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| style="background-color:#dcdcdc;" | '''Function:'''
| style="background-color:#dcdcdc;" | '''Function:'''
| Ammalla is the patron of the rejected and oppressed, who appears to offer guidance and support to those struggling with rejection, and learn not to hate it, but accept it as a part of life. She is also a Refraction of the [[Minor Faith]] God the Scornblood, meaning anything she learns, the Scornblood will learn too.
| Ammalla is the patron of the rejected and oppressed, who appears to offer guidance and support to those struggling with rejection, and learn not to hate it, but accept it as a part of life. She is also a Refraction of the [[Minor_Faiths#The_Broken_Gods | Broken Gods]] God the Scornblood, meaning anything she learns, the Scornblood will learn too.
| style="background-color:#dcdcdc;" | '''Notability:'''
| style="background-color:#dcdcdc;" | '''Notability:'''

Latest revision as of 23:06, 14 October 2024

This Page will detail recurring Event Characters / Notable Individuals, mostly Arken, portrayed by Staff Members that have some relevance to the longer-running overarching story of MassiveCraft. While certain Seasonal Event Characters will be added/removed, Arken are usually always persistently present in some way. Some of these characters may feel overwhelming to interact with, or arcane to understand, so this Page gives a couple of very simple do's and don'ts and hints on how to successfully approach them one way or another. Some of the Profiles created here are Gods, some are important people, but some may also just be regular nobodies. Still working with (or against) them may have some bearing on furthering Aloria's Story. Note, if a God is present on this page, it usually means this God may appear in Regalia without the use of Divinium, but only in rare circumstances.

Thirun the Arken

Overview: Thirun is the Arken of Pride, but also the Fornoss God of Magic and Vanity. Thirun is generally seen as an Enemy of Regalia, because he has done many things to obstruct the Government and Peace.
Function: Thirun is a chaos agent, who appears in Regalia to shake things up when appropriate, or drop a bombshell of information when inappropriate. Do not expect him to act in favor of anyone.
Notability: Thirun has a long list of notable appearances, most recently, being the catalyst for the Vampire Occupation, by spreading Vampiric Infection like wildfire in the population and making them incurable.
Persuasion: Thirun has the highest Persuasion Stat possible all the time. Even then, there may be times where a Persuasion Dice might fail due to the arbitrary Chaos-agent nature of Thirun.
Alliances: Thirun's alliances are complicated because they exist in inherent contradictions. He is favorable to Pride/Fury Arkenborn and those who flatter him, but hates them if they should be incompetent or wastrels.
Animosity: Thirun has no express enemies save for the Justice Arken, though is very liberal with his distaste for anyone who expresses self-deprecation, or other forms of self-doubt and insecurity in front of him.
Appearances: Thirun is a very rare appearance, worst of all, he rarely appears as himself recognizably, but usually disguised as an Arkenborn or lesser Demon of some kind so as not to arouse concern or suspicion.
Important Notes: Thirun is by all accounts considered extremely dangerous and should not be approached with indignance and callousness or apathy. Out of all Profiles present on this Page, he is the least accountable to norms and principles, and acts capricious even when summoned through Divinium, which can be used to call upon him as he is a Fornoss God. Extreme caution should be taken around him, not to appear hostile or irreverent, but also not to appear too reverent so as to appear weak and docile.

Intan the Arken

Overview: Intan is the Arken of Avarice, a haughty but friendly Rama Allar and self-proclaimed Digmaan with a jovial attitude that conceals his fearsome nature.
Function: Intan is very willing to bargain, and will make deals with literally anyone, because he is ruled by his greed. To his enjoyment but the fear of those who must engage with him, they are always to his benefit.
Notability: Intan is a Digmaan in Hadar, who rules a Kingdom thralled to believe he is not Magical at all. He appears around the world to spend his immense wealth and acquire or forge new Artifacts for his collection.
Persuasion: Intan’s Persuasion stat is very high. This can be lowered by gifting him Artifacts or flattering him.
Alliances: Intan aligns with anyone who aligns with him. He is fond of Dwarves, and Allar.
Animosity: Intan is fearful of the Arken of Justice, hateful of the Arken of Compassion, and envious of the Arken of Pride and Power. He also never forgives anyone who has ever stolen from him.
Appearances: Intan likes to act through his cultists, heralds, and Pacted. He can also be summoned or discussed with through his Coins of Greed, and has appeared in Regalia in the past.
Important Notes: Intan owns a pocket dimension called the Infinite Vault of Avarice, and a physical Kingdom in Hadar. While the Kingdom is not a player in the ongoing Civil War, the Infinite Vault of Avarice is said to hold enough wealth to buy out half a continent. Both are considered incredibly dangerous, but a heist of legend for the best thieves in history. Before he was an Allar, he was an Asha, and before that, a Dwarf. He has been an Allar for seventy years.

Artarel the Arken

Overview: Artarel is the Arken of Justice, but also the Estelley Goddess of Judgment. Despite this holy status, Justice is not quite State-aligned, and more State-vigilante, doing what she thinks is right.
Function: Artarel is a patron of the Estelley Faithful, who always appears helpful and protective of their desires, but is also an exacting and demanding master who asks for very inconvenient things.
Notability: Artarel has appeared in Regalia many times, but her appearances are rarely noteworthy unless they are done to save her worshipers from humiliation or destruction, or to somehow oppose the Pride Arken.
Persuasion: Persuasion is nearly impossible on Artarel, and she generally responds with open hostility to being told what to do, or attempts to convince her one way or the other.
Alliances: Artarel aligns with anyone who backs her definition of justice: "as does the doer, unto them is done." Her work towards enforcing this "Old Law" makes her friends with Estelley zealots.
Animosity: Artarel's nemesis is the Pride Arken, Thirun, who she is constantly preparing for her climactic battle with. She is hateful towards the liars, killers, and other people who land on her List of all Sinners.
Appearances: Artarel is a regular sight at Floral Court, where there are rumors that some of the priests have earned her favor enough to summon her down. If she appears outside of this context, it is always trouble.
Important Notes: Artarel is one of the most dangerous entities on Aloria because she is completely ignorant to all forms of context and mercy. If one of her own devoted cultists called her down after murdering someone out of turn, she would put them to the sword on the spot. Immense caution should be taken in summoning her to make sure that everyone in the summoning party has been keeping their act clean, and that no one is hiding any inconvenient truths, because Artarel can see through any mortal lie.

Ammalla the Arken

Overview: Ammalla is the Arken of Rejection. Rejection is explicitly not State-Aligned, and more State-Neutral, supporting those the state oppresses.
Function: Ammalla is the patron of the rejected and oppressed, who appears to offer guidance and support to those struggling with rejection, and learn not to hate it, but accept it as a part of life. She is also a Refraction of the Broken Gods God the Scornblood, meaning anything she learns, the Scornblood will learn too.
Notability: Ammalla appears very frequently to mingle with people, she is, paradoxically, very social. However she very rarely imparts actual power or direction to her followers, instead giving vague life-advice.
Persuasion: Ammalla's Persuasion Stat is low for those she considers "Rejected," and high for anyone else. That being said, attempts to persuade her to harm the "Rejected" may result in an automatic Persuasion Failure.
Alliances: Ammalla favors the "Rejected," most commonly Arkenborn, peoples ostracized by society, the poor, and so on. Notably, this excludes Vampires, and people who crave the power to oppress others.
Animosity: Ammalla is generally hostile to no-one, even those who reject others, because she sees it as a part of life. However, she does not approve of excessive abuse and violence, and particularly loathes Vampires.
Appearances: Ammalla appears almost exclusively in the Regalian Sewers, and will often show up when people are at their lowest in life. She will infrequently disguise herself, but usually appears as herself.
Important Notes: While Ammalla is considered a non-violent Arken, it is important to note that she is still an Arken, and can be capricious with the guidance she gives: one day she will tell someone to just make peace with their rejection and move on, and another day she will encourage them to violently rage against those who denied them. She is most willing to give advice, but almost never actual powers or benefits, as she encourages one to accept what they have, and who they are.

Ixchel the Arken

Overview: Ixchel is the Arken of Compassion.
Function: Ixchel is a patron of the Estelley Faithful, but her attention is often spread, prioritizing helping those in need across Aloria.
Notability: Ixchel has appeared in Regalia at multiple points, but her appearances are often unannounced and unnoticed.
Persuasion: Persuasion nearly always works on Ixchel, her persuasion stat is very low. She is a bleeding heart who will hear out almost any request, so long as it does not require harming another being.
Alliances: Ixchel is amicable to anyone and everyone, regardless of who or what they may be. She believes that anyone and everyone is capable of changing for the better and should be shown grace.
Animosity: Ixchel has no one she would consider an enemy, but she does have some dislike for the Fury Arken and his unending pursuit of violence.
Appearances: Ixchel often appears in Floralcourt or other nature heavy areas in Regalia, however she does occasionally take on different personas to help those who may be ill at ease with her presence.
Important Notes: Ixchel never raises a hand in violence, regardless of if harm may come to herself because of it. As a result it is considered surprisingly easy to capture her, but where Ixchel goes, Artarel is often nearby and many unfortunate kidnappers do not take into account the presence of the other Arken.

Reitt the Arken

Overview: Reitt is the Arken of Fury, and the twin brother of Thirun the Arken of Pride (who he is often mistaken for). His immense strength allows him to rival many - often eager for a chance to prove such.
Function: Reitt is a lone wolf, who only appears in Regalia when the opportunity for a good fight is apparent, rather uncaring for Gods and their schemes. He acts in no ones' interests but his own, often.
Notability: Reitt is not as notable as his brother, due to his selfish and simple minded goals, but the impact he leaves on battlefields he creates is just as noticeable. Many Velheimers have heard tales of Reitt butchering entire armies with an arm tied behind his back.
Persuasion: Reitt has a surprisingly low Persuasion Stat, however, this comes at the caveat that you should be very careful with what you ask him to do. He may succeed and achieve whatever goal is given to him, but you may not like how he did it.
Alliances: Reitt does not have alliances, as he needs no one but himself - anything else would be an admission of weakness. That being said, he still looks favourably upon physically strong Pride and Fury Arkenborn, as well as notable warriors who share his love for battle.
Animosity: Reitt detests magic and sees it as nothing but weakness. The only good use of magic in his eyes is to make your muscles larger or your sword sharper. He also detests cowards, pacifists and those who are not physically capable.
Appearances: Reitt often only shows up in response to other notable figures appearing within Regalia, in the hopes of forcing them to fight him. However, if a notable enough warrior or battle were to crop up, he may appear with piqued interest.
Important Notes: Reitt is an extremely dangerous and powerful entity, most of which stems from his volatile and explosive personality. When one approaches him, one should be incredibly careful of the use of magic before him first and foremost. Reitt may expect player characters to fight him and encourage them to, the opposite of the norm: where players should not attack Gods and Arken for fear of death. It is more dangerous to disappoint the Fury Arken than to try and fight him even in the face of his overwhelming strength.

Carina the Arken

Overview: Carina is the Arken of Happiness, youngest-born of the six notable Exist Arken. She is known to the masses as the Songbird of Lampeporta, an actress and singer of great renown.
Function: Carina’s objectives are often whimsical and confusing, asking favors to drive others towards some goal known only to her. At a surface-level, she claims to want to bring joy into everyone’s lives.
Notability: Carina is better known as an actress, singer, and mage than she is as an Arken. Famous in Vultaro as the actress of ten-thousand faces, any who engage with theatre or opera are sure to have heard of her evocative performances.
Persuasion: Carina’s persuasion stat varies by the day (on a set schedule) due to her fanciful nature. One should word what they’d ask of her very specifically, as she’s likely to twist the request to be more ‘fun’.
Alliances: Carina is friendly with anyone who is friendly to her. However, she particularly favors those involved with theatre and music, as well as Happiness and Justice Arkenborn, the latter of whom might put her in good graces with their mother.
Animosity: Carina has no real enemies, but will on occasion harangue those despised by her elder siblings, in the hopes of availing herself to them. In general, however, she loathes the miserable -- Lothar, and anyone who suffers.
Appearances: Carina appears frequently around all areas of the city, though not always wearing her own face. If there is a party, it is highly likely that she’s skulking about.
Important Notes: The worst mistake to make with any Arken -- Carina especially -- is to allow yourself to become lax. Despite her silly demeanor, she will only ever do what she deems fun, which has ended poorly for more poor sods than history can remember. More than the rest, she loves to play at being human, to walk in their shoes, to pretend she understands the plights of her lessers.