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{{Info knights
|image = Senleyaorder.png
|origins = [[Lathan Empire]]

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! Ability Name
The Senleya Order, also known as the Sentinel Order or the Full Moon Society in Common, is a pan-Elven secret society with a Freemason aesthetic. Founded by the Lanlath and various other anti-Allorn groups just after Cataclysm upon the realization that their attempts to topple the Allorn Empire might have gone better if they had cooperated at their pivotal moments instead of waiting and letting one another fall, it is an attempt to fight back against both the Allorn resurgence and Evolist would-be replacements alike. While they enjoy privileged status in Elven states around the world, in Regalia they are only state-sanctioned, kept an arm's length from the workings of the government due to mistrust for self-sure Elven benevolence. Senleya must be Elves (but not Kathar), and must be an Estelley, Draconism, or Unionism worshiper.
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
It is important to note that the Senleya are quite solitary. It is not considered a breach of Code for Senleya not to loop one another into one another's plans if they think one person is enough. It is discourteous and might have social repercussions if they fail because they refused to trust fellow Order members, but there is nothing strictly disallowed about it. Each member is their own person with their own discretion.
! Ability Description
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's religious and legal rights, and cooperate to get rid of anyone who would make their groups look bad to State or Crown.
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's statehood, and must also work to undermine the Allorn Empire and anyone doing something pro-Allorn (even accidentally!) at all times.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Moon Transform 1
# Senleya members must constantly work to educate the public. A Regalia that knows about cruel Allorn history, and knows how to read a map, is a Regalia that is more likely to fight.
| Constant Passive
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of Elven heritage, ruins, and knowledge of any kind, so that history can be accurately chronicled.
| Self
# Senleya members must work politically towards stacking the leadership and advisory councils of various cross-City groups with as many Senleya members as possible.  
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Moon Transform 1 | The Character is able to change Dynasties. On the first day of each month, they are able to declare themselves as part of a new Dynasty, changing visual details, Racial Abilities, and all information on their Character Application.
# Senleya members must constantly work to reinforce and support all anti-Allorn groups, even non-Elves. This means helping Asha, Daendroque, and Eronidas, even if they do not like half the members.
# Senleya members must assist in the perpetuation of the true eternal nemesis status between the Senleya and Argentum Orders.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Moon Transform 2
Guild Mechanics are freely granted to all Guild Members.
| Constant Passive
* Senleya members gain access to the [[Adapt_Point_Buy#Shapeshift_Pack|Shapeshift Pack]] (Mundane, but counts as a Disguise), but only for the duration of a Calendar Event, and with a 7 day Cooldown.
| Self
* Senleya members cannot be deceived about Elven History and Lore. If a related fact appears questionable, the Senleya Character's player may ask the DM for more information about its context as they would know it.
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Moon Transform 2 | If Frivolous Dynasty, the Sihai can take on the visual characteristics of a humanoid Red Panda. If New Dynasty, the Sihai can take on canine visual characteristics. If Greater Dynasty, the Sihai can take on owl-like visual characteristics. All are described on their Race page.
* Senleya members can choose to be immune to one Religious Mechanic from the [[Evolism]] religion, which must be noted on their Character Application.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Armor Flux 1
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Armor Flux 1 | The user has a constant proportional Armor effect. This proportional armor inverts the amount of armor worn by the individual and optimizes mobility and agility. Simpler put, the less armor the user is wearing, the stronger their skin and body becomes. Wearing only a set of pants and shirt is the equivalent of their skin being as strong as Plate Armor, where-as wearing a set of actual Plate-armor causes the body to be as strong as if they were only wearing a set of pants and shirt (though they are of course still wearing armor). The protection effect is only skin deep, and blunt force trauma still translates like normal, as well as Artifacts of any make.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Flux Shift 5
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Flux Shift 5 | This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Sorcery Skill 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Sorcery Skill 3 | The Character may purchase up to 3 Sorcery Abilities without being considered an Aberrant. These Abilities are still counterable like normal Sorcery Abilities. They receive 1 Sorcery Ability for free.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Weapon Song 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Weapon Song 1 | The user may activate Weapon Song 1 on any Melee Weapon that they are wielding in combat, causing it to levitate in the air, and allowing them to control it as if they were wielding it, except further removed from the actual weapon. This must be their own weapon, and not a weapon they’ve taken or stolen from another. The only thing this does, is create distance between the opponent and the user, thus allowing them more time to respond to moves the opponent makes. The weapon can still be parried and even knocked out of the user’s hand, as it is only displaced. The distance can however be anywhere in Emote Distance, as long as where it is levitating is within view.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Inth Gift 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Inth Gift 3 | The user has a perfect recall memory through a Memory Phylactery. This is not a physical object, but more a metaphysical abstract concept that causes the user to be immune to any memory alteration, or any Ability that would otherwise make them forget memories, or have them stored elsewhere, altered, added, or diminished. If any memory is forgotten, the user needs simply call upon the Memory Phylactery to restore the memory in full detail. Any Memory Sense I used on the user will result in more clear and perfect imagery than for anyone else.

half sihai
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The Senleya are divided into different Chapters called Rites, based on certain groups' motivations for assisting in the cause. Any member from any compatible Heritage or Religion can swear to any branch.
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===Add Allorn Rite here===
! Ability Name
white lotus type beat
! Ability Type
===Lathai Rite===
! Ability Range
By far the largest subgroup, the Lathai Rite was the origin point of the organization. Given a charter by the Lanlath Empress Salenal after a personal tour of the devastated Allorn Empire immediately post-cataclysm, the Lathai Rite are the glue that knits the Senleya as a whole together. They are the overseers, organizers, and planners who make sure that no individual interest amongst the diverse and complicated Senleya branches takes precedence over the others, and no one gets too selfish. Sticklers for the rules and a refined wealthy presentation, the Lathai Rite are also responsible for the majority of Senleya high-class appeal and internal decorum. However, they should not be mistaken for bureaucrats: the Lathai rite is also full of zealous sword-toting Lanlath who were too impatient for change to make it in any of their native Imperial bureaus. Into the Senleya filter the boldest and loudest Lanlath who think that their people should be doing more for the world, and as quickly as possible.
! Ability Description
* '''Lathai Mechanic:''' Lathai Rite members can extend their [[Adapt_Point_Buy#Shapeshift_Pack|Shapeshift Pack]] Mechanic onto 1 other, and can also use it outside of Events for up to 3 Hours, with the same Cooldown.
===Athentol Rite===
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Armor Flux 1
The Athentol Rite is composed of mostly Solvaan, but also Regalia-loyal Fin'ullen and Teledden who put the interests of that Empire first. It was founded on the belief that the Senleya mission should be expressed through a Regalian lens, that Regalia is the country destined to overtake and destroy the Allorn Empire, and also the only one capable. Centered around the Sollerian court, it is the most politically active branch in-game (because Regalia is the setting), and is responsible for making sure that Elves politically stay in Regalian good graces and in as many positions of influence as possible. Though they share the overall emphasis on their membership remaining unnoticed, Athentol Rite Senleya are the flashiest and most vocal about their desire to achieve influence as politicians, with many of them carrying Noble status. Their very pro-Regalian nature sometimes grates against the more far-flung Rites, but when in Regalia, none can deny its contributions to the world.
| Trigger Passive
* '''Athentol Mechanic:''' Athentol Rite members can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
| Self
===Sanraan Rite===
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Armor Flux 1 | The user has a constant proportional Armor effect. This proportional armor inverts the amount of armor worn by the individual and optimizes mobility and agility. Simpler put, the less armor the user is wearing, the stronger their skin and body becomes. Wearing only a set of pants and shirt is the equivalent of their skin being as strong as Plate Armor, where-as wearing a set of actual Plate-armor causes the body to be as strong as if they were only wearing a set of pants and shirt (though they are of course still wearing armor). The protection effect is only skin deep, and blunt force trauma still translates like normal, as well as Artifacts of any make.
The Sanraan Rite, its name taken from the mythical Suvial founder, is dedicated not to the traditional Suvial art of Demonology but rather of Historiography. Sanraan is well-reputed in the academic community mostly for his honesty, because he is practically the only figure of the Allorn ascent period to write down anything without completely distorting it to suit his own Imperial narrative. The members of his Rite try to do the same by searching for truth in history wherever it can be found, and righting the wrongs of improperly kept records. This couples with a forgiveness-oriented attitude towards the past, being the most eager participants in the Senleya mission of smoothing over old wounds for the sake of the greater purpose. While most Sanraan Rite members are Suvial, there is also a sizable Star of Peace Lanlath presence.
* '''Sanraan Mechanic:''' Sanraan Rite members can make a Discord Ticket to ask the Senleya Archives about an Elven related Lore Question.
===Ularen Rite===
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Flux Shift 5
The Ularen is the great steppe in the midst of Daen that was historically host to the Maquixtl cultures of the continent, only for them to be driven out upon Talea's return and the ones who remained to be transformed into an oppressed class used in forced labor and pushed out of the way of military encampments. The Ularen Rite is mostly composed of disenfranchised Maquixtl and the different Elves, Fin'ullen and Teledden included, who were pushed out of the way of Talea's expansionism or forced from their native Principalities upon her return. Since they believe that the solution is to be found in the Gods, precisely some sort of strange calculus of requiring Cemaan to turn against the Allorn Empire before victory against Talea can even be considered, they are the most mystic and ponderous of the different Rites, and always the first to keep religion in mind in a situation, whether that is Estelley or Guldar Draconism.
| Mythic Shift
* '''Ularen Mechanic:''' Ularen Rite members are treated as equals to the Summoner at any Divinium Summoning of their Character's Religion, and are guaranteed at least one question of their own.
| Self
===Vanelyon Rite===
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Flux Shift 5 | This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
The Vanelyon Rite is named after the Dregodar Prince who died alongside the Dragon Gaia fighting his cousin, the Empress. Composed of mostly Life Isldar, but also a few Aerunthar Dragonkin and some of the straggler hidden worship Draconism communities left behind in Daen, they are steeped in Dragon worship and fierce advocates for the memory of Dragons in history. Members of the Vanelyon rite are presciently concerned about the Senleya Order becoming what it hates if just one Grandmaster goes astray, as from their point of view, the line between Senleya pan-Elven belief, Allorn supremacism, and Apotheon [[Evolism]] cultism is actually quite thin and easy to cross. They operate as a sort of internal secret police that tries to hold the Senleya as a whole accountable not to run ahead with their idealism without considering what got them into the situation in the first place, an overconfidence
* '''Vanelyon Mechanic:''' Vanelyon Rite members can write messages under Magical enchantment that only other Senleya members are capable of seeing, and leave them in places.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Honed Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Honed Skill 1 | Choose Metallurgy, Arcanology, or Linguistics. If at least 3 points are invested in the chosen Proficiency, choose a single 3 Proficiency costing “Pack” for free additionally. This Pack does not contribute to the maximum Packs possible for this Proficiency at max Point investment. If none of these are chosen, nothing is gained.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Weapon Song 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Weapon Song 1 | The user may activate Weapon Song 1 on any Melee Weapon that they are wielding in combat, causing it to levitate in the air, and allowing them to control it as if they were wielding it, except further removed from the actual weapon. This must be their own weapon, and not a weapon they’ve taken or stolen from another. The only thing this does, is create distance between the opponent and the user, thus allowing them more time to respond to moves the opponent makes. The weapon can still be parried and even knocked out of the user’s hand, as it is only displaced. The distance can however be anywhere in Emote Distance, as long as where it is levitating is within view.
| style="background-color:#d3abaa;" | Inth Gift 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Inth Gift 3 | The user has a perfect recall memory through a Memory Phylactery. This is not a physical object, but more a metaphysical abstract concept that causes the user to be immune to any memory alteration, or any Ability that would otherwise make them forget memories, or have them stored elsewhere, altered, added, or diminished. If any memory is forgotten, the user needs simply call upon the Memory Phylactery to restore the memory in full detail. Any Memory Sense I used on the user will result in more clear and perfect imagery than for anyone else.

==half dwarf==
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Since jobs and day to day tasks are covered by the Code section, the Goals section discusses major plans the Guild has for advancement.
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* '''War in Heaven:''' Having studied Dewamenet and Allorn history, and in review of the modern situation, the Senleya believe that wars are won or lost in large part based on the backing and presence of Gods. It is a Senleya mission to try to work towards 'reclaiming' Cemaan from the concept of the Allorn Empire, for example. If the Senleya assess in any situation that a religious revelation would make a group that has potential to assist in the great conflict stronger, then they will quietly put their weight behind whoever is trying to make it work. The Order had a hand in Sinnavei's pro-Regalian outlook, and the reconstitution of Draconism after the Advancement.
! Ability Name
* '''War on Land:''' The Senleya are constantly busy trying to make sure that their constituent member states (and friends) are not snuffed out before the Allorn struggle can even begin. Various priorities include making sure the Sihndar do not fall to Demons, the Suvial are not conquered by the Dread Empire, the Life Isldar are not driven out of Ellador, and the various Elven Principalities still independent are not consumed by the resurgent Allorn Empire. These priorities are often performed in a pro-Regalian scope.
! Ability Type
* '''War of the Mind:''' The Senleya, being a deeply mystic and religious Order, believe that corruption oftentimes begins in a failing of religion. They often work towards correcting deficient interpretations of their member Religions that leave room for corruption, including syncretism that they consider unsuitable: with Evolist Gods, for example. While priests themselves are rarely part of this organization, they have a tendency to prop up priests who they believe will help keep the common folk on the straight and narrow.
! Ability Range
* '''War for Forgiveness:''' The Senleya believe that the low reputation of the Elven people worldwide due to Allorn imperialism must be fixed. It is a Senleya goal to, while taking the past seriously and with all due respect, achieve forgiveness on a societal level between those wronged by the Allorn Empire and the Elves that are no longer part of it. This goal is so abstract and so complicated that it is difficult to find a point to begin. However, many Senleya keep it in mind in case a relevant opportunity arises, or the goal can be worked towards on a personal level.
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#dcd5f2; width: 21%;" | Honed Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Honed Skill 1 | Choose Metallurgy, Arcanology, or Linguistics. If at least 3 points are invested in the chosen Proficiency, choose a single 3 Proficiency costing “Pack” for free additionally. This Pack does not contribute to the maximum Packs possible for this Proficiency at max Point investment. If none of these are chosen, nothing is gained.
| style="background-color:#dcd5f2;" | Super Self 3
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 3| The user can use Super Self 3 to instantly filter (or prevent themselves from breathing/ingesting) and nullify any Gas, Toxin, or ingested Alchemical Substance, making them immune to it. This Ability only affects Ability-Created Gases that have a tangible visual effect. This process is automatic, meaning they cannot pick and choose, except in the case of drinking Alcohol.
| style="background-color:#dcd5f2;" | Home Upgrade 1
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Upgrade 1 | This (Mundane) Region Enchant is always active on the user’s primary residence and cannot be disabled. While active in a region, it becomes immune to fire damage due to sprinkler irrigation systems. Additionally, if a metal block is placed behind the front door or any entrance, if the Region is burgled, any burglars have one of their legs broken due to a trap activating. They can still continue to burgle, but will have to do with a broken leg. This effect cannot be Dodged, Prevented or Countered.

While there is no hierarchy in the Senleya Order, rewards can be achieved for seniority. When you feel your Character has finished leading the Guild through a major story beat, or has achieved something major in line with Guild principles, apply for a Privilege in the Discord Ticket Bot. Similar to Knightly rank-ups, as more Privileges are accrued, it becomes harder to gain more.
# Grants the Character a rent-free Guild Hall Safehouse that the is about the size of 2x Rental Houses that the whole Guild can share. World Staff will do interior, if requested.
# Grants the Character protection against trouble for breaking all of Low Law, and allows them to cast Magic freely without restrictions, using Elven bribes to law enforcement.
# Choose one of: Lanlath Mechanic 5, Finullen Mechanic 5, Solvaan Mechanic 3, Suvial Mechanic TBD, Maquixtl Mechanic 4, or Life Isldar Mechanic 2, and gain it.
# Grants the Character wings (feathered only), allowing Elytra flight (with use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
# Grants the Character an Elf Ally NPC of their desired Theme that can be used to either assist with ongoing Quests or give Quests that generate Artifactsparks.

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history theme is okay but change some details
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Elder Form 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Elder Form 1 | The user is able to manifest a black scaled tail that drags slightly on the floor. The tail can also be bound or hidden under a belt around the waist and then revealed at a later point in time. The tail is prehensile and can aesthetically hold items and move as the user wishes.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Elder Form 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Elder Form 2 | The user is able to change areas of their skin anywhere on their body (except the head) in any quantity and near-instantly. When applied anywhere on the skin, the area becomes as tough as Chainmail. The scale quantity can cover whole limbs, partial limbs, parts of the torso or only the back. If either the hands or feet are covered in scales, the nails turn into aesthetic claws. Additionally, the character can manifest or de-manifest a set of horns. These can either be just two horns, or multiple horns close together. These horns can have any shape or length, but must never be larger than the head, and can only ever bend backwards. Their color can range from ivory to dark gray-brown. These horns are purely aesthetic. The design and shape must always be the same for each individual user and cannot change in their lifetime.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Elder Form 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Elder Form 3 | The user is able to heavily adjust the appearance of their head between two alternatives that cannot be active together at the same time. The first is their capability to change their entire head to look like a Black Desert Dragon, complete with scales down to the shoulders, slitted orange eyes, and ivory horns. The face must always look the same, but can act as a disguise for those who have not identified the Dragon head yet. The horns on the Dragon head must always be the same. With this head, the user can still speak normally. The second option is the ability to change their head hair or facial hair or both into orange flames. These flames move slower than real flames, and respect the rough outline of the Songaskian's hair, while also being considerably more orange in color and cold to the touch.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Super Self 7
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 7 | The Character is immune to burning and hot temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based fire, lava, or steam on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 3.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Element Control 3
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Element Control 3| The user gains a number of utility functions. They may clap their hands to produce Emote Range wide sounding thunder claps, they may use fire or lightning in their hand to light up an Emote wide area and become Immune to Darkness effects caused by Abilities. They may snap their fingers to ignite or douse candles, torches and fire places, and can Channel while inside a building to either remove or prevent fire from spreading into it. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Element Brand 3
| Object Enchant
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Element Brand 3 | This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with a Fire or Storm enchant that makes the weapon either ablaze, or giving off sparks of lightning while appearing white-hot from the forge. Hits with this Enchant do additional harm to the target, causing greater pain, such as searing edges and longer lasting sharp pain that can compound to make combat more difficult, though it does not actually do more damage. This Enchant also cannot set anything on fire and feels cold to the touch to the user. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Home Enchant 2
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Home Enchant 2 | The user is able to Home Enchant 2 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to shield it from certain actions. While this Region Enchant is active, the Region is immune to Vandalism and is also immune from catching ablaze, if there is a fire in the area or district. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the block upon which the front door or gate rests, should be made of Emerald Block.
| style="background-color:#f5d89f;" | Magic Sight 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Magic Sight 2 | The user is able to summon a Magical lantern or candle in their hand that emanates a warm light in a 10x10 block area around them. Any Ability based Darkness that is cast in a wider area will be Nullified (the Darkness is still there, Magic Sight 2 merely temporarily removes the effect in the radius). Beyond the 10x10 radius however, everything remains in Darkness. Additionally, this Ability gives a few optional aesthetics. Users may passively have glowing eyes (that glow less bright than in Magic Sight 1), have a glimmer, or light sparkle on their skin, have sun-ray like tattoos that light up from the hands to the elbows, a sundisk of light projection behind their head, or glowing luminescent blood.

==half altalar==
Far less famous than the great Allorn Empresses of history but no less important are the Lathan Empresses, who have from their far more isolated position quietly given rise to some of the most important global movements in history, including the popularization of Radiant Magic theory, and the founding of the Order discussed on this page. When the Lanlath intervened during the Void Invasion to save the Allorn Empire from destruction at the hands of Demons, their Empress rode out of Lathan in person with a host of her finest guard to take survey of the situation. More than anyone was she deeply disgusted by the wretched state of Elven civilization, and the memory of pain and disgust that they had left behind in the world. But, worst of all, was her reaction to learning from the lips of those left behind what had passed in the centuries that the Lanlath had been secluded behind sealed gates. The  decline of the Suvial, the mass proliferation of Void Cults, the crippling overpopulation and the flight and massacre of the Dregodar, the departure of the Solvaan, all of these things and more she mused could have been presented if there was less distance between the affected. If the Suvial had been willing to die for the Draconism worshipers, or the Draconism worshipers for the Lanlath, then they could have lived together instead of dying apart. With this conviction in hand, she founded the Senleya Order to prevent this from happening again, and engaged in a slow century-long dialogue (as is the Lanlath way) with those who would eventually become the other member groups.

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The Regalian loyalists, the Suvial, the Plains Elves, and even the distant, bitter Isldar were successfully integrated into a continuous organization that could and would fend for itself. However, the slowness of the Lanlath to act compared with the bickering nature of these groups that did not like each other much to begin with made the Senleya lethargic and uncoordinated, preventing them from exercising any kind of global influence in the following critical periods. Allorn revanchism re-flowered in the destroyed Principalities and prevented the foundation of any sort of Fin'ullen branch with the growth of the rival Blue Moon Society for Talea's Restoration instead, and in Regalia, a series of Purist direction changes in the government made the idea of exposing to the Regalian Crown unworkable for fear of eradication. From the end of the first century After Cataclysm until the end of the third century after Cataclysm, the Senleya for the most part focused internally on establishing functioning communication and command structure. The explosion of events from 300-312 AC has seen war break out on Daen again, Talea return, the Isldar fracture due to the Glacial's deception, and more. In the past years, the Senleya have been thrust from status as a disjointed organization that only existed on paper into the first and last line of defense against Dread agents (with whom they are the ultimate rivals), a Regalian regressive takeover, and the ultimate fear of Allorn victory and the destruction of all they have worked towards. From relative obscurity, the Senleya are now considered one of Aloria's most eminent intelligence organizations, up there with the Blue Moon Society, the Suvial Secret Service, and some say even the Slizzar.  
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! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f5d7e7;" | Arcane Mastery 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Arcane Mastery 1 | The user is able to control aesthetic Arcane functions, such as letting a broom brush the floor by itself, letting dishes wash themselves, opening curtains with the wave of a hand, lighting candles with the flick of a finger, opening (unlocked) doors with the flick of a wrist and more. None of these functions may be involved in Combat Roleplay, but there is no limit to the amount that may be running at any given time, and there is no cooldown.
| style="background-color:#f5d7e7;" | Sorcery Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Sorcery Skill 1  | If the Character has purchased at least 1 Sorcery Ability, they may gain an additional Sorcery Ability from any Category for free. This Ability can only trigger once, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the chosen Sorcery Ability is lost.
| style="background-color:#f5d7e7;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.

==Fix Below On The Actual Page==
| style="background-color:#f5d7e7;" | Age Control 1
[/[category:Organizations]] [/[category:Guilds]]
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1  | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.

* The Suvial Secret Service is not part of the Senleya Order: it is loyal to the Suvial Princes directly. In fact, they and the Senleya have fought before, when cooperation has been at low points.
| style="background-color:#f5d7e7;" | Home Enchant 4
* The Senleya often know and greet one another by wearing signets of silver moons on the ring finger of their left hand, opposite where a marriage ring would be, and flashing them from under cloaks.
| Region Enchant
* Senleya symbolism is all moon-focused and moon-oriented, with passphrases, sayings, and symbology of moons plastered all over everything. The Lanlath, Estel zealots, and the Isldar are equally to blame.
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 4 | The user is able to Home Enchant 4 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects. While the region is Enchanted, floating candles, orbs of light, or a general gaze of light may fill the building. This has a number of effects. Firstly, the building itself and all rooms there-in are completely immune to any Darkness being cast into it with an Ability, or being cast from inside of it. Secondly, anyone with the Ability Light Mend 3 can use the interior as if they are standing outside with an uninterrupted line to the sky. Thirdly, the building or region denies entry to Mindless Dimenthist Creatures, such as Void Ghasts, and other Lesser Void Demons that are commonly seen during Events where monsters appear through Veil tears, creating a safehouse of sorts. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region’s ceiling should have several glowstone blocks on it, or floating in the air.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Genos Master 1
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Genos Master 1 | The user is able to activate and de-activate this shift instantaneously. While shifted, the Avanthar gains increased muscularity and body hair, with furred digitigrade legs with goat hooves. They additionally gain antlers or goat horns. While shifted in this form, the Avanthar becomes immune to any Mundane or Ability-based Tracking, and gains Super Self 2.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Mutation Manifest 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Mutation Manifest 1 | The Character can naturally manifest any Mutations from any Mutations Category (except Mutations with specific rules, unless they follow those rules), and can additionally shed them while sleeping, should they choose. Mutations manifested with this Ability do not count as Mutations for the purposes of determining Aberrancy.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Mind Wall 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Mind Wall 1 | The Character has Target Illusion immunity, and can perceive that a Target Illusion is being used on them. They may turn on or off this Illusion at will from their perception.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Body Morph 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Morph 1 | The Character can activate internal body processes to rapidly grow or reduce muscle-mass over the span of several seconds. This allows the Character to change their Body Shape at will, while also granting access to the “Musclegod” Body Shape, a Body Shape that can only be used through this Ability and is not innately available in the Proficiency System. Musclegod is classified as above Strongman, but with such muscle-size that is so large, one would think the person has trouble moving around in an efficient manner. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Great Force 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Great Force 1 | If at any point within 7 blocks of the user heavy objects are falling (for example, a collapsing roof or beam, or a large boulder) the character can brace the falling objects and hold them up long enough for nearby others to escape or not be harmed, and also create an escape for themselves. This Ability cannot be used for any Combat advantage.
| style="background-color:#e8cfb7;" | Keen Mind 2
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Keen Mind 2 | The Character is immune to the Sleight of Hand Pack of Roguery, and will always notice when someone is attempting to Pick-Pocket them.
==aiel cielothar==
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1  | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar 2 | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 2 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 1 | The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Restoration 1
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Restoration 1 | The User can restore simple objects and liquids to their most clean and functional state by holding their hand over the object or liquid, causing their hand and the target to glow with faint white light. This Ability does not apply to weapons, armor, or complex machinery (like clockwork) but can be used on any other object to fully repair it and clean it of any grime, dirt, or damage. If used on an object that had writing on it prior (such as a book), the pages will be restored, but any writing will not remain. If used on liquids, the User can cleanse it of any additives or poisons, making it clean and safe for their consumption. This Ability cannot be used on an object larger than 2x2x2 blocks in dimension, or on more than a pitcher’s worth of liquid at the same time.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Home Enchant 1
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Home Enchant 1 | The user is able to use Home Enchant 1 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to rapidly grow plants and flowers inside the boundaries of this base, creating the perfect environment also to grow any plant in any environment within the confines of this place. Additionally, aesthetic sounds of such an environment would follow, for example, many flowers and plants from a savannah would cause cricket sounds to be heard, while jungle trees evoke the songs of paradise birds. Finally, if the door or front gate of such a Region with Home Enchant 1 is knocked down, broken, or burned down, and the user of this Enchant is present, they may instantly regrow the door or gateway with roots and vines, but only once per 24 hours. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with lots of plants and flowers.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Magic Sight 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Magic Sight 2 | The user is able to summon a Magical lantern or candle in their hand that emanates a warm light in a 10x10 block area around them. Any Ability based Darkness that is cast in a wider area will be Nullified (the Darkness is still there, Magic Sight 2 merely temporarily removes the effect in the radius). Beyond the 10x10 radius however, everything remains in Darkness. Additionally, this Ability gives a few optional aesthetics. Users may passively have glowing eyes (that glow less bright than in Magic Sight 1), have a glimmer, or light sparkle on their skin, have sun-ray like tattoos that light up from the hands to the elbows, a sundisk of light projection behind their head, or glowing luminescent blood.
joiel cielothar
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Age Control 1  | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar 2 | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" |  Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 2 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | World Shift 1
| Control Power
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: World Shift 1 | The user is able to Song-bend any unliving materials (dead wood, stone, metal, glass, bone, etc) into other shapes or a desired shape. This involves the act of singing, and then using one’s hands to bend the material as if it is made of a clay-like substance. This can never result in sharp edges or strong surface that Metallurgy can produce, and is only decorative. Objects cannot decrease or increase in size, and this Ability does not allow the Song-bending of objects that consist of many smaller objects, such as a wall consisting of hundreds of bricks, but does allow the Song-bending of a single wooden pillar in a palisade wall.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" |  Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Empath Sense 1 | The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Binge Curse 1
| Object Curse
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Binge Curse 1 | The user can Target Curse any article of food or drink with the Binge Curse 1. Binge Curse 1 requires the user to envisage or recall a memory, which is then inserted into the Object Curse and placed on the object. After this, if the object is drunk or eaten, the person eating or drinking it will experience a vivid hallucination of the person’s memory that was inserted, in complete color and sound, as if they are there themselves, except through the eyes of the user.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Honed Skill 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Honed Skill 2 | Choose any Hobby Group Proficiency. As long as 5 Proficiency points are invested in this Proficiency, gain another +5 for free. If this Ability were somehow removed from the Character, the Proficiency Point bonus is also removed. This Boost does not break the Proficiency Cap. If the chosen Proficiency is already boosted from any other source, it cannot be boosted by this Ability.
suriell cielothar
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1  | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar 2 | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 2 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 1 | The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Hunt Sense 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Hunt Sense 1 | The Character has permanent Night-Vision in dark or night-time locations, thus being able to see through Mundane Darkness, but not Ability based Darkness. Additionally, if the Character has tasted or smelled freshly drawn blood of an individual within the last 30 minutes, are able to track their location wherever they are in Regalia proper. If the target leaves to a Clandestine Base or Noble Estate however, the tracking ends. While tracking, it's not allowed to use fast travel or sprint, the distance must be walked.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Nature Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Nature Gift 1 | While outside the City, thus nowhere near conventional rental housing, the Character moves “as fast as an Asha” (thus giving the Character Asha Agility). This Ability ceases the moment the Character returns to the urban landscape.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | True Path 1
| Toggle Passive
| Travel Length
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  True Path 1 | The user is able to begin a charge or running speed in a particular direction. Once reaching a particular block, they may activate True Path 1 to scatter their body into a large cloud of non-harmful smaller objects, or flora, or critters, and continue traveling in the same direction as they were running. This allows them to continue moving for up to 10 blocks at sprinting speed, allowing them to pass through any hole, crack or opening. This can be to for example, float through a guard formation, a door, a wall of spikes, etc. After traveling 10 blocks, the character re-manifests, this Ability cannot be ended early, unless met with a solid wall without openings. This Ability has a 15 minute cooldown.
exeiyya cielothar
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1  | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar 2 | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 2  | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Empath Sense 6
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 6 | If any Abilities are used on the Character that would read their emotional state, the Character becomes immediately aware of who is prying into their mind, as long as they are within Emote Distance. Additionally, any such information retrieval is blocked, thus making the Character’s emotional state unreadable, though the user may toggle this on and off at will. The only Ability this does not work on is Empath Sense 2, which always breaks through Empath Sense 6 and is also immune to its detection mechanism.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Curse 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Spirit Curse 1 | The user can curse a Target with Spirit Curse 1 only if they have an Ability that manifests a familiar, or some type of non-Player Character pet. Once Cursed, the pet is freed from the Target’s control and goes berserk, attacking the original owner for 30 seconds. While attacked, the Target is unable to flee or use Abilities or dismiss the Familiar, but can still use Mundane Attacks, speak and perceive things around them, albeit while constantly being clawed or bit or stung. After 30 seconds, the Familiar dissipates, and goes on whatever Cooldown is native to that Familiar’s Ability Source as if it was killed.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Vile Vine 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Vile Vine 1 | The Character can throw or whip a Vile Vine from their arm or hand at a target once per day, which will wrap around any body part of the Target, and then sink into skin, through clothes and armor. While Vile Vine 1 is active on a person, despite not having any Abilities or Affliction status, the person gives off Aberrant status to any Aberrant Detection mechanisms or Abilities available. This Curse lasts for a week, unless removed with Exorcism 1. Additionally, if Vile Vine 1 is used on non-sentient Plant Matter, it will Void Corrupt the plant and anything within a 5-Block Radius of the initial targeted plant.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Home Enchant 6
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 6 | The user is able to use Home Enchant 6 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to allow any plants to grow within it, but automatically Void-Corrupt them when planted or moved into the Region. Aesthetic sounds and other purely aesthetic effects associated with a Void-Corrupted plant environment would follow. Additionally, Sewer Rats can live in the region and flock to it regardless of where the Region is. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with Soul Sand or Soul Soil.
Hyliel (half cielothar)
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Spirit Familiar 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Familiar 1 | The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. Once chosen, the user may choose to manifest and remove smaller visual and aesthetic changes to their body from the animal chosen, but never so thoroughly that it mimics a Werebeast, Allar, or Asha. Secondly, they may summon a magical looking familiar of the animal chosen that may never be larger than a domestic cat regardless of original size of the animal, but may also be smaller depending on the preference of the user. This familiar can carry a single object on them, but may never enter combat, and is disabled for 1 hour if hit by any Ability or Attack. If a Magical aesthetic is not desired, a Mundane creature can also appear to the Character in their childhood and stay with them, with this Ability applying to them, with all other rules. The Mundane creature gains a lifespan as long as the user.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Empath Sense 1 | The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 2 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Light Mend 3
| Magic Spell
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Light Mend 3 | The user feeds and gains strength from sunlight or moonlight. Either moonlight or sunlight are capable of feeding the user much like normal food would, thus making drinking and eating redundant for them (though they still can). Additionally, while standing outside (with no block that interrupts a direct line from the player model to the open sky, including leaf blocks), the Character has +5 Physical Stat, and can choose to absorb strength from the moon or sun and increase Body Shape by one additional step.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Arcane Mastery 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Arcane Mastery 1 | The user is able to control aesthetic Arcane functions, such as letting a broom brush the floor by itself, letting dishes wash themselves, opening curtains with the wave of a hand, lighting candles with the flick of a finger, opening (unlocked) doors with the flick of a wrist and more. None of these functions may be involved in Combat Roleplay, but there is no limit to the amount that may be running at any given time, and there is no cooldown.
| style="background-color:#f7f7ba;" | Shrewd Insight 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Shrewd Insight 1 | When conversing with a person, the user can, once a day, detect the true disposition of a person towards them. This may be done either by detecting how much the target likes or dislikes the user, or by more specifically detecting how they perceive the user. This may need to be updated from time to time, as people change their minds about others all the time. A character with at least 10 Proficiency Points in Theatre Arts is immune to this Ability. They simply send back blank results.
moon vault
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Super Self 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Super Self 6 | The Character is immune to hypothermia and cold temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based Ice, snow, or frost on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 1.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Frisit Gift 1 | The Character can hear and use Wyrmtongue, the Dragon language, and can hear Dragons speak Wyrmtongue from miles away. Additionally, the Character can see Soul Rivers, materialize them to others to see, and steer them around aesthetically.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Frisit Gift 2 | The Character is able to summon and unsummon either two identical melee weapons or one ranged weapon into their hands at will made of Soul Essence. Ranged weapons summoned through this ability have infinite ammunition, but can only use the default ranged attack. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown. Proficiency in the specified type of weapon is required to utilize any abilities listed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Exorcism 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exorcism 4 | The user can perform a passing ritual on NPC Poltergeists or dead bodies, lasting 5 minutes, causing spirits to peacefully pass on to the afterlife and causing extreme displeasure for any Undead nearby. Additionally, if used on a dead body, it prevents resurrection as an Undead.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Magic Sight 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Magic Sight 2 | The user is able to summon a Magical lantern or candle in their hand that emanates a warm light in a 10x10 block area around them. Any Ability based Darkness that is cast in a wider area will be Nullified (the Darkness is still there, Magic Sight 2 merely temporarily removes the effect in the radius). Beyond the 10x10 radius however, everything remains in Darkness. Additionally, this Ability gives a few optional aesthetics. Users may passively have glowing eyes (that glow less bright than in Magic Sight 1), have a glimmer, or light sparkle on their skin, have sun-ray like tattoos that light up from the hands to the elbows, a sundisk of light projection behind their head, or glowing luminescent blood.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Power Curse 3
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Power Curse 3  | The user can cast Power Curse 3 once per hour on a single individual. When affected, the Target’s left or right arm (depending on the choice of the user) becomes constricted by some form of constraint. This constraint lasts for 30 seconds, and completely disables the use of that limb for the duration as it remains rigid and unmoveable. After the 30 seconds are over, the limb is usable again and the constraints melt away.
crystal spire
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Super Self 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Super Self 6 | The Character is immune to hypothermia and cold temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based Ice, snow, or frost on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 1.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Frisit Gift 1 | The Character can hear and use Wyrmtongue, the Dragon language, and can hear Dragons speak Wyrmtongue from miles away. Additionally, the Character can see Soul Rivers, materialize them to others to see, and steer them around aesthetically.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Frisit Gift 2 | The Character is able to summon and unsummon either two identical melee weapons or one ranged weapon into their hands at will made of Soul Essence. Ranged weapons summoned through this ability have infinite ammunition, but can only use the default ranged attack. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown. Proficiency in the specified type of weapon is required to utilize any abilities listed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Exorcism 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exorcism 4 | The user can perform a passing ritual on NPC Poltergeists or dead bodies, lasting 5 minutes, causing spirits to peacefully pass on to the afterlife and causing extreme displeasure for any Undead nearby. Additionally, if used on a dead body, it prevents resurrection as an Undead.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Power Howl 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Power Howl 1 | The Character can unleash a blood curling echoing scream that reverberates in Emote Distance. Anyone who is Channelling an Ability or about to Channel has the Channel forcibly interrupted, regardless of what interruption rules this Ability has. If this Channel Ability has a cooldown shorter than 5 minutes, it is set to a 5 minute cooldown. If longer, the Ability’s own cooldown is used. Additionally, anyone within 2 blocks of the user that was mid-swing with an attack, has their attack Staggered, meaning it automatically misses or is interrupted. This Ability has a 30 minute cooldown.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Memory Sense 2
| Target Illusion
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Memory Sense 2 | The Character is able to project a ghostly and holographic image of their memories out into the world around them. The user can rotate, zoom in and out, and make minor aesthetic changes to the holographic memory as they wish. If the user does not fully remember parts of the memory, it will appear fake or blurry. Fake or implanted memories will appear as real, but the user cannot create fake memories themselves. This ability has no cooldown.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Super Self 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Super Self 6 | The Character is immune to hypothermia and cold temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based Ice, snow, or frost on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 1.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Frisit Gift 1 | The Character can hear and use Wyrmtongue, the Dragon language, and can hear Dragons speak Wyrmtongue from miles away. Additionally, the Character can see Soul Rivers, materialize them to others to see, and steer them around aesthetically.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Frisit Gift 2 | The Character is able to summon and unsummon either two identical melee weapons or one ranged weapon into their hands at will made of Soul Essence. Ranged weapons summoned through this ability have infinite ammunition, but can only use the default ranged attack. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown. Proficiency in the specified type of weapon is required to utilize any abilities listed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 3
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Frisit Gift 3 | The Character's scales extend to the rest of their body, becoming completely covered in Dragonscale. Their head also changes into that of a horn-less Wyvern, while flight-less Dragonwings sprout from their back. While in this Shift, the Character can move at the speed of an Asha, becomes immune to any rooting or leg-based trapping Abilities, and cannot be knocked back or off their feet. This Shift can only be maintained for 10 minutes, before going on a 1 hour cooldown.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Exorcism 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exorcism 4 | The user can perform a passing ritual on NPC Poltergeists or dead bodies, lasting 5 minutes, causing spirits to peacefully pass on to the afterlife and causing extreme displeasure for any Undead nearby. Additionally, if used on a dead body, it prevents resurrection as an Undead.
shiva cavern
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Super Self 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Super Self 6 | The Character is immune to hypothermia and cold temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based Ice, snow, or frost on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 1.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Frisit Gift 1 | The Character can hear and use Wyrmtongue, the Dragon language, and can hear Dragons speak Wyrmtongue from miles away. Additionally, the Character can see Soul Rivers, materialize them to others to see, and steer them around aesthetically.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Frisit Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Frisit Gift 2 | The Character is able to summon and unsummon either two identical melee weapons or one ranged weapon into their hands at will made of Soul Essence. Ranged weapons summoned through this ability have infinite ammunition, but can only use the default ranged attack. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown. Proficiency in the specified type of weapon is required to utilize any abilities listed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Exorcism 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exorcism 4 | The user can perform a passing ritual on NPC Poltergeists or dead bodies, lasting 5 minutes, causing spirits to peacefully pass on to the afterlife and causing extreme displeasure for any Undead nearby. Additionally, if used on a dead body, it prevents resurrection as an Undead.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Element Control 6
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 6 | The user can enchant any person’s outfit (not armor) with the Element Control 6 Enchant that lasts for up to an hour. When cast on an outfit, this counts as an Enchant on the outfit. While enchanted, the clothing may manifest any elemental aesthetic including but not limited to: frayed singing edges, sashes made of watery silk, frost crystalline formations in cotton, magmous seams or gently flickering static, or any combination and frequency of these and more. All these visual changes are merely aesthetic though and add no functions. Additionally, while their clothes have this Enchant on them, they will gently float and never fall at terminal velocity while moving downwards, thus never falling to their death. The user may Enchant up to 10 outfits per day, but removal of even a single piece of clothing after the Enchant is made will break the Enchant. If the Enchant is used on the user’s own clothing, it instead lasts for 24 hours, instead of 1 hour, but they can also end it prematurely.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Summon Wall 1
| Linked Channel
| 5 Block Range
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Summon Wall 1 | The Character can stand still and Channel for 30 seconds to summon a 2x3 (of either orientation) sized Wall in an unoccupied space within 5 blocks of them made of material determined by the source of this Ability. This Wall can be made in between doorways, or independent of any other structures, but cannot be placed over existing structures or people. Once created, the Character must remain within 5 Blocks of the Wall, or else it will disappear. The Wall can be broken naturally as if it was made of mundane wooden materials through a minute of uninterrupted effort. Once the Wall is created, the Character is no longer considered as Channeling for the purpose of counters. Summon Wall 1 cannot be cast again within Emote Distance of an already existing Summon Wall 1 wall. In order to place a Wall, use an in-game ticket to ask Lore Staff or World Staff for help. The Wall can be made of any legal blocks, with a sign that states “Summon Wall 1.” This Ability can only be used once every 30 minutes.
half isldar
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Empath Sense 5
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 5 | While in any area that major events took place in the past or repeated emotions were felt, for example battle-fields, graveyards, burial sites, hospitals, celebration halls, throne rooms, etc, the Character is able to detect the lingering emotions that were felt in these areas. They are not strong enough to affect the Character’s own psyche, they are just able to feel the lingering emotions of centuries past. This is only felt in areas where lots of people come together to do a similar thing, or hundreds of people felt a similar thing at the same time.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Element Brand 1
| Object Enchant
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Brand 1 | This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with an Ice or Water enchant that makes the weapon watery and dripping or dusting with frost and white. Additionally, anyone struck with this weapon becomes unable to move at a speed greater than walking speed. Parrying does not count as being hit, while being hit on the armor does. The effect lasts for 1 minute, and while being hit multiple times does not stack this effect, it does refresh every time the opponent is hit. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| style="background-color:#eaf1f9;" | Element Control 1
| Magic Spell
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 1 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may remove all water from their clothing and themselves, instantly drying them. They may walk on water as if it is merely the road. They may also use the Water as a trampoline, allowing them to jump 6 blocks high while standing on the water. They may also super-cool any lukewarm or warmed up drink and become immune to the slowing (but not rooting) effects of any Ability that uses frost, snow or ice to slow down movement. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
common kit
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Kathar Binding 1
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Kathar Binding 1 | The Kathar can infuse a specific accessory item with a single feeling. If the item is accepted as a gift, it will cause the target’s personality to change with the imparted feeling for 5 days. For example, a ring can cause a person to become more slothful, or to become less kind, or to become more lustful. After the time is over, the item becomes mundane. Items cursed by this ability are considered an Object Curse. Additionally, the Kathar can target another person and touch them, linking them together. This causes any physical sensation felt by either person to be also copied and transferred to the other. This is not only limited to pleasant feelings (such as the mouth-watering in anticipation of good food, or the butterfly stomach feeling of a passionate kiss) but also unpleasant feelings such as pain from being struck with a weapon. This connection can be removed any time by the caster, or broken with any Exorcism or Possession removing Ability on the victim. Only one link can be active for the caster, and after it has broken, this aspect of the Ability goes on a 24 hour cooldown, and the same target cannot be targeted for another week.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Kathar Binding 2
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Kathar Binding 2 | This ritual allows the Kathar to produce a 7 day lasting Target Curse totem (which can be an object of any kind that can be worn or kept on a person) that when accepted by a person as a gift (or forced on a person), gives them visual similarities to the Kathar who gifted them the totem (skin, hair color, eye color, Body Build). They can additionally also graft mentality changes onto the gift receiver, particularly making them more favorable to the Kathar for the duration of the totem’s effects. After the effects wear off, a new totem can be applied. Additionally, the Curse also gives the target loyalty to the Kathar who made the totem. If the Kathar has the aid of 2 other Kathar, they can perform a ritual on a Nelfin or Half-Nelfin, allowing them to transform the person into a Kathar. The transformation is temporary for 3 days, and if the target was unwilling, it will revert after 3 days. Players who are consenting however may also make it permanent. This Ability can be reused on those who have had it used once on them already, but it can never be used on Manathar.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Arken Sense 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Arken Sense 1 | The user is able to detect an Arken, Arken Soul, or Arkenspark, if it is present within Emote Distance. This Ability is not constant, and must be activated to sense, but has also no cooldown and is instant.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Arcane Mastery 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Arcane Mastery 1 | The user is able to control aesthetic Arcane functions, such as letting a broom brush the floor by itself, letting dishes wash themselves, opening curtains with the wave of a hand, lighting candles with the flick of a finger, opening (unlocked) doors with the flick of a wrist and more. None of these functions may be involved in Combat Roleplay, but there is no limit to the amount that may be running at any given time, and there is no cooldown.
ability pool
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Age Control 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Age Control 1 | The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Body Scripture 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Scripture 1 | Grants the user the ability to manifest a form of Scripture in any quantity anywhere on their body, which appear like tattoos of glowing lines. Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself. The color will never glow enough to produce light in a dark room.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 1 | The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Skin Purge 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Skin Purge 1 | The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Emotion Sense 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Emotion Sense 1 | The user can summon a hologram of the target’s current greatest desire in front of them to show them their inner desire, the target does not need to be willing, but only the target and the user can see the hologram. This hologram must be unmoving and see-through, but can reflect for example a Character sitting on a throne, an object they desire, the death of another person, etc. The desire is based on the Character’s ambitions and hopes, not necessarily their in-the moment wants. If the target has at least 10 Theatre Arts, this Ability does not work on them.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | World Shift 1
| Control Power
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: World Shift 1 | The user is able to Song-bend any unliving materials (dead wood, stone, metal, glass, bone, etc) into other shapes or a desired shape. This involves the act of singing, and then using one’s hands to bend the material as if it is made of a clay-like substance. This can never result in sharp edges or strong surface that Metallurgy can produce, and is only decorative. Objects cannot decrease or increase in size, and this Ability does not allow the Song-bending of objects that consist of many smaller objects, such as a wall consisting of hundreds of bricks, but does allow the Song-bending of a single wooden pillar in a palisade wall.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Flux Shift 6
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Flux Shift 6 | The user is able to change their Body Shape, Body Fat, Sex and Body Hair (including top hair and facial hair: color, texture, shape and consistency) at any point, seamlessly and instantaneously.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Home Enchant 6
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 6 | The user is able to use Home Enchant 6 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to allow any plants to grow within it, but automatically Void-Corrupt them when planted or moved into the Region. Aesthetic sounds and other purely aesthetic effects associated with a Void-Corrupted plant environment would follow. Additionally, Sewer Rats can live in the region and flock to it regardless of where the Region is. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with Soul Sand or Soul Soil.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Peace Reign 1
| Control Power
| Event Venune
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Peace Reign 1 | The user may choose to, at any Event Venue either from a hosted event as found on the Calendar, or for a social gathering in their own home, apply a Control Power to diffuse anger in a character and soothe their frustration or anger if they experience it during the social gathering or event, while still on the venue. The effect is indefinite, causing the target to be more calmed, and will endure even if they leave, but will not prevent it from triggering again in the future. This has no cooldown, and may be applied to as many targets as desired, but only during the event/gathering and on venue/in home.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Spirit Curse 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Spirit Curse 1 | The user can curse a Target with Spirit Curse 1 only if they have an Ability that manifests a familiar, or some type of non-Player Character pet. Once Cursed, the pet is freed from the Target’s control and goes berserk, attacking the original owner for 30 seconds. While attacked, the Target is unable to flee or use Abilities or dismiss the Familiar, but can still use Mundane Attacks, speak and perceive things around them, albeit while constantly being clawed or bit or stung. After 30 seconds, the Familiar dissipates, and goes on whatever Cooldown is native to that Familiar’s Ability Source as if it was killed.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Vile Vine 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Vile Vine 1 | The Character can throw or whip a Vile Vine from their arm or hand at a target once per day, which will wrap around any body part of the Target, and then sink into skin, through clothes and armor. While Vile Vine 1 is active on a person, despite not having any Abilities or Affliction status, the person gives off Aberrant status to any Aberrant Detection mechanisms or Abilities available. This Curse lasts for a week, unless removed with Exorcism 1. Additionally, if Vile Vine 1 is used on non-sentient Plant Matter, it will Void Corrupt the plant and anything within a 5-Block Radius of the initial targeted plant.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Mutation Manifest 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Mutation Manifest 1 | The Character can naturally manifest any Mutations from any Mutations Category (except Mutations with specific rules, unless they follow those rules), and can additionally shed them while sleeping, should they choose. Mutations manifested with this Ability do not count as Mutations for the purposes of determining Aberrancy.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Disguised Form 1
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Disguised Form 1 | The Character is capable of producing a shift state in which they create an alternative Nelfin appearance for themselves, where they can appear like any Nelfin race or sub-race, change gender, or change their height and Body Shape freely. Usage of this Ability can only be detected by those who have had repeated and prolonged personal contact with the individual, such as friends, lovers, and family. This Ability cannot hide visual effects and mutations caused by Afflictions. This appearance can only be changed once a month.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Super Self 2
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Super Self 2 | The user can use Super Self 2 to instantly shift or move their feet or legs or ankles by either contorting, phasing, ghosting or re-shaping in such a way that any Rooting, Trapping or Snaring that is applied on them is instantly cancelled the moment it hits (all other effects of those Abilities or Mundane Techniques still apply). This Ability does not affect Abilities that apply Disabling effects to specific limbs or Paralysis.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Void Storage 1
| Void Spell
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Void Storage 1 | The Character has a pocket dimension called the Maw of the Void, in which they can store items up to a closet’s worth of space. The Maw opens up next to them, where they must physically put things in/take them out. Things inside do not rot or decay or experience time, and a single person can be trapped or hidden in the Maw for up to 10 minutes, after which they will be ejected (but not items). A person can only be placed inside of the Maw if the creator physically puts them there like any other tangible object they would be storing, and only if they are fully restrained and incapacitated (or willing). The same person can only be trapped once in the Maw every 24 hours.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Flux Shift 5
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Flux Shift 5 | This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Body Claws 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Claws 1 | The Character can retract or manifest sharp claws that ignore any type of armor that is not plate-tier, and can tear up even chainmail and cured leather. These claws utilize Unarmed Proficiency for combat, but cannot be used in conjunction with any Melee or Ranged Weapons, and must be fully retracted to wield them.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Power Curse 2
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Power Curse 2 | The user has the Power Curse 2 enabled on themselves permanently, however it has only one charge every 12 hours. The charge is triggered when any Knockdown or Knockback effect is imparted on the user. The effect is instead Countered, and the Character that used an Ability or Technique that caused the Knockdown or Knockback is affected by the effect instead. Other effects, damage and mechanics from Abilities causing Knockback and Knockdown still apply to the user.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Servile Collar 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Servile Collar 1 | The user can target either a willing or fully restrained unwilling person to apply a Control Power on them. Once applied, the target goes catatonic, their eyes become solid milky white, and they are no longer conscious of their surroundings. The user then has 10 minutes to give instructions to the Servile, after which the Servile must attempt to complete the instructions immediately (if the instructions are not completed, this Ability goes on Cooldown and ends). Serviles can be given multiple stages leading up to the final command (such as, for example go there, disguise as this, then stab this person), but cannot be given multiple commands (such as, stab this person, fake this document, and burn this house down). Once the Servile is either restrained, knocked unconscious, has Exorcism 2 applied to them, completes the objective, or cannot complete the objective within 24 hours, the Control Power is removed. Either way the Control Power ends, the Servile has no memory of the instructions given or any of their actions taken after instructions to before the removal of its effects. All the while the Control Power is active, the Target is catatonic but still functions like a zombie, they will continue to go about trying to complete their mission but look as if they are in a daze, their eyes milky white and will not speak or respond to any prompting. Serviles will move around obstacles and will defend themselves, and cannot be instructed to harm themselves. The Servile can never be instructed to speak or reveal things, it can only do things. This Ability has a 48 hour Cooldown.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Exist Counter 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exist Counter 1 | Once per day, the Character can entirely Counter a single Ability from an Exist Based Non-Racial Ability Kit. This prevents an ability from being used, stops an ongoing ability, and cancels and removes any effects it may have imparted as long as it is used within 10 seconds of the Ability being used, and as long as it was specifically targeting the Character.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Pure Body 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Pure Body 1 | The Character is immune to Afflictions. Any type of Affliction simply fails to infect them, even if it would come at the end of an Ability. Some Event Characters like Arken may have the Ability to negate this effect. Additionally, the Character is unable to learn or use Sorcery, if a Character gains Pure Body 1 at a later point in time, they lose their Sorcery or Magic and do not get Proficiency refunds.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Exist Counter 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Exist Counter 2 | The Character is completely immune to Abilities gained from Exist-Based Sorcery, Exist Magic Kit, or Werebeast Kits. They cannot affect them negatively, or positively, and they are not target-able.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Hunt Sense 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Hunt Sense 1 | The Character has permanent Night-Vision in dark or night-time locations, thus being able to see through Mundane Darkness, but not Ability based Darkness. Additionally, if the Character has tasted or smelled freshly drawn blood of an individual within the last 30 minutes, are able to track their location wherever they are in Regalia proper. If the target leaves to a Clandestine Base or Noble Estate however, the tracking ends. While tracking, it's not allowed to use fast travel or sprint, the distance must be walked.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Rogue Gift 4
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Rogue Gift 4 | Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Character, and the character no longer makes noise when attempting to remain silent. Additionally, the character does not produce audible footsteps on any surface.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Sorcery Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Sorcery Skill 1 | If the Character has purchased at least 1 Sorcery Ability, they may gain an additional Sorcery Ability from any Category for free. This Ability can only trigger once, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the chosen Sorcery Ability is lost.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Nature Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Nature Gift 1 | While outside the City, thus nowhere near conventional rental housing, the Character moves “as fast as an Asha” (thus giving the Character Asha Agility). This Ability ceases the moment the Character returns to the urban landscape.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Peace Reign 2
| Control Power
| Event Venue
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Peace Reign 2 | The Character is able to Target one specific person within Emote Distance, and make them more tolerant and accepting. This ability is not telegraphed in any way, and causes the Target to be unable to distinguish between races, including their own, and have no racial bias, preference, or prejudice. The target additionally cannot express classist, religiously intolerant, or otherwise sexist/sex or gender based intolerance. The person is still capable of being offended and is still capable of violence, but will no longer be able to have bigoted thoughts. This can affect up to 2 people at any given time. This ability is indefinite, but can be removed by any Exorcism or Possession removal mechanic. The person is also not aware that they have been altered by this ability. Additionally, as long as the character has no one currently altered by this ability, they can cast this Ability over an Event Venue, removing innate racial bias and racism (but only racial bias and racism) from all guests for the duration of the Event. When a person has had this ability removed, they cannot be re-cursed for another week.
| style="background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Shrewd Insight 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Shrewd Insight 1 | When conversing with a person, the user can, once a day, detect the true disposition of a person towards them. This may be done either by detecting how much the target likes or dislikes the user, or by more specifically detecting how they perceive the user. This may need to be updated from time to time, as people change their minds about others all the time. A character with at least 10 Proficiency Points in Theatre Arts is immune to this Ability. They simply send back blank results.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Sorcery Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Sorcery Skill 1 | If the Character has purchased at least 1 Sorcery Ability, they may gain an additional Sorcery Ability from any Category for free. This Ability can only trigger once, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the chosen Sorcery Ability is lost.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | World Shift 1
| Control Power
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: World Shift 1 | The user is able to Song-bend any unliving materials (dead wood, stone, metal, glass, bone, etc) into other shapes or a desired shape. This involves the act of singing, and then using one’s hands to bend the material as if it is made of a clay-like substance. This can never result in sharp edges or strong surface that Metallurgy can produce, and is only decorative. Objects cannot decrease or increase in size, and this Ability does not allow the Song-bending of objects that consist of many smaller objects, such as a wall consisting of hundreds of bricks, but does allow the Song-bending of a single wooden pillar in a palisade wall.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Flux Shift 5
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Flux Shift 5 | This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Mythic or Racial Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Yanar Biology 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Yanar Biology 1  | The Yanar is composed primarily of plant matter. When the Yanar dies, or goes through the Wyldbirth Cycle, they shed their body as fertilizer and are reborn after 48 hours. This new body can have a completely different appearance, be of a different Yanera subspecies, have a different personality, different Body Shape, but must always have the same Proficiencies. For more specifics, read the Wyldbirth section above under Physical Characteristics. A Yanar can only go through Wyldbirth 4 times a year, based on the 4 seasons. Additionally, the Yanar is able to exert minor influence on the flora around them, causing them to sway with a wave of the character’s hand.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Yanar Biology 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Yanar Biology 2 | The Yanar can, while in a region or area affected by Home Enchant 7, meditate while holding hands with as many other characters with Yanar Biology 2, and up to one character without Yanar Biology 2, drawing them into a communal dream-realm. While in this realm, they can talk and share photo-like images of memories to others in dream. Anyone can leave the realm at will, or be forced out of it if their meditation is disturbed. Additionally, the Yanar can forcibly bring anyone who is fully restrained or incapacitated into the dream realm as well. This is not voluntary, and the target cannot leave on their own. The target cannot close their eyes, allowing the Yanar to bombard them with flash-like photos of memories, sounds, and smells in rapid succession. This can only be used on one target at a time, and can only be disrupted by the Yanar ending it, or being forced away from the Target.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Yanar Biology 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Yanar Biology 3 | The Yanar can summon a plant or bark stave between 5 to 6 feet long that is as tough as steel. It can be freely given to others, but will rot after 48 hours. The Yanar can re-absorb the Stave at will by touching it, and can only summon one stave at a time. It can be stolen from the Yanar. Additionally, the Yanar can plant a piece of fruit in a region affected by Home Enchant 7, growing a domestic-cat sized familiar called a Yattil that takes on features of the fruit and a certain kind of animal. The Yattil is purely aesthetic, and can interact with their Yanar owner in friendly ways, but cannot be hurt or assist in any functional capacity. Only one Yattil can exist at any given time, though the Yanar can re-plant the Yattil to change its fruit or animal type.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Home Enchant 7
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 7 | The user is able to use Home Enchant 7 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, or a 10x10 area of greenery, to transform it into a Solur Garden. This Garden allows any plants to be grown within them, and protects them from Corruption or Fungus, even from Abilities such as Vile Vine 1. In addition, the Garden can have any number of small Solur Companions, which are mostly aesthetic acorn-sized familiars that cannot leave the confines of the garden. If the Garden is attacked or intruded upon, these Solur companions will jump at the assailants, one per intruder. From there, they will explode and reduce all Combat Proficiencies of the user by 25%. This effect remains for as long as the intruders are in the garden, or up to an hour maximum. If the Garden is burned, this Region Enchant ends, and the same area cannot be re-enchanted for 24 hours. Only one Region or area may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with Sunflowers.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Light Mend 3
| Magic Spell
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Light Mend 3 | The user feeds and gains strength from sunlight or moonlight. Either moonlight or sunlight are capable of feeding the user much like normal food would, thus making drinking and eating redundant for them (though they still can). Additionally, while standing outside (with no block that interrupts a direct line from the player model to the open sky, including leaf blocks), the Character has +5 Physical Stat, and can choose to absorb strength from the moon or sun and increase Body Shape by one additional step.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Flux Shift 6
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Flux Shift 6 | The user is able to change their Body Shape, Body Fat, Sex and Body Hair (including top hair and facial hair: color, texture, shape and consistency) at any point, seamlessly and instantaneously.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Flux Shift 7
| Mythic Shift
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Flux Shift 7 | The user is able to shift races on themselves. Unlike Flux Shift 1 however, there is no flexibility to change individual aspects. Flux Shift 7 simply translates the exact person as they look in their original race, to whatever race they have chosen, with all visual features that make them recognizable translating over to the new race’s equivalent features. Even if logic would dictate that a race shift from Ailor to Url would become unrecognizable, they still are. Their voice also remains the same.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Empath Sense 2
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Empath Sense 2 | The Character may blank their own emotional state while focusing on a single person within Emote Distance. As long as focus and a stare is maintained, the Character will duplicate the emotions and feelings of the Target and feel them, themselves. For example, extreme grief or joy, or heartache and melancholy. This does not explain why they feel that way, it simply copies the feeling to the user without altering the feelings of the Target.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Shrewd Insight 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Shrewd Insight 1 | When conversing with a person, the user can, once a day, detect the true disposition of a person towards them. This may be done either by detecting how much the target likes or dislikes the user, or by more specifically detecting how they perceive the user. This may need to be updated from time to time, as people change their minds about others all the time. A character with at least 10 Proficiency Points in Theatre Arts is immune to this Ability. They simply send back blank results.
| style="background-color:#cbf1cb;" | Yanar Biology 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Yanar Biology 4 | The Yanar can target one person within Emote Distance, and alter the aesthetic visuals of their body via plants and petals to suit the person’s interests. For example, the person’s favorite color, or flower, or hair length might appear or re-appear on the Yanar’s body. Additionally, these Yanar always produce an Emote Range wide floral scent that smells different to each person that smells it, always representing their favorite floral or fruity smell.
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|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Keen Mind 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Keen Mind 1 | Whenever any Control Power is used on the user that has some sort of Emotion, Feelings, Opinion or Perception reading element, the user immediately becomes aware that their mind is being prodded, and can send back whatever signal they want, thus effectively faking any attempt to read them and manipulate the person trying to read them on top.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Home Enchant 3
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 3 | The user is able to Home Enchant 3 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects to certain Proficiencies used by the user inside the Region (and only the user). While inside the region where this Enchant is active, the user gains +5 Proficiency Points for the use of any Musical Skill, Visual Art, Craft Art, Household Art, or Culinary Art Proficiencies actively being used. Additionally, various items in the household will proceed to come alive, and visualize this effect by assisting the user, for example potted plants might aid in seasoning a stew, while flying books might blow extra air into a glass-blower to aid with crafting. If however the user is doing one of these activities together with 1 other person, that person is also aided, and gains the same boost. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, but the user may only have one active at any given time.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Meraic Will 1 | The user is capable of using crystal magic to change the color of their skin and hair within the racial palette of their race. They can change it instantaneously and independently, but cannot ever be used to change their eye color.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Meraic Will 2 | The user's hair is lustrous, long, and capable of being maneuvered at the will of the wearer to perform minor tasks. The hair can pick up objects no heavier than five pounds, and will be formed into two “limbs” when in this utility state. However, when the user wishes, they can engage an alteration that will split their hair into eight limbs that will harden into a leather-like consistency resistant to easy cutting. In this state, the hair can support a user’s weight to drag them along the ground and can perform up to eight minor aesthetic tasks.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Body Tether 1
| Immobile Channel
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Tether 1 | The Character can target another Character they can clearly see within Emote Distance, and attach a ghostly Tether to them. While tethered, the Target cannot leave Emote Distance, but can move freely anywhere within that range. If the Character channeling is attacked, this Ability ends. A Character can only be affected by this Body Tether 1 once every Hour. Body Tether 1 can only be cast once within Emote Distance per 30 minutes.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Mind Shield 1
| Control Power
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Mind Shield 1 | The user is able to enchant any piece of jewelry with the Mind Shield 1 Enchant which only works if worn by the user. If the wearer is being targeted by any Target Illusion Ability or Object Illusion, the jewelry starts loudly ringing, while also making the user immune to the Illusion for 10 minutes, after which the jewelry must recharge for 12 hours before it can work again. It is important to note that the Illusion itself is not Countered or Cancelled, it is only made unperceivable by the user, meaning if the Illusion lasts longer than 10 minutes, it will start affecting them.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Element Control 6
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Element Control 6 | The user can enchant any person’s outfit (not armor) with the Element Control 6 Enchant that lasts for up to an hour. When cast on an outfit, this counts as an Enchant on the outfit. While enchanted, the clothing may manifest any elemental aesthetic including but not limited to: frayed singing edges, sashes made of watery silk, frost crystalline formations in cotton, magmous seams or gently flickering static, or any combination and frequency of these and more. All these visual changes are merely aesthetic though and add no functions. Additionally, while their clothes have this Enchant on them, they will gently float and never fall at terminal velocity while moving downwards, thus never falling to their death. The user may Enchant up to 10 outfits per day, but removal of even a single piece of clothing after the Enchant is made will break the Enchant. If the Enchant is used on the user’s own clothing, it instead lasts for 24 hours, instead of 1 hour, but they can also end it prematurely.
ka maraya
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Keen Mind 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Keen Mind 1 | Whenever any Control Power is used on the user that has some sort of Emotion, Feelings, Opinion or Perception reading element, the user immediately becomes aware that their mind is being prodded, and can send back whatever signal they want, thus effectively faking any attempt to read them and manipulate the person trying to read them on top.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Home Enchant 3
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 3 | The user is able to Home Enchant 3 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects to certain Proficiencies used by the user inside the Region (and only the user). While inside the region where this Enchant is active, the user gains +5 Proficiency Points for the use of any Musical Skill, Visual Art, Craft Art, Household Art, or Culinary Art Proficiencies actively being used. Additionally, various items in the household will proceed to come alive, and visualize this effect by assisting the user, for example potted plants might aid in seasoning a stew, while flying books might blow extra air into a glass-blower to aid with crafting. If however the user is doing one of these activities together with 1 other person, that person is also aided, and gains the same boost. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, but the user may only have one active at any given time.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Meraic Will 1  | The user is capable of using crystal magic to change the color of their skin and hair within the racial palette of their race. They can change it instantaneously and independently, but cannot ever be used to change their eye color.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Meraic Will 3 | The user is capable of summoning a Remnant Crystal, which is a solid grey pentagonal prism crystal with Meraic text written within it. When squeezed in one hand and peered through, the user can read and understand any Language that is written in text form in front of them. This does not work for any code-speech or ciphers. This Crystal can be summoned or unsummoned at will, and cannot be handed off to others.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Empath Sense 5
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Empath Sense 5 | While in any area that major events took place in the past or repeated emotions were felt, for example battle-fields, graveyards, burial sites, hospitals, celebration halls, throne rooms, etc, the Character is able to detect the lingering emotions that were felt in these areas. They are not strong enough to affect the Character’s own psyche, they are just able to feel the lingering emotions of centuries past. This is only felt in areas where lots of people come together to do a similar thing, or hundreds of people felt a similar thing at the same time.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Element Control 1
| Magic Spell
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Element Control 1 | The user gains a number of utility functions. They may remove all water from their clothing and themselves, instantly drying them. They may walk on water as if it is merely the road. They may also use the Water as a trampoline, allowing them to jump 6 blocks high while standing on the water. They may also super-cool any lukewarm or warmed up drink and become immune to the slowing (but not rooting) effects of any Ability that uses frost, snow or ice to slow down movement. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Empath Sense 5
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Empath Sense 5 | While in any area that major events took place in the past or repeated emotions were felt, for example battle-fields, graveyards, burial sites, hospitals, celebration halls, throne rooms, etc, the Character is able to detect the lingering emotions that were felt in these areas. They are not strong enough to affect the Character’s own psyche, they are just able to feel the lingering emotions of centuries past. This is only felt in areas where lots of people come together to do a similar thing, or hundreds of people felt a similar thing at the same time.
haat maraya
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Keen Mind 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Keen Mind 1 | Whenever any Control Power is used on the user that has some sort of Emotion, Feelings, Opinion or Perception reading element, the user immediately becomes aware that their mind is being prodded, and can send back whatever signal they want, thus effectively faking any attempt to read them and manipulate the person trying to read them on top.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Home Enchant 3
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Home Enchant 3 | The user is able to Home Enchant 3 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects to certain Proficiencies used by the user inside the Region (and only the user). While inside the region where this Enchant is active, the user gains +5 Proficiency Points for the use of any Musical Skill, Visual Art, Craft Art, Household Art, or Culinary Art Proficiencies actively being used. Additionally, various items in the household will proceed to come alive, and visualize this effect by assisting the user, for example potted plants might aid in seasoning a stew, while flying books might blow extra air into a glass-blower to aid with crafting. If however the user is doing one of these activities together with 1 other person, that person is also aided, and gains the same boost. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, but the user may only have one active at any given time.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Meraic Will 1 | The user is capable of using crystal magic to change the color of their skin and hair within the racial palette of their race. They can change it instantaneously and independently, but cannot ever be used to change their eye color.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Meraic Will 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Meraic Will 2 | The user's hair is lustrous, long, and capable of being maneuvered at the will of the wearer to perform minor tasks. The hair can pick up objects no heavier than five pounds, and will be formed into two “limbs” when in this utility state. However, when the user wishes, they can engage an alteration that will split their hair into eight limbs that will harden into a leather-like consistency resistant to easy cutting. In this state, the hair can support a user’s weight to drag them along the ground and can perform up to eight minor aesthetic tasks.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Magic Sight 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Magic Sight 3 | The user is Immune to Ability or Mundane based Darkness (not Blindness) and also has Night Vision, giving them perfect sight at night and in dark places. This Ability can be toggled on and off.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Wall Climb 4
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Wall Climb 4 | The user can climb up, down, or sideways (but not diagonally) on any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. This Ability does not grant any lethal falling damage mitigation, though it is possible for climbers to jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall. Channel Abilities cannot be utilized while Climbing with Wall Climb 4.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Body Claws 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Claws 1 | The Character can retract or manifest sharp claws that ignore any type of armor that is not plate-tier, and can tear up even chainmail and cured leather. These claws utilize Unarmed Proficiency for combat, but cannot be used in conjunction with any Melee or Ranged Weapons, and must be fully retracted to wield them.
| style="background-color:#c6faf9;" | Darkness 3
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Darkness 3 | The user can cast this Magic spell at a Target with a projectile that is a guaranteed hit as long as there is line of sight. The Target will sink to their knees into the ground into a 2x2 puddle of Darkness that forms around their feet, and travels with them as they wade around, thus not allowing them to step out of it. The Target can still use their upper body outside of the puddle, however they cannot move faster than a slow walking pace. This Ability starts tapering off after having been in effect for 5 minutes, during which the person can step out of the pond slowly as it stops moving. This Ability can only be used once every 5 minutes, and the same person can only be affected with this Ability (even from different sources) once per hour.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Pure Body 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Pure Body 1 | The Character is immune to Afflictions. Any type of Affliction simply fails to infect them, even if it would come at the end of an Ability. Some Event Characters like Arken may have the Ability to negate this effect. Additionally, the Character is unable to learn or use Sorcery, if a Character gains Pure Body 1 at a later point in time, they lose their Sorcery or Magic and do not get Proficiency refunds.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Body Claws 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Body Claws 1 | The Character can retract or manifest sharp claws that ignore any type of armor that is not plate-tier, and can tear up even chainmail and cured leather. These claws utilize Unarmed Proficiency for combat, but cannot be used in conjunction with any Melee or Ranged Weapons, and must be fully retracted to wield them.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Body Tail 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Tail 1 | The user possesses a single prehensile tail which can be used in both Combat Roleplay and to hold items or people. This tail has half the strength of the arm, meaning that all actions derive 50% of the Proficiency Points or the Physical Stat of the user when using the tail.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Asha Agility 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Asha Agility 1 | The user will always outclass any other Race in the realm of running or sprinting, even if they are using Living Metal as armor, be it a competition, a chase, or pure recreation. The user will always run faster than anything else, unless this creature or person specifically has a mutation or Ability making it “as fast as an Asha”.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Living Metal 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Living Metal 1 | Any user will have a quantity of Living Metal that is naturally produced by their body. It is the side of a fist in its inert state, and can be suspended around the user’s neck as a necklace, on the tail for decoration, or on the forearm as a decorative bracelet. Living Metal can have any single color, as long as it looks metallic. Living Metal is always smooth (no jagged edges, rivets or bolts), but has a wavy pattern, similar to folded Steel that shows some reflective difference. Living Metal cannot be stolen, and can turn into a liquid form at the will of the user. In its natural state however, Living Metal is inert and serves no function, unless a Stance is active. Without any Stance active, Living Metal is purely decorative, like jewelry or clothing.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Living Metal 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Living Metal 2 | Any body parts lost by the user are automatically replaced after a week by Living Metal, unless they choose not to replace that body part. This decision can be re-made at any time after the limb is lost. Any replaced limbs made out of Living Metal will mimic body flesh in every sense, giving no additional sturdiness against weapons, having the same sensations, and being warm to the touch, yet metallic in appearance.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Living Metal 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Living Metal 3 | The user gains two Living Metal Functions. These functions cannot be active at the same time together. The first function allows the user to turn their Living Metal into a single Melee Combat Category weapon of choice, two smaller Melee Combat Category weapons of choice, or a shield. The weapon or shield can be handed off to others, but only one can be produced, and it can be “melted” and returned to the user from Emote Distance. The second function allows the user to turn their Living Metal into plate-like metal armor for themselves, covering only one of the following parts: Legs, Torso+Waist, Arms or Head+Neck. This Ability takes several seconds to form, so it cannot be summoned to block an incoming attack.
| style="background-color:#F3BCBB;" | Living Metal 4
| Constant Passive
|  Self
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Living Metal 4 | The user can transform their Living Metal, as long as it is not being actively used by another Living Metal Ability, into a substitute for wound treatment, but only on themselves. This allows them to cover up 5 cuts and bruises, OR 1 deep gash/internal wound. This negates the wound, removes the pain, and prevents a lethal attack from killing the user. Removing the Living Metal returns the wound to its previous state. Living Metal does not heal, it is a stop-gap measure until a healer can be found. Additionally, the user can turn their Living Metal into any utility tool, like a walking cane, a hammer, or a screwdriver. This includes tools that require a basic resource to function (such as ink in a pen), as it will fulfill this function without requiring the resource. The Living Metal can also be used to form utility objects, like plates, carafes, wine goblets, a horse saddle, as well as be used for artistic endeavors, be that a statuette or simply juggled fluidically through the air before the user.

Latest revision as of 19:37, 16 June 2024

Origins Lathan Empire



The Senleya Order, also known as the Sentinel Order or the Full Moon Society in Common, is a pan-Elven secret society with a Freemason aesthetic. Founded by the Lanlath and various other anti-Allorn groups just after Cataclysm upon the realization that their attempts to topple the Allorn Empire might have gone better if they had cooperated at their pivotal moments instead of waiting and letting one another fall, it is an attempt to fight back against both the Allorn resurgence and Evolist would-be replacements alike. While they enjoy privileged status in Elven states around the world, in Regalia they are only state-sanctioned, kept an arm's length from the workings of the government due to mistrust for self-sure Elven benevolence. Senleya must be Elves (but not Kathar), and must be an Estelley, Draconism, or Unionism worshiper.


It is important to note that the Senleya are quite solitary. It is not considered a breach of Code for Senleya not to loop one another into one another's plans if they think one person is enough. It is discourteous and might have social repercussions if they fail because they refused to trust fellow Order members, but there is nothing strictly disallowed about it. Each member is their own person with their own discretion.

  1. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's religious and legal rights, and cooperate to get rid of anyone who would make their groups look bad to State or Crown.
  2. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's statehood, and must also work to undermine the Allorn Empire and anyone doing something pro-Allorn (even accidentally!) at all times.
  3. Senleya members must constantly work to educate the public. A Regalia that knows about cruel Allorn history, and knows how to read a map, is a Regalia that is more likely to fight.
  4. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of Elven heritage, ruins, and knowledge of any kind, so that history can be accurately chronicled.
  5. Senleya members must work politically towards stacking the leadership and advisory councils of various cross-City groups with as many Senleya members as possible.
  6. Senleya members must constantly work to reinforce and support all anti-Allorn groups, even non-Elves. This means helping Asha, Daendroque, and Eronidas, even if they do not like half the members.
  7. Senleya members must assist in the perpetuation of the true eternal nemesis status between the Senleya and Argentum Orders.


Guild Mechanics are freely granted to all Guild Members.

  • Senleya members gain access to the Shapeshift Pack (Mundane, but counts as a Disguise), but only for the duration of a Calendar Event, and with a 7 day Cooldown.
  • Senleya members cannot be deceived about Elven History and Lore. If a related fact appears questionable, the Senleya Character's player may ask the DM for more information about its context as they would know it.
  • Senleya members can choose to be immune to one Religious Mechanic from the Evolism religion, which must be noted on their Character Application.


The Senleya are divided into different Chapters called Rites, based on certain groups' motivations for assisting in the cause. Any member from any compatible Heritage or Religion can swear to any branch.

Add Allorn Rite here

white lotus type beat

Lathai Rite

By far the largest subgroup, the Lathai Rite was the origin point of the organization. Given a charter by the Lanlath Empress Salenal after a personal tour of the devastated Allorn Empire immediately post-cataclysm, the Lathai Rite are the glue that knits the Senleya as a whole together. They are the overseers, organizers, and planners who make sure that no individual interest amongst the diverse and complicated Senleya branches takes precedence over the others, and no one gets too selfish. Sticklers for the rules and a refined wealthy presentation, the Lathai Rite are also responsible for the majority of Senleya high-class appeal and internal decorum. However, they should not be mistaken for bureaucrats: the Lathai rite is also full of zealous sword-toting Lanlath who were too impatient for change to make it in any of their native Imperial bureaus. Into the Senleya filter the boldest and loudest Lanlath who think that their people should be doing more for the world, and as quickly as possible.

  • Lathai Mechanic: Lathai Rite members can extend their Shapeshift Pack Mechanic onto 1 other, and can also use it outside of Events for up to 3 Hours, with the same Cooldown.

Athentol Rite

The Athentol Rite is composed of mostly Solvaan, but also Regalia-loyal Fin'ullen and Teledden who put the interests of that Empire first. It was founded on the belief that the Senleya mission should be expressed through a Regalian lens, that Regalia is the country destined to overtake and destroy the Allorn Empire, and also the only one capable. Centered around the Sollerian court, it is the most politically active branch in-game (because Regalia is the setting), and is responsible for making sure that Elves politically stay in Regalian good graces and in as many positions of influence as possible. Though they share the overall emphasis on their membership remaining unnoticed, Athentol Rite Senleya are the flashiest and most vocal about their desire to achieve influence as politicians, with many of them carrying Noble status. Their very pro-Regalian nature sometimes grates against the more far-flung Rites, but when in Regalia, none can deny its contributions to the world.

  • Athentol Mechanic: Athentol Rite members can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.

Sanraan Rite

The Sanraan Rite, its name taken from the mythical Suvial founder, is dedicated not to the traditional Suvial art of Demonology but rather of Historiography. Sanraan is well-reputed in the academic community mostly for his honesty, because he is practically the only figure of the Allorn ascent period to write down anything without completely distorting it to suit his own Imperial narrative. The members of his Rite try to do the same by searching for truth in history wherever it can be found, and righting the wrongs of improperly kept records. This couples with a forgiveness-oriented attitude towards the past, being the most eager participants in the Senleya mission of smoothing over old wounds for the sake of the greater purpose. While most Sanraan Rite members are Suvial, there is also a sizable Star of Peace Lanlath presence.

  • Sanraan Mechanic: Sanraan Rite members can make a Discord Ticket to ask the Senleya Archives about an Elven related Lore Question.

Ularen Rite

The Ularen is the great steppe in the midst of Daen that was historically host to the Maquixtl cultures of the continent, only for them to be driven out upon Talea's return and the ones who remained to be transformed into an oppressed class used in forced labor and pushed out of the way of military encampments. The Ularen Rite is mostly composed of disenfranchised Maquixtl and the different Elves, Fin'ullen and Teledden included, who were pushed out of the way of Talea's expansionism or forced from their native Principalities upon her return. Since they believe that the solution is to be found in the Gods, precisely some sort of strange calculus of requiring Cemaan to turn against the Allorn Empire before victory against Talea can even be considered, they are the most mystic and ponderous of the different Rites, and always the first to keep religion in mind in a situation, whether that is Estelley or Guldar Draconism.

  • Ularen Mechanic: Ularen Rite members are treated as equals to the Summoner at any Divinium Summoning of their Character's Religion, and are guaranteed at least one question of their own.

Vanelyon Rite

The Vanelyon Rite is named after the Dregodar Prince who died alongside the Dragon Gaia fighting his cousin, the Empress. Composed of mostly Life Isldar, but also a few Aerunthar Dragonkin and some of the straggler hidden worship Draconism communities left behind in Daen, they are steeped in Dragon worship and fierce advocates for the memory of Dragons in history. Members of the Vanelyon rite are presciently concerned about the Senleya Order becoming what it hates if just one Grandmaster goes astray, as from their point of view, the line between Senleya pan-Elven belief, Allorn supremacism, and Apotheon Evolism cultism is actually quite thin and easy to cross. They operate as a sort of internal secret police that tries to hold the Senleya as a whole accountable not to run ahead with their idealism without considering what got them into the situation in the first place, an overconfidence

  • Vanelyon Mechanic: Vanelyon Rite members can write messages under Magical enchantment that only other Senleya members are capable of seeing, and leave them in places.


Since jobs and day to day tasks are covered by the Code section, the Goals section discusses major plans the Guild has for advancement.

  • War in Heaven: Having studied Dewamenet and Allorn history, and in review of the modern situation, the Senleya believe that wars are won or lost in large part based on the backing and presence of Gods. It is a Senleya mission to try to work towards 'reclaiming' Cemaan from the concept of the Allorn Empire, for example. If the Senleya assess in any situation that a religious revelation would make a group that has potential to assist in the great conflict stronger, then they will quietly put their weight behind whoever is trying to make it work. The Order had a hand in Sinnavei's pro-Regalian outlook, and the reconstitution of Draconism after the Advancement.
  • War on Land: The Senleya are constantly busy trying to make sure that their constituent member states (and friends) are not snuffed out before the Allorn struggle can even begin. Various priorities include making sure the Sihndar do not fall to Demons, the Suvial are not conquered by the Dread Empire, the Life Isldar are not driven out of Ellador, and the various Elven Principalities still independent are not consumed by the resurgent Allorn Empire. These priorities are often performed in a pro-Regalian scope.
  • War of the Mind: The Senleya, being a deeply mystic and religious Order, believe that corruption oftentimes begins in a failing of religion. They often work towards correcting deficient interpretations of their member Religions that leave room for corruption, including syncretism that they consider unsuitable: with Evolist Gods, for example. While priests themselves are rarely part of this organization, they have a tendency to prop up priests who they believe will help keep the common folk on the straight and narrow.
  • War for Forgiveness: The Senleya believe that the low reputation of the Elven people worldwide due to Allorn imperialism must be fixed. It is a Senleya goal to, while taking the past seriously and with all due respect, achieve forgiveness on a societal level between those wronged by the Allorn Empire and the Elves that are no longer part of it. This goal is so abstract and so complicated that it is difficult to find a point to begin. However, many Senleya keep it in mind in case a relevant opportunity arises, or the goal can be worked towards on a personal level.


While there is no hierarchy in the Senleya Order, rewards can be achieved for seniority. When you feel your Character has finished leading the Guild through a major story beat, or has achieved something major in line with Guild principles, apply for a Privilege in the Discord Ticket Bot. Similar to Knightly rank-ups, as more Privileges are accrued, it becomes harder to gain more.

  1. Grants the Character a rent-free Guild Hall Safehouse that the is about the size of 2x Rental Houses that the whole Guild can share. World Staff will do interior, if requested.
  2. Grants the Character protection against trouble for breaking all of Low Law, and allows them to cast Magic freely without restrictions, using Elven bribes to law enforcement.
  3. Choose one of: Lanlath Mechanic 5, Finullen Mechanic 5, Solvaan Mechanic 3, Suvial Mechanic TBD, Maquixtl Mechanic 4, or Life Isldar Mechanic 2, and gain it.
  4. Grants the Character wings (feathered only), allowing Elytra flight (with use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
  5. Grants the Character an Elf Ally NPC of their desired Theme that can be used to either assist with ongoing Quests or give Quests that generate Artifactsparks.


history theme is okay but change some details

Far less famous than the great Allorn Empresses of history but no less important are the Lathan Empresses, who have from their far more isolated position quietly given rise to some of the most important global movements in history, including the popularization of Radiant Magic theory, and the founding of the Order discussed on this page. When the Lanlath intervened during the Void Invasion to save the Allorn Empire from destruction at the hands of Demons, their Empress rode out of Lathan in person with a host of her finest guard to take survey of the situation. More than anyone was she deeply disgusted by the wretched state of Elven civilization, and the memory of pain and disgust that they had left behind in the world. But, worst of all, was her reaction to learning from the lips of those left behind what had passed in the centuries that the Lanlath had been secluded behind sealed gates. The decline of the Suvial, the mass proliferation of Void Cults, the crippling overpopulation and the flight and massacre of the Dregodar, the departure of the Solvaan, all of these things and more she mused could have been presented if there was less distance between the affected. If the Suvial had been willing to die for the Draconism worshipers, or the Draconism worshipers for the Lanlath, then they could have lived together instead of dying apart. With this conviction in hand, she founded the Senleya Order to prevent this from happening again, and engaged in a slow century-long dialogue (as is the Lanlath way) with those who would eventually become the other member groups.

The Regalian loyalists, the Suvial, the Plains Elves, and even the distant, bitter Isldar were successfully integrated into a continuous organization that could and would fend for itself. However, the slowness of the Lanlath to act compared with the bickering nature of these groups that did not like each other much to begin with made the Senleya lethargic and uncoordinated, preventing them from exercising any kind of global influence in the following critical periods. Allorn revanchism re-flowered in the destroyed Principalities and prevented the foundation of any sort of Fin'ullen branch with the growth of the rival Blue Moon Society for Talea's Restoration instead, and in Regalia, a series of Purist direction changes in the government made the idea of exposing to the Regalian Crown unworkable for fear of eradication. From the end of the first century After Cataclysm until the end of the third century after Cataclysm, the Senleya for the most part focused internally on establishing functioning communication and command structure. The explosion of events from 300-312 AC has seen war break out on Daen again, Talea return, the Isldar fracture due to the Glacial's deception, and more. In the past years, the Senleya have been thrust from status as a disjointed organization that only existed on paper into the first and last line of defense against Dread agents (with whom they are the ultimate rivals), a Regalian regressive takeover, and the ultimate fear of Allorn victory and the destruction of all they have worked towards. From relative obscurity, the Senleya are now considered one of Aloria's most eminent intelligence organizations, up there with the Blue Moon Society, the Suvial Secret Service, and some say even the Slizzar.

Fix Below On The Actual Page

{/{Organizations}} [/[category:Organizations]] [/[category:Guilds]]


  • The Suvial Secret Service is not part of the Senleya Order: it is loyal to the Suvial Princes directly. In fact, they and the Senleya have fought before, when cooperation has been at low points.
  • The Senleya often know and greet one another by wearing signets of silver moons on the ring finger of their left hand, opposite where a marriage ring would be, and flashing them from under cloaks.
  • Senleya symbolism is all moon-focused and moon-oriented, with passphrases, sayings, and symbology of moons plastered all over everything. The Lanlath, Estel zealots, and the Isldar are equally to blame.