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Regalian Law is a set of so called Law Books with a penal code designed to keep the Regalian public in line, both within the confines of a peaceful and stable society, but also for a clean and pious mind. These Laws don't always have a strict outcome punishment, and punishments may vary between Guard Charters and Organizations in Regalia. Generally speaking however, Capital Punishment is reserved only for Capital Crimes, and serious repeat offence of some of the more serious crimes as defined by the Law Books. Furthermore, most of these laws are changeable by the respective authorities. The Judicial Minister or whatever legal representative the Noble Assembly appoints to govern the laws of the land may freely alter the laws of the State. Synodical laws are reserved for the Synod only, and may be changed only by the Synod, though also don't have any civil prosecution status and usually relies on the inquisition to be enforced. Finally, Capital Law falls outside of the rights of the Judicial Minister or any such legal representative, these laws are only set by the Imperial Legate, which is an appendage of the Kade Lordly Council of the State.  
Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.
===[[Regalian Penal Code]]===
The [[Regalian Penal Code]] contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.  

==State Law==
===[[Regalian Civil Code]]===
State Law covers all lands which are considered directly controlled by the Empire, meaning all lands which are not vassal states. Many of the laws however also apply to the Vassal states though can have local moderation and alterations. State Laws can be freely changed by the Undercrown and Emperor. State Laws usually don't lead to Inquisitions or Heresy trials, they simply fall under Civilian Prosecution and as such are merely dealt with as Civilian matters. Punishments can simply be handed out by Regalian Guard Charters, or by the Civilian Courts should such a matter come before the Land’s Justice.
The [[Regalian Civil Code]] is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.  

===Regalian Common Law===
===[[Regalian Court Protocol]]===
* Wearing a weapon in public without express permission to do so is illegal.
* To hide one’s identity, or to impersonate another person, is illegal.
The [[Regalian Court Protocol]] is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.  
* To harm in self defence is only legal when under self-risk of bodily harm.
* To harm another citizen or non-citizen Regalian resident, is illegal.
* To deprive another Regalian Citizen of their freedom, is illegal.
* To express or support Jacobinist views or goals, is illegal.
* To be non Unionist and hold public office in the State, is illegal.
* To act with intention to conspire against the State, is illegal.
* To enslave outside of the confines of Saffran Law, is illegal.
* To harm one’s self in any mortal way or intention, is illegal.
* To indecently disrobe another person in public, is illegal.
* To expose private parts of intimate body parts in public, is illegal.
* To engage in child birth in public or other such non medical places, is illegal.

===Regalian Property Law===
===[[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]]===
* To trespass on private property of a Regalian Citizen, is illegal.
* To drunkenly and disorderly disrupt the public peace, is illegal.
The [[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]] are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.
* To steal or damage belongings of other Regalians, is illegal.
* To rob or mug a Regalian Resident in the State, is illegal.
* To harm or damage a slave property of another, is illegal.
* To endeavor to create or possess false currency, is illegal.
* To renounce a Lifeguard oath without permission, is illegal.
* To force or otherwise falsify State or Family records, is illegal.
* To possess items deemed illegal or contraband in the State, is illegal.
===Regalian Marriage Law===
* To engage in fornication before marriage or Judicial consent, is illegal.
* To engage in adultery without the Judicial consent forms, is illegal.
* To neglect, ignore, or fail to provide for a married spouse, is illegal.
* To neglect, ignore or fail to provide for a sired offspring, is illegal.
* Marriage to the Regalian State is only legal between two Unionists.
* Upon death, unless inheritance bequeathed, possessions pass to next of kin.
* To marry or engage in 1st degree incestuous relations within a family, is illegal.
* To attempt to produce a miscarriage is illegal in any way or form or shape.
* To conspire or engage in marriage under duress of any thread, is illegal.
* Marriage is legal between two consenting Unionist individuals of any gender.
* Marriage is however only legal for races which are part of the First Civil Status.
===Regalian Civil Status===
* Ailor, Sihai(Ch'Ien-Ji), Dwarf, Qadir, any Nelfin except Kathar, Allar, Orc, Url & Varran are considered First Civil Status Races.
* Yanar are considered Protected Civil Status. Yanar may as such not marry with First Civil Status, but may marry each other and are protected by Regalian Laws.
* Slizzar, Maiar, Maraya, Kathar and Songaskia are None Civil Status, thus they are not permitted to defend themselves in Court or marry with First Civil Status individuals. They will however still be protected from physical harm or brutalizing in public.
* Any individual who is not First Civil Status may be voted to gain such a status by the Regalian Assembly where the consensus is Quarter votes +1 in favor, as long as Quarter votes +1 against is not met.
* Most Half-Races are considered First Civil Status Races as long as both parents are First Civil Status. If they have only one First Civil Status parent, they shall become Protected Civil Status. If they have no First Civil Status parents, they shall be None Civil Status.
===Regalian Holy Law===
* To subject to afflictions of the body such as Vampirism, is illegal.
* To subject to aberration such as learning Magic or Undeadism, is illegal.
* To subject to vileness such as Demonism & Possession, is illegal.
* To convert away from Unionism and any of its Aspects, is illegal.
* To cause harm or spill blood in the Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
* To cause insult or harmful word in the Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
* To seize upon another person in the sanctity of a Temple of Union, is illegal.
* To fornicate or copulate in the confines of Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
* To blaspheme against the Regalian Unionist faith & Spirit, is illegal.
===Regalian Insult Law===
* Any person calling a woman a harlot, without proof, is fined 30 Regals.
* Any person calling a man a coward, without proof, is fined 20 Regals.
* Any person insulting the sanctity of a Reverend, is fined 20 Regals.
* Any person offending the right of Nobility or Nobles, is fined 40 Regals.
* Any person who commits to a false oath and violates it, is fined 100 Regals.
===Regalian Noble Law===
* For anyone to be in the government and not of Imperial Culture, is illegal.
* For anyone to be in the Kade Court and not of Imperial Culture, is illegal.
* To deprive another Noble of an Assembly vote in any way, is illegal.
* To falsify Noble seals & stamps of other Noble Houses, is illegal.
* When guilty of damage, both a Family House & Offender must compensate.
* Every Noble shall exercise their Assembly power with Title weighted votes.
* Every Titled shall endeavor to part-take in the Assembly, or send representation.
* Every Assembly proposal shall be approved by half plus one consensus.
* Every Assembly shall only be called between days Friday and Sunday.
==Capital Law==
Capital Law are the worst committed crimes in the State of Regalia which default to execution. Any and all Capital Law are based on first offence, unless specified otherwise, and if adequate proof is found of the crime, the guilty party is immediately executed.
* To violate the Sanctity of any woman, or to seize upon a woman through fornication without consent, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
* To violate the safety of the Regalian State, and to harbor intentions to seize with armed forces the civil government, and with adequate presented proof, is punished by quartering.
* To commit to the murder of five individuals or more, and to harbor no guilt or conscience to these crimes, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
* To commit to the murder of three individuals or more of ages below adulthood, and to harbor no guilt or conscience to these crimes, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
* To commit to convert away from the Unionist Fate, and to resist attempts of corrective conversion, and to deny the gospel of the Unionist faith, and to show no remorse of this religious crime, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
* To commit to Jacobin ideals, to attempt to subvert the rights of Nobility by overthrowing, to seek to institute equality between Commoners and Nobles, and to violently intend to overthrow the privilege and rights of Nobility, and with adequate presented proof, is punished by live flaying until death.
* To commit treason against the Regalian State by assisting foreign nations or granting knowledge or assets of the Regalian Empire to other nations, or to assist other nations in resisting Regalian Hegemony, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with whipping until death.
==Synod Law==
Synod Laws are religious laws that do not specifically have punishments associated with them, as the Synod does not formally have law giving or law executing powers. That being said, punishment trials or judgement trials made by the Synod allow for a person to be expelled from the Unionist Faith, or for a person to be branded as traitor.
* To the Unionist Synod, a marriage is between a Unionist Man and a Unionist Woman, where race allows such definitions. The Synod acknowledges that it has no right to infringe on the rights of the State to marry individuals of the same gender, or multiple members in the same marriage union, however a Unionist Sacrament of Harmony may only be issued to what the Synod deems is a Unionist marriage. That being said, the Synod may make exceptions to their own policy set for special circumstances.
* To the Unionist Synod, sinful behavior such as theft, unlawful imposing, murder, adultery and fornication are sinful crimes which are to be punished with barring and denunciation by the Synod. Religious denunciation is separate from civil judgement in these matters, and religious compensation is also a separate matter.
* Protected Faiths such as the Faith of Estel, the Old Gods Faith, the Faith of Baskarr, the Dwarven Dogma, the Allar life views, the Qadir life views and the Orc life views as well as the Oldt Fayth, are legal in the confines of the Regalian Empire as long as they fulfill the stipulations set by the Synod. These stipulations include: Worship only in the privacy of your home, Worship only in specifically allocated temples by the Synod, Public profession of these faiths or attempting to convert good Unionists to these faiths is illegal. Any religions not on this list, are pure heresy.
==Kade Force Law==
Kade Force Laws are laws enforced onto the Empire by the Kade Council, purely because of their influence on the Judiciary and Empire at large. These laws can and will change frequently, and usually are put into effect without the intervention or involvement of any central state figure or legal authority. Kade Force Laws usually only apply to organizations associated with the Kades however, which is why most people have no knowledge of these laws.
* The Kade Guard, as inheritor of the Imperial Guard, inherit some of the legislation from the Imperial Guard. Kade Guard cannot be commanded by any force or organization in the city of Regalia. Kade Guards are permitted to assist law enforcement in their endeavors, but must acquire approval for pre-planned operations. Kade Guard must obey the law, and House Kade is further permitted to inflict bodily punishment on guards for violating the Kade Guard Rules. The Kade Guard obey only to the commands of Kade House members, and their Commanders.

Latest revision as of 03:50, 23 September 2024

Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.

Regalian Penal Code


The Regalian Penal Code contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.

Regalian Civil Code


The Regalian Civil Code is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.

Regalian Court Protocol


The Regalian Court Protocol is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.

Regalian Naval Acts


The Regalian Naval Acts are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.