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Regalian Law is a set of so called Law Books with a penal code designed to keep the Regalian public in line, both within the confines of a peaceful and stable society, but also for a clean and pious mind. These Laws don't always have a strict outcome punishment, and punishments may vary between Guard Chapters and Organizations in Regalia. Generally speaking however, Capital Punishment is reserved only for Capital Crimes, and serious repeat offence of some of the more serious crimes as defined by the Law Books. Furthermore, most of these laws are changeable by the respective authorities. The Emperor and Lord Chancellor of the Empire may change the laws at will. Capital Law may only be added to or altered by the Emperor of Regalia.
Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.
===[[Regalian Penal Code]]===
The [[Regalian Penal Code]] contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.  

==Imperial Law==
===[[Regalian Civil Code]]===
Imperial Laws are laws enforced onto the Empire by the Emperor or the Imperial Legate, purely because of their influence on the Judiciary and Empire at large. These laws can and will change frequently, and usually are put into effect without the intervention or involvement of any central state figure or legal authority. Imperial Laws usually only apply to organizations associated with the Imperial family, the Imperial Court and the Imperial Family members themselves.  
The [[Regalian Civil Code]] is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.  

===Imperial Guard Law===
===[[Regalian Court Protocol]]===
# The Imperial Guard cannot be commanded by any force or organization in the city of Regalia.  
# Imperial Guards are permitted to assist law enforcement in their endeavors of any organization.
The [[Regalian Court Protocol]] is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.  
# House Kade is permitted to inflict bodily punishment on guards for violating the Imperial Guard Rules.  
# The Imperial Guard obey only to the commands of Kade House members, and their Commanders. No outsiders may command Imperials.
# Imperial Guard may wear weapons of any kind and armor of any kind in any public or private setting.
# Imperial Guard movement may not be impeded upon. They may enter any area as long as they have an Imperial edict to back their action.
# The Imperial Guard has the sole right to arrest anyone on Palace grounds.

===Imperial Prince Law===
===[[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]]===
# Imperial Princes may not be physically touched without invitation or direct consent.
# Imperial Princes may not be arrested, only put under house arrest in comfortable quarters.
The [[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]] are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.
===Imperial Palace Law===
# No weapons of any kind are permitted within the Imperial Palace by non-Imperial Guards.
# Nobility are permitted to bring their Palests to the Palace but they may not wear armor of any kind.
# No aberrants of any kind are permitted on Palace grounds.
# The City Law Enforcement is not permitted to come onto Palace grounds to arrest an offender or otherwise enter the palace in any circumstance.
==State Law==
State Law covers all lands which are considered directly controlled by the Empire, meaning all lands which are not vassal states. Many of the laws however also apply to the Vassal states though can have local moderation and alterations. State Laws can be freely changed by Emperor or the Lord Chancellor. State Laws usually don't lead to Inquisitions or Heresy trials, they simply fall under Civilian Prosecution and as such are merely dealt with as Civilian matters. Punishments can simply be handed out by Regalian Guard Charters, or by the Civilian Courts should such a matter come before the Land’s Justice.
===Regalian Common Law===
# Wearing a weapon in public without express permission from authorities to do so is illegal.
# To hide one’s identity, or to impersonate another person, is illegal.
# To harm in self defense is only legal when under self-risk of bodily harm.
# To harm another citizen or non-citizen Regalian resident, is illegal.
# To deprive another Regalian Citizen of their freedom, is illegal.
# To express or support Jacobinist views or goals, is illegal.
# To be non Unionist and hold public office in the State, is illegal.
# To act with intention to conspire against the State, is illegal.
# To enslave outside of the confines of Saffran Law, is illegal.
# To harm one’s self in any mortal way or intention, is illegal.
# To indecently disrobe another person in public, is illegal.
# To expose private parts of intimate body parts in public, is illegal.
# To engage in child birth in public or other such non medical places, is illegal.
# To moor an airship within the Crown Isle city limits, without government approval, is illegal.
# To bear false witness or lie to an on duty Regalian Law Enforcer when the lie has been proven, is illegal.
# To falsify or otherwise forge your own death or the death of another, is illegal.
# To resist arrest from Regalian Law Enforcement, is illegal.
# To attempt to break out of prison, is illegal.
===Regalian Property Law===
# To trespass on private property of a Regalian Citizen, is illegal.
# To drunkenly and disorderly disrupt the public peace, is illegal.
# To steal or damage belongings of other Regalians, is illegal.
# To rob or mug a Regalian Resident in the State, is illegal.
# To harm or damage a slave property of another, is illegal.
# To endeavor to create or possess false currency, is illegal.
# To renounce a Lifeguard oath without permission, is illegal.
# To force or otherwise falsify State or Family records, is illegal.
# To possess items deemed illegal or contraband in the State, is illegal.
# To harm or kill the animals or livestock of another, save for certain self defense scenarios, is illegal.
===Regalian Marriage Law===
# To engage in fornication before marriage while there is a patriarch or matriarch bar, is illegal.
# To engage in adultery while actively married with a spouse without the Judicial consent forms, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore, or fail to provide for a married spouse, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore or fail to provide for a sired offspring, is illegal.
# Marriage in the Regalian State is only legal between two consenting persons who are permitted by their respective family heads.
# Upon death, unless inheritance bequeathed, possessions pass to next of kin.
# To marry or engage in 1st degree incestuous relations within a family, is illegal.
# To attempt to produce a miscarriage is illegal in any way or form or shape.
# To conspire or engage in marriage under duress of any thread, is illegal.
# Marriage is legal between any and all races, however marriage with a First Civil Status citizen does not bequeath Citizenship or First Civil Status.
===Regalian City Ordinances===
# Any Non-Civil Status, Outsider Status, Slaves, and Half-Races must carry an identification card on their person (or owner) within the Holy City. An identification card may be registered with a Violet Captain or above at New Greygate or either checkpoint upon the Old Town bridges. Caught not carrying your identification card will first lead to a fine of 25 regals, next strike a night in Greygate and a 25 regal fine, therein doubles in price each consecutive time afterwards.
# Any person caught littering within the Cathedral district shall be fined, 40 regals.
# Any person caught participating in a form of bounty hunting without a registered license with a Violet Captain or above shall be arrested, their equipment forfeit, and fined 40 regals.
# Any person seeking to publicly advertise their business must register their advertisement through the Secretary of Trade, stamped with their seal. Any advertisement without this stamp shall be fined, 50 regals.
===Regalian Political Law===
Political Laws are legislation enacted to deal with offenders who intend to disrupt the functioning of the Regalian Government, the State and in some cases, harm the Emperor himself. These laws generally require long term incarceration outside of Regalia in a High Priority prisoner citadel.
# To create a criminal organization and recruit members to its cause, is illegal.
# To enter a criminal organization and work towards its cause, is illegal.
# To support, aid, and associate with criminal organizations, is illegal.
# To preach jacobinism and rebellion through propaganda, is illegal.
# To rebel against the Government, and the Empire, is illegal.
# The Chancellor of the Empire therefore deems it illegal to follow the ways of the Molotok Doctrine, as well as to follow any organization or collective that promotes the ideals of jacobinism and/or heresy.
# To commit to enacting ones own perceived justice without the legal authority to do so, and to neglect the authority of the Regalian Law enforcement and interrupt them from their work, is illegal.
# To act with the intent to incite public unrest against Nobility and State, and to promote anti-Government ideals through the means of propaganda, ill-motivational speech or manifesto, is illegal.
# To commit to engaging in duplicity, deceit, or political subterfuge against the governors of State administration serving under and for the Emperor, is illegal.
# To deny a member of nobility access to public properties and establishments, save for self-defense or public disruption scenarios, is illegal.
===Regalian Civil Status===
# Ailor, Sihai, Dwarf, Qadir, Url, Allar, Orc, Varran, Songaskia, Altalar, Avanthar, Cielothar and Sihndar First Civil Status Races.
# Yanar are considered Protected Civil Status.
# Isldar are considered Protected Civil Status (Isldar retain First Civil Status if they are guards)
# Slizzar and Maraya are None Civil Status, thus they are not permitted to defend themselves in Court or marry with First Civil Status individuals. They will however still be protected from physical harm or brutalizing in public.
# Manathar are protected civil status provided they are working for the Empire which can predominantly exhibited through employment in State charters.
# Kathar are Outsider Civil Status. Outsider Status have no rights or protections in Regalia.
# Most Half-Races are considered First Civil Status Races as long as both parents are First Civil Status. If they have only one First Civil Status parent, they shall become Protected Civil Status. If they have no First Civil Status parents, they shall be None Civil Status.
===Regalian Holy Law===
# To subject to afflictions of the body such as Vampirism, is illegal.
# To subject to aberration such as learning Magic or Undeadism, is illegal.
# To subject to vileness such as Demonism & Possession, is illegal.
# To convert away from Unionism, is illegal.
# To cause harm or spill blood in the Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
# To cause insult or harmful word in the Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
# To seize upon another person in the sanctity of a Temple of Union, is illegal.
# To fornicate or copulate in the confines of Holy Ground of Union, is illegal.
# To blaspheme against the Regalian Unionist faith & Spirit, is illegal.
===Regalian Knight Law===
# The following Knight Orders may open carry non-military grade weapons and Plate Armor:
## The Viridian Order
# Knights are permitted to enter the Imperial Palace without armor and weapons to engage with Nobility but can be expelled by Imperial Court Officials for poor behavior.
# Knights may enforce Regalian Law when called upon the Violet Order to do so.
# Knights may engage in honor duels within the Knights Quarter and other combat areas.
===Regalian Insult Law===
# Any person calling a woman a harlot, without proof, is fined 30 Regals.
# Any person calling a man a coward, without proof, is fined 20 Regals.
# Any person insulting the sanctity of a Reverend, is fined 20 Regals.
# Any person offending the right of Nobility or Nobles, is fined 40 Regals.
# Any person who commits to a false oath and violates it, is fined 100 Regals.
===Regalian Noble Law===
# To actively disrupt or compromise a public Government assembly after warnings, is illegal.
# To deprive another Noble of a Ducal Cabinet vote in any way, is illegal.
# To falsify Noble seals & stamps of other Noble Houses, is illegal.
# When guilty of damage, both a Family House & Offender must compensate.
# Marriages between a titled member of peerage to another of another Titled family, of either sex, which would result in the passing of a landed title from one family to the other, must be brokered and approved by the Imperial Court otherwise the title of the individual taking the name of the dominant family will expire and default back to the Emperor for redistribution. 
===Regalian Mercenary Law===
# Mercenary Companies must be legally registered with the Mercenary Commander to operate in the Holy City.
# Mercenaries may only wear up to half plate armor and may wear such off duty.
# Mercenaries may only open carry non-Military grade weapons in Regalia when engaging in a work contract.
# Mercenaries must obey all Regalian Law when contracted.
# Mercenaries must obey Regalian Law Enforcement orders from ranks Captain and above.
===Noble House Guard Law===
# Nobility may have a House Guard utilizing half plate armor but no helmet and non-military grade weapons.
# The House Guard must defend the lives and keep safe the nobles they serve from harm.
# The House Guard may detain any attackers that attempt to harm the nobles they serve and transfer them to the Violet Order.
# The House Guard must act to defend, not to attack others. They may not draw swords for any reason but for defense of their noble patron.
==Regalian Noble Privilege==
The Nobility of the Regalian Empire, by virtue of their status as the Emperor’s delegated regional rulers, are afforded certain rights, privileges and entitlements not conferred upon the common man or woman. These ‘privileges’ are essentially benefits of a noble’s status, and establish the class distinction and effectuate the powers of a nobleman’s elevated prerogative over the common people of the Empire.
====Title Holders Only====
# Nobility are entitled to acquiesce a public business for private serving for thirty minutes for a maximum of once a day. Said business however cannot be acquiesced by another House for the remainder of that day. This may not be done to venues actively being used for events.
# Nobility have inviolability of their Noble estates. Only the Emperor or the Secretary of the Whip can issue warrants to the Violet Order to investigate a Noble’s estate without the Patriarch or Matriarch of said Noble family.
====Title Holders and their Heir Only====
# Nobility have by virtue of their status as regional rulers, the right to wage private war against another noble house. This right stems from the authority of the Emperor and can cease at the Emperor’s discretion and only at the Emperor’s discretion.
# Nobility by virtue of their status have a blood right to employ their own armed House Guard with supplemented regulation through Regalian Law.
# Crime committed against Nobility warrant heavier sentences. An action taken against a Noble is an action taken against the Emperor’s delegated governors and thus must be treated with much higher scrutiny.
# Nobility may not be restricted from traversing the City and thus are immune from checkpoint procedure set up by the City Guard. 
# Nobillity may vindicate a convicted criminal, having been released or awaiting punishment by the City Guard, provided said Noble House takes the criminal as a personal ward and takes full responsibility for their future actions.
# Nobility have the right to call a ‘Diet of the Nobility’ provided they have the backing of two other Patriarchs/Matriarchs for such and that every Noble and Aristocrat family are given three days notice in advance of such a diet. These diets are generally overseen by a representative for the Emperor and can be called to accuse a family of acting untactfully, of abusing Noble privilege, raise a question on privilege or generally hold any debate they desire. Nobility are then permitted to vote on a proposal of their choosing which is delivered to the Emperor to decide whether he wishes to accept the proposal or reject it.
====All Nobles====
# Nobility as the upper echelon of society are not subject to the whims of the common folk. Nobility are permitted to strike or order the striking of a commoner where they are offended by the words or conduct of that individual without facing legal repercussions. 
# Nobility are expected to be treated with great deference in public by the lesser classes. When visiting public establishments Nobles must be given preferential treatment and treated with utmost respect.
# Nobility are permitted to open carry a single non military grade weapon in public for ceremonial purposes and self defense scenarios.
# Nobility have a universal right to their good name and reputation.  A noble can enforce their right to a good name and reputation in the Patriciate Court. Truth of the statement however is the ultimate defense to such an allegation.
# Nobility have the right to issue to City Guards in person a warrant for the arrest of a commoner for alleged criminal acts. Said noble must then act as the interrogator of the arrested commoner and prove the allegation true. The City Guard may then determine if the criminal act has been committed or not and act accordingly.
# Nobility are awarded with the privilege to not be hassled by the City Guard for minor inconveniences and criminal acts. The Nobility are expected to be treated with due diligence and only accosted by legal enforcement when it is of severe importance. Moreover, Nobles are expected to be treated with respect and deference during arrests and must not be shackled or have force applied to them unless the Noble refuses to comply.
# Nobility have the right to be personally escorted to their homes, residence or public building by the City Guard during a Citywide curfew.
==Regalian Honneurs Law==
Honneurs Laws are a set of Laws dictating the behavior of nobles and others in respects to nobles. It is important to mention here that Honneurs laws work a little differently than State Laws, in that their actual enforcement is not strictly mandatory to the Regalian Guard. That is to say, formally the Guards should enforce these laws when asked to do so, however the Guards will not be disciplined for failing to act on these Laws should their sensibilities demand they do so. Regalian Guards must however respect the Laws which specifically dictate their actions, and may end up being suspended for failing to respect Noble Privilege. Regardless how the Regalian Guard responds to Law violations, any and all violations may still be tried to the Noble Court if the Guards fail to act on the Honneurs violations. For further reference, a list of all proper forms of address:
* The Emperor is your Imperial Holiness (Alexander Kade)
* The Princes(ses) are your Imperial Highness (Cedric, Florance, Valdis, Thaddeus Kade)
* The Prince Sovereigns or Kings are your High Eminence (their relatives are just Ser/Sera/Madam/Madame)
* The Prince Electors are your Eminence
* The Lord Chancellor is your Eminence
* Secretaries of the Government, if Noble, are referred to by their noble title, if untitled or a Commoner, refer to them as your Councilman/Councilwoman
* The Dukes are your Grace
* The Counts are your Lordship/Ladyship
* The Barons are your Lord/Lady
* Syndic Councilmen are Patrician
* Untitled nobility are Ser/Sera/Madam/Madame
* Reverends are your Holiness
* Other employment related titles are not covered
====Naming Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs to refer to those of Noble Blood by their first name, use nicknames, or otherwise bring shame on their noble house by treating them with a familiarity that is inappropriate outside of the confines of one’s own home through address. Offenders are to be fined, and repeat offences are to be imprisoned for offence to Nobility.
====Title Honneurs====
It is an affront to the Honneurs to refuse to acknowledge the title of a person, especially when higher in rank to the person offending, however there remains more flexibility in this law. Generally speaking, if a person is refusing to acknowledge a noble’s titleage in address (while still respecting the proper naming law) for political reasons, it is not an affront to Honneurs. If however a person habitually does not use proper title address for no clear political gain or principle, then it is an affront to Honneurs. Offenders are to be fined, and repeat offences are to be imprisoned for offence to Nobility. Furthermore, for those who lack the wit to fulfill the obligations of this law, but still wish to respect the right title address, they may use the address “your honorable eminence”, which is a title deference used to respect anyone between Baron and Duke, but not Princes or the Emperor who still require Imperial distinction. Using this form of address sends a clear message of one’s intellectual capacity in a negative sense however.
====Physical Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for a man to touch the bare skin of a woman that is not his wife without the separation of a silken handkerchief or a cloth linen glove. To touch a married woman, even with such acceptable barriers, is an affront to Honneurs, unless she has invited the person in question to do so with honorable intent and reason. Offenders are to be imprisoned for Noble Impropriety.
====Marital Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for nobles to refer to genitalia, the act of coitus or otherwise glorify their sexual prowess, sexual activities and other vulgar remarks to do with intimacy. Further expansion to this law sees the act of drinking or eating from the same serving or container as another person as vulgar. Offenders are to be fined, and repeat offences are to be imprisoned for Noble Impropriety.
====Duelling Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for nobles to engage in a violent confrontation without the proper rights observed. These rights can be acquired one of two ways: Either the Emperor has to grant consent to an honorable duel, or if both parties pertain Knights of any Knightly Order, then the Chapter Head may grant permission for the two Knights. Offenders are to be imprisoned for Noble Impropriety, on top of the State Law punishment for assault.
====Enfranchisement Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for nobles to engage in employment, tasks or otherwise activities that are normally considered the employment of the lower classes and the common folk. There are exceptions to these: nobles may engage in employment in their own establishments as long as these establishments carry societal relevance or importance, and any noble may serve in the Regalian Guard or Knightly Order or Medical institutions without offending the Honneurs. Offenders are to be fined for Noble Impropriety.
====Sanctity Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs to blatantly and with literal language: threaten, coerce or use violent language as a means of intimidation or retaliation outside of the comfort of one’s home. For all intents and purposes, threats which include violence will be seen as confessing to have the intent to murder or violently assault another noble, and should be punished by State Law in accordance as if the act had already occured.
====Household Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for Guard to violate the authority of a noble household head over their household. This means that a noble household head, a person formally registered as the legal owner of an estate property, is permitted to deny entry to their estate on grounds of Honneurs without a warrant from the Emperor, or unless there is credible proof to the risk of loss of life, conspiracy against the State or Emperor, or Heresy.
====Arresting Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for Guards to chain or otherwise publicly humiliate nobles by shackling them, slapping them, using violence on them unless they are resisting, or otherwise draw obvious attention to a noble being escorted to prison. All guards should endeavor to draw as little attention as possible by proclaiming the arrest reason or even the use of the word arrest without subtlety and poise. Guards must, if asked for the reason for an arrest by any noble, inform them of the reasoning, but only in such a way that commoners cannot hear, and commoners should never ask Guards why a noble is being arrested.
====Publication Honneurs====
It is an affront to Honneurs for nobles to publish more than a single denunciation publication against another House within the timespan of 30 days. When public denunciations are made they must be signed and delivered to the Bureaucracy for publication and delivery to all the noble houses. Compiling more denunciations that the legally allowed limit will result in censorship as well as a fine.
==Capital Law==
Capital Law are the worst committed crimes in the State of Regalia which default to execution. Any and all Capital Law are based on first offence, unless specified otherwise, and if adequate proof is found of the crime, the guilty party is immediately executed.
# To violate the Sanctity of any woman, or to seize upon a woman through fornication without consent, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
# To violate the safety of the Regalian State, and to harbor intentions to seize with armed forces the civil government, and with adequate presented proof, is punished by quartering.
# To commit to the murder of five individuals or more, and to harbor no guilt or conscience to these crimes, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
# To commit to the murder of three individuals or more of ages below adulthood, and to harbor no guilt or conscience to these crimes, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
# To commit to convert away from the Unionist Fate, and to resist attempts of corrective conversion, and to show no remorse of this religious crime, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with burning at the stake.
# To commit to Jacobin ideals, to attempt to subvert the rights of Nobility by overthrowing, and with adequate presented proof, is punished by live flaying until death.
# To commit treason against the Regalian State by assisting foreign nations or granting knowledge or assets of the Regalian Empire to other nations, and with adequate presented proof, is punished with whipping until death.
==Special Ordinances==
Special Ordinances are laws adopted in the past by Emperors that fulfill certain roles. These laws are not part of common state law, because they only address one specific point in society, but are still valid across the Empire.
# All laws prescribed in [[Szabadok_Culture#Laws|Southland Laws]]
==Military Law==
Military Laws are laws that govern specifically how the Regalian Military and Navy forces operate and punish individuals serving as Generals, Admirals, Soldiers and any other retinues of war that fight on behalf of Regalia. These laws may be freely added to or altered by popular vote by the Imperial Marshal Cabinet and can be enforced by Military Tribunal, and where required, the City Guard.
# Within the military Forces, hierarchy is strict. To disobey the hierarchy is to invite weakness to the Weapons of the Crown. A Military Tribunal trial will be enacted upon those who act with dishonor and ill conduct. Court Martials will be held by the Imperial Court Marshal and two Generals or Admirals chosen by the Imperial Court Marshal or the Emperor.
# Soldiers of the Regalian Empire must always be treated with personal preference. Where applicable, businesses must show higher priority, and better care for their dealings with soldiers. Public establishments should endeavor to care for the well being of soldiers first.
# It is forbidden to wear outfits from organizations to which one is not a member, and it is illegal to pretend to be a rank which one is not. Pretense in rank is strictly punished with expulsion and a Military Tribunal trial.
# To undermine the Regalian Navy through sabotage or negligence is strictly punished with a Military Tribunal trial. Military Officers are expected to show competence while commanding troops, managing supplies and equipment, or acting on behalf of the Regalian Navy.

Latest revision as of 03:50, 23 September 2024

Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.

Regalian Penal Code


The Regalian Penal Code contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.

Regalian Civil Code


The Regalian Civil Code is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.

Regalian Court Protocol


The Regalian Court Protocol is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.

Regalian Naval Acts


The Regalian Naval Acts are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.