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From MassiveCraft Wiki

This page is a sub-page of the Geography page which records all major regions of the Alorian world and explains roughly what each Nation or area is like. Eastwynd in particular is in a northeast direction from Regalia and is home to a handful of unique states, and regions stranger, and more fractured, still. Some of these pages may be tied to more expansive lore, which is linked within their respective table rows. Below is a piece of the Geography map cut out to show the relation between all the nations geographically.

Name Description

The Vanquished Kingdoms

The Vanquished Kingdoms represent over a dozen minor Velheim and Cearden states which fell as a result of the Bone Horror Crisis. Before the modern era, these Eastwynd states suffered internal conflicts, wars among each other, and with Regalia, though broadly persisted without major difficulties. However, the decentralized status of these many small nations meant that when the Bone Horrors arose in 304 AC, they couldn’t stand against them. One by one, they were annihilated, with populations scattering to seek safety in Torse or elsewhere. Some populations holed up and weathered the storm, eventually pushing the Bone Horrors back, but the broader region remains largely depopulated of the living. Considered to be vanquished by the Horrors which now lurch through the terrain, the region is also overcome with a demonic presence in the form of Spirit Sovereign Ferian. Since the Sihndar Hold in the area was lost to the Crisis, this has allowed Ferian to spread uncontested and his savage glen beasts have been seen near the borders of Arlora and Torse. Lacking mortals to corrupt has meant his spread is slow, for now. The most notable names of the small states which once thrived here include Farador, Ostryll, Vhelon, Dormyn, Silsa, and Tobrayn.


Arlora was once a minor Velheim state in Eastwynd which emerged after the Cataclysm from the survivors of old settlements belonging to the Hedri Velheim. However, Arlora rapidly changed due to waves of migration from Oldtera, with Cearden groups removing the region’s old identity, save for their bitter rivalry with Torse. This feud was almost equal to their dislike of Regalia, given their attempted conquest of Arlora decades ago led by Arch Chancellor Alexander the Giant several years after the death of Emperor Allestrain I. This opinion remained intact for decades before the modern age brought a cascade of calamities that saw them fall under the Regalian banner. When a crazed magical statue with a strange army appeared on the Arloran-Torse border and moved south, the Arlorans panicked. They turned to Regalia and bought copious amounts of war supplies to arm themselves against the threat facing them, only for the Regalians to defeat the statue and its hostile army at the Battle of Curag Fields. Plunged into debt, the Arloran state was harassed by Regalian diplomats for months to pay back their purchases or sign the Navigation Acts. The Arlorans reacted by declaring war on Regalia, losing the conflict in a single large battle, only for the statue to appear apparently at the bidding of the Arloran king and unleash the Bone Horror Crisis on the world. Arlora, as the epicenter of this event, saw almost 95% of its populace die in a matter of days, and the survivors fled abroad while abandoning their heritage. The region seen today is a ghost of its former self, part of the Regalian Empire, ruled by a new leader from a new royal lineage, yet essentially a colonial endeavor with a substantial Regalian military presence continuing to cull the region’s Bone Horrors inland, with the Regalian-aligned populations keeping to the coastal regions.


A Cearden state founded shortly after the Cataclysm, Torse was initially a peaceful, quiet region. However, upon meeting the beginnings of what became Arlora, the conflict between itself and this neighbor worked to rapidly militarize Torse. The two remained rivals for many years, seeking alliances and trade with regional nations, but the arrival of the Regalian Empire changed everything. While Arlora rejected the Empire, Torse was far warmer, and courted the state in the decades leading up to 300 AC. When a strange statue with a hostile army appeared on the Arlora-Torse border, and then moved south into Torse, it brought destruction with it, and sealed the nation’s allegiance to Regalia. The Torsian king fled to Corontium seeking aid and Regalian forces moved into Torse, fighting the Battle of Curag Fields, saving the remainder of Torse and the rest of Eastwynd. The king, Tomys I, signed the Navigation Acts, and allowed Regalian troops to remain in the region, which caused anger in Arlora as they could not take advantage of Torse’s weakness. When the Bone Horror Crisis came the following year, Torse was able to weather the storm better than Arlora, defended by Regalian troops stationed in the region. It has remained relatively populous since that calamity, its countryside largely clear of Bone Horrors though it is also now a military-heavy base of operations for those seeking to clear out those monsters from the wild regions, or the lands beyond those borders Regalia controls.

Respublika Slavnogo Sveta

The Respukblika Slavnogo Sveta, also known as the Oltaran Republic, is a mysterious region which the Regalian Empire absolutely forbids contact with or travel to, a sentiment returned by the nation as they appear to be highly aware of events beyond their shores despite their vessels rarely traveling far from the waters of Eastwynd. The state is the point of origin for the Krainivaya who were exiled for their anti-Magic stance and found their way to the Regalian Archipelago, where they now reside as a second homeland. Slavnogo Sveta is believed to be filled with users of Magic and is most likely not a true republic, but the details remain a mystery. Players cannot claim it as their homeland.

The Warring States of Essalonia

Located at the far edge of the world, on a large continent named Essalonia, are the nations known as the Warring States. Filled with mostly Ailor groups, these states are all petty nations controlling small territories, and engaged in constant conflict, trade, or existing in isolation from each other. How exactly so many ended up in Essalonia is a mystery, but what is known is that Regalia has little contact with the area. The region is too chaotic for any alliance with external powers to last long, and while occasional colonial adventures were launched by Regalia and other groups in the past, they all eventually failed.