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Teledden Traditions are like Cultures in the way they are understood among Ailor, but Traditions often transcend nationhood, and are more related to living in the traditions of a legendary Teledden Prince or Empress.  
|name = Teled
<gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="300px" heights="300px">
|test = Teledden (Altalar)
File:Neoallori.png|''Neo-Allorn Tradition''
|test2 = [[File:Elffl22a.png]]
File:Amoni.png|''Amontaar Tradition''
|test3 = '''Motto:''' "In the Footsteps of Ancients"
File:Finelly.png|''Fin'ullen Tradition''
|image = Df48d0b6e4bc9478d945244941352413.png
|languages = Altalar
|religion = [[Estelley]] (and more)
Teled, sometimes called Teledden or just Elves, are the most commonly found Elves, and inheritors of an ancient legacy of the Allorn Empire, an Elven Empire that lasted for thousands of years. While their Empire eventually fell, the Teled continued to thrive in politics, art, trade, and magic and continued to be the second most populous people across the world of Aloria, only out-classed by the much shorter-lived Ailor. Teled offer an experience in both the traditional fantasy Elf, but also several variations with unique design alterations.
Teled vary from culture to culture, but can generally be understood to look like traditional Elves with only the Llasada Culture appearing more mer-folk-like with tails, fins, and scales. They have a wide variety of different long/pointed ear shapes, skin tones, and eye-colors of practically any variation, except the Solvaan who are always blue-tinted in skin tone. When Teled mix with other heritages, their traits are often dominant, resulting in the typical Half-Elven ear-shapes, but generally they are not dissimilar from the other people of Aloria.
The Teled Elves have over the millennia divided into Cultures much like the Ailor have, with customs and traditions that transcend nationhood. While once most if not all resided within the (old) Allorn Empire, these Cultures express different ways to play a traditional Elf. Below are depicted various Cultures of Teled, hover your cursor over the text to read more about them. You should choose one dominant culture for your Character.
<gallery mode="packed" widths="250px" heights="250px">
File:Neoallori.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Neo-Allorn - Imperialist Elves | Neo-Allorn Teled hail from nearly all states and nations that have Elves in them, but notably Val Allornavaal. They continue the pro-Magic and Imperial reclamation traditions of the fallen Allorn Empire and seek to establish the new Allorn Empire as a world power. Neo-Allorn are gracious, and poised but capable of deep insidious plotting and deceit. They seek conquest and glory for the Estelley Empresses.}}
File:Amoni.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Amontaar - Diplomatic Elves | Amontaar Teled hail from the city-state of Amontaar, a center of politics, commerce, and diplomacy. As a nexus between Empires, the people of Amontaar have always had to cultivate social networks and connections, a willingness to listen, and to pragmatically act and mediate to preserve their independence. Amontaar Teled frequently travel to Regalia to do political or economic business.}}
File:Finelly.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Finul - Maritime Elves  | Finul Teled follow the example of Empress Finell, the patron of Bel Faiaal, who was a renowned sailor and passionate lover enjoying the good life. The Finul have abandoned the haughty and poised Allorn disposition in favor of wild, loud, and excitedly intimate or passionate expressions. The Finul can be found in any port, anywhere the sea touches, including Regalia, a maritime Empire.}}
File:Belhammoni.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Bel Hammon - Scholar Elves | Bel Hammon Teled hail from the similarly named mysterious hermit-kingdom, a magic-focused state with terrifying power that secures itself through dubious means. The Bel Hammon are mistrusted by the wider world, even denounced as evil immoral warlocks and scientist who care not for the value of life or morals in their pursuit for magical experimentation. Their magical cabal even reaches Regalia, where they too experiment.}}
File:Minorielf.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Minoor - Communal Elves | Minoor Teled hail from Minoor Leria, a communal land where they have rejected nationhood, empires, and wealth. The Minoor live in accordance with the needs and capabilities of its people, an agrarian paradise from which the locals preach a return to simplicity and cooperative philosophy, and to reject approaching modernity. Many of them proselytize their own ideology in faraway lands, the Song of Communal Land.}}
File:Splashelfsolv.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Solvaan - Warden Elves | Solvaan Teled are descendants of colonists who traveled far east to Solleria, a land shrouded in monster-filled mists, where they eventually integrated into the Ailor Regalian Empire, and became a cornerstone of its political and military landscape. The Solvaan are hunters and mercenaries, protectors of the people, and those who rejected the Allorn Empire's isolation in favor of cooperation with other peoples.}}
File:Pirateelfy.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Llasada - Cutthroat Elves | Llasada Teled are feared across the high seas. They were once Finul but were inspired by Prince Larason to turn away from Estelley worship, and into the maw of the Deep, an oceanic-horror faith. The Llasada are nearly exclusively pirates, corsairs, and cutthroats, taking from the weak what they can get their hands on, with their might-makes-right philosophy. They have even given parts of their body to the sea as merfolk.}}
File:Perrionyr.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Pelyon - Knightly Elves | Pelyon Teled are strongly intermingled with the Perrion Ailor in the similarly named lands, a chivalric knighthood-obsessed people who worship the concept of masculinity (regardless of gender) and have long abandoned delicateness in favor of brutishness and wroth. Their people serve in large mercenary armies, baptized in warfare, while their coin is spent on personal pleasures. Some still hold to Estelley, but most serve Regalia.}}
File:Splashelfpresenna.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Presenna - Priestly Elves | Presenna are the cornerstone of the Estelley faith and its priesthood, their homeland of Presena houses most of the ecclesiastic colleges and academies where nearly all ordained priests of the faith are trained. Presenna is a land ravaged by centuries of warfare, corsairs, and invasions, the religious population holding strong faith, their defenseless nature giving rise to a reputation for enlightened pacifism.}}
File:Splashelflothan.png|{{#simple-tooltip: Lanlath - Avenger Elves | Lanlath Teled are conscientious objectors, Elves who were so repulsed with the Allorn Empire's crimes against the Asha, that they rejected the Empire and fled into the Lathan dimension from where to build their peaceful cities. From there, their ethics changed, and they re-opened the gates of Lathan to act as the moral guidelight of the Elves, using their safe havens to sabotage and combat the old and new Allorn Empire.}}
* '''Neo-Allorn''' are the Teledden who continue the traditions of the last Empress of the Allorn Empire pre-fall, and the majority of those who make up the new Allorn Empire since its re-proclamation. Neo-Allorn Teledden are gracious, and poised, but capable of deep insidious plotting and deceit to bring about the glory of the reborn Allorn Empire. They are hungry for Magic, conquest, and glory in the name of the ages. The Neo-Allorn come exclusively from the Allorn Empire, and are seen as hostile to the Regalian Empire, though some of them linger in Regalia's boundaries for reasons.
* '''Amontaar''' are the Teledden who play politics and diplomacy on a global stage, not content to be crushed between Empires, they are fierce defenders of their own independence and use their charisma and quick wit to maneuver themselves in important diplomatic plays. An Amontaari's influence only reaches as far as they have friends and others are willing to listen, so pragmatism and mediation are their great skills. The Amontaari come exclusively from the city-state of Amontaar, but many have migrated across the world to work in the diplomatic field for hire or homeland.  
* Fin'ullen are the Teledden who follow the tradition of Empress Finell the patron of Bel Faiaal, a tradition of maritime sailing, passionate friendship and love affairs, and enjoying the good life. Fin'ullen have mostly abandoned the haughty and poised disposition expected of Elves, to become wild, loud and intimately involved with seeking satisfactions in life. Fin'ullen are found widespread, with large populations in major nations like Bel Faiaal, but also in the various provinces of the Regalian Empire, and most Ailor colonies, as Fin'ullen adapt well to citizenship among Ailor.  
==Heritage Traits==
<gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="300px" heights="300px">
Heritage Traits represent free [[Proficiency]] Packs and things this Heritage can do. If you do not yet have a Character Application either to record your Character, or prepare Abilities for Combat Roleplay, you can skip this section, or just use it to take inspiration for what your Teled Character can do in Roleplay. It is possible to create mixed-Heritage Characters, as all Heritages have up to 5 Mechanics. In such a case, choose one of the free Pack bullet points, and mix and match Mechanics until you have a total of 5 between the 2 (maximum) Heritages.
File:Belhammoni.png|''Bel-Hammon Tradition''
===Free Packs===
File:Minorielf.png|''Minoor Tradition''
* Teled can choose one Pack from [[Magic Point Buy]] for free.
File:Leyadnda.png|''Eylen Tradition''
* Teled can choose one Pack from any Proficiency Category, except the Magic or Charisma Category for free.
* '''Bel Hammon''' are the mysterious Teledden from the hermit-kingdom of the same name, a Magical state with a terrifying power that came about through dubious means. Bel Hammon Teledden are mistrusted by the wider world, though of as evil immoral warlocks and scientists who care not for the value of life. They hold the secrets of the ages, preserving much of the Arcane wisdom that was lost during Cataclysm, and ply it to maintain their magical cabal. Bel Hammon Teledden hail exclusively from Bel Hammon, but some travel beyond its borders to discover oddities and artifacts.  
Teled Mechanics work slightly differently. All Teled have a standard set of 3 shared Mechanics that all Cultures have access to, and then 2 Mechanics that are unique to their Culture. It is not possible to make a mixed-heritage Teled with multiple Cultures, you must always choose one dominant culture. These Mechanics however do enter mix and match, when used to create mixed-Heritage Teled with any other Heritage.
* '''Minoor''' are the Teledden who have rejected nationhood, Empires, and wealth in favor of communal living where each is assigned according to their needs and abilities, and where society stands for unbridled solidarity. The Minoor hail from the Sundered lands where they have turned low-population abandoned areas into agrarian paradise and now reach beyond their nation to preach radical communalism and cooperative philosophy to the greedy politics-ridden foreign lands, including Regalia. The Minoor were inspired by the Princess Minora of Sunmeya, a land that no longer exists.
* '''Eylen''' are the Teledden often seen as the other side of Amontaar's coin, while Amontaar's wealth is in speech and contacts, Eylen's wealth is in coinage and knowledge. Eylen are excellent spies, merchants, bureaucrats, and scribes who record every bit of information to squeeze as much profit or benefit from it as possible. Hailing from the city-state of Eylen, the Eylen have been able to preserve their independence merely with bribery and lucrative trade contracts. As such, many frequently venture beyond in the name of Prince Eylis, to seek new trade.
===Culture Mechanics===
<gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="300px" heights="300px">
File:Pirateelfy.png|''Llasada Tradition''
File:Perrionyr.png|''Pelyon Tradition''
File:Tpriestheld.png|''Presenna Tradition''
* '''Llasada''' are feared Teledden across the high seas, once Fin'ullen, but having been inspired by Prince Larason away from worshiping the Elven Gods, and into the arms of the Deep Will. Llasada are pirates, corsairs and cutthroats, taking from the high seas and coasts what they can get their hands on in the name of their might-makes-right philosophy. Llasada have also given up part of their body to the seas, being part merfolk part Elf. Now, many venture beyond the borders of the Sundered Sea, Minoor lands being too sparse to plunder, some seek their fortune in Regalia's endless wealth.  
* '''Pelyon''' are the Teledden half of the Ailor Perrion Culture, a chivalric knight-obsessed people who worship the concept of masculinity regardless of gender and have long abandoned poise and delicate for bruteness and wroth. Their people serve in the largest mercenary armies of Regalia and are born and baptized in warfare while spending their hard-earned wages on personal pleasures. Some Pelyon still hold onto the Estelley faith, but many converted to Unionism when their Perrion homeland was conquered by Regalia, with many of them ending up in Regalia on mercenary contracts.
==Expanded Lore==
* '''Presenna''' are god-fearing pious Teledden who follow the tradition of Pelÿen the Princess of Teled-Methen. Presenna, the land of the largest and most glorious temples to the Estelley Gods, is ravaged and ruined by centuries of warfare as the mostly defenseless religious population is subject to constant invasions. Their faith remains strong, and they teach others the ways of the Ordvaan in the seminary colleges that dot their coastal cities. It is said that without Presenna, there is no priesthood among the Estelley, and this remains true to this day.
===Teled Cities===
This section showcases the geography of the new Allorn Empire (Val Allornavaal), and various other Elf-inhabited States. This section will also give a very brief oversight of the Teled-Elven states, and what they are in relation to each other, but for more detail, the Geography pages should be consulted.
| images = ElvenMap2.jpg
| subtexts = click this image to zoom to a larger version.
* '''Val Allornavaal:''' is the new Allorn Empire, including its direct subject states of Selv'ird, Irdaal, Sonolas, and the other lesser important provinces. The Allorn Empire is an imperialist state that constantly chafes with all its neighbors as it tries to reclaim lost lands that it still claims as rightfully theirs. The Neo-Allorn Teled work to restore this Empire to greatness, or at least give it back its rightful lands and then isolate it from the wider world, thus preventing conflict with the Regalian Empire.  
* '''Amontaar''' is the homeland of the Amontaar Teled, and a wide mixture of Teled Cultures due to its habit of being the nexus of west-to-east diplomacy. When any diplomacy happens between Regalia and the Allorn Empire, it happens in "neutral" Amontaar. Amontaar is far from neutral, as it is chiefly inspired to ensure its own independence, by playing Empires against each other and then benefiting from the chaos this inspires. Amontaar is also an immensely wealthy city, controlling the only trade entry in and out of the Allorn Empire, the only safe naval passage into the Allorn Empire, and lucrative ware transit between the various Elven realms and the Regalian Empire.  
* '''Bel Faiaal:''' is the homeland of the Finul, once part of the Allorn Empire, but now fiercely independent. The Finul manage to maintain their independence by tacitly allying with the Allorn Empire, their vast navies are used in the wars against the Kathar and Suvial Elves, but the Allorn Empire lacks formal fleets, so the Finul can demand their independence in exchange for the service of their fleets. Bel Faiaal is one of the few places still open to foreign visitors where one can taste the Allorn Empire's presence, without being inside it, though one should never confuse the Prince of Bel Faiaal as Pro-Allorn, he is primarily pro-Bel Faiaal.  
* '''Osc'Ird:''' is a proud homeland of the Osc'ird Kathar, that nonetheless has been a relentless battlefield and graveyard between Empires. While Orc'ird has some Teled inhabitants, it is mostly inhabited by Kathar who did agree to join the Allorn Empire, but are now repeatedly being invaded by the Suvial and Kathar as the frontline of their fight against the Allorn Empire's resurgence.
* '''Bel Sin Silaan & Bel Hammon:''' Both Bel Sin Silaan and Bel Hammon are nations founded by their respective Archmages, Sin Silaan and Hammon. Both nations have vast magical shields that make crossing into them from the ground impossible, and strong magical defenses that make approach from the sky highly unlikely. The world at large can only speculate what vile magics and experimentation occurs within, with Bel Hammon Teled routinely abducting people from outside their hermit kingdom and taking them inside, only for them to never return.
* '''Minoor Leria:''' Minoor Leria is the homeland of the Minoor, once settlers of a relatively infertile rainforest. When Cataclysm created the Sundered Lands which they are part of, the climates shifted and fertility improved, allowing the Minoor to establish a communal agrarian paradise that rejected Empires. Their independence is purely a byproduct of the Llasada thinking they have nothing of value, and the independence of Bel Hammon and Bel Sin Silaan ensures that the Allorn Empire does not (yet) come knocking to absorb them back and re-introduce the concept of taxation.  
* '''Llasada:''' Llasada is a pirate haven for the Llasada Teled and the land-based homeland of worship of the Deep Ones. There are no formal cities, only coastal enclaves filled with vast statues of the dark horrors of the deep oceans and the ocean Gods.  
* '''Callamar & Unified Vasaal Cities:''' Callamar and the Vasaal Cities are wealthy places somewhat aligned with Amontaar, and bartering their political credit to Amontaar in favor of Amontaar ensuring their independence. These lands are mostly inhabited by a mixture of Amontaar and Neo-Allorn inhabitants, and it remains up for debate whether Amontaar actually helps them remain independent, or whether the Selvath Elves are actually responsible.  
* '''Presenna:''' Presenna is the heartland of Estelley worship, all the greatest temples and ecclesiastic colleges and academies are based in Presenna. Nearly every Estelley priest has training either acquired directly from Presenna or from a religious mentor who came directly from Presenna. Without Presenna, there is no organized Estelley Religion, yet the somewhat democratic nation is constantly under attack from all neighbors, Bel Hammon experiments, Llasada Pirates, Asha Corsairs, and Regalian Imperialists. The Presenna are largely defenseless, drawing the attention of the Lanlath, Pelyon, and Solvaan Teled to protect them.  
* Val Methen & Bel Teledd: Are Teled microstates with varying populations that have entirely surrendered their politics to Amontaar. These nations might as well be subjects of Amontaar in all but name, though they fancy themselves as glorious nations and the true inheritors of the eastern kingdoms of the old Allorn Empire, even if they barely control a fifth of its original landmass.  
* '''Aioránia:''' Aioránia is a post-colonial confederation of city-states that are part of the Regalian Empire, but have a great deal of autonomy, and are also resilient to rule from Regalia. Aioránia has a very large Teled population of varying cultures, because it was once part of the Allorn Empire before the Ailor population invaded and colonized it.  
* Perrionne: Perionne is a fragmented ducal land that is under direct rule from Regalia, but has a great deal of local autonomy as the dukes continue to wage petty wars with one another and send their mercenary armies to bloody the fields of lavender. Perrionne is a typical feudal Elven society where the Elves have largely adopted Ailor cultural practices, but where the sizeable Pelyon Teled population keeps some traditions alive.  
* '''Grand Couronne d'Ithanie:''' is one of the strongest states in the Elven hemisphere, a successor state to a strong northern Allorn kingdom called Ithicalon, which during the collapse of the Allorn Empire had its princes come together, and choose a different path than destruction. While other ex-Allorn kingdoms and princedoms perished in the chaos, the Ithicalon Teled princes started cooperating with their minorities. They even acknowledged them as majorities in government (the Ailor in particular), which quickly stabilized the realm, though made it dominated by Ailor politics. The Queendom of Ithania as it came to be known, would eventually be conquered by the Regalian Empire in a bloodless war, though the very large Teled population of varying cultures continues to comprise a large part of its politics, and continue Estelley worship in a Unionist Queendom.
* '''Solacil:''' is one of the few Regalian subject states with a mostly Teled population, mixed with Neo-Allorn and Finul people. Solacil is both a wine country of peace, where wealthy Regalian nobles go to vacation, and a political hotbed for so-called "Allorn Realism", a Neo-Allorn philosophy that dictates that the Regalian Empire and the Allorn Empire need not be enemies and that they have much in common, but that they must first resolve the "Aioránia Question". The Allorn Empire claims this land, but Regalian also claims it as their own. Allorn Realists believe that the Allorn Empire and Regalia have an equal right to exist, but that conflict should be averted by handing Aioránia to the Allorn Empire, and force-move the whole population to the Silerian chain or Lusits. This is obviously a controversial stance, but it shows that it is possible to be Neo-Allorn, and still be vaguely pro-Regalia. Most Neo-Allorn Teled who reside in Regalia, in fact, subscribe to this belief, and are not so much anti-Regalia, as much as they are anti-Tierravera Ailor.

Latest revision as of 03:23, 15 October 2024

Teledden (Altalar)
Motto: "In the Footsteps of Ancients"
ReligionEstelley (and more)

Teled, sometimes called Teledden or just Elves, are the most commonly found Elves, and inheritors of an ancient legacy of the Allorn Empire, an Elven Empire that lasted for thousands of years. While their Empire eventually fell, the Teled continued to thrive in politics, art, trade, and magic and continued to be the second most populous people across the world of Aloria, only out-classed by the much shorter-lived Ailor. Teled offer an experience in both the traditional fantasy Elf, but also several variations with unique design alterations.


Teled vary from culture to culture, but can generally be understood to look like traditional Elves with only the Llasada Culture appearing more mer-folk-like with tails, fins, and scales. They have a wide variety of different long/pointed ear shapes, skin tones, and eye-colors of practically any variation, except the Solvaan who are always blue-tinted in skin tone. When Teled mix with other heritages, their traits are often dominant, resulting in the typical Half-Elven ear-shapes, but generally they are not dissimilar from the other people of Aloria.


The Teled Elves have over the millennia divided into Cultures much like the Ailor have, with customs and traditions that transcend nationhood. While once most if not all resided within the (old) Allorn Empire, these Cultures express different ways to play a traditional Elf. Below are depicted various Cultures of Teled, hover your cursor over the text to read more about them. You should choose one dominant culture for your Character.

Heritage Traits

Heritage Traits represent free Proficiency Packs and things this Heritage can do. If you do not yet have a Character Application either to record your Character, or prepare Abilities for Combat Roleplay, you can skip this section, or just use it to take inspiration for what your Teled Character can do in Roleplay. It is possible to create mixed-Heritage Characters, as all Heritages have up to 5 Mechanics. In such a case, choose one of the free Pack bullet points, and mix and match Mechanics until you have a total of 5 between the 2 (maximum) Heritages.

Free Packs

  • Teled can choose one Pack from Magic Point Buy for free.
  • Teled can choose one Pack from any Proficiency Category, except the Magic or Charisma Category for free.


Teled Mechanics work slightly differently. All Teled have a standard set of 3 shared Mechanics that all Cultures have access to, and then 2 Mechanics that are unique to their Culture. It is not possible to make a mixed-heritage Teled with multiple Cultures, you must always choose one dominant culture. These Mechanics however do enter mix and match, when used to create mixed-Heritage Teled with any other Heritage.

Culture Mechanics

Expanded Lore

Teled Cities

This section showcases the geography of the new Allorn Empire (Val Allornavaal), and various other Elf-inhabited States. This section will also give a very brief oversight of the Teled-Elven states, and what they are in relation to each other, but for more detail, the Geography pages should be consulted.

click this image to zoom to a larger version.
  • Val Allornavaal: is the new Allorn Empire, including its direct subject states of Selv'ird, Irdaal, Sonolas, and the other lesser important provinces. The Allorn Empire is an imperialist state that constantly chafes with all its neighbors as it tries to reclaim lost lands that it still claims as rightfully theirs. The Neo-Allorn Teled work to restore this Empire to greatness, or at least give it back its rightful lands and then isolate it from the wider world, thus preventing conflict with the Regalian Empire.
  • Amontaar is the homeland of the Amontaar Teled, and a wide mixture of Teled Cultures due to its habit of being the nexus of west-to-east diplomacy. When any diplomacy happens between Regalia and the Allorn Empire, it happens in "neutral" Amontaar. Amontaar is far from neutral, as it is chiefly inspired to ensure its own independence, by playing Empires against each other and then benefiting from the chaos this inspires. Amontaar is also an immensely wealthy city, controlling the only trade entry in and out of the Allorn Empire, the only safe naval passage into the Allorn Empire, and lucrative ware transit between the various Elven realms and the Regalian Empire.
  • Bel Faiaal: is the homeland of the Finul, once part of the Allorn Empire, but now fiercely independent. The Finul manage to maintain their independence by tacitly allying with the Allorn Empire, their vast navies are used in the wars against the Kathar and Suvial Elves, but the Allorn Empire lacks formal fleets, so the Finul can demand their independence in exchange for the service of their fleets. Bel Faiaal is one of the few places still open to foreign visitors where one can taste the Allorn Empire's presence, without being inside it, though one should never confuse the Prince of Bel Faiaal as Pro-Allorn, he is primarily pro-Bel Faiaal.
  • Osc'Ird: is a proud homeland of the Osc'ird Kathar, that nonetheless has been a relentless battlefield and graveyard between Empires. While Orc'ird has some Teled inhabitants, it is mostly inhabited by Kathar who did agree to join the Allorn Empire, but are now repeatedly being invaded by the Suvial and Kathar as the frontline of their fight against the Allorn Empire's resurgence.
  • Bel Sin Silaan & Bel Hammon: Both Bel Sin Silaan and Bel Hammon are nations founded by their respective Archmages, Sin Silaan and Hammon. Both nations have vast magical shields that make crossing into them from the ground impossible, and strong magical defenses that make approach from the sky highly unlikely. The world at large can only speculate what vile magics and experimentation occurs within, with Bel Hammon Teled routinely abducting people from outside their hermit kingdom and taking them inside, only for them to never return.
  • Minoor Leria: Minoor Leria is the homeland of the Minoor, once settlers of a relatively infertile rainforest. When Cataclysm created the Sundered Lands which they are part of, the climates shifted and fertility improved, allowing the Minoor to establish a communal agrarian paradise that rejected Empires. Their independence is purely a byproduct of the Llasada thinking they have nothing of value, and the independence of Bel Hammon and Bel Sin Silaan ensures that the Allorn Empire does not (yet) come knocking to absorb them back and re-introduce the concept of taxation.
  • Llasada: Llasada is a pirate haven for the Llasada Teled and the land-based homeland of worship of the Deep Ones. There are no formal cities, only coastal enclaves filled with vast statues of the dark horrors of the deep oceans and the ocean Gods.
  • Callamar & Unified Vasaal Cities: Callamar and the Vasaal Cities are wealthy places somewhat aligned with Amontaar, and bartering their political credit to Amontaar in favor of Amontaar ensuring their independence. These lands are mostly inhabited by a mixture of Amontaar and Neo-Allorn inhabitants, and it remains up for debate whether Amontaar actually helps them remain independent, or whether the Selvath Elves are actually responsible.
  • Presenna: Presenna is the heartland of Estelley worship, all the greatest temples and ecclesiastic colleges and academies are based in Presenna. Nearly every Estelley priest has training either acquired directly from Presenna or from a religious mentor who came directly from Presenna. Without Presenna, there is no organized Estelley Religion, yet the somewhat democratic nation is constantly under attack from all neighbors, Bel Hammon experiments, Llasada Pirates, Asha Corsairs, and Regalian Imperialists. The Presenna are largely defenseless, drawing the attention of the Lanlath, Pelyon, and Solvaan Teled to protect them.
  • Val Methen & Bel Teledd: Are Teled microstates with varying populations that have entirely surrendered their politics to Amontaar. These nations might as well be subjects of Amontaar in all but name, though they fancy themselves as glorious nations and the true inheritors of the eastern kingdoms of the old Allorn Empire, even if they barely control a fifth of its original landmass.
  • Aioránia: Aioránia is a post-colonial confederation of city-states that are part of the Regalian Empire, but have a great deal of autonomy, and are also resilient to rule from Regalia. Aioránia has a very large Teled population of varying cultures, because it was once part of the Allorn Empire before the Ailor population invaded and colonized it.
  • Perrionne: Perionne is a fragmented ducal land that is under direct rule from Regalia, but has a great deal of local autonomy as the dukes continue to wage petty wars with one another and send their mercenary armies to bloody the fields of lavender. Perrionne is a typical feudal Elven society where the Elves have largely adopted Ailor cultural practices, but where the sizeable Pelyon Teled population keeps some traditions alive.
  • Grand Couronne d'Ithanie: is one of the strongest states in the Elven hemisphere, a successor state to a strong northern Allorn kingdom called Ithicalon, which during the collapse of the Allorn Empire had its princes come together, and choose a different path than destruction. While other ex-Allorn kingdoms and princedoms perished in the chaos, the Ithicalon Teled princes started cooperating with their minorities. They even acknowledged them as majorities in government (the Ailor in particular), which quickly stabilized the realm, though made it dominated by Ailor politics. The Queendom of Ithania as it came to be known, would eventually be conquered by the Regalian Empire in a bloodless war, though the very large Teled population of varying cultures continues to comprise a large part of its politics, and continue Estelley worship in a Unionist Queendom.
  • Solacil: is one of the few Regalian subject states with a mostly Teled population, mixed with Neo-Allorn and Finul people. Solacil is both a wine country of peace, where wealthy Regalian nobles go to vacation, and a political hotbed for so-called "Allorn Realism", a Neo-Allorn philosophy that dictates that the Regalian Empire and the Allorn Empire need not be enemies and that they have much in common, but that they must first resolve the "Aioránia Question". The Allorn Empire claims this land, but Regalian also claims it as their own. Allorn Realists believe that the Allorn Empire and Regalia have an equal right to exist, but that conflict should be averted by handing Aioránia to the Allorn Empire, and force-move the whole population to the Silerian chain or Lusits. This is obviously a controversial stance, but it shows that it is possible to be Neo-Allorn, and still be vaguely pro-Regalia. Most Neo-Allorn Teled who reside in Regalia, in fact, subscribe to this belief, and are not so much anti-Regalia, as much as they are anti-Tierravera Ailor.