Aloria is a world full of many different people and societies; subsequently, many religions exist. Gods are tangible beings that walk among Mortals, and interact with them in this world, and so Religion feels a lot more impactful in the world. Religions present a set of guidelines and ideals to live by, while also creating conflict with those of other Religions. Your Character can be an atheist in this world, but Religions add a lot of flavor and connections with other Characters that are beneficial. If you are window-shopping for a new (first?) Character, and just want a quick refresher or easy-to-digest page, we recommend you read the Religion Abridged Page. You can come back here later for more information.
Unionism is the state Religion of the Roleplay world on the Server. It is a Religion about unifying the world and creating everlasting peace.
Draconism is a Religion centered around the worship of Dragons as creator deities who have created the material world and protect it.
Estelley is a Religion centered around the worship of perfect Gods, who in turn guide the faithful to create inner perfection in themselves.
Fornoss is a Religion centered around respect for the elements and forebearers, and to accrue honor in life to thrive in forever paradise thereafter.
Evolism is a Religion centered around the Dark Gods of the Void, who lend power to their worshipers to evolve into stronger, faster, and better beings.
Khama is a Religion centered around cosmic balance and karmic justice, of Gods from a lost civilization trying to restore balance in the world.
Aldurism is a Religion by Archmages who assailed the heavens and stole the powers of Dragons to create a Religion for Mages and all things Magical.
Minor Faiths are not a singular Religion, but a collection of smaller disorganized cults and faiths of varying themes and concepts.
Expanded Religious Pages
The Expanded religious pages are not required reading for new players. They offer additional advanced religious concepts or lore, that is usually used to expand the lore universe.
Syncretism is a religious concept that allows a Character who already believes one religion, to adopt a few concepts of an additional religion to widen their roleplay opportunities.
Dead Gods is a Page that explains a few notable Dead Gods, along with the Primeval Lux who can be bribed with Resources to create player-driven quest content.
Faith Cabals is a Page that explains various Religious Cabals that unify otherwise opposing Religions into loosely interpreted alliances and common interests.
Lore Staff to add more expanded religious pages here where pertinent at a later point in time.