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Regalian Law is a set of so-called Law Books with a penal code designed to keep the Regalian public in line, both within the confines of a peaceful and stable society, but also for a clean and pious mind. These Laws don't always have a strict outcome punishment, and punishments may vary between Guards and Organizations in Regalia. Furthermore, most of these laws are changeable by the respective authorities.  
Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.
===[[Regalian Penal Code]]===
The [[Regalian Penal Code]] contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.  

==State Laws==
===[[Regalian Civil Code]]===
State laws are active in all lands controlled by the Regalian Empire, and supersede all local legislation also. State Laws apply to all Heartland regions of the Empire, only autonomous regions and colonies are permitted to maintain their own Laws. For the sake of State Law, the following entities are recognized:
* '''The Common Folk''' are the regular Regalian citizens without special status. Laws apply equally to all of them with disregard for individual conditions or circumstances.
The [[Regalian Civil Code]] is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.  
* '''The Nobles''' are the blue blood of the Empire, citizens with elevated legal status. Nobles are exempt from certain laws, which will be specifically mentioned.  
* '''Titleholders''' are Nobles of the Empire with a specific Title as recorded on the Title Registry. Titleholders are exempt from certain laws on top of Noble exemption.
* '''Eminents''' are Government Ministers, the Guard Lord Commander and the Chancellor. Eminents are exempt from certain laws on top of Noble & Noble exemption.  

===Regalian Common Law===
===[[Regalian Court Protocol]]===
Regalian Common Law are legal violations that are arbitrated by the Regalian Guard. Any Regalian Guard can set the punishments for Common Law violations, but they should never be more severe than a medium sentence, and these violations never result in maiming or execution. The Guards may have an internal handbook on what crimes to punish with what punishment, but this is up to the prerogative of the Lord Commander of the Regalian Guard. Eminents are exempt from all Regalian Common Law. Regalian Common Law can be freely changed by the Lord Chancellor.
# Bearing weapons or armor outside of permit clearance, or bearing weapons or armor in government buildings and offices without the appropriate right to do so is illegal. All Nobles are exempt from this law.
The [[Regalian Court Protocol]] is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.  
# Trespassing, breaking entry, refusing to leave, or entering forbidden areas inside otherwise public buildings is illegal. Property owners may revoke entry rights, forcing departure. All Titleholders are exempt from this law.
# Theft and destruction of property is illegal, including harm on Slaves which are counted as property. Cheating at games is also counted as property theft, unless there is no explicit profit or prize to win in the game in question.
# Inflicting non-lethal harm or excessive emotional suffering on others unless in self-defense is illegal. Murder or loss of body parts escalates the crime to Regalian High Law. Titleholders are exempt from this law.
# Abducting, imprisoning or enslaving anyone is illegal. Titleholders are exempt from this Law, but only for 3 days following any crime committed against them, and only the criminal can be imprisoned at an Estate.
# Possession, use, manufacture or redistribution of Contraband or Monopolized items is illegal. Artifacts are not contraband but are also not classified as possessions and may as such be stolen freely without prosecution.
# Subjecting an unwilling person to Mutations, Aberrancy, or Powers is illegal. Furthermore, using Occult Powers outside of the home without permission is illegal. Titleholders are exempt from this Law, but not the Mutations part.
# It is illegal to be infected with any type of Occult or Aberrancy that is defined as Apostasy in the Regalian Legal Codes explained further below. Infected individuals must always be cured after arrest and imprisonment.
# To conspire to vandalize, deface, or desecrate [ documented religious sites] is illegal. Inciting religious conflict and to attempt to convert Unionists away from Unionism is additionally illegal, but other proselytizing is legal.
# To refuse to properly address those of Titleage with their proper Title, unless being of higher Title one’s self, is illegal. Not knowing a proper title is not illegal, but if refused after correction, will result in violating this law.
# Attempting to break out of prison, assisting another to break out of prison, or otherwise obstructing guards in their duties is illegal. Titleholders may release Common Law criminals from prison or other punishment at will.  

===Regalian High Law===
===[[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]]===
Regalian High Law are legal violations that are normally arbitrated by the Regalian Guard, but may also be called upon in a High Trial. A High Trial is a trial involving a Panel of Peers (Titleholders) who decide guilt or innocence, and what punishment should be afforded to the guilty party at a trial. Punishment should never be more severe than a long prison sentence or extended community service/forced labor, and these violations result in maiming or execution only if the Lord Commander of the Guard signs off on it. In normal conditions, a criminal will be judged by the Guard. If the Guard has however not yet judged the Criminal, any Titleholder may call for a High Trial. The process of a High Trial is explained in the Legal Codes further below. Nobody is exempt from any Regalian High Law, except the Emperor and his direct kin. Regalian High Law can be freely changed by the Lord Chancellor.
# To sabotage, undermine, or be negligent of State Official Duty, or to commit treason against the Regalian Empire or aid foreign nationals detrimentally to Regalia is illegal. Violating this Law during wartime escalates it to Capital Law.
The [[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]] are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.
# To be negligent to Noble Expectations, incite to Civil-War or Rebellion, or commit to or encourage separatism is illegal. The definition of Noble Expectations is explained in Regalian Legal Codes further below.
# To murder of an individual or many individuals, or to cause mass-death of livestock or wild animals outside of permitted activities is illegal. The amount of murders increases the severity of this law violation and punishment.
# To conspire to harm or impede the freedom or functioning of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Commander or Emperor is illegal. Additionally, to publicize critical thoughts and ideas about the Emperor or his rule is illegal.
===Regalian Capital Law===
Regalian Capital Law is unique in that it cannot be changed by the Lord Chancellor, and is purely changed and enforced by the Emperor and the Imperial Court. Regalian Capital Law is arbitrated by so-called Imperial Inquisitors. The Imperial Court appoints Inquestors to act as solo judges to decide on the punishment of individuals who violate Capital Law. The Regalian Guard or Imperial Guard holds prisoners, followed by a trial set up by the Inquisitor. Maiming and execution are possible for those who violate Capital Law, and permission from the Lord Commander is not required.
# To spill blood, damage, or attack Unionist Holy Ground such as Arch-Temples, Temples, and Palaces, is illegal. Additionally, to bear weapons and armor onto buildings defined as Holy Ground of Unionism is also illegal.
# To denounce the ultimate authority of the Emperor, to denounce the Emperor’s right to rule all foreign lands, to insult the Emperor or those in line of succession, or to touch the Emperor or those in line of succession is illegal.
# To obstruct or assault the Imperial Guard is illegal. Imperial Guard are immune to any and all Laws except Capital Law, and may not be touched or infringed upon by anyone but the Emperor and his direct kin.
==Empire Wide Ordinances==
Empire Wide Ordinances are technically laws, but they only apply outside of the Regalian Isle, and as such are not wholly relevant to be aware of in Roleplay. These laws are still relevant to know for those engaging in the Progression System however.
# All lands with a majority Altalar population may apply the Altalar Judicial System. If both parties in a trial agree to apply the Altalar Judicial System, it may replace the Regalian State Judicial System.
# Preventing the free passage of Trade Ships through the Shoenn River, or applying any type of passage tax or fee to unarmed vessels is illegal. Furthermore, applying any fee or tax on State controlled shipping is illegal.
== List of Empire Contraband==
# Opiates or other mind-altering medicine or substances without the legal Anahera stamp or approval are considered contraband. This does not cover home-brew, only the distribution or resale or stockpiling.
# Metal-cast Siege weapons such as cannons and bombards and Gunpowder barrels not shipped by House Howlester are considered contraband. Only House Howlester or the Regalian State may distribute these items.
# Grains or cereals of any kind, whether milled or raw in any container not for home-use are considered contraband without a House Kade stamp. These substances may only be bought from State controlled enterprises.
# Muskete weaponry not produced and granted by the Belliard Guild from Waldmark are considered contraband. Attempts to reverse engineer these items, or reproduce them elsewhere is also illegal.  
# Puretek weaponry not produced and granted by the Belliard Guild (or representative) from Waldmark are considered contraband. Reverse engineering, or reproducing them elsewhere is also illegal.
== Legal Codes==
Legal Codes exist to cover more complex topics that would be too long to write down into individual Laws. Legal Codes often also create exceptions or additional layers to laws. When it concerns contradictions between Legal Codes and Laws, Legal Codes are always superior.
===Legal Code for Guards===
The Regalian Guard is permitted to circumvent certain laws when it concerns the proper and decent execution of their duties as Regalian Guard. Any Guard who violates Regalian Law without proper cause, must be removed and then prosecuted by the Lord Commander. The Lord Commander may make any office within the Regalian Guard, and grant them any responsibilities within the Guard. The Lord Commander may be removed by a total vote of the Regalian Guard, if the vote count is 60%+1 vote in favor of removal, after which a 50%+1 vote will be needed to confirm a new Lord Commander. Regalian Guards are permitted automatic Weapon and Armor permits, but may not wear them on Government Property, Offices, or Holy Ground. Government Property and Offices are guarded by the Chancellor’s Contingent Guard, who have the same rights as Guards covered by this Legal Code otherwise.
===Legal Code for Knights===
Those who are still registered members of Regalian State approved Knighthood Orders, have specific rights granted to them. Knights who have been expelled or are put on leave, will not have the Legal Code for Knights apply to them. The Knight privilege is as follows. Knights are permitted to bear any armor and weapons visibly in public, so long as their Order identity is visible in what they are wearing. This right extends to the outdoors and private space, but not Government Offices and Property, or Holy Ground. Knights may engage in legal Duels within areas designated as combat arenas without being found guilty of harm laws. Any and all Knights must report other knights, even of different Orders, if they violate their Code to the Lord Chancellor who sends the information on to the relevant Orders for arbitration. Finally, Knights must be called Ser if male, and Dame if female.
===Legal Code for Weapons and Armor===
It is illegal to wear Armor without a permit that is not purely decorative. Decorative armor is established at 25% or less body cover, or having been made of a material that offers no greater protection than cloth. It is illegal for anyone without a Weapon Permit to bear a weapon other than a Rechtshelm, which is a stiletto that can easily be hidden on the body, and can never be longer than 10 inches, requiring concealment at all times. After a permit is granted for either or both, public and non-concealed wearing is permitted. Permits are granted by the Armament Commissioner, which is a position appointed by the Lord Chancellor, as part of the Regalian Government. Permits cannot be granted by the Regalian Guard, however the Lord Commander may revoke Permits for those found guilty of crimes involving their armor and weapons in some capacity.
===Legal Code for Contract Law===
Contracts when registered with the Regalian State (posted on the Section titled [ World System Contracts] on the Forums) are legally enforceable, meaning if one of the parties fails to uphold their part of the contract, the accusing party may call the failing party to Court, which will be arbitrated by the Imperial Inquisitor as part of a Capital Law trial. At court, the accusing party must explain how the failing party did not uphold their contract obligations, while the accused party must explain how the accusation is false, or why they found extraneous circumstances that would allow them to break the contract. The Imperial Inquisitor must then establish if the contract was broken, and whether this was broken unfairly or with due reason. If broken with due reason, the accused is free to go. If unfairly, the State shall be tasked with enforcing the stipulations of the contract. Still refusing to honor the contract shall then be counted as Treason against the State of Regalia.
===Legal Code for Occult Ministers===
The Legal Code for Occult Ministers covers the right of the Occult Minister(s) to grant additional reprieve for use of Powers, Abilities, Artifacts, Occult or Aberrant or otherwise non-Mundane, in public areas or on individuals. The Occult Minister must ascertain whether any of these things poses a risk to bystanders or the common sanctity and peace of the Empire, and then set specific circumstances or broad application for where they may be used, and where they may not be used. This permit is valid for as long as the Occult Minister is in office, with all permits expiring when an Occult Minister is either fired, relieved, or resigns. Applications for a specialized permit must be forwarded to the Occult Minister, which will always require a face to face meeting.
===Legal Code for Apostasy===
To be Defined by the Occult Minister (in the coming days, the following is just for posterity)
# Undeadism is Apostasy, unless the Undead is a follower of Mother Alexi's Thyemic Sect of Unionism, and believes in the Everwatcher.
===Legal Code for Noble House Guards===
Noble House Guards are individuals retained by Noble Houses to serve for their protection. Noble Houses Guards are specifically hired to not be servants (bringing around food & drinks, helping with household tasks). Noble House Guards are permitted automatic weapon permits but only when in the direct company of the House they are in service of. They are also permitted automatic armor permits, but only lesser armor permits, where 50% of their body may be covered in armor. In any and all cases, if a Noble House Guard is not with any member of the Family they are employed by, these permits are not valid and they may be arrested. Additionally, House Guards may not enter other Noble Estates with Armor and Weapons, unless invited in. House Guards do not need to be approved before hiring, but do need to be registered with the State’s Lifeguard Commissioner, which is a position appointed by the Lord Chancellor. The Lifeguard Commissioner may set additional rights and privileges for Palests (unique personal bodyguards) so long as they do not conflict with other State Laws.
===Legal Code for Mercenaries===
Mercenaries are given an automatic permit to cover 50% of their body in armor, and open carry weapons (thus both an Armor and Weapon permit), but these permits are only valid while they are either on duty and executing a Mercenary contract, or actively called in by the Regalian Guard or a Noble Family to assist in arresting a criminal. Mercenaries must always step aside if commanded to by Regalian Guards, the Chancellor’s Contingent or Imperial Guard. Mercenaries must at all times only work for legally sanctioned contracts by the Mercenary Commissioner. Mercenaries may keep criminals apprehended in the Mercenary Keep for up to 48 hours for questioning, before handing them over to the Regalian Guard.
===Legal Code for Noble Expectations===
Nobles, but particularly also Titleholders, have vast sweeping privileges and legal exemptions from the Regalian Law. For example, a Titleholder can trespass, allowing them to enter any building not controlled by the Imperial Court or Regalian Government and refuse to leave. These legal protections are however granted in “fair use”, meaning that so long as the Noble or Titleholder is not committing cruelty or tyranny on the people of Regalia, they can fairly continue. If however the actions of the individual are considered tyrannical, obstructive to the peace, or done in poor morality and conscience to the expectations of the Nobility, then other Nobles may call them to court. This functions exactly the same way as a High Trial, where a single Titleholder may try them to court, and the Panel of Peers decides whether the Noble offended the law with ill intent, or with honest and righteous privilege. If the use of privilege to be immune to prosecution was deemed appropriate, the accused is free to go. If the use of immunity was used to inflict tyranny or morally reprehensible intent by judgement of the Panel of Peers, the accused shall be found guilty of the crime and punished appropriately, as if they never even had immunity to begin with. Eminents cannot be tried to High Trial over Noble Expectations under any circumstances. Even if an Eminent is a Titleholder, their Eminent status prevents them from being found guilty of tyranny or morally reprehensible action with regards to legal immunities. This Legal Code confers some additional rights: Nobles may not be hindered from visiting prisoners except when they are Noble prisoners in the Noble cell, Nobles are always immune to checkpoint restrictions and may pass without being searched, Nobles must be treated with respect and not restrained while being arrested if it can be avoided, and finally, any Noble may command a Regalian Guard to escort them to a defined location they are en-route to when meeting this Regalian Guard on the way. It should also be noted, that the Legal Code for Noble Expectations also covers the right for Titleholders to release Common Criminals from prison. If a Criminal was released and caused more damage to the state, the Titleholder who forced their release can be held accountable by a High Trial, and judged to face the same punishment as the criminal they released.
===Legal Code for Adult Adoptions===
The Regalian Legal Code does not recognize full culpability for minors in violations of the law. Minors will still be prosecuted, but not to the full severity of the law. The matter is different for adult adoptions however. The Empire recognizes the social responsibility of adults adopting adults. As such, this Legal Code applies legal responsibility to the parent adopting an adult individual. All crimes committed by adopted individuals who were adopted as adults by other adults, shall also apply to their adopting parent, as if they had committed the crime also, to strengthen social responsibility.
===Legal Code for Citizenship===
Citizenship is declared by any individual wishing to become a Citizen. This requires filling in the necessary paperwork and paying for administrative fees. By right, all Races are Citizens, but some Citizens have certain rights revoked. Url have the right to perform Symbiosis on anyone revoked, period. Sihndar have the right to perform Northern Taint on anyone revoked, period. Manathar have the right to perform Manathar Communion on any Nelfin revoked, period. In any and all cases, Racial status is defined by the Soul, insofar the Soul status can be established at time of Citizenship application, or otherwise information received afterwards. Using Occult means or other to change Race does not change Soul Status.
==Borough Laws==
The City of Regalia has so called Boroughs, which are districts outside of the main city that act like autonomous districts. These districts do not have the standard Regalian Law, rather, they often have their own local laws dictated by the Council or otherwise authority of this autonomous region. This lawbook may be entirely different from the Regalian Law, though many of its laws will still be inspired by Regalian Law.
===Crookback Law===
Crookback Law is a unique set of bylaws and legislation which applies only to the Regalian Borough of New Crookback. Crookback Law may be freely created and changed by the Crookback Council, and enforced by the Crookback Militia.
#Undeadism is legal in the New Crookback.
#Any and all restrictions on the use of magic have been removed. Magic, Sorcery, Racial Abilities, and Ritualism are all legal in all capacities in New Crookback.
#Associating with & recruiting for criminal organisations in New Crookback is legal.
#The Violet Order are no longer barred from entering Crookback, but do so at their own risk.
#The pursuit of bounties and warrants by the Violet Order or Mercenaries into New Crookback, outside of those approved by the Council, is illegal.
#The kidnapping of the Noble peerage or government official, both foreign and domestic, is illegal in New Crookback.
#To bring a Noble or government official, both foreign and domestic, against their will (including the use of abilities to suggest or coerce their will), into New Crookback, is illegal.
#To kidnap a citizen of the Empire and hold them against their will within New Crookback is illegal.
#Enforcing Regalian Law is illegal for all but the Crookback Militia in New Crookback.
#Law protection by civil status is removed. All are treated equal in New Crookback.
#To not pay any debts incurred through gambling, bets, or theft of service is illegal and will be subject to collection from the Crookback Militia with proof of debt.
#Arson, including attempted arson, is expressly illegal. Anyone caught setting fires to buildings for vandalism purposes will summarily be put to death by the Crookback Militia.
#Vandalism on actively worshiped and recognized religious sites is illegal within New Crookback.
#Murder and manslaughter are illegal in New Crookback.
#Adding an unknown mind-altering substance to a drink is illegal in New Crookback.

Latest revision as of 03:50, 23 September 2024

Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.

Regalian Penal Code


The Regalian Penal Code contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.

Regalian Civil Code


The Regalian Civil Code is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.

Regalian Court Protocol


The Regalian Court Protocol is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.

Regalian Naval Acts


The Regalian Naval Acts are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.