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From MassiveCraft Wiki
Revision as of 21:14, 31 May 2022 by MonMarty (talk | contribs)

Sangria, Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker is the legendary claymore of the God Emperor Allest of Unionist Faith, renowned for its glory and use at the hands of a legendary combatant. Initially forged by his direction, Sangria saw nearly only victory in the hands of Allest, until his demise. The blade was taken from Allest's corpse, and paraded as a trophy, until it was stolen for its value. The blade passed many hands before it reached the Regalian Archipelago again, brought to Vultaro by a staunch Unionist. From there, the blade was taken on a Pilgrimage to the Holy City. Sangria is a legendary artifact amongst Unionists, especially those who dedicate themselves to Allest, believing that the blade enacts his will in the modern day.

Sangria, Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker
NameSangria, Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker


Sangria's origins are somewhat well-recorded, as its first appearance in history was in the hands of the God Emperor Allest, who was said to have it forged to unique and (at the time) strange specifications. During Allest's life, it was nearly synonymous with him, and predominantly found use in the subjugation of Nordskag by the God Emperor. After the God Emperor's death, the sword passed along many armies and collectors, some who wished to quickly discard of it as they found, in their hands, it did not live up to the legends of Allest's might.


Sangria is a large claymore (though it changes shape to suit the user’s preference as a melee weapon, its default is a claymore). The claymore’s blade has been hammered to rippling, many-folded perfection and tempered so masterfully that its near-opalescent surface shines a distinctly violet color in some angles of light, and a menacing red in others. It was said that those Allest brandished it against would see red upon it if he intended to slay them, and see violet if he were to show them mercy, though this is entirely hearsay as the steel’s color is a purely mundane facet of its metalwork. The cross guard has been wrapped many times over with sacred linens typically reserved for wrapping Unionist dead before their cremation, still smelling faintly of funerary perfumes. Dead within its center is a golden eye, set with a silver pupil, connecting to the red leather-bound handle. From the pommel hangs a rosary composed of many beads carved from knuckle bones: each knuckle bone taken from a person the blade has cut down, severed from their hand with it, and having their name and a prayer for their soul etched into the polished bone.

Artifact Abilities and Specials


Sangria is a Tier III Legendary Artifact, meaning it is one of the greatest Artifacts in the world.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Greater Void Immunity Constant Passive Self

Grants the user Greater Void Immunity

Blessed Armament Instant Power Varied

Grants the user Blessed Armament

Blessed Defense Constant Passive Self

Grants the user Blessed Defense

Hallowed Ground Healing Power Self

Grants the user Hallowed Ground



  • Artifact Twice-given: This Artifact is a Twice-given Artifact, meaning a second user must be registered as co-owner. This co-owner will wield the Artifact when they are online and the main wielder is offline. The Artifact can be stolen from the second owner. It is not possible to change co-owner after choosing.
  • Artifact Shapeshifting: The Artifact has a natural form described in the Appearance description, but can take the shape of any Weapon the user prefers, except for Ranged or Firearms Weapons. This mechanic cannot be done mid-combat to gain an advantage through the changing shape of the Weapon.
  • Artifact Mindwall: The Artifact protects the wielder's mind from foreign influences. While carrying or wielding the Artifact, the user is immune to Control Powers or any other Ability or Mechanic that affects the mind of the user, changed it, or subjects them to any form of foreign control or puppeteering.
  • Artifact Durability: Artifacts are immune to Physical or Magical damage, meaning the item can never be destroyed, degraded, aged, de-aged, corroded, corrupted, or damaged and blunted. Greater entities such as deities however can damage Artifacts. Additionally, the user is also immune to any Abilities or Mechanics that would disarm them.
  • Artifact Housebound: Artifacts have special rules applied to them when a Noble Family has possession of the Artifact. Their Noble Estate becomes a valid Raid-target pursuant the same rules applying to the Fae Sepulchre, and a Raid can be initiated against their estate with the intention of stealing the Artifact. Servants owning Artifacts counts as family ownership.
  • Sangria's Reputation: Sangria is one of the most holy Weapons among Unionists. Anyone who is the wielder of Sangria unlocks more favorable responses and potential responses that would not normally be available from Dogmatic Unionist people (not Evintarian, Vultragon, or Emended) across the Regalian Empire.
  • Sangria's Trueheart: Sangria empowers the wielder, but only true Unionists. While the Weapon and its normal Abilities can still be used by non-believers, only those who worship the Everwatcher, any Unionist schisms, will receive +2 Strength that can break the 7 Proficiency Point Limit, but does not grant additional Point Buy.
  • Sangria's Whispers: Sangria carries a partial will of its own. While it is not quite conscious in its own right, if the wielder has a natural disposition towards guilt, conscience, empathy, the Weapon will start speaking to them in their mind and encouraging them to feel these more strongly.

ProcessorsFinlaggan, Okadoka
Last EditorMonMarty on 05/31/2022.

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