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From MassiveCraft Wiki
(Redirected from Divinium)

Resources are a type of in-character currency used in several roleplay systems. Unlike the Crown, which is the official currency of the Regalian Empire used in day to day-transactions, Resources are objects which do not hold literal monetary value, but whose innate characteristics give them value. Below lists the types of Resources currently used in circulation, as well as pertinent information regarding them.

Single-Use Resources


Divinium is a Resource that describes various totems, relics, and objects of religious significance that have value to Gods and higher powers, serving as literal manifestations of faith. Divinium is an in-roleplay term, and thus it can be called such in-character.

  • Static Divinium can be traded between players.
  • Divinium cannot (normally) be stolen from players.
  • Divinium is recorded on the Custom Kit Sheet, and characters can know who has Divinium, because it is valuable, and people talk about things that are valuable.

Divinium Uses

Divinium as a Resource may be used in the following ways:

  • Summoning a God from any (non Pagan and Cult Faith) Religion to directly communicate with them. The God will generally only speak to/pay attention to the owner of the Divinium, but the owner can allow other Characters to ask questions.
  • Curing Vampirism, explained on the Vampire page.
  • Removing Curses by summoning a God.
  • Immediately reviving a “killed” Bralona, instead of waiting 72 Hours.

How to obtain Divinium

There are several ways to obtain Divinium, outlined below:

  • Divinium may be obtained by participating in a Divinium Raid, during which occupiers can gain 1 Divinium.
  • Dymolov Vampires that take ownership of Divinium during a Divinium Raid gain 2 Divinium instead.
  • Archon who successfully convert non-Archon with dimensional Magic to said Affinity, gain 1 Divinium.
  • Priests that absorb and keep 3 Curses at the same time generate 1 Divinium
  • Divinium may be granted as a reward for a DM'd Staff Event, though this is rare, and never guaranteed.
  • Hosting religious festivals and events in the name of one or multiple gods. These events must be planned out, put on the forum or discord calendar, and be a focal point of roleplay (have a pretty sizable attendance rate). Make a ticket to request divinium generation from events.


Artifacts are powerful objects, usually created by Gods or powerful entities like Sovereign Spirits, that confer certain powers on their owner, both in Combat Roleplay as Combat Mechanics, and outside of Combat Roleplay as Roleplay Mechanics. Artifacts cannot be destroyed, but they are powered by a powerful substance called Artifactspark. When talking about Artifact Resources, we speak of Artifactsparks.


An Artifactspark is a colloquial (in-lore) term for the power that resides within an Artifact. Artifacts cannot be destroyed by mortals, though there are several ways by which mortals can drain Artifacts of their power, weaken them, or restore an Artifactspark to re-empower them. Artifactsparks cannot be made by mortals, and must usually be acquired through some kind of religious or magical ritual. Some basic rules apply:

  • Static Artifactsparks (meaning, non-regenerating), can be traded between players (though Staff should be notified of any Resource transfers).
  • Who owns a Spark, is recorded on the Custom Kit Sheet, which is treated as publicly available IC information.
  • Artifacts can only contain a single Artifactspark. Artifactsparks can be removed from Artifacts through certain Mechanics, and Aelrrigan Knights.


Artifactsparks have great value, because they unlock rare Mechanics in Artifacts, and generally speaking are rarer to find than other Resources.

  • Artifactsparks can be used to trade with other Players for services or other Resources, thus have value to non-Artifact owners also.
  • Artifactsparks can be used to revive a "killed" Bralona, instead of pushing that Bralona to go through the 72 hour revival period.
  • Artifactsparks can be used on an Artifact without a Spark, consuming the spark, and restoring the Artifactspark Mechanics.

How to obtain Artifactsparks

There are several ways to obtain Artifactsparks, outlined below:

  • Characters with at least 10 Points invested in Magic Proficiency who are "victorious" in 5 separate CRP Scenes can generate 1 Artifactspark. The CRP Scenes must not be no-stakes duels, and should not be OOCly arranged. "Victorious" counts as: still being alive when combat is over, and having their "side" have more alive members than the opposing side, characters who have fled the scene do not count. Proof of victory must be sent in a Ticket to Staff, and must be during a period that Lore Staff can confirm via server logs (which usually go back 2~ months max).
  • Characters who own an Artifact, have said Artifact stolen from them, and then succeed in re-taking it, will automatically generate an Artifactspark that is immediately used on this Artifact, so long as the Artifact had its Artifactspark removed while it was stolen from them.
  • Successful Raiding Parties during an Artifactspark Raid are granted 2 Artifactsparks.
  • The Aelrrigan Order may vote to grant Artifactsparks to individuals. This Artifactspark is granted by the leaders of their Order.
  • Artifactsparks may be granted as a reward for a DM'd Staff Event, though this is rare, and never guaranteed.

Wealth Tokens

Wealth Tokens are a resource that describes a sizeable amount of money, valued at around five thousand Regals. Most common people do not see this much money at once in their lives. Wealth Tokens can be referred to as "30,000 Regals" in character, but are just a lot of money. Wealth Tokens can be used to solve problems in event-lines, or create problems for others, and are powerful because they carry between event-lines and can be spent when the player holding them thinks them most valuable. Stockpiling too many may draw the attention of hostile NPCs, so spend them. A record of Wealth Token ownership can be found here.

Letters of Commendation

Letters of Commendation are cover letters written by political or otherwise influential people who assist both in contacting and speaking on positive terms with the Imperial Court. The Princeroyals (those in charge of the Empire while the Emperor is missing) generally do not speak with the common folk, or even the Nobility without an extensive invitation or reason provided. Often, it is hard to appraise such a reason or to convince the prince royal of the urgency of a personal matter due to them living in proverbial gilded towers high above the city.


Letters of Commendation are in essence political credit spent for singular instances.

  • A Letter of Commendation is at a baseline required to even be allowed to contact the Imperial Court or the Princeroyals, but more is always better. A Letter of Commendation will open doors for a conversation or talk with the Palace, but more will increase the odds of a conversation taking place, because the Princeroyals may still decline a meeting or talk if only a single letter is provided.
  • A Letter of Commendation can also influence who speaks or addresses a letter. For example, if only a single letter is sent asking for Prince Constantine, they may dismiss the request and send someone (or even just a bureaucrat!) they think is apt to deal with it. This kind of arbitrary response can sometimes lead to a more obstructionist Princeroyal appearing, so having multiple requests for a specific Prince helps.
  • A Letter of Commendation can also influence the amiability of the subject matter of the discussion or meeting should there be one. If only a single Letter of Commendation is sent, the Princeroyals are likely to consider the subject matter weak or unimportant. If five letters were attached to a request, they consider the matter with more urgency, and may even be more positively disposed to the person sending the letters.

How to obtain

Letters of Commendation are written out by specific people. The most reliable source of Letters of Commendation are Viridian Knights (any ranked member can write one), Thousand Blade Chapter Bloodcast Knights (only their chapter), and Nobles or Aristocrats. Beyond that, various Custom-Kit-holders may be capable of writing Letters of Commendation, and certain Mechanics also allow individuals to write them. There are several rules associated with the use and writing of Letters of Commendation, as their use can only be applied in very specific situations.

  • Letter of Commendation should be written by the individuals who can, starting with a formal address to the Imperial Court, followed by a Commendation, and closed with a formal self-address (an example Letter of Commendation is provided at the bottom of this section). The person holding the letters should gather them up in a Google Document, enable viewing by Link, and then send it in a ticket when used.
  • When presenting Letters of Commendation for any reason, they should also be linked through a Google Document, but it is admissible for the letters inside them to have just been copy-pasted from forum DM's, images/screenshots, or discord DM's. Letters of Commendation can only be used for singular meetings/requests and must be written to address that matter specifically otherwise they are null and void.

Letter Example

A Letter of Commendation must always contain these elements listed below, with a full example in the quote section.

  • An introduction of the person who wrote the letter.
  • An introduction of the person who the letter is written for.
  • An indication of the matter of why the letter was written.
  • A short indicator of the writer's stance on the matter.
  • (Optional) A recommendation for a specific Princeroyal to deal with.

To whom it may concern,

I, Count John of Warrickston, send this Letter of Commendation for Commoner Mary-Jane of Bridgeleap. I have heard her concerns on the matters of Magic Law, and commend her to speak to the Imperial Court. Her reasoning on a proposal for the change of Magic Law is reasoned and sound to me, and I believe it is in the best interest of the Empire and the people, for Prince Constantine to address her in a meeting.

With considerations and regards, John I of Warrickston, Count of Berrywick.

Each letter should be clearly separated on a Google Document from one another, and a quick OOC note attached indicating which Character / what Player Username gave that specific Commendation. Editing or otherwise re-using Letters of Commendation is not permitted.

WritersFireFan96, Birdsfoot violet
ProcessorsBirdsfoot violet
Last EditorOkaDoka on 01/5/2025.

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