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The Magic Schools page is an extension of the Magic page, so click back on that page to return to the main navigation. Magic Schools in summary are stratified and categorized spells and applications of Magic in commonly learnable (and some not learnable) Schools. Magic Schools are universally accessible all over the world to any Mage or person, though some are considered illegal in Regalia to learn (see Occult Law). While Mages can learn several Magic Schools, certain limitations are put in place for fairness and logic's sake. These are defined below.
- There is a maximum of 4 Magic Schools per Character, without any extra Mechanics or Packs that allow for more.
- Additional Schools can be bought via the Arcane Invocation in Invoke Point Buy.
- Magic Schools exclusively cover Mechanics. They are not required for Combat Roleplay or any Proficiency Point Buy Packs.
List of Schools
Elemental School covers the concepts of weather, temperature, and the permeable state of substances, like solids and liquids. This is thematically seen as the fire, lightning, water, earth, and air school.
Matter School covers the concept of creating semi-permanent solid objects out of nothing, like creating marble, a chair, or a whole carriage to ride in. Matter covers the creation of non-elemental solids.
Entropy School covers the concept of destruction and decay of things, commonly thought of as rust, acid, anti-matter, break down, etc. The Entropy School is often appealed to for the use of Curses.
Mind School covers all forms of Magic used inside the mind of the Mage and the minds of others, like psionics, memory and mind reading, mind control, etc. The Mind School has a controversial reputation.
Mend School covers the concept of repairing, restoring, or reverting humanoid or animal bodies. This is healing Magic, in essence. The Mend School is almost universally thought of positively because it cannot cause harm.
Gravity School covers all concepts of motion, movement, attraction, and repulsion. Traditionally, it is used to suspend the laws of gravity but also covers concepts like telekinesis and distance-based object movement.
Enchant School covers the application of beneficial effects on, for example, weapons, objects, or people. Enchants are commonly used as a term in Aloria to define an object that has been magically enhanced.
Body School covers the usage of Magic to alter the physical states of the body. This is not like healing Magic from the Mend School but should be considered something like, for example, steroid Magic or shapeshifting Magic.
Techmance School covers the usage of Magic to either fuel, create, or alter technology. The School of Techmance is generally despised among mundane technicians because it is thought of as cheating.
Golemancy School covers the usage of Magic to emulate the creation of Unimatrixes to create magically animated and automated objects, from a self-cleaning broom to a magically fueled automaton.
Summoning School covers the usage of Magic to dominate Spirits or Demons, restrain them, or add additional security to Demon summonings and binding. It also includes using Magic to perform exorcisms.
Alteration School covers changing things into other things in the same realm, for example, changing an apple to a pear, or a door to a window. Many criminals use this to open locked doors or flee.
Strings School covers the usage of remote string control like a puppeteer to animate things. Unlike the Necrotic School, it can be used on the living and does not create autonomously operating entities.
Counter School covers the concept of pure anti-Magic, solely using Magic to counter other forms of Magic or even reinforce reality laws. This also includes preventing Magic Overload or shutting off Magic.
Familiar School covers the use of Magic to telepathically communicate with, control, or soothe wild animals and creatures native to Aloria. This allows, for example, the taming of animals not usually tamed.
Armory School covers the explicit summoning of weapons or armor for combat, either for one's self or one's mount or battle pets. The Armory School allows the Mage to maintain a pocket dimension armory.
Holding School covers the usage of Magic to create bigger-from-the-inside places like buildings or bags. This is explicitly not pocket dimensions, because those are very limited, but changing an interior size.
Blood School covers the act of using blood as a vehicle, such as hardening blood into weapons, armor, or projectiles, or using blood to convey magical effects.
Chrono School covers the act of reverting objects to their original states. Essentially, this is similar to Time Magic without actually being Time Magic and is used, for example, to revert a rusted sword to a clean unblemished state.
Evergrowth School covers using Magic to accelerate the growth of plant matter, and to cause plants to become whatever the Magic wielder wants them to be. This also allows the creation of new plant species.
Moxy School covers using Magic to summon Fae creatures, for example, to do battle or serve the Mage by fetching objects or performing simple tasks. Moxy Fae creatures are capricious critters.
Necrotic School covers using Magic to animate dead matter into a nonliving thing that can perform tasks or fight. Animated corpses do not have souls but serve the Mage in whatever capacity they were instructed.
Specter School covers using Magic to create Specters and other ghost-like entities either from the Mage's memories or from the memories of others, for example, summoning a facsimile ghost of someone to fight.
Everchange School covers the usage of Magic to cause objects or places to take on warping qualities, either constantly changing shapes or shapeshifting objects into different objects to hide the original.
Genos School covers the sampling of genetic material, traits, or appearance aspects of animals or other Heritages and applying it to one's self. This is not shapeshifting, to note, but mutating the self.
Halting School covers the usage of Magic to suspend the progression of time on objects, places, or people. Note that it does not make a Mage immortal, it only stops their aging, rusting, decay, rotting, etc.
Fated School covers the usage of Magic to create contracts that enact Curses or magical spells on resolution but also extends into the act of precognition and destiny weaving by predicting fate.
Script School covers the usage of the act of writing, written texts, tomes, tattoos, talismans, grimoires, and body art to cast Magic. This school imbues the written or drawn form with magical power.
Codex School covers the usage of Magic to create material memory storages not unlike Skyborn Memkeys, which allows the storing, altering, and replaying of memories remotely.
Luminance School covers the adjustment of light and darkness in areas for illumination or obscuring. Luminance Mages often light up their homes or hide their crimes with this school.
Illusion Magic covers the creation of false images and sounds for multiple people to see with the intent of fooling or obfuscating them. Illusions are entirely life-like, making this a coveted School.
Gateway Magic covers the creation of permanent magical portals that bend time and space between two locations for quick travel. It is famously used in Elemental Gateways to move large armies around.
Tenebrous School covers the use of shadows to form tools or weapons or to make shadows directly attack and harm their owner. This includes either conjuring or manipulating any shadow.
Radiant School covers the use of light to harden into weapons, and tools, or to use light as projectile weapons or physical objects for creating pathways and restraints. This does not include the creation of light.
Veracity School covers the act of attributing power to unknown truths or secrets and then using them to cause magical effects to occur in the world. The bigger the secret, the more powerful the Magic.
Obliteration School covers the act of erasing memories and concepts from yourself to empower your spells, or ward against whatever was erased. The more irreplaceable the memory, the more powerful the Magic.
Unique Schools
These Unique Schools of Magic are accessible to all, but only to those who have been aligned to their respective realm. It is not possible to use the Abyss School without being aligned to the Abyss, for example, and if you have more than 2 Alignments, you can't use any of these Unique Schools. This section is to be developed at a later point. For now, use and leverage the main Magic Schools written above.
Limited Schools
These Schools of Magic have technically existed, but for some reason are either not accessible for IC or OOC reasons. For posterity's sake and preserving history, these schools have written out pages but it must be stated expressly that Players cannot use these schools of Magic. It is still possible to encounter Event NPCs with these schools of Magic, and it may also be possible to have limited access in Draft:Custom Kit usage.
Oblation School covers the act of congesting a living person's body and soul wholly into magical fuel to use for other spells to increase the Magic energy limit. This school was lost to time.
Soul School covers the act of altering souls, like memories, emotions, and feelings. This school is known to exist, but it is so complex that it is generally unavailable to mortals.
Time School covers the act of altering the flow of time. This school was known to exist at some point but was made impossible to learn when the Dragons destroyed knowledge of Elderlaw among mortals.
Telepath School covers the usage of Magic to communicate over long distances without saying words but speaking in minds. This is unattainable to mortals due to the incomprehensible nature of mind signals.
Unseen School covers the usage of Magic to render objects or people completely invisible. This is unattainable to mortals because mortal Mages must be able to see what they affect.
Life School is a School that theoretically exists and allows the outright resurrection of the dead. Dragons have, however, fiercely guarded their privilege in the revival of the dead since the beginning of time.