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{| class="wikitable"
{{Info knights
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;"
|image = Senleyaorder.png
! Name
|origins = [[Lathan Empire]]
! Type
! Description
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Bolven.
| style="background-color:#dcb099;" | Hardy Constitution
| Racial Passive
| *+10 Physical Stat<br />*New Racial Height Limit of 7'5
| style="background-color:#dcb099;" | Versatile Instict
| Racial Spell
| The Ailor can change their Body Shape at will, depending on their levels of adrenaline.
| style="background-color:#dcb099;" | Hidden Stature
| Racial Spell
| The Ailor can change their Height from their natural height, as long as the new Height is both lower than their natural height, and no shorter than 4'5.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Fennh.
| style="background-color:#e4ace1;" | Fennh Size
| Racial Passive
| *New Racial Height range of 4ft to 4'5ft.
| style="background-color:#e4ace1;" | Quick Avoidance
| Racial Passive
| The Fennh is exceptionally alert and dextrous, allowing them to quickly roll and dodge out of the way of any Mundane, Non-Ability based Ranged attack that might strike them, avoiding it entirely.
| style="background-color:#e4ace1;" | Fennh Disguising
| Racial Spell
| The Fennh can create a disguise for themselves, allowing them to appear like another person of any other race. They can create as many disguises of this manner as they please, but it takes at least thirty minutes to enact, or remove one. Regardless of the disguise chosen, they cannot alter their height with this ability, always appearing exceptionally short.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Drahl.
| style="background-color:#7e8e7e;" | Stalwart Companion
| Racial Passive
| The Drahl is followed constantly by an eternal companion in the form of a Bird of Prey of their choice, which will live with them until the Drahl dies. This Bird cannot be harmed, captured, or killed, and if at risk of harm, it will flee the scene and return to the Drahl when it is safe. The Bird is capable of minor aesthetic feats for the Drahl, such as sitting in their hand when feeding, or retrieving small objects (though only if the Drahl could acquire it themselves uncontested.) The Bird must always remain within the relative vicinity of its owner, and cannot convey messages nor deliver them.
| style="background-color:#7e8e7e;" | Bird's Eye View
| Racial Passive
| Through the usage of their bird, the Drahl gains a leg up on other Generals, gaining bonuses to roll chances in World System Progression battles. Additionally, the Drahl gains +5 Perception.
| style="background-color:#7e8e7e;" | Swift Strike
| Racial Spell
| The Drahl can call upon their bird to strike out at an opponent once per day, allowing the Bird to claw at a target once, physically striking any area of the target's body except for the face. The Bird cannot be interrupted, and will immediately fly away after delivering its strike.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Nautilaan.
| style="background-color:#828299;" | Infallible Navigator
| Racial Passive
| The Nautilaan has a photographic memory for starmaps and maps alone, allowing them to recall their contents with perfect accuracy.
| style="background-color:#828299;" | Iron Gut
| Racial Passive
| The Nautilaan is exceptionally hardy, capable of surviving and functioning without food, drink, or sleep for up to a week.
| style="background-color:#828299;" | Favored by the Sea
| Racial Passive
| The Nautilaan gains +5 Maritime Knowledge, and the winds favor their ships on the sea, gaining them bonuses to rolls in the World System involving the movement of ships in both Battle and Non-Battle Progressions.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Lexxons.
| style="background-color:#bba4d3;" | Keen Insight
| Racial Spell
| style="background-color:#bba4d3;" | Shrewd Diplomats
| Racial Spell
| The Lexxon can, when conversing directly with an individual, detect whether the individual is lying to them for one statement per day. When focusing on the statement, the Lexxon will automatically be cued into whether it is a lie or truth. If the individual has 10+ theatre arts, the Lexxon will determine the statement to be truth.
| style="background-color:#bba4d3;" | Subtle Suggestion
| Racial Spell
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Noreans.
| style="background-color:#f1f1f1;" | Longevity
| Racial Passive
| The Noreans new age limit and aging is altered, allowing them to live up to 300 years old, visually and physically aging proportionally.
| style="background-color:#f1f1f1;" | Preferential Scholars
| Racial Passive
| The Norean can only assign Proficiency points to no more than one Combat Proficiency Category.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Woaden.
| style="background-color:#deaeae;" | Predator's Vision
| Racial Passive
| The Woaden has perfected their ability to see in the Dark, allowing them to see clearly and effectively in any natural light condition.
| style="background-color:#deaeae;" | Free Spirit
| Racial Passive
| The Woaden cannot be unwillingly grabbed, grappled, held or restrained by mundane means utilizing any mundane implement (excluding metal chains) or body part (Arms, tails, limbs, claws, talons, etc), even if that body part is enhanced or altered by an Ability. This does not apply to purely Ability-Based restraints such as magical chains.
| style="background-color:#deaeae;" | Child of the Woods
| Racial Spell
| The Woaden can effectively climb almost instantly into a Tree of any shape or size, without risk of falling. Additionally, they can immediately determine how healthy a tree is just by looking at it, and pinpoint anything that may be harming it.
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Archan.
| style="background-color:#d9c17b;" | Bastion of Faith
| Racial Passive
| The Archan gains access to the Primal Sorcery School of [x].
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d9d9;" | The following Abilities can only be used by Olean.
| style="background-color:#86aaac;" | Practiced Pickpocket
| Racial Passive
| The Olean is unnaturally quick with their hands, allowing them to re-roll a failed Pickpocket attempt a second time. This ability can only be used once per Pickpocket attempt.
| style="background-color:#86aaac;" | Luck of the Draw
| Racial Passive
| The Olean's dextrousness extends to card games and other sleight of hand, allowing them to re-roll a second time when failing a draw or game step during a card game or other similiar Sleight of Hand game, seamlessly replacing the card they had picked.
| style="background-color:#86aaac;" | Spotless Smuggler
| Racial Passive
| The Olean, when being searched, is capable of seamlessly hiding objects held in their pockets that are smaller than their closed fist. They can move these objects deftly between hidden pockets and compartments, preventing them from being found when inspected.

The Senleya Order, also known as the Sentinel Order or the Full Moon Society in Common, is a pan-Elven secret society with a Freemason aesthetic. Founded by the Lanlath and various other anti-Allorn groups just after Cataclysm upon the realization that their attempts to topple the Allorn Empire might have gone better if they had cooperated at their pivotal moments instead of waiting and letting one another fall, it is an attempt to fight back against both the Allorn resurgence and Evolist would-be replacements alike. While they enjoy privileged status in Elven states around the world, in Regalia they are only state-sanctioned, kept an arm's length from the workings of the government due to mistrust for self-sure Elven benevolence. Senleya must be Elves (but not Kathar), and must be an Estelley, Draconism, or Unionism worshiper.
It is important to note that the Senleya are quite solitary. It is not considered a breach of Code for Senleya not to loop one another into one another's plans if they think one person is enough. It is discourteous and might have social repercussions if they fail because they refused to trust fellow Order members, but there is nothing strictly disallowed about it. Each member is their own person with their own discretion.
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's religious and legal rights, and cooperate to get rid of anyone who would make their groups look bad to State or Crown.
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's statehood, and must also work to undermine the Allorn Empire and anyone doing something pro-Allorn (even accidentally!) at all times.
# Senleya members must constantly work to educate the public. A Regalia that knows about cruel Allorn history, and knows how to read a map, is a Regalia that is more likely to fight.
# Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of Elven heritage, ruins, and knowledge of any kind, so that history can be accurately chronicled.
# Senleya members must work politically towards stacking the leadership and advisory councils of various cross-City groups with as many Senleya members as possible.
# Senleya members must constantly work to reinforce and support all anti-Allorn groups, even non-Elves. This means helping Asha, Daendroque, and Eronidas, even if they do not like half the members.
# Senleya members must assist in the perpetuation of the true eternal nemesis status between the Senleya and Argentum Orders.
Guild Mechanics are freely granted to all Guild Members.
* Senleya members gain access to the [[Adapt_Point_Buy#Shapeshift_Pack|Shapeshift Pack]] (Mundane, but counts as a Disguise), but only for the duration of a Calendar Event, and with a 7 day Cooldown.
* Senleya members cannot be deceived about Elven History and Lore. If a related fact appears questionable, the Senleya Character's player may ask the DM for more information about its context as they would know it.
* Senleya members can choose to be immune to one Religious Mechanic from the [[Evolism]] religion, which must be noted on their Character Application.

Puretek should be an opening move, for example: A warrior wielding a puretek quartershot and a rapier, shoot first to disable Ability cast on target, then close the distance with a melee weapon. In melee, Puretek can no longer be used due to the reload mechanic. In group settings, equally this requires an individual with puretek to be held down and protected. Puretek is not a crp mechanic in and of itself, but an "opening shot" or "equalizer" mid-crp if someone is using an Ability that is particularly nasty on the group/person.  
The Senleya are divided into different Chapters called Rites, based on certain groups' motivations for assisting in the cause. Any member from any compatible Heritage or Religion can swear to any branch.
===Add Allorn Rite here===
white lotus type beat
===Lathai Rite===
By far the largest subgroup, the Lathai Rite was the origin point of the organization. Given a charter by the Lanlath Empress Salenal after a personal tour of the devastated Allorn Empire immediately post-cataclysm, the Lathai Rite are the glue that knits the Senleya as a whole together. They are the overseers, organizers, and planners who make sure that no individual interest amongst the diverse and complicated Senleya branches takes precedence over the others, and no one gets too selfish. Sticklers for the rules and a refined wealthy presentation, the Lathai Rite are also responsible for the majority of Senleya high-class appeal and internal decorum. However, they should not be mistaken for bureaucrats: the Lathai rite is also full of zealous sword-toting Lanlath who were too impatient for change to make it in any of their native Imperial bureaus. Into the Senleya filter the boldest and loudest Lanlath who think that their people should be doing more for the world, and as quickly as possible.
* '''Lathai Mechanic:''' Lathai Rite members can extend their [[Adapt_Point_Buy#Shapeshift_Pack|Shapeshift Pack]] Mechanic onto 1 other, and can also use it outside of Events for up to 3 Hours, with the same Cooldown.
===Athentol Rite===
The Athentol Rite is composed of mostly Solvaan, but also Regalia-loyal Fin'ullen and Teledden who put the interests of that Empire first. It was founded on the belief that the Senleya mission should be expressed through a Regalian lens, that Regalia is the country destined to overtake and destroy the Allorn Empire, and also the only one capable. Centered around the Sollerian court, it is the most politically active branch in-game (because Regalia is the setting), and is responsible for making sure that Elves politically stay in Regalian good graces and in as many positions of influence as possible. Though they share the overall emphasis on their membership remaining unnoticed, Athentol Rite Senleya are the flashiest and most vocal about their desire to achieve influence as politicians, with many of them carrying Noble status. Their very pro-Regalian nature sometimes grates against the more far-flung Rites, but when in Regalia, none can deny its contributions to the world.
* '''Athentol Mechanic:''' Athentol Rite members can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
===Sanraan Rite===
The Sanraan Rite, its name taken from the mythical Suvial founder, is dedicated not to the traditional Suvial art of Demonology but rather of Historiography. Sanraan is well-reputed in the academic community mostly for his honesty, because he is practically the only figure of the Allorn ascent period to write down anything without completely distorting it to suit his own Imperial narrative. The members of his Rite try to do the same by searching for truth in history wherever it can be found, and righting the wrongs of improperly kept records. This couples with a forgiveness-oriented attitude towards the past, being the most eager participants in the Senleya mission of smoothing over old wounds for the sake of the greater purpose. While most Sanraan Rite members are Suvial, there is also a sizable Star of Peace Lanlath presence.
* '''Sanraan Mechanic:''' Sanraan Rite members can make a Discord Ticket to ask the Senleya Archives about an Elven related Lore Question.
===Ularen Rite===
The Ularen is the great steppe in the midst of Daen that was historically host to the Maquixtl cultures of the continent, only for them to be driven out upon Talea's return and the ones who remained to be transformed into an oppressed class used in forced labor and pushed out of the way of military encampments. The Ularen Rite is mostly composed of disenfranchised Maquixtl and the different Elves, Fin'ullen and Teledden included, who were pushed out of the way of Talea's expansionism or forced from their native Principalities upon her return. Since they believe that the solution is to be found in the Gods, precisely some sort of strange calculus of requiring Cemaan to turn against the Allorn Empire before victory against Talea can even be considered, they are the most mystic and ponderous of the different Rites, and always the first to keep religion in mind in a situation, whether that is Estelley or Guldar Draconism.
* '''Ularen Mechanic:''' Ularen Rite members are treated as equals to the Summoner at any Divinium Summoning of their Character's Religion, and are guaranteed at least one question of their own.
===Vanelyon Rite===
The Vanelyon Rite is named after the Dregodar Prince who died alongside the Dragon Gaia fighting his cousin, the Empress. Composed of mostly Life Isldar, but also a few Aerunthar Dragonkin and some of the straggler hidden worship Draconism communities left behind in Daen, they are steeped in Dragon worship and fierce advocates for the memory of Dragons in history. Members of the Vanelyon rite are presciently concerned about the Senleya Order becoming what it hates if just one Grandmaster goes astray, as from their point of view, the line between Senleya pan-Elven belief, Allorn supremacism, and Apotheon [[Evolism]] cultism is actually quite thin and easy to cross. They operate as a sort of internal secret police that tries to hold the Senleya as a whole accountable not to run ahead with their idealism without considering what got them into the situation in the first place, an overconfidence
* '''Vanelyon Mechanic:''' Vanelyon Rite members can write messages under Magical enchantment that only other Senleya members are capable of seeing, and leave them in places.

'''Other Rules:'''
*Only one Engraving per person, permanently. Clarified on Character App like an Ability.
Since jobs and day to day tasks are covered by the Code section, the Goals section discusses major plans the Guild has for advancement.
*Puretek may be pre-loaded but must be emoted while unsheathing weapons as being pre-loaded on the belt.  
* '''War in Heaven:''' Having studied Dewamenet and Allorn history, and in review of the modern situation, the Senleya believe that wars are won or lost in large part based on the backing and presence of Gods. It is a Senleya mission to try to work towards 'reclaiming' Cemaan from the concept of the Allorn Empire, for example. If the Senleya assess in any situation that a religious revelation would make a group that has potential to assist in the great conflict stronger, then they will quietly put their weight behind whoever is trying to make it work. The Order had a hand in Sinnavei's pro-Regalian outlook, and the reconstitution of Draconism after the Advancement.
*Must be shot from at least 3+ blocks distance otherwise it does not work.
* '''War on Land:''' The Senleya are constantly busy trying to make sure that their constituent member states (and friends) are not snuffed out before the Allorn struggle can even begin. Various priorities include making sure the Sihndar do not fall to Demons, the Suvial are not conquered by the Dread Empire, the Life Isldar are not driven out of Ellador, and the various Elven Principalities still independent are not consumed by the resurgent Allorn Empire. These priorities are often performed in a pro-Regalian scope.
*Demishot and Quartershot both have the same reload speed, appearance is only aesthetic. Shots can only hit in Emote Distance.
* '''War of the Mind:''' The Senleya, being a deeply mystic and religious Order, believe that corruption oftentimes begins in a failing of religion. They often work towards correcting deficient interpretations of their member Religions that leave room for corruption, including syncretism that they consider unsuitable: with Evolist Gods, for example. While priests themselves are rarely part of this organization, they have a tendency to prop up priests who they believe will help keep the common folk on the straight and narrow.
*Every shot requires a reload time of about 30 seconds. Targets being shot at should be given enough time to react or interact between shots.
* '''War for Forgiveness:''' The Senleya believe that the low reputation of the Elven people worldwide due to Allorn imperialism must be fixed. It is a Senleya goal to, while taking the past seriously and with all due respect, achieve forgiveness on a societal level between those wronged by the Allorn Empire and the Elves that are no longer part of it. This goal is so abstract and so complicated that it is difficult to find a point to begin. However, many Senleya keep it in mind in case a relevant opportunity arises, or the goal can be worked towards on a personal level.
*Puretek cannot shoot through obstacles or Steel or Steel Equivalent Armor, unless this armor is Ability summoned or created by an Ability, in which case it goes through.
*Silvershot is removed from Puretek so it's purely just an Ability stopper.  
*Puretek no longer hurts.
*Proximity, character target speed, cripple or rooting has no effect on accuracy. Successive hits do not increase hitting chance either.
*only the specifified ability types are affected based on the engravings presented. Abilities not on this list are unaffected.  

'''Hitting accuracy:'''
*0 points invested: always miss
While there is no hierarchy in the Senleya Order, rewards can be achieved for seniority. When you feel your Character has finished leading the Guild through a major story beat, or has achieved something major in line with Guild principles, apply for a Privilege in the Discord Ticket Bot. Similar to Knightly rank-ups, as more Privileges are accrued, it becomes harder to gain more.
*5 points invested: /dice 1 20 above 15 is hit
# Grants the Character a rent-free Guild Hall Safehouse that the is about the size of 2x Rental Houses that the whole Guild can share. World Staff will do interior, if requested.
*10 points invested: /dice 1 20 above 10 is hit
# Grants the Character protection against trouble for breaking all of Low Law, and allows them to cast Magic freely without restrictions, using Elven bribes to law enforcement.
*15 points invested: /dice 1 20 above 8 is hit
# Choose one of: Lanlath Mechanic 5, Finullen Mechanic 5, Solvaan Mechanic 3, Suvial Mechanic TBD, Maquixtl Mechanic 4, or Life Isldar Mechanic 2, and gain it.
*20 points invested: /dice 1 20 above 6 is hit
# Grants the Character wings (feathered only), allowing Elytra flight (with use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
*25 points invested: /dice 1 20 above 4 is hit
# Grants the Character an Elf Ally NPC of their desired Theme that can be used to either assist with ongoing Quests or give Quests that generate Artifactsparks.
*30 points cannot be invested.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#dddddd; width: 10%;" | Puretek Engraving
history theme is okay but change some details
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#dddddd; width: 10%;" | Usable against
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#dddddd; width: 20%;" | Who can use this type of Puretek Engraving?
Far less famous than the great Allorn Empresses of history but no less important are the Lathan Empresses, who have from their far more isolated position quietly given rise to some of the most important global movements in history, including the popularization of Radiant Magic theory, and the founding of the Order discussed on this page. When the Lanlath intervened during the Void Invasion to save the Allorn Empire from destruction at the hands of Demons, their Empress rode out of Lathan in person with a host of her finest guard to take survey of the situation. More than anyone was she deeply disgusted by the wretched state of Elven civilization, and the memory of pain and disgust that they had left behind in the world. But, worst of all, was her reaction to learning from the lips of those left behind what had passed in the centuries that the Lanlath had been secluded behind sealed gates. The decline of the Suvial, the mass proliferation of Void Cults, the crippling overpopulation and the flight and massacre of the Dregodar, the departure of the Solvaan, all of these things and more she mused could have been presented if there was less distance between the affected. If the Suvial had been willing to die for the Draconism worshipers, or the Draconism worshipers for the Lanlath, then they could have lived together instead of dying apart. With this conviction in hand, she founded the Senleya Order to prevent this from happening again, and engaged in a slow century-long dialogue (as is the Lanlath way) with those who would eventually become the other member groups.
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#dddddd;" | Effects
The Regalian loyalists, the Suvial, the Plains Elves, and even the distant, bitter Isldar were successfully integrated into a continuous organization that could and would fend for itself. However, the slowness of the Lanlath to act compared with the bickering nature of these groups that did not like each other much to begin with made the Senleya lethargic and uncoordinated, preventing them from exercising any kind of global influence in the following critical periods. Allorn revanchism re-flowered in the destroyed Principalities and prevented the foundation of any sort of Fin'ullen branch with the growth of the rival Blue Moon Society for Talea's Restoration instead, and in Regalia, a series of Purist direction changes in the government made the idea of exposing to the Regalian Crown unworkable for fear of eradication. From the end of the first century After Cataclysm until the end of the third century after Cataclysm, the Senleya for the most part focused internally on establishing functioning communication and command structure. The explosion of events from 300-312 AC has seen war break out on Daen again, Talea return, the Isldar fracture due to the Glacial's deception, and more. In the past years, the Senleya have been thrust from status as a disjointed organization that only existed on paper into the first and last line of defense against Dread agents (with whom they are the ultimate rivals), a Regalian regressive takeover, and the ultimate fear of Allorn victory and the destruction of all they have worked towards. From relative obscurity, the Senleya are now considered one of Aloria's most eminent intelligence organizations, up there with the Blue Moon Society, the Suvial Secret Service, and some say even the Slizzar.  
| style="background-color:#ecf4ff;" | Belliard Engraving
==Fix Below On The Actual Page==
*Magic Spell
*Sorcery Spell
[/[category:Organizations]] [/[category:Guilds]]
*Silven Spell
*Ordial Power
* The Suvial Secret Service is not part of the Senleya Order: it is loyal to the Suvial Princes directly. In fact, they and the Senleya have fought before, when cooperation has been at low points.
*Any Character that does not have any type of Aberrancy or non-Racial Ability.
* The Senleya often know and greet one another by wearing signets of silver moons on the ring finger of their left hand, opposite where a marriage ring would be, and flashing them from under cloaks.
*The weapon will refuse to fire for someone who has any non-racial Abilities.
* Senleya symbolism is all moon-focused and moon-oriented, with passphrases, sayings, and symbology of moons plastered all over everything. The Lanlath, Estel zealots, and the Isldar are equally to blame.
| When the shot hits the target, any ongoing Abilities of these categories is Countered, and its effects removed. This particular Ability is put on a forced 30 second cool down. If instead the Ability is one that should grant wings or some modus of flight, it is forced on a 10 minute cooldown. If the Counter effect should make further Abilities impossible (due to for example a dependency mechanic in Abilities), then these Abilities can still be used as if the criterion Ability triggered/is still active. This is to prevent undue kit neutering.
| style="background-color:#ecf4ff;" | Darkwald Engraving
*Vampire Spell
*Werebeast Spell
*Gr. Vampire Spell
*Gr. Werebeast Spell
*Any Character that does not have any type of Aberrancy or non-Racial Ability.
*The weapon will refuse to fire for someone who has any non-racial Abilities.
| When the shot hits the target, any ongoing Abilities of these categories is Countered, and its effects removed. This particular Ability is put on a forced 30 second cool down. If instead the Ability is one that should grant wings or some modus of flight, it is forced on a 10 minute cooldown. If the Counter effect should make further Abilities impossible (due to for example a dependency mechanic in Abilities), then these Abilities can still be used as if the criterion Ability triggered/is still active. This is to prevent undue kit neutering.
| style="background-color:#ecf4ff;" | Heresond Engraving
*Primal Power
*Ritualist Power
*Essence Power
*Url Forms
*Any Character that is Lingering Aberrancy and upwards, or has an Artifact.
*The weapon will refuse to fire for someone who is not somewhat Void or Exist tainted.
| When the shot hits the target, any ongoing Abilities of these categories is Countered, and its effects removed. This particular Ability is put on a forced 30 second cool down. If instead the Ability is one that should grant wings or some modus of flight, it is forced on a 10 minute cooldown. If the Counter effect should make further Abilities impossible (due to for example a dependency mechanic in Abilities), then these Abilities can still be used as if the criterion Ability triggered/is still active. This is to prevent undue kit neutering. In the case of Url, they are affected somewhat differently: An Url in Gore Form is forced into Fused Form and unable to go to Gore form for an hour. If they are any other Form, this shot does not affect their Form Abilities.
| style="background-color:#ecf4ff;" | Ograld Engraving
*Beast Shift
*Mythic Shift
*Any Character that does not have any type of Aberrancy or non-Racial Ability.
*The weapon will refuse to fire for someone who has any non-racial Abilities.
| When the shot hits the the first time, the Mythic Shift/Beast Shift is halved in its effect. For example, Physical Stat gains are halved, and any increase in size or body changes are also halved. A second shot hit cancels out the Beast Shift or Mythic Shift completely, and is forced on a 10 minute cooldown.

Latest revision as of 19:37, 16 June 2024

Origins Lathan Empire



The Senleya Order, also known as the Sentinel Order or the Full Moon Society in Common, is a pan-Elven secret society with a Freemason aesthetic. Founded by the Lanlath and various other anti-Allorn groups just after Cataclysm upon the realization that their attempts to topple the Allorn Empire might have gone better if they had cooperated at their pivotal moments instead of waiting and letting one another fall, it is an attempt to fight back against both the Allorn resurgence and Evolist would-be replacements alike. While they enjoy privileged status in Elven states around the world, in Regalia they are only state-sanctioned, kept an arm's length from the workings of the government due to mistrust for self-sure Elven benevolence. Senleya must be Elves (but not Kathar), and must be an Estelley, Draconism, or Unionism worshiper.


It is important to note that the Senleya are quite solitary. It is not considered a breach of Code for Senleya not to loop one another into one another's plans if they think one person is enough. It is discourteous and might have social repercussions if they fail because they refused to trust fellow Order members, but there is nothing strictly disallowed about it. Each member is their own person with their own discretion.

  1. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's religious and legal rights, and cooperate to get rid of anyone who would make their groups look bad to State or Crown.
  2. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of one another's statehood, and must also work to undermine the Allorn Empire and anyone doing something pro-Allorn (even accidentally!) at all times.
  3. Senleya members must constantly work to educate the public. A Regalia that knows about cruel Allorn history, and knows how to read a map, is a Regalia that is more likely to fight.
  4. Senleya members must work to prevent the loss of Elven heritage, ruins, and knowledge of any kind, so that history can be accurately chronicled.
  5. Senleya members must work politically towards stacking the leadership and advisory councils of various cross-City groups with as many Senleya members as possible.
  6. Senleya members must constantly work to reinforce and support all anti-Allorn groups, even non-Elves. This means helping Asha, Daendroque, and Eronidas, even if they do not like half the members.
  7. Senleya members must assist in the perpetuation of the true eternal nemesis status between the Senleya and Argentum Orders.


Guild Mechanics are freely granted to all Guild Members.

  • Senleya members gain access to the Shapeshift Pack (Mundane, but counts as a Disguise), but only for the duration of a Calendar Event, and with a 7 day Cooldown.
  • Senleya members cannot be deceived about Elven History and Lore. If a related fact appears questionable, the Senleya Character's player may ask the DM for more information about its context as they would know it.
  • Senleya members can choose to be immune to one Religious Mechanic from the Evolism religion, which must be noted on their Character Application.


The Senleya are divided into different Chapters called Rites, based on certain groups' motivations for assisting in the cause. Any member from any compatible Heritage or Religion can swear to any branch.

Add Allorn Rite here

white lotus type beat

Lathai Rite

By far the largest subgroup, the Lathai Rite was the origin point of the organization. Given a charter by the Lanlath Empress Salenal after a personal tour of the devastated Allorn Empire immediately post-cataclysm, the Lathai Rite are the glue that knits the Senleya as a whole together. They are the overseers, organizers, and planners who make sure that no individual interest amongst the diverse and complicated Senleya branches takes precedence over the others, and no one gets too selfish. Sticklers for the rules and a refined wealthy presentation, the Lathai Rite are also responsible for the majority of Senleya high-class appeal and internal decorum. However, they should not be mistaken for bureaucrats: the Lathai rite is also full of zealous sword-toting Lanlath who were too impatient for change to make it in any of their native Imperial bureaus. Into the Senleya filter the boldest and loudest Lanlath who think that their people should be doing more for the world, and as quickly as possible.

  • Lathai Mechanic: Lathai Rite members can extend their Shapeshift Pack Mechanic onto 1 other, and can also use it outside of Events for up to 3 Hours, with the same Cooldown.

Athentol Rite

The Athentol Rite is composed of mostly Solvaan, but also Regalia-loyal Fin'ullen and Teledden who put the interests of that Empire first. It was founded on the belief that the Senleya mission should be expressed through a Regalian lens, that Regalia is the country destined to overtake and destroy the Allorn Empire, and also the only one capable. Centered around the Sollerian court, it is the most politically active branch in-game (because Regalia is the setting), and is responsible for making sure that Elves politically stay in Regalian good graces and in as many positions of influence as possible. Though they share the overall emphasis on their membership remaining unnoticed, Athentol Rite Senleya are the flashiest and most vocal about their desire to achieve influence as politicians, with many of them carrying Noble status. Their very pro-Regalian nature sometimes grates against the more far-flung Rites, but when in Regalia, none can deny its contributions to the world.

  • Athentol Mechanic: Athentol Rite members can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.

Sanraan Rite

The Sanraan Rite, its name taken from the mythical Suvial founder, is dedicated not to the traditional Suvial art of Demonology but rather of Historiography. Sanraan is well-reputed in the academic community mostly for his honesty, because he is practically the only figure of the Allorn ascent period to write down anything without completely distorting it to suit his own Imperial narrative. The members of his Rite try to do the same by searching for truth in history wherever it can be found, and righting the wrongs of improperly kept records. This couples with a forgiveness-oriented attitude towards the past, being the most eager participants in the Senleya mission of smoothing over old wounds for the sake of the greater purpose. While most Sanraan Rite members are Suvial, there is also a sizable Star of Peace Lanlath presence.

  • Sanraan Mechanic: Sanraan Rite members can make a Discord Ticket to ask the Senleya Archives about an Elven related Lore Question.

Ularen Rite

The Ularen is the great steppe in the midst of Daen that was historically host to the Maquixtl cultures of the continent, only for them to be driven out upon Talea's return and the ones who remained to be transformed into an oppressed class used in forced labor and pushed out of the way of military encampments. The Ularen Rite is mostly composed of disenfranchised Maquixtl and the different Elves, Fin'ullen and Teledden included, who were pushed out of the way of Talea's expansionism or forced from their native Principalities upon her return. Since they believe that the solution is to be found in the Gods, precisely some sort of strange calculus of requiring Cemaan to turn against the Allorn Empire before victory against Talea can even be considered, they are the most mystic and ponderous of the different Rites, and always the first to keep religion in mind in a situation, whether that is Estelley or Guldar Draconism.

  • Ularen Mechanic: Ularen Rite members are treated as equals to the Summoner at any Divinium Summoning of their Character's Religion, and are guaranteed at least one question of their own.

Vanelyon Rite

The Vanelyon Rite is named after the Dregodar Prince who died alongside the Dragon Gaia fighting his cousin, the Empress. Composed of mostly Life Isldar, but also a few Aerunthar Dragonkin and some of the straggler hidden worship Draconism communities left behind in Daen, they are steeped in Dragon worship and fierce advocates for the memory of Dragons in history. Members of the Vanelyon rite are presciently concerned about the Senleya Order becoming what it hates if just one Grandmaster goes astray, as from their point of view, the line between Senleya pan-Elven belief, Allorn supremacism, and Apotheon Evolism cultism is actually quite thin and easy to cross. They operate as a sort of internal secret police that tries to hold the Senleya as a whole accountable not to run ahead with their idealism without considering what got them into the situation in the first place, an overconfidence

  • Vanelyon Mechanic: Vanelyon Rite members can write messages under Magical enchantment that only other Senleya members are capable of seeing, and leave them in places.


Since jobs and day to day tasks are covered by the Code section, the Goals section discusses major plans the Guild has for advancement.

  • War in Heaven: Having studied Dewamenet and Allorn history, and in review of the modern situation, the Senleya believe that wars are won or lost in large part based on the backing and presence of Gods. It is a Senleya mission to try to work towards 'reclaiming' Cemaan from the concept of the Allorn Empire, for example. If the Senleya assess in any situation that a religious revelation would make a group that has potential to assist in the great conflict stronger, then they will quietly put their weight behind whoever is trying to make it work. The Order had a hand in Sinnavei's pro-Regalian outlook, and the reconstitution of Draconism after the Advancement.
  • War on Land: The Senleya are constantly busy trying to make sure that their constituent member states (and friends) are not snuffed out before the Allorn struggle can even begin. Various priorities include making sure the Sihndar do not fall to Demons, the Suvial are not conquered by the Dread Empire, the Life Isldar are not driven out of Ellador, and the various Elven Principalities still independent are not consumed by the resurgent Allorn Empire. These priorities are often performed in a pro-Regalian scope.
  • War of the Mind: The Senleya, being a deeply mystic and religious Order, believe that corruption oftentimes begins in a failing of religion. They often work towards correcting deficient interpretations of their member Religions that leave room for corruption, including syncretism that they consider unsuitable: with Evolist Gods, for example. While priests themselves are rarely part of this organization, they have a tendency to prop up priests who they believe will help keep the common folk on the straight and narrow.
  • War for Forgiveness: The Senleya believe that the low reputation of the Elven people worldwide due to Allorn imperialism must be fixed. It is a Senleya goal to, while taking the past seriously and with all due respect, achieve forgiveness on a societal level between those wronged by the Allorn Empire and the Elves that are no longer part of it. This goal is so abstract and so complicated that it is difficult to find a point to begin. However, many Senleya keep it in mind in case a relevant opportunity arises, or the goal can be worked towards on a personal level.


While there is no hierarchy in the Senleya Order, rewards can be achieved for seniority. When you feel your Character has finished leading the Guild through a major story beat, or has achieved something major in line with Guild principles, apply for a Privilege in the Discord Ticket Bot. Similar to Knightly rank-ups, as more Privileges are accrued, it becomes harder to gain more.

  1. Grants the Character a rent-free Guild Hall Safehouse that the is about the size of 2x Rental Houses that the whole Guild can share. World Staff will do interior, if requested.
  2. Grants the Character protection against trouble for breaking all of Low Law, and allows them to cast Magic freely without restrictions, using Elven bribes to law enforcement.
  3. Choose one of: Lanlath Mechanic 5, Finullen Mechanic 5, Solvaan Mechanic 3, Suvial Mechanic TBD, Maquixtl Mechanic 4, or Life Isldar Mechanic 2, and gain it.
  4. Grants the Character wings (feathered only), allowing Elytra flight (with use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
  5. Grants the Character an Elf Ally NPC of their desired Theme that can be used to either assist with ongoing Quests or give Quests that generate Artifactsparks.


history theme is okay but change some details

Far less famous than the great Allorn Empresses of history but no less important are the Lathan Empresses, who have from their far more isolated position quietly given rise to some of the most important global movements in history, including the popularization of Radiant Magic theory, and the founding of the Order discussed on this page. When the Lanlath intervened during the Void Invasion to save the Allorn Empire from destruction at the hands of Demons, their Empress rode out of Lathan in person with a host of her finest guard to take survey of the situation. More than anyone was she deeply disgusted by the wretched state of Elven civilization, and the memory of pain and disgust that they had left behind in the world. But, worst of all, was her reaction to learning from the lips of those left behind what had passed in the centuries that the Lanlath had been secluded behind sealed gates. The decline of the Suvial, the mass proliferation of Void Cults, the crippling overpopulation and the flight and massacre of the Dregodar, the departure of the Solvaan, all of these things and more she mused could have been presented if there was less distance between the affected. If the Suvial had been willing to die for the Draconism worshipers, or the Draconism worshipers for the Lanlath, then they could have lived together instead of dying apart. With this conviction in hand, she founded the Senleya Order to prevent this from happening again, and engaged in a slow century-long dialogue (as is the Lanlath way) with those who would eventually become the other member groups.

The Regalian loyalists, the Suvial, the Plains Elves, and even the distant, bitter Isldar were successfully integrated into a continuous organization that could and would fend for itself. However, the slowness of the Lanlath to act compared with the bickering nature of these groups that did not like each other much to begin with made the Senleya lethargic and uncoordinated, preventing them from exercising any kind of global influence in the following critical periods. Allorn revanchism re-flowered in the destroyed Principalities and prevented the foundation of any sort of Fin'ullen branch with the growth of the rival Blue Moon Society for Talea's Restoration instead, and in Regalia, a series of Purist direction changes in the government made the idea of exposing to the Regalian Crown unworkable for fear of eradication. From the end of the first century After Cataclysm until the end of the third century after Cataclysm, the Senleya for the most part focused internally on establishing functioning communication and command structure. The explosion of events from 300-312 AC has seen war break out on Daen again, Talea return, the Isldar fracture due to the Glacial's deception, and more. In the past years, the Senleya have been thrust from status as a disjointed organization that only existed on paper into the first and last line of defense against Dread agents (with whom they are the ultimate rivals), a Regalian regressive takeover, and the ultimate fear of Allorn victory and the destruction of all they have worked towards. From relative obscurity, the Senleya are now considered one of Aloria's most eminent intelligence organizations, up there with the Blue Moon Society, the Suvial Secret Service, and some say even the Slizzar.

Fix Below On The Actual Page

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  • The Suvial Secret Service is not part of the Senleya Order: it is loyal to the Suvial Princes directly. In fact, they and the Senleya have fought before, when cooperation has been at low points.
  • The Senleya often know and greet one another by wearing signets of silver moons on the ring finger of their left hand, opposite where a marriage ring would be, and flashing them from under cloaks.
  • Senleya symbolism is all moon-focused and moon-oriented, with passphrases, sayings, and symbology of moons plastered all over everything. The Lanlath, Estel zealots, and the Isldar are equally to blame.