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This page is a sub-page of the Geography page which records all major regions of the Alorian world, and explains roughly what each Nation or area is like. Ellador in particular is in the northern direction of Regalia, home to many Ailor, Isldar, Dwarven, and Urlan realms, with a looming Vampire presence, each with varied and often conflicting history. Some of these pages may be tied to more expansive lore, which is linked within their respective table rows. Below is a piece of the Geography map cut out to show the relation between all the nations geographically.

Name Description


Islavaal is the largest single nation on Ellador, though its borders are incredibly difficult to define on a map, as its internal land claims are also inhabited by other pseudo state entities. Islavaal is the homeland of the Isldar, or the Ice Elves, particularly of the Life Isldar who live in the frozen ice palaces in the large snowy wastes of Ellador. It is important to note that Ellador was not always a frozen wasteland, it was once a mild and lush green continent, however the supposed death of the Violet Dragon Aurora caused an unnatural chilling of the continent, which was actually the work of the insidious Ordial entity called the Glacial. Life Isldar now make up the majority of the people living on Ellador, but numerous other peoples live in their lands, least of which the Bene Rexit or the Death Isldar, who call their nation Rexavaal. Rexavaal and Islavaal are technically in a yet unresolved civil war, with no formal front lines. A truce holds for now because both have agreed to focus on the Vampires for now, but their civil war is incredibly messy, with enclaves and exclaves existing on both sides behind enemy lines.


Rexavaal is a nation that exists inside the boundaries of Islavaal, and is the other half of the Isldar population, that of the Death Isldar or the Bene Rexit. It is commonly believed among Regalians that the Bene Rexit were the rebels who revealed their evil nefarious plans and tried to overthrow the somewhat dubiously benign Bene Vixit, but the opposite is actually true. When the reality of the Glacial's deceit was made known and the Dragons has returned to reclaim Aurora's soul from imprisonment inside Frisit's rotting body, the Bene Vixit revolted against the Bene Rexit, who just accepted reality as it was. Many of the Bene Rexit palaces were quickly cast in darkness, their once bright opalline light installations turned into dark sickly green watchful eyes. Rexavaal is considered a hostile nation to Regalia, even if Rexavaal has no formal stance on the Regalian Empire. Though, it's citizens from the lowly worker to the high priest, are all members of a death cult that mostly preys on Ailor, and Regalia intends to largely support the Bene Vixit to win their civil war (though cannot exactly ignore their murdering of Ailor settlers or Dwarves either).

Crystal Spires

The Crystal Spires are not formally nation states, but they bear mention anyway because they relate to a rarely discussed third side of the Isldar civil war. Many of the Glacial Spire Isldar who lived deep in the mountains did not get involved in the civil war, because their duty was to "The Cold Watch", not to some religious ideal or politics. Crystal Spires are in fact not unique to Ellador (though they can mostly be found there). Crystal Spires exist everywhere in the world, even in far-away places like the Kathar Dread Empire, and the Suvial Princedoms, because the Isldar like being unnoticed, and keeping an eye on everyone. Crystal Spires are often unassailably high up in the stormiest or most cloud-covered mountains where small groups of Isldar can keep a watchful eye and record history and information as it passes, without taking a side in it. There are even some Crystal Spires on the Isle of Regalia, which the government is content to ignore.


Tryllelande is a relatively impoverished Velheim island Kingdom that is considered one of the most northern independent Velheim realms. The land is poor though the people live content under the rule of the regency council and the boy-king Alvind I Skyrund. Tryllelande was recently the scene of the extinction of the Thylan and Ogre Races, who fled to Tryllelande on mass when their natural homelands were pillaged by the Isldar civil war and their race was mass-killed by the Vampires. They were violent (as is becoming of a near-sentient race) and did not take well to diplomacy, so conflict broke out with the Tryllelanders, which they lost. Vampires were also sighted, and due to a fluke of Regalian politics, this realm accepted the protection of Ilha Faiaal, thus becoming a remote satalite state of the Allorn Empire.


Hedryll was once a proud and strong Velheim Kingdom, one of the greatest and larger and more powerful than even Nordskag is today. All of this came crashing down with the Vampire Wars however, wars that broke out following the arrival of Vampires on Ellador, and their founding of the Dark Princedoms. Hedryll was able to weather the Cataclysm and the freezing of Ellador because of Aurora's supposed death, both events that the hardy Velheim were quick to recover from, but the Vampiric infection was one they did not know how to handle, due to the asymmetry of Vampire tactics. Nearly ninety percent of the Kingdom's population was slaughtered, turned into blood cattle, or made into Vampires themselves, now making up the bulk of the Dorkarthi population. Hedryll itself was reduced to a tiny peninsula on the south of Ellador where they hid behind the Frost-Throne wall, a giant wall which they claim giants built to keep this peninsula safe from outsiders. Hedryll is now one of the most peaceful realms, ruled by King Hakon III Flytterense, with some scant contact with Regalia here and there for trade.


Gana-Isha is not so much a distinct nation, but rather a geographical definition that covers all that which is underground in Ellador, and not specifically owned or inhabited by the Dwarves (including Dwarven holds and cities that were abandoned). Gana-Isha is sometimes also referred to as the land of forever fire, it involves a deep and vast network of volcanic tunnels that are a strong contrast to the surface freezing temperatures. The Dakkar (race) who live in these tunnels and in their severely decentralized kingdoms make constant war with each other and whatever Dwarves they run into. Many of them inhabit the old Dwarven cities, others yet tunnel their way around the underground while flooding old tunnels with magma and fire to seal them up when the stone cools down. Gana-Isha is generally considered no-go territory for other Races as the Dakkar are very brutal and violent.


Anduin is the most prosperous of remaining Dwarven Holds (Cities/Kingdoms) that are still in the hands of the Dwarves. It is at the very tip of the south-western Ellador coastline, and has also a large industrial city inhabited by Ailor settlers built around it. Anduin is considered a duo-Race Hold, in that the populations are roughly equally divided between the Dwarves and the Ailor. Anduin is a very industrious city, where most of the supplies are made for the Grebor reclaimers and food produce is made for Rammuur's defenders. It also acts as a major trade-hub for all things Dwarven, as well as the main place for diplomacy with the wider Dwarven Race. Anduin was once the administrative function Hold of the Dwarven Empire, with a relatively low population and far from the capital, just useful to produce paper because of the proximity of Tryllelande tree-exports. When the Dwarven Empire fell, the Hold quickly converted to an economic power-house, though its population is still very small, and dependent on the good will of the Ailor settlers who live on the surface.


Rammuur is a much smaller hold that lies deeper under Ellador's surface than the other Holds, and is constantly besieged by the Dakkar. Rammuur is the home of Dáuw the Fornoss King of the Mountain, a living god who walks among mortals. Though, Dáuw resides in the Great Chamber at the very heart, and does not simply permit any visitor to enter. Most of Rammuur's population is made up of warrior-priests, Fornoss priests and religious figures who have taken up arms to defend Dáuw from the encroaching Dakkar, though it is not entirely certain what will happen if the Dakkar breach through Rammuur's imposing defenses. Rammuur is a largely dependent Hold, meaning it produces very little on its own. Its mines can no longer expand, for fear of breaking into Dakkar tunnels, and most of its food producing levels were destroyed by successive sieges, thus making it fully dependent on supplies from Anduin and Grebor.


Rammtuunh is a time-capsule frozen for all eternity. Rammtuunh was built next to the Valley of the Long Song, where the massive battle between the Dregodar and Dwarves took place to topple Dregodar presence in Ellador. As it is known now, the Dwarves lost this battle, and because of the proximity to Aurora's death, Rammtuunh was instantly flash-frozen, killing all of its inhabitants in the blink of an eye, and freezing everything in place in deep sub-zero temperatures. Rammtuunh is considered the holy grail of Dwarven tech re-discovery, because it was the main siege-weapon manufacturing Hold in the Dwarven Empire. However, because of its proximity to a major nexus of Bene Rexit Palaces, the place is considered extremely dangerous to visit, as the Bene Rexit love spreading rumors of unimaginable treasure, only to lure would be explorers into a nasty death to send their soul to the Glacial.


With its somewhat understated entrance, Grebor does not invoke much of the imagination to any visitor. Yet, Grebor is now considered the last real effort of the Dwarves to try and reclaim a sense of national pride, also giving this hold the nickname of the Bearded Reclaimers. Grebor was once a relatively small hold with few remarkable qualities, mainly being the home of stone masons and statue carvers. When the Dwarven Empire fell it radically and quickly militarized, rebranding its marble cutting craft offices into armor and weapon foundries, just in time to stem the tide and avert complete eradication. While Anduin is very open and welcoming of outsiders, Grebor Dwarves are far more difficult to trust, taking considerable effort to let outsiders into their ranks. Yet, some Ailor have succeeded in joining the reclaimers, joining the Dwarves in attempting to cleanse their lost underground tunnels and pathways of the Dakkar. As of yet, they have made very slow but noticeable progress in trying to expand their realm once more, which has immediately put them at odds with both the Bene Rexit and Bene Vixit in the north who want to keep them away.


Dorkarth, the Dark Queendom, the Dark Empire, the Vampire Realm, all apt names for the state which is solely ruled by Vampires. Very little is widely known about Dorkarth because not many who try to gain information return, or return as a Vampire. Dorkarth has a surprisingly large population that is largely kept alive by feeding off exponentially more blood-cattle that is bred, raised, and dies in the streets of this small yet powerful Vampiric state. Dorkarth is ruled by Queen Atiëliv, who is in her own right believed to be one of the most powerful Mages living in the world, able to rival the power of the Emended Unionist Aelrrigan Mage-Knight god Caan. Dorkarth is commonly believed to be a city-state but this is not true. While the city of Dorkarth itself is the largest, it only controls the land that several other so called Dorkarthi city-states are built on, each serving the Queen, but all ruled by an upper class of Vampire aristocrats and Desprinces.


Qunarth is the industrial heartland of the Dorkarth State, a Vampire controlled city built as one massive necropolis and factory in one. Qunarth Vampires use blood Magic, quite literally and figuratively as their spent bodies are sacrificed and turned into the raw resources that their blood magic and engineering uses to produce their weapons and armor for the Dorkarthi Vampire legions that make battle with the Isldar and Urlan. Qunarth sits on some of the richest ore veins in Ellador, and constantly bellows clouds of smoke into the snowy tundra air, giving Vampires a little taste of what forever night might look like for them. Qunarth is surprisingly not hostile to non-Vampires, and has even on occasion hosted non-Vampire diplomats from other nations to try and purchase valuable resources.


Eselarth is commonly also called the Crimson Magic Heart, the source of all Dorkathi Magics and the restive home of the Dorkarthi Fortresses. Eselarth is where the Mage-Queen makes her home, and from which she weaves her terrifyingly powerful blood magic spells, sacrificing hundreds if not thousands to fuel her dark magics. It is commonly believed to be a place of deep evil and dark Magic, so much corrupting the land that it resembles much of Drowda, except red instead of purple. Dorkarthi Fortresses also rest in this area while not out in the world, huge flying castle forttresses that are sentient, held aloft by Void Magics and ruled by their Desprinces. This is where the Dorkarthi Fortress Demetrius fled after the Regalians defeated it during the Vampire occupation, licking its wounds and preparing for its next deployment to where the Queen wishes.


Meenarth is the coastal vampire city state which specializes in the processing and shipments of blood cattle. While Dorkarth used to acquire its blood cattle from Ailor settlers in Ellador, most of them were evacuated following the Isldar attacks on Regalian colonies, seriously reducing the inflow of blood cattle to sustain their Vampire populations. As such, Meenarth is home of the Black Fleets, Vampire ships that raid the Velheim lands around Ellador and sometimes even as far south as Gallovia and Drixagh to create new Vampires or blood cattle to live in the slums. It is said that Meenarth's own population also demands a terrible price from the non-Vampires who are brought in through their ports, there is a particular river called the Meen that runs through Meenarth, which is always red colored, and spills out into the ocean next to its ports and cliffs.

Hurltak Throngs

The Hurltak Throngs are a loose federation of Urlan tribes who are native to Ellador, mostly comprising of Dwarves, Isldar, and Ailor who were turned into Urlan, though surprisingly, nearly all willingly. Unlike the Jorrhildr branch of Urlan, the Hurltak Throngs are very peaceful. While they are certainly armed to the teeth and capable of defending themselves, the Hurltak Throngs mostly survive living near and inside the caves of the various coastal regions, living as simple hunters and gatherers. The Hurltak Throngs were chiefly concerned with fighting off Vampire attacks who tried to purge them, but had peaceful relations with all other peoples who lived on Ellador. The recent arrival of the Whiteland Throngs has caused a problem, because the better armed, more violent, and newly invading Whiteland Throngs are pushing the Hurltak Throngs out of their natural hunting and gathering sites, threatening their peaceful way of life.

Whiteland Throngs

The Whiteland Throngs are an unusually unified federation of Urlan tribes under the leadership of the massive Urlan High King Rakkuur. High King Rakkuur made an agreement with Prince Raymond and Frederick, the latter who accepted Urlan Symbiosis right in front of them to impress them, to assist them in the fight against the Bene Rexit and the Vampires in Ellador in exchange for land. The Bene Vixit never agreed to this, but had little choice when thousands upon thousands of Whiteland Throngs tribes were shipped to Ellador on Regalian ships, and joined the fight, purging Bene Rexit holds and claiming the land as their own. When the civil war died down, the Whiteland Throngs mostly held onto their lands inside the boundaries of Islavaal, and also started pushing out the Hurltak Throngs who they consider a rival Urlan population for control of the hunting grounds. The Isldar remain very uncomfortable about their presence, but can do very little about it, because these Urlan have the unfortunate benefit of being armed to the teeth by Regalian forgers, with armor and weapons, something that most Urlan Throngs can only dream of when having to use mostly wooden weapons or their own horns and teeth. The Islavaal fully expect them to become a problem at some point, though for now they are content that the Whiteland Throngs still fight the Bene Rexit.