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From MassiveCraft Wiki

Godborn are the offspring of specific divine entities of the Religions on Aloria, that even includes Estelley and Evolism even though they are based on extra-planar entities. The Godborn manifest unique appearances, personality, and powers based on their heritage, but also have a uniquely difficult life within their own religious communities. Far from being worshiped or praised as the children of the god, Godborn are uniquely cursed with a demand to prove themselves, a task which for many of them seems too great to achieve, and so many of them languish in irrelevance, subject to the mockery and derision of the faithful, as if they are an extension of the inability of their religion to prove its superiority to others. In fact, many of the Godborn become an extension of religious wars between the various beliefs around the world, even if they nominally live in relatively peaceful conditions in various countries. There is always the hope that a Godborn will beat the Godborn of other religions in fame and name, though failing that, the criticism towards them is also proportionally more severe. It is said among the various religions that when a Godborn is born, the Gods flip a coin, with one side resulting in them being paragons of their faith, pious and virtuous, and the other side resulting in them being a curse of crime, violence and disappointment.

Godborn Rules

  • There are 2 types of Godborn, Resonant Godborn and Formless Godborn. Resonant Godborn are born through conventional reproduction between a God and a mortal (usually mother), which results in the child appearing very much like the divine parent. Resonant Godborn must always appear like their god-like parent, such as hair color and full-blood or half-Heritage but not skin tone (Gods sire children of varied appearances). Formless Godborn are born through unconventional reproduction (such as divine manifestation without intercourse), or are born from a God parent who is a shapeshifter. Formless Godborn have no strict rules to appearance, because their physical appearance is not tied to the God parent.
  • All Godborn have an identification color mutation, but this is not permanently present (except for those who are also Arkenborn). Each eye color mutation will be explained on the separate God sections, but it is important to stress that Godborn can choose to hide this color mutation or turn it back on at will. This can be useful in the case of specific Godborn that benefit from remaining hidden from the general public (such as Eldertide Godborn), or just to avoid the societal expectations that come with being Godborn. Divine entities, Event Characters, and Gods in general however, will always recognize a Godborn for what it is, and exactly whose child they are, so disguising or hiding this status may not matter there.
  • If a Godborn is born with Magic, this always defaults to God-Magic, even if the parent is more traditionally Aligned. God-Magic users born with God-Magic can only be Godborn, the only other way to acquire God-Magic at a later point in life, is to be granted it in service of the Gods by said Gods. Godborn can also be Planar-Corrupted, meaning that if they acquire any Aligned Magic or use any Sinistral Magic, that all of their God-Magic becomes Planar magic also. This is a unique interaction that does not apply in other circumstances for Planar Mages (for example, an Exist Mage learning Void Magic, can still use both), God-Mages who acquire any Planar Magic can only ever use Planar Magic from that point onwards.
  • Other assorted rules: Godborn can only ever be from one God and a mortal, Godborn also cannot be Arkenborn or Brood at the same time (excepting Pride/Justice/Fury Arkenborn). Maraya who were awakened from a vault cannot be Godborn, and Characters older than their God parent cannot be Godborn. Being a Godborn does not make a Character Occult, but the Regalian state and Characters may still treat them as such. Godborn status is not transferred between generations, and Godborn status is immediate on birth, it cannot be hidden and for many Godborn can cause a rough childhood due to societal expectations of glory. Finally, Godborn do not need to be religious, but Gods only pair with believers to have children.

Resonant Godborn

Note: There is one exception to Resonant Godborn, and that is Asha. Due to the inherent alien nature of "furry" Characters in relation to the humanoid Gods, full-Blood Asha can avoid Heritage requirements for Gods. What this means, is that for example Nolven or Caan can have full-blood Asha children. This technically defies logic of the Lore, but we don't want to exclude Furry Character identities from Godborn.

Unionist Nolven Godborn


Nolven is an Ailor Unionist God of war and harshness, of the chaos of inspiration and undefeated warriors and duellists. Nolven is the twin of the other Dogmatic Unionist God Neall, and the two represent the contrast or duality of the Regalian Empire's ability to both create and destroy, to bring peace or war, and to create beauty or inflict death. Neall is controlled, reserved, and shy, while Nolven is erratic, affable, and driven. Between the two of them, it is thus Nolven who is subject to the carnal desires of the flesh among mortals, and who is keen to (ab)use his divine status among the faithful. Nolven's most recognizable and passing traits, are his ginger/auburn hair, and the golden glowing tattoos that can be found in varying places of his body. He grants a golden-glowing eye-mutation to his children, allowing their sclera to be golden, and/or their irises glowing golden also. He also sometimes grants golden or white feathered wings to his children, which function more like shields, and are incapable of flight.


Nolven Godborn bear a great deal of expectation from Unionist society, who expect them to become holy warriors, paladins, or defenders of the faith. There is always an unhealthy comparison with Nolven's inability to lose a single duel, and his great physical prowess. For this reason, many Nolven Godborn can be found among the Knightly Orders, as well as personal bodyguards of the Unionist Priests.

Mechanic 1

Nolven Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolven and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) ou tof Combat, and have no Cooldowns active. Charisma investment must be the same across both forms.

Mechanic 2

Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves, if they die in Battle, do not pass on to to the Afterlife, but instead become Burning Choir Undead.

Mechanic 3

Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waiver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness.

Unionist Caan Godborn


Caan is a Half-Maquixtl (and Ailor) Unionist God of burdened but beautiful Magic. He is the patron of Mages, Aelrrigan Knights, and those who teach Magic but warn for its corruption. Caan is best described as an incredibly handsome and mysterious, but deeply antisocial and often awkward God who despite his divinity, is very approachable and interacts with a wide range of mortals while doing his work for the Aelrrigan Order as one of its Mage-Knights, the highest ranked and most powerful members. Caan's most recognizable and passing traits are his ginger/auburn hair and his magical arms, which manifest differently in each child. While Caan technically has a set hair color, his children can inherit other hair colors. He grants brightly glowing (any color) eye-mutations to his children, so bright that they need darkened glasses to see, or are blind. Unlike other Godborn, these cannot be turned off.


Unlike Nolvan Godborn, Caan Godborn are born entirely outside of religious expectations. Caan Godborn often end up induced into the Aelrrigan Order and are almost always born with innate Magic. Due to the high degree of Magic in Caanborn, Caan Godborn are considered the "cursed" Godborn, while Nolvan Godborn are the "blessed", leading to a modicum of rivalry or competition between the two.

Mechanic 1

Caan Godborn can use a form of Magic sonar that floods an area with tiny magical particles that create an outline that they can see despite their blindness or difficulty of seeing. Objects and people that are anti-Magic repel this effect and appear like a void, while incredibly powerful people or artifacts are almost intolerably bright.

Mechanic 2

Caan Godborn must sacrifice one Heritage Trait Mechanic of their own, which becomes a commutable Mechanic. Caan Godborn can then align with any other Heritage and choose one Mechanic from their Heritage Traits. This does not change their Design appearance, but can change the appearance of their mutated Arms to bear the aesthetics, symbols, or colors associated with the aligned Heritage.

Mechanic 3

Caan Godborn can supercharge the glowing light in their eyes, removing any eye cover or goggles they were wearing to dampen its effect, and use the glow from their eyes as a (laser) weapon. This does not change any Combat Mechanics or Styles, it is purely for the aesthetic flair of Emotes. Additionally, Caan Godborn cannot be blindfolded or blinded by having their eyes covered, since they see through Magic.

Estelley Sapphora Godborn


Sapphora was once a Goddess of war and conquest, but after her subjugation by Talea, became a Goddess of popularity, sociability and extroversion, as that desire for martial conquest turned itself to the next best thing: conquest through love and affection and loyalty. Sapphora holds Court in the grand Temple of Amontaar, where she tests the wits of her worshipers and may deem one suitable to produce offspring. Sapphora does not carry children to term, her children immaculately born and given to the father, mother, or non-gendered parent on their departure. Sapphora, despite having Resonant Offspring, is actually an ancient-Elf, and as such pre-dates all Elven heritages that split away over the millennia. As such, she is considered universal-Elf, and her children can be born of any Elf type. She grants her children golden glowing irises with pink flecks or petals in them.


Sapphora's children are born without explicit religious expectation, but there is a great deal of cultural expectation to their performance in society. They are born blessed with the beauty and influence on the minds of others granted by their mother, and as such Elven society expects them to be widely beloved by all, have grace and beauty and class to rival the gods, and subject others to their whims.

Mechanic 1

Sapphora Godborn have 2 snakes that flow from their hair/back that act independently from the Godborn. They gain 1 additional snake for each (Player Character) they are actively Romancing. Also, they gain The Mind Control Pack for free. Finally, if they are Exist Planar-Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.

Mechanic 2

If Sapphora Godborn are spurned in Romance Roleplay, or rejected in a flirt, or rejected by a Romantic Partner, they lose their Sapphora Godborn Mechanics, and gain the Rejection Arkenborn Mechanics instead, and can become more violent/brawny/brutish/war-like. This lasts until the Player (OOC) decides that their Sapphora Godborn believes in the concept of love again, and the Sapphora Godborn Mechanics return.

Mechanic 3

Sapphora Godborn can understand all languages, even if they cannot speak them themselves. Additionally, they can speak a unique language called Lenelämor in Elven, which only their Romance Partners can understand when it is spoken. However, all Sapphora/Armas/Golden Order Godborn can also hear this language even if they are not Romancing the person using it, as can Divine Entities/Event Characters/Gods and those with certain Mechanics.

Formless Godborn

Unionist Amandaros Godborn


Amandaros is a Shapeshifter Unionist God of Proginy. Amandaros was once a Void Spirit Sovereign who served under the Void God Armas, but abandoned the Void cause and Evolism as a whole, and joined up with Unionism. His work for Unionism was eventually recognized by the Evintarian Cult, who saw his work in helping barren and childless couples and individuals have children, as divinely inspired by the Everwatcher. In doing this work. Amandaros also became Void and God-Magic Aligned. Because Amandaros is a shapeshifter, his children can look like anything. He can even possess a couple of mortals, or a singular person, and sire a child for them this way. Amandaros grants his children magenta-glowing eye-mutation, allowing their pupils to be glowing magenta. Amandaros does not pass any other visual traits to his children on account of his shapeshifting nature.


Amandaros Godborn are not considered divinely born to most Unionists, mostly because Amandaros is a God of the necessity of childbirth for those who cannot have it, not with divine purpose. Worse yet for some, there are many Unionists who think Amandaros mostly a lust and hedonism God, who only uses the veil of charity to engage in debauchery. As such, his children may also be seen as debauchers.

Mechanic 1

Amandaros Godborn gain the Adapt Point Buy Shapeshift Pack Mundane version for free. They can acquire the Magical version by re-buying the Pack with their regular Proficiencies. However, even with just the Mundane version, they can manifest a variety of Void-Spirit-inspired traits like horns, tails, and other hellish aesthetic traits. If they become Void or Exist Planar Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.

Mechanic 2

Amandaros Godborn gain a Transformation called the Succor Kindred, which is an Incubus/Succubus inspired version of themselves. This does not count as a Monstrous Transformation, nor does it count as a Disguise. This Transformation should be sufficiently inspired by the concept of a love-God, and not be mistakeable for the appearance of any other Heritage or Transformation.

Mechanic 3

Amandaros Godborn can (with OOC Consent) read the Emotions of others, and also suppress their own from being read by anyone else who may have this capacity. Furthermore, they can bottle Emotions they feel themselves in small vials, which when smelled like a perfume, cause the person (either the Godborn, or others) to experience this emotion in full. Vials are reusable.

Fornoss Halfvel Godborn


Halfvel is the Wolf-father god of Fornoss, a god of loyalty, of guidance, and of the helping hand. To many, Halfvel is a protector of the Fornoss faith, while Odal is a vengeful Spirit who recruits the Odalv to kill and destroy everything that offends the faith, Halfvel spreads his progeny far and wide to aid the faithful in more benign ways, from spiritual guidance to physical protection. He is called the Wolf-God, because he normally appears as a massive god-like wolf, but he does occasionally take more humanoid form and walk among mortals when Nidr has decreed that his offspring must aid the faith in a certain area. Despite mostly being an Ailor, Halfvel Godborn are Formless, because Halfvel's children can be born of any Heritage, though often focusing on Ailor, Dwarf, or Urlan. Halfvel grants his children the wolf-eyes, dark gray sclera and glowing bright blue irises.


Halfvel Godborn have a great deal of expectation in Fornoss faith, as Nidr always decrees their appearance in a certain area. They are usually protectors, guides, mentors, and teachers, often becoming warriors to protect enclaves, or priests to provide spiritual guidance to those losing touch with the faith. The lack of clear directions of what is expected of them however, can sometimes be daunting for them, as Nidr never explains.

Mechanic 1

Halfvel Godborn are born with incurable (non-Infectious) Markenism, however it contains none of the downsides. They are always fully in control of themselves when they Transform, and can always dictate when they Transform. They are immune to outside forced-Transformation Mechanics, like Lothar collars, and can speak normal humanoid languages when in any Transformation. Outside of Transforming, they also have night-vision.

Mechanic 2

Halfvel Godborn can absorb (non Player) Spirits into their own body, turning them into Fornoss Primal Revenants. They can either choose to contain them there, or fuse their memories and personality with their own, thus adding skills and knowledge, but also changing their behavior and world view accordingly. This process does consume the Spirit and destroy it, as it lives on in them.

Mechanic 3

Halfvel Godborn have unique protections against bodily manipulation. They are immune to Prideborn Mindvex, Bodyborn forced Mutations, and general Arkenborn/Godborn emotion reading/memory alterations/mind manipulation. Additionally, while wearing a cloak, so long as they do not speak or act against Evolist/Vola/Pagan Gods/Divine Entities/Spirit Sovereigns/Spirit Dukes, they remain unseen by them, even during Divinium Summonings.

Fornoss Aedán Godborn


Aedán is the Ailor Fornoss God of drunken revelry and partygoers, and culture and art. The faithful rejected him during the Svartskra from the Eili pantheon because he refused to live up to his religious duties instead spending his days drinking and partying. As a result, he became Vola, and his vices became all the more pronounced, yet he remains Bard's husband. This in part became an analogy that too much of the good stuff inevitably rears demons, and how the kindest and most soft-spoken soul can become a monster if taken by greed and gluttony. While Aedán has a set hair-color, his children can inherit any other hair color, though usually range on the ginger range. He grants brightly glowing orange irises to his children, and also his unnatural size either in muscle or fat. Despite mostly being an Ailor, Aedán Godborn are Formless, because Aedán's children can be born of any Heritage, though often focusing on Ailor, Dwarf, or Urlan.


Unlike Halfvel's children, Aedán's children are well understood to just be an accidental byproduct of Aedán drunken stupor partying with mortals. In a way, most of fornoss society even expects Aedán Godborn to eventually fall to the same vices their father has succumbed to, ironically causing the conditions in which many become alcoholics to cope with the societal distrust to their future.

Mechanic 1

Aedán Godborn are able to use God-Magic to summon Aedán's endless delights, banquet tables full of the most delicious food and drinks that keep refilling and replenishing. Yet, this food always has a downside: it is delightfully addictive, and anyone who partakes in the banquet is likely to become addicted to the substances, unable to tear themselves away from the consumption of plenty.

Mechanic 2

Aedán Godborn have an impossibly high tolerance for Alcohol, always being allowed to roll twice during drinking games to their benefit. Additionally, Aedán Godborn can override the mind of bystanders and Knights to not hold them accountable for Regalian Low-Law violations, so long as they got a decent laugh, or a flirt, out of one or several of the bystanders.

Mechanic 3

Aedán Godborn if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply splip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, Aedán Godborn can charisma their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.

Draconism Daiana Godborn


Daiana's Godborn are often also called Dreamborn, and this reflects the nature of their birth in Daiana's consciousness. Rather than being born from conventional reproduction, Daiana Dreamborn are manifested either as full-grown and functional adults, or as infants born to a specific parent couple that is not related by blood to the child. Daiana's Dreamborn to Draconism are Daiana's Dream consciousness (thus the world of Aloria itself) correcting course for things that are damaging or threatening to it. In a way, Dreamborn are a gesture or intention from "mother earth" to self-heal and self-protect from any potential threats by dreaming problem-solvers from her thoughts. The threat of Mis-Alignment is always present for them however. As with anything touched by Dragons, free will dictates that the Dreamborn can diverge from their path, and sometimes, even be replaced by their mother.


Daiana Godborn are unique in all Godborn, in that they are born with a particular purpose or more general requirement. While most other Godborn are just put on the world to be reflections of their parent's vice or for general piety, Daiana Godborn can succeed or fail. What this mission or purpose entails is up to the player, but it is recommended to discuss this with Lore Staff in a Ticket to keep things realistic/grounded to lore.

Mechanic 1

Daiana Godborn can be Archon, but do not have to be. Even if they are not Archon, they still gain all Common Archon Mechanics. If they choose to be Archon or are born as Archon, they can choose one additional Mechanic from a different Archon Lineage, but not specifically Mechanics that increase Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Being or not being Archon does not warrant Daiana Godborn with any more or less legitimacy.

Mechanic 2

Daiana Godborn are elementally bound to the planet, meaning they have aesthetic control over the elements of fire, earth, and water. Each of them also has a specific use: Daiana Godborn can encase themselves in rock and stone thus making them unable to act or be acted upon, they can breathe underwater but gain no combat or movement benefits, and can walk through fire or magma without being harmed by it.

Mechanic 3

Daiana Godborn cannot be Dragonkin (this Godborn lineage cannot be combined with the Dragonkin heritage in Character Creation), but gain Dragonkin Mechanics 2 & 3 for free. Additionally, they count as Dragonkin when interacting with Dragons and Dragon Sites despite the fact that they are not.

Khama Khannar Godborn

Note: Khama Akhet Godborn still exists in Lore, it is just that "Golden Reclaimers" are so mechanically overpowered that we cannot fairly distribute them to the Players without a Custom Kit, and exist in the background of Khama Lore as super-human Asha religious warriors and protectors. They are also useful for players to orchestrate legends and stories of demi-gods around for social storytelling Roleplay, to be inspired by for example the Herculean myths and trials.


Khannar is the Khama God of Vengeance, who was once the God of Music, but "died" somehow after the genocide of the Dewamenet by the Elves. He became an Undead God through unknown means, either taking or being given Ordial powers from the Malefica to become an actor of vengeance for the suffering of his people at the hands of the Elves, aimed at the Elves. His justice is blind and without mercy, and very few Elves escape his hatred and that of his followers. His offspring in turn are living commentary on the contrast between beings born of hatred for Elves in an act of love for the Asha. Even if Khannar is Asha, he does mate with non-Asha (but never Elves!) meaning that his children can be full Asha, or half-Asha. Khannar grants his children the Death-Orchestra Eyes, Ordial green eyes with a limbal ring of glowing gold.


Khannar's children are born with a duality of love for all things Asha, and a deep hatred for all things Elven. They can oscillate between these two extremes by either being Asha-Love or Elven-Hate, and derive different Mechanical functions based on that distinction. This change can occur any time, but must have at least a 72 hour Cooldown, but should ideally be motivated by in-Roleplay Events or changes.

Mechanic 1

If Elven-Hate: The Khannar Godborn gains +2 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) against any Elf, or Half-Elf, or Mystech presenting as Elven as defined on their Character Application.

If Asha-Love: Khannar Godborn cannot be restrained. If imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, Khannar Godborn can slip out of these restraints and walk through locked doors with little effort. They can still be attacked and hurt if careless though!

Mechanic 2

If Elven-Hate: All Abilities used by the Khannar Godborn are now classified as Ordial and God-Born at the same time. Also, they are immune to any Mechanical use of Ordial Magic on them, including Mind Control and Curses, but not including Combat Abilities. This immunity may not apply to Higher Powers.

If Asha-Love: If any Asha or Feka-Asha is under investigation by any Knight, the Khannar Godborn calls Gahan's Spirits to curse the Knights, making the investigation go away, the Knights know who cursed them though.

Mechanic 3

If Elven-Hate: Khannar Godborn can become an Unbound Sprit from the Mystech Page, temporarily removing their Heritage Traits in favor of Mystech Traits. They also become fully Ordial Aligned doing this.

If Asha-Love: Khannar Godborn can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

Pagan Xeradon Godborn


Xeradon is the deep-sea leviathan Emperor, a God who claims all the seas as his domain, and his children as lords of the various sea sectors. There have been historically very few Xeradon Godborn, not only because it is considered a very niche Pagan Faith with cult-like tendencies, but also because Xeradon is a deep-sea god who never leaves the cold depths, where only a few fanatics can reach him. Xeradon's children are declared Masters of specific seas by their father, for example, the Master of the Inner Sea surrounding Regalia or the Master of the Elven Sea beyond Mirtasil and Solacia, while the land is treated as their playground. Consult in Tickets for Sea names.


Xeradon Godborn are already born perfect and capable in their father's eyes. While in practice they are meant to lead the armies of Xeradon, because of the Cult's size, these armies are small if at all existent, and there usually is no threat to Xeradon Godborn in the seas they lord over. As a result, the majority of them roam the land, which is considered their playground not tied to any one's authority.

Mechanic 1

Xeradon Godborn can Transform into Deep-Sea Terrors, nautical horrors with claws and teeth and other appendages. While size can be a factor, it should remain roughly reasonable in roleplay in Regalia, while it is fine to write backstory/lore stories with large transformations. This counts as a Monstrous Transformation and a Disguise, though they Transform back to normal if they are KO'd in Combat. (Monstrous Transformations are illegal in Regalia).

Mechanic 2

Xeradon Godborn can always breathe underwater without any Abilities, ignoring Water Penalty, and can always see perfectly underwater. They can move with great speed and grace, and even transform only parts of their body permanently or temporarily more fish or ocean-mammal-like, for example, dolphin fins or a shark's lower body. They can also extend this Mechanic to their "favored", so long as their favored are within Emote Range of them.

Mechanic 3

To Xeradon Godborn, water is like a permeable resource from which to make things. Even if to other water has no substance, Xeradon Godborn can change water into anything, from luxurious liquors, to fine foods, to even clothes for themselves or furniture to sit on. They can be made to look like water frozen in time with texture or color, or have entirely different material compositions, and broken down later back to water.

Pagan Eldertide Godborn


The Eldertide is a God who has long lost physical form, meaning, and power to manifest in Aloria itself, only appearing in a dream-state in the minds of others. This whisper of divinity can only interact with the mortal world by presenting any visitor to its dream world with offspring, this child being born in the mortal world as a monster. The Eldertide is formless because it has no singular appearance, appearing differently to everyone, but what is common, is that all of its children are born horrific humanoid monsters on birth, who can Transform into more presentable and passable normal versions of themselves to hide. Because their monstrous form is their natural state, Eldertide Godborn do not have a particular inherited eye color. The Eldertide and its offspring underscore a nuanced subtext about what exactly defines a monster, and how society itself may be the monster. The Eldertide even procreates with non-Eldertide worshippers.


Eldertide Godborn are not born with specific religious implications, however much of their existence is wrapped up in the central question, whether they are the monster for being born wrong, or society and normal people are the monsters for vilifying them so. Their very existence is a commentary on how society treats aberration and otherness, and to expose the moral corruption and ideological hypocrisy in many of the world's laws.

Mechanic 1

Eldertide Godborn can Transform into a "Passing Form", which is a version of themselves that is more passably normal to what society can tolerate in terms of appearance. They can maintain this Transformation for as long as they like, though it is not a Disguise. It also not an absolute state, that is to say, they can manifest parts or aspects of their monster-self, or only Disguise parts like their face or limbs.

Mechanic 2

Not all Eldertide Godborn understand the subtext of their birth and the commentary on society, and as such, some of them fall to the vices of becoming actual violent monsters. Eldertide Godborn gain +2 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) on any other Eldertide Godborn that has become murderous/violent or "become the monster" by losing their moral high ground, as well as other in-Monster Transformation Player Combat opponents.

Mechanic 3

Eldertide Godborn can curse other Characters with the Curse of Vice in Emote Range (Telegraphed as them doing it), taking 2x7 Magic Proficiency Mages to remove. This Curse applies to a Vice trait for example a person with the high vice of greed may become made of gold and forced to nibble and consume themselves, while a gluttonous person might become a mound of consuming flesh unable to move without the help of others.

Evolist Armas Godborn


Armas is the Love God of Evolism, and a Formless shapeshifter whose sole purpose on Aloria is to spread progeny and to make the most wretched and undesirable people of Aloria feel love and affection, even if just once. Armas as a being is detached from the emotions of jealousy, greed, envy, or fear of rejection, and has reached a higher plane of existence where he is able to love everything equally. In many ways, his presence is considered benign, offering children to those too unwanted or incapable to sire them on their own, but also frequently leaves them obsessed and focused on him so singularly, that they lose all other living function but to chase him. Armas is ultimately a Void God fed by the affection of others. Armas grants his children the All-sight Eyes, which present like a rainbow prism that constantly changes colors (single color on skin, emoted changing). Armas even procreates with non-Evolist worshippers.


Armas Godborn have no Evolist purpose beyond being the product of their father's love for the unwanted and rejected. While they must often witness the decay of their mother in obsession with their father, Armas Godborn often end up being a reflection of their father, just as lecherous and passion-driven regardless of the damage it could cause and they were witness to. If anything, the public is cautious of their wiles.

Mechanic 1

Armas Godborn are physically more perfect than mortal children. Choose one of the following bonuses: Gain +1 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) or Gain +1 Defense Stat (break cap to 9). Additionally, they may appear taller and larger than most Heritage averages, and gain the Mind Control Pack for free. Finally, if they are Void Planar-Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.

Mechanic 2

Armas Godborn is naturally attractive, and as a result, even if people do not want to outright make love to them, they benefit from "pretty privilege". This does not mean every character has to fall in love with them, but that they should reasonably be given the leeway of pretty privilege as it is understood to exist in the real world.

Mechanic 3

Armas Godborn can understand all languages, even if they cannot speak them themselves. Additionally, they can speak a unique language called Sehraq in Void-Script, which only their Romance Partners can understand when it is spoken. However, all Armas/Sapphora/Golden Order Godborn can also hear this language even if they are not Romancing the person using it, as can Divine Entities/Event Characters/Gods and those with certain Mechanics.

Evolist Golden Order Godborn

Note: Golden Order Godborn do not function like traditional Godborn, and are only created when a Sapphora Godborn procreates with a Armas Godborn.


Armas is the Love God of Evolism, and a Formless shapeshifter whose sole purpose on Aloria is to spread progeny and to make the most wretched and undesirable people of Aloria feel love and affection. One of his commands to his faithful, and especially to his children, is to seek out Sapphora Godborn and woo them, and sire a child that is the "ultimate being of love." For this reason, Godborn of this type tend to be rarer, but not impossible, as both Armas and Sapphora have many Godborn children. These children are raised with the expectation of absolute perfection in both mind and body, but frequently suffer from the rifts that form between their two Godborn parents. Golden Order Godborn are often caught between the faiths that their parents keep, and are forced to choose one side, while never truly belonging to either. Golden Order Godborn have heterochromia, with one eye taking from Sapphora Godborn eyes, and the other taking from Armas Godborn eyes.


Golden Order Godborn have an Evolist purpose to be the "ultimate child of love" and spread the message of Armas' love to the world. In contrast, they are rejected by the Estelley faith for their connection to the Evolist God, and are often shunned for being a reflection of the worst of both their God Grandparents.

Mechanic 1

Golden Order Godborn have 2 snakes that flow from their hair/back that act independently from the Godborn. They gain 1 additional snake for each (Player Character) they are actively Romancing. Also, they gain The Mind Control Pack for free. Finally, if they are Exist and/or Void Planar-Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.

Mechanic 2

Armas Godborn is naturally attractive, and as a result, even if people do not want to outright make love to them, they benefit from "pretty privilege". This does not mean every character has to fall in love with them, but that they should reasonably be given the leeway of pretty privilege as it is understood to exist in the real world.

Mechanic 3

Golden Order Godborn can understand all languages, even if they cannot speak them themselves. Additionally, they can speak a unique language called Sehraq in Void-Script, or Lenelämor in Elven, but not both, and must choose one, which only their Romance Partners can understand when it is spoken. However, all Armas/Sapphora/Golden Order Godborn can also hear this language even if they are not Romancing the person using it, as can Divine Entities/Event Characters/Gods and those with certain Mechanics.

Refracted Godborn

Refracted Godborn are a unique category of Arkenborn who also double as Godborn. This only covers Pride, Justice, and Fury Arkenborn, and should be considered more an extension of their Mechanics rather than a standalone Godborn that can be played. As such, Refracted Godborn cannot be chosen as a Godborn Character concept, to play them, refer to the Arkenborn Page, and follow the design rules listed there. This Page merely records the effects of their Refraction.

Pride Arkenborn

The Pride Arken is considered the most powerful of Void Aligned Arken, and has been so active in history, that it has resulted in numerous Refractions. Refractions occur when the "consciousness" of a singular entity creates multiple "actors". What this means, is that they share a common awareness and sentience, but that different "bodies" exist that act autonomously from the communal awareness. For the Pride Arken, this manifests in the Fornoss God Thirun, and the Evolist God Catheron. Pride Arkenborn can optionally adopt an aspect of either Thirun or Catheron, because they are in a way the same entity. If a Pride Arkenborn adopts an aspect, their visual traits align more with the refracted identity, and they can swap out up to 2 Mechanics from the Prideborn Kit for Mechanics present on their adopted aspect. Adopting an aspect of Thirun makes Pride Arkenborn both Void and God-Magic aligned at once, adopting an aspect of Catheron leaves them unchanged. It is not possible to combine Thirun and Catheron Mechanics. Finally, it should be noted, that adopting an aspect is not a permanent decision (it can be changed once a month), and does not require the Pride Arkenborn to be religious.

Fornoss Thirun Refraction


Thirun is the God of Magic, Pride and Vanity. Where-as the Pride Arken is primarily a prideful entity, Thirun extends much further into a hunger to possess all Magic, to have all magical knowledge, and to own all Artifacts. How exactly Thirun became to be in the Fornoss religion is unclear, though it is generally assumed that this occurred during an earlier reincarnation that achieved such great power that he forced himself into godhood, until his mortal body perished but his god-like essence lived on as Thirun, and Refracted his identity from then on. The fact that Thirun and the Pride Arken have thus shared a common consciousness, goes a long way in explaining that the Pride Arken reincarnations have consistently been among the Velheim people since the Cataclysm, and that his preferred partners end up being those with Velheim heritage and Fornoss beliefs.


While Pride Arkenborn default to tall Ailor or Half-Ailor with platinum blonde hair, those Pride Arkenborn who adopt an aspect of Thirun, have their hair turn a more warm golden hue all over their body. Optionally, they also manifest Fornoss religious markings and runes as tattoos that may change and shape up a prophecy about their fate, Nidr's actual weaving of their life-story bound on their body.


Worshiping the Fornoss Religion is not necessary to adopt an aspect of Thirun, but he acknowledges those Thirun Arkenborn who adopt his aspect and also worship at least the Vola. These Prideborn are considered the Thirunvir. They are actually allies of the Bardvir, creating a contrast with the animosity between Justice and Prideborn traditionally, acting as Mage-police among Fornoss believers, to hold to task Magic-abusers among them.

Mechanic 1

The Pride Arkenborn, While fighting alongside at least one Odalv or Bardvir, gains +1 Defense Stat (breaking cap up to 11) Additionally, they can hijack any form of Mechanic or non-Ability-based Magic usage, such as aesthetic flair or just environment Magic usage by other Player Characters, and make it do something they want, or shut it down entirely. They can in essence act like Anti-Mages to other aesthetic Magic usage.

Mechanic 2

The Pride Arkenborn can break the limitations imposed on the curing of Player-created Curses. Instead of needing a minimum of Magic Proficiency to remove a Curse, the Pride Arkenborn can fully absorb the Curse themselves, and banish it from inside their body. Doing so however, makes them deathly ill for the next 24 hours, unable to engage in any Combat Roleplay, and barely able to walk without being supported.

Evolism Catheron Refraction


Catheron is the Evolist God of all things Magical and the powers of the Void, but also the liberation from suffering of reality through Magic usage, and the power to impose one's own vision of reality, on the broken world. Catheron came into being when the Pride Arken reincarnation close to Cataclysm co-authored a plot to kill Estel, which allowed him to break into the Void, kill the Void God Onu, and take his place. Eventually his mortal body in Aloria withered and died and was reborn, but part of his consciousness was Refracted into the Void as a Void God. This self would later join the Evolist Pantheon, and thus be a gateway for infinite knowledge and Magic, that the mortal Pride reincarnations would frequently use to cheat the memory-reset of death. This connection also explains why so many Kathar still worship the Pride Arken, despite his lack of godhood.


When Pride Arkenborn adopt the aspect of Catheron, their once blonde hair all over their body turns raven-black and they exude a permanent effect of magical unease around them, like a small Curse that Curses anyone in Emote Range to feel uneasy and off, like something ominous is present or lingering in the area. Catheron also causes a Prideborn's eyes to glow more brightly, so that the pupil is almost invisible.


Worshiping the Evolism Religion is not necessary to adopt an aspect of Catheron, he barely even acknowledges those that do as anything related to his supreme godhood. However, at the end of the day, most Prideborn that choose this aspect are hardly motivated by feelings of filial piety, and more by the dark-magic that Catheron provides as the Eclipse Witch, and his alluring powers. Other Evolists see them as divine children, though.

Mechanic 1

The Pride Arkenborn becomes a dark-magic wielder who hungers for more dark-magic around them. For each Sinistral Magic Spell used around them in a Combat Roleplay Scene, they gain 1 Dark Magic Counter. When the Pride Arkenborn has accumulated 10 Dark Magic Counters in the same scene, they gain +2 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) for the rest of that specific Combat Scene, so long as they use Magic as Attack Stat.

Mechanic 2

The Pride Arkenborn can Transform into a Magic Horror, an amalgam of incomprehensible undulating and writing Magic that only barely retains some semblance of a humanoid shape and existence. This Transformation counts as a Disguise, and a Monstrous Transformation, but breaks when they are defeated in Combat Roleplay. This Transformation can appear like anything due to the wide range of Magic, but should appear wild and chaotic.

Justice Arkenborn

The Justice Arken is considered the most powerful of Exist Aligned Arken, and has been so active in history, that it has resulted in numerous Refractions. Refractions occur when the "consciousness" of a singular entity creates multiple "actors". What this means, is that they share a common awareness and sentience, but that different "bodies" exist that act autonomously from the communal awareness. For the Justice Arken, this manifests in the Estelley Goddess Artarel, and the Fornoss God Bard. Justice Arkenborn can optionally adopt an aspect of either Bard or Artarel, because they are in a way the same entity. If a Justice Arkenborn adopts an aspect, their visual traits align more with the refracted identity, and they can swap out up to 2 Mechanics from the Justiceborn Kit for Mechanics present on their adopted aspect. Adopting an aspect of Bard makes Justice Arkenborn both Exist and God-Magic aligned at once, adopting an aspect of Artarel leaves them unchanged. It is not possible to combine Bard and Artarel Mechanics. Finally, it should be noted, that adopting an aspect is not a permanent decision (it can be changed once a month), and does not require the Justice Arkenborn to be religious.

Fornoss Bard Refraction


Bard is the Steel-Father, the Axe of Judgement, the Law-Bringer. He is the Fornoss God of justice, but as a refraction of Justice, a far more crude expression of judgement, less interested in the concept of collective law, and rather of imposed law equalling his will. Bard was once a God separate from the Justice Arken, but in a twist of fate, he once attacked Justice and defeated her, and judged her in violation of his laws, thus killing her. In doing so, he absorbed part of her identity, and became a merged entity that acted as a Refraction of the Justice Arken. The Justice Arken would then be reborn in an endless cycle as all Arken do, but her consciousness was forever tied to his, and his to hers, explaining why over the past centuries, the Justice Arken could often be found dealing "justice" on those who had falsely victimized and terrorized the Fornoss faithful, as seen through his eyes.


While Justice Arkenborn default to tall Lanlath with blonde hair, those Justice Arkenborn who adopt an aspect of Bard, have their hair turn brown all over their body, with the exception of the top of their hair, which remains platina blonde. Optionally, Bard aspect adopted Justice Arkenborn can become less Elf-like and more Ailor-like in appearance, brawnier and bulkier, and adopt more beast-like appearance traits and fur.


Worshiping the Fornoss Religion is not necessary to adopt an aspect of Bard, but he acknowledges those Justice Arkenborn who adopt his aspect and also worship at least the Eili. These Justiceborn are considered the Bardvir. They are in contrast to Odalv (who are cruel, vengeful, violent), restrained, law-bound, and in service of Bard's judgement and justice, but widely accepted by Fornoss society as their own.

Mechanic 1

The Justice Arkenborn Godborn have incurable (non-Infectious) Markenism (Bear-variant), however it contains no downsides. They are always fully in control of themselves when they Transform, and can always dictate when they Transform. They are immune to outside forced-Transformation Mechanics, and can speak normal languages when in any Transformation. They also gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking cap up to 11) attacking Void Spirits.

Mechanic 2

The Justice Arkenborn can declare one person their "Ward" (does not need consent), which grants +1 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while in Emote Range. This must be declared on a Character Application to apply. Additionally, the Ward is immune to Prideborn Mindvex, Bodyborn forced Mutations, and general Arkenborn/Godborn emotion reading/memory alterations/mind manipulation, so long as they remain the Ward.

Estelley Artarel Refraction


Artarel is the Goddess of Law, Fairness, Restitution and Vengeance to Evil. She is the Estelley Goddess of Justice, a more solution and restitution through trials of faith and repentance-oriented form of justice. Artarel is a divine manifestation of the Justice Arken that Refracted from Justice's psyche when it was violently thrown about and called upon by the anguish of the Teledden, after a weapon of mass destruction incinerated millions of Elves all at once. Artarel and the Justice Arken share the same consciousness along with Bard, but are distinct actors upon the world, where the Justice Arken is often treated more like a semi-mortal representation of Artarel among the Estelley faithful. Due to Artarel's relatively modern appearance, the Justice Arken and this God are far more aligned together than Bard might be, as his Refraction was several centuries prior.


Due to Artarel and the Justice arken being the same current generation, changes between the two are minimal to non-existent. Curiously however, Justice Arkenborn who adopt an aspect of Artarel, can in doing so accept the Drowda Taint, with some crucial changes. They do not change Heritage Traits, keep their Magic/Alignments, keep Spirits, and keep their Arkenborn/Godborn Mechanics. It is a purely visual change.


Worshiping the Estelley Religion is not necessary to adopt an aspect of Artarel, she acknowledges those Justice Arkenborn who adopt her aspect and also worship the Estelley Pantheon. These Justiceborn are considered the Just-Blades. They are widely considered divine-judges of justice and law among the Estelley faithful and stand out more than regular Justice Arkenborn as tied to the will of the Gods.

Mechanic 1

The Justice Arkenborn takes less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Mystech Spirit-Type (including Bound Automata) Character applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 HP. Additionally, The Justice Arkenborn becomes immune to Afflictions, which prevents them from becoming Vampires, Geists, or Undead. Greater Entities like Gods or Arken can still force them to become infected however.

Mechanic 2

If the Justice Arkenborn if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply splip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can law-nerd their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.


  • Playing a Godborn won't suddenly make other Roleplayers interested in your character. While the Demigod aesthetic is alluring, it inevitably won't be a golden bullet to make other Characters interact with yours.
  • Godborn of the Unionist Schisms (Evintarian, Dogmatic, Emended) are recognized in Regalia. Other Godborn however are not acknowledged, not even Old Gods Godborn despite many Old Gods faithful living in the Regalian Capital.
  • Godborn can seek out their parents to acquire a greater understanding of their purpose in life, but this may sometimes come as a pandora's box: not all Gods are interested in speaking with their mortal offspring.

Last EditorMonMarty on 10/14/2024.

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