Technology Branches

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Technological Branches are part of the Proficiency System, but more specifically dependent/required for Artificer Point Buy (the more Magic/non-Mundane leaning) and Technician Point Buy (the more non-Magic/Mundane leaning). Each person who invests in either (or both) chooses one Style which they are able to produce and operate, some circumstances allow more than one Branch (for example, Qadir can make things from all Branches except the Limited Branches unless they fulfill the criteria). Generally speaking, Branches limits who can make what, but operating is something anyone can do, unless the Technology was specifically designed by the Player to prevent usage without knowledge of the Branch.

Common Technological Branches

Common Technological Branches are Technology Branches (styles of doing engineering) that are commonly available to anyone. Even though some of these styles are very thematic and regional, there is nothing stopping any character from learning one of them. Any Race other than Qadir learns to work in only one style, while Qadir are able to work in all styles.

Limited Technological Branches

Limited Technological Branches are Technology Branches (styles of doing engineering) that are limited to certain Race or Religion limitations. Only those of the appropriate criteria are able to make and operate Technology from these specific Branches. While Qadir in theory have access to them as well, unless they fulfill the criteria, they cannot produce or operate them, only know how they are made and function.

Custom Technological Branches

Custom Technological Branches are Technology Branches (styles of doing engineering) that are limited to specific Custom Kits or part of an Arken Pact or special arrangement. While anyone can operate them, only the holder of the Custom Kit or special arrangement knows the secret to producing in this style.

  • There currently are no Custom Technological Branches as there are no Custom Technology Kits.