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There are many In Character Rules to remember when embarking on a Roleplay adventure in Regalia, and for many individuals the Regalian Guards will be an organization they will deal with at some point. The Regalia Guards keep the peace while In Character, and will punish individuals for their mischievous or otherwise illegal actions. Thus it is important to know what the laws are to better observe them. After all, nobody likes five nights of jail on their record. Here is the lawbook in it's entirety, detailing the crime, a definition of the crime, and punishments for repeated offenses.  
Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.  
For more information on Roleplay Guard Etiquette, please refer to the [[Guard Etiquette]] page.  
===[[Regalian Penal Code]]===
==Types of Crimes==
The [[Regalian Penal Code]] contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.  
Loitering is when an individual waits outside a building for long amounts of time, usually the prison. This is not permitted at the prison and anyone doing so will end up in a cell. ((This is especially applicable for OOC observers outside of the prison. OOC observing usually leads to metagame by intention or mistake. Therefore, we take anyone standing around the prison as in character and arrest them. If they don’t comply, it is a violation of the rules.))
*First Offense: Jail time for 10 days.
===[[Regalian Civil Code]]===
*Second Offense: Jail time for 20 days.
*Third Offense: Beating/whipping and jail time for 30 days.
The [[Regalian Civil Code]] is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.  
===Drunk and Disorderly Behavior:===
Drunk and disorderly behavior is when an individual is disrupting the peace by inane and irrational actions. Accusations of corruption, stumbling around, screaming, or just plain acting like a drunkard will land offenders in prison.
===[[Regalian Court Protocol]]===
*First Offense: Jail time for 10 days.
*Second Offense: Jail time for 20 days.
The [[Regalian Court Protocol]] is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.  
*Third Offense: Beating/whipping and jail time for 30 days.
===Possession of Illegal Materials:===
===[[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]]===
Possession of illegal materials is strictly prohibited within Regalia. Such materials include Void artifacts, weapons and armor without a permit, illegal plants from Drowda and Guldar, explosives, and other materials as deemed dangerous to Regalian society per occasion by the presiding guards.
*First Offense: Confiscation of the material(s) and jail time for 10 days.
The [[Navigation_Acts|Regalian Naval Acts]] are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.
*Second Offense: Confiscation of the material(s) and jail time for 20 days.
*Third Offense: Confiscation of the material(s) and jail time for 30 days.
===Weapons and Armor Possession and Distribution:===
Going along with the above law, possessing any weapons or armor without a permit assigned by the Arch-Chancellor or Violet Commander is strictly illegal. Normally going with violence and sometimes murder, this law is set in place to prevent infractions with other laws. The sale of weapons and armor without a permit distributed by the Arch-Chancellor or Violet Commander is also illegal and punishable, however only the Guard Commander will handle those scenarios.
*First Offense: Confiscation of the weapon(s) and jail time for 10 days.
*Second Offense: Confiscation of the weapon(s), beating/whipping and jail time for 20 days.
*Third Offense: Take the weapon, jail time for 30 days and removal of a hand.
Theft is one of the most common crimes found within Regalia. When one citizens steals from another, and are caught, the presiding guard will return the stolen goods and punish the thief accordingly.
*First Offense: Jail time of 10 days.
*Second Offense: Jail time of 20 days.
*Third Offense: Removal of hand and jail time of 30 days.
Impersonation of any noble, state official, priest, reverend, or member of the assorted Violet, Azure, Veridian, Crimson or Black Orders is forbidden and punishable with little remorse from the guards.
*First Offense: Jail time of 20 days.
*Second Offense: Jail time of 40 days.
===Sexual Assault:===
Sexual Assault is a serious crime involving the misconduct of sexual activities. Forcing sexual intimacy on any citizen in Regalia calls for immediate jail time and a collar similar to that of the Azure Order, except designed specifically for rapists. It should be noted that any public erotic roleplay, ERP, is against server rules. Even in private, if the other party does not consent OOC, the offending party can be subject to a permanent ban. If you’re unsure about how to treat a situation, submit a ticket for game staff to pick up.
*Any Offense: Jail time of 50 days and requirement of wearing a ‘collar.’
An act of violence is when any ordinary citizen causes physical harm to another by means of using their body or any assorted weapons.  
*First Offense: Jail time of 10 days. (With stern OOC warning)
*Second Offense: Jail time of 20 days, removal of the limb that caused it if the individual is particularly violent/ uncooperative. (Warn that next time will be execution)
*Third Offense: Execution.
===Attempted Murder:===
Anyone caught attempting to murder anyone, premeditated or not, shall be subject to jailings and a removal of a limb if necessary. Success and failure dictate the magnanimity of the punishment.
*Any Offense: Removal of a limb if necessary and 20 days of jail time.
To take a life is no light thing, and so murder is dealt with severely by the Violet Order. Any individual caught killing a citizen within the bounds of the Holy City shall be subject to jail time and other more painful methods of punishment.
*First Offense: Removal of a limb and 30 days of jail time. (With stern OOC warning, and warn that next time will be execution.)
*Second Offense: Execution.
===Mass Murder:===
The murder of more than one individual within Regalia is an astounding crime, but killing many at once it barbaric and not tolerated. Mass Murder is when two or more individuals are murdered by the same person, plans to murder are engineered by the same person, or other situations as deemed by any presiding guards.  
*Any Offense: Execution.
===Conspiracy Against the State:===
Regalia protects all good of the world, and humanity lives in peace under the rule of the benevolent Crown Prince Alexander Kade. To plot, plan, scheme, conspire, incite against or prepare intrigue against the state is a serious sin and evil within any soul that will be met with a swift execution and a prayer for an individual to be reborn a human.
*Any Offense: Execution.
To openly allow such a dark disease as Vampirism into one’s soul is a true evil. Allowing it to fester not only destroys the health of the host. It corrupts those around them, resulting in the deaths of many Ailor. While the Crimson Order handles most large-scale interactions with Vampires when summoned, the Regalia handles everyday arrests of vampires.
*First Offense: An offer of a cure, or a timely death. Jail time of 30 nights will be distributed If the individual was caught being a vampire, however if they turned themselves in there is no foul. Remember that the guard forces vampires being cured to wait a full week in real life before any real roleplay can be done with the character, on top of any jail time punishments.
*Second Offense: Execution.
===Illegal Magic Usage:===
Magic is a very dangerous subject and is strictly illegal to use. In Character, one would have to be possessed to bring any sort of positive connotation towards using magic, especially in public areas where there are many witnesses. Upon being released from the Azure Order, one is not to cast magic again unless it is for a very good reason, such as in life threatening situations or when a guard specifically asks for the aid of the mage in question.
*First Offense: Bring to the Azure Order. Guards will hand over the criminal to the Azure Order for ‘reteaching’. Remember that the guard forces mages being retaught to wait a full week in real life before any real roleplay can be done with the character, on top of any jail time punishments.
*Second Offense: Imprisonment or even death. Just because a mage has a collar and is released from the Azure Order does not mean they are free to cast magic wherever they want. Casting any magic in public is illegal and the individuals will be punished severely, humans going through a second, more brutal reteaching in the Azure Spire and lesser races being executed, or narrowly escaping such.  
*Written by [[User:Shayin|Shayin]]
*Processed by [[User:Ryciera|Ryciera]], [[User:Babamanga|Babamanga]], [[User:Monmarty|Monmarty]], [[User:Levers|Levers]], and [[User:Plecy|Plecy]]

Latest revision as of 03:50, 23 September 2024

Regalian Law is a collection page that contains useful links to articles detailing legal codes and rules that may affect Characters roleplaying in Regalia. Each separate page applies to all Player Characters or some of them. Where necessary, descriptions of the Legal Codes contain recommendations that are necessary to read for new players and reserved for very niche roleplay experiences. When necessary, this page will also contain directions to law pages relevant to ongoing Events or Excursions.

Regalian Penal Code


The Regalian Penal Code contains a list of state laws that are active daily in Regalia. This means that law-enforcing Characters like Knights, will actively patrol the streets enforcing these laws and taking reports from concerned citizens about criminal activities. This page is strongly recommended for new players to read, as while most laws are common sense (for example, do not steal, do not murder), they also contain several references to specific laws that are unique to the lore universe. The Regalian Penal Code is set by the Imperial Court and frequently changes to address the legal situation in Regalia. Changes are always announced in Roleplay Announcements on an OOC basis. Violating these laws can have severe consequences.

Regalian Civil Code


The Regalian Civil Code is an extension of the Regalian Penal Code and applies specifically to exceptions certain non-Ailor heritage minorities enjoy in Regalia. This means that certain minorities in Regalia have exceptions to the Regalian Penal Code rules. Each of these exceptions is mentioned in the Heritage Traits for the Heritages, but it is also useful to have a page to centralize all of these legal exceptions in one place. This page is not a recommended read for new players, because this information purely exists here as a backup and to centralize this information in one place. Regalian Civil Code is technically set by the Imperial Court, but is largely dictated by OOC changes to Heritage Traits, and as such does not change much.

Regalian Court Protocol


The Regalian Court Protocol is not exactly a legal foundation, but it is still useful to mention on this page because in some instances it can be used to help avoid awkward situations. Regalian Court Protocol dictates how the social levels (commoners, nobles, royals) must interact with one another, and what public expectations of them are. Violating these protocols usually does not result in actual harm to a Character, but can result in social exclusion from noble events. This page is recommended reading for new players only if they plan to interact with Nobles early on in their integration on the server. Nobles in general are a minority on the server, so reading can be deferred. Court Protocol is set by the currently ruling Prince Regent.

Regalian Naval Acts


The Regalian Naval Acts are a series of diplomatic treaties that Regalia often either negotiates or forces on other nations at the end of a gun. The Regalian Naval Acts are designed to erode a nation's sovereignty so that the Regalian Empire can slowly annex them. This page is not recommended reading for new players, because it is very niche lore pertaining only to foreign diplomacy events, which by themselves are always rare. That being said, the Naval Acts are related to a lot of geo-political conflicts, and so there should be a place where they are centrally recorded so they cannot be forgotten about. The Regalian Naval Acts are not always equally applied to all nations, but regulate who and how access to Regalia's economy is given.