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Show new changes starting from 02:16, 5 December 2024
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2 December 2024

     16:34  Maaris Cobra diffhist −707 MantaRey talk contribs

1 December 2024

     21:36  List of Magic Schools‎‎ 8 changes history +5,316 [OkaDoka‎ (8×)]
21:36 (cur | prev) +11 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:28 (cur | prev) +6 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:25 (cur | prev) +9 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:23 (cur | prev) +19 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:22 (cur | prev) +4 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:21 (cur | prev) +704 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:17 (cur | prev) +2,708 OkaDoka talk contribs
21:02 (cur | prev) +1,855 OkaDoka talk contribs
     21:26  TestMagic diffhist −3 OkaDoka talk contribs
N    21:06  Veil diffhist +35 HydraLana talk contribs (Redirected page to Magic Theory#The Veil) Tag: New redirect
     15:56  Mantavaar diffhist −576 MantaRey talk contribs
     15:42  Tales:The Great Being diffhist −42 MantaRey talk contribs

30 November 2024

     20:28  List of Magic Schools‎‎ 10 changes history −25,963 [OkaDoka‎ (10×)]
20:28 (cur | prev) +736 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:20 (cur | prev) +77 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:11 (cur | prev) −15 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:10 (cur | prev) +1,833 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:02 (cur | prev) +4 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:02 (cur | prev) −3 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:00 (cur | prev) +1 OkaDoka talk contribs
20:00 (cur | prev) +6 OkaDoka talk contribs
19:59 (cur | prev) +689 OkaDoka talk contribs
19:55 (cur | prev) −29,291 OkaDoka talk contribs (Replaced content with "Magic Schools are famous institutions in Aloria that teach people to wield their Magic. Not all Mage characters have to be graduates of one of these Schools. However, they represent an opportunity to link up backstories with other players who are graduates of the same School. The Schools are divided into sets by geographical location and common curriculum. ==Regalian Schools== All Regalian Schools teach Regalian magical theory, which is considered on the cautious s...") Tag: Replaced