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Alexander the Giant
Notable Person
Full NameAlexander Kade
Date of BirthApril 5th, 165 AC
Date of DeathJanuary 2nd, 223 AC
Claim to FameChancellor of Regalia

Alexander Kade “the Giant” was a Regalian Chancellor who inherited his appointment during a time of chaos and strife. In a three day period, three Chancellors had reigned, after the death of Vladimir Kade, and then Arnold Kade. Alexander was seen as a fearsome commander, his name given on account of his astonishing height of seven feet, and is known for his successful invasion of Nordskag though at a terrible economic cost to Regalia. His tendency to befriend lowly soldiers and treat them as if they were equals leads to him often being compared to Emperor Cedromar Kade in modern times. Alexander ultimately gave the Empire a moment’s respite from succession chaos, but ended up leading it further down a dark path, leaving his son a struggling realm.

Origins and Early Life

Alexander Kade was born to Arnold Kade and Félicienne de Lavernat on April 5th, 165 AC. Alexander had a particularly rough entrance into the world, which nearly took his mother’s life on account of the baby being born abnormally large and feet-first. Early troubles with education and inability to read resulted in Alexander taking a military focus from a young age. Where other Kades learned history, politics and finance, he had been only capable of combat and eventually more in-depth teachings of warfare. As a youth, Alexander had to engage in court activities, soon becoming known as a lackwit in the eyes of courtiers and diplomats. In addition, he made several visits to Gallovia, already known for its fierce warriors, and grew greatly enamored with that culture.


Socially awkward, quick to temper and entirely brusque, the youth found himself a laughing stock at court and instead opted to spend his time befriending average and common soldiers that shared similar traits to himself. During his later education, Alexander was dispatched to his mother’s home, Ithania, on Chancellor Vladimir Kade’s orders. His objective had been to stabilize the region. Through brute force, scare tactics and a large supply of Regalian soldiers, he would return several years later as a success, to the point where Emperor Allamaria I chose to send him to Etosil which was full of growing protest, where his actions are much more famous. At hints of dissent and resistance to Regalian rule, Alexander immediately put all in question at swordpoint, and had them reveal their involvement simultaneously. When they stuttered contradicting stories, he had them all executed. The result was a decrease in dissent that lasted as long as Alexander was in Etosil, but the moment he returned to Regalia, oppositional movements sparked up in even larger numbers than prior. In the following years, he and Vladimir Kade grew closer to one another, as Alexander grew infatuated with his grandfather’s military accomplishments, and Vladimir is said to have begun “grooming” his grandson to rule.

Alexander was married to Marie-Madeleine Ivrae de Sange, an imperial bride that Vladimir was said to have worked hard to achieve. Alexander did not pay much attention to her, however, occupying his life across the Empire, earning a name for himself in military disputes as a fearsome warrior and ruthless leader. Over the years, he gained a large number of political opponents, as scandals targeting his direct family and person were unleashed. Despite his lack of attentiveness to his wife, Alexander managed two sons, the eldest not looking anywhere near similar to a Kade or Ivrae, instigating rumors that his wife had been unfaithful. Due to her position in court and name, this claim was entirely ignored. At the same time as all of this, he continued his involvement in Highland Ceardian culture, especially the ideals and techniques of the School of Lecgaen. While he ultimately would not see the fruit of his labors, his actions of spreading knowledge about the School and championing its ideals of the body would lead to the Dragenthal Wrestling Championship. But for the moment, he was forced to take a break from these activities as his grandfather and father declined in health. He stayed by his father’s side, and was said to be with him when he died. He was then appointed to the role of Chancellor at the age of 40, in 205 AC.

Alexander’s first course of action was to try and secure his power the same way his grandfather had, by marrying his children to players of the court. Succeeding for a short period of time, he assisted in enforcing Emperor Allamaria I’s military reforms across the Empire, and then initiated a few reforms of his own concerning economy. These were focused around taxation and classes, which after a month of settling had threatened to tear down the Regalian economy. Alexander believed it would pass and lead the Empire to a golden age, however, and stood by them until the Empress mother, former Emperor Handorein I’s wife Yvette, used her dominance within the court to weaken Alexander’s influence. This would initiate a short feud between the ruthless Chancellor Alexander and cunning Empress Yvette, which resulted in Yvette and her son standing the victor politically. Defeated, he returned to solely matters of military, following Emperor Allestrain I’s military engagements closely. The two generals contrasted greatly in how they led, resulting in many disagreements between them. While Allestrain was in the position to usurp the rights of the Chancellor, he died before he could adhere to his mother’s advice, in 219 AC. This saving grace allowed Alexander to reclaim his influence at court, but rapidly aging, he sought success akin to his grandfather’s so that he would not die without accomplishment. Suddenly imprisoning Nordskag envoys, he’d kickstart an invasion that would last several years, where he would live up to his reputation as “the Giant” even in his old age, leading his center flanks into battle, towering above his soldiers and the enemy.

Later Life

While he was abroad and winning victories, Chancellor Alexander was ignorant to the goings or ailes of the realms. His war had set the Empire into a massive debt, leading it to bankruptcy. During the later stages of the war, Alexander was cornered by Nordskag warriors in a battle and slain at the age of 58, in 223 AC. His eldest son, Aeldwynn, had died of sudden illness several years before and so his second son, Cedmir Kade, was appointed as the next Chancellor.


Alexander Kade I was a humorous, brusque and ill-mannered man on his good days, and ruthless, resentful and reckless on his bad. His courtesies were often compared to that of an average baseborn commander, or sometimes even that of a lowly soldier likely because that’s whom he spent his years with. Politically, Alexander was an early jingoist, believing that military expansion should be the primary objective of every leader. While previous Chancellor Vladimir Kade made an attempt to prepare the young man at an early age, his rule showed incompetence in all but warfare. Later in his years, Alexander grew discontent with the Emperors he was under, which is the result of the feuds that ensued. Records show that anyone could easily get in Alexander’s good graces by humiliating Empress Yvette, who was his nemesis and rival.


Alexander Kade I left behind an Empire in chaos, with newly conquered lands that it could not afford to maintain. His legacy is split between two aspects; that of the commons, peasants and citizens often describe him as a fearsome and ruthless leader akin to his grandfather Vladimir Kade, a formidable and gigantic warrior. The more educated would view him as a neglectful leader, one that was incompetent in all matters but war, and in war he neglected the realms to a point of disaster. He was also a major proponent of Lecgaen wrestling and helped make the wider Regalian Empire more aware of the Highlander culture. Alexander I is often compared to Emperor Cedromar Kade, who had a very similar leading style in war, but was all-around more successful as a ruler.

Extended Family

Alexander Kade was the son of Arnold Kade “the One-Day Chancellor”, and grandson of Vladimir Kade “the Glorious”. As a promising youth, he had been married to Marie-Madeleine Ivrae de Sange, who had given him three children, Aeldwynn, Cedmir, and a daughter, Astride. Coincidentally, Emperor Allestrian I, who he feuded with, was Alexander’s nephew-in-law.


  • Alexander Kade is still despised amongst Ithanians today for his blackmailing and threatening of many landholders. Ithanian society, which is centralized on wealth, splendor, diplomacy and intrigue, has a clear contrast to Alexander, who failed all of those things, and enforced the Emperor’s will onto many Ithanian courts. Likewise, Empress Yvette is praised for her ability to force Alexander to her heel.
  • Alexander often offended diplomats and foreign dignitaries, especially later during his rule of his office. While ill-mannered and rude to begin with, under Emperor Allestrain’s watchful eye, he went out of his way to insult dignitaries by arriving late to summits. His final actions by imprisoning envoys of Nordskag was seen as dishonorable, diplomatically.
  • Alexander Kade is seen as the brief interval between succession chaos in the Kade lineage over the chancellery, in which Vladimir Kade’s death spawned. While not a stable leadership, Alexander did rule for 18 years, bringing at least some peace to the Empire and House Kade aside from his political disputes.

ProcessorsHydraLana, SupremeCripple
Last EditorHydraLana on 06/24/2018.

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