enforcing the State's authority. By default, unauthorized citizens are not permitted to enforce the law, and if doing so, are themselves in violation of anti-violence and chaos laws. There are however some exceptions and special circumstances:
Anyone who finds themselves being a person within the Regalian Empire is not permitted to wear a weapon in plain sight on them except when they are a member of a Titled Noble family or a member of a Charter Organisation. Bodyguards are not exceptions. Full plate armor may only be worn by Charter Organization members, medium and lighter armor sets may be worn by anyone.  
* '''Vigilante:''' Vigilantes are citizens who do not have the authority to enforce the law, but do so anyway because of a sense of duty, patriotism, or just because they like violence and think it's better to be violent on the side of the state, than against it. Vigilantism in all its forms is illegal. A citizen attacking another citizen to stop a crime, is in themselves committing a crime. If nobody else (for example Knights) is present to stop them, or arrest them, then Vigilantes can usually get away with committing crimes to stop crime. Some Knights may also choose to turn a blind eye to Vigilantes if done well.
* '''Militia:''' A Militia is an unofficially sanctioned self-defense force attached to specific locations. Militias are inherently Vigilantes, but since they are defending their own home, the law is usually not applied to them so long as they acted within reason to defend their home. A Militia is only recognized in so far it is entirely populated by people who own a House in a district, and may only act to defend their homes from illegal activity, in said district. If Rose Court were to establish a Militia for example, they could apply reasonable violence against home invaders of Rose Court, but could not interfere with law enforcement in the Qadir District.
* '''Mercenary:''' The occupation of Mercenary is illegal in the Regalian Empire by ordinance (except for Solvaan who have a legal exception). This means any form of contract hire to either attack, abduct, steal, or kill anyone, is by default illegal. However, many ex-Mercenaries (for those who didn't become regular enlisted soldiers) have slid into contract-work or bludgeon-for-hire for the wealthy and undercity denizens. Just because Mercenary work is illegal, does not mean it cannot be profitable, and does not mean that an ex-mercenary now thug-for-hire cannot make a living just by taking contracts and not getting caught doing violence.
* '''Knights:''' Knights are the next best thing to an actual Guard force, they are in form an extension of the State, but not strictly forced to enforce the Law. All Knights are at all times permitted to enforce the law and temporarily hold suspects or criminals in their Knights HQ prison Cells, but it is important to note that they are not forced to do so. To each and every Knight is afforded the choice whether to enforce State Law with considerations of their own morals and ethics, principles, and whether they have time at all. Some Knights choose to enforce all laws, some Knights enforce only laws on murder, and some do nothing at all.
* '''Retainers:''' Retainers are bodyguards, personal guards, and Noble House Guards specifically hired for the protection of their payer/owner. Retainers are similar to Militia, tolerated to perform some acts of violence, but only in the strictest protection of their liege/client. Someone who is a Retainer (for example a House Guard) may never inflict violence without the client being present, and only if the client is in any harm's way (insults are not valid harm). If Retainers break the law, their clients are usually held responsible and tried by legal forces as if they were the ones who committed the crime instead.

===Regalian Life Defense Law===
Within the Realm of Regalia, the legal defense of “Self Defense” is not legal. Self Defense is only applicable when the self becomes subject to risk of bodily harm or dismemberment through violence. Self defense may only apply by non lethal and non harmful means, that is to say, when defending one’s self, one does not have the right to kill or maim one’s attacker. One may only use a weapon in Self Defense with the intent to incapacitate or restrain an attacker. Self defense is never applicable to verbal threats or unarmed conflict.
This section covers all Laws, split into subsections. Keep in mind, Laws can change (infrequently) because of who is in control of the Palace Court. Different courtiers want different policies, and so the Laws swing back and forth between progressive and repressive regimes every so many months. Consult Staff Announcements/World Progressions in the Roleplay Discord for more information and up to date alerts on Law Changes.
* '''Low Law:''' Low Law covers most illegal activities like stealing, non-lethal violence, illegal good possession, magic casting in public, trespassing, impersonation, fraud, emotional harm, refusing to title nobles, refusing to use pronouns, abduction, destruction of property, association with the illegal Occult and collaboration with the Afflicted (for example feeding them or harboring them) etc. Low Law would generally result in a short prison sentence or a fine (most prison sentences can be avoided by paying a heavy fine), and would usually be time-skipped in favor of keeping roleplay going without interruption. As Knights are considered part of law enforcement, when Knights are in armor enforcing the law, they are immune to Low Law.
* '''Magic Law:''' Magic Law covers how Magic is used in general. The State's understanding of magic is very infantile, and it tends to brush all forms of Magic with one big brush. The legality of Magic frequently oscillates between progressive and repressive, currently the law is repressive. All forms of Magic Casting is illegal in any public area or public venue, unless specified by the venue owners. Magic usage in private property is legal, as well as businesses, and Headquarters of special orders and groups if they were specifically granted property by the State. Violation usually defaults to Low Law violations. As Knights are considered part of law enforcement, when Knights are in armor enforcing the law, they are immune to Magic Law.
* '''Occult Law:''' Occult Law covers illegal things Magical in nature, but not specifically Magic itself. These are a set of very specific laws: It is illegal to be a Mortisphage, Undead, or Vampire, it is illegal to consort, own, or associate with Spirits, and it is illegal to use Theurgy. It is currently Legal to be a Marken only if the person can be certified to control themselves or undergo therapy, it is currently Legal to be Arkenborn and Godborn in any and all circumstances, though citizens are requested to be on the lookout for Arkenborn who profess loyalties to their Arken parents (see High Law hostile entities). It is currently legal to be Archon in any and all circumstances. Transforming as Marken in public partially or wholly, falls under this also. Marken retained by Lothar are excluded from this.
* '''Religious Law:''' Religious Law covers what Faiths are legal in the Empire: Unionism, Estelley, Fornoss, Baskarr, Draconism. This also covers that using weapons or drawing blood on Holy Ground (Temples, Burial Sites, Graveyards, the Palace, Dragon Sites, Homes of Priests) is illegal, as well as an anti-Blasphemy Law that makes it illegal to speak ill of the Emperor, and that either such offenses are judged by Lancyon Chapter Members of the Viridian Order.
* '''High Law:''' High Law covers highly illegal activities that may result in a character being maimed or executed if caught, or caught on repeat-offense. This includes but is not limited to: treason against the Empire, being a horrendous monster, aiding and abetting foreign powers or hostile entities, pre-meditated murder, etc. These usually involve very long prison sentences, or special trials. Players should be aware that committing these crimes will have serious consequences for their Characters.

===Regalian Identity Law===
==Imprisonment Rules==
Any person within the Regalian Archipelago shall endeavor not to impersonate the identity of another person, especially the divine right of Nobility. Any commoner caught impersonating a Noble, either by claiming a false title or false pretense of being noble is subject to criminal prosecution. No person within the Regalian Empire shall endeavor to conceal their true identity by obstructing their face from Law enforcement’s view.  
Vigilantes and Criminals alike are permitted to imprison captured hostile Characters within their Clandestine Bases, Keeps, and Rental Regions, as long as a sufficient cell area and-or guards to roleplay with them are available. Captors should show courtesy of releasing someone within 24 hours of imprisonment unless there is a planned and agreed ransom or the player desires to be held for longer.  Players should generally negotiate a beneficial outcome amongst themselves, with the responsibility of providing a solution being put on the instigating party. "Instigators" are generally considered characters who started the conflict, whether that is by attacking someone, or by being somewhere they shouldn't be, breaking the law, or being excessively annoying/a nuisance. The instigating party also depends on the location a player is in. For example, a non-disguised Vampire that goes to Main Street or any other place where the Law applies, would be the instigator if Law-abiding characters try to capture them. Conversely, a Knight who enters the Sewers would be the instigator. Players should only contact Lore Staff through a ticket if the other party is being unreasonable, and may result in surrendered Kill or Maim perms.

===Regalian Demonic Law===
==Enforcement of the Law==
Anyone who finds themselves within the Regalian Empire may not under any circumstance be infected with the Sanguine Curse, be undead, be demonically possessed or otherwise a mage or magically affected without express consent of the Azure Order or relevant Empire Authorities.
On Massivecraft, general 'punishments' and 'enforcements' of the laws should almost always be done off-screen unless the player specifically wants to do that kind of RP. In any case where, for example, a Knight catches someone breaking the law, they are expected to hand off the actual punishment to an off-screen NPC Metropolitan Member. Below is a list and explanation of what the Metro Members would do for each crime, and players can talk about how their characters paid their fines or served their times, etc.  
* '''Theft:''' When the Metro handles Theft, they generally impose a fine for petty theft, and prison sentences for stealing large amounts of goods, family heirlooms, and irreplaceable items. Punishments are reduced if the stolen objects are returned to their owners.
===Regalian Contraband Law===
* '''Magic Casting:''' Magic casting almost always involves the Metropolitan just fining the caster. Note, that the Metro does not discriminate between Sinistral, Radiant, Dragon Magic, etc, and the only exception that it considers 'not magic' is Unionist God Magic. Magic Casting used to harm others is judged under violence and assault.
Some items as defined by the Imperial Court, Bureaucracy or Police authorities are banned for consumption, use or possession by the State. The act of producing or smuggling such items into Regalia is strictly illegal by Imperial Law for the protection of the citizens.
* '''Violence and Assault:''' Attacking others usually involves a fine, public humiliation, or a prison sentence depending on the severity. Note that the Metro does not punish individuals for fighting to just defend themselves, but, does punish individuals who inflict excessive harm onto their attackers.  
* '''Kidnapping:''' Kidnapping, especially involving extortion or harm done to the person kidnapped, always involves a prison sentence for an extended period of time.  
===Worship Laws===
* '''General Low Law:''' All other Low Law infractions not covered are generally just fines, community service, public humiliations, or short prison sentences. Repeat offenses to a severe degree may require Lore Staff Intervention. Individuals who are caught after many repeated offenses require consultation with Lore Staff onw hat to do. Please make a ticket in RP Comm discord with the character captured, and under what circumstances they were captured.  
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall not worship or otherwise glorify or otherwise speak well of other religions, deities and worship systems. The only full religious freedom is extended to Unionists. For further detail in Worship laws, refer to Holy Law
* '''Occult Law:''' Individuals who are Mortisphages or Vampires are expected to be cured by Players, and usually subjected to a short prison sentence to help prevent re-infection. Undead, Marken, and Spirits who are caught may require additional negotiation between both parties to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.
* '''Religious Law:''' Due to the severity of Religious Law, individuals who are caught would require negotiation between both parties for a mutually beneficial outcome. For crimes such as these, the instigator is assume to be the one guilty of breaching Religious Law.
===Honorary Family Law===
* '''High Law:''' Due to the severity of High Law, individuals who are caught would require negotiation between both parties for a mutually beneficial outcome. For crimes such as these, the instigator is assumed to be the one guilty of breaching High Law.
Any person who finds himself part of a family with either living or deceased ancestors shall not defame, discredit or otherwise embarrass their elders towards others, be it neighbors or strangers in the street. A parent’s authority over their child (any individual below the age of 15) is absolute. This law's privilege may not conflict with the Sanctity of Life Law. While parents have some authority over physical discipline applied to their children, undue violence on children is illegal. A male always has higher authority over a child than a female parent.
===Sanctity of Life Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall not kill or maim any other person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire, be it foreigner, non-Human or Human. Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall also endeavor not to prevent the birth or conception of a child, with the exception of a child born between a Human and a non-Human.
===Sanctity of Vow Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire who finds himself in a marital contract as blessed by the Sanchella of Union, shall not commit adultery without the permission of the married spouse. Additionally any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire who finds himself in a marital contract as blessed by the Sanchella of Union, shall not commit adultery with another person who is in a marital contract as blessed by the Sanchella of Union under any circumstance.
===Expanded Vow Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire who finds himself in a marital contract as blessed by the Sanchella of Union must provide and care for their spouse, both financially and emotionally. Neglect of a married spouse or inability to provide for a spouse is a criminal offence within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire. Additionally, being unable to provide offspring to a spouse is liable to criminal prosecution.
===Property Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall not misappropriate or otherwise dishonestly seize property or items belonging to any other person without express written permission or overriding laws and authorities of city level or Empire level.
===Freedom Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall not seize or detain any other individual be it foreign or national, non-Human or Human, against their will, either conscious or unconscious. Exceptions are made for citizen’s arrests and authorities with overruling rights and authority.
===Public Safety Law===
Any person within the boundaries of any urban area within the Regalian Empire shall endeavor to behave cordially and properly in public. Drunken disorderly behavior, unwanted erotic behavior, inciting of violence and otherwise causing a public disturbance or vandalism is not allowed and liable to criminal prosecution.
===Home Safety Law===
Any person within the boundaries of the Regalian Empire shall not unlawfully enter the residence or property owned by another person without the vocal or written consent. The entire sewers are off-limits for any person within the Regalian Empire, this additionally extends to various public buildings such as the Imperial Palace.  
===Equality Rights Law===
Any person within the Regalian Empire who finds themselves being a Regalian Citizen and a Human has the right to equality before the law and prohibition of discrimination on base of physical appearances, heritage, residence, social ranks and marital status. This law is negated by the Divine Right Law.
===Divine Right Law===
Any person within the Regalian Empire who finds themselves being a Regalian Citizen and both a Human and of Noble Blood has the right to be elevated above the common folk, the right to fair trial and lawful representation, the right to preferential treatment in criminal persecution and the right to dictate house arrest for other members of the family as long as family authority extends itself. Nobles from families with titles above Counties must always be treated with respect and carefully escorted to prison without raising too much commotion and without restraints or shackles unless the situation demands it.
===Imperial Face Law===
Any person within the Regalian Empire may never under any circumstances speak ill of the Emperor, his direct relatives and the Imperial administration for any reason. Any person may never assign fault, wrongdoing or critical opinions and traits to any individual defined within the group before mentioned.
===Anti Jacobinism Law===
Any person within the Regalian Empire, regardless of political stature shall endeavor not to express any Jacobinism views, support any whole or partial Jacobinism views, or in any way publicly denounce the rights of aristocracy or otherwise attempt to upset the structure of authority and royal prerogative in the Empire.
===Sanctity of State Law===
Any person within the Regalian Empire shall endeavor not to cast magic illegally, conspire against the state, teach or otherwise educate any individual in anti establishmentarian views, magical skills that are not on the allowed list or otherwise Void and Demonic involved matters or beliefs.  
|Writers = MonMarty
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Latest revision as of 20:15, 9 June 2024

Regalian Law is the general understanding of the judicial system, both with in-character laws and exceptions that apply to all Roleplayers, but also general concepts of what certain groups are or aren't allowed to do.

Militia, Vigilantism, Mercenaries, and Knights

Because MassiveCraft does not have an official "Police" or "Guard" force in Regalia, it is necessary to understand the role of Player Characters in enforcing the State's authority. By default, unauthorized citizens are not permitted to enforce the law, and if doing so, are themselves in violation of anti-violence and chaos laws. There are however some exceptions and special circumstances:

  • Vigilante: Vigilantes are citizens who do not have the authority to enforce the law, but do so anyway because of a sense of duty, patriotism, or just because they like violence and think it's better to be violent on the side of the state, than against it. Vigilantism in all its forms is illegal. A citizen attacking another citizen to stop a crime, is in themselves committing a crime. If nobody else (for example Knights) is present to stop them, or arrest them, then Vigilantes can usually get away with committing crimes to stop crime. Some Knights may also choose to turn a blind eye to Vigilantes if done well.
  • Militia: A Militia is an unofficially sanctioned self-defense force attached to specific locations. Militias are inherently Vigilantes, but since they are defending their own home, the law is usually not applied to them so long as they acted within reason to defend their home. A Militia is only recognized in so far it is entirely populated by people who own a House in a district, and may only act to defend their homes from illegal activity, in said district. If Rose Court were to establish a Militia for example, they could apply reasonable violence against home invaders of Rose Court, but could not interfere with law enforcement in the Qadir District.
  • Mercenary: The occupation of Mercenary is illegal in the Regalian Empire by ordinance (except for Solvaan who have a legal exception). This means any form of contract hire to either attack, abduct, steal, or kill anyone, is by default illegal. However, many ex-Mercenaries (for those who didn't become regular enlisted soldiers) have slid into contract-work or bludgeon-for-hire for the wealthy and undercity denizens. Just because Mercenary work is illegal, does not mean it cannot be profitable, and does not mean that an ex-mercenary now thug-for-hire cannot make a living just by taking contracts and not getting caught doing violence.
  • Knights: Knights are the next best thing to an actual Guard force, they are in form an extension of the State, but not strictly forced to enforce the Law. All Knights are at all times permitted to enforce the law and temporarily hold suspects or criminals in their Knights HQ prison Cells, but it is important to note that they are not forced to do so. To each and every Knight is afforded the choice whether to enforce State Law with considerations of their own morals and ethics, principles, and whether they have time at all. Some Knights choose to enforce all laws, some Knights enforce only laws on murder, and some do nothing at all.
  • Retainers: Retainers are bodyguards, personal guards, and Noble House Guards specifically hired for the protection of their payer/owner. Retainers are similar to Militia, tolerated to perform some acts of violence, but only in the strictest protection of their liege/client. Someone who is a Retainer (for example a House Guard) may never inflict violence without the client being present, and only if the client is in any harm's way (insults are not valid harm). If Retainers break the law, their clients are usually held responsible and tried by legal forces as if they were the ones who committed the crime instead.


This section covers all Laws, split into subsections. Keep in mind, Laws can change (infrequently) because of who is in control of the Palace Court. Different courtiers want different policies, and so the Laws swing back and forth between progressive and repressive regimes every so many months. Consult Staff Announcements/World Progressions in the Roleplay Discord for more information and up to date alerts on Law Changes.

  • Low Law: Low Law covers most illegal activities like stealing, non-lethal violence, illegal good possession, magic casting in public, trespassing, impersonation, fraud, emotional harm, refusing to title nobles, refusing to use pronouns, abduction, destruction of property, association with the illegal Occult and collaboration with the Afflicted (for example feeding them or harboring them) etc. Low Law would generally result in a short prison sentence or a fine (most prison sentences can be avoided by paying a heavy fine), and would usually be time-skipped in favor of keeping roleplay going without interruption. As Knights are considered part of law enforcement, when Knights are in armor enforcing the law, they are immune to Low Law.
  • Magic Law: Magic Law covers how Magic is used in general. The State's understanding of magic is very infantile, and it tends to brush all forms of Magic with one big brush. The legality of Magic frequently oscillates between progressive and repressive, currently the law is repressive. All forms of Magic Casting is illegal in any public area or public venue, unless specified by the venue owners. Magic usage in private property is legal, as well as businesses, and Headquarters of special orders and groups if they were specifically granted property by the State. Violation usually defaults to Low Law violations. As Knights are considered part of law enforcement, when Knights are in armor enforcing the law, they are immune to Magic Law.
  • Occult Law: Occult Law covers illegal things Magical in nature, but not specifically Magic itself. These are a set of very specific laws: It is illegal to be a Mortisphage, Undead, or Vampire, it is illegal to consort, own, or associate with Spirits, and it is illegal to use Theurgy. It is currently Legal to be a Marken only if the person can be certified to control themselves or undergo therapy, it is currently Legal to be Arkenborn and Godborn in any and all circumstances, though citizens are requested to be on the lookout for Arkenborn who profess loyalties to their Arken parents (see High Law hostile entities). It is currently legal to be Archon in any and all circumstances. Transforming as Marken in public partially or wholly, falls under this also. Marken retained by Lothar are excluded from this.
  • Religious Law: Religious Law covers what Faiths are legal in the Empire: Unionism, Estelley, Fornoss, Baskarr, Draconism. This also covers that using weapons or drawing blood on Holy Ground (Temples, Burial Sites, Graveyards, the Palace, Dragon Sites, Homes of Priests) is illegal, as well as an anti-Blasphemy Law that makes it illegal to speak ill of the Emperor, and that either such offenses are judged by Lancyon Chapter Members of the Viridian Order.
  • High Law: High Law covers highly illegal activities that may result in a character being maimed or executed if caught, or caught on repeat-offense. This includes but is not limited to: treason against the Empire, being a horrendous monster, aiding and abetting foreign powers or hostile entities, pre-meditated murder, etc. These usually involve very long prison sentences, or special trials. Players should be aware that committing these crimes will have serious consequences for their Characters.

Imprisonment Rules

Vigilantes and Criminals alike are permitted to imprison captured hostile Characters within their Clandestine Bases, Keeps, and Rental Regions, as long as a sufficient cell area and-or guards to roleplay with them are available. Captors should show courtesy of releasing someone within 24 hours of imprisonment unless there is a planned and agreed ransom or the player desires to be held for longer. Players should generally negotiate a beneficial outcome amongst themselves, with the responsibility of providing a solution being put on the instigating party. "Instigators" are generally considered characters who started the conflict, whether that is by attacking someone, or by being somewhere they shouldn't be, breaking the law, or being excessively annoying/a nuisance. The instigating party also depends on the location a player is in. For example, a non-disguised Vampire that goes to Main Street or any other place where the Law applies, would be the instigator if Law-abiding characters try to capture them. Conversely, a Knight who enters the Sewers would be the instigator. Players should only contact Lore Staff through a ticket if the other party is being unreasonable, and may result in surrendered Kill or Maim perms.

Enforcement of the Law

On Massivecraft, general 'punishments' and 'enforcements' of the laws should almost always be done off-screen unless the player specifically wants to do that kind of RP. In any case where, for example, a Knight catches someone breaking the law, they are expected to hand off the actual punishment to an off-screen NPC Metropolitan Member. Below is a list and explanation of what the Metro Members would do for each crime, and players can talk about how their characters paid their fines or served their times, etc.

  • Theft: When the Metro handles Theft, they generally impose a fine for petty theft, and prison sentences for stealing large amounts of goods, family heirlooms, and irreplaceable items. Punishments are reduced if the stolen objects are returned to their owners.
  • Magic Casting: Magic casting almost always involves the Metropolitan just fining the caster. Note, that the Metro does not discriminate between Sinistral, Radiant, Dragon Magic, etc, and the only exception that it considers 'not magic' is Unionist God Magic. Magic Casting used to harm others is judged under violence and assault.
  • Violence and Assault: Attacking others usually involves a fine, public humiliation, or a prison sentence depending on the severity. Note that the Metro does not punish individuals for fighting to just defend themselves, but, does punish individuals who inflict excessive harm onto their attackers.
  • Kidnapping: Kidnapping, especially involving extortion or harm done to the person kidnapped, always involves a prison sentence for an extended period of time.
  • General Low Law: All other Low Law infractions not covered are generally just fines, community service, public humiliations, or short prison sentences. Repeat offenses to a severe degree may require Lore Staff Intervention. Individuals who are caught after many repeated offenses require consultation with Lore Staff onw hat to do. Please make a ticket in RP Comm discord with the character captured, and under what circumstances they were captured.
  • Occult Law: Individuals who are Mortisphages or Vampires are expected to be cured by Players, and usually subjected to a short prison sentence to help prevent re-infection. Undead, Marken, and Spirits who are caught may require additional negotiation between both parties to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.
  • Religious Law: Due to the severity of Religious Law, individuals who are caught would require negotiation between both parties for a mutually beneficial outcome. For crimes such as these, the instigator is assume to be the one guilty of breaching Religious Law.
  • High Law: Due to the severity of High Law, individuals who are caught would require negotiation between both parties for a mutually beneficial outcome. For crimes such as these, the instigator is assumed to be the one guilty of breaching High Law.